Ianor Argue Ele'cted *New Reeve of Manvers s (Di Mm. Rom Carr) Earl Argue, RR. No. 2, Pontypool, is the electéd Reeve af ; Manvers Township, polling a total ai 534 votes, a majonity of 199 : over his opponent John Payne, last year's Deputy-Reeve,wh -received 335. Mr. Argue has had seven years expenience on the *council, serving for three years as Deputy-Reeve prior to 1955. (Lait year he was defeated by Mr. Payne.) Lewis McGilI, R.R. No. 1, Bethany, in the Deputy-Reeve by acclamation. Henry Jakeman ai Bethany headed the vote fo; Çouncillors with 495; Harvey Malcolm, Yelverton, received 474 votes; Robent ]Brown, Pontypool, totalled 439 votes. * Defeated candidates were Clarence Brown, 419, and Fenton rýYani with 394. -Thene are seven polling sub-divisions in Marivers Townsh'ip and the ballots counted as follows. Bally- Ponity- Manv. Fleet- J.anet- leeve Bethany Lotus duif pool Stat'n.wood ville Argue 145 51 69 66 63 84 56 b34 *Payne 50 26 27 104 29 39 60 335 C.-uffllors * Jakeman 168 Malcolm --101 *Rabt. Brown - 46 C. Brown -- 94 Fallîs 94 59 495 109 474 57 439 61 419 vu eu -*/. OA An exceptionaily lange numnber oi natepayers «gatbened -in Bethany Town Hall ta hear the election results, wbich wene annaunced by the Clerk-Tneasuner, Rosa Davidson. Each ai the candidates spoke brieily, thanking their supporters. Wanden - :Alan Beer expressed bis congratulations ta those elected. I$&ter 'in the evening a dance was beld in Pantypool, arranged by the Council. .~Russell Harris, 22-year-old 'son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hý-arrîs of Leskard, was killed ýând twa companions were cri- - tically injured near King on INov. 26, when their car coîîid- jed with a sanding truck. Higii- tway 400 was snow-packed at the time. They were south- ~bound on their way home from ra hunting trip. :ý Mrs. Harvey Curtis, Mr. and ýMrs. Reg. Suttan were guests . on Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. .Kennedy Gray, Cadmus, toaa Loôwl dinner. ZMON > Mr. Wilford Franks and ,':Miss Marie Killen, Hamilton, *-at Robert Kilen's. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cameron -'and family. Oshawa; Mn. and ,Ziý(rs. Fred Ward and Ross, -'KigsanRaad: Mr. and Mrs. _2Yercy Flintoff and family of -.Maple Grave, at Wes. Camer- ~Mr. and Mrs. William Brown anid Allisan, Scarbaro, at Wes. Cameron's. Mrs. Pency Davidsan visitej her daughter, Miss Peggy Day- -idson, Oshawa. She alsa visit- ."'d at Tom Abbatt's and Lei. .,,)Laffatt's, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence *~nyand Danna, Hamilton, 'etRay Cameron's for the j:eekend. Mrs. Ehner Down, Mrs. Ar- -iold Eyman, Mrs. Percy Day- ,4sn r.Reford Camern,, !Ms rant Williams attended -AMr. Roy Thomas, Scarboro: t"Aisa Grace Staintan, Oshawa, i 4tRussell Stainton's. 14r. Jin Hambly, Miss Heleni 4tephen, Oshawa, at R. C.1 '$tainton's. Mn. ýr anid, Mrs. W. Lavern, I Boyd ad son ai Bowmanvýill' i' ha[ve moved back ta Onono t( StMrs. Leland Ball's bouse or n Sation Street 1- Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Mercer Valenie and Bruce, spent Sun. *day with Mn. and Mns. Chas Mortimone, Toronto.. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood were supper guests Sunday,ôo iMn. and Mrs. Gea. Crowthei 3and sans, Newcastle. Mrs. Hecton .Bowen lias ne. turned home from. Memorial Hospital,. Bowmanville, iollow. ing ber injuries from a ca*r ac- cident on Fniday. Mn. and Mrs.,Luther Barra- hall attended the Golden Wed. Sding Anniversary ai Mr. and Mr .Milton Samis, Eniield.. Thie local Holstein Breeders *and' their wives attended the turkey banquet of the Durham Holstein Club at Trinity United Church, Bowmanville -on Fni- day evening. Mn. pnd Mrs. Reg Sutton visited Mr. and Mns. Walter WoolleY, Bawmianvjlîe. Congratulations ta Mn. an-d Mrs. Sandy Russell on the birth Of their daughter Janet Marjanie. Mrs. Cecil Joncs and Miss Joyce Joncs visited Mrs. Wm. Uglow, Newtonville. Mr. Arthur Clougb, Belle- ville, spent the weekend with Mn. and Mns. A. Clough and Mn. and Mrs. Jim Major. Mrs. Viola -Smith la visiting Mn. and Mis. Chas. Mutton, Bovwmanville. Mrs. C. Martin, Leskard; Danlene Fannester and Mar- janie Tyrreil, were the lucky winners ai the draw on Satur- day at the Heathen Rebekab bazaan and tea. All booths ne- panted a selI out early in the aitennoon ta the crowd waitingr fon the opening ai the bazaar' Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Tamblyni ______________TEr CAN4DLAN STATZSMMif. ZOwMAKÇVHL. N, TARIO 'rTwqnAv Dwe LONG, SÀULT Mrs. Hazel Ruttan, Hami ton; Miss Elsavada Ruttan an M.Ed. Manning, Tarantq were Sunday.guests ai Mn. an le Mrs. G. Baker. e, Mn. and Mrs. F. E. Aea ýO der and Donna, Bowmanvill, ,n with Mn. Robt. Sim. Mn. *and Mrs. Freemanti r, and Mn. and Mrs.- Woodlocl t- Toronto, with Mn. and Mn, . John Jahnston an Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. W. Vaney] ëI and John were Sunday gucat d af Mr.' and Mrs. J. Van Dair ir Nestleton. .Evenything back ta norma -with the election aven fai 1another yean. -Lake Shore, Clarke * Mr. and Mns. Ted Titterton Toronto, spent the weekenc with Mr. and Mrs. Alec Mar. tin. Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Wotten 1and family, Oshawa, Miis Audrey Graham and Mn. and Mrs. Norman Avery, Maple Grave, wene Sunday visitons with Mn. and Mrs. C. Avery. Mrs. Robin Alldred and Bruce spent Tbursday in Tor- onto: Glad ta hear that Mn. W. Adams, who is in Bowmanville Hospital, is COming aling very nicely. .. Lake $hore H. & S. Club held its regular meceting on Friday evening in the ionm ai a euchre panty. Mn. land Mrs. L.- Laventy ai Oshawa spent Sunday with Mn. -and Mns. Bey. Jaynes. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Skin- ner, Tyrone, were Sunday vis- itons with Mn. and Mrs. Bill Lake. Miss Nancy Lake spent the weekend in Peterborough with Miss Joan Canbrey. Mn. and Mns. Chas. Alldned and famliy and Mrs. Paul Hot- son visited on Sunday witb Mn. and Mns. Gardon Me- Knigbt, Oshawa, Maiirnan Mrs. arl Bumies Anne Gardon and Gardon Langstaii visited Mn. John Gor- don and Mn. and Mns. Grady 5Cox at Oxford, N. Canolina, last week and arrived home again Monday. * Mrs. Norman Patton is home Iagain and we hope she contin- ues feeling betten. Kendal Milkmaids j The third meeting ai the IKendal Milkmaids was beld at the home af Mrs. Wm. Jack- json an Nov. 28 witb ten pres- I nt. The raIl cail was "Do'si for a home dainy". -Ail girlsi Ihelped prepare a balred custardl sueand a chocolate miik- jshake. Aiter the business per- jiod, the foods were sampled with many avoxable emarks. j4-H Club Meeting The iourth meeting ai thel 4-H Club xvas held Dec. 5 aIso at the home ai Mrs. Jackson, with ten membens present, Whoa ah participated in Club ac- tivities. For the rall caîl each girl had ta bring a sample of baked custard which she bad