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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Dec 1955, p. 17

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- - *~~ui la Atl..L~UMLL~* ~.J VY~i~.fl VLLaL&5, ~JL~AIUU PÂOU W'~ f~ A %? A 1~? A ~Y *qq a .wuet. a -~ ~ * ~w, * Another Wonder 'in CommUnication Long Sault Home and School Club was well attended on Dec. 2nd. President, Mrs. F. Partner Opened the meeting. Secnetary Mr4. A. Millson nead the min- utes and correspondence. but, theÉé was littie other business. Mr. Water Vaneyk preslded over the pragram, calling first on Rev. F. Jackson, Tynone, who spoke on "Christmas". Everone enjoyed singing some of the favounite Christmas hymns while Mrs. C. Woadley acconlpanied at the piano. Mn. Clarence Woodley and Mr. Francis Johnston compris- ed the afiirmittive side of a debate, resolved: Christmnas is becoming too commenciblized, against Mns. Norn Woodley and Mns. Paul Vaneyk. The women, however, once again 'aut-talked the men and woni the decision af the judges, Mrs. LU Annis, Mrs. Jackson, Tyrone, and Mn. Torrance, Haydon. Jean Johnsan gave a reading about Aunt Jemima's baking. The roam was filled with the scream of'jet planes for a few minutes while Mr. A. J. McLaggan showed an interest- ing film an the subject ai pro,,,- ress belng made with this type of air power. Another film re- vealed the wonders of the can- ai reef of Australia in colour and .in mnicroscopic detail. After the meeting was closed every- one enjoyed lunch. Elect Garnet- Rickard With Large Majoriety ln Darlington Voting Gannet B. Rickard, a former Councillor, and Deputy-Reeve Of Darllngton Township, was elected as Deputy-Reeve for 1956 in> Monday's election, defeating bis opponent, Cynil H. Mumnford by 780 votes. Mn. Rickard polled 1,389 votes ta Mr. Mumford's 609. xIn the four-way race for three cauncil positions, Councillons Eh-ares Osborne and Ross Stevens retained thein seats and Arthur L. Blai*hard was elected as a new member. W. H. Brown was defeated in bis bid for a council seat. Mn. Blanchard topped the entin& epoîl with 1,534 votes, Coun. Osbarne received 1,251 votes and Court. Stevens recei'ved 947. Mn. Brown palled 743 votes. Foliowing are the resuits by polling sub-divisions: Providence -__ Ty4ene-------- Mape Gravé - Hami-pton Enxiskilen Cot.wtice Mitchell's Enfield - .---- Totals 93 16 25 51 115 10 80 2212 220 40 1402 137 168 124 169 167 252. 117 101 45 106 107 132 57 109 105 168 79 108 70 12 76 80 21 48 27 609 1,389 1,534 743 1,251 947 Members af the South Darlington Area Public Sehool Board for 1956 are: Alex McMaster, Wilfred Brown, Kenneth Werry, Sydney Worden and Harold Muir. Corne and See THE NEW Wood's Freezers i 15 Cubie Feet . 540 lb. Capacity The ideai freezer for any home . .. Style, convenience and dependability are combined ta make an attractivç addition to any kitchen or utility room. ONLY $3990 WITH 24 MONTIIS TO PAY DOWN 12 'CUBIC FOOT FREEZER jONLY $3190 DOWN' WITH 24 MONTHS TO PAY Frozen foods are readiiy avaiiable from your local grocer. lie service and carry spare parts for thc Wood's Freezers ~Higgon Electric 1Limited 38 King St. E. Bowmanvile 'NIA 3-5483 G. HARVEY AGNIEW, MD' PRESIDENT, Ot4TARIO HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION One thing that seenis ta bath- many chiidren. That is why a er the average Caxiadiaxi a great "no visitons" signi must aitexi be deal is "red tape". Perbaps it hung on a ward cloor ta protect1 is because the average Caxiadiaxi the patient, or patients. is industrious and keen, likes ta Patients sametimes wonden get things done and is impatient why they must enter haspital an and pentunbed when delayed. the afternoon an evenixig befone As a matten af îact, very few the day ai operation. More red af us like ta be bothered with tape! Why not next marning? restrictions. ruies and reguia- Is it sa an extra day can be tioxis which aiten prevent us charged up? Actualiy it bas froni doîng what we like, or do- been found nccessary, except in ing it wben and how we'd like same ininon cases. in order ta be ta do it. sure thaï; variaus iaboratory Unfotuntci, dy b da. ~ tests (perbaps not reaiized by encaunatgey a da ai e the patient) can be done on ta tae" lxi eaur r el of rouie, permit same preliminary mcd- ta"yinost ai tis vryroesse.i-cation or treatinent ta be given. Actall mot o itis eryessn-For