PAo~ ~TY ?I~T1~ C~AT~1A1~TA?~ MTAT~SMAN. EOWMANVILLE. ONTARTO TmJRSI5AY. 3A1~1. lUi, 1958 Mrs. F. Cow< On Ninetieti Amnid a profusion of flowers ed Mrens. frm elwsh ers, M.Fed Cowan of Ororio Welcomed 75 friends at heri home in honour of her 9th 1 birthday on Wednesday, Dec. 28th, 1955. Mrs. Cowan looked charm- Ing in a black gown with rhinestone trim and wore a corsage of white button 'muras and pink carnations. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cowan of Orono; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crease and Mr. Paul Crease of Barrie, assisted their mother In welcoming the guests. Pink and white tapers and a' tastefully decorated birthda.N, cake centred the tea table. Two of Mrs. Cowan's nieces, Mrs. WiIl Cowan of Oshawa, n black taffeta with white and gyunmetal accessorjes, and Mrs. larry Williamson of Peter- borough, in blue shot taffera with hat and flowers of match- Ing tones, presided over the tea cups. Mrs. Colville Evan3, Mrs. Wesley Wood, Mrs. Hes- per Dean, Mrs. Milton Morris 3n Honored h Birthday and Mrs. Robert Patterson, al of Orono, and Mrs. Robent Pierce of Peterborough, a niece o! Mrs. Cowan, assisted in thc tea room. Mrs. Cowan was the recip- lent of many congratulatory messages from relatives and friends o! long standing. Amon-, them wcrc greetings from her grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Simpson and familY, and her Igreat-grandchildren, Mn. and Mrs. Richard Dcli, ahl of Worland, Wyoming. Also her nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Haz- vey Henry of Ottawa. Rer sis- ten, Mrs. Ralph Henry, who ceiebratcd hen 95th birthday iii November. and her brother, Mr. Arthur Halliwell o! Peter:- borough. Among the out-of-town guests were her nephew, Mr. and Mrý. R. Allison Cowan o! Toronto. Telegrams werc rcceived froro the Hon. Mr. Leslie Frost, the Hon. Mn. George Drew anà Mr. A. J. Crease of Sprin,-, hili, N.S. Continued good health and happincss was the wish cx- pressed to Mrs. Cowan as 'the guests mingled oven light ne- frchmetsrenewed friend- sips and 'à_discussed old tîmes. ZION (Hope Township) Mrs. George McCuliough spent Christmas with Mrs. W. J. McCullough. Mn. and Mns. Norman Genow and David spent Christmas weckend with Mr. and Mrs. Mordon and family, Welling- ton. Mns. Ralph Gcnow accom- panied ber son Don and his wife ta Lindsay for Christmas Day, rctunning to Toronto with them, then returning homo, Tuesday a.m. Mn. and Mns. Arthur Men- eilley, Port Hope; Mn. Fred and Miss Hilda Raby s p nt Christmas with Mn. and Mnr.. Mendilley and John. Misses Mary and Annie Ir- win o! Pont Hope; Mn. and Mrs. Norman Earl and sons o! Ida, had Christmas dinner with' Mr. and Mrs. M. Inwin. Master George Raby spent the holiday week with his parents at Bcwdley. Mn. and Mns. Bian Casweil Clearance Sale of SHOES Ladies' Shoes ai Ail Types Cannais - Reg. $4.95 Pumpi - Beg. $5.95 SALE SL _____ $3.981 P4IE ___$4.79 Children's Dress and School 'Shoes Patents , Reg, $3.95 Strap Shoes * Reg. $3.95 SALE __ $39SALE$31 Meii's Oxfords - Ail Styles Triple Sole Oxford Brogue - Reg. $15.95 SAEReg. $9.95 SALE SALE ___ 7 PRICE ____ $12.79 Shoes on display in our windows and in our store Extra Special Prices on Last Pairs and on sanie pieces of Luggage John Sfut! Shoes 15 KING ST. E. MA 3-5839 Nyal Creophos Stops Bronchial Cough and is an ideal Winter Tonie Large baille 1.50 Vaccum Noxzema 100 A.S.A.1 Bail Point Botties Special Tablets Pens 79o 98c 19e 350 FOR COUGHS AND COLDS TAKE EXTRA VITANUNS Buckley's Mixture 50c-85c Halibut 011 Buckley's Rub _____59ecCapsules 69c, 1.15, 4.69 Vick's Rub - -_____ 53c Scott's Emulsion 1.00, 2.00 Vick's Cough Syrup - 59e Wampole's Extract - 1.35 Mason's '4V" 4c 75e Neo Cheniicai Food- Pinex 50c, 85c Capsules 1.65, 2.95, 6.60 Laxacold Tablets 35c Liquld 1.55, 3.35, 5.9o Absorbine Eno'so Health Kkovah Junior Salts Sats Salts 1.19 - 2.39 690 - 1.0 590 35c-59c-890 New Toni Geritol Faster Fresh Air Lotion Multiple Vitamins, Minerais 2.00 LIquId or Tablets Tlp Teni - -___ 1.25 1.35 - 3.29 - 5.49 HOT WATER BOTTLES - Guaranteed 1.29 '- 1.79 - 2.19 - 2.80 COWL1NG'S P116NÈ WEF FIT NIA 3-569&1 DRUG STORE TIJSSES i 088100800- Ism-m:m .id.p:pfp e 0 -1 il Rev. and Mrs. John Kitchen and son Olav were dinner guests on New Year's of Rev. and Mrs. M. C. Fisher at the parsonage, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Jakeman visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Redden, Campbeilford. Mr. and Mrs. D. M.Mye and Mr. LeRoy 'Myles were dinner guests New Year's Eve of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davisi and famiiy, Bowmanviile. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Leamen spent New Year's with Mrs. W. A. Devine and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Leamen, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Harness with Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Harris, Toronto, over New Year's weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Allun and son Donnie moved to thei' new house, Cobb Hill, last week. Mrs. Chas. Harris with Mr. and Mrs. E., Fowler and John, Bowmanville, for New Year's. Mr. and Mrs. Egerton Hani- cock and Mr. and Mrs. A. Gerry attended the Golden Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. WiI- burt Hancock, Peterborough. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. David E. Phascy (the former Miss Marilyn J. A. Phiip of Tyrone) on their mar- niage Saturday, Dec. 3lst, at Tyrone United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cotter and Vicki were in Sudbury for the holiday week. Mr. Allin Hancock returned home last week fromn Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvillc, foilow- ing an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ardron, Toronto, and Mrs. Madison Hall visited Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Martin, Lakeshore. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones visited Mr. and Mrs. Stan, Jones, Zion, on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings, Miss Audrey Billings and Miss Shirley Porter were New Year's dinner guests of Mn. and Mrs. Neil Porter. Mns. Henry Smith and sons neturned home to Gravenhurst after visiting Mr. and' Mrs. Jack Davis, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Myles ovor the holidays. Mr. Russell Major, visited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Major and family, Bowmanvillc. Mrs. E. Hall, Port Hope, vis- ited friends in Orono lait week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hancock and famnily visited Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hancock and fam- iiy, Bowmanville. Miss Madeline Cowan, Whit- by, with Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Cowan and family over New Year's. Mr. and Mrs. WTm. Miller spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Orme Miller, Pontypool. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood had a famiiy gathering, on Monda y. Miss Josephine Armstrong, West Dennis, Mass., visiting with her farnily in Orono. As a mark of respect to the late Mr. W. E. C. Workman. beloved husband of Mrs. Woric- man, the organist of Orono United Çhurch, who died very suddeniy on Wednesday after- noon, the choir of Otono Unit- ed Church attended the funeral service on Friday in Morris Funeral Chapel in a body in their choir gowns. Miss Mildred Holdaway of Warkworth, visited her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Egerton Hancock. Congratulations to *Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Lunn on the birth of their son. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ardron, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. and Leslie had Christmas din- ner with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Casweli. Holiday guests of Mr. andi Mrs. Fred Tufford werc Mn.1 and Mns. H. Snell, Misses Audrey and Shirley Tufford, Peterborough; Mn. and Mrs. Francis Tufford, Brampton; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burley and sons. Newtonville. Mrs. W. J. McCullough spent Monday, Dec. 26th, with Mr. and Mrs. George Finnie, Wel- corne. Mrs. C. Allison was in Belle- ville and Peterborough tbis past week visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. E. Ruthven spent Christmas in Toronto guests o! Mn. and Mrs. Rus- sell Lowery. Mn. and Mrs. Herb Toms, Toronto, were dinner guests