m AOITH CANADA N K? 'T' A:a5MA . WI ¶.¶ %FNI, HRDY AN t, F ire Destroys Barn for Second Time Two New Members 'Welcomed fo Rotary At Final '55 Meeting At the final meeting for 1955 hpld last Friday the Bow- manville Rotary Club initiated two new members and heard an excellent recording on pro- mroting peace through interna- tional understandiflg, prepared 4À, by Rotary International. New members welcomed in- to Rotary membership were Lt. William Brown, head of the Bowmanville Citadel of the Salvation Army; and Kenneta Morris, Secretary - Manager of the Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce. They were initiat- cd by President Keith Jack- son and Past Presidents Wal- ter DeGeer, Morley Vanstone and Mel Dale. Presitient Jackson stated that the new men had been chosen for mcmbershîp becausec the mem'oers of the club be- lieved they possess the quali- ties necessary to interpret arii carry the message of Rotary International. Past President DeGeer pre- sented the ncw members with copies of the Rotary book, "Service, Is My Musiness". He pointed out that, as represeil- For the second timè in nine months f ire destroyed quantity of hay and equipment,. but only one cow Out Of a tatives to Rotary from their the barn of Bill Dykstra, Newv Canadian farmer whose herd of 36 was lost. The previous barn on the 5ame site trade or profession, they will land is located east of Newcastle about 200 yards directly was destroyed in a fire on March 24. Lack of a water be called on to bring knowl- north of Honey Hollow Restaurant. The blaze, shown supply prevented Newcastle and Bowmanville f iremen clubdand of therprf essi tth above, which broke out on December 21, destroyed a large fromn controlling the blaze. clubotand to teirpreshsiden. Dinner Badges Presented Lorne Lamb, Stewart ani Past President Vanstone pre- W ill Rebuld B rn A ainRuth, Mr. and Mrs. Raipti sented them with their dinner W iI e uid an ganLamb, were New Year guests badges and informed them ta ton. 1 essary in preserving the fel- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ward and lowship of the club. family, Oshawa, with Mr. and In presenting the new memn Mrs. P. Ellis. bers with framed scrolls of th3 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin, Objects of Rotary, Past Presi- Doreen and Donald, spent Sat- dent Dale impressed on thein urday with Mr. and Mrs. AI- ta h he beti 5r bert Wright and Mr. and Mrs vice Above Self". "You must Fred Trewin, Blackstock. characterize this object in your Mc. nd Ms. Fed Tmsown ]ives". lie declared. 'since Mr. and Mrs. al redvi, or- j the comnmunity will judge Ru- een and Donald. were New of throcubhyua ebt Year's Day guests of Mr. theclb" Mrs. Lloyd Slemon, Haydon. President Jackson presented Miss Marie Bottreil, Mr. and te ihcu otr n * Mr. Erl otteil Necasl2,welcomed themn into the organ- Mr. and Mrs. Don Carr, and Theation. mwsune h * family, Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Thprra wsunete Fred Ferguson, Bowmanville, Rotary Information Committee were New Year guests of Mr, and Chairman Dave Morrison and Mrs. Carl Ferguson. was introduced by President Mr. and Mrs. Allan Martin Jackson, who pointed out that and Grnt, Bwmanvlle, ihe was retiring that same day and Mrs.at ur Brnt wle, r. from the Goodyear firm bere, * with Mr. and Mrs. Orr Jeffery, wt hc ehsbe m - Pot Prry n Nw Yer's ployed for 40 years, most of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langrnaid,thtim asCifC mst Mr. and Mrs. Charley Lang- In a humorous reference toi maid and girls, Solina, Mr. and bis retirement, Mr. Morrison Mrs. Lloyd Preston and boys, mentioned that hie would ap- Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGill, preciate any financial assist- Bowmanville, were guests of ance the Rotarians could give Mr. and Mrs. Roy MeGili Nec., hlm now that bis regular Year's, source of income was cut off. New Year guests of Mr. and The members proceeded tu