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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Dec 1955, p. 12

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ecreat1n §eviews I By Douglas RiggI Bantam jed the other Tiger goal. The In the first game the Cornets Huskies goals were scored by and Cubs played ta a 2-2 tie. J. Webb (Miller), R. Williams The goal scorers for the Corn- and G. Bagnell (GUI). ets were -Bill Osborne and Pee We Norni James. Bil Bates and The first game of the Pee ]Ron Pollard scored for the Wee series saw the Leafs and Cubs. Rangers Play ta a 4-4 draw. The second game between1 Nelson Hawes and Don Bagnell the Tigers and Huskies was a 1 each scored twice to accouiit liard fought battie with the for the Rangers' goals. The Huskies edging the Tigers 3-2.1 Leais' goals were scored b;' The Huskies win enabled thern Dave Thompson (Hughes), Jon ta take over firat place in the Hancock (Thompson), Jim Mç- league. Dan Cattran lead the Knight and Brenton Hughes. Tiger attack with a goal and I h eodgm h i~ an assist. Fred Vanstone scor- placeHwseconpsae the leagu leading Bruins by a 5-2 score. L in sa G ves Alex Wisemnan again ledth Lid ayVe Hawks ta their win b crn 'I three goals and assisting on an- other. Joe Bothwell and Owen Barons Beating Scott<accoxunted forth he Hawk gols.The Bruins goals were scored by Terry Black (2) Friday Nigjht aThe C. amies (Kefeae) th aTdeDoug. Jaes (err)dth The Lindsay Regents came Red Wings 1-0 as goalie Ben ta life with a vengeance againýt Thompson chalked up his third the owmnvile aros:1 straight shut out. Ross Turner Lindsay last Friday night +- scored the winning goal wit clhalk up their second wi o less than 3 minutes ta play in the season by a 9-3 margini. the game. It was the second loss of the Atofl ih BeaSOn for Bowmanville as The Bears widened their against seven wins. league lead by defeating the The several. ex-Junior play- Barons 3-1. The lone Baron ers on the Lindsay team- gave goal was scored by Brian Brad- a gaod account of themselves ley (Kerr). Doug. NichaIs, Ric- and "Mucker" O'Connell in the ky Riekard (Van Nest) ani Regent twines had himself ai Doug Lane were the goal scor good night. er5 for the Bears. Jed Wilson counted for Bow-, The final game of the morn- nianville on passes from flan ing ;vas a bard fought game Burgess and Gord Deeth. Don between the Indians and Hor- Gilhooly added another on a nets. Neither tearn was able ta relay from Jaék Marshall, and score a goal and the game end- Tom Depew notched the final ed in a scoreless tie. The tie goal on a- solo effort. enab]ed the Hornets to move .This. W eek at the Royal THURS. - FIL - SAT.- DEC. 8 - 9 - 10 Maliies Saturday, 2 p'a.. "Conquesf of Space" (Tech.) Science - Fiction Drama Also "Treasure of the Ruby HuIs" starring Zachary Scott and Carole Mathews Thurs., Fri. - 7 and 8:30 Sat., cont., 6:30 Feature at 7:20 and 9:25 Last complete show, 9:10 INEW IMPROVED OIL HEËATER hetter 9 wuys! 1 EXCLUSIVE "Sit0KELESS'l *URNER for Inore heat Ob from less fuel! 2 ALLWELDED, only heater; ~ 00% i-ih osrc $30 FOR YOUR tion. OIL NEATER 3."HE.%-A£trdcl FOR C)Ul OLDHEATR antheheat Jss UP chiMney. Early pochose of thi. Quaker 4 duces VEaT louafrtmre moate, eqipp.d w5*Sit uomhchedt hed Air F.. csba 08frMr SAUTOMATIC "AlIt pIED" 4qcow~ew J~~ ~ turns amoke and soot FORCED inCheat. AIR FAN 6. BE1U iverbieo nM a . - . ~finish. Tm o f e n' o7. INSTANTNAT SiDI DOM e "M "'I quicdy beat up hom e. sud .0 Uuiunut kufl 1~ ii I s . ad h IoI4cir m y air h" *mvget at. fa. 9. AUTOMATIC oMLOeAI *FNcirculates ONE..j THIRD More warm air thmn ordinary heatge W.