exampie, saine patients are tiai. This is cspeciaily sa in the found ta have diabetes or kid- case ai Gavernmnt proceclures, ney disease, or same other con- miiitary bodies, railways on oth- iinqieukont hm equargyeexoitialiothe day-by-and these might scniausly affect dqay peati in hspi. the type ai anaesthetic ta be day peraion n a ospial. given or even the -ex-tent of, the Why? For anc thîig hospitals operation. are just lîke many othen coin- There are numeraus other pro- piex arganîzations. xI these it cedures which most hospitals bas been found that when there foliow and wbich, af necessity, are many people ixivoivcd, or may be regarded as "red tape". many procedures ta be followed, Saine af these are necessary ta the anly way ta maintain any canforin ta legisiation anid those sembiance ai contrai and order legal requirements which are is ta have adequate ruies and applicable ta their everyday ex- regulations gavenning ail rou- istence. Such requirements may tine. Otherwise confusion and ixiclude the abtaining ai certain chaos are bouxid ta become pre- information from the patient or valent. bis relatives. Furthermore, in I know ai one instance where order to pratect themselves and relatives ai an individual Who niembers of their medical staffs w-as about ta undergo a major iran unwarranted legai action, aperation were cniticai ai bas- bospitais obtain written consenti pitai "red tape" because be was for an aperation and other pro- nat permitted ta have bis usual cedures. breakfast. Tbey did nat realizc Most regulations are designedi that. a meal might greatly in- ta pratect the patient. A goodj crease the hazards ai the an- example is one whereby, exceptý aestbetic, that it might intenfere in cases of dire emergency, an with the aperatian. or ex-en ooeration niay not be performed cause vamniting wvhicb, in turn, unless a pre-operative diagnosis couid cause death by choking. lias been recorded an the Most haspitais abject ta patients chart. This regulationi vaungsters visiting in the chul- xas devcioped by medical staffs dren's or maternity wards. This thernselvcs ta protect the patient regulation, appreciated by med- frain hastx- and unneccssaryl ical and bospital staffs, is main- surgery. It is aiso interestingj ly designed ta curb or reduce ta note that in this province fia the possibility ai spreading coin- major aperation can be perform- municable diseases. ed on a public patient witbout A major gripe ai saine people a consultation by members ai Who have relatives or friends the surgical staff. The regula- aonfined ta hospital is that tbey tion respecting therapeutic abor- are unabie ta visit the patient tion is quite strict. Lt almost any bour ai the day These are just a few ai the or nîghit, even whcn that patient many regulations wh ich have is nat seriousiy iil. They don't been set up and are rigidly fol- top ta consider that it wauid lowed by public hiospitals every- ec grassly unfair ta make ex- where ini Ontario. It is truc,l eptions and if visitons xvere ai- saine ai them seern like a lot afi )wed at ail hours, the niedical "red tape" and appear rcstric- staff, the housekeeping and tive to us at the time, regardiess ietary staffs, ancd particularîy ai wbetber wve be in the position the nurses, wouid' bave great of the patient, relative, or even1 iificuIty getting their wark the attending physician. Nev- aonc. Furthermore, every doc- erthelcss, each regulation bas a no and nurse is well aware that reason and we cannot belp buti many patients would inake a realize that tbey have been de-i more rapid recovery if tbere veloped aven tbe years for the1 were fcwen visitons. Tbis obser- primary purpase af saieguardjngi ation applies especialy ta and prtecting the patient. 