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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Dec 1955, p. 9

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Orono W.A, and W.M.S. HoId Joint Meeting The Chrisîas meeting of very kindly trucked ta the De- 'the AflernoonAuxiliary o! tle pot by Mr. Don Tennant. W.M.S. and the W.A. was held Other donations from W.A. Jointly on Tues. afternoon Dec. were given as foliows: $15.00 ta 6 ini the Sunday School Aud4t- Mission Band; $15.00 ta Ex- Orium. plorer's. $10.00 ta Junior Con- Mrs. E. R. Rainey, president gregation; $10.00 ta Poliomy:i- of the W.A. presided for the lis; $50.00 applied ta the allo- opening service, beginnîng witn cation of this charge ta new hymn "As With Gladness Men building. at Albert College, of Old", after which Mrs. Rain- 1 Belleville; $150.00 ta M. & M. ey-,read an appropriate cal m. fund o! our church. Wcýfhip and led in prayer. Th.-!I Mrs. V. Robinsan, on behaif riding secretary, Miss E.' of thc nomination committee Peffiund then read the min- brought ini a slate o! officers utes which were very compiete for 1956. and interesting and showed Mrs. M. .1. Tamblyn, speaking ,ruch activity ini this impar- from the Evangelistic Mission, 4ant %.ork. The treasurer's re.- asked the members ta pray, ta port by Mrs. Cornish, tbld us set a statcd lime each day for there was a net profit of $446.82 prayer. This was seconded by on aur turkey dinner. Mrs. R. Hancock and unani- It was maved by Mrs. Robin- mausly carried. iol, seeondcd by Mrs. Logan Mrs. M. Hi. Staples tIen pre- that we send ta thc Clurch sided for tle W.M.S. service. Treasurer, Dr. Maoncy, $20.0() In thc business period Mrs. ta lelp pay shipping charges Cobbicdick, recording secre- çn Bales ta Korea, which werc tary, gave a summary o! min- --- tes reviewing the minutes from September. The Treasur- 1 CAWT rU( WNOW. JANE - er's report was given by Mrs. HAETOMRY OW""O Armstrong. Mrs. Staples thexn 1 AE IU RRN' s, 1 read a lette r from Presbyterial Iout allocation for 1956. For Or- LOVELL'S - ana Auxiliary $775.00 is sg gested. 1o00 My CWRISYMAC A letter o! thanks was re-c SWOPIwG IrsTWE 05T by supply secretary, Mrs. Wood SHOPING!UTS E MOT .f rom Dr. Hunniset af the Fred CONVENIENr PLACE TO 5SIOP Victor Mission. Mrs. Staples IOR 114E ENTIRE FAMIL'! read a ictter a! ilanks from Mrs. Siemon on behlf o! Mr. and Mrs. White, Bownianviiie. *A shawer o! gifts for Christmas -is being planncd for next Tues- day in conjunction with the' t W.C.T.U. meeting. The slate of officers for 1956? wias read by Mrs. Robinson. l Mrs. Porter spoke on literature and asked for reading lisîs ta J be handed in naw. Aan v.'rv imrnts to th -uly -,pessiv- o-s-ip£vîinh maeprovementasgrta ltheHplY a sealer coat and polish ýiodan apropiatecan et ero h eeos a llo hetsavil ego h which mnd a dgae l i h e an t l - H l f î e a m n il e i new terrazzo floor recently in- od a appaprite andl gen andgav himîle Sana Branch were reported at the stallecd inîlbae nt tiservice was taken by. Claus" claracter we ail know ruarmeigo Thsdy Pprt h airmantEn Tamblyn, assisted by other today. rýua etn nTusa rpry Cara rî nbers and interspersed with It is said that Saint Iicholas, night o asi weRiharsk. Perfect reported that he had istimas carols and a îaveîv .a.mSecretary Ron Richards ste- repaired two doors and installed tb Mrs. \E. R. Raineyam amnofgetvru andI~ ted that hie had heard from the new 1ocks. He also stated thati ty becm e st atro si Terrazzo Mosa;c and Tile Com- Comnrade Art Smith had buit bh os ofhaen h rsedt ifi I pany of Toronto and they two very attractive tropîy c..- he soen omaric Asiyaroi)- woulid be sending a man ta ap- ses and donc much additional bcr-innkeeper wvhile they wer' carpentry work in the base- enraute ta schoal at Athens. It usiness îetr ment room. President Ross Me- is said that hie was warncd of_______________ Knight thanked Comfrade the crime in a dream, but wvas Smith on behaif of the branch unable ta reach the inn in time Acc o un ta n cy for his very valuable services. ta preventth murders. Hf.- The Branch is also consider- restored the boys ta li,,e M. J H. COGGINS ing buying a rheostat for the thraugh prayer and the mur- Clartered Accountant lighting systcmn in the main ~derer confcssed is crime. 