Tuesday o! Mn. and Mrs. Ruthven. Mn. and Mrs. C. Laprade,l Cornwall, vho spent the holi- day with ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. Hanry Raby, Bewdley, wene caiiing on relatives in this cornmunity befone rcturning, home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morton, Mrs. W. J. McCullough wene New 'Year's guests o! Mn. and Mrs. Del Whitney. Mn. Harry Morison, Toronto, spetit Monday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. C. Meneiiley. Services were heid at the church Jan. lst at 10 arn. Thero was a splendid attendance. Next service wiil be Jan. lSth. FAST RELIEF FOR TIRED FE ET Madison Hall on Monday. Mas- ter Alian Andron rcturned home after spending his holi- days wlth his grandpanents. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mercer and son Steven with Mn. and Mrs. Russell Sutchiffe. Leskard, for New Year's. Mrs. Garfield Patte, Tononto, (the former Elva L. Ruther- fond> sister o! Miss Ethel Rutherford and niece o! Mrs. Fred Cowan, passed away Dec. 26th after a lengthy illness. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan with Miss L. Logan, Tweed, for New Year's. Mrs. M. H. Staples played the ongan for Sunday morning ser- vice at Orono -United Church. Thene wiil be no choir prac- tice this week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. CreaseI and Mn. Paul Crease, Barrie, with Mrs. Fred Cowan for her 9th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Gustar and baby, Port Hope, visited Mrs. A. McKcnna. Congratulations ta Mrs. Chas. Awcie on hen 89th bithday Jan. 3rd. Mn. Ken Tamblyn and daughters Karen and Karla, Dallas, Texas, anived by plane to spcnd New Year's weekend with his mother. Mrs. Fred Tamblyn and family. Mn. and Mrs. Milton Morris and son Ross moved into thein new bouse on Mill St. hast wcek. Mn. and Mns. Chas. Wood and Mn4. and Mrs. James Tam- blyn were guests at the Phasey - Philp wedding in Tynone on Saturday. Mn. and Mns. Hubert Cob- bledick and famiiy, Leaming- ton, returned home a!ter vis- iting Mrs. Wm. Cobbhedick for the holidays. Holiday visitons with Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Miller were: Mrs. Levi Hal!yard, Miss Aud- rey Louise Halfyard and Rob- cnt Haifyard, Barrie; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Halfyard, Lindsay, Mn. and Mns. Earl Duvail, Les- kard; Mr. Orme Miller, Mn. and Mrs. Gondon Fletcher and son Stanley, Pontypool; Mr. Suttie Prichard and daughter Velma, Millbrook. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Leslic and Susan, Peterborough, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rid- dlli. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd John- ston, Oshawa; Mr. Francis Jose, Newcastle; Miss Bertha Cain, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Chap- man, Miss Erla Chapman and Clair Chapman spent New Yea's with Mrs. M. Sherwi and Laurance and Mn. and Mns. Jack Bryson and family. Miss Adole Duhant, Trenton, visited Mr. and Mns. A. Clougli. Mn. Ken Tamblyn and daugh- ters Karen and Kanla, Dallas, Texas; Mn. and Mrs. Russel Van Horne, Whîtby; Mn. and Mrs. Chas. E. Miller and sons Lanny and Wayne and Mrs. Fred Tamblyn with Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Tamblyn and fani- ily for New Year's. Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Wood vîsited their new grandson, Chas. Robent Brooks and Mn. and Mrs. Fred Brooks, Osh. awa, on Sunday. Mrs. Harry Mercen visited Mrs. Chas. Shaw and sons Jim and Ralph at their new home, Oakes Avenue, Oshawa, last week. New Year's dinner guests o! Mn. and Mns. Roy C. Forresten and family werc Mr. and Mis. A. E. West, Mn. and Mrs. Don- aid Staples and Sally, Miss Anne Stapleton, Miss Marie Armitage, Cavan: Miss Bever- ley Cari', Port Hope; Mn. and Mrs. Raye West and family, Mn. Dean West, Mn. Koithi West, Mn. Honnie West. New Year's dinner guests an Monday of Mr. and Mns. Cafl Biiling and Miss Audrey Bil- ings werc: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cale and Mn. F. Cole, Port Hope; Mn. and Mns. Heber Souch, Mn. and Mns. Alex Watson, Mn. and Mrs. Neil Porter, Miss Shirley Porter, Mr. and Mns. James Rickaby and Norman, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Graham