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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Dec 1955, p. 16

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PA GE SIXTEEN~~£Lz U- -MI N 3 AT S " OM WJZ V 'NT l.AIfM1 O.N IA N VIJ L , r r iuR< U RS AY . DIEC. 1 f. U 1,Horticultural Society Elects Mrs. A. Glenney As President for 1956 The annual meeting and banquet o! the Newcastle Hor- ticultural Society was held re- cently in the Lions Room af the Community Hall, with Pre- sident Mrs. Percy Brown, pre- siding. A report of the years activi- ties was given, revealing the Society had had a membership of 89 in 1955 with each mem- ber receiving an option of a rose root or two boxes of an- inal plants. The Society beld a auccessful card party early in the year and the Annual Flow- er Show in August which was inost successful despite the dr>' bot summer. Members o! the society plan- ted flowers in the urns at the Community Hall and the flow- er beds at the intersection ojf Mill and Manvers streets, which ,ere kindly cared for by Mr. George Allin during the sum- Xner. 1During the meeting, the foi- !owing address was read ta the ietiring presidçnt, Mrs. Percy e3rown, by Mrs. Archie Glen- >iey the president-elect: "Ma- idam President, Ladies and Gentlemen; It affords me a great dea] o! pleasure at th-*3 ýe ta honour a valued mem- pe er o ur saciety. -"As you heard the siate of b)fficers read for the coming L ear, you are aware that Mrsz. rown is retiring as President bf this Society. An office she hias capably held for six years. "Mrs. Brown is a keen bar- Iiculturist, a laver o! flowers and is truly interested in every- .1hing pertaining ta horticul- ture. She bas been a very effi- îtuen t presi dent, loyal and faith- u1 a al times. Always ready !nd. willing ta do ber part. We« 1will need your advice and er thusiasm at aur montbly meet ings and we know that yoi Ewill take as mucb interest ii the organization in the futur, as you have in the past. "Mrs. Brown, we could no let this opportunity 'go oý without recognizing your ser vice in some manner, sa on bc bal! o! the Horticultural So ciety, I ask you ta accept thi: gift in appreciation o! your un tiring efforts and with it, th( wisb that yau wiIl enjoy it ir the days abead." Mrs. Brown was then pr,ý sented with a "Dish Garden" on bebaîf of the Society. The special speaker for thý occasion was Mr. R. H. Mc- Knight o! Willowdale, Public Relations Officer with the Pasi Office Department in the To- ronto district who showed f ilm5 of the iprogress of the postal service from the days o! th,, stage-coach until the present. During the meeting the mem- bers were favoured witha piano sala by Miss Donna Ougbtred and a vocal sala by Mrs. Carroll Nicholîs with Miss Oughtred accampanying on the piano. The fallowing siate of offi- cers presented by the nominaz- ing cammittee was adopted by the saciety: President, Mrs. A. W. Glenney; lst. vice, Mrs. J. H. Jase; 2nd vice, Mr. Jack Wade; Secretary, Mrs. Cecil Ferguson; Treasurer, Mrs. Cha!s. Megit. Directors (1 yr. term), Mrs. J. Narthrup, M r. R. S. Graham, Mrs. S. Johnston, Mrs. A. Pearce, Mr. E. Belsey. (2 yr. term), Mrs. G. Waltaa, Mrs. L. Clarke, Mrs. G_- Ste- phenson, Mrs. Will Milligan and Mrs. D. Cunningham. Ancien! Land of Egypi I.escribed to Members 0f Women 's Cdn. Club t - )u in ey ;t 1 sJOHN HENDRY In failing health for about three months, Mr. John Hendry of Orono passed away on Dec. 7th in bis 75th year, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Hendry have Sreside d in Orono for the past fve3years, since retiring from *their farm on the Lake Shore, Newcastle. wbere they carried on farming aperations for 35 years. The deceased was an adberent of Orono United Church, and a 32 degree Mason,l 1being a member o! Durham .Lodge, Newcastle. 1 Mr. Hendry was born in Ayr- sbire, Scotland, and emigrated first ta the United States. From 1915 to 1918 be served in the United States Army, being sta- tioned in New Mexico. He travelled widely in the States and Canada beýore coming ta Newcastle. Le! t ta mourn bis passing are his wife, Annabelle Erskîne Hendry, daughter Edith (Mrs. Bruce Murray) o! Stirling, Ont.: - - - -- ,--r1i -.