64 King St. E. Bowman'ille auditorium so that the lighs (Above Garton's Bus Station) may be dimmed ai dances and f If 0 -64 King Street E. ather social functions. BIT ARYJ. HUTNTER AND COMPANY Hockey Team In Action Certified Public Accountants Sports Chairman Bill Bates Following a short illness the, Successors taO0. S. Hbbs sorcd by the branch lad play. death accurred at the Oshawa e d. two exhibition games and General Hospital an Tlursdav, would be playing a league December 8, of William Wool- Ch r o p r a c ~c game at home the following ner, 106 Cromwell Avenu.',-- Wednesday. Comrade Bob Cale Oshawa, in his 53rd year. G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. qucstioned whethcr thc 75-cent Born in Darlingtan townshirnCiorco charge for this gamne and a on July 31, 1903, thc deceased Office- hrprco Midgei game was toa high, but was a son of the late Charles Spccialtv Paper Products Bldg. Camrade Bates pointed out that Wolnr ndM mta Ruiedin 63. Temperance Street the Legion las no contral over MrPlane MAwas a-5509inwhat prices arc charged for the p O ffie ous:Juveniles' games. Don Masters ~ i"tiiiWestmount United Church. DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. ta naine a Service Officer. Pre- cr t oïAI lVJ He leaves ta mourn his pasi- Office: Jury Jubile Bldg. sident McKnight stated that he ing his wife, tle former Muriel 40 King St. W. Bowmanville lad donc considerable work in Morris. Also surviving are two Office Hours: this connection during thc paýýt sisters, Mrs. Mary Lamon of 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily twa years and had become in- Oshawa and Mrs. A. Duprie 9 a.m. ta 12 faon Saturday terested in il. He voluntecred (Barbara) of Bowmanvillc and 'Closed Sunday ta act as Service Officer for five brothers, Gardon o! Belle- Office Phone MA 3-5790 .1956 and on motion o! Comrade ville and Caulson, Peter, Frank Hause Plane - Newcastle 3551 Bates he was appointcd to the and Walter af Bowmanville.-Poion The funeral service was held DUC. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S.poion a t the Luke-Mclntosh Funeral Office in his home Treasurer Jack Rice's report Home December 12, followed 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville slowed the branch in gaod' fi- by interment in theOc aw Office Haurs: ncilodtonat h yaI Union Cemetery. Rev. D. Sum.- 9 a.m. ta 6 P.m. dailv end. mers, minister of Westmount 9ia.. ta 12 faon WednesdayBaqe nDnc Uned~~cs Church, conducted theI Cl ased Sundav Entertainnient Clairman Jjim secs .Phane MA 3-5604 Firth reported on plans for the j banquet and dance ta be heldI (an ' 7R. C. F. CATT'RAýN, D.D.S. on January 14 '4n place of a hnPaurRicter I Office New Year's dance. He also sta- i Stafford Bros. 23 King St. E. - Bowmanviîîe ted that the monthly dances Office Hours: would continue in 1956. I9 a.m. to 6 P.m. daily Comrade Perfect informed Mqonuamental Works 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Saturday the members that a Christmas C]osed Sunday Bingo for turkeys and special Phone Whltby Telephane: Office MA 3- ac5t45e9wol b el I MOhthe -3552 tIcbingo evening o Dunds S. E. WhtbyL e g a December 21. Branch cribbagye FINE QUALITY ~ and euclre tourniamenis for MONUMENTS AND SRIEadSRK ebr ilso e ne Of .Mea9rarn Barristers, Solicitors way and comrade Charlie Stir-e Precise workmanship and Notaries Public was named ta look after île I careful attention to detail W. R. Strike, Q.C. euchre are' vour assurance wîen A. A. H. Stri1ke. B.A. _ The recommendation of th'c VOU Cloose from tle wide 40 King St. w. - Bawmanville Executive Committee that th1i selectian of imparted and I Teleplone MA 3-5791 namnes of members stili in ar- ti c e m o d é -a t o ti o d a d o m sti c G r a i t e s a n dr e a r s f o r 1 9 5 5 d u e s b e p o s te a i dmesi rnies anstck LAWVRENCE C. MASON, B.A. in the Hall was passed by the __________________________ Barrister. Solicitor members. Notary Public It xvas reported that Comn- King St. W. - Bowmanville 1 rade Dave Alldread was in poor. Phones. Office MA 3-568J helt ad lIai Comrrade Jaek LL ST RIO RSResidence MA 35553 hihphsberlaedfo LL S O