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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Dec 1955, p. 16

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TIM CANADIAII sTATESMAN. BOWMMlqvffL. ONTAMO O ut standing Sale of Fine Shorthorn Caffle Receives GoodPublicity The l3th Annual "Blue Rib- 1 teen bred heifers, $278.57; ten bon" Shorthorn Sale at Baker cows. $254.50 and six open Farms on Tuesday>, Nov. 1 fnot efr 11 only disposed of the* 40 head hies 11 z-uctioned. It also received On behaif of Gaston Marsan, good publicity in many farrn St. Eustache, Que., E. H. Stoltz vnd news journals. Possibly paid $325 for the 6-year-olj the main reason for its news-co Thornlodge Wimple and Worthiness was the 4-year-old her'calf by Louada Crusader. sofor $1,425. We reproduLe Bros., Peterboro. Also at $325, on 0f the reports below: I on ôrder, Mr. Stoltz got th, "*Headlined as a distinct at- C.N.E. Reserve Grand Cham- tr-action at the 1955 Blue Rib- pion, Dunnhill Royal Prince-ss lon Shortharn Sale, Prince 2nd with heifer caif at foot. Charming lived Up to advance and consigned by C. Duggan. publicity by selling at $I1,25 1 Alvin Northey of Lakefield. ta loiadle Fams, oi nt., pajd $325 for Spring Hope, Ont. A bull of great in- Grange Mayflower 32nd, bred dividuality, 4-year-old Ptince by John Rickard of NewcastIý, Charming carnies a double in- sired by 2200-lb. Royal Norse- ftusion of O.A.C. Ransom 23 man and bred ta the Polled through the top sires, Scots- bull, Birmingham Dauntless. C. dJale Cavalier and King's' Ran- Bonald Mann, Baltimore, Ont.. som. Third sire wvas Klaymor paid $310 for Thornlodgc Helen H-eather. The quality of Charm- Ann 3rd from M. H. Pimmett ;rig's got was said ta be an im- & Sons, Indian River, and sired portant factor in the bidding. by Louada Crusader. Wm. Pcrcy Carscadden of Brad- M a ug ham & Sons, Coid ford got the high-selling female Sp;ings, $305 for the Pimrnctt when he bid $385 for the bredl entry, Melba Rosewood Alicx heifer,. Lavender Beauty lSth, by Louada Barnone. Edgar from the good herd of Roi 'n Lambert & Son, Cannington, Flett, Oakwood. Sired by Tol $300o for Challenger's Beauty, quhon Authority (Imp.) she consigned by Gea. W. Carson was due ta Louada Forem an, a and sired by Scotsdale Chal- ïon of Caîrossie Armada (ImP. lenger. The same price was whseprgey adjust made) also paid by Lloyd Skinner, breed history in L. Cadesky's TrnfrCoel lz Louada Manon Sale. bred by Milton Jenkins and H. Trim of Newtonville o sired by Brae Lodge Gallant. the second-high fçmale, New-1 Buyers included: C. A. Rud- PlIyn Orange Blossom 27th, at kmn, Brooklin; Alex Rundlý>, $360. A 5-year-old of splendid 1Pickering, N. Bristowe, Port type and breeding, she was Hope; Robt. J. Parkin, Littlc close to calving. Bred by lirr Britain, Hanvie Hailman, Port A. ewmn, he asconsigned Hp; R. G. Moffat & Son, Or- by Baker Farms, Hampton, ana; Roy McGill, Bowmanvillk; Ont., where the sale was held. Wotten Bras., Sauina; S. V. Hart, Lakefield: R. W. Brown, The top open heifer was bred N e s t 1 e t o n; Clarence Tink., -énd consigned by Russel Rich- Hampton; Baker Fanms (on or- &rdson & Son of Ashburn, and der); Clare Leighton & Son, purchased at $230. by Davis Cannîngton and Ralph Davis. Bras. af Warsaw, Ont., who are ak Bkr aae h îtarting a Shorthonn herd. She Jc ae aae h is sired by Louada Diplomat, sale, which was sald by Dun- Lmnported-in-dam son of Cal- cao Brown, Harry Hawden as- "rssie Cupbearer. Davis Bras. sisted." aiso paîd $180 for a second Richardson open heifer. The seven bulîs, several quifl' LESKARD Young. avêraged $381, p'~ Hel Plans 'vanced Phoughin 1956 wil tain. Canadi