TE CANADIA!N STATESMAN. BOWMANVILl, ONTAIUO ~L.a M i .-.,.hih. c- Il« Vao .Y. l tl I ioi ý4. ai ýubI oi fai Efi nbE cli )s1 th a. !rn< an clu resi ýntei le. )rtei ýrna rew endi ex age( gov ian3 lUc] lnt- ha( rea ceni )eer lut iva, mer late *an heii re- riar and :ers Stc rille tan- -ray for and ýnce tan- for ad in eet- )on ary by .ett lar- hat nt lew ind ion C. ap- ety 'ith in ars ole ien ta the ers gs A ýng ly ýv. s- er. lie ith F. r.. r. id in r- s At last the great moment ar- ie rived-Santa Claus is carning. [l Everyonc stood up and sang a )f sang o! welcomc ta him and in be came resplendent in rcd vel- vet robes and accompanied an cither side by Black Peter. Tai dthe childrcn in Haliand Santa n and bis assistants came frorn Spain and Black Peter is the fellow who keeps thiechldren childrcn is that Santa and Black Peter are on the roof all ycar iistcning ta the chiidrcn and if they are naughty Black Pe- ter wili put thcm in a sack and béat thein. The costumes used for tht, main characters arc a littie différent from any ever seen bere. Santa is dressed in the robes o! a bishop, and Black Péer's costume is lime green and black stripes. The pants are like plus fours with a long tunic over tbem, a white ruffle round bis ncck and a gay littie bonnet on bis head with a long black feather on it. He carnies o! course a sack and a switch. The Black Peters wcre Hart-y Vanderbeit. Chris Van Heinin- gen and George Witvoet was responsible for, the gocrd job o! blacking their faces. Martin Wingel o! Whitby was the kind of aid gentleman with the long white beard. Santa talkcd ta the cbildren when he came in and even without translation it was pas- sible ta follow the narrative about him coming over forin Spain on a ship and 'the sturmn and the fishes and the wind.' The kîds loved it. Bage of Candies The. Black Petersthrew can- dies for the hblidren and then came around and gave ecd one a bag of candies as well. Sante o! the little ones were nat too anxious ta get too cloue ta them-which seemcd ta n- dicate a guilty conscience. Then the boxes o! présents wcrc taken ta Santa who cail- cd out the names for the cii- dren te came up and receive them. He had a nice littie chat with each anc and it seemed rather strange that wiui he taiked in Dutch and the chil- dren understood Jhim, they nd ,lie at ut Ic- ,bs ta le b o- )y d k- 't ýd Ln a- vt it n n1 IMr. &Mrs. ýBun Welsh arei Feted ut Several Showers t Mrs. Raymond (Bun) We lsh, corne to Canada", and beauti. who along with her husbind fully decorated with evergreen! and children recently arri4red and other scenery representa. in Canada from England, was tive of Canada. ithe recipient of many loveiy Mrs. Tomlinson as hostesi and useful gifts on Tues8!ay was assisted by Mrs. Alex Ed. evening, Nov. 29, when a rnis- monstone and Mrs. Ross Jack. cellaneous shower was held; n man. her honour at the home of Mrs. The couple were again show- Sidney Toinlinson, Prospect St. ered with many lovely gi.fts on Mrs. Welsh who was married Saturday, Dec. 3, when ovei in England at the close of th.-- 200 friends and relatives gath- war ta Bun Welsh then serving ered at the Legion Hall ta ex- with the Canadian army in Eu- tend their good wishes. Upon rope, had neyer attended a arriving at the hall supposedly bridai shower before since they to attend a dance the surprlsed are flot the custom in England. pair were greeted at the door She was deiightfully surprised by Mrs. Arthur Sheenan who upon her arrivai at the home pinned a corsage on Mrs. of Mrs. Toinlinson ta find about Welsh and then escorted biy 50 friends, relatives and neigh- Mr. John Welsh, Tweed.a bours-to-be gathered ta wel- brother, and Mrs. Sidncy Mur- corne ber ta this communîty. doch, a sister. ta a beautifully On ber arrivai the guest *,)f decorated table at the front af honour was led ta a beautiful- th.e hall. Under this table the ly decarated chair in the cen- miscellaneous wedding gif ts tre of the room which was also from relatives were piaced. Mr. decarated with pink and white John Welsh read an address ai streamers and belis, and pro- welcome ta the couple. They sented with a lovely consacre of were assîsted 'in opening their yeilow munis. Miss Pat Tom- gifts by their children Paul, linson read an address extend- aged 9, and Patricia, aged 6. ing ta Barbara a weicome ta The next bour or sa was this country and expressing the spent in dancing when the wish that she and Bun will bride was fascinated by lier find happi'ness -in their new first encounter. with Canadian home in bis native town. style square dancing and then the guests of bonour alang with After opening the many gifts their cbiidren were again cail- Mrs.Wels mae a racius d ta the front and Jack Hate- speech thanking those present ly and Arthur Sheenan presen- an behaîf of her husband an d e ahotecilrnwha berseif for the lovely assort e etano!Jtheshiidre wth ment af gifts which they wil gift ad otJ as ikerson be ableelodpuutta washingomach- be ale a pt t vey god Se e whicb they presented along silice they will soon be maving with a gift of maney on behaif ta a new home on Elgin St., an d of the friends. Bath Barbara were unable ta bring such and Bun expressed warm items over on the boat. thanks and appreciation ta al Following a social hour dur- present. ing which Mrs. Gladys Brown A deliciaus lunch served bv entertained at the piano, a Mrs. Arthur Sheenan, Mrs. J. dainty lunch was served oy Niekerson and Mrs. S. Mur- tbree nieces of the guest of doch brougbt the evening toaa bonour, Misses Ja-Anne Weish, close. and Barbara and Gwen Mur- Relatives and friends attend- doch. A lovely eature of the cd from Niagara, Weston, lunch was an unusual cake Georgetown, Toronto, Brook- made by Scvern's Bakery lin, Oshawa, Orano, Port Hope, bearing the inscription "Wcl- and Tweed. Dufch Santa Claus Arrives- in Good Form lWith, Two Black Pet ers The Vutch Canadians bad part o! their Christmnas cele- brations on Friday, December 2nd, in the Lions Community Centre. The usuai practice in Hoiland is ta have this party on December 6th for the pur-- pose o! exchanging gifts and generally having fun, and De- cember 25th is a religiaus day sirnply celebrating tic bit-- day o! Jesus. Santa Claus visits thc chiîdren in Holland on the night o! the 5th and 6th of December and fis the pairs o! wooden shocs laid neatly by the stove. - In the afternoon the party was for the children and quite a large number attended ac- companied by their parents wbo cnjoyed the proceedings every bit as much as the yaung- sters. The atmosphere was gay and fnicndiy and full o! good cheer. Music was pravided by Paul Rilman on piano and accordion and Jack Baars on the guitar, bath o! whom played in popu- lar bands in Hoiland. Tapestries bung on the wvalls, and. the tables wcre arrangcd around the waiis ta leave lots o! roomn for the children. Ai- tbough the chiidren's names sounded a littlc different ta aur ears-Hilda, Jante, Atie, Hen- nie, they werc very like John- ny, Jeanny, and Linda in their actions. mostiy seemed ta 'answer i English. The fun cnded with more candy throws and sing-songs. Aduits Have Fun At nîght the procedure was the same for the adults except that the Black Peters were more fun since nia anc was afraid o! thein. The girls had ta give thern a kiss before re- ceiving their gifts and anc man were arranged and aIl' enjoyed 1 (Intended for iast week) On Tuesday afternoon twen- ty-tbree ladies of the Aduit Bi- ble Class met at the home -if Mr. and Mrs. Cari Adamns. The class teacher, Mrs. J. MacKcn- zie, presented Mrs. N. Adair with a vcry beautiful cup and saucer and, on behal! of the Bible class, wished Mrs. Adair future luck and success in ber new venture in far east New.- foundland where Mr, and Mrs. LAdair and family are tkn up new residence. tkn The Explorers beid a tea in honour of their mothers on Monday, Nov. 28th. During the cvening, the initiation and Star ceremony was held. Lunch was prepared and served by girls. There wcrc 65 girls and hon- ourcd guests present. The coun- ciliors, Mrs. Carl Adams, Mrs. Earl Gatcheli and Mrs. Stan Taylor, were very pleascd with the splendid turnout. There are 34 girls in the group at present and they plan ta at- tend church service Sunday evening. It is boped ail wili be able ta be present. The Courtice senior soccer tcam met Tuesday cvening at the home of their coach, Eric Courtice, with the assistant coach, George Johnson and Manager George 'Reynolds, present. Ail wcre recipients o! îîavy blue and red jackets on which wcre silver and red crests bearing the appropriate wards: (Darlinglon Soccer Champions 1955). Later in the evcning, Mrs. E. Courtice scrv- ed lunch which was grcatly appreciated. The Home and School eucbre beld