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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Dec 1955, p. 11

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I..Y!~~AT. DEC. arn, Ina TM2 CANADIAjI STATZUMAN. EOWMANy1LL~, OHTARZo 1' Plea for Co-operation Between Farm Groups lssued b>' President A plea for dloser ca-operation the assistan ce ai the co-opera- between the Dunham Federa- tion ai the Federation with tian ai Agriculture and other their prabienis", he urged. agicultural and ca-aperative Cost-Prlee Squeeze organizatians ai Duram Coun- M ty in working in the interests M. Allia painted out that ai the farmer was issued by with the costs ai equipment Clarence Allia, R. R. 1, New- and matenials wbich be uses castle, wbo was elocted Presi- gaing up and the pnice ai fanm dent ai the Federation fan 1956, products gaing down, the fanm- at the annual Pot-Luck Supper or is being gripped stili more hold in Newcastle Con'munity firmiy in the cost-price squeeze Hal anThusda ovnin o whicb is lowering bis incarno. Iast week. "Lot us as farmers prosent a "Thene is a terrifiec job ta 5e united front against this dane by the Fedenatian and squeeze and pull tagother ta do the other fanm arganizations in what wo can ta eliminate it", Durhami. Those anganizations ho asked. "Keep in mind that do a good job on thein own, but the Federation is wiliing ta if to okdmr lsi help with any phase ai agn- with the Fredortey ceuîdcultural problenis", Mn. Allin do a btter job. Some ai these declared. onganizations wero stanted with onigotta h ted the boip ai the Fedonation but' ance at the Pot-Luck Supper aven the years tbey have lie- and annual meeting was dawn came like tho chiid who grows a bit frai former years, the Up and fongets about its 15a?.- new _President feit that this ents," hewasaduo.t a adecline in Farmn The new Federation Presi- 'as cemobrhpOnofti dent painted out that many. of jobs ai the Fedonation, ho said, the rhembers present at jho. is ta organize new Forums and suprwcne key figures .n build their membership up ta other agicultural and ca-aper- what it once was. ative arganizations as weîî. Other 1956 officens elected Whnyou ane sitting at the were: ist Vice-President, Richi- executive meetings ai these ard Bowles, Nestieton; 2nd organizatians ask theî ta seek Vice -President, Boy Gray, R. R. 1, Part Hope, 3rd Vico-Presi- dent, Bruce Taylor, Enniskil- ion. The socretany and troasur- SEE on will lie appainted by the ex- - ocutive. Ed Milison, Orono; and Bob Hondry, Bowrnanviile, t KODAKserved in these positions nos- * poctively durinq 1955. NEWRetining President Edgar Ni- 1 chois, Welcome, was chairmant of the meeting that foliowed 1 the pot-iuck stipper at wbicb the various Fanm Forums gath- ered tagether ta share the de'- liciaus food they bad brouglit. E Ho wolcamod the Federation r members ta the annual meet- V ing and cailed on Durhamg Agicutural Representative Ed ti Summers ta introduce the members ai the winning judg- si i O NEing toams durifIg 1955. These i judging tearn which won prov- tý m L'-E E incial bonors at the inter- fc cunty campotition at O.A.C., h, Guelphi, and the Durham live- tE fAI L flOUTFIT c stock judging tearniwbich won st Brand-new camera made by the Dominion caîpetition at oi Kodak with Flashalder, Flash- the Rayai Winter Fair. The ti guard, batteries, flash bulbs, grain toani was made up ai w film.Lawrence McLaugbuin, R. R. 1, Hi fim.Nestioton and Donald Green, al R. R. 2, Nestieton, and the til Ve ~Royal tearn consisted ai ]Rau- Ni Jur & LoV Il aid Brooks, Mapie Grave, Ken s MA 3-5778 Bown.anviile Buttemy, Bawmanviile and co Clifiord Bnistaw, Campliell- w. croit. pa OnI-y $5. Down Balance spread over 24 Mon ths BUYS You International Harvester ANEW F-REEZER OVER $100 WORTH 0F FROZEN FOODS Neyer before have we heen able fo