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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Dec 1955, p. 6

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PAGE SIX TEE CANADIAN STATEMMAYL DOWMANVTLL~ flNARIf~ ~T?~UI A-V I'IPf! 1.4. lamE Mrn. John Kitchen entertain-1 Mr. and Mn. Rt, E. Logan td her Sunday Schaal clama to were in Port Hope on Thurs- supper on Sunday at the par- day evening attending the an- zarnage. niual Ladies' Night of theLake ýMr&. Fred Duncan returned Shore Club of the Scottlsh Rite home last week tram two Marnons. ïveeks' visit in Peterborough. Mrs. Foster Ferguson lest Miss Phemia Hooey, Toronto, week visited the .Malcorni Em- Is vislting Mrs. Fater Fergu- erson's and the Grant Thomp- Éon this week. son's, Nestieton, aima Mr. and Me. and Mrs. E. G. Hay, Mns. Norman Mountjoy of Islington, visited on Friday Blackstock. with ber parents, Mr. and, Mrs. Mr. Burns Kittmer andi ~.E. Logan. children of Elora are staying The local Holstein Breeders with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mit.- attended the annual meeting of cheli. Mrs. Kittmer will join the Durham Holstein Club at them this week following lier Bowmanville last Saturday. recent operation in Memorial S Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Hooper, Hospital, Bowmanville. Orillia; Mr. Harry Hooper and Miss Myrtie Tamblyn', Tor- Mrs. T. W. F. G. Andrews, To- onto, spent the weekend with >ronto; Mrs. R. J. Hodgson, lier father, Mr. John Tamblyn liamptoni Mr. and Mrs. Ray- and family. mond Ciapp, Tyrone, visited Mr. and Mrs. Perce Philp, Mr. and Mrs. D. Hooper. David and John, West Hill, *Mrs. Foster Ferguson visit- were Sunday visitors with Mrs. ed Mrs. Gea. Wilson formeriy Foster Ferguson. of Nestieton at Cobban's Rest Mrs. S. Jones of England; liome, Bowmanvllle. Mrs. Wm. Armstrong, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Gordq.n Lea- Fred Bowen, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. pien, Judy and Paul, Scarboro, Morton attended the Durham epent Saturday' wltb Mrs. I. Club last week in Toronto. Winter and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mrs. Armstrong showed lier Leamen. pictures. Mr. Gordon Cotter and Mr. Mrs. Annie Hoskin, Miss Russell Major have been an Roberta Hoskin, Port Hope; the sick list. Mr. Ken Gorman, Cobourg, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Watson visited Mr. and Mns. Ivison with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Tamblyn. Watson and family, Toronto, Mrs. Mary M. Henry. (nee tor the weekend. McCutcheon) widow of A. N. Mrs. T. W. F. G. Andrews Henry, sister of Mrs. Searles, and Mr. and Mrs. D. Hooper of Orono, dîed at the residence spent Saturday in Peterbor- of lber daughter, Vilda (Mrs. A. ough. V. Smith), Sutton West, after Miss Marjorie Tyrrell visit- a long illness. Funeral was on ed Miss Judy Tamblyn. Monday. Interment in Orono. *..l TE We han die ail types of New Antennae ai Lowest Prices SOne Year Warranty with Ail Antennae rTowe TV Antenna XLLOYD HAMILTON' BILL LEASK Phone MA 3-5522 or MA 3-5995 for Fast Service I Give ber a WESTINGHO USE Appliance for Chrisimas WESTiNGHOUSE CLOTHES DRYER Save her a lot of hard work in these cold, wct winter dayts with a new Westinghouse Clothes Dnyer. SEE OUR LINE 0F THlE NEW Westinghouse Refrigerators Lander Hardware Ji 7KNG ST. E. PHONE NIA 3.5774 M w Police Trustee Police Trustee