'r- y PAU Tm VItýJfen;MneComt I C.&sMLUi ETATEEXAN. EOWIgAUn = ' ONTAiU ' _________________ NEDY E.lt,15 C i O . . . . 1 ' r ~ . . ' I I A V i c o r J e f f r y ; M a s e C o m it. T k I * L ~ g * * u y b e v i , C h r is tin e E . iv ie c in sk i,a s w e b r t t o a . I 3 3 S i. i ui S ven? llfg VV.A . Luther Welsh. Si andis O f iIcial Sto Strikwerda, Port Hope. Christma DayiDwt h emsinc Mrs. Thonpson again thank- '.u 'a an Zwerus J. and Wilhelmin' Not AI ontda omisont dtr ed all those who had worked Ç n din r yW ar 11 BncoMryA lsn e w ith her during her tw o years 'ter, Jennie, T u tjle and Lena 1 V O 'da e f Ch i t naî ty Th tin ued c e p Ti uu e r. cahe first volume of the offi- him in the future." nom n il.f e ld D c 2al g e d up n D c m e V Jeffery, past pre sdent, c i . 1 i t r of t eEnd amh r y a d t e t r e v l o m a nv i e g r a p E lect 0 f ficers for 19 5 6 thanked the outgoing officr yi thel econd orl War urne istory is intended more ton; Jenneke -E. Jilisen, Teresa Christas was once liedt a be ublshe laer thi fo te gnerl rade thn Efr aa eiaber err Hp- e n hti w for two years of outstanding motalyh aaters t o the genrardaer or ltha tdn' o. _________ St. Paul's Evening W.A. held chase of new chairs for the work, paying partîcular tribute Ottawa has announced. Co.Sae n14 ulse .Rajski, Betay emnsal es eertde auLPPer meeting In the lecture choir loft. ta the wonderful work and and Aenne Vanderbeul, Burke- ferent date each year. rooni of the church Monday, Mrs. W. Teeple, president )f untiring efforts of the presi- .The 829-page book Is called the 354-page "The Canadian ton: William, Marie and Hen- St. Cyril, blshop of àeua lcrtadtuhacmlse Dec. 5th, when about60 r"Six Searsaof War"erand. the.Adent,1933-45."pItn.waixclasseofdrika aBa.,tHampton19M3-c5."lI]ema isaresponsibleBaforampton.-Mnohaectlrmess wetpout ite-ford bers and Rev and Mrs Ha - br ugh co gra ulatons and The ewl -in tail d p esi rethor is Col. C. P. Stacey, di. only as "an officiai historical O psitnik, Jodw iga U rbankie- lishm ent of the universal d t yt n bers andRev. an Mrs. Ha- brougt congrtulation and Th oreofy thealhistoricalecsectionhe simmary"lsentiothemmnew andstoeyewwhcstryPontypool;yp JohannaanaC..B. old Turner sat down ta a deli- and greetings from, her mem- dent, Mrs. Jack Welsh spoke a of fixe general staff. will contain much new detail. and Paul Appleman, Gooitshe ciaus turkey dinner served by bers. few words of greeting, made The volume deals with or- It won Col. Stacey the Govern- Zwier, Newcastle; John and . the North Ward group, under Mns. Teeple, Mrn. K. Hull, plans to cater ta a large dinner . izton, training andj home or-General's Awarci for acad-VednDe risNetto S Su.x nm irnan Wilcox. A. Dunn, and Mrs. Paul Phil- meeting with the W.A. themp. eec iCndteam meno-ito.*Cro'hi.rpl ns o vn pne h iswr supe gus4 M.s >rer in Britain 1939-45 and the war Greater Detail rs o vn pndtelp eespe uss r.pae.against Japan 194J1-45. The army said the illustratd* . mn Sopn.x n8 :meeting by playing Christmas Jack Rice thanked the Elgin Th eodvlmt e is ouewlpai e dc i I iVM W . carol&- on the piano. A dev'a- Street group for the deliciaus Trnn Tpbihed searonex vol r, tob ireteroldetaill than nye- - Saint00 c tional conducted by Mrs. Jack Turkey supper. Mrs. Fred pubU~ elih tel Cnadi a rmy wil graccot0f thean "ipr- Welsh and Mrs. Luther Welih Smith, Litenature secretany, campaignea w i Italn the ed tian iu andcontrov ei pr-rr s er a$ 0 * cent od bout the bir h of the gav a r por fo her dep nt- (Intended