made benscîf. The girls pre- pared a dish ai scalloped pota- tocs, a vanilla milkshake and a junket. These provided a veny tasty lunch aiten the business af the Mîlky Way Unit was river. The next meeting will be hcld Jan. 9 at the home oi Mns. Counaux. W. A. Meetingj The W.A. meeting was held Wednesday cvening, Nov. 30,1 in the Sunday School roomr.1 IThe president, Mrs. G. Cati- cant gave an intenesting talk on the Negro, Lea Blackburn, IWho was named the "man ai the year" by the Indianapolis Chamben ai Commence and Who bas been instrumental in ixnproving the lot af the peo- plc ai the soutb. It was decid- cd ta place a box in the Sun- day School in which clean used clotbing can be placed for the Fred Victor Mission at any time. Aiter a discussion neganding gawns ion thé chair, it was de- cidcd ta trY ta secure used gowns. Rail caîl was answered by naming a prominent mnan. Miss Jean Catbcant played a pleasing instrumental. "The Minuet in G". Mns. Lloyd Glass was prognam convener and Mrs. Stoker and Mrs. Alexan- der providcd a tasty lunch. Congratulations ta our ncw council man, Russel Savery. il iw i i I Iv F Admirai Refrigeralor 72D Model OnIy $189 Norge Refrigeralor Jet D-Frost 9.8 OnIy $269 From $179 SIMPLICITY MODEL 14Z9-----------------$1 29.00 Less Trade ----$3000 Yours fè'r OnIy $99.00 Admirai 21-inch From .$229 C.DOS. Columbia Fr7mi$17 CxGNRAL ELECTRIC Pop-up Toasters $2100 GENERAL ELECTRIC Floor Polishers GENERALEL39.50 IRONS STEAM IRON FEATHERWEIGHTI EVERYTHJNG FOI TUE HOME- 24 NONTHS TO PAY USE YOUR OLD FURNITURE AS A DOWN PATHENT $14093! GENERAL ELECTRIC ELECTRIC KETTLES CORNER DIVISION and MUEN STS. PHONE MA 3.5091 Furniïture leave this we.k for Van Nu California, where theyN spend an extended holi with their son Glenn and Y Tamblyn and Dianne. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Mo and son Bobbje, North Osha' were supper guests of Mr. a Mrs. Earl Taylor on Friday. Mr.. and Mrs. Reg. Sutti Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy Gi and David, spent the weeke with Mi. and Mrs. Wm. Bui ing and family at St. Williai 'Ore'ryStation. MCongratulations ta r Mrs. Nel Ramey on the bii af thein son t Memonial H( pital, Bowmanville on Di 3ncl. .Mis s V. Gilfillan return home last week after visiti ber niece. Miss Viola Gîlfillm Toranto, for three weeks. .Mrs. Fred ltelly is a patie in memorial Hospital, Bowma ville. Mrs. M. Irish, Peterboroug visited-Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Wa dell. The Qrono Band held a tu key banquet on Tuesday eve: ing for the membens and the wives in the Orono I.0.0. HaIl Rev. John Kitchen at Pic] eigUnited Church for the WteGift Service on Sunda, The. services on the Orono pa toral. charge wene condUCtE by the Rev. D. M. J. Buttar B.A., B.D., S.T.M., of Picke: ing. Next Sunday the C.G.I.' Candle Lighting Service wi be held in Orona Unite Churcl. at 7.30 a'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morto have rented the Payne apar ment for the winter. a. fth, leu. - 1 - - ré --.j. uys, nd MG . M ffatt becomlng concerned over the were present ini church. Thle and Mrs.* a ee.Mto w i ,IYand ,s posslbility that over.praduc- receptio-n was held in the Sun- in the kitchen and tea maker 0 tion of tobacco may eventually day School, about fiity guests was Mrs. Wm. McHolm. The )',C elebrate A nniversa ry plug the Canadian market. attending. pue b e-lovely tree-tier wedding cake r e I a n 0 1 t h e i n d p e n e n t T e a w a s p o u r d b M e - w s e t b t h b r d e , a s s is te d WB, ~fariners are intending to seek dames Scott and Ogden froin by the groom, punch .