Council Approves Resolution Proposing Raitway A rbitration A resolutioff- that arbitration be used to settie the differences between the Canadian raiiways and their empioyees was passed unanimously by Bowmanville Town Council at their inaugural meeting Tuesday night. Adoption of the resolution was mnoved by Reev-e Sidney Little iand seconded by Councillor Lloyd Peston. The motion aiso provided that copies of the 4resolution be sent to the proper authorities. Following is the resolution: WHEREAS the Town of Bow- manvrille is largely dependent uPon railway services for trans- .'ý AOf goods and passengers, and tfn, EREAS serious inconven- I e. 1 and loss would be caused .1~~~'ilcitizens of the town by fi long continued interruption QIthis service; and WHEREAS it appears prob- able that any disagreement be-i tween the railway companies: and their eniployees over wages1 and working conditions is cap-1 able of being settled by an im-1 partial board o! arbitration, representative of the public and both parties to the dispute, and WHEREAS the managements o! the railway companies have indicated thein willingness to agree to the recommendation o! such a board; THEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOLVED that this Town Council a! Bawmanville express itself in favor o! the settiement of the said differences between the railway companies and thein employees by the method 'o! arbitration, the results to be binding on both parties, to the end that a just settiement may be reached without harm to the public interest; AND BE IT FURTHER RE- SOL VED that copies of this resolution be sent to the Prime Minister, the Rt. Hon. Louis S. St. Laurent, to the press, to Mn. Frank Hall, chairman o! the negotiating committee for the railway unions, and to the president of the Canadian Na- tional and Canadian Pacific Rail- wa-ys. " Crucial Game Friday As Barons Leadership Threatened by Cobour 1 The Cobourg Lumber Kings ta the Pont Hope Redmeî have once more drawn up into urday nigbt at 8:30. a tie with the Bawmanvillc Following is the latcst2 Barons for top spot in the Lake- ing o! the 6-team loop: ahore Intermediate "A" League G when they de! cated the Lake- G field Lumbermen 2-1 in Lake- Bow'vjlle ..16 Il 5 field Tuesday night. Cobourg - 16 10 4 The big game o! the season Lake!îeîd 15 9 6 abouid be ln Cobourg Friday Orn-01 xilght since the Barons will sup_ o- --- 1 8 8 ply the opposition fan the Lum- Lindsayv---16 4 Il ber Kings. They wiil be at home Pont Hope . 15 3 Il O ut standing Address Given by Alex Edmisoi At Jack & Jili Dinne, The annual banquet o! th Jack and Jili Club o! Tinit: UJnited Church beld in the Sur day School auditorium on Tues ý,evning, Jan. 3, was a high "fthe club yean. Gues wsJ. Alex. Edmisor ,,,!S;âlt t the principal, Qucen' Abi 2 members and guestý enjoy .deiicious dinnen caten. edb es o! Salem W.A. Th( tle was introduced b:ý 0ut-goingPresident Sam Black ,and guests included Mrs. T. A ,Morgan, Len Swatridge, Franciý De Caral a! Campbellford whc entertained with several sangsý Gwen Black, Mn. Edmison, in- caming Presidents Dick and Rosemary Merkley, and Mary iSwatridge. Guests from Newcaýtic, Osha- wa and Enniskiilen Couples' Clubs were aiso introduccd. Mr. Edmison, wbo is active in ]Pnisonen rebabilitatian wark in the John Howard Society ini addition ta bis duties at Queen's University, was introduced by Len Swatnidge. Ten Commandments His subjcct on thîs occasion deait. with the ten command- inents a! public speaking. These Pnaved ta be bath highly inter- esting and bumorous. Under ftie commandmcxît, "Thou Shait Not Be Duli," Mn. Edmison assuned bis audience that anyane cao Jean ta be an interesting speaker. He pointed out the value a! reminiscences in this connection and adviscd * his listeners ta try this out with a group a!f fiends in one's owil living-room. Autognaph books which Mr. Edmison bas, kcpt for many years have provcd intcnesting ta hinîsel! and othens. as be bas travelicd widely and met a great many people in the course a! bis work and spcaking in rmany places. As an example a! the 'value a! these books in the art a! nemîniscing., Mr. Edmison opened anc datcd 1923, contain- ixig autagnaphs a! sanie of those attending a meeting at St. Paul's Church lîcre at wlîich lie spoke, during Dr. D. W. Best's mlnîstry. He had books fnam New Bruns- wick and variaus othen Places. ail o! whîch recallcd People and incidents.