*H.BROWN DEALER FOI S Caae ParisMaehinery Pirestone Tre Derlval »kMandSepatoru Beatty Bte& Stabe EquiffmeugJ_ 2W! &MG ST W. OMNIj 359 T~ CANADIAN ~TATEMMAN.. W<~WIffAI~VYTZ3! flWI~A NYn ~*~yéevs A W ~ A1.. * a-m - - - - -- - - .L~UA~OL>ZL z * .L1~A. OUI. into second place 3 points be-a inor thoey Laueauetading JuvniesGahe.I Mindr Hoe Legue anding J vBea G terl As ofSat., Dee.3, 1955 la la y a .a a-a-A --a- ZMON (Hope Township) Annual W.A. Baxaar Friday evenmng, Nov. 25th, Rev. Harding officially opened the Zion W.A. Bazaar whicn later proved ta be a tremend- ous success. The newly reno- vated basement was prettily decorated w i th evergreens, colored iights and ornarnenis, miniature Christmas trees were placed here and there on the variaus tables. A beautiful table display of colorful Christ- mas table centres, dish gardenz, flower bowls, etc., was, well patronîzed and greatly adniir- cd. . The bake table looked most inviting with fluffy cakes piled high with frostings of pastel pinks, yellows, greens and fin,. ished off with a sprinkle of coconut, chopped nuts, cherries, etc. A great variety of pies, tarts, muffins, cookies, home- made bread and rolîs were there in abundance. The serving table proved ta be a veritable bec hine. Thexe were scores of aprons, small, ware; pillow slips; fancy work; novelties; braided mats, and how they disappeared. A fresh supply of woollen blankets dîd not mave s0 brîskly. The knitted goods' table did its share of business, as did the Mission Band table. The table of homemade can-I dy, apples, honey, etc., which~ at first appeared ta have an aver abundance, was sold out ta the last crumb. The "Wishing Well" attract- cd a gaod deal af atlention, and 'thougli full and running aver, the dernand was greater than the supply. Lastly the ever popular Fish Pond, aver bung with colored balloons was soon declared "Sold Out." Over $260.00 was realized and still a large number of blan- kets, aprons and knitted goods left ta be sold. The program opened with rcmarks by the chairman, at which Rcv. Harding excelîs. Bethesda. male quartette gave several pheasing numbers, these were greatly appreciated, asJ also ;vere the sehections by the schaol children.t The play, *"Welcoming the New Minister," which evident- ly tram the haughs and ap- plause, proved quite aniusing, <but ask the ones who saw it). Last, but not least, follpwed a cafeteria lunch of steaming hot coffee with an* abundance of everything. The resuit was we closed aur bazaar with a hast of satisfied custarners, which was aur endeavaur. The ladies of the W.A. ex- tend sincere thanks and apprec- iation ta each and everyane wha contributed in any way ta the success of their bazaar, and look forward ta the plea- sure of welcong you ahi back again next tall. Personal Items Mrs. Peter Mazure spent several days in Toronto this past week. Mr. John Meneihley, Mr Clarence Gilmore attended the wrestling matches in Toronto ast Thursday. Mr. and Mns. M. Irwin and1 virs. C. Allison spent MondayJ in Peterborough.J Mrs. T. Maris of Windsor is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Del WIhitney. Services were held at Zion hurch Dec. 4th at 10 arn. Rev. Harding gave a very fine ser- mon, the text being, "There was no room in the inn." At- tendance was not as great as asuai due ta the unpleasant weather. Services will be held ain Dec. lBth. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gerow, tn.r R. Gen~ spent Saturday z Ohawa., KENDAL Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mm .Narman Kennedy were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Woodward, Port Credit, and Robert Collett and Mac Her- ringlton, Georgetown. miss Catherne Stewart spent the weekend with hen sister, Mrs. Lofthouse, at Thorntan's Corners and had an extra holi- day Monday, when'voting was held in Starkville school. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mercer and sons were dinner guesîs with Mrs. Mary Luxon Sunday Bantam League W LT F Huskies- - 4 1 0 20 Cubs - 3 1 1 19 Cornets- - 2 2 1 15 Tigers- 0 5 0 8 Pee Wee League W Canadians 4 Bruins --4 Leafs -.2 Rangers 2 Hawks - -2 Red Wings 0 Atoni W Bears ...4 Hornets- 1 Indians - 1 Barons --- 1 rL T F 1 0 12 1 O 15 2 1 12 2 1 13 3 O il 5 0 4 Legaue rL T F 1 0 15 1 3 6 2 2 '4 3 1 8 A Pts 13 8 6 7 20 5 23 0 A Pts 3 8 10 8 12 5 14 5 17 4 11 0 A Pts 6 8 6 5 il 4 10 3 Weekend Win and Tie Play Here Wednesday Minor Hockey League .Scoring Leaders As of Sat., Dec. 3, 1955 Bantani League Pollard, R., Cubs --- 7 3 Osborne, B., Comets - 8 i GilI., Huskies-------- 4 1 Bates, B., Cubs ---- 4 1 Cattran, D., Tigers - 3 2 Pee Wee League G A1 Turner, R., Can -----7 1 Bagneli, D., Rangers - 6 2 Wisemnan, A., Hawks - 6 2 Black, T., Bruins 6 1 Hughes, B., Leafs 5 1 Atoni League G. Nichais, D., Bcars ---5 ,Rîckard, R., Bears --- 5 Allison, D., Indians 4 Kerr, D., Barons - 2 Br adley, B., Barons .3 Bowrnanville's Juvenile squad -sponsored by the Legian - coached by Don Masters, and managed by AI Clarke, jour- neyed te Whitby last Saturdav. Despite a water soaked !ce sur- face Bowmanviile commanded play for the larger portion of the game with Whitby corning strong in the closing stages ta secure a tie. Bowmanville marksmen were as follows 1. Morley Richards (Ted Fai- rey); 2. Bob Faîrey (Morley Richards); 3. Morley Richards (Bob Fairey); 4. Bill Coe (Cowling); 5. Preston (unaâ- sisted). Monday evening Bowrnan- ville Legion Juvenile's travel- led ta Port Hope where they camnpletely overpowered the bill top Juvenile crew in a high scoring tilt 8-2. A fine ice surface kept action at a rapid Pts 7 6 APts 0o5 0 5 0 4 2 4 0 3 Canada's Best Play Badminton At Local' Club Members of the Bawrnanville Badminton Club and others interested in the game were privileged ta sec top.flignt badminton at the club Friday night as eight of Canada's top players gave a demonstration of their skull. Included in the group, who carne down framn Toronto, were Don Srnythe?, Canadian singlc's champion, and his tearn mate Bul Purcell. Tearned tagether thcy are Can- adian double's champions. In the ladies' singles, Marg Shedd, former Canadian sing- le's champion, defeated Joan Warren 11-4 in two garnes. Men's Singles Bey. Westcott bestcd Mart Semple 15-10 in the first game of the keenly fought rnen's singles. However Semple came back strong ta defeat Westcott 15.10 alsô. The mcn's doubles was an- other fast and furious battie with the Canadian doubles champions, Syrnthe and Pur- cell dropping Jack Martin and Herb Kirconneli 11-7 and 17-14. Bill Purcell and Marg Shedd, Canadian mixed doubles chamn- pions, drubbed the tcam of Don Symthe and Joan Warren 15-8 but they lest the second garne te Symthe and Warren 18-17. To add a littie local colon *to the exhibition Roy "Red" Swin- deils and Bob Gailaghen of the Bawmanvilhe club challcnged Herb Kirconnell and Jack Mar-. tin. But the local boys foundJ the gaing a little rugged against such high calibre players andi lest bath games by the same score, 15-3. Oôrono Defeats Port Hope Team Monday Night Orono Orphans pulled int a first-place tie with the Bow- manville Barons in the Lake- shore League standings Mon- day night by trouncing Port Hope Redmen 9-5 in Port Perry. The Orphans now have a 7-5 record while the Barons have won seven and lost three. a Fred Mortimer, Junior West and Irvine Welsh led the Orono attack with two goals each, while Raye West, Gerry Rab- inson and Chuck Armstronc, each contributed singletons.' Pete Boncardo got two of tii2 Port Hope markers with Jimmy Freeman, Bud Downey and Armstrong notched singletons. SETTER GASOLINEI YOUR EYES and .Vision Re-wrxtten trom previous c(ip.rigzhts of ~'C.13 uk OPtometrist Disney BIdt.. 31 King E., Opp. P.O. OSHAWA Phone RA 5-6143 322. Can yau realize what it is ta see a child of from eight