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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Dec 1955, p. 13

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"Palmer 20 King Street E. Motor Bowmanville Sales- Phone MA 3-5487 qOrphans Beat Barons With Dramatic Finish Over Con fused TaIIy Two fast goals by K~aye West, sharp angle shot, caromed of Orono during the last minute straigbt across to the other goal- Of Play in Saturday nigbt's 1 gaine here between the Orpbans post, and then wcnt over to the and Bowmanviîîe Barons gave side of the rink. The goal judge the 'Visitors a dramatic 7-6 vie- ruled that it bad crossed the torY.' The tide turned in favor goal-line however, and soine ,ýOf Orono sa fast in the final1 Bowmanville players agrced seconds of play that haîf the with bim. crowd did not realize that the Penalty Proves Costly Orphans had broken a 6-6 tie The furious, last-mjnute Orono and won the gamne. rally was set up when Jed Wil- Reterce Ted Topping did little son was penalized for tripping at to clarify the matter wbcn he 19:16 with Bowmanville leading failocd to blow bis wbistle after 6.5. Orono promptly pulled Wcst's winning markcr. The their gclalie and sent six men on play went rigbt on after West's the attack. The manoeuvre paid shot skittered in and out of the off at 19:30 whcn Raye West tir- net (some tbought it neyer went ed the tying marker on passes in at ail) and Berwick picked up from Gerry Robinson and Junior the puck and carried it to the West. Gcaring then wcnt back Orono goal, wbere be drifled it into the nets for Orono and play home. This resulted in play be- resumed. It was only a few ing stoppcd, and Referce Top- econds later that Raye West's plng allowed the Orono goal. shot caromed across the goal lino This washcd out Berwick's coun- and the red light flasbed on and ter and there was only time for off. Due ta the tact that no a faceoff before the game was wbistle was blown, Timer Tîm over. Cox did not stop the elock until It appeared to many spectators 19:46, the time when Berwick that the puck, on the winning drilled the puck inta the Orono goal, had hit one goalpost on a net. This was later left as the tMe for West's game-winning RIGHY STLEDmarker. IIIGHY STYED IBowmanvjlle had bcld the MODERATELY PRICED* lead throughout the gamne up LADIES' WEAR until the last-minute actit pand _____________ TBE CAKADIAN BTATW4AN, EOWMAKV1tr, ONTAMUO PAeEZ ,Çecreation £k qygDglas , g combined with Ernie Dickens and Gord Deeth. Orono got on thc board at 17:37 when Dean West fired the first of his three markers, with brothers Junior and Raye-assist- ing. Frank Hooper made the first period score 4-1 at 18:41 when he cashed passes from Hamilton and Girardi. Orono Notches Tbree In the second period Orono scored three goals, with Dean West accounting for two and Junior West the other one. Tom Depew got bis first goal of the season for Bowmanville in this period on passes from Gilhooly and Yourth, and Berwick notch- cd one with Deeth and Dickens assisting. The Orphans were short two players through pen- #1ties to Mercer and Mortimer when Berwick scored. Fred "Buck" Cowle of Orono and Gord Deeth of the Barons" went off for roughing at 3:59 of the third. In the penalty box C--- and Deeth got into anoth- er battle and when it was broken up Referce Topping tacked a 10- minute misconduct on each play- er. Constable "«Denny" Densem Was called over to the box to stand betwecn thcm and prevent further violence. At 12:37 of the period Glen Till, who looks like the best of the newcomers to the Orono squad fired an accurate shot just inside the goalpost to beat Denny