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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Dec 1955, p. 7

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i TXU D m DEC. leu 9 _________________________ *~ ~d~ZJAfLIOL ~ -AN DWMANV= EO1NTAR!O MsJ.Rosi Stutt leit this week ta Visit friends in Ken- tucky.à Mu. J. W. Willus, Port Ar- thur,' was a recent visitor with ber siter, Mrs. M. J. Hutchin sonl. Dr. Dorothy M. James, To- rçnto, spent the weekend wità ~mother, Mrs. N. S. B. ';edraw sponsored by the 2nd Bowmanvilie Troap Boy ,Scouts,twas wan by Mr. John Kennett. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hoaper anc family, Napanee, were week- end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hooper. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jackson and Brenda Jean, Marmora, lrpelit Sunday with Misses Florence and Leta Jackson and other relatives. Weekend visitors with Mr. W. J. Berry and Novelda were his cousin Mr. and Mrs. Johr Joiliffee, "ioronto, and a niece, Miss Ruby McDonald, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wil- liams attended the funeralinj Arnprior on Wednesday of her father, Mr. Dawson Sia. ter. Sympathy is extended tc Mrs. William at this time. Cpi. Gerry Piper who is stationed at Whitehorse, Yu- kon Territory, with the Royal Canadian Army Pay Corps, is spending a 45-day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. AI- bert Piper. Mn. and Mrs. Harry Van( Beit, King Street East, hE returned inam a twa moi visit ta Holland and Germai Trhey were welcomed home a party given by Mrs. J. SwE and Mns. G. Vander Belt. der ave ni h my. at eep If you are too busy witb Cbnistmnas preparations ta read the article on the Foster at Uxbridge ii) this issue, lay the paper by sa that you may read this lnteresting story af the ex- znayor ai Toronto, Thomas Faster. The Bowmanville Legion PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 21 Ontario Street North Rev. F. B. Fifield, Pastor Sunday,, Dec. 18 Il &.m. and 7 p.m. Rev. W. R. Mercer, Belfast, Ireland To-night Tbursday, December l5th Pastor a.nd Mrs. R. Hutchinson Cannington, Ontario ALL WELCOME ST. JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) Fourth Sunday ini Advent 8 sud il a.m. - HOLY COMMUNION 10 and Il a.m.- CHURCH SCHOOL 7 pa.- FESTIVAL 0F NINE LESSONS WITIU CHRISTMAS CAROLS lis n- r. le )y ln ýn a, ýS d r. ,e n n 0 S F St. -,PauI's Uinited Churc Minister - Rev. H. A. Turner, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mrs. Reta Dudley, A.T.C.M., L.C.C.M. [1:00 a.m. -. WHITE GIFT SERVICE Sunday School cancelled. Chiidren will assemb,& ln School Hall at 10:40 a!31n. 7:00 p.m. - C.G.I.T. CANDLE LIGHT- ING SERVICE. Mrs. Andrew Dilling wilI tell the story. A weicome to al Trinity United Church Minister .- Rev. "T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. 11:00 A.M. - "In the Fullness of Time' i AI 3:30 p.m. Carol Vesper Service Presented by thse Senior, Iniermediafe and Junior Choirs Soloists - Miss Carol Pluuxmer, Miss V. Sadiler Mms. & Merkley, Mms G. Black, Mr. Colin Taylor This Vesper Service wii replace the" regular evening service Organist-Mr. Arthur Callison, Mus. Bach.. L.R.S.m. -... . . . . . . . i i i i I I is Pipe Band took part in the - Santa Claus Parade held iast Saturday aiternoon at Hoiland -Landing. It was the second yean ithe band played in this parade. -They made the trip in a char- tered Garton bus. Master Aluin Jamieson and Master Leslie Mannoi Peter- e. borough, who sang at the marra- ing service in Trinity Unltéd Church were guests with AI- iin's grandparents, Dr. yand Mrs. Norman Ailin un nSunday. Allin's father, Mr. Os- car Jamieson, visited with bis dmother, Mrs. Mary Jamieson, Chunch St. * In the account af the silver wedding celebration' for Mr. n and Mrs. G. Moiiatt in Onono, 1Nov. 26th, it shouid have sta- sted that Mn. and Mrs. Allen Mofiatt greeted the guests of bonaur at the doon. Allen was also Director of Ceremonies efor the evening and nead the iaddress while Mrs. Jack Moi- fatt presented the gifts. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Mornisan. attended the funeralinl To- ronto on Monday af bis cou- rsin, Clarke Raymond Morni- son 'who died suddenly on Fni- day. The deceased is a native of Bowmanviile, b9ing a son ofi the late William Morrison. In the early days, fie played hoc- Skey on ane of the first Bow- manvifle hockey teams. 1 Mrs. John Lane, 215 Wood St., Lexington 73, Mass., wbo left Bowmanville 13 years ago ta live with her sister at Lex- ington, sent in the renewal of ber subscription ta The States- man, which keeps her in toucri witb her many friends and relatives in Durham County. In October she ceiebrated her 9lst birtbday and stili enjoys fair- ly good health. Among those attending Mr. Ray Dudley's necitai in Town Hall, New York, Last Sundav,j were bis mothen, Mrs. C. H.4 Dudley, Courtice; Miss Mil- dred White, a niece ai Dr. and Mrs. Geo. W. James, and Mr. and Mrs. James A. Phil- lips, Jr., a nephew;, also Mis Elizabeth Wood, ah aof New York; and Mr. Ralph H. Car- ruthers, New York, Mrs. James Varo wbo leit oni Nov. 20 ta loin ber husband1 who is with the R.C.R., sta-e tioned at beadquarters of the 1 Second Infantry Brigade in1 Germany, was surprised by 1 friends at a iareweli party pri- - or ta her departure. Miss Au- 1 drey Fletcher was hostess at c the home af Mrs. Don Rundie, Mrs. Varo's sister, when about 1 28 girl friends gathered ta wish 1 the tr:veller bon voyage. She c was presented with a piece ai c 2uggage, a housecoat and sev- r eral other smali giits with the à best 'wishes ai ail present. A a social evening iollowed con-b cluding witb a deliciaus lunch. v Word was received recently g tbat she bad arrived- saieiy at P ber German destination. h A iew oi the aider residents f ai Bowmanville may recalli Mrs. Jessie M. Paul, widow ai n the late Prof. Charles T. Paul,b an illustriaus son ai the ton p The marriage took place ina St. John's Anglican Church, Bow- manville, on Saturday aiternoon, Dec. 3, ai Dorotby Fern Clarke, daugbter ai Mn. and Mrs. Gar- field Clarke, Bowmanville, ta Lawrence Francis Leaman, son of Mrs. Leaman and the late Mr. George Leaman ai Sant John, New Brunswick. Rev. A. C. Herbert penfonmed the ceremany and Mr. C. J. G. Evans played the wedding music. The bride was given in mar- -lage by ber father and chose a grey suit, wann with white bat and accessories. Hen corsage was ai red rases. Shet was attended by ber cousin, Miss F'aye De Guerre ai Oshawa, wrearing a black and white suit with black bat and accessanies and corsage ai red carnations. MrI. David Clark, brather-in-law of the groom, was best man. A neceptian was beld at the Memorial Park Club House, the bride's mother weaning a black crepe dresa with matching ac- 'essaries and corsage ai red car- nations. The graam's sisten, ,frs. D. Clark, received with ber and chose pink taifeta with black accessonies and corsage af white carnations. Though the 'roam's mother could nat be Present, a telephone eall from her and other members ai the Fmily was receieved. The couple kift an a haney- moon trip for Points west, tbe ride weaning a grey dress with urple coat and red accessanies. 'bey will reside in Bowmanvulle. Prior ta ber marriage, the :ride was guest ai bonor at sev- ýrai sbowers. A miscelianeous aower was held at the home ai Wns. Ruth Bettles, King St. E., aowmanville, by the Sunday )chool teacbers ai St. John's hurch. Mns. Frank BaIl and [rs. Jack Dewell, Oshawa, tnts af the bride, also entertain- id fan ber at a miscellaneous hower. A miscellaneous sbowen was eld in Memonial Park Club louse by Mns. Lawson Kirkton nd Mns. Peter Batbgate for the 'ompanians ai the Forest, and Ira. Veana and Mrs. Kay Lux- n wene hostesses at the Club [use for a miscelianeous show- A t the mantbly meeting ai the femonial Park Association, the ride-eiect was pnesented witb nelectric tea kettle. bi er Bi S( CI au s Cc Mi tai HE er. bri an ENFIELD wha was for many years asso- ciated with the Hartford