______ te Good Advice ty Othen commandments 1- with by the speaken were: s- shaît nat be full o! apooi 1- "thau shaît not murden t King's English"; "thou shal n, wanden fnom thy subject";' 's shaît not be lang-windcd" others equally practical. ts Thé prolanged applausev 7- followcd Mn. Edmison's sp (e îndicatcd what a splendid Y ample he is a! what a spe , sbouid be. Tbanks a! bis Lthusiastie audience wene con ýs cd ta bim by Helen Burgess, 0 Most enjoyable also wene 1vocal numbens o! Francis Carrall wba was accompa at the piano by Lynn Oke. NS Tbers given by Mn. De Cai includcd "My Jounneys E "For You Alone", "By Ben mcrc's Stream", and "My T Is Ploughing."1 Sam Black tbanked bis e utîve and the members fan t support during the past y and introduced the new idents, Dick and Rosenr Merklcy. Dick took the c and asked fan the same co-opI tion from the club which been given tlîe out-gaing c: utive. Newv Executive Names a! the iîexvexecu wcre read as follows: Hon, P -Rev. T. A. and Mrs. Monj Past Pres.-Sam and G) Black, Pms.-Dick and Ri mary Merkicy; Vice-Pres.-. and Joan Mann; Rec.-Secc Clarence and Eva Hockin; Tri -Elmen and Lynn Banti Corr. Sec'y-Merle and Er Slute, Lloyd and Alne Ai Social and Program-Budi Lynn Oke, George and He White; Membersliip-..Bea Barney Vanstone. Don Morris expncsscd the preciation o! ail ta Mr. De C rail and ta the Salenm ladies the fine banquet. The even closed with the singing "Abide With Mc.", Tîe nmajor source o! einpit ment and incoîe i Canada the manufacturing industry. Canadian railwavs moved million tons o! wheat ini 19 haif o! ail the agicuitural p; ducts !reighted by rail in ct year. ['I "J.,.' THfE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOVWANVILLP, ONTARIO ____________ ____PAGE 'ý 1 ___________________________ Mayor Chats With Two New Councillors r ( 9 Two new members of Bowmanville Town Council is Councillor Norman Scott who previou nl Sat- took their seats at the inaugural meeting Tuesday night. council in 1952 and 1953. Caun. Lathang They are shown above being welcamed to council by Chairman of the Cemetery Committee an stand-, Mayor Nelson Osborne. On the left is Councillor Keith Chairman of the Police Committee. Lathangue, who is serving his first term, and on the right -Photo by Carson St T Pts 0 22 - - - - 2 22 HAM., 18 Enterrise he Mn 1 . Fre nteprie or heFarmers 1FakWih 1 7J Town, for New lU,9and Mrs. Ia (By Colin Groff, recently re- were hauling their wheat long tions, own and aperate same af Miss Nina H( tired Public Relations Directon distances ta the elevators, get- the largest and most moderni ta Washington, Agriculture, at Ottawa.) having ta accept whatever with strings of elevators span- with her parent n Recently I've been reading gnading and weights and dock- ning the wheat plains. Farm- R.J adsn some editonial comment teîîing agesth elevator people want- er discontent and exasperatian .J.Hds. the farmens of Canada it was ed ta give them. Some o! these aven exploitation by private Mr. and Mrs time they gat back ta the good farmers used to came into the enterprise did tîîis, just as itgussaMr r ad free enterprise days when office and stand araund the established the United Co-op- Daw and famil every farmer was independent, Pot-bellied stove in the back erative enterpnises in Ontario,Sud. and there were na such things shap and tell me thein trou- the Co-operative Federce in Mn. E. E. St as marketing schemes and mar- bles. Sa just for luck I toak a Quebec, and the Maritime ca- spent a day or deait keting boards and guarantccd whack at the "free epterprise" operative service. The fruit and Mrs. A.1 "thou floQr prices and ail that; with system o! marketing the farm- farmers of B.C., after a long week and a.