1 J C/lie /op c5h-etfI -~~ <By Benjamin Beveridge) tWe once knew a mani who tians" and "The Writings aiof laved bis books sa much be Herodotus", as formidable a ii wvouid raýher lose anc on twa a o tf were, Icft sometbing af hi fingers than bc bereaved ofalevlue with uis. same af bis favorite valumes. At least that is what be said. And 'he trouble was w-e weren't jthe tbaugbt la enough ta make aid enaugb ta understand themn. a lot ai bcokmen feel the neglect We Pladded tbroughi essays anid tbey have shown the books they serinons, noveis aund biographies, read many yeans ago. and since Dickens and Scott, '"Barchester forgotten, Towrers" and Cariyie's "Frenich WVe spend Most ai aur lives Revolutian", "S w i s s Famuly doing aver naxd aven again the Robinson" "Moby Dick", "Çon- Stbings we like ta do, practising fessions àk an English Opium the samne mistakes, whistling the Eatcn", and "Pilgnim's Pro- saine tuxies and smoking the gress". Sorne wc liked and some sanie tabacco - just because we we didn*t. But it narely occurs like ta. W're aîways gaing ta us now that the iiterary diet bak.atu]v rin acy %a h ve were fed under compulsion plcs wc like, wberc*w-e bad in aur vaunger vcars might be -ood friends. Btnay e nt mare digestible 'ta aurinteliects Jenaugh ai us go back ta the aid whicb have xiatured ini the inter- books an the top sheif. wbich vening time. once provided us with much ini- Reading habits have changed, sPiration and gave us the first of course. Thene was a time seeds ai aur ambitions. wben the backwoods pianeer Much ai aur eariy reading, af could qubte at, length frorn the course, was pnescribed, and, like Bible, the oniy boak-.and thene any medicine, it was appro-1 neyer was a better one-that priateiy abbonred. Yet even1 many of Qur forefathers everi - The HistorV af Henrv Esmond",1 read. Tbey bad the habit ai J -War and.Pac 01 clh iNa-1 rcading it o\ Cr and avcr again . <Long Sault, School Group Holds Debate lot EýE the. Largest Selection- of Appliances 'in Town! MIXMASTERS Sunbeam Mixmasters Sunbeam Junior Mixers GE. Junior Mixers GRILLS SUNBEAM Waffle bron and Grill 4 1.50 12 .95 . 15.95 White Chrome White Chrom 21.951 58.95 61.50 24.95 Sunbeamp Deep Fryers $27o95 Corn Poppers $595 m $8.75 Heating Pads G. E. Steam Irons - Sunbeam Steam Irons PrGEst Seam rwitIrons Su.e Featherwight Irons unea FkeatheIrweigh Iron $ 7.5 m 9*9 3dmi79.3 $24.95 $7950 ELECTRIC KETTLES G. E. Ketties - - - - - - 11.951 Filtro Ketties G. E. Auiomatic' Toasters ~unbeam Auiomatic Toasters 36.95 I Sunbeam Automatic Perco1ator~ 2SIS I - ----w Proctor Automatic Toasters 21.95 - 26.95 21.5 - -. 23.95 . a 102.9m - * 12.95 3-1I2.95 FRYPANS G.E1. Automalic Frypans 19.95 SUNBEAM Aulomatic Frypans ELECTRIC SHAVERS I i i i. i 14.951 Sunbeam Electric Shavers ISchick Electric Shavers 3.951 SnemuaicPERCOLAors - .32.50 31.95 - 29.9 4.0-8.01Cana' e auty Auoto. ecoaos 27 Ut.. Me - Ta- e Utfler Iviakes - Toasters 4.00 - 8.00 I Coffee Percolators 6.00 - 7.85 In an okAon Higgon Electrioc LIm ited 38 King St. E. Bowmanville MA 3-SflR - w .w~ I I THURSDAY. DECC. MU, 1955 Communications histony has been m ade in Canada's sub-Arcticewith the setting Up of the worid's first fuil-scale installatian af aver-the-horizon microwave trans- mission equipment, using the "trapaspheri c scatter" principle. The installation, em- ploying huge dish-like antennae such as th ese, was buit by The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada's special cantract department. 77 M, Things 'move more . rapily sooMr ad rs S R Jck these days and a new book on ENFJ'IIELD son, Mr. and MrsR. JhnLi- Sha s ro p th-ao tes c o rg ng, Janet and Stephen, Mr. andGr p the aron he c~pce f dugsMarriel 5» Years Mrs. Ross Jackxnan and Glenn, ' tr r v e la ai a d tl a s cn t gMamr, M s.Vym x h o m a v f rae ltsad interplantar . and Mne. Milton Sam eMr.and Mrs. Charley Mutton, P anXm as'Pr t*F1 Who wiUl be married 50 years r.V mtBwavl; off tIi. press, and must be read. at Christmnas, heid a celebr- Mr. and Mrs. John Heard and Te rglr etn b There is no trne for the Bible. tion at thep home during th Ohat;Missandors.LuaSitsr he Hreuand meeting 5Î If it gt-one thorough reading weekend. I sent at the occa- Oshawa; M. and Mrs geoeteuets Luthcholsinwee rrad rShRyaaraa'sOrno HomW N-e ttheSchoodl he wl] be lucky, because the Webster, Mr. Clarke Webster, chos, Port Hope; Mm .Sd Lan- Frday evening with the prn- caince ae ne1 t read it Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Webster caster, Newtonvlle; Mr. Don aident, Kenneth Werry ir agm.and Shry-Lyn, Miss Norma Taylor, Sauina: Min Joyce charge. The Christmas concez; ***Webster, Messrs. Jack and Abernethy, Peterborough; Mr. was announed for Wednes. W e eta n o iy a s ail porio St nle W e st r, r. nd r~ and M rs. A . F. A bernethy, M n. day, D ec. 21. O rville O sborne, Wertf nol htweea, but priron talBud Wobstanerus.iandMr .and Mrs. Alex Abernethy, Mari- Garnet Rlckard and MacLear tf he e ea obua idespra dnd r. Erne RusAllan r.i To- Mr. and Mrs. Frd SmisRabb were