Sem- inary Foundation. Word was received by relatives here last week af her death in Fort; Wayne, Indiana, on Nov. 22n'J. Mrs. Paul, who was in ber 9Otn. year, had been in failing health for some months. The funeral taak place in Fart Wayne on Friday, Nov. 25th. She is sur- vived by one. muter, Mrs. Ed- win Leigh of Fart Wayne, a daughter-in-law, Mrs. Justus W. Paul, of Hartford, Conn., and a sister-i-law, Mrs. F. C. Pethick and brother-in-law, Mr. R. G. Hamlyn, bath of Bownianville. An item appearing in the To- ronta Daily Star last Wednes- day is af interest ta a number in Bowmanville. It was an- nounced that T. J. Meek, Jr., bas been appainted technicai adviser an telephane transmis- sion ta the Çolombian Govern- ment in Bogota, South Amen.- ca. Mr. Meek's wife, is the for- mer Gertrude Wagar' daughten af Mrs. G. L . Wagar and the late Mn. Wagar, and is a grad- uate in chemical engineering, McGill University. Mr. Meek is the son of Dr. T. J. Meek, pro- fessor of Oriental languages at University ai Toronto. Mr. Meek for the pàst two years bas been manager ai Alberta I4orthwest Telephone Ca., Ed- manton, a subsidiary ai Radio Engineering Products Ltd.i Montreal. He is now an leave ai absence from,.this firm while filling his Colombian past. Mr. fj and Mrs. Meek Will be in Co1- c ombia about three years. Thev have already arrived in Bogota lp and Mrs. Wagar and Mrs. How- , ard Jeiiery, a sister ai Mis. c Meek, have received interest- ing letters describing their new situation. u~1 -f *u'.wale An ideol gift for a Brownie Hawkeye1 Kodak Pony 135 C Koadak Duaflex 111 with Kodar f/i ACIO ~'Ca br For 20's- We have regulor,c brands-p Mn. and Mrs. Milton Samis visited with Mn. and Mrs. S. J. Jackman, Bawmanvilie. Mr. and Mns. Roy Cowling, Whitby; Mn. and Mns. Vincent Redding, Columbus, visited witb Mr. and Mns. R. Griffin. Misses Elsie and Carsina Samnis and Marion Stinson were ira Toronto with Miss Vera Stinson ion the weekend. Misses Evelyn Cunningham îand Freda Scbneller, Bran*.- fard, were weekend visitons at the Pascae home. Miss Ruth Wilson was with ber family at Lakeiield for the weekend. Mn. and Mns. John Wallcer and Kim, Long Bnancb; Mn. and Mrs. Russell McLaughln, Bowmanville; Mn. and Mrs. Carl McLaughlin and sons of Nestieton, Mn. and Mrs. Jim McLaughlin and Raiph were at a iamily reunion dinner with Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Griffinl and baya. Mr. and Mns. Henry Adams and Bnian, Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Cochrane, Raglan; Mn. and Mrs. Don Cochrane and Calvin, Port Penny, were visitans at Mn. Les. Cochrane's. Mn. and Mns. Fred Samis, Mr. and Mns. Milton Samisansd Miss Elsie Samîs attended the iunerai service for Mrs. J. Pearce ai New Jersey which was held in Bowmanville on Monday. Mrs. Pearce was tak- en 111 while on hen way ta the golden wedding celebratian af Mn. and Mns. Samis and passed away ira Trononto. We extend aur sympathy ta Mns. Samis ira the loss ai a favounite cousin wbo waa a Well-knawn and admined summer visitor hene. Sorny ta report that Mn. Russell Cochrane is in pon health just now. Miss Louise Hartman is busy getting her concert ready for Wed. night. Starts at 8 tiClO('JL. We aIso fresh be as Neilsc for gifts "starter set" - a complet. outfit for blaolc c lor . Instructon s included .....$1 1.45 Flash Camera .... .. .... ... .$8.75 .. ......e........... $39.75 Camera with Kodet ions ...* $17.95, 18 Ions .......... .. . ..~... -$26.75 ,photo AlbU 8 Artcroft photo album -brawn, red or ivory two tone padded Du. r-een caver .... .5 nada's finesi cigarette" ht hrd-o.slecg.forperson. -33c 25's-4 1 c Ws-82c ea fins range of cigaretts Cork tip and filter in cil populo, ppe or cgret te tobacco, cigars. 01 ST@« M LIONTEoR Dependable, smoking sturdy good ne brar lookng and Ites-ns.guorontéed $3.95 coveredf ocolote. %4 lb. 80e 1Ib. $1.50 e have a fine selection of hord condy, oxed chocolates by such famous mokers sons, Smiles'n Chuekîes, Rowntrees. etc. sor for your buffet. MuT 619T SUPREMR Selected Coshews, Filberts, Brazil s, AI. monds etc., roasted to Perfection ond seled for fresh- ness. Beotful gold calour gift boy. ~P~W~W~w ALX.MICOREOOR, DRUOS We Deliver Your Local I.D.A Drug Store Phone MA 3-5792 PAOR Avvm JFJLUJ5 blsmyiffl _____________ f*camnpany would useapotn M ay ring af uncampleted Trans-ana pipeline ta reinforce the pres- kIKI p~ent system. INatural G,.as When this pipeline is cam- pleted, said M.Jones, Cona- Y a sumers' Gas Ca. ilcneit Here Next Ye r contracts wt mrcnsp pliers and purchase. only Ca.n- Consumera' Cas Co. plans ta adian gas. pipe natural gas as far east as Bawmanville next year, the OtroFuel Board was told C fC e tn The Fuel Board gave ýhe (Continued irom Page One) Company the ga-ahead ta ex- ville if proper arrangements tend its pipelines ta serve Pick- e ring Township and the vil- could be made. The manager ai ai icknin aid Mrk-the Oshawa Bureau bas offer- lages eoftaickerisnaggeeralMmee- bam. Construction is expected e eadls eea et ta start next spring. Ohw ing of the Bowvmanvi1le Chani- But n Bwmanill, Osawaber on the mnatten. But n BomanvlleVice-President R. P. "Rick" and Whitby, the cOmpany's Rickaby reported an the Re- plans depend an the settlement gianal Convention ai the Ol- af a iegal dispute with a Ta- tarie and Canadian Chambelli ronto group known as Mer- af Commerce held in Peter.-o- chants' Gas Ca. ough on December 7 ta which This group dlaims a prior be wa eae right ta buy the properties aof M.Morris eated o hs the Ontario Shore Gas Ca. in activities duning November thase cammunities wbich had which included writing 43 anig- ..... negotiated 'ta seli these pro- inai letters, issuing one bulle- perties ta Consumers' Gas Ca. tin with 1J14 copies, attending Merchants' Gas bas lest pre- five meetings and making min- vious actions, but has an ap- utes ai two ai them. He gave peal before the Supreme Court. the financiai statemfent irom Cansumers' Gas plans ta March 31, 1955 ta date whicb builà a 12-inch main along No. sbowed a total af $1,462 tak-cn 2 Highway fram tbe present in by the Chamber, including system at Lawrence Ave. and $728.80 in membership fees; Orton Park ta Oshawa. Ths and disbursements aiof 16 line will pass through Rouge This leaves a balance in the [ational Railways Chef Instructor HilI, Liverpool, Dunharton andi treasury af $306. producing a fruity plum pudding Pickering. The Chamber made two new ik assistants have spent a month Another main will be built industrial contacts during the ,000 CNR travellers this Yuietide through Agincourt irom the month, he said.. recipe, thev wUi be served in ail Trans-Canada line ta No. 2 The next executive meeting ranuarv 3. And the puddings are Highway, passing withiû aone was set for Mondax', January 9 )ns of roast turkey, toa. mile ai Markham Village. Okah and the next general meeiing Jones, general manager ai Con- will be on the third Monday _________sumners' Gas Ca., explained h-s of the nonth as usual. DEE-LICIOUS! That's what Canadian N oseph F. Nellis seems ta, be thinl<ing af ter on a CNR dining car. Chef Nellis and hi preparing sufficient puddings ta serve 21,( season. Made from a famous century-aId CNR diners hetween December 16 and j only part of the mènu-there'Ii be ten tai MM The Statesman SoId Ai Following Stores Reg. Eclmund's Stare, Betktany [Johnson's Drug Store, Newcastle T. Enwright, Newmstle S. Brown. Newtanville C. Pethick, Enniskillen Tý M. Slemon, Enniakillen F. L. Byam, Tyrone G. A. Barron. Hampton Trull's Store. Courtice A. E. Ribey, Burketan H. T. SaywelL Blackstock Keith Bradley, Pontypool C. B. Tyrreli, Orono H. K. Reynolds. Kendal Gilbert Food Market Millbroàk Henderson's Book -Store. Oshawa -Bowmanville - R. P. Rickaby - "Big 20" W. J. Berry' Jack's Smoke Shop' Rite's Smake Short Jury & Lovefl Goheen's Handy Store The Statesman Office f WEDDING - 1 LEAMAN - CLARKE 1 19M IMAMAlNtale PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY '

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