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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Dec 1955, p. 6

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~. PAU U= T= Af<ADIAN 5TATMIIDOWMANVILL. NTAmO NESTLETON The open doors of the mind was W.I. when it; was first organized given by Mrs. H. Samells. "What in À 6 was given a life mem-Nw o kf.-R s rir Nestieft> W. L Meeting is Sucess" was given by Mrs. bership certiicate and yen with The Nestieton W.I. met at the Cecil Wilson. Carols were sung. Mrs. . Vine making the 'presen- h6me of Mrs. John Hooyer, Dec. Two minutes' silence was ob- tation. Miss Thompson was101 7th for the Christmas meeting served for a faithful departed surprjsed but made a very suit- M ay FoIIow S urveyý wIth 23 ladies and some children member. Roll cali was one able reply. The group ini charge presezlt.. Curent events were duty of a good citizen. served a dainty lunch. Ms yien bY Mrs. G. Johns, Citizen-. This was the Christmas meet- Mackie gave the vote oit thans jf a ip and Education convenor. ing and we had the exchange of toalal for another splendid meet- pp o of the program. The motto, by ones being received. Sympathy is extended ta Mr. Dreamns af a planned sysf.am aummaer-if it could be held. à&s. H.- McaLughljn, was on Lite Membershîp Leonard Joblin in the passing of of irrigation for tobacco 'Înd "The problem,"1 he said, "i-s 'Faith". Mrs. W. Steele read Miss Ethel Thompson, one Of his last brother, Mr. George qeneral growing areas in -this how ta hold it," and he outlin- Joblin who was buried at the âlîtrict are one step nearer-fui- cd,-the feasibility of reservoirs ~South Valentia Cemetery' on filîrnent today following a mass and ponds, tramn which wAatet 4Wednesday. Several from here meeting of farmers and gov- could be piped to tobacco and Sattended the funeral. ernment representatives in Os- general farming lands. ElMr. and Mrs. H. iVne spent aca on Dec. 7.. Emphasizing the need ta de- Monday evening with Mr. and Close ta 60 tarmers heard 'cide where reservoirs, might be Mrs. L. Joblin. plans for a network of com- built and what type of farm i Mrs. Wm. Smith, Lindsay. cussed, and they voted througlH Creelc project where a sre M M M~ r.andMr. elill Smets an irrigation survey of the area has been made by the Depart- Mr.an Mr. elvll Saelswithout a negative opinion, ment of Planning and Develop- SOshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. The survey, which will' be ment and where regulations SKenneth Samells.9 SMr. and Mrs. Alan Wilson conducted by the Departmenit governing the use af water 3~have a lovely new addition ta of Planning and Development from natural watersheds have Stheir store completed and ail next summer may lead ta ane, been praposed ta the pravin-1 a ~ *~their Christmas gifts on display. of the first district-wde irri- cial governiment., Miss Yvonne Chant and Mr. gation systems ini the province. If a similar survey In ths1 spent Saturday evening with dered by the Department and dams and reservoirs being un- Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson and Development and the remain- dertaken, the Department of Miss Irene. ing 25 % by the Ganaraska Ri- Planning and Development wil Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm ver Conservation Authority. foot from 371/2 ta 50% of the ~ ad fmli viitd M. ad Ms. A. H. Richardson, chief con- cost, Mr. Richardson said. SHarvey Malcolm, Yelverton, on servation engineer for the De- H. K. Long, chairman of the Sunday evening. partment of Planning and De- meeting, indicatect that' federal a Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pur- velopment, told the meeting help might be forthcoming and qchase and Neil, Mr. Ross Beatty that enough water above the quoted John M. James, present àand Miss Lois Beatty, Tweed, normal flow came down the at the meeting, as promising ta 4 visited their cousins, Mr. and Ganaraska in flood period ta go into the matter at Ottawa.- PtMrs. Victor Malcolm. serve farmers in the district ail Port Hope Guide. j~Mr. and Mrs. H. Vine and Mr. ~4and Mrs. G. Bowers were supper U al e h r ag c t Mrs. Wilfred Vine ta celebrate terson Hretsscn irh SDon't forget W.A. and W.M.S. SMeeting at Mrs. Alan Wilson'sI Spaker Warns Meeting on Thursday, Dec. lSth ini charge Perfume Atomizers- 2.25 Cigarette Lighter and o group leaders. Case------ 1.98 Mrs. Sidney Lockyer, Brook- lin, visited ber daughter, Mrs. Irrigation Discussecl Musial PwderBox 3.95 i1 Mens Fitted Travelling Ladies' Nylon Hair Brsesi Case 5.98, 7. î5, 12.75, 16.50 ~Aa isn 59 -1.5- .9 295- .5 ' tndrd1 Mr. and Mrs. David Johns A tîme when the demand for Authority since 1947, lie said. Helene Curtis GifttSpecial U pipes ---1.50, 2.50, 3.75 ~Mrs. John Mappin. wteGi.hi aeM.lotrn din trictmanaeuofatihe - X the supply was foreseen by H. G .Litn aagr0 h Regiilar 3.45 value, now 2.95 Men's Brushes ---- 98c - 3.00 Orono Tree Nursery, advised R. S. Ryan, Q.C., speaking '>tu the meeting ta take action Cutex Manicure Sets- -V e' j~vlKt - - - 1.4 close ta 60'farmers and govern- through the Ganaraska Author- 1.00, 2.00, 3.00, 4.00 ki Utility Cases 1.98 - 3.98 ment representatives who gath- ity and provincial, departments. y ,WTES-"O DT"l lcsweetedmn Hazel Bishop Set 2__.50 yi Key Cases__ 89e - 1.50 - 2.95 j ered Dec. 7, ta discuss irrigation .I lcsweetedmn W k roblms i th Polsh-Cna.is beavy the amount of water a dian lub Hall te Ols-ca man can take out ai a streat-n dianClubHallat Oaca. will have ta be atrictiy regulat- Laies' Bfls, CPL ,and Orono, Ont., Irrigation System ed and rigidly patrolled," he ~ .ru11 vmuan ~Dec. 10,1955 Mr. Ryan predicted that by said. "Your best bet la to mnake next year every district tobacco anaprchhoghte a- M~ror et Der eore:farmer wauld be using some araska Atority and the De- Mirro Sel Reyour article in the States- sort of irrigation system. The partment af Planning and De- man about us and the Orono effect this will have on prescrit velopment." uNew shades - New designs Cemetery Ca. A number uf watersheds was indicated by Fr od years ago when the late Dave bis figures which showed thatFaiPod Morsnwot h oma-3,0.aloso49trwr am odte ye ut 3.49Io 1.95ville news for the Orona News, needed ta caver one acre of able for this area and the prob- ____________________________________ after Bowmanvilîe put in the land to a depth ai one inch. lems ai building tbemn were -.present street lights, I wrote a Mare tiran ane million gallons described by Ralph Gregg. -littie piece for The Orono News are required ta water 50 acres agriultural engineer from Bathroom Beatlng S a ing Shaving cîaiming that Bowmanville was ane Inch, lie said. Lindsay. Mr. Gregg illustrated *951l95 4Pads j BruShes Bowls the best ligbted graveyard in "There is enaugh water bis otlk wi siides syowins 65-109 4.95 - 69 69e ta 5.00, 89c - 1.50 Canada. Mr. Morrison resented bere," Mr. Ryan stated,.'"but ada-out, pnfds. yas -this wise crack very wrathfuliy. it is not aîways available in the addmtyepns Heathrs and wandered -owflie quantities you want when you Summing up the discussion fathr'sandwonere howhe antit. H.K. Long, chairman ai th2 EIecfric Shavers colraise a son so mean! Ci a meeting reiterated that there Un ýe th Bowanvilo CmmonLawwas enough water irf th area Special Price- cemetery which Is owned by The vice chairman Of the for al. the town and where the tax- Ganaraska Authority l5ointed "Misuse and abuse cause Remington Deluxe _____ 22.49 payera pay the defièits-The out that common law forbids a trouble," hoe said, and hoe point- L _________ aprvate man ta take water from a .... compaxxy and, bas _tg.pay its stream, interrupting its normal would, increase in value it, Philshae 1.49ownw When you. die in Or- flow, wlthout returning it un- there were an assured watee Fi lonon______________ 9.9 na the whole bihla s paid up cantaminated ta !he stream, suppîy. Rosn1.9for ail time without taxpayors' and that such a man ila hable RéouinPseD ----money-Even if like poor Laz- ta action for damages or an -in-ReouonPsd arus who dled twice and we jurction at the suit a! the land- The meeting saw a resolution Brown.ie Holiday Flash Kit Men's Shavlng Sets bave ta dig anothor grave for owner further dawnstream. He carried ta ask the Ganaraska 11.45 completé $1.20 to 4.75 aur customers. suggestod bypass ponds or River Conservation Authority I once sold coffins from 1905 dams as answers to the prob- ta negatiate wîth the Depart- Drownde Hawkeye Flash Kit 4.00 value Leather Billltold ~ta 1910 when we.sold a respect- lem. ment af Planning and Dovelop- 15.50 Special- 2.50 J% able funeral wîth black clath 2,000,000 Trees Planted ment for an irrigation survey Kodk Daflx m 17.95 Gillette Sets 2.20 - 2.50 cvrdcse o 7 n on Explaining the work of the ai the coat af this survey will fty cases for $20. Sa the Orono bepartment a! Lands and For- ebreb h eatetn Holiday Camera _.3.95 Waterman Sets 5.00 ta 20.00 Cemetery hasn't caught up :oetsinpr-evig atrsedorlnning and Deeament aoi incupaiM %othe undertakers yet. . Mac Kirk, zone farester, talked the remaining 25 % by the Gan- However wbat we stress in ai the "tremendous value of! saRvrCnevto u C hristm as Stationery - - - 1.00 - 1.25 - 1.50 - 2.50 O o o i h t " ts a g o l c surface w ater" and the w ay in ahra Ri ve on e vai n u to live" not ta die in-Any which îarest cavera wiîî regu- hriy C hr stm s hoc lat s 1 b. - 2 lb. an 3 b. peaceful place like B ow m an- late strea m f ow s. To this pur- servation engineer for the D e- Chritma Chcolaes M 2 Mand3 M ville, Port Hope or Cobourg are pose two million trees bave partment ai Planning and De- airight t- die in. been planted in the Ganaraska veomn, told themetn Sinceely yursthat if the survey shauld lead John E. Armstrong t the establishment of a dis- C OL N G STri n ït-y Vv.t .S. trict irrigation project, bis de- No mn wh coninuos toaddpartment wouid foot iromn 37iA2 PHNNEF o m an whe cantius*tnidd ta50 % af the coat ai construc- W I Ts e e t h i , n d a h mo a e r l i- E l e ct1 i n g d a m s a n d r e s e r v i r s . MA -56S D UG STORE TRUSSES tletaan oa eineing fie s mn hs peetwr MA -595 ~ DIrp a the place in which helvs is ForNon ew Yeaprperrq-John M. James, M.P., Ned Fos- _____________ T.___________________ter, renpesentingcal tb-cc groer1o teorriatonpael *JEWEL ]BOXES (MsclMr.B Haowi;Cn uit *POWDER BOXES (usca'>Baerd, Ms.Aideamrs R. WAL PAQUS Musca) BkeFrinshiMrs. R. Strike, Mrs. Hutchinson; Press Sec., Mrs. H. PE. S T A L LU P L A E S C u c h ; P a n it, M rs . tlr cd o c k ; ~ p n î v Mite Box and Assciate Mm- ExelieSlip-up! V STA ETS bers, Mrs. L Jackson, Mrs. ij. * V S SB. Clarke; B ys' Mission Band, IF so eone ls InJured whle S ARIIILFOESMrs. S. . James; Group Lad-yurpmie.wIyu A R I IC A FeE R rs, M rs. Bragg, M rs. Jam ieson, . o r p e i e . w l j Mrs. Cd. . S emon, M rs. En - be f nan illy able to pay CHRI T M A DEC RAT ONS ers y, M s. adge f r ai' dn ages awarded * R Y T L P o u a r P a t r )T h e r d i f f e e n t s e c r e t a r i e s g a v e a g in s t y o u ? W Ii Y o u b e oS ___ ___ ___ _ t eir rep rt and the offering able te afford legal defe se?r PARCHMNT GRETINGCARDSwas roceive'dDy Mrs. Allun and 4ARCH MENCHr G E ETI G C RDSMrs Ja ies n.The al wer là Yes!", i M hr d v ti n l evie YO .jhave Co iprehe nsive FO A L CC SI N in charge af M . Ender by and 40 T R O SE F O MMs. J . W . Jewe l and was pr o- Pe so a Liability Insurance. '4% ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ s n ted by read .ng of the Christ. A k this agency about it! GIFT W R A PIN G D O N er and sing ng Of Caro s. Y( Mr. . .Wight poesentedJME the Study Bokl and mace.It STUART B. JlE Bring your presents in for Gift Wrapping veyii rsig eln h lit Reasonable Rates! stary ai the Old and New Can- flIuaflcO Real Estate adians. OfficeRedec COM IN AND BRO SE ROi Mrs. Jackson gave a ti*ely MA 3-5681 - MA 3-549 CO ME N AN BRO W E AR UND r adin ai o e a! Paune John- Klug Street E. Bo an i e SOn 's pooms and Mrs. S. R. Bwnnil - jJames sang several carois oi diuierent countries. ___ _______________ ____________________ THURSDAY, D~C. l5th, IPIS BEST BUYS ROSE BRAND SWEET WAFER PICKLES 16-o:, 29C STOKEYSANCY ALLU GOCKAIL RED & WRITE JELLY POWDERS (7 Flavors) 4 for29C 15-oz i 2.for 21lc Red & White Orange Pekoe TEA BACS Dyson's Baby DILL PICKLES' 16-0z. -56-o:. 29c 77c Shh-rift's FRUIT PUDDING 11X,4-oz. tin 31cé Monarchi PIE CRUST MIX 18-z. pkg. 29c- Ocean Spray- Cranberry Sauce 15-oz. tin 23c iostee' ROSErts2-2 c nDJ f tOSE BRAND -z jar PILLSBUR-Y ORANGE 20-oz. tin .Fresh Produce. .Sweet - Juicy - Full flavored - Florida- Griape fruit 10 fori Finest Cape Cod - Deep Red 1-1b. tel Cranberries IbJ Fresh - Cri!gp - New Crop - Florida Celer y. Zforl ,iest for Juice - Florida - Jumbo 250 size Oranges doz. Nw Crop - Crisp Cabbage I FROZEN lb.D Bidey eidFROZhren PeO 12O Birdseye Garden FwrshGrenPesl2oz FANI CHRIST] CANDI CHOCOLATE CREAMS and HARD MIX - ( MANY OTl 'large Celle 33C Y FAN(' CHRISTI NU T FANCY MIXEI <Pecans ime] Lb. 49c FANCY BRAZI Lb. 49( FANCY DIAM Bidsy CaRfOEBRAND-o ~pple Jelly iOc Cake Mix Delicious Chritmas- Chocolaie Assorted Chocolates -' LOMBARD 3/4-1b. box BOUQUET FANCY - JUMBO SIZE IWES 1-lb. tin SUPREME BRAND ( Imond Icing 43c Sage JPREME BRAND PURE - 4-oz. LIBBY'5 FANCY Box of 6 Canes HAWE'S FLOOR WAX <Paste) 1-lb.'tin 53c ifEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP il-or. bottle 27c JEASIFRST SHORTENING 9-oz. j -Fresh Meaits- Swift's Fine Quality Beef lade Bone Rem'oved BLADE tOAST 39c FIORT Uib Roast lb. 45c -ottage Rolls wift's Premium - Haîf or Whole 1-1b. CellO P I BLACK DIAMOND FAMOUS 'ranks 3 5 OLD* CHEESE 1 -lb. wrap 3-.09 lb.5 9 LIBBY'S FANC~I TOMATO JUI 48-oz. tin 29c LIBBY'g Mixed Vegelab: BOWMANVILLE Yeo's Markéteria MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove Groceteria ORONO " RED W MJV S T ut H lgl r&E' IPOOD TORIE <v Cornisi-, Markeîeria Il 69 MAS EDROPI Id JEL]6% CUT ROCK ÎHERS lo Bat iour Choice INAS D NUTS [uded) Ic IIL NUTS ic LMOND %LNUTS el pkg. 19C ze 29C lOc 26e jar 20c, 7-oz. pkg. 31c' PC PC PCE àk&.à6ýiý t L L au mil 0 - aqàglwa«e.- ---- ALL GOLD FANCY GOLDEN HOUR - 1-1b. box 13-oz. box à LI,

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