ýa and >,membership in the Ontario To- the very valuable teapots, on! served with the cake and bacco Grawers' Marketing As- was over 100 years old, the toasts given. on, sociation,. their applications other about 70, two lovely Later in the evening the rywill likely be heard by the heirlooms. Guests at the head hpycul etfrawd end nesltd meeting ai the board, table were bride and groom, hpycul etfrawd nt-te for eanly in December. their attendants, Rev. A. offrding tnp t p oin atulW- ims-Peterborough Examiner. Harding, Mr. Ogden, who gavetofer aur hey ong ratula- L n d : ~~~th e b rid e a w a y , M rs. Hia n y_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Rnd fYoung and Mrs. Clark. xth MORRISH The many delicious sand- Cape Breton Island -has aI- ýos- ~wiches, cakes, tarts anfothen mast twice the area ai the )ec. Honor Bride-Elect dainty edîbles were served by -province ai Prince Edward Is- Mrs. Morley Harness, Mrs. Sai land, 3,970 square miles as i dO n T hu rsda y even ing, D er. H n e s r . H r l s o n o p n d t , 8 q a eM iles. ing lst, a misceilaneaus shower ansMsHaodObrecm rdt 214que an, was held for Miss Lorraine ..I~A.1Q IC Youg, .A.in Port Hope bas-' nt pital, at the home ai her moth- in- rMrs. Harry Young. By tp.m. the home was well fil!- gh, ed with iniends af the bride- d- elect. On Saturday, Nov. 22, 1930, Dr. and Mns. MacKenzie, Mns. A short prognam had been 'à N ir- Olive Manion Smith and John L. Alldnead and Mrs. M. Green arranged and Mr. Allen Peters n- Gardon MacKay Moffatt were with Mn. Harold Ransbcnry proved a very capable chair-' u SI U M eir united in marniage by Canon calling for the square dances. man. Aiter a few introductonvryUItl I AnliCanH. Crh, iin nd.Pasy t1:0pmM.adM remanks, he called upon Mrs. F. lc H Man sCurh, A tn1St.0 pPa.,lM r and 'A k- Ont.ay Moffatt were pnsented with a E. Wilson and Mns. Helen Mc- .k- O nt -ieyas aeps gift af Spode dinnrwae andl Holm who gave a delightful ei wnyfv er aeps ny. ised since then ond on Satun- n ddress ai good wishs and piano duet; Mrs. Wm. McHolm *1 s- aynihtNo. 6th 155 acongratulations. Short speech- gave a humorous poem, "John c d a n y w s e l i n t h I. f l F . e s w e r e m a d e b y M r . C h a s . a d H s M r " n t e i n ýrs Hll, rono, ing honu ieir Eric Courtice .Dr. MacKenzie -Cook a Husband," by the aboya and thM . ohn MaffatM r. e and la isrocued ig paro f a The bride and groom ai 25 aM. MCas.Tyrnhe. r. and lades anluedths ar um.' T. ycans ago were met at the door Ms oft ah cpesdteparm iliby m. lln Mffat, hothein thanks and appreciatian. Miss Young and fiance, Mr. ed prcsented them with a carsag'ý A table was prettily arrang- Stanley Clark. wcre then ask- and boutanniene. They wcr-e ed with a bouquet of white cd ta be seated in chairs ar - rn scotedta he anqet allta'munis and the wedding c'akce anged by a centre table. Mr'. n cotd ta ie s anqretvshad iiuslnctasarvdAt rs n nte aea î P ain ting S ets ~ t- be gneeted by over one hun- decarated with silver beads.A Harold Osborne nead the ad- had gathencd ta celebrate the the close of the cvening. guests, pnesented a lange de- hapy ocaionwit tem. Guetawer prset fomcorated cloth.es hamper filled Aint by number. Makes an ideal Christmas