ta ten years of age so uncertain in their action on accaunt of the eyes being crossed that they cannot go out alone and are too uncertain ta be permitted ta cross the Street without help. Then see them again going any- where with certainty and un- watched and later able ta go about the streets riding a bicycle. tCopyrighted) -M pace throughout and Bowman- ville could baMe doubled the figures with same assistance fram "Lady Luck". Despite the score, howcver, Part Hape's Ju- venile Club worked hard and Vince Vanstone was a largc sturnbling býock in the Bow- manville c9ge. Bowrnanville snipers were: 1. Bob Fairey (Morley Richards); 2. John Mason (Bob Fairey); 3. Mor- ley Richards (Bob Fairey); 4. Bob (Mason): 5. Bob (unassist- ed); 6. Mason (B. Fairey); 7. Cowling (Ted Fairey); 8. Bob Fairey (Mason). Bowmanville Juveniles pla.,' their. initial league gamne at home on Wedncsday, Dccem- ber l4th, against Port Hope. Your support is nceded. Tim'ý cf game will be announced at 1 MiIIer's Taxi Regain Top of'Town League By edging Faresters 5-4 in a 'own Hockey League game last Thursday nighit, Mîlers Taxi climbed back inta a famr- iliar spot-f irst place in th-2 four-team loop. Front Street drapped back into second spot by losing 5-2 ta the Courtice Squad. Don Childs and Gary 'Hnk Lane were the big guns in the Taximen win, with Childs snim- ing three goals for a bat trick and Lane cantributing twa. As- sists were credited ta Bud Per- fect, Bill Ellis, Bruce Cale, Morley Richards and Larry Chant. Don Masters led the Fores- ters -with a three-goal perform- ance and Bob Sheridan contri- buted the other. Irv Brooks, 'Jiggs" Cowling and Frank Mahun helped set up the scor- ing plays. The Courtice goals were well divided with Bob Jobnson, Scatty MacLellan, Norm Sa- crs, Barry Johnson and Grant Heron ahi notching one each. Rlay' Preston got anc Front Street goal and John Ford scored the other on passes fram Don Bisbop and John Bird. W L T P GF GA Millers - 5 3 1 il 53 45 Front St.5 4 0 10 52 45 Courtice- 4 5 0 8 34 37 Foresters~ 3 5 1 7 45 57ý G i hooly, Hooper Tied For Barons' Top Scorer Don Gilbooly picked up a g oal and two assists in the Bowmanvillc Barons' gaies hast Friday and Saturday nights ta go into a first-place tie with Frank Hooper in scoring stat- istics for the team. Hooper had two goals bere Saturday night. Playing - coach Ernie Dickens is one point back of the two leaders. Following are the scoring statistics up ta December 3rd:1 G.P. G A Pts. Hooperil 8 8 6 Gilhooly Dickens Berwick- Hamilton- Bird ___ Girardi___ Yourth___ Wilson ___ Burgess Marshall Deeth -__ Dykstra - Masters - Depew Lander's Team Wins Major Bowling Titie To End First Schedule The first schedule is over and Jack Lander's team has won - the cbampionship and hs entitled ta bowl the winner of the second schedule for the new John M. James Tropby which bhas rephaced the Carter Family Trophy, emblematic of the team championship of thý, Men's Major League. Jack Lander's team finished with 53 points and runner-up Russ Hallman's team had 50. Members of the winning feam are Captain Jack Lander, Bill Hearle, Jack Gay, Jack Brough, Bob Stocker, Bud Moses and Dick Patfield. The race for individual hon- ors was a close anc and George Elliott is the No. 1 man, finish- ing with 227, runner-up B-11 Westlake had 226 and Ah. Os- borne and Elton Brock bath with 225. BIac kstoc k.Is Top Tea m i n Rural Playoff First Play-off Game Blackstock 3112 Maple Grave 2874 Enniskillen, Sr.___- 2857 Tyrone - ----- __ 2845 Enniskillen, Jr. ___- 2793 Hampton ----- 2442 ALLEY CHATTER This week Frank Sarni8 had high single gaie 323 and Ross McKnight bigh triple 797. John Stainton was low scorer with 99 and Jack Cale low triple 431. Bill Westlake wan high single for the first schedule 398 and Bruce Mîlne's 893 went all the way. Following are the averages of ahI Major League bowlers: Final Standing Men's Major Bowling League First Schedule Averages Name Garnes Ave. George Elliott 33 227 Bil Westlake 33 226 A]. Osborne____ 33 225 Eltan Brock ____ 33 225 Bill Oke . 