Pallister and narrow the Bar&ns' lead ta 6-5. % Bowman- ville held off the hard-trying Orphans until Wilson's tripping penalty at 19:16 gave themn the one-man advantage wbich set up the tying and winning mark- ers. defeated Uic Tigers* by a score. Bon Pollard scored fi goals for the winners.1 Bates and Alvin Master! each picking up a singlet Dan Cattran scored both of1 lasers goals. In the second game the Hi kies defeated the Cornets1 on goals by Bill Sheehan (Eý nelI)1, Johh Clark, Garry E; ne, Irving Gi and Bry Hughes (3). The Cornets gi getters were Don Osboi (Balson), Bill Osborne (2)a Vincent Mailoy <B. Osborne Pce Wee Hockey In the first game of the P Wce series the Bruins cai fram behind twice to defl the Rangers 4-2. The Brui goals were scored by Dot James <2) and Terry Bla Once again the time bas roll- cd around to the good aId playoff games and each and every girl was out for ber team to try and make the grade ta Lé gu - -- fraYtuè oini4pargl IceChlu ,'t'** *nam**up on ineto in. In the first fae pan c hp six. Vi Coole was the leadin*g Frank Hooper opened the scor- The West brothers' line scored girl this week, rolling 301 for I ing on a nice pass tram Lloyd Six Of Orono&s seven goals and higb single and 711 for bigh tri- g c que tine HF lon rieDccnwdewre dangerous every time they pie. Good work Vi. There wr aanother o a back-hand shot t stepped on the ice. . . Fred also a great number of 200 Cor Aho &Celna Ohava 9:39 after taking a pass from Mortimer saw double duty as games and over. bowled this Cor. tho &Celna Osava Don Gilhooly. Bill Berwick centre of two Orono lines . . . week wîth thirty-one girls made it 3-0 at 11:24 wvben be Glen Till and Gerry Robinson belping ber team out for the played well for the Orpbans ... grand finale. Ernie Dickens, Frank Hooper These arc some bf the names and Lloyd Hamilton wcre the and games that wcre bowled as SELU FORYOURpick of the Barons and Tom follows with congratulations to ;ý__ 4Depcw also turncd in a nice ahl the rcst of the girls whose game... "Buck" Cowlc drew names are not submitted: P. H .,TO G R PH1 Cseveral Bronx cheers tram the Vi Coole 304-208; Kay Beau- Bowmanvîlle fans... The loss, prie 267; Dot Crombie 267; He- coupled with a 9-3 losa ta Lind- len Dunn 250; Dorc Mutton 249; say the night before, left the Norma Hooper 248-236; Doris Barons only onc point up on Joll 245: Fac Falls 233; Nancy Cobourg and two up on Orono Kelso 231, Anita Nickerson -:.,nd .. .The best crowd of the season 228-209; Lil Phillips 228-209; watcbed the game. Wilma Scott 225; Molly Bad- Orono-Goal, Gcaring: de- ger 217; Onie Etcher 216-200; KODAK d BROWNIE CAMERAS tence, Mercer, Christie, Cowlc, Helen Vivian 212; Ev Swcct- KODAK -54W AND 7/ýg FILMS K. West; torwards, Mortimer, man 210-203; Eleanor Larmer Welsb, D. West, J. West, R. West, 209; Olive Patficld 209; Ber- ACCESSORIES Robinson, Cochrane, Armstrong, niece Budai 205; Elaîne Manko Till. 205; Audrey Burns 205; June Bowmanville-Goal, Pallister; Baker 205; Shirley Bickle 205. de f ence, Dickens, Masters, Along with the good games J N I ~ ~ V L LMarshall, Depcw, H oop er, there always have ta be the sad JU R LO ELLGirardi, Hamilton, Gilhooly, notes but this weck there are Yourtb, Bird, Wilson, Ferguson, only five names as follows: Dot PHONE MA 3-5778 BOWMANVILLE Berwick, Deetb. Virtue 97; Dot Mutton 96; He- ______________________________________Officials-Reteree Ted Top- len Dunn 94: Marlene 'Falls 81; n - .,.ping: linesman. Rube Wadde]l. Ann W'hite 72. - 0 -60 &et>Q'4bcit4ti7ygç so~g/ PlYmouth Blvedore V-8 4 orsodo iVow /5~~ fi,~4ft?5',t4 w#pu&qu#o où» At the touch of a button ... thi8 