-.-., wt,,c ine atunai IResearch Council, Ottawa, anc The ancient land o! Egypt and were largely responsible for stepchildren Annabelle (Mrs. ifvat may be seen there by the preserving civilization. Garnet Rickard), Robent E., Dr. tourîst, was the subject o! a talk Man in a primitive state lived John E., ail o! Bowmanville, and tiven by Miss Marion Walwyn, in. this part o! Africa, whicb A. W. Hendny, Newcastle. owner and general manager o! once supponted lusb unl Funenal service was beld a' Sbap~ Trve Sevie, orn-wbere there is now only desert the Nortbcutt & Smith Funeral go, at a meeting o! the Women's which extends for 4,000 miles. Home, Bowmanville, on Dec. 9th, Canadian Club held in St. John's Eventually. along the rich flood the Rev. John Kitcben officiat- J2rish Hall, Dec. 12. sou o! the Nule, an intricate civil- î ng. There were many beautifu] 1 Two years ago Egypt was ization developed and stnong' floral tokens, ineluding those af given its independence, and bas nulers arase wbo canq uered Jenusalem Lodge, Bowmanville. since been encouragîng tourists. other lands and bnougbt bac]c and Durbam Lodge, Newcastle, nonder to know sometbing of slaves. It was in the reign of as well as tributes from friends, ~Vhat migbt be seen thene, Miss Rameses Il that Egypt fiawered neighbors and.relatives. Walwyn went hensel! last year. in a Golden Age when mnany Palîbeaners wene Messrs. Aus- $be onganizes and conducts'par- temples, palaces and obelisks tin White, William Lake, Jack ties travelling toalal parts o! the were built, about 1,300 B.C. Holmes, Arthur Bedwin, Gardon World. Five Million Tons of Stone Martin and Chanlie Alldread, Miss Walwyn was impnessed Te prmd ae me former neighbons o! the deceas- with the timelessness o! Egypt- farther back, however, originat- do h ak hr od many thingg, lîke the sail boats ing about 3200 B.C. They were onh the Nile, and scenles in the tombs built for the Pbaroahs,OBTTAD bazaars o! Cairo being mucb as the tbree best known, including i BI ULA.LL tbey were pictured in Old Testa- Cbeops, being at Gizeh, nat fan TRK ment stories o! the Bible. Cairoj from Cairo. Until sbe actually MRS. ELLA MAYSR E with its Bedouins, camels, Arabs saw th yaisMssWln on mules and the 400 minarets sadb yais isWly Following an illness o! twi sid she did not realize ho0w years the death occurred at the rd its tem p les is a w on d erfu l c ity Ieno r u s h y w r . T e l r - S r t a e e t H m , B w for sight-seeing. * mu bywr.Telr-Srtae etHmBw est, it is estimated, cantains some manville, on Sunday, Dec. il, Treasures of Tomb five million tons o! stone. Nol Ofo Ella May Elford, beloved AIl the treasures of Tutankba- one knows yet just bow teîr - widow o! Rev. A. J. H. Stnike, men's tomb, excavated 1922-24, construction 'was'accomplisbed. in ber 87th year. Re now in the Cairo Museum: The great dynasties of thel A agtrothlteJn and, the visîtor manvels tteParoabs eventually waned. be -,and Anaghen o! ,the dlatedh béauty and use!ulness o! hes coming weak perhaps througb a oni arigo on articles. Thein variety and quai-' toeasy living. Tbey wreco-s bor inhe me toer Tusbn- ity are so complete that one quered by tbe Assyrians, the wben he was a young minister wonders if we bave made so Persians, Greeks and Romans.atTrn. Te wee a- mi±th progress after ail, MisslIn modern times, Napoleon in- tTrn.Te eemr Walwyn said. vaded Egypt, and it was on o ried in 1894. The Egyptians worsbiped the bis officers, M. Broussard, h A resident o! Bowmanville SubtTutankhamen's father- found in 1799 what bas bo for 25 yeans, theb cae a in-law wben Pbaroah, believed known as the Rosetta Stone. It previously lived in Prince Ed-J in~ one God, and built a new city was a slab o! stone set up in ward County, Deseronto, Camp- td bis glory, wbicb was destroy- 195 B.C., it is believed, bearngbellford, Morrisburg, Quebec, ccà bowever, on bis deatb. an inscription in îhierogyhic Otta wa and Perth. 