Nominalion beld in Orono Municipal Build- ing Friday, Nov. 25th, 7 p.m. At which tbe foliowing were nominated - Ted Woodyard, Roy Forrester, Herry Mercer, Chas. Miller, Joseph Walken, P. M. Llinn, Sydney Ruther- fard, Wm. Armstrong, Roy Winters, Edward H. Samuel. Of those nominated the fol- lowing have ellowed their names la stand: Fonrester, Mer- cen, Waiker, Lunn, Rutherford, Winters. Trustee Nominations Clarke Township Scbool Area Tnustee Nomination was aise beld Fridlay with the same Board members re-nomninated. Russell Osborne, Geo. Mar- Iton, Reg. Eiliott, H. Wade and C. Farrow. Mn. Osborne thenked bis nominetor, seying il was veny gratifying when a neigbbon came out ta nominale him. He negretted Ihet 50 f ew Area ratepayens came out and ques- tioned whether lbey were se- tisfied with the work done or just apathetic. He invited rate- payers to come la the montbly meetings lield generally in the secretary's home in Orono and give the Board the benefit of their advice and criticisms. R. Eiliott and H. Wade each spoke brief ly. Silvar Medal Contest W.C.T.U. Silven Medel Con- test was held in the church basement with eleven girls and seven boys in the contest. A new Orono resident, Mr. Shaufler, was chairman. Mrs. Walsh as President, welcomned the fniends and said thet the W.C.T.U. had been in existence for seventy years beirýg organ- ized in 1885. She gave the names o! the eerly members as gi.ven in Professon Squeir's History. She elso explained its badge (a white ibbon bow), its mottoaend ils ectivities. The judges were Mrs. (Rev.) Fisher, Mrs. P. Hare and Mrs. A. Bowen. Mrs. Hara in an- nouncing the winners congre-. tuiated ail and boped lhey wauld lry again. The winners were Mary Jane Found and Russell Ragersen. Each contest- ent receivad e geod book. KENDAL Miss Canal Steckiey and Ken- ny Martineli spent e few days et ber borne et Gormley. The smalipox vaccination wes given et the school and whiie some. did nat react et ail, others were quite savane. As Miss Stekley was arnong the latter group, the pupils had e holiday Fniday and Mondey. Mns. Mary Luxon spent e fexv Idays in Pont Hope visiting Mrs. Ray Hughes and Mrs. Lamne Mertineîl. Mn. and Mrs. Carl Lengstaf f visited han parents et Cache Bey ever the weekend. Mrs. Thonne is feeling better these deys. On Wadnesdey she and Mrs. Alva Swarbrick visit- ed Tom Hoy in- Bowmenville Hospital and elso visited Mrs. Snell. Mn. and Mns. Fengusan, Oshawa, visited with thamy Saturdey. Roy Sleep bas been on the sick list Ihese past weaks, and more particuienly lest week. We were sonny ta leern ha was teken ta Memonial Hospital, Bowmanviile, Mondey night, and we hope ha will sean be feeling fit egein. Mn. end Mrs. George Mercer and Biily wene in Oshewa Mondey eflennoan. A number from bene attend- cd Commencement Exercises of Bowmanviiie High Scbcol on F'idey, Nov. 18, wben the students raceived the centifi- caes and ewands they earned lest teîrn. We wish te cengra- tulate Ross Elliott wha receiv- ed his Comnmercial Centificate and the Bank o! Commerce priza of $10 in cash awarded th'e student obtaining the high- est ,,andinig in baakkeeping. C on gra tlitions aise o ee Reynolds M-11 received the Durhanm County District H. Board prize o! $25 cash for thel highiest standing in Grade IX aind $2.50 value in bocks for highbest standing in his raom. Kendai \V.A. heid e succass- fuil bake sale and bezeer in the i'ydro