ý ýies"; a special slap at the wheat er's grain. The editonial bore and bitter fight, establishcd friends. .the marketing set-up in Canada. fruit o! a sort fan a few days and naw own and operate what Mn. and Mns. t not Memory carnies us ba k laten the president o! one o! can easily be termed the most and family, P thou hog h east aeo the big elevatar systems landed efficient fruit marketing sy.- Mn. and Mrs. . an throsegaode ea aid f e eter in town in a pnivate 'railway tem Jin the world, the B.C. Tnee M.adMs Jprise" days, and what the carad li msaeae t ris eld New Year' vich farmers werc going througn the office commanding my Gavernmnent progranîs o! with Mn. and MN peech when they were on their awn presen ce. I felt ]ikc telling him guaranteed floon pnices in r,ý- vean, Orano, anc 1e-each oecanfronted when h a oyou know where, but I cent years have merely given Herbent Prescot aker came ta market with weîî-or- went oven to the railway the farmers o! Canada what their guests. ;en- ganized pivate marketing en- yards and climbed aboard the labon has had for many yeans, On Monday Mvey- terprises whose only scheme pnivate car. It had occurred ta namely, a minimum wage law. W. Prescott, Mi L in life was ta make as much as 'me that my editonial must hav2 The new generatians o! farm- Marie Prescott,D Bthe thcy could out of the farmer'i touched a tender spot in the ens caming up into the far!n cott were Newi iDe produce. system, else why should the big movemnent have need ta study Mn. and Mrs.1 nied oehn vr4 esa shat go ta so muèh trouble. The the events of the past ta realize and Mr. and Mrs rum- oehn vn4 er go interview anly strcngthened the value o! what the farm cott, Enfield. airrl wea editonial in the ittle the feelings I had bit the pri- mavement has built up through The Sam DcWE ,', de . eelypapen I was running in vate elevaton systcm where it the years for the betten mamr- Year's Eve wit der- the wheat helt of Southern Ai- hurt, and the events o! later keting of their own produce Mrs. L. S. Snow cam berta, lambasting the privat.n- years o! course praved it Out. and for protection against ex- ily, Maple GroVE xe-they wcre exploiting the farm- scnetoe exploitation ploltation; ta realize also that Miss Isabel Sn :heir en. In those days anesbthprve elevator systeni there is still today a strong Mn. and Mrs. thei ers wasgrowing aven the west and challenge ta the continuance o! Oshawa, with vear, fermcnting ino action. Local these things; that there are cen- Mn. and Mrs. ?res- Wha' i ler Say farmcr-owned elevaton cam- tain intcncsts, active and argan- Sr. I uner > panies were springing up, andJ ized, which wouid be only toa Mn. and Ms ýhai lagerfarer onedentr-7glad ta see this fine structure and famiiy, Pont )ea-OL-SHOE prises werc being talkcd up, of producen marketing tom home af Mr. and had L-AHOE- NOTIONS 'vith request fon government down and destroyed. Mr. and Mrs. ýxec- Red Deer Advocate (Alberta) action ta straighten out th'Ž Ail the editonial talk xvc rea-i Lee and Lynda, Many middlc-aged and aider uinairness o! the elevaton gnad- froin time ta time about the at S. Kersey s. people are samewhat bcwildered lng system.- farmen enterpnises bcing a viol- Mn. and Mrs. tive at the changes in thinking which It was about this periad o! ation o! the free enterpnise syrý spent New Yeai ?res. have corne about since thein time that aven in Saskatchewan temn and against the Canadian tives at Tyronie. 'an; you.nger days. Thene is nothing a young dam namcd Charles way a! life, 15 5saimuch ey,2- Mn. and* Mrs.1 wen panhicuîarly alanmîng on unusual Dunning, nat long out from wash, but if it is the kind af MJami, Flonida; ýse- in this as it has been going on England was beginning ta kick eye-wash that wiîî serve ta Gondon Sanders -Ted since the beginning o! time. up a dust on behal! o! the keep the vision o! farmers dlean Mabel Ryan, Tor, y- What is giving some cancern farniers, and a compatniot nam- and make themn sec what - Ms ByeBol 'cas. is the growing clamon for an cd Jack Wesson, was shaping really behind some o! the cdi- _Bobby, Oshawa, ing; easy life. It has been obviaus up ta become anc o!f tic pro- tonial comment sa much the at Mns. Joe Chal nily in sports for same yeans and vince's greàt. tarin leaders, in better. Mrs. W. G. Dci vre; seemns ta be expanding now into later years ta head up the prov- N. Harn were gu anîd other fields. In carlier years any incc's wheat pool and stili 1-- day o! Mn. and elen boy on a tearn, hockey, basebaîl ter ta become first presidexnt O IUAAllun, Bowmanvil ador wa you like, provided him- o Canada's national farn o.1U R Holiday visitai self with his own outfit and ganization. And about this per- HNRn. OLNwcre Mn. and Mn ap- usually his awn transportation iod tao that gentleman named HNYG OLNens, Mn. RaipliF ýa-and meals. Over the yeans this R. S. Lawv, ini southiern Alber- 1HcnryGeorge Joblin of Val- ta; Mn. and Mrs. lorias changed into a system ta was interesting himself in~ enti passeedoaway at the Star Sabn; is 111 whereby eveîî the mites have the arganization of what was Nursing Homne, Little Britain Bawnanville; M of j their unifanms pnavidcd as wcll ta become the United Grain on Decemben Sth, 1955, in hi Young, Peterborot as their cquipment and ail other Gnowens, o! which in later 82nd yean a!tcn an illness o! fiver Mrs. Chas. Johns a" needs. It mfeans now ha alycars hce was ta become pres:1- manths duratian. Petens, Bowman'.i S the boy wanting tapay ut dent. And about the same per- Mn. Joblin was born at Bow- Taylor, Salem: IV up is his body and his time; ahl iod o! time a young man nain- manville, n. on June l4th, Bruce Hogarth,C 19hle rest, including pay for play- cd Ben Plumer was miaking a 87, ono the late Henry and M and athy Pi!N ing, i provided by someaîîe horseback trip fnom sauth a,'Jn oln i ie h om )5,else. This bas meant, with many Lcthbridge nothcast tawards eJ aElizabehîs wi, pedrm- Mn.awa; Mr i ,rot teamsta the members o! the the Baw River and Bassan.D. away on February 9th, 1955. George Blacka h,-,t eaiconsiden they anc confer- country where cventualîy h'e Sadmels;r and 1n ringa favoun on the community was ta settie and become a Mr. Joblin had resided in the Camuls; and n by playing on the team instead farmi leader, and eventuaîîy ta locality 50 years and before that Mn. and Mns. E. -o! the aider notion that it was succeed othen leaders as pei Nestieton and Cacsarea, where Faye, BowmanvillE a matten a! real pnide ta catch a dent o! Alberta's wbcat poos.-lhe received bis education. He avsio wt1 place on any teami representing And aver n Mant pool. infoilowed the tradc o! a black - dayvisitont ManitobaNesandtMeandin Mountojy. the smith at NestîctanroandceValentiasRev. and Mrs. factb al povines ead r a a number o! years and wasan famil3, Scarbc Another angle is seen when wvere caming ta the front ta also a farmer. Ten yeans aga M Ke Poolen, something has ta be donc in a spur farmers into active organ- I i oe t ml hm ot s.Ke conmunity. In former times a i.zation and determination ta li mvednta asalhm o Randy, Oshawa; IN group o! people gat tagethen and end exploitation by private en.