offer such a fremendous value. For the low down paymenf of $55 you gel one of the besi . freezers in the country plus $100'W'orfh of frozen foods. You will want fo own ihis new, modern freezer, for ifs beauf y alone and in addition you gel ihe economy of i he freezer and a lime saver for the housewife. This package deal makes an ideal Chrisimas gifi. Frozen Food In cludes: * indquarter of heef * FowJ * Fast Frozen Fish * Over 100 packages ai the famous Birdseye Fruit and Vegetables 0 Ice Cream * Fruit Juices * Frozen Chlcken andl Meat Pies *French Fried Poltoes You can't beat frozen bos for flavour SEE THE FREEZER AND FOOD ON DISPLAY IN OUR WINDOWS Far Euipmen., & utomotive TON COWUR, PROPIIETOR 134 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5689 Mr. Summers pointed aut recagnszed it. The Department that it was the fourth c!nsecui- land buyers have been active tive- year that the Durham recently in Clarke and Hope teani had won the hivestock Townships". judging competition at the A few weeks ago, he stated, Royal Winter Fai',. "This the executive of the Federation means that the bfoys have had engaged a Fieidman, Jack worked bard, and when they Arnott af Orono, ta work fuil work bard, I don't mind caach- tume from November 14 ta th23 i.ng them", he deciared. He end of March. "We have heard pointed out tbat Clifford Bris- goad reports, of hi& work.' He tow bad won a trip ta Chicago has started at least one Forum through his fine showsng at the already and plans ta organize fair and bis' work in coaching more", Mr. Nichais said. He other boys and active part in pointed out that there is a Junior Fanmer work. Hé was tremendous amount af promo- enjoying that trip now and un- tional work toalie done and able ta lie present at the pot- urged those present ta invite luck supper, Mr. Summers Mr. Arnott ta any meeting or said. event wbere they thougbt lie The agnicultural representa- migbt be able ta accompILsh tive painted aut that Ken But- things for Fedieration. tery bad been high boy amang He introduced Mr. Arnott and the 87 taking part in the live- bis wife Margaret, wbo teaches stock judging at the Royal and home economics at the Bow- had cbaiked up 914 points out manville District High School. af a possible 1,000. Clifforl The new Filiman stressed Bristow was second and Ron- the fact that we are living ta- aid Brooks nintb. Mr. ButterY day ini a bîgbly organized age. was also the blghest scorer in "It is nat enough ta have a dairy cattle judging and re- good idea or a gaod camplaint, ceived the E. H. Stonebouse y ou must have an organizatîon Memorial Tropby. In addition to make them heard", be de- he was awarded the F. K. Mor, clared. The Federation is the raw Scboiarsbip ai $300 for organization through which the~ scoring the higbest point ta- farmer can make bis ideas tai in the judging camrpetition. beard at Ottawa and Queens Director Charles Osborne o~f Park in Toronto. the Durham Federation pres- Mr. Arnott stressed the im- ented engraved silver plates on partance ai the Farmn Forum, behaîf ai the organization t3z and urged those present ta at- the three teani members pres- tend these regulanly. ent, Ken Buttery, Ran Brooks Financial Report and Donald Green. "There 15 Treasurer Bob Hendry re:- no need ta enlarge an the ne- ported an the finances af the' markable job Mr. Summers bas Federation. Incarne am-ountedE dane in coacbing Durham teams ta $4,473, made up ai grans over the yeans," Mr. Osborne from thie variaus townships int said. "The Fedieration bave the county and grants f rom been presenting engraved sil- pnivate groups sucli as agricul- ver trays or plates ta the tearn tural arganizatians and Wamn- winners for sevenal years now en's Institutes. Expenses were and we usually bave mare $4,192 for the year, leaving av tban this ta present." favorable