for last w eek) iterranean area. The third and to s at H ong K ong and Deppe. -i' 7 0 wL e u n dg w t o t c d r e . Crist Jh. els Ag aduet ac- mn erpr.aagvnb Aduit Bible Class final volume, -now i pnepara- After telling the stony of the oi Ar rcaFica-a srie companied by Mrs. D. Ail- Wfrs. Ron Hethenington and a A very fine attendance with tion, wiîî caver the northwefit vote onDepe o. tcy e ro ieSiperournin dread at the piano. Mrs. Ail- kitchen report by Mns. Frank folks an hand for a punctual Europe campaign. lasses, a chapter ta details of i m teernecs dread and Mrs. Ross Halow- Blunt. Mrs. Thornton Anden- beginning, manked the Decem- To Tell Publie lath of Ucm August 1942 op.r JSait Ncke Prosp ere fe e.t e a hn scren eUl then played pleasing piano son senved on bot# tixese com- ber meeting for Kedron Adult Col. Stacey said the aim of eration. camne ta Amnenîca. da nunbers together. mittees. ',Bible Class, on Monday even- the thee volumes is "«ta tell Volume 1 is a cloth-bound In Europe before ho reachedfofatfredyevîf Mrs. Francis Thonipson, tha~ It was decided to redcat ing at the Harold Wenry home. the Canadian citizen what his book containing 38 black-and- these shores Saint Nick was a sident for the past two yeare, on the open shelves above thd sident wene fallawed by a ond World War and ta provide maps, seven of themn in colon bony gray mare. He hadn't then cond>icted the business sink and ta have additiona! Christmas warship service led him with means of fonming an It wili be obtainable from tle beeni in Amenica long, however, periad which consisted chiefly cupixoards added. Some im- by Mrs. Grant Glover. A piano intelligent judgment on miii- Queeri's Pninter, Ottawa, at the before he had a new name, a 6O S of committee reports. provements are alsa ta be add- prelude by Mrs. Ross Lee, tany issues that may confront postage-free pice of $3.50. new face, figure and a new h R 13 The secretary's report giv. ed ta the chuncix kitchen. Mon- hymns, prayen, -scripture, and and better mode af transporta- 1 1½2 SInuC09 Se. So.tscodf.,,pn en by Mrs.' Manseil Stacey ani ey was voted ta the cammuttee a stary read by Mn. Grant 010-, .i* tion.ohlwOT the treasuren's report given Dy of Stewards and aira ta the ver wete centned on the Babe ~ ~The early English settiens en 0 Mrs. Wm. Smith, showed a good monning nursery. of Bethlehem. * ei i u I',EIL I u ca ir ofl DJ this country stanted Santa's FORT nou PI NU 71 WI . t,2df., hn U555 y ear's w o rk an d a cred itab le M rs. K elv in W ig h t, lead er m ing the b usiness s e ssiony "u e h loo k" r f i u re_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bank balance. of the nominating committtee, Mis Clarenea bety, Secnetany PC55. ey uch u cud M ns . G e o r g e G r a h a m , a n d r e a d t h e n e w s l a t e o ! o f f i c e r s W e n. a nt ao u r ea o t d t e l g n a y f g r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ her assistant, Mrs. Eltan Stev- for 1956. Mns. G. Graham and pneseed r tE Teunen's ne-& c o l o i pronaunce "Saint Nickolous." enson, supervisons o! the Sun- Mns. M. Stacey alsa senved un prsne teTesue' e-Tebs hchdd was r day marning nursery, tald of the npminating committee. Mrj. port. It was decided ta donate " I TeSat the ouf wid d waso-C sm terwr ihtesalttJeBro hne th no-$35 ta the M. & M. Fund and C r s m s Me i g rupted ta "Santa Claus". give $20 ta the Sunday ,chool A.4Iq 89 ahxgo Mrs. Victor Jeffery expressed inating cammittee for the sel- for class supplies. Other pro- In hisWahngo Ivn the