handsome ncw Plymouth wings you away to the moat thrilling ride on the Canadian road. That's push-buttorn PowerFlite* for you. TIsc newest, safeat, most simply controlled automatic transmission you've ever tried. You'I find mile-melting power i this great new Plymouth, too. Brilliant new V- 8'9 have up to 187 h.p. and increased torqe for extra getaway snap; passing safety, bill- elimbing go. New Sixes available, too. And more than ever, Plymouth looks the P art of breathtaking performnance. New FightSwep limes create an exciting new look of action. But don't just take our word for it. Corne in and see... go out anid test-drive the flight-styled new Plymiouth. Opbiional ai moderaie «cira coal. NEW PUSH-IUTTOI4 SELECTOR for PowerFiito* autnmatjc transmission is conveniently, safély placed ta the left of thé steering coluznn. Plymouth je Canada's loweat-priced car witb puah-button gear selection! PLYMOUTH'S AIR-DORME LOOK starta with the broad hood that siopm. down gently ta its for- ward-thrusting grille. Receesed headlights and wide, sweeping bumper are a atudy in speed- lined grace. MARUFACTUREO IN CAmADA UN CHRYSIER CORPORATION OF CANADA. LIMITES four Bill rson ýtqn. the [us- 7-4 ag- ag- yan goal mre and Pee me feat lins u. ýack sast. IThe losers goals~ were scored by Jîm Vanderschaaf (Bagnell) n Jhsnod e teCa ians the sedgahe tea- esadi eeBed the Lencafs -0 asu goai Becndomson cghalk-u out up bi seony taigdt shu Wiliam Davenerwery antDhv mVams (Trnte) were the Tnaksen or the Caadthes Tak he t p hird g fes w the of ahesecalk ups theirfstewi fthe eaoin s 4-2yonegaed Jhe Roedlng 4-2on goaseby mao(3 Bowlland icAlex.ande Own Sc3t Blain Pickad uan aswet nScotteah picoels.pTae Reisdo Wisans goals. Th coe b ran Wings os weedscLee Ry GantFinofan e %MMMWM Minor Hockey Last Saturday <Nov. 28) morning a new look was add- ed to ail the teams as they look to tlie ice to play in their respective icagues. -By the new look I mcmr that the players were outfitted with helmets. This was made possible througb the generosity of the Bowman- ville Rotary Club, who donat- cd the helmets to the Recrea- tion Dcpartment to be used by ail teams in the Minor Hockey Association. I would like to take thi s op- portunity, on bebaîf of the Re- creation Department to express their thanks to the members ;)f the R~otary Club for their kind donation. Bantam Hockey Name Ave. Doris JolI 207 Berniece Budai . 200 Onie Etcher 196 Anita Nickcrson 191 Ev Sweetman 190 Hilda Brock 139 Lydia Bates 187 Eleanor Larmer 186 Vi Coole _ ------185i Lorraine Martyn 183 Mary Harrison -------------- 182 Kay Beauprie --181 Helen Piper .. -180 Norma Gay 179 Olive Patfield 178 Lil Hooper 17.0 Edna DeGe-er 178 Dot Crombie 177 Ena Etcher 175 Kay Hendry- 175 Marie Yeo -. .~ 17.1 Sadie Bucknell--- --------- 174 Helen Dunn 173 Ada Richards -- 171 Lala Wright. 170 Joyce Major 170 Shirley Bickle 170 Wilma Bates 169) Lil Phillips 169 Dore Mutton 169 Molly Badger 169 Norma Hooper 168 Viv Cowan ---- 16,1 Mel McNulty -____168 Elaine Manko 1671 Jean Luxton 1671 Ann Gay-----167 Joan Englcy 16 6 Mary Wilcox 1651 Audrey Burns ____ 164 Ruby Yandt 163' Dot Brooks 162j Helen Vivian _____-161 Babe Brown ------- 160 Higb Single, Vi Coole 304 High Triple, Vi Coole 711 High' Average, Doris. Joli -'207 Just a little ditty for ahl the captains and ber crew. Budai's teamn was number one, They were always in the run. PhIllips' team was number two ro lSeat Budai's team they tricd ta do. M4ajor teamn moved up ta tbrec rbey worked real hard like busy becs. Bates' teama came up number four rhey tricd and couldn't score no more. Swcetman's teama was number five ['heir team