balance ai $980. Thi j Accompllshments Llsted Fedenation bas a bank balance Retiring President Edgar af $1,650, as well as owning a d SNichals outlined saime af thé- $2,000 Ontario Hydro Bond, he 1ý ;hings accomplished by the reponted. E'edenation during the past Newly-elected lst Vice-Presi- r year. During -tbe winter dent Richard Bowles reported C months, he said, he bad been bniefly on the annual canyon- e. warking as a Fieldrnan for the tion ai tbe Ontario Federatian F'ederation and had visitel ai Agriculture wbich be at- a nany agnicultural arganizations tended as a delegate. "If any- ut WoTmen's Institutes and other one thinks that the Fedenatian r( gnaups, talking ta them about is a dead or dying arganization, Ji th work af the Fedieration. 1 challenge thern ta think th:d Early this year, Mr. Nichais after spending three days at h aid, lie bad begun ta wonder the annual conventio.n", he de- e i the fanmers would be able ta clared. "The Federation is con- H 'et a fair price fnom the On- cerned with many iields-in- fc taria Department ai Highways surance, land expropriation by Ir fr land whicb would be public bodies, co-operatives, cc bought or expropriated ta ex- marketing and almost every a. tnd Higbway 401 east. As a ne- phase af farm lufe." TI 5uit ai bis work and that af Mr. Bowies poînted out that or ýther officers .o a the Fedena- with rural populations declin- on, Highway Associations ing and city populations in- fere iormed in 'Clarke and creasing, the -farmer's vote ~s M [oape Townships and ho bad no longer a pawerful enougl ce lsa helped farm those Associa- weapon ta make bis demands ar aons in Harnilton Township, beard. He mnust make tborn w, ;apanee and Brighiton. "I amn beard tbnough bis organization, sa ;tisfied that aur efforts in-this the Ontario Federation ai Agri- ai nnection were well wart'i 1 culture. Di hile", lie declarec. "The De- The Ontario Hog Producers FI Lrtrnent ai Highways at leaý.t Marketing Act bas been chai- W pioyed as fireman in a saw- att Br m( Al da lia Lu thi gr( an it wi- fro cut gel Onr stol fari wol Be' 1m lenged, he said, and the caze has been taken to the Supreme Court. The basis of the chal- lenge is that under the British North America Act the prov- inces cannot levy taxes on a direct basis, as must be done in marketing schemes. Since the hog producers marketing act and ail other marketingc acts corne under the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Act, the courts must decide if this is legal before the future of any marketing schemes will b._- clear. This decision is expected in six manths' time, he said. *Guests Introduced Chairman Nichais introduced Alan Beer, Warden of the Un- ited Counties,; Everett Brown, President of the Durham Farmers County Co-operative; Robert Moffatt, Secretary- Treasurer of the Durham C.-- operative Medical Service-,; Howard Foley, Salesman for the Co-operators Insurance As- sociation and Sam Black, Field Manager for the C.I.A. in five East-Central Ontario Caunties. Mr. Black spake briefly on. behaîf of the C.I.A., pointing out that it is spansored by the Ontario Federation of Agricul- ture and is able to give higher insurance coverage at a lower cost. He stated that over 20,000 farm -vehicles are covered by C.I.A. policiez and the argan- ization is also well established in the field af iarm personal liability. Very enjoyable entertain- ment was provided by Bily Wade of Cou rtice, the young star performer an the drums and traps, who was accompan. ied by his mother, Mrs. Wil- liam Wade, at the piano. Biily neyer fails to amaze his audi- ences with the ease and skiil with whîch he handies hisi traps, cymbals and tempo A sing song was led by Carios Tamblyn with Mri. Everett Brown providing the accompaniment. Past President Nichois thank- ed the Darlington S. S. No. 4 Farni