Gift The evening was spent in Cobourg, Bethany, Cavan, Or. ta overflowing with gaily for any age dancing ta nmusic supplied b.,,ana, Bawmanville, Courtice, wnapped parcels. These were p. Messrs. Harold Allen, Lloyd Maple Grave, Oshawa and To- b a neyLoeac i istengdcdo$22 Ldy Rnsbley, Chanle Taylo. ranto Crafi sfr Sets -1IRnbry hri alr ot.passed anound for inspection uu ~ ~ Rdcdt 22 ta, an4l admiration.,el A picture 18x24 $*5 Lorraine and Stanley tbank- M sepec Reg. $7.00, for n-Tobacco Inclependents ed their many friends for the Srecoe lelovely giftsen wished eveny- one would visit them in thein View iv asrer t r s o e k, Change Their Plans time their was a lavely whLf $.9 aI ready for the delîciaus lunch ,k ~~served during the social bour. Reels at 50e each include scenes from ail parts of ý1. eW il No! M ake Appea Finally, with beanty cangratu atewrl aes-Bbe tre -Ntr lations ta the happy couple1 In spite ai pratests express. co grawers in the arca, about and many. thanks ta Mns. Studies- The Boy Scoaûts Jamboree and many more 3l ed by some district indepen- 27 are free 1ancers,' lbe said. Young lor the use af her home', )rdent tobacco growens aven crop "Thene was an average differ- anc ai many pleasant get-to- pices, there does nt appear ence ai about ne cent btween gte evenings came ta anDe u e G f Pa k ta be any o ganization under bids to members and indepen- end. c nt n a Vi w M se w th L g t tt hm t way ion canrying such pratests dents," hie stated, explaining lie United In Marriage otiaVewMsrwthLg A acmn ta authorities. accompanied tobacco buycrs Onl Satunday, December 3rd, and two packages of Reels. Non does there appean ta be on some of thein visits. in Mannish Cburch Miss Lor-a iany cancerted effort by inde- Maximum and--minimum pni- raine Young and Mn. Stanley a thumberland counties ta affil- cd fnom 471A_ ta 32 cents and by the Rev. A. W. Harding. iate with the Ontario Tobacco from 50 ta 34 cents ta tobacco The cburch was nicely de-i ,Growens' Marketing board, ai- board members, he reported. corated with baskets af in sthough some independents have In Northumberland, 16 new gcraniums and white ribbari I sbawn an intenest. independent tabacca iarms on the arms ai guest pew - c Earlier this month, some in- wene neported ta have dolnc Mrs. Helen McHolm, arganis- 5dependent grawers submitted reasanably well in their iirst played selections ai appropriateug the tabacco board should be year ai, aperation. Mare than music before and aiten the eliminated because ai the prac- 20 new farms have been plir- ceremony. The bride was at- tice of buying membens' crapsijchased in the* district fan fiist tended by a sister, Miss Jean first. It was also suppested thatj planting next year, according Young, the groom by Mn. Git-0 an appeal be made. ta the Dam- ta available information, fard ai Canton. inin Government for p ice M n o a c r w r r u b na r e d Bought V. S. Crop Canada's tobacca market suf- fered a considerabie . deln when English imprters tueln 1 parts this spring that inost bad destnoyed on harmed western I Ontario crops. As a rEýsult ta-~ bacco pnices were aiiected. i Howeven, there is as yet no appeal being organized by in-~ dependents ta appnoach the ta-... .. ........... bacco board itseîf, according ta anc memben, Pete Newell ai "fanc xiaitedi85taac-sLow Overhead Means Low rcs KENALRÇFRIGERATrORS 1 TELE VISION il., 17-inch Only $9.9,5 John Heatlïe