holding ýn 1953, cd Cour- and Dui secondm this year Sympathy is extended ta Me. A site and Mrs. Norn~i Hanris whoso acres ha son Russell, aged 21 yeai-s, was Oxford,' '~ ~;killed recontly when a car in wbene ti wbich hie was a passenger, on tbe crashed into a sand truck. adit] - .Mn. and Mns. Ross Rabbins Pioughinl ( t * ~and Gail, Toronto, wcre nocent also be ) b\ll visitons with Mn. and Mns. Art tional A Rabbins. demonstr & Margaret Evenett, Mn. aodi facturens * Mrs. Sid Hughes and family, invited wene recent visitons with Mr. fanm ma and Mrs. E. Green.I Mn. and Mns. Art Youîng and RUNson, Toron~ with Mn. and n enVlTn? TIEDMn. and Mrs. E. Green visit- ed witb Mn. and Mrs. AI Bar- LE 5 clay and Mn. and Mns. Temple, C al M Y L E Oshwa.Mn. Green was recent- RADIO ~]y SERVICEnt in Bowmanvilc RADIO V SERV CHsav, b as made good nzrc..~ ç eepert Repairs te AI] Make-a Benjamin Fauth. 28, dismiss. t Silver - t MA 3-3482 ed by a bank ait Las Angele s, Fr U. S.A., hired a plane and flev I n u BOWMANVILLE into the bank window i agot- Inau even suicide crash. wI characteri economic q - I<4<I ~ ~ l<i~groups, tf "losing ot of the 0 Agricuitur the Ontaxi ment statt enting the 600,0000 was pre. Queen's P Exocutive ratian of Choose f rom ma ny models TheDrie Rogersers hi of of ct pe tovh953,fa( led for ev( Westinghouse prodution cnoasing 1 Ihighen livii TELE VISION The Foci member ci intend ta si JOntario fz eoOnomie secondary aur ecanor situation de end staodai main belo%ý a situation despondeno3 necessary i Want . . .. . .The brW the Federai is coovîncec farmors fur contraI avei thein fai agricultural j mpnoved.T nient wast ofa the Supi Iparts o! the lationin co Federai Go, that Ontario tnue ta de% ing pragrar tide o! cturr farni pnicos. Ask For The Gove i oestablish pantmont ta cial marketi utl'x'as urged Frôm 219 1partmentu 1 ýtclv a rcsea D CI 1 taspect, of! Oh omestie HARDWARE inerdhigh >MA 3-54«J BowmanvUlle 36 King st. E. ba Itii mSL instituled imi such a* r THE IDESTPOTTINMNYANBYCHITA SEL C. A. GRASSICK IN THE TORONTO TELEGRAM >rld Plou hing M t h eyMissionary Monthly secre- FF r m munity frietidship, Mns. Wal- arm Fo u s C N Iter Rahm, Miss Grace Smitii;d Id i . E gla d 1 56 ission Band leaders, Mnr. Farm Forum was held at the d Walter Murphy, Miss Ruth Pas- hm of Mr. and Mrs. Art f ae areay wllad-woringconitons Ths wlcoe: Baby Band, Mns. Harold Found with an attendance tof b ai te alneady Wla- worke ingesondisplaTy o lSkinner, gnoup leaders, Mrs. eleven. S for tC o unt hi Waninee bipuet di ly f its ICarI Colbary, Miss Grace The discussion was based on ng ontstwhih i kid eex-putan n te Bitih Sith Mr. Athu Hailtn..the topic, "Retrement Plan for eý hl be held in Great Bnt- Isies. riiIh rtshSih .A te Hmilo. Farmens". i Personal Iem 1. When the farmer. is plan- oi la hadThe World Contest series is Misses Phyllis Maynand and ning ta retire do you think iît m lahdthe honour af cneating wonld-wide intencst Jean Stainton, Bowmanvillebte orhmt eir f h the first World Contest Pnd bring together people in alMs Gladys Maynard ani bfatrfor ta roa i o f tham ci ight here in aur Unit- walks of life who appreciate MinOaa its";r. a Giresor o r ynoansen.rm d ities of Northumberland the vital importance of the ba- red s hay wanand. Mr.an iven dsoiffc for or asen- irham at Cobourg. The sic industry ta well-being and r.RyMyad ti er ifcl o e-e was in Eire in 1954 and peace. The series is of im- Congratulations ta Mr. and ion partner to be near or on pi ir the event was held in mense educational value in Mns. S. Sellîck, Oshawa, (nee his farm without trying ta keep tc on Octobeî 7-8. helping us ai] ta understand Joyce Woodl ey) who were mar- things in good condition and fr eof almost a thousand each othen's problem's and help ried Novomber 3o. nepair the way he used ta in S, ias been selected near, cach other at grass root level. P Ptti Paterson, Maple Grave, his active days. Financial oic- SEngland, for 1956, lis spending a fcw days with cumstances play a large, part fr he event will be held From advice already ta hand hr grandparents, Mn. and Mrs. in when and where he should j o 10-1l-12th October. In it is expected people will be C. W. Woodley. retire.B ta the World Contest attendmng the 1956 World Con- M.a Ms A oamn 2. How shauld farmens pne- 1 hte British National test fnom United States, Can- adby ie Mr. and M o n pa r'e financially for this ne-W g1 Match there wiîî ada, Europe, Asia, and from the N. Leach, Taunton. tinement? Endowment palicies,- an extensive Interna- Southern Hemisphene. oen ntshmsaec Agricultural Machineny The 1957 World Contost w'ill The Young Pedple are hold- garoet sct home, alne-J' ration at which manu- be held in U. S. in the State ing a canal service Dec. 18, nt pedtyonbut thda gan 1e sfnom ail countries are of Illinois. Plans are already 8 p.m. in the chunch. 1 2~lst ondivs.alcincum- ta demonstrate their underway for the event ta be Mr. Bruce Sanlev, Oshawa; sacs iachineny under actu3il- held in 1958 in Genmany. Mr. and Mns. E. Osborne, Lit-I te Bitain, wee Monday eveil- H Pfp ing guests of M. and Mrs. Rus- J.HAMPTONJ. ta lo F e er ti nMrs. Lorne ýhare, Mrs. S. E. I the:account:of the:new Whie, isiedMrs S.T.HOa-. school apening *nothing was Uss on Governderenot, Bow- baskets o! 'mnis and cana-j lis-on G vern ent were dinner guests of Mn. and fui. Mrs. R. Wright. Mn. and Mns. Chas. Fenguson, ~ ioe Hogan, Oshawa, vis- Mn. and Mns. Bob Fenguson lMrres B rif Coombes spent a cent visitos at J. W. Balsn's. ># ,mer 'Losing ouV' onzneoftecopriv few days with his family be- Since then Mn. Chas Fenguson 'Y preen da eon cgnîiro!p th ougopetithe fore leaving for his work at 'a hd two heant attacks and ý1 prsct ayeonmymdclgop truhu h Richmond ill. isaoifined ta Oshawa Hospital. Y -ized by a stnuggle for 1province; a roquest that the MnadMs.WPrkJ. M.Gen ilasisect power by ao government appoint a gnoup ta r and r.WPakJ, M.Gln ilam isec- hé Ontariofamr' examine the ]and acquisition 'Mnd Douglas, visited Mr. and ing a garage on his pnoperty. )ut", the annual brie! pnocedures and principles of nrs. .Mrey, Peterborougli. Mn. W. R. Pickell,' Ebenezer,- Ontario Foderation o! Ontario public bodies and frorn Sorry ta hear Christine Mur- was a visitorat J. W. B3alson'. ne ta the Cabinet of such a study cstablish a more ney is very ill in the hospital. Mrs. Chant pnesided Dec. 15t !i ri Provincial Govrno- uniform and just method for Mn. and Mrs. H. Skinner vis- ed. The brie!. nepres- nequisitioning land. and that ited Mn. and Mns. W. Lake, ýe views of mare than the gavernment funther impl2- Newcastle. Ontario fanm people, ment the recommendatians o! Mn. and Mns. M. Dubyk and . . sented necently at the Select Committee on Con- Diane visited hen mather Mns.s t A Park, Toronto by th2 servation. V. Hotner, Whitby; her brother, u tr So! the Ontario Fed- Credit Privileges Poor Mr. John Hotner, Bnooklin, ýf Agriculture. The Fedenation brie! voiced hon sistens, Mn. and Mns. L. G. in Farni Incarne Ontario farmens' dissatisfac- Stevens and girls, Whitby, aný1 lef nated that Ontanio tion with credit privîleges cur- Mn. and Mns. J. Kass, Bow- have suffened a drap rently available ta fanmers, manville, recently.Th cent in their net in- urged that a cantnibutory crar Mn. and Mrs. J. Welsh and ring the peniod 1951 insunance pnognam