Mrs. Johin Borrowdale, Osh- "pass the bat", and contribu- awa, were: Mr. and Mrs. E. A. tions ranged from pennies to Werry and family, Mr. and M\,r.. stuffed olives. Allan Werry and Sandra, Mr. Vocational Service Bih yksrashon a riht bov, lokssady o whle lams - ---and Mrs. Harvey McGill, Jùe Rotarian Morrison pointed Bil Dystr, sownat igh abvè,loos sdlyon hil flmesconsume a new and Garth, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph out that each member bas b:.s br±,n on his property 200 yards north of the Honey Hollow Restaurant, Newcastle, the Virtue, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. own ideas on Rotary informa-ý afternoon of Dec. 21. The barn replaced one wvhich was burned only nine months Werry, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wer- tien, wbich covers a vast field agoonMarh 4. it hi a let s is roher KaasDystr. n sit yo Enniskillen, Miss Jane from the mecbanics of running lgoosn hsarn tw2ce, Mr. Dykstatlti plans otebu Klasild. I pi fMcClure, Bowmanville. a club to îdealistic concepts of losig hs brn wice Mr Dystr stll pansto ebuld.Mr. and Mrs. 0. Beaumont vocational and internationali and Jimmy, Toronto, were serVýice. He stated that Rotare oeeob tt Adred I îtoNoelw i nGrade New Year guests of Mr. and International bad rpedsv XIa CmecmetEe- Mrs. A. Leadbeater. e rai recordings on various Ro- N oe C rbe t wélde ciesrecently. The essay was adfmlwt Mr. and Mrs. odS itay themes such as commun- cîsne nfl nteWib n amlwt r n n.iy vocational and intefnation- print e wsfui te Whi2)îbndEd. Cox. ai service in connection with 1.0 .D .E. Essay Prize sh~wseek l es o De. 22aind Christmas Day guests of Mr.th Godn A ivray n I. O . D. E. ssay Prine sos exeletsranztion and Mrs. G. Yeo, were Mr. 1955. He played one of thesie Many in Bowmanvîlle will of the Empire. olsfteBbwafr and composition.adreorsenited "heWol b neetdto learn that Noel The prize is awardcd eacli oel's faheBb, wasforheand Ms. YH.andColautan eorsOnisdhTe-o Corbett, son of Mr. and Mrs. year to a student of the Whit- Statesman staff, and is now Ms DaeoadLonaOh The record deait with the Robert Corbett of Wbitby, bv District High Sc'hool in Whitby reporter for the Osh- Mr.and.s .R ehctem fwa oayItra formerly of Bowmanville, and drades XII or XIII who writeS awa Times-Gazette. M.adMs S .Ptiktioeme o htotry ntewra- grandson of Mr. and Mrs. W. P.' the best essay on a patriotic __________ Miss Nancy Wood, spent NewJ tioacan d oto rom tsiealwof Corbeit here, was the winner sbetcoe yteCatr Year's with Mr. and Mý. E. 0. paeb otrn t dasa recently of a prize given b I The subject chosen was the Pethick, Toronto, and rela- mutuaill huders tandin ad the Viscount GreenwoodCap Right Honorable Vincent Mas. T ~ TT tT tives. gowh bogottewrd ter, Imperial Order Dauebt__ersiv. . ad he ,,ip r,; nwqri- ENNISK LLNMr. and Mrs. F. W. Werry, ""OKIW\NE HAVE ITALL FIGOPRED OUT FOR. YOLI «"Here's the smart way ta make maney. Simply invest in' 31,'2% Guaranteed Trust Qertificates. Here's what you get: " 3ý!/% yearly Interest, payable haif-yeorly " Authorized investmnent for trust funds " Short term-5 years For example, $42036 of yaur money accumulates ta $50000 in just five years. Write/or lhe (les rp:upJ righr au ay. THE STERLING TRUSTS C0R POR ATI0N BRANCH OFFICE 1-3 Dunlop St., Barrie Mission Band was held at 2.30) an Thucsday afternoon and opened with "Came, Corne ta Our Mission Band". We sang "Away in a Manger". We had the Mission Band cail ta warship, "B-i-b-i-e" and "Read Youc Bible" were sung. Mrs. .L. Ashton read a story. Kath- ryn Slemon played a piano solo. Rev. Green gave a short speech. The rail caîl was given. The election ai officers weî-e chosen as follows: President, Linda Yeo; Vice Pres., Wayne Beckett; Secretary, Bructo Mills; Assistant Secrotary, Ki- thcyn Siemon; Ti-casurer, Lais Ashton; Press Reporter, Doris Wright; Assistant Reporter, Bruce Mitis; Birthday Box, Mary Yeo; Wocld Friends, Vie- ki Pickering; Peace, Richard Pickering; Temperance, Davii Stainton, Daphine Green, Judy Green, Lois Ashton: Pîanist, Kathryn Siemon. Games followed led by Mrý. Ashton. We closed wAIh ou:' Mission Band Prayer. A deli- ciaus lunch xvas served after- w ards. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Weavin~ and Rickey Thornhiil, spent the weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore. Mr. Albert and Wallace Stainton, Toronto, spent New Yeac's with their sisters, Mrs. H. Stevens and Mcs. W. H. M oo re. Mc. 'and Mrs. Eari Tcewin and Mrs. Fed Toms attended the funeral ai Mr'. Reg Boua- dey. Port Pery on Friday. Mi - s Deceen'Trewin spent a couple of day's holiday with hec grandparents, Mc. and Mrs. C. E. Horn, Oshawa. Mr. arnd Mrs. F. Beckett and family were New Yea's guests ai Mr. and Mrs. O. Beckett, Ty- cane. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lamb, spent a few days with Mc. and Mcs. T. Grawbargec. Restoule. iMr., and Mrs. Keith- McGill, Bowrnanville, Mr. and Mrs. Ray McGill and Reva, spent Christmas Sunday witb Mc. and Mrs. Fred Billett, Scarbora Bluffs, and Monday with Mr, and Mrs. Roy Langmaid, Sa-, î. . ý>cIi-r.. I1~oDickev, Bownimanville, Mr. and Mis.j Mc nd Mýrs.iR. McGill- -r- and Mrs. H. McGill, Mc. and Mis. M. J. Stainton, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hobbs, Mr. and Mrs. G. Yeo, Mr. and Mrs. J. Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. A. Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. L. Lamb, Mrs. E. C. Ash- ton, spent New Year's ,Evc- with Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Ash- ton. Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Bell, and family, Toronto,. spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wc arn. Miss Lamna Wearn, is vis!'- ing with Miss Judy Dorland Lapeer, Michigan. Messrs. A. Stainton and W. C. Stainton, Toronto, Mr. an-J Mrs. W. H. Moore, Mrs. H. Ste- yens were at Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stainton. Mr. and Mcs. Gardon Yeo and family with Mr. and Mrs. D. Yeo, Oshawa, on New Year's. At Christmas on Monday Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and famîly were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Sanderson. Columbusý. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wrigh~t and Mr. and Mrs. N. Wcighti were with Miss Florence Van Ncst, Toronto, and on MIýonday ý Mr. and Mrs. N. Wright were with relatives in Oshawa. Mc. and Mrs. John E. Griffin and family, Mrs. E. Bennett were with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Griffin, Blackstock, on New Year's. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sharp spent New Year's with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skinner, Tyrane. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dorland with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Turner, Osbawa. Mr. and Mrs. John Oke, Ran dy and Sherry, Mc. and Ms Howard Oke and Garry, Osii- awa, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ash- ton and famiIy, were with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke, New. Year's. We are sorry ta report Mrs. Bruce Ashton is in Genecal Hospital, Toronto, with eyc trouble. We wisb ber a speedy recavery. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werryl entertained bis Sunday School class ta a Christmas party. Mr. and Mcs. Allan Werry and Sandr-a, %verp Sunday te3- uLu t ýüfMr. an~d Mrs. I 1aroi Recelrt Iiàtrs at Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms were Mc. and Mrs. Ralph Sadler and Janice, Mr. Wilfred Williams, Nestie- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton and family with Mr. and Mrs. S. Kersey on New Yeac's. Mr. and Mrs. A. Palmer and family were at Mr. and Mrs. C. Langille, Bowmanville, on New Year's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Griffin and family, Mrs. E. Bennett were Friday evening guests -il Mc. and Mrs..W. Ralbm, Tyrone. Mrs. E. Bennett bas ceturn- cd home ta Fenclon Falls. Mr. and Mcs. Allan Werry and Sandra, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee and Brian, Kedron. Mr. Roy Spry, Rochester, N. 