office, Nev. 18 and neel- ized about $60. We had aur first neal cold speil of the season Manday nignt Nw-heil the thermaniatars registared a few dgrecs ebove zero. In the first seven months of 1955i Canadian imports totalled $2.582 million, experts totalled $2,420 inl. n, O0rono Horse Wins Many Prizes Cemetery. Aiter, the famlly were guesta of! Mr. and Mr'. D. Hooper wha were assited ln .aervlng -atternoon tea by Miss Sadie Brawn. Harold D. Carnish, 39-year- old Toronto lawiyer, died on Fnidey at bis honme tram suf- focation and burns, when hie, epparenitly, fell asleep whlle watching TV and dropped a burning cigarette. His wife, Helen, saw the smoke when she arrived home tram work, but by the lime bier husband's body was dlscovered, lie was dead. His father \vas the la*t John Walter Cornish, president of Lakeside Milllng Ca. His rrrother died six weekEr ega and was bunied in Orono Cemetery. A jcycus family reunion was beld on Fniday evening, Nov. l8th in Orona Oddfellow's Hall when members cf the Arthur Tennant family gatbered. On this occasion tbe femily enjoy- ed a turkey dinnen in bonaur. cf Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Teni- nant of Telkwa, British Colum- bia wbo are visitiýg in the community. Along with Mr.ý and Mrs. Artbur Tennent were their twelve children who wer'e accompanied by their husbands and- wives. Also present wera, most cf tbe twenty-four grand- cbildren who are divided equally between boys and girls. Following the dinner many fniends 'cf tbe family gatherAd enjoying dancing and a social evening. Oron-o Couple Celebrate On I5th Anniversary. On Saturday evening rela- tives and a few inlimate friends gathened et the home of Mn. and Mrs. R. G. Moffel, Oronu, ta celebrate thein Twenty-fiftb Wedding Anniversany. Tbey took them completeiy by sur- prise. After everycrie wes cern- fortably seated in the spaciaus surroundings a corsage was pinned on the bride and a boutonniere on the groom. Mrs. Jack Menton then led in cemmunity singing with Miss Helen ýAllun et the piano. Games of vaniaus kinds were cnjoyed by ail. Before a very eppetiz lunch was served Mrs. Gea Allin read a card o! congni lations and the bride and grc of 25 years wene presen with a purse cf money on hel! cf these assembled. Some congratulalory spee es were made, ail wisbing th many more years cf bal merricd life. Mn. and Mrs. Sheldon Mol aIse celebraled thein 28th niversery on the sae even and were presenled with flc ens and congratulations. Clarke Teachers HoId Dinner in Newtonville The annual Clarke Teachers' banquet was held at the Unit. ed Churcb, Newtonville, on November 21 when a delight- fuI meal was served by the ladies of the Newtonville W.A. The tables were beautifully decorated with centre pieces made by Mrs. Edith Johnison. The guests were welcomed by Mr. Munro. The president introduced those seçgted at the head table: Mr. Branscombe, vice- president; Mn. end Mrs. Webster, Inspector; Mn. Po speaker: Mn. and Mrs. Ron Munno, president; Miss J. Kii petrick, secretery, - treesur and Rev. and Mns. Pike. Miss Eleine Powell, Yv Marilyn Baskerville and Mv Barbera Ann Alldreed s. "The Glow Worm" accompý ied by Mrs. Westbeuser. MV Doreen Powell thanked1 W.A. for thein work in prepý I Memorial Arena BOWMANVILLE Public Skcating FRIDAY, DECEMBER' 2nd 8 - 10 P.m. ADMISSION . . . Aduits 35c, Children 20e Intermediate "A" Lakeshore HOCKEY* Saturday Night