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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Dec 1955, p. 1

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w 4U4bnrn. "Durham 'Couneys's ret Faimily Journal" VOLJ3E 101 BOWMANVI.LLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8th, 1955 t4te~m~m 10e -E.R OPY NMBR49 New Faces on Coun cil When Over 40 Perce nt 0f Elecf ors Go fo--Polis There wîll be two new faces on the 1956 Bowmanvîlle Town Council following the municipal election on- Monday. whlch saw a fairly good turnout o! voters for a civic contest. Normamn J. Scott, a council member during'1952 and 1953, but who had not1 run in 1954 or this year,, headed the poli with 884 votes. Keith Lathangue, a newentrant in civic poiitics, made a very good showing in bis first bid by poiling 806 votes - the fourth highest total Fogr councillors who served during 1955 were re-electcd: Coun. Jick Brough polled 876 votes, Coun. Lloyd Preston received 824, Coun. Dave Higgon 801, and Coun. Tom Rehdcr 773. John Regan, who served on the 1955 council, failed in bis A. H. "Ab" Sturrock, who neccivcd 679 votes; Glenholme Hughes, wha polied 513 ballots and William C. Kilpatrick, who rcceived 283 votes. 43 Per Cent Cant Ballots A total o! 1,485 ratepayers cast their ballots, an increase o! 459 votes aven Iast yean. Pencentage o! eligible voters ta go ta the polis was 43.36 compared ta only 3 1.32 per cent last ycar and 27.56 per cent in 1953. Mayor Nelson Osborne had been re-ciected by acclamation 'ar- 2ott, ýon, zon ;ed, ,me C. )ss nd las R. ,.) y' V. I#LECTI ON RESULTS Town of Bowmanvllîe k Myor-..Nelson E. Osbor (acci.) Reeve..SmnyLitte (acci.) Depu"ty.RevevýWifrd Cm Councillors-Norman J. sco Jack Brough, Lloyd Presto -Keith Lathangue, David Higg4 and Thomnas Rehdcr;- de! cate A. H. Sturrock. GlenhoIn X!ughes, John Regkan, Wm. lilpatnick. Village Of Newcastle Reeve-Douglas Cunninighar defcated,. J. Harry Jase. COuncil...Frank HoarRoi Dickinson, Brenton Rickard an Fred Cauch, defeatcd, Farr combe LeGresley. School lBoard-John Rickaî% .Irvin McCullough and DouglE Walton, de! eatcd, Rev. D.1 bewdney. Township of Clarke Reeve-Jas. T. Brown (accl. (DeputY-Reeve - Earl Walke, acol.) Council-.Hartweîî Lower Fred Lovekin and Russell Sa' ery; defeated, Ernest Dent. Village o! Orono Police Trustees-Roy Forres ter, Harry Mercer and Rober .Rutherford; defeatcd, Josepl Walker. Percy M. Lunn and Ro) Winters. Township o! Darllngton Reeve-Roy W. NichaIs (acci.) Deputy-Reeve - Garnet B XUickard; de!eated, Cynil H, Mumford. Councîl - Arthur Blanchard, Charles Osborne and Ross Stev- ens; defeated, Wm. Brown. Townsip o! Manvers Reeve-ýEari Argue; defeated, X. John Payne. Deputy.Reeve-Lotiis McGill (accl.) Coundilý - Henry Jakemnan, HBrveY Malcolm and Robert Brow n; de!eated, Clarence Brown and F'enton Failis. Comnplëte coverage o! results appear elsewhere in this issue. Our 'Apologies Fot, Reversing Town Officiais We uh4cerely regret any leOmbairanament cauhed te ý,BOWMsanVlIte8 Reeve Sid. Litte, and DeP.-Reeve Wil- frid -Carruthers due te an trror In last week's States- man. In the front page -sketch O! municipal edec- tienS throughout the dis- trict, their Present offices Weru -reversed, resultlng In a n inaccurate promotion for Mr. Carruthers and a demotion for Mr. Little. It should have read: Reeve- Sidney Little; De'p ut y Reve--Wlfrid Carruthers. No word of MnY other er- rors has reached us- to date First Fatality Occurson 401 E..arly S.D. Day The first fatality in Canadai en Safe Driving Day lastE Thursday, December il took Place at 2:15 a.m. three