21 223 Ted Hoar 33 222 Jack Gay 33 220 flan Maynard 33 219 Ernie Perfect 30 217 flan Richards 33 216 Bruce Milne 33 216 Ted Bagnehl 33 215 Bill Polley . 33 215 Russ Hallman 33 2t5 Bill Hearle----- 33 215 Morley Vanstone- 33 214 Bob Stocker 30 214 Frank Williamns 33 213 Doug Taylor- - 33 212 Bill Bates - - 30 2091J Dick Little 33 209 Rloss McKnight - 27 208 Jack Brough 33 209 Matt Harrison 33 207 J We handie ail types of New Antennae at Lowest Prices Oie Year Warranty wilh AUil Anas Towne TV Antenna LLOYD HAMILTON BILL LEASK Phone MA 3-5522 or MA 3-5995 for Fast Service Roy Sleep came home froi-a the hospital Thursday and Io feeling much better. Misses Margaret and Ruth Jackson, Civic Hospital, Otta- wa, were home for the week- end. We are pleaied Ruth's in- fection has cleared up and she is again on duty. Mrs. Fred. Falls has returned ta the home of lier daughtçr in Peterborough, after spending a month down here. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Alexander accom- panied her and spent a few days in Peterborough vislting Norqm 0'Rourke -33 Keith Bickell 3 Dr. K. Siemon- 33 Reg. Hearle -_____30 Art Spicer 30 Bob Vtlliarns ___30 Bert Engley 33 Dr. H. Rundie 33 Bil Mutton ____27 Bill Steven _____30 Frank Samis à Ed Rundie 33 Farewell Blackburn 33 Walt DeGear --33 Hap Palmer 30 Bill Begley 30 Russ Oke _____33 Si Trewin _____33 Mcl Dale _____30 Hank Janzen, 30 Alf Samelîs ---____31 Dave McKnight- 30 Harold Bennett - 33 Clarence Oke -____32 Murray Larmer - 33 George Piper 33 Phil Cancilla 33 Ross Wright 30 Glen Lander ____27 Jack Coole _____27 Bud Moses 33 Ab Piper - - - 33 Sam Woods -____33 Dick Patfield 33 Ralph Kelly 33 Jim Callan _____33 Pat Yeo ---______33 Fred Cale - -_____33 Jack Lander ____33 Bill Shotter -- - 33 Dr. C. Austin 33 Cccil Osborne -33 Frank Blunt --32 Murray Tighe- 33 Ray Fry ----- 33 Sid Nichais 33 Wilf Craig 30 Ted Miller 33 Cecil Mutton 21 Bill Oliver ____-33 flac Rundie 33 John Stainton 33 Gord Sellers -. 33 Bab Kent ----- .33 Ken Kelly - - --12 Bob Cale----------- 30 Blaine Elliott 27 Garf Clarke 33 Byron Vanstane --33 Jack Cale ~--~-27 Ray Brock ------------30 Team Standing Team W L Pins Lander - 22 Il 36461 Hallman - 21 12 35143 Pollcy--- 19 14 36319 Oke - 19 14 35581 McKnight - 18 15 35019 Taylor - 16 17 35327 Bagnel - 16 17 35733 Rundle 16 17 35368 Larrner 15 18 35742 O'Rourke - 13 20 33964 Bates 12 21 33668 Hoar Il 22 33954 -s- - How to please a lady tbis Chriutmas .. . just leave a gift certificat. and smart miniature Naturalizer gift shoe under her treel You indicate the value of the gifi centificate, she exchanges it bere for the Naturalizer Shoes of ber choice. It's the smran,'simple way to gifi shopl Corne ini îoday and solve your gift problem. Lloyd EPlis Shoe Stor0 49 King St. W. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5941 Memorial Arena BOWMANVILLE 'Public Skcating FRIDAY, DECENDER 91h 8 - 10 p.m. ADMISSION . . . Aduits 35c, Children 20e Intermediate "A" Lakeshore HOCKEY Saturday Night 1DECEMBER 10th'- 8:30 P.N. Port "Hope V'S. The League Leading Bowmanville Barons General Admission and Reserved Seats Corne out and support this great new Bowmanville Teamn O.M.H.A. HOCKEY Wednesday iNighf DECENDER 141h -- 7:30 P.M. -75e PORT HOPE JUVENILES BOWMAN VILLE, JUVENILES AND A MIDGET GAME General Admission and Reserved Seats 7 5e Children .35C TWO GAMES evening. relatives and friends. 4r Ah PAM TWICLVS TYM CANADIAN STATUMAN. BOWMANVtLM ONTARIO -4unibltmAlv 1%" afik la» . -. 1 1 l 1 ý . -1

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