thanks of the members ta ection of an active and co-ap- jects were discussed, ne requir- Christmas meeting o! Bow- readmng and the Loa's Prayer, o! New "Kirorkane% HSnta's t h e s t w a le a d rs.etat v e s ate o! ffic rs.e d c h u Irch e q u ip m e n t, a n d w il m a n v ille H o m e a n d S c h o o l A s- th o u g h th is is o p tio n a l i n b e- . p h s p e a a c y d e sc rib - U ree Mns. Bert Syer, on behaif of The 1956 officers instailed bY be.definitely decided after fur- sociation held in Ontario ginners' rooms. Iu addition, two ing him as a joily fellow with *Y LII ,~the W.A., thanked the gowîî Rev. H. Turner are: Past Pre- ther information is acquined. Street Schoal on Wednesday periods of hall an hour eaeiiabod-nme atadhg - "ttee <(Mre -Jack Weli, sident, Mrs. Francis Thompson; vnnD .7,faueply ar p 'abodrim htndug Mrs. I>UÀvvilamis, Mr.Vco rsdn, r.Jc es ng of canais by Mn. Kiemi but pupils are not required to Nick ta smoke a pipe, and tnad- on meats, eut up andwapd ed o ru Jcffery ind Mrs. Jini Thomp- Vice-president, Mrs. Norman Inteasneo e.R .Hamnbourg's violin cass, and take themn if parents have any ed his hay burner for a wagon. freezer wt ornea lion) an, the chair committee Mitchell; Secnetary, Mrs. Kel- Rickard, the Sunday School also community canal singing. abjection.CemnMorinisaos (Mrs. forman Wilcox and Mrs. vin Wight; Treasurer, Mrs. Rau Supfrintendent was requested Mrs. D. Park, president, wel, The guide books provide paemn "Th e is Fro stETE B EOR ED RAEF Kei n ' i h) fr t er slcyehei go ; Pait, M s a ca d c h lci n o fi comed the lange attendance of atonies of the Old aud New Nicholas," went even funther.Se us a o t ur pi a tion and punchase o! the new Russell Halîman and Mns. cens fou96sRsis o.prnsadtahr.TsaensadahnaoisH aeSitNc lih blue chair gowns first warn 'oy George G ra h a rn; Nursery President, Rev. R. H. Rickard; M ichael Leddy, Jm W ilson, iliustrating the qualities of twinkling eyes, cheeks like --- the chair at the beginning of School Supervisons, Mrs. Ste- Pat President, Russel Down; Sharon Berger, Patrick Vinish kindliness, unselfishness and roses, nse like a cherry and We Can iespi the year, and their- more recent phen Whitehand and Mrs. Mur- President, Harold Werry; Vice- and Bruce Hendry played ta- so on. Most teachers in Bow- a round littie belly. co-operative effort with pthejray Wood: Kitchen Committee, President, Grant Gloven; Trea- gether as a gnoup, and each also manville schools use these foi- Fuu e iesmyt t afternoon W.A. in the joint pur- Mrs. Norman Wilcox and Mns. surer. Everett Mauntjoy; Pian- contributed a familiar canal as lowing the Funngeeci. ture Prcers an D cry o ist Mr. R rs ee; Mem ensip a solo. A Tria comp sd o In the pimary classes, the em- for a jet ship and tim down w t Com., Walter Davis and Mr8. Bruce Hendry, Michael Leddy phasis is on Jesus and family Santa's wairt-line. It wili be a FOE R IS- FUTJIE Grant Glover. Teachers were and Jim Wilson, piayed "Hankc life and stonies are often illus- tough jiob, for thaugx he~ isn't RZNFUT arnanged ta caver the comrng the Herald Angels Sing". Ail trated. with a flannelgnaph. streamlined, Santa pleases the VEGETABLSA D FS yean. The next meeting is in nembers o! the gnaup played Fn4 paBbeyugolsadtt' gty _________________________ the apd o!a nin'scomit-weîî and were îoudîy applaud- parnGrd tee - Albert Wood, Harvey cd by the audience, pasage may be read with the important. Croasman, Howard Farndale Two soloista'li a more ad- opening exercises, and often and Russel