really looked alive. Nickerson's teamn placcd num- ber six ['bey weren't playing pick-up sticks. Larmer's team was number seven 'bey were up above eleven. E. Etcher's team was number eight 'bey tried but were a little late. oll's team came number fine, 'bey werc underncath the lin,-. Brock's team was number ten rbey worked like a busy hen. iEtcher's teama stayed at eleven 'bey were down below the seven. oo]e's team remained at twelve ut tbey had fun amangst themselves. Team Standings iame Points Pins lrniece Budal 60 30524 il Phillips 56 29393 yce Major 47 29116 ýydia Bates - 46 27833 :v Sweetman 40 28351 Lnita Nickcrson 1- 8 27544 canor Larmer 35 28969 ia Etcher 33 2778-1 )ons Joli ___ 32 28240 ilda Brock - 32 27296 ruie Etcher 29 28326 'i Coole 14 27040 From June 1, 1954. to June 1, 1955, average weekly wage in manufacturing in Canada i- Canada increased from $56.60 to 59.66. In 1950 the average wage was $43.87, and in 1939 it was $20.14. I<Wlffl 8KNWEWHERE, ifTO GET 5014E iDrAs FoR I N EYPENSIVE CH4RISTMAS GIFTS. LOVELL S* ,5MAIRT EIÇT SUGGESTIONS!j Longue Standings As of SaL. Nov. 26, 1955 Bsantam League W L F .AI Cubs __ _ 3 1 17 4 Huskies 3 1 17 Il Cornets 2 2 13 18 Tigers 0 4 6 20 Pc. Wce League W. L. F AF Bruins - 4 0 12 5 Canadians - 3 1 Il 3 Rangers . 2 2 9 10 Leafs _ _2 2 8 8 Hawks 1 3 6 14 Vi Coole Tops League With 711 High Triple I 1. t SI 4 ti E~ AP 5 6 Bantam League G Pollard, R., Cuba - .6 Osborne, B., Cornets 7 Gill, I., Huskies--4 Sheeban, B., Huskies 3 Thertell, W., Cubs 3 Bates, B., Cubs- Cattran, D., Tigers -2 j!ugbes, B., Huskies -3 PeeWeeTIauReE G. A. Turner, R., Canadians 6 1 Pts Bagnell, D., Ranger% 4 2 Black, T., Bruins -. 4 1 6 Wiseman, A.. Hawks 3 1 6 James, D., Bruins- 4 0 41Crombie, R., Bruina- 3 1 OHughes, B.. Leafs- 4 0 Williams, D., Can. 2 1 Pts Atom League 8 G A 6 Allison, D., Indians- 4 0 4 Nichols, D., Bears- 4 O 4 2, Rickard, R., Bears - 4 0 SKerr, D., Barons --- 2 1 Bradley, B., Barons - 2 0 Adams, B., Bears 2 0 pts Neil, G., Hornets 2 0 6 Devitt, W., Hornets- 2 O Canada bas 95 daily newspa- pers about 1,000 weekly news-- papers, and 177 radio stations, of which 22 are government operated. Dead Stock Remowed Highest Prices Paid 24-Hour'Service TELEPHONE COLLECT COBOURG 1787 a 3 . Pt' 1 7 4 4 4 Pt' 4- 4' 2 2, 2 NICK PECONI, I h. M COFFIELD "WASHER wih Pump ONLY $129 wilh your .old washer Philips Lý> 31Tele vision $r10 Many models fromi which to choose LOW DGWN PAYNENT 'j FARM AND 134 Ring Si. E. THOR' CL OTHES DRYER Conipletely Automiatie ONLY $179 EQUIPMENT AUTOMOTIVE TOm COwan, Proprielor Bowmanville NA 3-5689 Mý Look at these Low Prices! See the New 1956 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER REFRIGERATORS NOW ON DISPLAY See the new Plymouth with the FOR WARD LOOK>~a Now on display! SEE THEM ON DISPLAy IN OUR SHOW ROOMS eading scorers are as follows: agneli, G., Huskies 2 PETERBOROUGH 2-2080 TWGONLY! 1955 Internafional Harvesier REFRIGERATORS 8.1 Cu. Ft. Freezer Across the Top REGULAR $329 ONLY $10 m -'r. I TMRTM ................. Atckh m. ok TeBAtom ninuckc dom inTehe Beas casntiney talom at uthe icague as tbeyofbahk ;edo up thetird wien ot th ea0.oTheBy eatinoag te ndias -0e TlheCoBears go almetes vre Ralph RColelainAdam Thd sickynRicad (2).ee Te saronçangam& eten ,na2te he Barons g orntlns ner ace 2- te.ThDaronsKegals Bobe scdu by Dav id krrand 3obr Dneil.aliDorckard an leyNtst.ledfr h Hr Tet. u sadns n h elaguoerstaans fand th Bcd m Wins g4 1 Wto LaTu Bears 3 1 0O Ilornets 1 1 2 Barons 1 2 1 Scoring Leaders % uw -to, 1 fli&qhÀt-cftrled. 0 9 - 24 MONTES TO PAY MA 3-5689

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