at the school on Friday cvening is the final one unt-l the bcginning o! the new year Prizes wer.e won by the follow- ing* Ladies' bigh, Mrs. L. Ke- yhoe of Oshawa; 2nd, Mrs. 1. Cochrane; low, Mrs. Goyne Sr. Gent's bigh, Mr. Roy Kcyhoe of Oshawa; 2nd Mr. Charles Archer: low, Mr. Wilfrid Brown. Door prizè, Mrs. T. Gladman. Tables 4xffi ~chairs, wasput in the sack. Evcryone was very jolly and had lots cf fun and there was a fricndiy feeling with evcryone. Tbey translated anything for the peo- pie who did not undcrstand their language. There were cakes and cookies for sale. The cookies came right from Holland and the cakes had been made by the Dutch baker in Oshawa. Thcy were very rich and deliciaus. After the presents had been opened and displayed there was dancing and gaines and generai mcrrymaking. They al seemed ta have a wanderfial turne and were very graciaus hasts. 1 think 'thcy would have liked ta sce mare people there o! non-Dutch ancestry ta take part in the celebrations. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. DenHer- tog of King Stueet were in charge o! the arrangements. lunch served by the cammittee in charge. Mrs. T. Giadman announced there would be a euchre party at her home Fri- day, December 2nd at 8 p.m. in aid o! Community Hall. Fricnds and neighbours wili Lre pleased ta hear Mrs. P. Dal- by is home from bhospital and ail wish ber a spcedy recov- ery. Sort-y ta hear Mrs, Suân] Welsh bas been admitted ta WANT ADS Osbawa General 'Hospital. Ontario Drivers collectively set their Own automobile insurance rates. It is the number and cost of automobile accidents which deterniine insuranoe rates. If accidents and their costs increase, then automobile insurance rates must inevitably increase. But, when greater care and caution on the part of motorists resuits ini fewer, and less costly, accidents, automobile insurance rates can be reduced. In 1956 most automobile ingurance rates will be reduced -on the average ix per cent for private passenger cars and 10 per cent for commercial vehicles, with decrease up to 20 per cent in some cases. The actual change will vary from area to area and between one class of insurance and another. Effective January 1, 1956, motoriste generally will benefit from the following changes: a There will be many reductions in basic rates. a Drivers qualifying for the three-year claims-free class will get 25 per cent discounts from basic rates as opposed to 20 per cent in 1955. a A new two-year claimu-fres clama wiil be established and drivers in this group wiil benefit by 15 per cent discounts from basic rates. a Under-25 married car owners will b. placed ia lower rating classification than formerly. that his choice of being a Con.Iý, servative was based mainiy oriz the "Three C's". These be said-' were the Commonwealth, Crown and Constitution. The stand ý whicb the Conservative party' took on the tht-ce C's was his, reason for being ane of the, party. His answer ta the rea.. son why the Frost Governmeiit- was sa popular in Ontario was,- be feit, due ta the fact that th " Hon. Leslie Frost made no promises except ta give good government. The high cstecmi. in which this Governrnent is~ bcld was shown sbortly after>. the autbreak of the Higbwa y'; scandal. At this time three By-. clections were held which ail, went Conservative. Following the meeting a so-- cia ou a spnathi I Jf H. Lowery Re -eIectecI,' Conservative Presidentf For Clarke Township t- M,]votori sts 0F THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO safer drivîng reduces insurance costs ...that is why ...,s1956 rates will be lower CANADIAN UNDERWRITERS' ASSOCIATION à 1 s ss cr 'r On Saturday evening, Nov. 26, about 75 persans from the Township of Clarke attended the Clarke Progressive Conser- vative annual meeting. Dr. Iy- mond of Part Perry, was their guest speaker and lie delivereti an intercsting address. Mr. J. H. Lowerv was re- eiectcd as president o! the Clarke Township Progressive- Conservative Association, Mr. Jack Reid as vice president and Mr. R. R. Waddell as secrctary. Ward organizers werc aiso ap- pointed at the meeting. The gucst speaker, Mr. Dy- mond, Provincial representa- tive for Ontario County, spoke chiefly on the Conservative 1 1 a 5 iE il] of. al ýn ...................................................................................................~ -*----.-..--,~