E O U SJOHN REGAN, B.A. reminded niembers ta give frBarrister opy Chairman Pete Bath- 1 fo -Notary Public gaie tIc namnes o! a veterans in D ecernber 1955 hn A3-2233 cnb et hita asisudbyteMISS APHA 1 HODGINS _______ is isued b theBar' ister, Solicitor* lerchants Committes Temperance St.Public vile gypt Sai of heMorga es O rigin of1 CHANER 0 COMERCELEROY HAMILTON - ORONO Te First mortgage funds Christmas T e Residences - Farms Legend has it that the Christ- Wv ed. Thurs.. Fri. Sat. Business Properties mas îree originated in Egypt, The Germans brought the KEITH A. BILLETT trce ta America, however, as; 1 #in6g1 Optometrist they aIra introduced it ta En'î- 8:0.n:00 p m 9:00 .M. 141 Kn St. E. - Bowmanville l and. Thc German Prince Al- Telephone MA 3-3252 Jbert, consort of Qucen Victoria, Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. introdued the firsi irce into Mandav ta Saturday Engiand wlen le lad a tree exeept Wednesday, 9 - 12 for his yaung daugîter. 2 -1 2 2 1 73. 2 4Evenings y Appoinment. Martin Luther is said ta have 9.0 m. P: .. :0 p m.brought tle first Christmas 9:00 p.as JOHN A. OVENS trec indoors for decoration OPtometrist early in the l6th century. Jury & Loveil Bowmanville 'w~ "pbe commcmarating a centuries-: 1. Piino unin 1aid Arabian legcnd lIat relates how plant.g blossomed and is out for handy reference Professional Piano Tuning flowered and trees miraculous',. peri lighi Mrs. mer __________________duet stren tkto mo0di ~qttîcc0 Ti heJ-buseC Yen who think o tomorrow Practi BQWMANVI I Mon1h 'of DO WMAN VILLE Sun. Mon. Tues. 18 1920 __________ 9:00 .m. :0p n c'ed Cloed 25 2627 _________ Ai Day Ail ay Please clip thi. THE CANAÀDIANq STA Mrs. Cobbledick. Mrs. M. H. Staples accompanied on the piano. The Christmas offering *as then received., The meeting closed with an Indian carol sung by Mrs.' Drùmondand a cup of tea adscai time vas.- enjoyed. The Orono United Church Woman's Association Officers for 1956 are as fallows: Past President, Mrs. C. Dun- can; President, Mrs. E. R. Ramn. ey; lst Vice President, Mrs. Harold Allen; 2nd Vice Presi- dent, Mrs. W. Hoar; 3rd Vice President, Mrs. C. Taylor: Re- carding Secretary, Mis E. Pen- found; Corresponding Secrc- tary, Mrs. W. Stutt; Treasurer, Mrs. Annie Carnish; Convenc~r Devatianal Cammittee, Mrs. R. Allin. Press Secretary, Mrs. C. Wood; Canvener Kitchen an-I Praperty Committee, Mrs. W. Hoar and Mrs. L. Barrabail; tee, Mrs. V. Robinson. Pianist, Mrs. George Carson; Visiiting and Christian Fellawvship, Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn; Christian Edu- cation, Mrs. John Kitchen; Lit- erature and Christian Citizen- ship, Miss M. Davy; Christian Stewardship Mrs. Neil Rainey. Rev. A. Pinta Rikeira of An- gala, Africa will take the ser- vice on Sunday morning, Dec- ember 18. Virtue, Piety Traits of Saint Nicholas Saint Nicholas lived some 1600 years ago in Turkey whez-e he xvas for 17 years Bishop of Myra. 'roday', the place is known as» Demre, province of Antalya - where his church may still be found and one may Jacks ai ,Electio n 'TESMffl. BOWMAN VILE. Or4-rARzI3 nd Jilis HoId 'At Christmas Part y A large number of Jacks and Jackson. Dick Merkley led in1 JIls gathered recently in' the prayer. Ida Goddard favoured Sunday Schoal room of Trintty us with a reading "If I Had United Church for the final, Not Corne" by Nan Weekes. meeting. o! the club for the The programn which fallawed year 1955. cansisted of a piano duet by Ji The business session xvas pre- Lynn -Oke and. Jean Billet. sided aver by Gwen and Sain Little Lauraine White, Ros.e- Black with the main itemn be- mal-y Merkley, Donnie Jamie- ing the elcdtion of afficers for son, Brian Elston and James the New Year. Rasemary an:1 Dunn sang very sweetly, "Awav Dick Merkley were elected as in à Manger" and "If We Couid presidents for 1956. The execu- Go, ta Bethlehem", accampan-, tive wvrking with thern williled, by Rosemary Merkley at consist a! Lloyd and Arline, the piano. Ayre, Lynn and Elmer Banting, Mr. Collison led some of the Clarence and Eva Hockin, Ted mneibers af aur Church Junio)r and Joan Mann, Bud and Lynn Chý1r in two numbers, "While Oke, Merle and Emily Slute. Shepherds watched"' and "The Bea and Barney Vanstone; Shépherd had an angel". George and Helen White. Several members of the In-. Two new couples, Gardon termediate choir sang- "Sum- and Helen Lamant and Bernice merset Carol". These numbers' and Michael Puk were intr)- wefe -:ery much enjoyed by ail. duced ta the club -by Gwen This part of the programn clased' Black. with the singing of "Silent Night". The highlight af the evening With the singing of carols, was the Christmas devotional Santa arrived and gifts from and program which was pr._. the Christi-as trce were distri- pared by Keith Jackson and h:s buted ta each couple. committee. A delicious lunch was served The carol "O Came -Ail Ye by the committee in charge and Faithful" was sung followed liv the meeting closed wîth the the scripture read by Keitli singing of "Abide With Me". lmprovements tb Hall- Reporfed at Meeting 0Of Legion B ranch Here 'PXJE'AM INT OUR HOW O- rNT - 24 MONTHS TO PA Také Careful Precoution', Christmas Quizl 1. Why are cand.les used during the Christmas season? 2. Who gets credit for origin of the customn of hanging Christmas stockings? 3. Is Kris Kringle and Santa Claus the same? 4. A familiar plant to us- what is the golden bough? a. Whoi was Joel Poinsett? 6. Who sent the First Christ- mas cards? 7. Which state has a town namned Santa Claus? 8.-Legend says the crowni i thorns was fflaited froma whic.; Christmas plant? q*What dioes the name Kris Kringle mean? ,,Who xvrote "A Visit Front Saint Nicholas?" Answers 1. As symbols of the Star of Bethlehem. 2.* Saint Nicholas once dropped some coins dowa- the chimney of a poor family. The coins fell in a stackin.g hung up ta dry. 3. Kris Kringle is recognized as Santa's helper. 4. Mistletoe. 5. The American statesman who brought th-- poinsetta fromn Mexica. 6. Hen- ry Cole, an Englishman, i 1846. 7. Indiana. 8. Holly. P. Christ Child. 10. Clement1 Moore. The Christmas tree, long a festive symbol to people throu- ghout' the world, can become Rn instrument aof death and injury unless careful precauitions. are taken, warns the All Canada. Insurance Federation. Officiais of the Federatian, which represents more than 200 fire, automobile and casual- ty insurance campanies in Can- ada, said Christmas trees were definite fire hazards and should be choscen and used with ex- treme caution. In addition, care should be taken in the buying o! Christ- mas presents and decorations. Chemistry sets, firearms and toys requiring kerosene or other inflammable liquids should nat be given to youn', children. As a final safeguardl, use af these tavs should be su- pervised by adults. To help minimize the danger of fire and accidents during the Christmas seasan, safety ex- perts recommended the fol- lowing precautions: 1. Chaose a small tree; it isi less hazardous than a large one. 1 2. Keep trees outdoors as 11 long as possible; remove front the house when needles start to faîl. 3. Neyer place trees near daorways, staircases or f ire- places. 4. The safest foundation for a Christmas tree is a pot o! w.-- ter. 5. Keep burning cigarette%. cigars and portable fieaters away erom tree. 6. Christmnas présents should not be placed under tree uniil Christmas Eve: fancy wrap- pings should be eod soon as possible.* 7. Use electric lights for tre.e decarations, neyer candles. 8. When lights dry out trec needies, rearrange lights. 9. Be sure that electrical de. corations do not overload cir- cuits. 10. Decarative lights should be turned off when house As unoccupied. 11. Avoid the use af gauze- like cloth for children's party dresses. 12. When staves are being used heavily, avoid accumula- tion of grease iig avens and Look at -these Low Prices! TWG GONLY! 1955 Internafional Harvesfer REFRIGERATORS 8.1 Cu. Ft.'Freezer Across the Top REGULAR $329 ONLY $210 See the New 19 56 iNTERNATIONAL HARVESTER REFRIGERÂTORS NOW ON DISPLAY COFFIELD WASHER ~ with Pump ONLY $129 wilh your old washer Philips Te levis ion $210 $210moel Maony mih oode SER TupM ilfrom wi ch to choos eT - -- LOW IDOWN PAYNE AND 134 Ring St. E. THOR CL OTHES DRYER Conipletely Automatie ONLY $179 AUTOMoTIVE Tom Cow'an, Proprietor Bowmanville MA 3-568 I <* .4 f a t PAGE NDU m à &-te irÈVMTU

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