'Miss Walwyn spoke o! tbe demotic and Grcek characters. Mrs. Stnike was a member priesthood which developed in It was decipbered by Clhampol- of the United Chiurch' o! Can- the Egyptian and other religions lion when taken back ta Parisý ada. Rcv. T. A. Morgan 'ýf o!, the world, whicb she feit and furnîsbed key ta hieroglyphic Trinity United Churcb, who canducted tbe funeral servico, spoke o! the wonderful assist- j' ance she gave ber busband in v - , ~ ,,, tç is church and pastoral workc. Home, Bawmanville, on Tues- iday, Dec. 13. Interment xvas The Finest in Cosnieties irl in Beeccbwod Cemeteny, Ot- at Mr. Srik aves to mournî JUR a d OV LL~;Electrie PowerCommission, Your Rexal Drug Store il awA suvivng 5 dbrother, W. P. Elford, o!Ta- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o n ta .i Giqan tic Stock Disposai Sale V Community social evening kt will be beld at Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd S]emon's on Saturday ,,evening, Dec. 17. C.G.I.T. Cbristmas Vesper Service will be held in the cbunch Sunday evening at 7.30. Sunday Schooi and Cburcb '~wi]l be a combined service. at 3 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. .18. "White Gifts" Service. - -Aduit Bible Class members - -met at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garnard on Tues- 4 day evening. Christmas Carols wene sung, Rev. F. Jackson, -led in Bible Study. Geograpby1 * match was held and lunch was senved at the close o! pragnaîn. Bible Class meeting will bie held on Januany 3, 1956, at the Manse, Rev. and Mrs. F. Jack-1 an oTaunton, at Mn. and November 26th Bentnim's. Mr. nd rs.Max Jobnsoni Mns. vi TootoMr . and s Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Ashton, bot*-and Manie, Ronald and Ray, 1 wene Sunday visitorý at Mr. and Mns. Ross Ashton's. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Joseph Leddy are pictured Mn. and Mrs. Walter Rabm, following their marriage in St. Joseph's Roman CatholIc Tnone spentoSunraymwîth fMr Church, Bowmanvîile, on Satund Mrs.oRoy Gnabam andhefam- bride is the former Brenda Jean Cooper, daughter of Mr. Mns. David Malcolm, spent a and Mrs. Joseph Cooper, and the groom is the son of Mr. !ew days with Mr. and Mrs and Mrs. Leo Leddy, al of Bowmanville. Bunnow's, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon and Mn. Milton Slemon, were KEN ALfamily celebration at the home suppen guests o! Mn. and Mrs. KENDALo! their brothers, Cecil and Fred Toms, Enniskilien, un Mr.andMrs Frguon ndAnchie Blodgctt at Roseneath Sunday. Mr ad rs Frgso adon Sunday. Mn. Fred Ashton and Bill, Freddie, Oshawa, visited ber MVr. and Mrs. AI. Stevens Toronto, at Mr. and Mrs. Hen- mother, Mrs. Swarbrick and and Larry were in Toronto on ry Ashton, on Sunday. Mrs. Thorne, Saturday. Monday when Larry was tak- Tbe Christmas concert wMl Tbe Kendal friends o! Tain en ta Sick Children's Hospital be given in the cburcb on Wedl- Hoy regret that it was neces- for a couple o! weeks. nesday evening, Dec. 21st. sary ta have bis band amputa- Miss Joyce Bunley and Jonin Sonny ta hear o! the death ted last week at Memorial Bird visited at Bancroft an of Mr. Nelson Hudson, Burke- Hospital, Bowmanviîîe, and Sunday. ton. Mr. Hudson was the son hope that he wiIi soon bc feel- W.i. Christmas Party of Mn. and Mrs. James Hudsoni, ing improved. Kendai W.I. cnjoycd a very who wene residents o! this vil- The PuPils o! local scbools pleasant Christmas panty on lage. are busy practising for their Christmas concerts. Sixtb Line n their school, Thurs. evening, Dec. 15, and Kendal, Thu nsday evening, Dec. 22, in the Orang,- -Hall. The yaung folks are en - , :ouraged by a large audience. M K r Mn. and Mrs. Russel Rusk o! A E T Toaronto wcre Sunday visitons vith Mr. and Mrs. George /Icrcer. Mn. and Mns. * Gardon Mar ineil and Kenny, and Mn. and YOUR family enjayed a Christmas YOUR EYES andDOTPY Vision BUIL prevousiBEFORE YU copyrightsj -z C. H. Tuck, ~ ~~->I) Disney Bldt. 31 King E. ýHAWA Phone RA 5-6143 323. 1 lAiR ii àwuE IIn a ceremony at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frank, Miss Pearlie Ann Flaata, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sten Flaata, Kincaid, Sask., 1 oeuame e b rïue of Mvr. Walter Frank. The wedding tooký Rev. and Mrs. F. J. Jackson place on November 6th. The couple will reside at R.R. 2, and John, visited ber parents, Newcastle (Kurv Inn). Mr., and Mrs. W. T. Banting, Alliston, and attended the un- -Photo by Rebder veiling o! a picture painted 'Ln memory o! ber uncle, Dr. Fred Banting, at the Banting Memn- rs. Walter ahm at litne St. Joseph's Scene of W edding anal HigterSchool attne the funeral o! ber cousin, Mr. Nelson Hudson, on Tuesday, from Morris Funeral Chape!. Interment was in Hampton cemetery. Mrs. W. T. Worden visited, relatives in Oshawa. This is onlY one of many incidents the proof of which is' %vithin your reach. It is Possible to correct these conditions with- out operation and it is bcîng done. Sonie of these reccive a! 'noticeable improvement at once,' others take longer depending upon the type and Iength of time' the condition took in develop- ing. Act at once when firs h turning cye is noticed. * (Copyrighted) HJ Ti fa (s writing, one of the most impor- tant discoveries as far as archae- ological studies are concerned. The Stone is now in the British Museum. It was Napoleon's army, incidentally. vho blewl the nose of the Sphinx. Thrillinz Experience Miss Walwyn found it a thrill- ing experience to vîsit places where Joseph is thought to have ]ived during his amazing so- journ in Egypt. Going to Egypt with the thaught that she would possibly be uncomfortably hot and a littie bored, she found that she was thrilled with the sights and history of this ancient land. Miss Walwyn was introduced by Miss B. McIntosh of New- castle, who had the pleasure of travelling with her to Europe last year, and was thanked on behaif of the club by Mrs. L. T. McLaughljn. President Mrs. C. A. Wight announced that Mrs. Fred Hell- yar had kindly consented to be the new pianist, taking the place of Miss Helen Morris whose death occurred this year. Speak- er at the next meeting, Jan. 16, will be Miss Naomi Jackson on English portraits. Mrs. Wight extcnded Season's greetings ta ail present, and urged them ta remember the holy significance, of this Christian festival. OBITUARY Tuesday evening, Dec. 6, at the home of Mrs. Mary Luxon, with 12 members present. Mrs. Kennedy conducted the opening exercises and a shoit business session. Rail cali was answered by each reading a verse from ai Christmas card, with Ms Stewart's being a condensedI story of Scrooge's Christmas. The meeting was turnedi over to Mrs. E. Couroux and Mrs. M. Manders. Ail jained in singing the familiar Christmas carols wîth Mrs. J. Stapleton at the organ. Mrs. Stoker gave a tîmely monologue, 'Annie's and WiI- lie's Christmas", showing how children's faith and prayers made their father's heart re- lent and Santa arrived wi~h his load o! gifts. Interesting contests and a very hilariaus belloan-break- ing game was followed by the~ interchange o! gifts. Interesting contests and a hilarious balloon breaking game was followed by the in- terchange of gifts. Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. Couroux, Mrs. Manders and aur hostess, Mrs. Luxon, provided a very tasty lunch and cup of tea. A hearty vote of thanks was giv- en our hostess. The next meeting is beings held Jan. 1l in the evening at the home o! Mrs. F. Stoker with the program being -in charge of Miss Catherine Stew- art, Historical Research coi- vener, Mrs. D. Vannatto and Cecil, and Mr. and Mrs. Ver- non Peacock were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Burley. Miss Anne Gardon visited last week at Whitby. Mrs. Hay- lock came home with her for a few days. Although flot reported, Sun- day School, church services, 1choir practice and other com- munity activities bave been ¶ar- ried on as usual. Mrs. Carroll 1Nichais bas been working witb 1the children in day school ta pre- pare for tbeir concert ta be held on the nigbt before scbool closes. 