T"1USDAr, TA". lmt, 1058 Rotary Club Host To Civic Officiais at Municipal Nighf Meet Members ai tbc municipal -councils ai Bowmanville and Newcastle and Darlington, Clarke and Cartwright Town- ships wene gucats ai the Bow- inanville Rotary Club at its Municipal Night heid in the~ Balmoral Hotel last Fniday evening. A. T. Butler, Supervisar ai the Ontario Deparbment af Municipal Affairs was the guest speaker at the event, whicb is held each year in hon- or oi the men who devote their time wibh little or no remun- enation ta conducting bbe busi- ness ai their municipalibies.. President Keith Jackson con- ducted bbc meeting and wel- camed the 25 guests. "I wish ta welcome aur disinguished guests", he said "and I amn nt using that term loasely. WC have bene the choice of tbe people and a cross-section ai local palibics. These are men wbo put service above self in tbc truc sense ai that creed. Thcy spend a great deal of time and maney, with litle or no remuneration, trying ta do things wvhich they believe are for bbc goad ai ail concerned". Guests Introduccd He introduced Mayor Nelson Osborne who intraduced the, members oi the Bowmanvili'! 4 I civic administration present at the meeting. These were: De- Puty-Reeve Wilfrid Carruthers,i Councillors Norman Scott, Jack Brough, Lloyd Preston, Dave Hîggon, Tom Rehder, Town Cierk Alick Lyle and W. Rasa Strike, Chairman of the Public Utilities Commission. Reeve Douglas Cunningham af Newcastle introduced Coun- cillors Brentan Rickard and Fred Couch ai the village council. Reeve James T. Brown of Clarke Township introduced Deputy-Reeve Earl Walkey.I Counciliors J. Hantwell Low- ery and Ernie Dent and Town- ship Clerk Ed Milison. Reeve C. Wesley Sweet oi Cartwright Township intraduc- ed Caunciliors Merlin Suggitt and Jack Green and Township Cierk Henry Thompson. Darlingtan Reeve Roy W. Nichais introduced the Dan- lngton civic officials present. Thesc were Deputy-Reeve Gar- net Rickard, Councillars Art Blanchard and Ross Stevens and Township Clerk Walter Rundie. The municipal officers ne- ceived a hearty round of ap- plause fromn their Ratanian hosts. In intraducing the guest Special Notice to FARMERS! You are cordially inviled fo attend W. H. BROWN'S FREE Annuai Case Carnival ta be held in the Town Hall., Bowmanville a! 8- p.m. sharpf Friday, January I7th A fine prograin of variety entertainrnent bas been arranged EVERYONE IVELCOME Plan to corne and bring the entire faniily FRIDAY - SATURDAY - JAN. 20 - 21 Natinee, Sa! urday, 2 p.m. "She Wore A Yellow Ribbon" Technicolor outdoor drama in which an under- manned U.S. Cavalry outpost makes a desperate attempt ta drive invading Indians back north. Stars: JOHN WAYNE - JOANNA DRU - JOHN AGAR Added Short Features Friday - 7 and 9:10 Saturday, cont. 6:30 MON. - TUES. - WED. - JAN. 23-24-25 oRN The dynamic story of M4exico's fight for f reedom agairst the Emiperor Maximilian. Filmed entirelv in M,,exico A Iso "Springtime in Holland" Technicolor Cinemascope featurette Aduits 6oc Students 40e Tiiie - 7 and 9:05 Children 25e Z1ZR C ZLÂDI O .TATMAN~IL,'BW Y U.LL1VnLL4, ONTIO LUPAGENM speaker. A. T. -Butler, Sup visor of the Department Municipal Affairs, Rotarian Ross Strike Q.C., stated tl the Minister of the Depa ment, Hon. William Goodi low, had hoped ta be prest at the meeting but had be detained at Ottawa where had been calied on busine He pointed out that Mr. Butl a native af Prescott, bas ris: rapid]y in the Department Municipal Affairs since jomn it in 1946 after sérving 0Vg seas in World War II. History Given Mr. Butler outlined the h tory of the Departmen.# Municipal Affaira. In the eai 1930's, he said, 39 Ontai municipalities defauited their municipgl debts, and tbi affaira were piaced under t direction of a Board of SupE visors. In 1935 the Ontario 1t partment of Municipal Affai was formed and it was giv the task of supervising thei fairs af these 39 municipalitig There is a Minister, Hon. W. Goodfeliow: a Deputy Mini ter, Mr. Orr; financiai, statis, cal, and accounting depa: ments, and an assessme branch, the speaker said. "TI Department handies alm< every phase of municipal a ministration and gives a gre deal of advice and guidance the municipalities', Mr. Bu 1er stated. The Municipal Administr tion Branch in which he worl the speaker said, has a dire tor, a supervisor, two assistar and a clerical staff. It supe vises three types of municipa ities; the ones which defaulti in the 30's, impravement di tricts, and designated minir municipalities. There are on six of the original 39 munîc palities which still remain ui der the governments cantrol1 said. The others have paid o their debts and are once agai handling their own affaira. Or which was recently release was Blind River in Northei Ontario. Improvement districts nia be set up wvhen 30 inhabitan of a locality with a popuiatic of 50 or more petition the goN ernmcnt for this designatia! They have the same rightsi a township and rnany of ther grow enough ta became seL governing in a few years, M Butler stated. He pointed ai that such former improvemner districts as Mountjoy, \Vasag Beach and Ajax ha%% beCon a township, village and tdw respectively in recent years.. Approves Budgets In the case of designatec nining municipaliis, tih M1unicipal Admiistratic. 3ranch of the Departmnent o Mfunicipal Affairs must a'. prove their budgets and ais any debentures they may wis] o issue. The sum of $1,500-01 was paid ta assist themn in 195j Mir. Butler said. The general work af the De >artment is largely devoted t answering the 12,000 letters rt ceived from Ontario munici. palities each year seeking guid, nce, the speaker stated. Man of these require a great dea f research and study ta an. swer. In addition, the Department'ý pprovai is required for a] municipal by-laws setting uj ension funds fbr empioyees. A ttal of 233 such by-laws havc een appraved, and many ai tese were submnitted in thc ast year. By-iaws whîch ass- ýs farmers for fees for the ederation of Agriculture mu3s iso be approved by the De- )artment, as must by-laws set- ng up licensing fees for ped- lers and hawkers if the pro- )osed fee is aver $2.00. The Department alsa must ipprove by-iaws setting Up *or dling municipal industrial tes. In 1954 the Departmnent tproved the purchase of 770 ýres in eight municipalities or this purpose and aiso the ale af industrial sites in Il .unicipaiities. pays the unconditional prov- iai grants ta the municipali- s, and this- year they wil ount ta $12,000.000., The Department af -Munie!- 1Affairs does flot wish ta act a policeman over the muni. :alities", Mr. Butler declar- . A municipal corporation simular ta a ]imited campany, can do only- what it is per- tted under the Ontario sta- ts. If a councij carnies on awful activities, a nesident the municipality can take on througýi the courts ta jp it. The department cannot, erfere -with matters whicti under the jurisdiction afIol- councils*'. Urges Co-aperatian \. Butler asked those preý- tat carry out their respansl- ties tn their municipality exercising their franchise 1 o-operating with their cted officiais in eveny way sible. He cangratulated «e serving in municipal of- *I have learncd since joîn- the Depantment ai Munici- Affairs that municipal offi- Is are in office. not for the iors and certainly flot for maney connected with their tlonsz. but becauze nf civc e a nd a desire ta do their ytg maks thigCW comUJL Hos pifai BL Year, Supei Tells, Annuc Supléintendent Miss Irene Shaw gave a complete report on the operation ai Memorial Hospital during the past year at the annual meeting of the Board ai Directars held in the Town Hall hast Thuraday night. During 1955 there were 2,064 admissions, she said, an in. crease of 173 aver 1954. Pa- tient-days totalled 13,601-an increase ai 384 over 1954. Dai- ly average patienta wene 37, an increase of .8 aver 1954, Thene were 686 minor and 393 major operatians, whîch represented increases af 75 and 33 respectively aven 1954. She reported that during the year ane room had been turned int a children's nursery and this has wvorked out very %veli There wene 437 births and 47 ties better places in which ta live", he declaned. He remînded thase flot in office that their duty ta their cammunity daes flot end oh electian day, but continues 365 days through the year. Mr. Butler was thanked fat bis interesting address, whiclî contained sanie very valuabie information by Rotarian Gar- net Rickard, Deputy-Reeve af ' Rotary Secretary Jini Sbutt In Excellent Condition ig read an invitation frmthbb 4.1i, yoiin tehsia YLindsay club ta a bonspiel ta be is in excellent condition and held at Lindsay on January 23 aIl repairs have been made", Lab 1.30 p.m she said. "The rules and regu- ie Cigars and chocolates wcre dations under the Public Hos-1 *passed around durîng bhc meet- pital Act have been observed ~ing and President Jackson an- and records kept accordingly. inounced that these had been Tbrougbaut the year, the- staff d provided by Rotarian Bill Ru- has been adequate and there ndell, whose wife had prcsented exists an excellent spirit ai co - him wtith a baby boy that day. openation in ail departments. I N The sing sang was led by, find that thc staff is interested 5s Rotarian AI Stnike, with Rq- and loyal in their attitude tu- n tarian Dave Morrison at the ward bhe hospital". -piano. The weekly hockey dra- Suc aiso stated that thc? waq won bv Rotanians Keithi medical staff bias been ca-or,- ts BilHetb and Dave Higgan. c rative and given assistance ta il bbe staff at aIl tumes. "They 1- ]usines Direclory have mainbained a high stand- _____________________ard af dignity and service in bt their profession", she asserted. Lt C y She alsoa thanked the mcmi- cc unta bers of the Board of Directors, and the Womcen's Auxîliary for n RAY J. DILLING their assistance and guidance Certified Public Accauntant during the year. 93 Church Street In bis comments an the fi- MArket 3-3861 nancial aperatians of the has- W . 1 H. COGGINS pîtal, Secretary-Tneasurer Ray n Charbencd Accountant J. Dillîng painted out that the 64 King St. E. Bowmanvîhle $14,000 spent in new equip- (Above Garton's Bus Station) ment had becen obtained iran- 64 King Street E. grants and thenefome did not ______________________have ta be deducted tram op- YALE, FRIEDLANDER, erating revenue. He mention- HUNTER & CO. cd the sizeable increase of $12,- Accountants and Auditans 766 in wages and also that tbe 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 cost ai coal alone is $4,397. The Oshawa saving of $400 on this item, B. L. Yale, C:A. mcntioned by Mr. O'Neill, ne- F. Friedianden, B. Commn. presented about a 10 per cent J. Hunter. C.P.A. saving, hie said. Total revenue per patient-day is $12.84, he C hiopra iic pointed out, while total cos' Chiropr cf i c aunts te $14-10, whichi means a loas of $1.26 per pa- G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. tient-day. Provincial and mun- Chirapractor icipal grants of $11,425 were office. sligbtly higher than 1954. iSpecialby Paper Producta Bldg. Food Savings Made 63 Temperance Street Dietary costs af $15,495 were Phone MA 3-5509 Office Hours: Bv Appaintment only$15 mrtani194 _______________________he said, which- was a remark- ably small increase in vicw ai D e n t a thbb fact that food pnices have increaaed and there were 3841 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. more pabicnb-days in 1955. H2 Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. also poinbcd out that theie 40 King St. W. Bowmanville would be enough meat an-d Office Hours: chickens in the frozen food 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily lockcr at the present timne ta 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Satunday caFver a great portion ai the Closcd Sundayj increascd cast. Office Phone MA 3-5790 Under new business, Mr. Hause Phone - Newcastle 3551 O'Neill stated that while tbc -director appointed by Bow- DU. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. manville attends thc Board, Office ln hlm home meetings, tbe ones irain Dar-! 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville lington, Clarke and Newcastie Office Hours: do net attend. The Newcastle -9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily director had been at a meeting 9 a.m. ta 12 noan Wednesda>y or two eanlier in bhe year, hFie Closed Sunday said. He felt that bbc Board ____Phone MA 3-5604 should write the counicils ut DR. . F CATRAN D. s.these municipalities ta sec if ýR. . F CATRAN D..S.tbeir nepresentatives could nct Office get ta marc meetings. He point. 23 Kine St. E. - Bownianville cd out that the Meniorial Hos- Office Hours: pital is run for tbc benefit of 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Ncwcastle, Darlington and 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Satunday Clarke residents as well as Closed Sunday those of Bowmanville. Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 Secrctary Dilling stated that Legal hncwtuld write bbc counicils isier Lastj rintendent :il Meeting deaths 'kt the hospital during 1955. The active medical hast year cansisted ai eight doctors frani Bawmanville and ane cach £rom Orno and Newcastle. The assaciate staff af 27 is miade up largely ai Oshawa dactars. The hoapital staff con- si$t's ai 61 full-time and 10 part-turne emplayeca ai whom 22 are registered and graduate nurses making up the full timne nursing staff.* Mise Shaw lited the large amnount oi new equipinent pur- chased during bhc year and also outlined bhc many special events held by the nursing staff. She mentianed the badl bus accident at Newcastle an JuIy 15 when six passengens werc admibted as patients andi 22 wene treated at the hospîtal. Improvementa made during the year, Miss Shaw reporteci, were installation ai floadlights at the front entrance, ambu- lance entrance and service en- trance, a telephone extension ta the X-nay departmenb ami heavy wiring instalied in thcI engineer's r esi d cn c e. New equipinent requîred in the f u- ture is an obstetnical table, a fracture table, an anaesbheti, machine and an operating room lamp. STRIKE and STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors Notanies Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville Telephane MA 3-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor Notart Public KinR St. W. - Bowmanvllle Phones: Office MA 3-561%J) Residence MA 3-5553 NIISS APHA 1. HODGINS Bar, ister, Solicitor Notarv Public Temperance St.. Bowmanvile M ûr tg age s LEROY HAMILTON -ORONO Phone 1 r 18 First martiza;ze unds Residences Farina Business Propertica Op fo m etr y KEJTJI A. BILLET? Optometrist 141 King St. E. - Bawmanville! Telephone MA 3-3252 Office Haurs: Ç) a.m. ta 8 pan Monday ta Satiarday except Wednesday, 9 , 12 Evenings by Appontment JOHN A. OVENS Optometrist Jurv & LoveU Bowrnazuvllh Phane MLi 3-5778 Piano Tuning Professionai Piano Tuning ARTHUR COLLISON Phozm MArket 3-300 LONG SAULT Mr. and Mrg. Chas. Pcnwar- dlen and Wade were Sunday dinner guests ai Mr. and Mrs. Earl Penwarden. Mr. and Mns. Robt. Wallace and Kathy, Oshawa, with Mn. and Mrs. A. J. McLaggan, on Sunday. Mr. and Mns. Wilfred Blaney, David and Ann, Bowmanviile,j wcme Thunsday supper guestaj af Mn. and Mns. Rye Gibson. 1 OBITUARY MAS. JOHN ALDWORTH MrM John Aidwonth, Corps Sergeant Major af the local Sal- vation Armny, Passed away at Mernorial Haspital, Bawmanville,1 on Tbunsdpy, Dec. 29, foliowing. a stroke. Mrs. Aldworth who was an active and ardent work- er in bbc Salvation Armv for many ,*ears, was stationed in vanious Ontario towns. and priori ta ber marîiage was the aificer! in charge in Bowmanvihlc at the1 time the new Citadel ivas built. Twenty-two years aigo she ne- turned ta Bôwmanville and mar- nicd John Aldwonth. Tbey fan-. ed for sanie years nean Coxirticc. then lived on tbc Middle Raad until Mr. Aidwortb's death inl 1250. Mna. Aldworth took e- Playment with the Bilmoral Hatel for a time, and prier taoi bier death bad been a companionI with Miss Beryl Pency, Silver Street, for about thmec yeams. Mns. Aldwonth was a fine Christian wanker in the Salva- tian Army and will be greatly missed. Laura Isabel Chittenden, andA canme ta Canada as a v-oung girl A ce t C i af 18 as the climate was thought e t C i ta be better for ber beaibh. Hen tlr/o k parents and three brothera fol- tl W o k iowed. One brother, Alfred, Ottawa, survives, also a niece, fe -1 e r ville. One piece ai office equipmcnt bFuneral service was conducted in the Bowmanville Town Hall by Lieut. William Brown in th e 'vii em aipoew Salvation Army Citadel on Dec.wihse tmpo wh 31 and wvas attended bv man.< age is a brass paper. clip boughb fniends. The palîbearers were: sanie tue anound 1845. This Messrs. Harry Bartlett. Tony c1ip is a far cry in appearance Webb, E. Willatts, George Fr. mon the present day model, be- sey, Frank Carter, Bob Kinnear. ing five inches in length and ane Intenment was in Bawmanviie inch acrosa at the widest point. Ccmetery.1 On the front is stamped the I Blue and Gold - 13-or. inFo FANCY PEAS Fo 31C Stokely's Fancy - 48-oz. tin Tom ato Juioe Canadimn Coat ut Arma end the firin*s name, "Merry, Phipsxn and Parker." Also înscribed on the clip arm the words "letter clip." ?II sprte of the clip's age, use and abuse, it still has a straniz gripping quality equal ta any modern make. "t EDjiý 6 1 WHL)T Libby's Deep Brown - 20-oz. tin Beans 2Zfor 37C Libby's Caoked - 15-oz. tin Spaghetti 2Zfor 25c Brown Bear No. 1 White 1-1b. ti WESTERN HONEY OL) SOUTH - 48-oz. tin DLENDED JUICE OLD SOUTE - 48-oz. tin ORANGE JUICE LIBBYS- Choice- 20-oz. fin LIBBY'S - Hawaiian - 48-oz. tin PINEAPPLE JUICE CLOVER LEAF - olid - V WHITE TUNA FISH CAMPBELL'S - l-oz. tin Chîcken Varieties Soups Campbell's - 10-or. tin Veg. or Tomato Soups 2 GREEN GIANT - Fancy - 14-c CORN NIBLETS 2 PURITAN BRAND - 15-or. tin Roasi Beef and Gravy LIBBY'S -Fancy - 28-or. 2 SWIFT'S 12-or. tin LUX LIQUID Large DETERGENT 41c BLUE SURF Giant Size DETERGENT-. tub 33c 31C 37c 34c 33c tin 37c 2'/35C For 25c, ,Z. tin For37 69C f. in 1 or 37c 39c 53C Giant 81c LIFEBUOY BATH SOAP Bath Sire 2 For 23 ,lleats I F'RESH - PEAMEALED Cottage lb. 39 Roils FRESH - LEAN Pork Butt ROAST lb. 41ci LEAN - RIB Pork -Chops l. 45c STANDING SHORT CUT Prime Rib ROAST lb. SWIFT'S PREMIUM %ologna THERE'S 53cl By the piece IL 25c Wagstaffe's Pure Red ]PLUN JAN< 24-os. jar 29C Culverbouse Chole DESSERT PEARS 20-os. Un 2 For 33c Betty Crocker CAKE MIXES Your ehole eo 35e Mixes for enly 33C DIRDSEYE FROZEN FOUDS Orange Juice. 6 oz., 2 for 39e Turkey Pies, 8-oz. ca., 2 for 7.3e French Fr 'ics, 9-oz. pkg., 2/#39e Green Peas, 12-or. pkg., 2/49e AYLMER BRANDS ATLMER TONATO CATSUP - l-os. 2 For 39C AYLMER CHOICE - SPECIAL PRGCESS PEAS 20-oz. Un 25c AYLMER CROICE RED - PITTED CHERRIES 15-os. fUn 20c AYLMER FANCY P UMPKI y 28-oz. tin 2 For 37c Black Watch Famous Med. Cheese Coloured - 8-os. pkg. 3c Blue Bonnet YeIlow Qulk Margarine 1-lb. pkg. 35c CRISP - JUICY Emperor Grapes Ilbs.2.5C RIPE - EASY TO PEEL Sunkist Oranges doz. 5 5 C Solid Heads - Tender - Flavorful - No. 1 Green l.9 Cabbage lb CRIS!' - TENDER - NEW CROP Celery 2 for 2 5c HOLLAND MARSH GROWN Washed - Snow White - 10-lb. bag Moas Potatoes -- ARED & WHITE STORE NEAR YOU BOWMANVILLE MAPLE GROVE ORONO MI - Yeo's Marketeria - Maple Grove Grocèteria - Cornish Marketeria i I 1: fI COCOA b'2-lb. tin 43C 43C 1 1 a -Irq IMAMAMAM 77c (?ýesh 9'roduce 27C pu