DECENDER 3rd - 8:30 P.M. Orono Orphans VS. The League Leading Bowmanville Barons General Admission and Reserved Seats 75e Children - 35e Corne out and support this great new Bowmnanville Tean Intermediate "A" Lakeshore HOCKEY Wednesday Night DECENDER 71h - 8:30 P.N. Lindsay Regents VS. Bowmaenville Barons General Admission and Reserved Seats 75c "h iIdren - 35e i it L- P s' A J it r r t t lEveni ng Auxiliary Holds Pot Luck Supper, ;j he bopes to have remaved Ibis week. Misses Evelyn Taylor and Joyce Abernelhy, Peterbor- ough;_ Mr. Glenn Larmen cf Blackstock and Miss Joyce Morley, Pickering, et Mn. E. R. Taylor's. Mn. and Mrs. Helmen Freitag, Mn. Jack Freiteg, Mrs. J. Leger and Wayne, Oshawa, et Mn. E. Cryderman's. Mn. and Mrs. George Knox and daughters et Mn. George Hamlin's, Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Knox, Brougham, et Mn. John Knox's. SMessrs Wilbert and Oliver Glaspell, Peterborough, et Mn. I. Hardy's. Mrs. Audrey Metoalfe and Lerry, Oshawa, et Mn. Wes. Werry's. Mrs. S. E. Werry is visitlng Mrs. Doreen Brooks, Bowman- ville. The annuel meeting of the Hall Board will be held on December 9 in the bell. This will be e card party with the ladies bninging lunch. Every- ane is welcome. The W.I. will meet on Dec. 8.' The roll caîl: "A gift fan one in tbe County Home." Sauina Dairy Dalla The ýsecond meeting of the 4-H Club entitled "The Milky Waý"' wes beld et the home of our assistent leader, Mrs. C. Hamen, on Novemben 21. We opened with a sang fol- lowed by a rail celi which was "One good reeson for drinking milk." Thene were il girls present. The minutes cf the lest meeting were read and approved. We decided on a coven design. We voted on a name for the club and decided on calling ourselves "Solina Deiry Dolîs." The next meeting will be held on December 5 et Mrs. R. Davis' andý Miss F. Lempmen, our new Home Economist, will be 'present. The next rail celi w'Ill be "The does fan Home Demries." We leenned wby and how ta pasteunize milk and elso bow te prepare'a milk sauce. We closed with the 4-H-1 pled-e-and-a-t-sty-lunch. The Ferm Forum sponsoreli a card perty in the hall on November 21. Pnizes for bigb- est scores were won by Mrs. Burney Hooey and Ernest Hockadey. Mrs. L. Kellett and Campbell Hamnen received con- solation awards. ICommunity Club Solina and Baker's Sehool clubs were entertained by Bradley's Community Club on Wednesday evening when Dr. G. E. Mann, ýchiropractor, of Bowmenville, was guest speak- er. His enlightening eddress on the bistory of chiropractics proved very interesting. He concluded bis remarks by giv- ing 10 commandments for good posture, so important to every- one at al l imes and by show- ing several X-ray pictures of spinal columns affected in ver- ious ways. Dr. Mann was introduced by Mr. W. Lycett and tbanked on behaîf of ail clubs by Wes Yellowlees of Baker's Club. Mrs. Wm. Ashton, president of Bradley's Club, presided for the program and graciously welcomed the visitons. The program included reedings by Mrs: Roy Langmaicl and Mrs. Wes His; a piano selection by Patsy Davis; vocal solos by Keith Wood and several selec- tions by the ladies' trio, Mrs. H. Milîson, Mrs. Wes Yellow- lees and Mrs. E. Cryderman. As lunch was being prepareà a game of 20 Questions pro- vided considerable amusement. The pleasant evening closed with the Queen. The next meeting will be on January 20th witb the West Group in charge of tbe pro- gram. in, )rgt atu. Douy te( be- ech. .iern ppy fal an« tts, ialc irk- rer, Iiss ýan- diss the )an- 3 .49 .