be institut- children, Bawmanville, with drap o! 12 per cent in1 cd for certain Ontario craps; Mn. and Mns. G. Alldnead. predicted a funther and again reminded the On- Mrs. Mary Findlay, Union- 1955. This contraction ftania Government that Ontario ville; Mr. and Mrs. Dean Find- ocaome as ccured farmn and is beaing an unfair lay, Thornhil, visited M. an'I mes have been press- shae of municipal educationai Ms. C. Bigelow. o rer increasing capital cOsts. Sorry ta learn Cecile Park the farm, increasing again has ta celebrate herno 1costs, and the in- , birthday, Dec. 6 i bed with burden of average TYRONE pneumonia. ing standards. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hudson 't Stand Idly By W.M.S. Meeting and Gregory, Ottawa; Sgt. Ron- leratin brief decar- The Christmas meeting of ald Hudson, Camp Borden, M.c n i 'The Ontanio Federa- W. King, Oshawa, visited Mr.C H ýgiculture and itsTraeWMSwshedtth and Mrs. Arthur Rahm. onganizations do flot home O! Mrs. Florence Scott Sunday visitons o! Mn. and tand idly by and sec with 20 ladies prosent. Siate o! Mrs. M. Dubyk were Mn. and farmons- becomo an' officens was nead by Mrs. A Mns. Frank Slywka Jr., Toron- grou relgate ta to;Mn. and Mns. F. Slywka pouerp osto ieenedt HuIs for 1956. Mrs. Fred Jack and Bile Oshawa; also recen. ponwgav positionr ofdilie, ýmy and creating a sngv h ryro eia visitons were Mn. and Mrs. lestining farm incamo tion for installation o! officers. Paul Kowalski and Michae!, ... rds o! living ta ne- President Mns. J. C. C - Maple Grave; Mn. and Mrs. J. w othor graups, and]cid OC Koss, Bawmanville. ibneeding a pal of caol on Mns. Russell Wright Mr. and Mrs. R. Pooioy, Oh- ýY within a vital and »ho00o h motn awa; Mn. and Mns. A. H. Brent, * industry." features of this meeting was Mn. and., Mrs. Howard Brent. the presentation ta Mns. Wal- we-e Sunday dinner guests fi t More Controi ter Rahm of a Life Momber- Mn. andi Mrs. George Annis, f pointcd aut that ship Certificate ta the Women's Ebenezer. tion o! Agriculture Missionary Society. M.adMs .Jwl m ýd that if Ontario Mrs. Kani Cahbary's gopby ihM.adMs Lloyd -' nther increase the;n took change o! meeting, Mrs. Skinner. r the marketing o! Mns. Fred jackson gave the Mn. and Mrs. W. Park Jr., Ce- products, Ontaios devotional portraying ýBirttn cile and Douglas, were supper *ecanomy cao bc o! Christ" intersporsed willh guests o! Mn. and Mns. B. Red- T'ho Ontario Govoro- Christmas carols. shaw, Ajax. urgcd, in the event Mns. Percy Werry gave tho Mission Band met Sunday' romo Court findingc îast chapten o! Study Bo omrnîng with' 22 childnen pros- e~~~~ 'rsn aneio Immigrants in aur Church", ent, wîth leaders Mns. W. Rahrn invalid, ta pravi de and first chapter a! new study and Mrs. W. Murphy. Pres:.- arojuncting w it t booak. Piano solo by Mrs. Haw- dent Lauraino Cook and Sec-- onjricio wih he rdBrent, "Christma Fanta- retary Shirley Coombes con- overniment in order sia"; a neading, "At Christmas" ducted the meeting. There were o frmrsmaycai-by Mrs. S. E. White. Cnstmas carols and a Christ- volop their market- ma eading by Barbara Phil- îms and altar the A vote o! thanks was given lmas. r.Rhmtn heso renlydetrfratn-tothe presidesit fan ber effici- leip cîosed by repeating ~etI dteioatngent service duringthepast twoam od hesoP ' ycans by Mrs. R. Glaspel. The t oneses a! "He Lives". O Marketing Dept. Sonny ta hiean Mn. Jack Gibà,s ernment was ske meeting closed in the usual hsteciknpx iasv was skeamanner. Lunch was servcd. ealsholchilren.x losv 1aMarketing De- SaeofOfces , Th hismscocrlpai with ode, pray er and eollect. Minutes read and approved. In- vitation ta Solina Jan. 19 ta enjoy