miles West o! Newcastle where High- way 401 narraws fromý four lanes ta two before joining NO.a 2 Highway. Earl M. Black, 29, o!Newcw Toronto, was kilcd instantiy C when his car smashed into a t Strathdee transport truck driven tj by Dieu D. Gervais, 27, o! Toronito. Force o! the crashc ripped .the body o! the west- bound Black car completcly off its chassis. The cab o! the Pl transport was badly wreckcd andp Gervais .was thrown out onto l the pavement but escaped in- a jury. There were no passen- Y gers #i ither vehicle. .Cortitables Don Foulds and ci Bruce Tilîson o! the Bowman-1- ville O.P.P. detachment îestI igated tt S crash.in e t Kinsmen MakE Payment For Ice Debenture Ai their last regalar meet- Ing*,theflownanville Kins- men Club voted the siam of - S2,2de toward making the 1955 benture paiment on the arlifelal lot installation ai th. Eowmanville Memor- MaI Arens. Vice-Presldent Don Me- Gregor expalhed - that the total debenture payrnent fer the yea.r anmunted te $3.245 but that the Are... Manage- ment Commttee had turned aver $1.000 profit realized, &»ring. tht last season, te az Council. thereby re- tiamount ot the ,.= stpyment. The club in oommitted te maklng thee tbSflture paysuenta «eh ytar .utlI 1963, when thet0 oef !tht Installation ,wili be pald off. This year's >ia&ymeat la tht third made I - g - - - Dutch. Chiidren Enjoy-,-.Santa Ciaus Day Chmbr omoperating As Sonta's Mail, Men The. Bowmanville Chamber an an .swer before hAms of Commerce has recently so I have arranged for ail of been in touch with none other them to be collected by than Santa 'Claus himself and the, Bowmanvile Chamber of, talked, qver Christmas pron- -Commerce. lem wiOnta ase genil old fel. AUl letters mailed to me ia le*. care of the Bowmanville Sat*a worried that some Chamber flot rater than Dec. o f the letters written to him 19 will be rushed te me at Toy- by the Sroungsters of Bowman - land by speciel messengers so ville might go astray, and to that 1 will have time to reply prevçnt anything like this -froiin and. even more important - happening, the Chamber a- bring the' right gifts with me greed to co-operate with him. when 1 niake mny rounds on They have asked The-Canadian Christmas Eve Statesman to publish th~e fol- lowing letter from Santa Claus Address your letter to Santa to he oysand gils f Bw-Claus, c/o Bowmanville Cham- manvthe:by n.gil fBw ber of Commerce, and be sure DalearBy ndGrs to sign your name and address I earnBoyorandeGilst:om so that I will be able to find the letters from boys and girls y31. in Bowmanville go astray or Your Old Friend, do flot reach me in time for Santa Claus. Discuss Purchasing New0 Lighf Truck for TÔwn a açuti, t iau ughn,'Lboyd kPreston, Keith Lathangue'-,vDay] )Atterfnlmeigof the$ Higgon and Tom Rehder will make up the 1956 Towa oucl 'Y~~w To o u neme ber vilae Tuwsday nihtBom an- The Bowmanville Public School Board will consist el Nvefl earwhng heceauyaSe vce Station Howard Jeffery, Norman O'Rourke and Robert Mutton, har see if sufficient money remained serving out the final year o! two-year terms; and William Jam-es, prcmhse yar' h ationpik-t a s Arthur Hooper and Clarke Wilson, who 'are starting the firs purhae haf-onpic-u G s'Purnp IS ear of two-year terms. Mr. Wilson is the only new member e tukt eused in spreading Sehba ee 1956 Board, having been elected by acclamation when George sahd ans aitonehe AwnVinish did flot seek office again. * Coun. Jack Brough feit that R A serlous fixe and possible W. R~oss 1StrikeC, was rc-elected by acclamation fo. L ast Friday at the L ions C entre the D utch C anadians ' held