- Vileta put in the work and the money terprise. .,vas a meniber o! Valentia and got wvhat thcy wanted. The Th is oîdwratm<hurch and was Superin- newen patteroris targo tarsometenuc.. if the Sunday School1 see pternice lub an t o tansortia tically braught betten pnices for same time. ' grant ta provide the monev on fres u olaigta The funcral was held f rom thej the samewhat speciaus grounds when the aid problems were Mackev uea oe ida, that the service is for the cam- still anound, !arm aorganizations FunDe en aHoer t15, Lindsay t munity and thenefone the com- had gaincd in streîîgth and i n DecMbeuprcnd7h.155 te .m nîunity as a whole shouid pay fluence and wenc busy organiz- Re'v. M.Tumoncodce igue was made id Coun. Scott Studio, Pont Hope IPTON S. N. C. Yellow'- cd Mr. and Mmi. and family of w Year's ta Mr. an Ellicott's, Pe- ïodgson returned ,D. C., on Sun- )nding Yuletide ts, Mr. and Mn5. sC. Daw were and Mrs. Fred iy, Ashburn, on 3tapies, Bethany,c )r two with Mr.1 E. Billett las-t1 ilso vailed un Bruce Hogarth 'ickering, with J.D. Hogarth. .A. W. Prcscott x's on Satunday a .Ws. J. S. Eddy- f ad Mn. and Mns.c tt, Enfield, ase Mr. and Mns. A. 0 isses Ruth and Mn. A. L. Pres- Year's guests of Edgar Prcscott s. Donald Pres- t veil's spent NewA tii lier sisten, r iwden and fam- V ve. ti ;males, Toront,.ý; Bob Smales, their parents, James Smaies, s.Stuart Dawv 'Credit, at thîe id Mns. C. Daxv. ;D. Rackharn iBownanvilej W. E. Stevens ar*s with rela- W. D. Murray', Mn. and Mrs. s and Mns. )onto; Mn. and îvn, Jean and ,werc visitors ipm an s. oidgc and Miss, luests on Mon- j id Mns. Pency .11le. rs at Saltens î's. Hilton Pet- Peters, Toron- -Keilli Peter;, Reta Kerslak,- Mrs. W. . ough; Mn. and s, Miss Mary 'ille; Mn. W. Mri. and Mns. Clare, Joanne ering. M4elville Sam- Ir. and Mmii. and Beverly, Mns. Kenneth îa, Nestieton; *Strong an d c, were hall- Mn. and Mcs. .Ted KerseY ana;, Mn. anîd Larr andA meru A&ttention~ IS YOUR TELEVISIC' AERIAF Giving You ALL It CALL TO WNE T V MA 3-5522 FOR REPAIRS NEW ANTENNAE i Rotor _Conversions 0F BEST QUALI__ AT LOWEST PRICES FREE ESTIMATES Towne TV Antenna LLOYD HAMILTON BILL LEASK Phone MA 3-5522 or MA 3-5995 for Fast Serviice Mel MeCune, Cheryl ar Kathy, Varcoe's Rd.; Mr. ar Mrs. Harold Ashton, Clare ar Douglas, Enniskilen; Mr. ar Mrs. J. Lyon, Johnny ai Jùdy spent New Year's wil Mr. and Mrs. S. Kersey. Women's Institute meetir this Thursday afternoon. Pr4 gram in charge of the We group. Roill cail, "Christmn gift I enjoyed the most." Top. -"ýHealth," Mrs. L. Truli. Communion Service will 1 held next Sunday in charg o! Dur pastor wvho presente an impressive New Year message at the Sunday monr service. Congregational meeting wi be heid on January 16th. Sorry to learn of the seriou illness of Mn. Luther All who is a patient in Memnori Hospital, Bowmanville. 0 - el (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. John Siemai, Kathryn and Robent, Enniski len: Miss Betty Knox, Toror ta, spent Christmas with he parents, Mr. and Mns. J. li K.nox. Mrs. Aima Yellowlees anýI girls, Tyrone, spent Sunda: with Mr. and Mns. N. C. Yel. lowlees. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Smnales Jr., and David were Christmai guests of Mns. Howard Coueb Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bren and family, Tyrone, wene Suný day dinner guests at the hom( of her parents, Mn. and Mrs L. D. Sykes. Mr. and Mrs. Eanl Luke ané boys with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Leonard Bradley Enniskiilen. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Daw speni Christmas with members oi thein family at the home ol their daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Harper Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. K. Caverly with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Caveriy, Bawmanviiie. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Siemor and family, Don Milîs; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon, Haydon, were guests of Mrs. IVill White on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Willis, Sr., and Mr. Stuart Wilson, Jr.,. were Christmas guests witi their aunt, Mrs. Alfred Chaîll ener. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vaneyk and son, Long Sault, with hon parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Yeo. Rev. and Mrs. Ted Kersey and fami]y, Scarboro, were Monday tea guests of Mrs. E. H. Cale. Mr. and Mrs. E. Adamson spent Christmas at the home of their daughter and son-mn- Law, Mn. and Mrs. Derek Barnett and family, Oshawa. Mrs. L. C. Snowden and Mr. Bob Snowden, Maple Grove; Mdr. Mark Turner, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dew- ell. Mr. 'and Mrs. Herb Rundle and their families held a family gathering ini Tyrone community hall on Saturday evening. Mr. Morley Hastings, Ton- onto, visited at G. Adcock's. Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Mount- aoy spent Friday in Toronto. Home and Sehool The Decemben meeting of the Hampton Home and School Association was held at he ' new school. Mrs. B. Killen. j 'ice-p-resident, presided for'j the meeting in the absence 3f or blonde Ly higher DELUXE 21" TV WInij Lighted "Top Front" Truning *Super Cascode Chassis . .world's most powerf ul! *Giant 21" Aluminized Picture Tube and Optic Filter. *TV contrais wbere they belong ... up top . ,out front for easy tuning. *"Tilt out" front preference controls. ~20 Tubes. Transformer operated. Television Service Co. 33 King St. W. MA 3.3883 b nd Patter, and weicomned' nd imembers who were ou% nd goodIy numbers. Follow, nd the singing o! O Canada S. nd read a fitting prayer whic-. iti ;vas followed by the Lord's Prayer. Itemns of business ngwere dlscussed. 70_ Program opened wlth plana .st Music by Louise Terrili. School ýas PUPils favored with choruses ic with Mr. Woolley at the piano, and an interesting panel discus- be sion led by Mrs. Killen on ge school problemns, Jkoved intel- e rl esting anid helpful. Marleiie 'Is Randal favored with voGal n- selections with her sister, Eun- ice, accompanylng her on the ,il guitar. National antbiem was sung in closing with refresh. us ments following. int OBITUAIRY GEORGE MOPFATT n, ~:In his 84th car~ George Mo!. j. att of M pe rv asc Saway in -Merorial Hospital. Moffatt ha&. been mn tailing heelth for two years but was confined to bed only for the last y four months. 1- The deceased was the eidest son of the late Mr. and bars. 9,Adrew Moffatt and was born in 1s the Township of Clarkè, north h, o! Orono. Mr. Moffatt spent most of his life in the Orono district, moving to Maple Grove 20 years ago, where he took a ekeen interest in gardening. SHe is survived by one brother, SJohn, of Orono, and twvo sisters, dMargaret (Mrs. A. Allen), Orono, rand Elizabeth <Mrs. J. Larkin), 'Newcastle. Four brothers pre- deceased him, James, William. It Alex and Andrew. of d Funeral service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapei on Friday, Dec. 23 and was con- ducted by Rev. T. Arthur Mor- gan. Three nephews. Gordon SMoffatt, Allen Moffatt and Har- Sold Allen, and Wallace Boughen, Marshall Vetzal and John Varcoe were palîbearera. Interment was in Orono Cemetery. Maple Grove Leads Rural Bowling Group Maple Grove -___ 5 3099 Tyrone 5 2733 Blacýstock 5 2579 Ennlskilen Sr. 2 2865 Hampton 2 2599 Ennlsklllen Jr. 2 2536 High Single-T. Williams 287 High Triple-T. McLaughlin 726 Lemon League-R. Munday 75, L. Skinner'89, T. Chant 91. Free Samples It Is stated that the F'ree Sample Department of a cer- tain London warehouse has u stock of address labels specially printed for sending to Aber- deen. MacHamish: 11 hear yer friend Angus has marrit a third wife." McPherson: "Aye, Angus às an expensive freend. twa wreaths an' three presents in seventeen years!" IThe Aberdonian can make a sixpence go farther than any' other person I the world, bP- cause he carnies it about lon.- j I 13, il.qIv qprx7prl nn