the extension - service when the lady will demnon- strate vaniaus ways o! making sandwiches was accopted. Wo will bo sonding Christmas cards ta County Home at Cobourg. Troasuror neponted the recoipts for the bazaar wbicb was $187- .75 and many things wene also soid at this meeting. Collec- tion for Victon Mission amount- ed ta $12.55. Mrs. Doidge was chauiady for the pragnam and ail sang '-It Came Upon the Midnight Clean". The motta. Make every day a Chnistmnas day was ably taken by Mns. A. E. Billett wbo gave a nico pa- per and paems. Mrs. Hanland Truli gave a roading on Insti- tute work. Reports of area convention were given by Mrs. J. W. Bal- son and Mrs. Chas. Warren; piano solo by Miss Nana Harn; reading by Mrs. Sid Kersey; 1 reading by Mns. Hodgson. Mns. Chant demonstrated the mak- ing o! fancy Christmas candhes. *Silent Night" was sung an']d lunch was served by the north gnoup unden the directio nof Mrs. H. Cale and Mns. W. Chap- SALEM ? Misses Beatnice Craig and I Inabelle Gibson, Toronto, No- mal students, are staying with Mr. and Mrs. W. Craig while they are abserving and teach. ing at Starkvjlle school this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Craig, Mrs. S. Buttery and Mrs. K. Shack- leton attended the Sunday Schoal teachers ' rally at New- castle on Tuesday night. A number of yaung people also attended the Young People'q rally at Northministen Church, Oshawa. an Manday night. Our W.A. held a very su5-'tâ cessful home-baking sale a V the Hydro shap, Fnîday. Pro- ceede $40.95. A number fram hene attend- cd the Holstein CIlub's banquet at Trinity Church on Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. L. Welsh and family were Saturday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. L. Rundle, Town. Statistics show that some 55 of eveny 100 Canadian house. holds have a car. TIC K ETS TO EVERYWHERE Air, Rail or Steamship Consult JURY & LOVELL 3o wmanv ille 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 Brighten Your Painted WaIIs STABK VILLE Mn. and Mrs. Jim Stark were guests with Mn. and Mrs. Orme Falls Iast woek. Mn. D. Sbutka, Oshawa, at Mlr. M. Shutka's, Satunday. Miss C. W. Stewart and pu- ils are busy preparng their Christmas concert for Friday evening next week. Mrs. Logan and John, Beth- any, with Mn. and Mns. Joha Stark, Sunday. Mr. Russell Saveny was Suc- cessful in the municipal candi- 1 dature as councillon on Mon-1 lay. Mr. Lavenne Wood, Peter- borough at Mn. Morley Robin- aon's recently. On Satunday, Mr. Wm, Sav- ery was feted at the home o! Mrn. and Mrs. Ewant' Robinson on the occasion o! bi& binthday vhen bis famihy and grand- hildnon enjoyed a deliciaus dinnen with him. Sunday afternoon, Rev. Pikc expounded on Christian Corn- passion with many references Lo HoIy Writ and illustrations [ram bis exponiences. Sunday School ivas -well atteoded. Tucsday eveoing a group Iom the Fellowship Circle en- )yed a tour o! the Goodyear, 3owmanville, as arnanged by ýIn. Brenton Farrow. After- -~ Santa Claus3 will be at MAPLE CR0 VEi*q GROCETERIA j between 7 and 9 p.m Saturday, December1 AUl Children accompanied bv s guardian will recei'e a small gift SEASON~S GREETTNGS to One and All froin Management and Staff of SUNOTHY SUN WORTHY BRESE Specially designod bordors that are trimmed and pro- pasted neady ta apply. Over 50 patterns from .-hieh to choose. ABERNETHY'S Paint & Wallpaper Phone MA 3-5431 85 King St. W., Bowmanville MapleGroveGroceteria ~ rived 95 New 195 [EFTAIN 'ON DISPLAY Motors Limited DG WMAN VILLE inviied Io corne in and inspect NeA96iola TMMSDAT. DEC. Sth, -1953 tctm,«eee »M - AT - 0 rived

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