Down. vanced ciars were Stephen responsive reading. Stories for E 'N Program, which bègan with Witherspoon, wha payed "Ban. rad s 4 ta 6 enphasize men In the ten years since am- a oa sl yMrs. Douglas carolle",, and Michael Kirkton and women who, do things, iiy aliowance ýaynxents were YOUR RED & W1 T UER M RE ....4~VAI 1'j±.LZLove, cntinued with novel Who payed "We Thnee Kings". peaple ta whomn God is verv instituted in Canada, monthly 55 King St E. Bowninil hn A336 77 1w9rlJ[r<)"What's My Line" hour. Spon- Mn. Hambourg explained that real in the way they conducc cost as inceased fnam, $17.5 son o! the pragrani, Walter Da- the' majanîty of his pupils start- their lives. Grades 7 and 8 stu- million ta $30.5 million. vis, intnaduced Harvey Pascoe cd with Mn. D. C. Petens over dy the Gospels, emphasizing NE1W IMPROVED OIL HIATER as Master o! Ceremonies. The a yean ago and came under his the ideal perron as found in panel were Mrs. Hanny Rose, instruction last July. Ail the Jesus. In these grades thene ir Jack Glaver and Harold Baba- children showed the resuit of usually flot tume for extra per- hetter 9 WU7s! dier.ceveral ftenvtheeTV au- excellent praying, n see iods in addition ta the png diene wre iteriewe, ad toenjytraiing, n see exercises each day. O. w Lr à he i.ECUIE1SMOKEISS their unique occupations, cho W'nners Speak Home Important1 0 BURNER for more_ heat adroit questianing necessary o rs J. Ledy was chimn Ms unrsi htta from lesfe!tepnlspart, adprovided ofe he tn threquirem entslad rsae rin aldaev %Llw£LED'ony- beter agreat deal o! fun fan ail. The pnesented also two o! the re- day ta instil the virtues o! fair o e- atn r qu e, 2» lo%#tgt otu: usual social Ixour was. enjoyoci cent winners inBowmatnvflle Play, truthfulness and self- 3 FOR YOUR to.expresd thanks ta the host speaking contest, Monica Sch- o! teaching at school, however, f~II EI A "NIAT.SAVERMT)reduceq1 and ixastess. lingensiepan, and Larny Thomi- can take the place o! home P e£S I OI RATR .hatIo u -hiue.., edraio Bnqet psnbath Grade 8 pupîls o! teachîng," Miss Bunnen raid. N e i . FH OROL MIATER ~a o ~Fdrto Banue Ontario Street School. "Are you daîng yaur part'Y' FOIl PYotDU of0 tHAT Quake 4. Low VENT fi-rther re' - Many Kedron fanmera and Mnica's subject' was «"Mod- she asked parents. ew-i Puireas. «e it.Oam due hat lose for more' their wives enjoyed the Fed,. cm Professions fan Women", "Do you tell your chidren see Ai Fqunp. wlhbo.f eat. eratin of Agriculture banquet and Lary spoke on "Ship". Bible toies, teach themn ta iv. ~ ~ in B rooklin T ow nship H all on B th speeches w ere careful ly p a n i t n t h i n y 4 ý5 AUTOMATICOAIR FEIDéi Thunsday ev en i ng, when composed in good Englisx, and ers, take tbem ta Sunday ~turna smoke and soot, Brookîta ladies senved a turkey werc delivercd clearly and School, have Grace before FOCE nto heat. dinner ta aven 200 guesta. Ra- with assurance. meals, teacb them. reverence 6. AIM> silver-beige or diobîFarm Commefltator and Miss Vivian Bunner 'o! the for God? These are rame o! the *p o urs to puy ~.