their Santa C laus s'nialî truck w as urgently nced - e ra r w y a e t ..e rt r i o he B w a vl e P bi tlt e o m si n day. In the afternoon, Santa Claus paid his visit, accompanied by two Black cd for mniner sanding operationj explosion wereraroîyae t hwear term on the B..C o ranvi re.liMUiltie on mmîotand Peters. The three children shown above are, Ieft to right: Rickey Bouwmna Rita taosave sending out the large ed by the preserice 0 of d o thayr Nemsnbr n te.UCfo196ae itoJ.Eio.n Van Heiningen an~d Margo Van Heiningen. Santa Claus is Martin Wingel and the tw rc nsc os eDc cngt evc tto ao esnObre i Black Peters are Harry Vanderbeit and Chris Van Heiningen. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. get a.good buy on a 1 mo5*r wne r f.Hmpon ht en on e Flstein r the resu of Montayl vot in, wlth can De e t g o g riz d t e p ry ett over in a dealer's show- o!. his gs pumpa caughtfire ddtsîse n te od r o oa oe cev D en-e-------i-dt he-a t- ro o m . e a rly W e d n e sd a y . ev en in g . A W e st W a rdN o h W rdo th W r S elect T reetJud es Perm itshForru st - by -Ernie Knapp North Bow- NO.i1 2A 2B No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 1 2A 2B Total e S e ect Th r e J u g esPer its or nd trees Cmmiteehas used manville, had just filed up Scott 85 67 84 107 73 89 150, 144 85 884 Sup its budget 'but enough mijght witli gas andýwas pulling away Brough 101 101 99 127 102 101 112 63 70- 878 1N e cr 1f~ ~ ~ ew~ Building othér committees ta make the he was towing caught the pumpl Preston 80 83 88 123 104 96 130 49 71 824 9 purchase onCekAlk vihi sblivdsotcr athangue 75 95 95 97 95 94 111 ý70 73 805 Up $88,440 thathe wouid know cuited the* wires starting teUic n 0 8 1 1 9 04 à 5 1 0 Fosowun ile lIo 'es Rfecigeotiudgt m~ors or Pravicae. Red bis 8f1051115l12a93 44 got7 stliin oe vial. * Mr. lI!cknight quickly warn- Sturrock .76 77 95 98 87 82 82 40 42 679 o onavle tevleo M orNelson Osborne sug.; o! the way and then used the -~ge 2 4 1*7 8 5 2 4 1 *1 The Bowmanvillc Chamber Sheer size' and brilliance, in building permits issued dri gest aCucl hud e fire çxigihr n coh Regan 39 - 29' 50 ý5I 44 4 _56,-~ 4- 8 of _,Commerce has aplnounced ~Willin am. é a-tËr rtceâ"W- 1T9"tÏiucFfs fro', tt 't~eXtiguIsÊft-- flcth e . 26 K24 8ri2 that Mft* 'H'wâld W Jef .1four dealers in Bowmanviîîe: then used the tow truck to puil Miss Dora Purdon and R. '.cgîin lo h oe fta h au !pris- Roy W. NichaIs, Robson Mators, the pump off the pipeline lead. Hamflyn have volunteered to men cngaged in s lling electri- sued 'during 1954, without in- Phîlmer Motor Sales and Cowan's ing to the gas tanks. tour the town and select the cal supplies and ight bulbs cluding.schooî construction dur- Farm Equipment Supplies. On When Bowmanvlle Volun- B y La ws to, R egulate home, which, in their opinion, wil not be eligible. ototeTwClrwainte FeBigdrivafw is best decarated in kecping The exterior decorating lo ing the two years. mtionte tonac h eler s minute fer Fire riga e.areaae with the Christmas Season. homes at the Christmas Seasoîî This information was' con- and obtain prices on 1955 and moned, the gas pump was tll Judging wili be conducted dur- is rapidiy becoming a popuiar tained in the annual building 1956 haîf-ton and three-quarter- mudr f r cngh sE e trical O perations itah3en prizo e ! $2 5.0 olkAmcricam ta custom thatthereport presented by Building <Continucd on age ninteen) Icovred with insurance. be awarded the winncr by the Chamber of, Commerce sccks Inspecter Clarence Oke at the p r' eby Cu c l Each decarated home wiil be through its annuai award. It cil Tuesday nîght.