appointed ta pro- thresemstob awiesredan Ms.Eri Aii o T adfailvide seatlng acctommodatido notion amang grownups that a ronto: Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Par- n aiy for that night. Mrs. L. Hood book, once read, has senved its Mr. and Mrs. Samis were and Mrs. A. Prout are in charge purpose and forever afterwards presexited with a television set of purchasing a Cnhristnas must remqin in the shadow's afino publishen would have it. ta mark the happy occasion. treat for. the childrexi. It wal one's intell ectual living-room. How wrong they ail were! We offer aur congratulations decided ta purchase a picture If we feel-as saine af us do Pon Beatrix Patter has given and hope they have good healtl' o h colom -that we are searching vainly the litte folks something that for future anniversaies. tIlfo Bte shr ile o nvn tbrough an impoverished con- will live with them for ver, Mrs. etRpe ovnd temporary literature for inspira- oetig ht il ae h M rs. W. Pascoe, Mrs. G. Bow- in tio, i miht e wll or ta hapir tha she maeve a.max adfrine oma hprograin and Otto Bragg maxneadMs .Bwa a acted as chairman. Miss Betty go beck through the history of Cloistered in youth and taken toGsa r tholms. Hward McHelm led in sînging some2 writmng. There is no povertý wearing clogs in her aid age, sîheGrsatCubslstwk Christmas carols with M.xý there. The reader has as much became an institution. The Na- Mrs. Fred Samis, Mns. R. Bragg at the piano. Mrs. Mariim of a part ta play in the rejuvexi- tional Trust, which preserves Gniffin and Mr. Fred Gniffin Graham af Bowmanvile play- atiori af culture as the writer the homes of George Meredith, attended the funeral af their ed several fine accondion selec- And even if the worid doe George Stephenson, Elien Terry, cousin, Mr. Fred Waldbauer at tienis. Mrs. Ripley introduce'l need anothen Horatio Alger General Wolfe and others, aiso Buffalo, a week ago. the speaker af the evening series, what it needs even more keeps Hill Top ever-green. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Larmen Mrs. Fritz Marti, ai Shaw'" are aduits who will valuntariiy* * * and family, South Managhan, who toid us maxiy interesting go back to read the aid series. And wili you ever forget tîîat visited at F. Samnis'. and informative things abau ***story about the litte engine that Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Simp- the beautiful, island aofamaica And speaking af the stoies Knew-îtt.ud get up the hill? son had tea with the G. Bow- which is er native land. we read when we were young As each new class af tots comes man's, Sunday. wî , remindam aiA .Mnes aong the publishers bring out Our W.A. meetitig wl B owir Rosemary Merkley of famnous bean calied "Winniîe the "The Little Engine That Couid" held at the home af Mrs. G. Mi niLe a ccragpanied 1» Pooh", and af ail those delight- UP until now the author has Bawman, Wednesday, Dec.. ss Leta BagandM gtw i fui littie characters Beatrix pot- been unknown. Meeting xviii stant at 2 a'clock. a Rase". ter wrate about at "Hill Top," Grosset and Duniap, however, Ail ladies weicome. Mný. Ripiey thanked ail wlin her Lancashire farmn. There was have provexi that Mrs. France had taken part in the evening's the "Tale ai Peter Rabbit" anid M. Fard wrote the story axid The Christian graces are like activities. taies about Mrs. Tittiemouse, many others like it under the perfumes, and the mare they Mn. and Mns. Howard Hood Samn Whiskers, Jeremy Fisher pen name "Uncle Nat". The are pressed, the sweeter they newly-weds of the cammunity. and even 50 many others. Miss littie engine taie was written 43 smeli; . .. like trees, which, the wene called ta the piatform and Patter wrote the Peter Rabbit years ago, and now for the first more they are shaken, thp presented with an occasianal stary for the children af ber aid turne the 101-year-oid author deeper the root they take, and chair, coifee table and bon bon gaverness and at the age of 36 who lives in Philadeiphia, xiii the mare fruit they bear.- dish. The young couple made she published it berseif because receive royalties for her story. Francis Beaumont. very fittirig replies. ti- in in e re a le 1 Y OTHER WaIfle irons and Sandwich Grills 0 IÇ6 cAlqAnTAM owmàmvo% 23.951 IRONS 17.51 ý-ý $24095 27.95 TOASTERS 3 1 5.95 6.00- 7.95 Come KY a# s %0-%O-Tdw t

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