-4.98 . 6.95 9.85 *~- 11.95 Shaving Shaving Key Bill S Bowis Brushes Cases Foids 89e - 1.501 1.00 ta 5.00 89e - 2.95 98e to 6.50 SGifîs for the Lady For the Gent.leman SMusical Fowder Boxes 3.95 Falmolive Sets 1.65- 2.00 Hair Brushes 1.00 ta 4.50 Mennen Sets ___ 1.50 IFriendship Garden Cologne 12 Gillette Sets- 2.2%, - 2.59 Old.-Spice Fîtted Cases 5S-17-65 Toilet Water -____ 1.75 Old Spice Bubble Bath 1.25 Utility Cases 1.98-3.98-6.00 SHenley's Dusting Men's Travel Brusbes 1.49 Powder------- - 1.10 Cigarette Case and jAngel Face with Mfrrar 1.50 Lighter 1.98 Sets for the Ladies Cutex Manicure Sets 1.00 - 2.00 - 3.00 - 4.00 ' i Three-Quarter Time 2.50 - 3.00 - 4.50 Yardley Sets ~'- 2.00 - 2.95 - 3.75 - 5.75 Christmas Papeiries SAssorted colours, sizes and boxes-___ 50c to 2.50 WATERMAN PENS AND PENCILS New Style C/F Pen_______ 6.95 - 9.95 - 15.00 Regular Style Pen________ 3.95 - 5.95 - 9.90 COWLI NG'YS PHONE '" ST Rw m MA 3-5695 DRIUG SOR TRUSSES There's stii time to te her the newe... and thg/a in fahion-smart bal gage. Sec the ultra-modern opon- stock <'Viscourit"by McBrine. TRAIN CASE $Z7.flM OVERNIGHT CASE $26.50 WEEK-END CASE- AEROPACK __-__$39.50 PULLMAN CA SE___$30 JOHN STUiT SHOES 15 Ring St. E. MA 3-583t BOWVMANVILLE l*uls if qs C.G.I.T. Meeting The C.G.I.T. met Saturday saflernoon in the chunch base- sment. Following the repeating 9 cf the Purpose end Prayer in *unison a hymn was sung. Rl scaîl was enswered with "My Favorite Populan Tune." *At the next meeting on Dec. lOth there will be an excbange of Christmas gifts with Juan- ita Fraser in charge of the program and Barbara Heoey prepaning the worship service. A chepter from the study bock was read by Sharon Robb and the worship service was led by Gledys Yellowlees, its theme "Biessings." Marie Flett of the Expiorer's Group pnesided for the pro- gram including reaclings oy Arlene Westlake, Carol Anne Stainton and Janice Bird; a vocal duet by Helen and Patsy Knox; a contest conducted by Barbare Hooey and a game in charge cf Nancy Bird. The meeting ciosed with Taps. Practice bas commenced for the sacred Christmas Cantata which will be presented in the church on Friday evening, Decemben 23. Mrs. Howard Milîson pre- pared the Temperence progran, for Sunday School on Sunday. Jean Baker sang a solo and a story was read by Pearl Leach. Ibis toid of how two lives were lest in a car accident, af ten a b,cr party and a se- calied good time for those con- cerned. These young people had net only endangened their own lives but those with whomn they might have corne in con- tatI on the highway. Homie and Scixool Club Sauina Home and School 1Club mét Friday evening with 'Pency Westiake, president, con- ducting the opening exercîses and business discussion period. The program of the evening was prepared by the L. Kel- lett's and C. Harner's. The main featune of the program wvas the pnesentation of beau- tiful coloned sldes ofa etrip te Wiiliamsburg and Fionida. These wene shown by Mn. Ivan1 Law of Whitby, a former pupil and resident of Saline cern- munity. He was intnoduced by Mn. J. Baker, a fermer school mate. Preceding the piclures the school children sang several choruses, eccompenied by Pet- sy Davis at the piano, aend Dianne Tink piayed a piano solo. Lunch was served by thve