*H g S ho l R b e judged on the basis o! artistie is hoped that a majority of His report showed that per A by-law ta regulate the op- ta do electrîcal work without m ent, originalîty, ingenuity in citizens wili seize this oppar- mits to the valu e o! $625,00ot) A A .s of ee trc l c nt a - in a e hi h i d sg e utilizing the natural features of tunity ta exercise their artis- (less schools) werc issued this E iviMnd y orning torsansdo!electrcal cn o tapy tmg a fevenîc ites-ind the house or garden, and con- tic talents, ta beautify aur ycar compared to $536,640 (les WUmEUn7 tors ad eletinsin nB o al putatmon even temstwit formity with the spirit of town, and ta spread the spirit shoals) in 1954. A permit far Thieves who broke into the' school is being finisbed. The what conditions electricians busines~s tax ta the town. On Christmas. loi Christmas. $490,000 was issucd for the ad- BaWmanvilîe D is t r ict Hîgh petty cash box in the temporarýy and electrical cantractors froni motion this fee was set a~t $5 dition ta the Bowmanvilîe High School late Stinday nîght or office was rified and a small oto oncnoeaeLifreetia pcait oin Scbool duning 1954. This year early Monday marning evident..- amount taken. Nothing cisc was ot f alw asgn perae in f or ctrca specialinst allain pA S Iermit for $76,000 was grant- ly ooking for cafeteria mony stolen and no other damage done. Bowmgsand pe as ieb Tn t io in aoronsetc.,a nstall5 rI7~~~ ~~e ap the addition ta the ad- or cash rcccivcd fnom the High Suei e oia P r z i n n p l s dition. School oeetastagcd at the Sue de oidy Cucla tsDcme et or otatrcon g in',, o lr es ol IEievenrnone penmits werae Town HalFia night werc ré- The break-in was net the onîy iiig Tuesday night. d wiring or otain wrk yer ha ~ 95.wanded with onîy a smaîî worry faced by the Principal on, The by-law is a standard one Coun. Lloyd Preston asked G row n ýon rees S oldThe figure for this year was amount of petty cash. The Monday, since the new ail frn- which the Electrical Contnac- how the1 by-iaw would affTect 147, comparcd ta 136 in 1954. maney taken in from the caf- accs were not working properly tors' Association bias sent ta ail "amateur" or non-qual.ified 1 a r onTeaîreieliago eria anfd te ereta ab a ad -the laoms wee tocold city ad ta ncotrîis in On- clectricians who do wrn RapidResientia GrDippbeli aedPinipdent.fo csweres ethoeld foThe u ai na nevu't e j oka ieiet eu thetan s cflctd n he Thc thief or thieves used a day. This was the sçcond time uiom sadrsars the ob Coun. oHigin rcp orea It. is intcrcsting to learn ta neeti iscsoesadfct tha 1pt t er sudlde fo h osrc in nabout two wceks that the aprovip rfortedefinaspreatiwhore nby-a robiits aoed the trees wbich gnçw the North- thesoc od ta thcm. No anc for dweliings and 36 for gar- work naw going on'at teschool tudent bad ben sent omeec- sto sol at the shooegistered hjourneymenehomi-ctnician fnom doing such worl;. cm Syapples winning the would tbe happier tban Bill ta ages. Another 26 permits were ta0 g ain c ntry tlyougb a cîass- for this reason. ectricians and registcred mas- Fines for contravening the enSweptk tth oa Wne now tat hs euiu nz-gatdfratntosada-room window on the wcst side PicplDippeil states that ter electricians and provide', regulations of the by-law are Earfrthe gnowers, Wilfrid winning apples came from ditions ta homes, garages and o!tesho.Tehocdoe e has ben assured by the arch- for qualification o! workens in1 $10fotefntofnc ad Carnuthers and Son, came from Downhami trees. Mns. Paterson commercial establishments in the lackcd classroomn door ta get itccts and