Forum for acting as hosts ta the head table and the corn- mittee af the Federatian which made the arrangements for the Pat-Luck Supper and Anrual Meeting. He ais exepresued the gratitude of the Federation ta the Friendship Group of tNewcastle United Church fori ~wahing the dishes and clean- ig up the baIL mil, long since tamn down, whîch was operated by Ros Staples, Frank Galbraith and L. Hartley. He recalis that at the time, 75 cents was consici- ered a gaad wage for a day's work. In 1910, Mr. Monk went into business for himself for hlm- self and oponed a barnoss, boot and sboe repair sbop. Forty- five years later, ho is stili ac- tively ongaged in the same business, and the past ton years bas been the local agent for the Colonial Coach Lino. He bas been widely known as a local preacher, Sunday School superintondent and Bi- ble Class teacher in the Unite-1 Church for aven 30 yeams He BETHANY St. Paui'a W.A. Mrs. ROY Jarvis entertained tbe members ai St. paul's 'Wonian's Auxiliary for their Decembor meeting. Repart ai a successfui year was givon by tbe treasuror, Miss Winniired Nesbitt. The fallowing wore elected ta office for the year 1956: Honarary President, Mn.. J. J. Hamiltan; President, Mrs. HL F. Rayson; First Vice-President, Mis. Emory Smith,; Second Vice-President, Mrs. I. Palmer. Secretary, Mrs. Douglas Smelt; Treasurer, Mrs. Cari Smith; Junior W.A. Leader, Mrs. Eni- ory Smith; Secretary ai Dorcas Committee Mrs. Wmn. Phiilip3z; Rector's Naminees, Mrs. Wm. Pbillips and Mrs. 1. Palmer. It. was arranged ta send Sunshine boxes toaail sick and shut-in members at Cbristmias. Mrs. John Coburnwos niaving ta lakobrg at the end af the manth was pnesen~- ed wîth a lovely evening bac in appreciatian oailber active belp in the Auxiliary and ni bier leadership witlb the Jun,- ior group. Lu4cb was servod by the hastoss and bier assist- ants. Friends ai Mr. Ray Finnoy wil lie ploased ta know that lie is making good progross follow- ing an apenation in Civîc Hos. pital, Peterboroughi. Mn. Glenn Wentworth, for- monly of Brantford is welcom- ed ta the' village as the new Manager ai the local bnanch of the Toranto-Dominion Bank, [lis famiiy wili jain bu boere at tbe end ai the montb. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McGilI, Toronto, were weekend guests .vîth Mr. and Mrs. James Mc- [innon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Monk, Sun- lenland, visitod with Mn. and VIrs. A. H. Monk on Saturday. Mn. and Mrs. Bob Bolton, To- ronto, were witb Mn. and Mrs. Charles Reynolds ion the week- end. Mn. and Mm.. Charles Cutts and family, who had been vis- ting witb Mn. Ernest Stacoy. eturned ta thoir home in New Hamburg an Sunday. The Ladies Orange Lodgc .eld a successful progressive 'uchre party in the Orange [all on Fniday evening. Prizes fr bigh score went ta Mrs. [na Palmen and Carl Ponteous; =oslation pnizes ta Miss Di- inne Bigelow and Jack Palmer. rhe ladies plan a similar event )n Docember l6th. Celebrate Anniversary On Sunday, November 27tb, Ur. and Mns. Alex H. Monk !lebrated thoin 54th wedding inivensary and duming the day 'ere guests with thein eldest j on and daugbtor-in-law, Mn. id Mrs. Bort Monk ai 190 )umble Ave. in Peterboroughi. 'owons, gits and many cancîs ene received ta canimemor- e the happy occasion. In 1901, The Rev. Thomas rown performed the cene- ony wbicb united in nmarriage lexanden H. Monk oi Fleet- 7ood and Ethel M. Howden, aughtor oi Mr. and Mrs. WiR- am Howdon ai Bethany. Mis uelia Howden was brides- iaid for ber sister and Ar- iur Mayes ai Lindsay was the roomsman. Recaliing their wedding day, rs. Monk says it was cold d blustery with snow piied Ih in drifts, and for a time was ieaned that the groom, ho was driving the six miles, om Fleetwood -by horse and iter, mîght not lie able ta bt thnough. The train carry- ýg guests froni Lindsay andI memee was delayed by the rin Thein iirst home was an a 'i in the vicinity of Fleet- *od. Later, they rnoved ta ýtbanY whene Mn. Monk wls. the ship servei as SE alsoi Betha Thi Monk~ intere store. ther, for rr incluè secret stitutE en's, Churc SundE lifer MiSSjý Iti clurin, 16 Cu. Ft. - - - w Ideal for Hambungs - Lean Minced Beef Lean - Meaty Pork Hocks 16oz. jar LUC MAYPORT - QUEEN'S STUFFED OLIVES 16-oz. jar 45L EASIFIRST SHORTENING 2 Lb.