commillee in charge. Mn. and Mrs. Ross Cryden- man entertained several cou- ples et a Lost Hein perty Set- urday evening. Pnizes for high scores wene won by Aliza Langmaid and Ray Pescoe. Visitors Mrs. C. Redman, Miss Mar~- garaI Redman and friend, Hamn- ilton, et Mn. Lloyd Bneome's. Mn. and Mrs. Roy Lengmeid et Mn. O. Lunn's, Peterbor- ough. Mn. and Mrs. Frank West- lake and chiidren et Mn. C. Srnith's, Fleetwood. Mn. and Mrs. D. Fletet- tended the 27th reunion o!. the Live Wire Class et Columbus Saturday evening. Mn. and Mrs. Keîtb Shackle- ton, Bewrnenville, et Mn. H. Knox's. Mr. and Mrs. D. Flett and children et Mn. Art Young- man's, Tyrone. Mn. Stan Bradshew, Belle- ville, at Mn. E. Spires'. Mn. Don Taylor has return- ed home fi-cm the hospital and is able ta ha around the bouse ,aiW hi ý n aast whichil 1 ing the banquet. A few words were spakén by Mr. Webster. .Mrs. George Stapleton intro- duced aur guest speaker, Mr. C. E. Patta, Engish teacher at Teachers'- College, Peterbor- ough. Mr. Patts entltled his talk, "Teaching Is A Many Splen- dared Thlng." He praceeded la speak- of conditions existlng ln schools beginning in the 1800's and through ta aur, pre- sent day system cf educatiori. Hm. speech was bumaraus, en- terteining and informative., Mr. EranscambLe thanked Mr. Poîts for bra speech. The.gir1s then sang anather number. Miss Copping thanked the trio and Mrs. Westbeuser fon their entertairiment. Mr. Munra tbenked the com- milIce consisting cf Miss J. Kirkpatnick, Mrs. G. Merlin and M ns. G. Stepleton. SOLINA of Bible readings and questions to determine the standard gf greatness among Christient. _ In the -absence of Mfsa Helen Cryderman, Christian Stewvard. ship secretary, Mrs. A. Wation spake brlefly an the UNICEF argànization and its work -ws presented by Mrs. H-. Jeffery and Mrs. W. Staples. Reporta were given bytg secretary, Mrs. W. Rabtb, Mrs. J . Davil, treasurer. meeting closed -wlth the Mliz. pah benediction. On Tuesday evening, Novem- ber 15, the Evening Auxiliary of Trinity United Church en- ;oyed a pot %ick supper prier ta its meeting. Mrs. E. Osl4orne and Mrs. S. McMurter, group leaders, were in charge of the supper and of the pragram. Rev. T. A. Mar- gan,- who. was present, explain- eci the Evangelistie Missian which Trinity Church is at present canducting. Mrs. Osborne, Mrs. McMurter and Mrs. Roy Webber review- ed the chapter in the tudy book on the different Inaian tribes. There are still great opportunities for missianary work among these people. Miss V. Bunner and Mrs. A. Calisson bad prepared a war- sliip service which consisted 1 Pictured above is one cf the autstanding' show herses in Ontario, "Tom B. Chips", owned by 0. W. "Bud"l Rolph, Orono merchant. In road classes this year at fairs in Peterborough, Lindsay Brampton, Orono and other centres this 12-year-old show horMe captured 19 firsts and two seconds., "Tom B. Chips' sire is "Mr. Chips" by "Volomite", an5d his dam is "Black Venus" by "Peter Scott". He is an American-bred herse and his racing record for a mile is 2:12. Mr. Rolph bought the herse three years ago and has since won many prizes with him in the 15-2 and over road class and stake classes. PAGE six THE CANADUR STATESMAN BOWIIANVMM ONTARIÔ 19nm»A-T. Thw.ý lakt-I-là« Ladies' Brush, Comb and Mirrors 3 or 5 Pieces in Gift Cases New Shades, New Patterns il

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