contractors now comn- the electricai trade, from $1l 5 ta $501 for the secondi a Bowmanville nursery 17 years t hou g ht that S t ates ma n the town. Six sufiporches, ane into the main part o! the build- pleting the work on the new ad-. (C nud an Page seven) ago. readers would be intercsted ta cottage andci fve sheds were ing and aiso the door into the dition ta the High School that One of the stipulations o!fu berplasue n tiscontrctc drin te yanif auditorium, wherc the office is the furnace trouble will be cor- tbe by-law is tbat no rcgistercd Mrs. W. L. Paterson, when Shr e a k inadisd aIl peuri take uyear located while the addition.ta the rectcd as soon as possible. master electnician or clectrical :o g atltig Mn nd M s. t e ge and'. i nd y a vs d al p r is t k n o t ec nr co h l p rt co a u trs r and on Boso the e i o . B l was Vice-Pres - uscd. A perm it was grantedi o m n l e u l s h ha a Go r e Ml w op awardrs 'anatotheaFaon tas ident o! the Downham Com- for one demolition - the work reua paeo bsnssesl ,oip talar nthon at the arees pany at thc time o! bis death. of tearing down the buildincs n talied by Fatiier Ba nvilalefunlcsastbee bana ývhich grew the Northern Spies Mn. Carruthers confirmed the whene the new Post Office will bearing a sign wt etrn »s Id 'ra ,ame from the H. C. Down amn information and said that the be erected. fo es ta be n hs hg o t s l1rer otM. Cw a n thees aresntob inas9bonthe strucion mothe wuiemt nematerletncan.treichsh n v i l l , a n ds t a t i n g t h a t h e i s a r e g i s t c n e d vereso ahl Mrbybe runtheshad i mms hn t ahs sorn ta he vlue ! $ls,90 beiAfect LciantrcosT.B .S tdnscm He str ction onth ith p oýt'S a fe ty o t s ate Bill Paterson who was man- wudhv hr ntî sud n k' excellent ne- iger o! the company here for 20 onchard in future years. And sa pont was adopted by councîl. Con akBog selimîedniesda ntepe rars. he bas, this ycar beîng part o o pi a e Hig f cont lmiar est 'pone subje tefirin wbcn the Spies on these pi hepovison f peakn sn on!mmhetoo a er ona st keo ! h e ai ~ mit, he the rgisen.d eantion ssition es be As al wo kew Bll atesontreé ne ony wo th Swep-by-law, how this would affect o! industrial safety. sponsorea ancnim e okaproalsàeo h Fi.Coa roup's ~Herbert Goddard and Duncan by the Industniai Accident Pre- ~/1an S ree D e ora ed int r C ncet -master lectricians in the tow. George Maiow o! Grade XII Coun. Higgon neplied that Mn. was the winncn aven Garry Goddard was entinely in fav,în Humpi-i though bath boys o! the by-law bcing passed and gave excellent speeches accord. I-Iere To-n ighlt that Mr. Smith had toldhim is ing tethe judges, 0. J. Presson, 4/if h Trees and Lighfs The Witer Concert of the does net plan ta do any mor-e1 vear 'lire &Rube . he!e heldlas nihtandagan t- Oe iporantprovision f Goodyar staff, nd Vince ýn C hristmnas Spirift' snight hus afld agîthTo the by.law is hat registered Mathewson o! the B. H. S. tah Hlfeatures a vanîety o on atrectr caso lcrcligsaf The Retaîl Merchants Coni ebr !teRtîlM"rui. Tecpbledîrecnotcmeit Bwanil manville schoal las taken part musi . T e ca a l conracors from out o! towrî This is the finit time the Bow. hamber o! Commerce bas cd the trees fromn the Christmas This year there are numbers ain taken the initiative oay trce planting o! Ken Nicks anid by amale chorus and ladiei' curaîngBowanvil main 1helped wîth *the *-.-.. wîilcarnpete agaimas twinners of this sectioni which consists cf Whitby, Ajax, Oshawa and Bow- mariville. Winner o! this sec. tion, cailed the Oshnawa Seé.