- 39c NIAGARA KIST RASPBERRY JAN. 2.4-oz. jar 33c NIAGARA KIST STRAWBERRY JAN 24-oz. jar 37c LIBBY'S FANCY NINCENEAT 2-Pie size in 39c STOKELY'S FANCY CREAN CORN 15-oz. tin 2 For 27c RED &W-HITE FEATURES Christmas Candy I BRIDGE MIX __ JINGLE BELLS - -------- -------_ _ 16-oz. FESTIVE MIX -- -- - - - -2'-/e-oz. VICT'IA MIX - - -- -- - - - --4-oz. CUT ROCK ----- ------- - ----------1 -oz, CHOCOLATE DROPS - 1 - z In Attractive Colla Bags Culverhouse By Ruer Pue h e1-z i Chr e s 2 fitd-Coc o . t9 c Culverhouse -Choice Halves - 20-oz. tin Clverhouse Fancy 12-on. tin Asparagus Tips 3 7c Lipton's Onion - Buy 2, get 1 pkg. free Soup Mix 3 for 35c Miracle Wh*,p 16--oz. jar Salad ère ssing 49C Supreme Brand 16-oz. ixed Pickles 24c Eagle Brand 15-oz. tin Condensed Milk 24c Durham Corn Starch I pkg. 5c Farm Boy 15-oz. pk(g. Seedless Raisins 23 c Cheese 49c R<ED Y > Cornish Marketeria I Free Ton Towel IBlue or White Giant Pkg. Breeze Detergent 81 C Lux Bath Size 2 for 2.5c Toilet Soap Reg. Size 3 for 2.5c lb. Br eakfast Sausage lb. 33 Swift's Premiurn - By the Piece Sliccd Bologna Ib.15c lb.29 Swift's Premium --- Sealed Side Bacon lb. 631 4. scbools of Manvers town- hen ta discontinue many activt3ý and for several ternis he ties outside ber borne. ýd on the local school board Four sons were baZn ta M4, ecretary-treasurer. Ho ns and Mnz. Monk. Bertrand h~ an active meniber ai the eldeat, nesides in Peterborougl any Communxty Band. and represents a well-knawý rough the years, Mns. milling company. Harold, th~ b as sbared ber busband's second son, bas been managcqi ests, daily assisting inibis for 29 years ai the Grand Riie A devoted wiie and nia- ver Bnanch ai a Detroit Har(b she bas aisa found time ware Company. A veteran 01 nany communlty activities the last war, ho served fût dinï. that oi president and three years with the AmericaÏi tary af the Women's In- army in Afnica and Itaiy. Ro e; president ai the Wom- the third son, is a farmor Association ai the United the Sunderland area, and Kar~ eh and a teacher i the the youngest, chose radia f*r ay Schaol. She is also a bis vacation, and far same time momben ai the Wonien's was assacîated with CHEX iii nany Society. Feterborough. Heis at present [s regrettable, that iliness manager ai the Sarnia radib g the past year bas forced station. ILb 19 1-b.19 FRESH PRODI Crisp - Fancy - Red Mclntosh Apples Firn - Golden Yellow IBananas 2Lu Crisp - Firm - Jumbo Head Lettuce Marsh Grown - Crisp Easten Potatoes 10- lb.29 FROZEN FOODS Sun Pep Frozen Orange Juice, 6 oz. tin 6 tins 1.00 BEST BUYS AYLMj FRESH MEATS SWEET GHERKINS 1olss Beef - Rolled Plate UCE 6-qt. baske< 55c bs. 29c >Size 1 9c '33c Brown Bear No. 1 Wyhite Honey Gold Modal Recleaned Curranis Royal Palm Pilled Dates Valley Gold Medium Prunes Dalton's Featherstrip Shredded Red & White - (7 Flavors) Jelly Powders 3 - 2,5c Ingersoîl (Baby Roll) 1-lb. pkg. 1-1b. tub 33C i2-oz. celle lic 1-lb. pkg. -19C 1-lb. pkg. 29C 7-o. cello BOWMANVILLE Yeo's Marketeria MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove Grocetoria' ORONO is the present truant officer for 4 560 POUND CAPACITY PLUS Bowmanville PAGZ 1 1 .1 1 1 - 1 FIVE ROSES CANE MIXES (Ail Flavons) Il L m 1 - m IMUMAT. DM. Mh, lm m CA».DL" STATMMUS. BOWILUÇVUJ.ý& OlqTAMO 1 ý ROAST ýc ýc c C ýc c 1 rte Culverhous.e Buys

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