1There were about 53 at Sunday .School on Sunday mornîng ta >share in the annual white gift service. Conducted by the Su- perintendent, Murray Payne, the service began with tbe caîl ta, worship, by Paul Austin and the scripture lesson read by Bill Barrowclough, told the Christ-j mas story. "O -Came AIl Ye1 Faitbful" was beautifully sung by the girls' class: Marie, Bon- nie and Pearl Austin, Yvonne Parnell, Jennie Deweyer. A lovely Christmas story "A Jar o! Rosernary" was told to ail the eager listening children by Mrs. Murray Payne. The gifts were taken to the front by the classes in turn and o! the business o! the meeting. New -Secretary Appointed- for, Ganaraska* Andnew C. Morris o! Port Hope, bas been appointed Secre- tany o! the Ganaraska River Conservation Authonity and o! the Pont Hope Planning Board, it was announced last week. Mr. Morris succeeds the late Harold B. Cnow who had held the position o! Secnetany o! the Planning Board fnom the time o! its onganîzation until bis death last October. Mr. Crow had also been Secretary o! the Gananaska River Conservation Authority for five yeans. Mr. Morris netired last June after teacbing for 34 yeans at Trinity College Schoal. W.M.S. Eleets Officers 'Christmas meetinig o! the W. M.S. was eld in the Sunday Scool room on Wednesday af- ternoan, Dec. 7th, with the pre- sident in charge. The meeting was opened with quiet music, a caîl of worship and prayer. Many Christmas bible readings' were read by the ladies. The readings were interspersed with the singing of Christmas carols. Mrs. R. Chapman sang a lovely Christmas solo, Came, Thou Long Expected Jesus." The General Tanksgivng was read in unisan. After the reading a! the min- utes, the rall cal, ofering and business, Mrs. Wm. Wannan took charge o! the election of officers: President -Mrs. Wm. Allin; Vice-Presidept - Mrs. L. Harris; Recoding and Press Se'y.,- Mrs. Wm. Wannan,, Ass't.-Mrs. G. Wilson; Treasur. er - Mrs. Wm. Ruth er f ord,' Christian Stewardsip Se'y.-. Mrs. S. Chapmaný Christian Cit.. izensip Se'y.-Mrs. Chas. Har- ris; Com-munity Friendship Sec'y. -Mrs. Wm. Cochrane;- Supply Sec'y.-Mrs. Wm. Reid; Organ- ist-Mrs. Fred Graham, Ass't.- Mrs. H. Lowery; Auditor-Mrs R. Cbapman. The W.A. held a short busi. ness meeting. Mrs. Wilsonop. eneçi the meeting. Mrs. R. Chapman and Mrs. H Lowery favored with a loverfN Christmas vocal duet. Mrs. Wm. Wannan took charge PROCLAMATION BOXING DAY. December 27th I hereby proclaim that Tuesday, December 27th be designated as Boxing Day in the Town of Bowinanville and request ail citizens to observe, the same. Nelson E. Osborne Mayor GOD SAVE THE QUEEN E NEW YEAR NEW HOME YEAR HIGH PuICES FOR LUNDER AND &DING NATERIAL IN 1956- lu BUJLD - GET OUR PuICES IALITY -LOW PRICE UâflAWA wu*uu PfKUDUCIS LTD. PLANT AND YARD 0COURTICE DIAL NA 3-2130 ASK ABOUT OUR I In Oshawa stop in at our showroom - 84 Sinicoe St. S. - RA 5-4443 - RA 3-4661 ob m p à Wilson s ON HUNDREDS 0F Xmas Furniture items Prices Slashed to the Bone! Nover hel are such unheard of savings You CIE' afford Io miss Ihis giant festival of hargains ED WILSON'S Furniture Super Mariçet 20 CHURCI ST OSHAWA PHONE RA 3.1911 -~ - mSwalaa daim U«Ud&à à made a cheery pile, to be sent later to Hillcrest Lodge, in Port Hope. The lovely arrangement of cedar trees and lishts with the symbol of the cradie was ar- ranged by Muriel Austin and Berniece Best. The morning's offering was taken by Ronnie Dinner and Glen Clarke. At the evening service the choir's anthem "God is There" was very appropriate for Mr.. Harding's sermon based on the story of the Shepherds' vision and visit to the Babe in the Manger. The full choir, as usual, is much appreciated for their leadership in the congregational singing as well as the special, number sung each Sunday. Mrs. Clarence Nicholis at children are spending a days in Westmeath. Misses Helen Barrowclougb and Betty Jackson of Toronto visited E. Barrowclough duringt the weekend. Mrs. K. Tutt who bas been confined to East General Hos- pital, Toronto, since a car ac- cident some weks ago, returfed home last Saturday and al her neighbours wish her a speedy and complete rècovery. PAGE sirrum -r- m E,&V,&nTAlqr d 1 1 - SALEM Salem W.A. will hold their December meeting at Mrs. Leslie Welsh'e, Tbursday, Dec. 15. A number !rom here attend- ed the Oshawa Milk Produc- ers' banquet at Northminister Church, Oshawa, also the Bowmanvile Mîlk Producers' banquet at St. John's Church, Bowmanville, last Wednesday night. A family party was held at Mr. and Mrs. W. Craig's Moa- day evening, in honaur o! Mr. Herb. Craig, R.C.A.F., Clares- halmes, Alberta, who unexpec- tedly arrivcd home for 24 hours leave. KIRBY TYRONE

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