ýionI I will cOMPete in thediion comprising fou;r sections fra-n Napanee ta PicKr:ei-g and forth ta Lind ;--and Pcic,-borough. jThere arc 10 ()-'os n. taria and +i, wamuer of c-ach diivision. wilIe compete for the provincia ltile. This student ivill neccive a substantial prize and will spcak at the annualcon. vention o! the Industrial Ac, cident Prevention Associations aV the Royal York Hotel in April, Naturally. Bowmanville h .ope# that George Marlow. who inaa son o! Mrs. Edith Marlow, 20 George St., will go throug~ the top. George is a QC4en'I Scout, the hlghest awaa-d o0 h BoY Scoi&ta p 5 r e w IL n o auS.î sivered a f reen, A t oop er, Lloyd Scocc'lapggeChiîqýa Ken NcksJohysStutt, Aee lare Citnxatree has MrrayLarmer, RayLcthan- bee erctd bsid Uc Pstgue and Jack Lander. The Office and decorated with the treeu wer sp Y.pstd colored electric ights purchas- Lloyd Pretnan rctdb cd by the Chamber last year. the workers of the Roads and Trees have also been put tiP Streets Department. at the four corners of the. The out-o!-pockct expenses King -Temperance Streets in- of the project bas been under-' tersection and decorated with writtcn by the Chamber o! colored lights. Silvercd Scotch Commerce but the merchanis pines have been attached to the on the front street between electnic ligbt standards ini tha Scugog and George Street have business section. been asked ta donate $2.00 each Merchants are free to decor- toward it. The Chamber basi ate the trees in front o! their also donated a pnize o! $25 fori Istores and they are also asked the private home in Bowman. t0 co-operate with the#Chamn ville whicb. in the opinion o! ber by decorating their win- a iudging commîttece is best1 dows as attractively as poss- decoratcd in keeping with the ibi. loirthUe Chriatmaa scasoi. Chiritmua taon. b Ch de( dIJU î ant electmons by the wholce group o! around à0 voîces, aineluding numbers ',s- pcciail apprapniate ta tlîe Christmas season. Some of these are "And The Glorv o! The Lord" by Handel, "Fimst Christmas Mlorn" by Newtonî, Ber]in's even popular 'White IChristmas," and ta conclud.-, the "Hallclujah Chorus" from Handel's Messiah. The three moloists who bave sUJ29 with the Society ait forni- er concerts fanm part of the -chorus *this year but do not appear in a solo capSLiity. They are Hilda Veenstra, Norma Martin, and Robert Bygrave. The program offers- a de- lightful variety o! ýfine music. There are no reserved seats. Curtain tÀne las 8jUp.m. For the second consecutive year, Durham Lodge No. 66, A.F. & A.M., at Newcastle, had the rare distinction of seeing its Worshipful Master installed by his father. Last year, it was John Rickard who was p ut through his paoes by his father, Ex-M.P. W. Frank Rickard. On Tues- day night, Wallace Holmes, age 67, installed his 4l-year-old son, John Charles, as Durham's Worshipful Master for the coming year. Mr. Hoinies Sr. was Master of this Iodge in 1926, after joining in 1919. His' son joined ini 1944. Both Jive on the sanie farin on the Lake shore. THANK YOU It in ver>' gatlylngte ous at ThteS8tema office te recelve renewals from go many subscrf bers authibs time o! lear.. Already, many citizens and former remidents have renewed subscriptions for the conmlng year, as ivell aS Seudlng an ever increas- Ing number o! gif t subscrlp- doens te friends and relatives. We hope that during tht next year we can Justif y Feur trust b>' turning but an even bettes- Paper. We are ais. proud te state timat more ptupl. are now ZaId-in-advance subseribers ln ever before in t#e 101 Yftr histôry «.tTht Cganad"a stattamaa. A i d I fi id of re n. 't il I~ 5:

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