«. . . mCentral Scboodstaf spoke building blocks wbich makea Mokahogany bfkndsh. Bradshaw, gave the addrcss a! briefly an Religiaus Education. firmn faundatian fan the future," 0voier a f=the evening, warmly received. When a new course o! study Miss Bunnen raid. "Let us ai] lintnusyio.7. iNSTANT.NEAT »1E 00055 a Couplest Club was being prepared in the late check up ,on ourseivea, and "otI a quicly bout uphm. Columbus - Kedron Club met 1930's. cansideration was given make sure we are damng aur ÀF doff tom. OL atKedron on Friday cvening. ta religiaus educatian. It war bcst ta make God real ta thq IceII. -8. WAIST HIGif CONTiOL Warship was led by. Mn. anci not until 1944, hawevcr, that children. Then, and oniy then, OCfreulet., ONE. and humidifier easy to Mrs. Wm. Wenry, with tethe Depantment o! Educatio 6iltc nwtetu en Low mootlily Instoliments aHIR mhore erorm h nwl hyknwtetu en itI thnmrery aor get at. theme, "'What Christmas will prcpàred and issued a set o! ing a! Christmas," she raid In a Bockd anmd gueamnteed .,.z* h.onte blowe, e' 9. AUTOMATIC FORCED AIR mean to us this year". Recrea- negulations and guide books ta conclusion. ltf*FAN circulates ONE.1 tion wa, conducted' by the assist teachers in this subject. Ms. Leddy expressed appre- by Impriol 011 Limitd THIRD more warm air Lamne Tregunnas, the Walter Not Compulsory ciation ta Miss Bunner, aIra ta than ordinary h.atsg Davis, and the Bihl Wernyr. Classes open with Sciptue Mn. Hambourg, his pupils, andi Election o! officers for 1956 the two publie speakirg- win- *I nesuIted'as fallaws:-Hon. Prp ava ros ners for their contribution Ia JIS LOW PER.~~ idents, Rev. and Mis R,*. Cnlin and Ms. NoER, Crossd-U Rickard; Pat President;, Waî- mýan, Oshawa, werc MondaY the pragram. 0 9 à WH .Pery and Reta M auin tj y i - M rs. Ever tt Love isq rqpn d1- W t is L t n g t t ee< 5 1 U visitnso Mn.s an r.EiGiven papiers 1 *~~I II Bnaand MisOlive Luke I Toronto, were Sunday tea~ ,-..1616 M FREE GLASS W ARE g uests t the W. L. Mountjoyror Gtinzensnip for as $ 02 pr ot given away with the purchase of six gallons naetnandfinaa r- Nearhy 60 Canadian Citizen- ifea M.adMrs. LreTregun- $6.le asr or more of gasoIine gresaive cuchre party. on Sat- rhip Certificates were granted unday evening most pleasantly. to new Canadians in an impres- Cail to-day for a ~A P - Pnze-winners were Mss Phy.- ive ceremony in the Cunties' -IO lis Duf! and Laurence Mount- Court Roani in Cobourg, Friday ýTANDARD Tax Ine. ~High cuchre scores at Max- Judge M. A. Miller, in his us-FRE SO H AS GASOLINE 3810 a c well's Neighbaunhood Associa. ual capable mannen, addnesscd tion on Monday evenîng won the large group concerning theirOF Y U h Pnizes for Mrs. J. Dyck and pnivileges and responsibilities ~F Y2U -O4 VIORMs. Retihauser. as Canadian citizens. V I G O R ~~~al M . and M rs. B ert L uke an-j F olow ing the h anding o ut alnlb a i n c n b a d i h u n o v n e ce t r u h b s ! h a fflGH TEST - a.John, and Miss Olive Luke, To- certifîcates, the Cobour-g Busi- ntlain.nb ae ibu novnec GASOLINE 4110 Ta Ia Moffatt and Mn. and Mrs. Lauz- Club- aerved lunch and several ~A~ rence Allen, Oshawa, wenc din- prominent public officiais wene ~Mk E nen guests on Saturday even- on hand ta extend a welcome ST VE OI F r ou c mv uî nc,. .. .. .. .. .in g o f M . and Mrs. Harold and wish the new Cana dians A NDerBU MB1NNEL [ STTEOI -F pr oneieac, ery wllfo hefuur.Each lady I1% in mmii quantifies available ai the station -.-Soina, Spent a day Kiiin e- LeZpin by the B.& P. Club. HAIN OPEN EVENINO AND SUNDAY~dron rltvsrecently, and Nae fthose wowere ta ORES I UNR ELRI OM L OPEN EVEINGS ANDSITNDAYSwere dinnen guests of Mn, and rcceive certificates included the YOU ESS w I BUNE DEALER IN Bi Mils. Cla:.-ence WVerrv and sup- following: a g~ waVs ) gucsts o! Mr. and Mrs. W.I Karol Albert, Michael Akim.j -55 RigS.W¶U .3 M o u n j o y , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ w o A n je ja D u r e a .4 A n n a Q A - 1 J d"Wm àq&»Ameàk,» -Ir 1 ill