and family, Mrs. Hanny Bailey, Mary Lynn and Wayne. Mn. and Mns. Norman Pat- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Patton and !ainily wene Christmas guests witli Mn. and Mrs. Mii- ton Lowes, Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Mar- tinchl and Kenny visited Cecil and Archie Blodgett, Rose- neath, last Monday. Kenny ne- mained for the holiday week neturning home Sunday. Mn. and Mns. Ross McKay, Port Hope. and Rev. and Mrs. Murdo Maclnnes, Boaverton, wene guests Christmas Monday with Me'. and Mrs. Roy Mencer. Mr. and Mns. Roy Vernon, Cheryl anai Bobby, moved last week ta Castîcton, where Mn. Vennon has been wonking. Miss Dianne Imwin remaincd in Ke,,- dal ta finish ber course at Bow- manvîhle Business Schooi. Considerable progross bas been made on a rink for the young folks in the Harvey Jackson Memonial Park. Quite a number of mren and ia'is turned out for the becs held ta enect the board fence and dig the wcll. New v ears Visitons Mn. and Mns. Ray Hughes and Gloria. and Mr'. and Mns. Orval Zealand and Johnny with Mms. Mary Luxon. Miss Margaret Jackson, R.N., Ottawa, and Bob Vannatïo, To- ronto, xith Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Jackson. Mr. and Mns. Tom Stevens, Toronto, were at thin farm for the holiday week and had a number of guests with them. Mn. George Langstaff and Mr. and Mns. Carl Langstaff wce with Mr. and Mrs. Ariel Lang- staff. 1-n1. and Mns. Cccii Glass and Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Warren and lad Mr. m" Mm ia.U uraa- sky and famiiy with Mr. and Mrs. Miiton Robinson Sunday. Mr' and Mns. George Mercer and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Edie Couroux and family jwith Mn. and Mns. Wm. Mer- The Orono News Telephone 127 Joyce were Mns. Vannatto and Cecil, Mr. and Mrs. Len Ough- tred and Donna, Mr. and Mr%. Earl Burley and daughters and John Bird. Miss Merle Stapleton lett Monda for Guelph where she is tak ng a four day short course. A wedding anniversary cele- bration was held by Mrs. Cald- well, Port Ho pe, at her home in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Gar- land Cathcart, Thunsday Dec- ember 29. Mr. Arthur Thomp. son was one of the guests pre- sent. Mrs. Thorne and Mrs. Swar- brick were guests of Rev. and Mns. Pike Saturday noon and in the aftennoon ail called on Mr. and Mrs. John Patton and Mr. and Mns. Wm. Robinson, Orono. Mrs. Thorne and Mrs. Swar- brick celebrated the New Year Monday at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Roughley among their family. Communion service is being' heid in Kendal church Sunday morning at lu a.m. Special mu- sic by the choir. We are pleased to leafn Toin Hoy has been able te leave the Memorial Hospital and is now in the nursing home in Orono. It takes hundreds o! nuts te hold a car together, but it oniy takes one te scatter it ail ovpr the highway. 35c 25c STARK VILLE Mr. and Mns. Sid Hallowell, Gerald and Nancy were guesis at Mr. Lloyd Haliowell's last week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bowen, Newcastle, at Mr. Jim Stark's recently. Miss Beulah Hallowell, To- ronto and Mrs. Jack Wark, Owen Sound, at Mn. Liew Hal- lowell's last week. Mr. and Mrs. B. Walderf and family, Toronto, and Miss B. Wiliams, Toronto, were holi- day visitons at Mn. Fred Todd's. Mr. and Mrs. R. Boughen and famiiy, Newtonville, were Neiv Year's guests at Mn. Ewant Ro- binson's. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Farrow and sons with Mr. and Mrs. George Knox, Solina. For the New Year's festîvi- tics, Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hal- loweil, Maurice, Jim, Mn. and Mns. Brian Caswell and Leslie, wvere ententained at Mr. Orme Falls.1 Mn. Victor Farrow visited in Toronto last week. Mn. and Mns. Gordon Powten and family, Clarke Union; Mn. and Mns. Carlos Tamblyn and family, Ononoz Mn. and Mns. John Stark and family, enjoyed Newv Yean's dinner at Mr. Jim Stark's. Mn. and Mns. Wilfred Wood at Mn. Morley Robinson's. re- cently. Memorial Hospital- Weekly Report For the we'ek of Dècember 25-31 Admissions 44 Births-7 male, 1 female.. 8 Discharges -.