'Y., Mc. and Mrs. W. Sanderson, Murray and Ray, Columbus, spent New X'ear's with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright. Mr. and Mrs. C. Langille and faînilY, Bowmanville, were Monday guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werrv and Sandra, were Saturday evening guests ai Mrs. Doug Cale and family, Bowmanville Little Miss Doris and Masteri Dennis Ashton, Purpie Hill. xith Lois and Charles Ashton, Purple Hill. Mrs. E. C. Ashton, Mr. an" Mrs. O. C. Ashton, Lois and Charles spent New Year's with Mc. and Mrs. G. Beech, Maple Grave. A family gatbering was held at Mc. and Mrs. Russell Grif,. fin's on Monday New Year's. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ferg'.i- onwith Mr. and Mrs. Geo.! BowerF. Nestieton. SMc. Fred Ellis wý.itb Mr. and Mrs. Bert Billett, Hampton. Wayne and Terry Lee, Oshi- awa, spent holidays with their gcandparents, Mr. and Mr2z. Walter Ferguson. Mr. E. E. Staples, Bethany. 1Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell, Janet- ville, visited Mc. and Mrs. fi. Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. A. Scott, Mc. and Mrs. Alvin Scott and faniilv, Os;hawa: MiFscrs Laui-e and i\a,-'orie McIntosIj, W\X't-; by, spent N-w Yea 1-s t Mr. and Mis. Gea. rwm. Presdinrt Jackson wxrc.lr.med ur Trewin, Miss Grace Trewin, Mr. Fred Castie, Toronto. Miss Winnifred Trewin, Mrs. M. An- derson, Bowmanville, Mr. Wal- ter Loveridge were New Yeaes guests at Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trewin's and Miss Mary Trew- ins. Mr. and Mrs. Ç. Garrard and Alfred attended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Franklin Cross- man, Oshawa, on Thursday. "TIP TOP" CLOTHES SALE $4 7.60 We wilI be happy to hold your suit for EASTER DELIVERY 26 Ring Si. E. LONG SÂULT Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, Dundas, with Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Turner and famlly, Miss Barbara Harper and Mr. AI Clynick. Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Harper and Bill. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller, Orono; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Du- val], Leskard, and Mr. Bruce Halfyard with Mr. and Mrs. Orme Miller. Mrs. Orme Miller spent the Christmas weekend with her parents at Tara. Mr. and Mrs. Don Wilkinson and family spent the Christmas weekend with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Young, Bloom- f ield, and Mr. and Mrs. Stanle)' Wilkinson, Belleville, spent the New Year's weekend with the Wilkinson's. Mr. Stanley Fletcher, Toronto, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fletcher. Misses Beverley Bradley, Bow- manville. and Kay Davey spent the %veekcend with the former's uncle, Mr. Robt. Sim. Mr. and ,Mrs. C. Bradley were supper guests at the Sim home. Home and Scbool Club will meet Friday night, Jan. 13 with the Jobnston, Gibson and Davey familles program convenors. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Smith and Grace with Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Smith, Bowmanville. Sorry, no news off the Bell line this week. two visitors to the meeting' Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton and Dr. Robert Shoemaker of the family, Mr. anid Mrs. Lloyd Ash- Central Experimental Farm. tan, Ronald Ray and Marie, Ottawa, and Paul Welliver, Mrs. M. Brownlee, Toronto, at- Williamsport, Pennsylvania. tended a New Year's' gathering at Mr. and Mrs. Russel 0cm- The sing song wvas led by Ro- iston's, Enniskillen, on Saturday. tarian AI Strike with Dave M.adMs osAbo n Morcison at the piano.alatM. and Mrs. Ro s Mona- The hockey draw was wofl Laughlin's, Nestîcton, for New by Rotarian Jim Hogarth. Yeac's on Monday. President Jackson's "thouglit Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon. for the week" was:_-"Give me Mr. Milton Slemon at Mrs. W. the man wl'o, instead of ai- White's, Hampton, on Tuesdav ways telling you how things evening. sbouid be donc, gocs ahead and Mr. and Mrs. C. Rankine and does them". Margot spent Sunday (New Year's Day) with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Avery. Mapie Grove. HAYDON Miss Margot Rakine was solo- ist at the Pacey and Philp wed- New Year's visitars at Mr. and ding in Tyrone United Church Mrs.Artbr Rad'swere Mron Saturday. Be. rt Ahton, Bad and Eddie". 1Mr. J. Walker spent New BertAshtn, Bad ad EdiYeac's with Mr. and Mrs. Mac- Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. ClaytonîAPf n ice.Ale e Rcad, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. turned home on Sunday afterl Henry Ashton, Mr. and Mcs. spending the Christmas holidays Jack Potts and Lynda. wt e rnfteM.J Mr. Bob Keith, Toronto, Mr wt e rnfteM.J and Mrs. Harold Gay, Robert Walker. and Eleanor, Oshawa, spent New Sehool Meeting Year's with Mr. and Mrs. C. The annuai school meeting Garracd's. was heid in the school bouse an Mrs. Muriel Browniees, Lea- Wednesday evening at 8 p.m., sid, spent the weekend with Mc. with a fair attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton. Arthur Trewin called the meet- Mrs. W. White and Douglas, ing ta order. Mr. J. Walkec was Miss M. Warrack. Hampton-, Mr. appointed chairman for the Don White, Oakville, Miss Nancy meeting xith Mrs. Arthur Trew- Johns, Toronto, were supper in appointed secretary-treasurec. guests ai Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mr. David Malcolm cead the re- Slemon on Thursday.I port for the year. Mrs. Arthur New Year's guests at Mr. and Trewin presented bis resignation Mrs. Lloyd Slemon's were: Mc. as trustee, which was acceptcd. and Mrs. Wilbur Toms and Wil- Mr. Alfred, Garrard was ap- ma, Mr. Keitb Van Camp, Mr. pointed trustee in Mr. Arthur and Mrs. Stewart Dorrell, Mr. Tcewin's place for a period of and Mrs. Harold McLaughlin, two ycars. Mr. John Liptay was Bobbie and Ly'nda, Mr. and Mrs. appointed trustee for a period of Kortney Graham, Blackstock. three ycacs, Mr. Roy Graham Mr. Harvey Grahamn, Kempt- bas anc year of bis term of three ville; Miss Joan Hoskin, Black- years ta fill. stock: Mr. and Mrs. Eari Trcwin, Sacrament will be obsecved at Doreen and Ronald, Mr. and the churcc service on Sunday Mrs. Fred Toms. Enniskillen. afternoon. Congregational meet- Newv Year's dinner guests at ing will be held in the Church Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham's on Wednesday evening, Jan. Il were: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham at 8 p.m. and family and Mrs. H. Cross- W.A. January meeting will be man. held at the home of Mrs. Arthur Mc. and Mrs. Sulas Trewin Read on Tbursday afternoon, and Judith, Mr. and Mrs. Arth- Jan. 12, at 2:30 p.m. TIP TOP TAILORS 20% REGULAR OFF PRICES Reg. $59.50 2 Pc. Top Tailors nt these low prices Bowiuanyille I r ) ( -1 o "Clloice o/ the J{ouse" semi-annual clearance ALE Tailored-lo-Measure Suits for Men and Ladies CLUB CLOTHES SALE $ 39.60 Reg. $49.50 2 Pc. FLEET STREET CLOTHES SALE $5,5.60 Reg. $69.50 2PC Even at regular prices our values are beyond compare. Don't miss this opportunity to make even greater savings on these three famous brands FREE EXTRA PANTS ...in place of the 20%/ discount you may, if you wish, order any of the above ranges at the regular price Sand get an extra pair of pants FREE. LADIES - Get an extra skirt FREE with your suit! i HEAD OFFICE 372 Bay St., Toronto Bruce Minns Clothing Garry Venning, Manacier ,le-, . - TEMMDAY. JAN. Sth, 1956 m qqm PAM frTM- e4AWATTÀlV qTATr.qVAM lýtnWVAWVrttlM- Ini-MARIO '<OU WOULDWNFT TUST VOUR CAP, Ta A' MECHPANIC WITII ONLY N ETOOI. -WE'PXE&UIFPED FOR OUR JOBTOot, MYLE1S RADIO TV SERVICE Expert Repaira to Ali Malien 3 Silver St. MA 3-3483 BOWMANVILLE 1 'Sey, arict me prize %vas awarct-