--- - 38 Major operations 2 Minor operations - 20 Emergency trcatments ---- 5 These facts are published week!y in an effort to acquaint this community with the services, o! bur hospital. Mr. Alec Little spent the weekend in Kendal. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Byers and jamily, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Byers and family, Part Hope, Mr. and Mrs. George Byers and Marion, Toronto, celebrated Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Glass. Miss Anne Gordon and Miss Inez Gordori spent the New Year holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Spence Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Burley and Joyce celebrated in Bow- manville with Mrs. Vannatto and Cecil, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Vannatto, who had flown down from Port Ar- thur were also present. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mercer, David and Donnie and Mrs. N. McKay were with Mr. and Mrs. Fred White, Peterborough, Sunday, and with Rev. and Mrs. Murdo MacInnes at Bea- verton on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Thomp- son and family with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Watters and Mrs. L. Watters, Whitby, Sunday. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Reynolds over the New Year weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Mclntyre, Toronto. Christmas guests with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Burley and MIMMO is the place vwha ]FOLKSARE MOR At the. meat cotanter ... the fint and rvplabl. dispi.ys . ..the check-out coum- ters. ... ail through the. stop ... you'iI ftnd that folks are more friendly at Do- minion! That doesn't juat happec by chanc. Ita a defwnte poiicy and programme- Yes. we realiy try to b. more f riendly and courteous atDomin... every day and wîth ev.ry customeri Shov Dominionm»d a Makes four quarts! - Powdered Skim Milk SP E C IA NUmMILK 16-oz. Pkg. MONARCH - Regular MARGARINE lO-oz. Pkg. 3C Real value! Tender and Sweet! GREEN GIANT - ungraded S P EC IA FANCY PEAS i5-or. Tin a for 35 CLARK'S QUALITY PRODUCTS Quick! Easy to prepare - heat and serve! CLARK'S - with Chili Sauce SP E C IA Beans with Pork 15-or. Tin 2 for 31~ Hlealthful! Invigorating! CLARK'S - Fancy SPECIAI ,Tomato Juice 20-oz. Tin 2. for 25 TOMATO or VEGETABLE Clark's Soups I ARGARINE - regular GOOD LUCK 10-oz. Tin lb. Pkg. me m. RICHMELLO - interleaved 8-or. Pkg. CHEESE SLICES- I OMINION - flavourful 16-or PEANUT BUTTER Garden Fresh Produce California firm crisp Head Lettuce 2 hds. 29c New Jersey No. 1 Kiln Drled Sweet Potaitoes 3 1lb. 2 9 c Ontario No. 1 Clean and Dry 3 pound Cooking Onions 3m2.3c McINTOSH - 3 pound Poly Bags Ontario Apples 25C AYLMER Brand 15-oz. Tin WIENERS and BEANS m BRASEDSTEAK o. Jar 1 m35C du C Sc Ic~ Guaranteed QuaIityi" Meats RED OR BLUE BRAND BEEF' MEATY PORK Spareribs MAPLE LEAF - 1 lb. Pkg. Wien ers CALDWELL'S Bologna DE VON Bacon lb. 39c 35C lb. 23C lb. 49d Long Grain converted 14-oz. Pkg. UNCLE DEN'S RICE Economiical! D.S.L. Black TEA DAGS HEINZ - assorted INFANT FOOUS 29C Cello Pkg. of 100 m m m .Ua S8C 5-or. Tin m 3 ~ r29C Quick! Easy to Prepare! Time Saver! Serves Four KRAFT DINNER 7!'-oz. Pkg. 15c In Tomato Sauce - cooked HEINZ SPAGHETTI 15-oz. Tin 17c You can Cut Food Costs a Sun Bleat - Standard Cut Green Beans 15-or. T: AYLMER Cream Style Choice Corn MITCHELL'S - Fancy Applesauce 2-z i OAK LEAF - Choice Red Pitted Cherries CLUB - Std. Dessert Pears 1-z i 27c 1 16-or. Tin m .a m 41 White or Brown - Sliced or unsllced - 24-oz. Loaf RICHMELLO BREAD - - 15c ~Dominion, ri 2 for 217C 15-or. Tini 14-C 2for 37C 15-or. Tini Braeside Brand - Canada First Grade CREANERY BUTTER CLO VER LEAF Brand - Fancy CORDE SALMON Children Love 'it FRY'S COCOA Values effective at Your Dominion Store, Bowmanville, until closing timne, Saturjlay, Janu 20C 2for 7 m L'IBl6C %'s Tin - M -37c 8-oz. Ti, ary 7th IAT D Phone MA 3-3303 Invitations Worthy of the Ocasion Upon lite's most Important occasions, look to us for Invitations o r announce- ments. correct ln formn and of the finest quality. at modeat cost. THE CANADIAN ST ATESMAN SPECIAL!ý 2 for 21c 1 MUMIJAT. 3AN. 5th, 1958 PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO