THUSDYJA. 9t, 0- TE ANDIN TAI ZI£ , 1 . ~VY "PVXI - 17ADP% Mr. and Mrs. C. Hockin Mark I5th Anniversary HAYDON Yelverton Church Holds Annual M eeting at Pot-Luck Supper Congregational Meeting The annual congregationa] meeting was beld in the cbunch on Wednesday evening. Rev. F. Jackson opened the meeting iwihhi hymn, scriptune reading and prayer. Mlrs. C. Ganrard was appointeil Sccretany. Mns. A. Reail gave Stewards' report; Mns. C. Garrard the W.A. report; Sunday School report by Mrs. A. Reail; M. & M. Fund report by Mns. L. Graham. Eiders are: Wilbun Blackburn to 1958; Lloyd Siemon, 1959; Cecii Sle- mn1957. Stewards-C. Gar'P ranI, L. Graham, A. Tncwin, H. Ashton, Mrs. A. Read, Treas.; M. & M. Tneas.-Mrs. Leslie Grahaim. Users-Jim Webb, G. Torrance. Onganist-Mrs. A. Reail; Assistant-Margot Raxrk- mne. Audihors - W. Blackburn, J. Potts. Pastoral Relations- Mns. H. Cnossman. The meeting continuel with election of officers of Sunday School -as follows: Supt.-W. Blackburn; Asst.-M. Slemon; Treas.-Mrs. J. Poths; Sec'y- Mus. H. Crossman; Oganists- Lynda Potts, Ina Benyl Read, Margot Rankine; Craille Rol Supt.-Mrs. Cowling; Teacher Beginnens' Class - Mrs. W. Blackburn; Asst.-Mns. J. Potts;ý 17 1i eacner, .t-rmary ...ass-Mvrs. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hockin ville. Misses Dorothy and! Roy Graham; Asst.-Mrs. H. r6.ýejved many friends and rela- Patricia Hockin invited guests to Crossman; Teacher, Junior Class tives at the 'Lions Community the tea room, and Kenneth was -Mrs. Lloyd Slemon, Asst.- Centre on Satirdlay afternoon in charge of the guest book and Mrs Arthur Trewin: Teacher, and evening, Jan. 14, on the receîving guests at the door. Inter. Class-W. Blackburn: occasion of their 25th wedding The bride and groom of 25 Asst.-Mrs. C. Garrard; Teacher, anniversary. years were presented witîî a Bible Class-M. Siemon: Flower On Jan. 15, 1931. Eva Jack- lovely corsage of roses and white Com.-Mrs. Cowling, Mrs. C. mi, daughter of Mrs. Frank carnation boutonniere. The fam- Rankine. Jackman and the late Mr. Jack- ily and immediate relatives pre- WVA. Meeting mnan, and Clarence Hockin were sented the couple with a sum of W.A. meeting was held at the uni±ed in. marriage by Rev. J. U. money contained in a lovely home of Mrs. A. Read on Thurs- P.tbins at the bride's home, evening purse. Out-of-town day afternoon. President Mrs. Bowmafrville. Mr. Hockin bas relatives and friends were j. Potts opened the meeting. been employed witb Roy W. present from St. Catharines, Devotional was given by Mrs. Nichols for the 25 years'sînce Toronto, and Port Perry. Arthur Read. Mrs. W. Black- that tine, first at Courtice for A telegramn of congratulations burn had charge of program. 18 years, and in Bowmanville at xvas received from Mr. Hockin's Readings by Mrs. T. Cowling Silvtr andi Church Streets for~ sister and brotber-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. C. Garrard; Instru- 't' past seven years. and Mrs. Jack Hopps. Sacïamen- mental -Mrs. Lloyd Siemon: Wit Mr an Mr. Hcki onto. Besides many car ds and Flower Contest-Mrs. Arthur Wat r a ndwere tHei bechu- o messages, Mr. and Mrs. Hockin. Trewin. Lunch was served. j Sadren, eeth Drth and Pat. received many lovely gift Community social evening willi 'Ten e tle was ce nd wit. bouquets and other gifts from be held at the home Of Mrs. The tvel tbuqu e f tetuipsa friends, neighbors and relatives. 1 owling and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- j 1rvlysbuquand ffoielps During the evening many bur Blackburn on Saturday flanc dby a whi taeds couples of the Jack and Jili and evening, January 21. Mrs. Frby ank Jahkman ad rs. Lions Clubs called, and an in- Rev. and Mrs. B. Green and Mc~rd Tyrarkpoured tan the formai time with dancing to family, Enniskillen, were tea Se-*.0:ron ayevouein.i th records followed. The quartet guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ass ' inn n eving wr composed of Ken Hockin. Ivan Ashton and family on Saturday Misse';aiyinsvnesGloeria Woolley, Ted Ott and Roland evenîng. Sunday visitors were 'Mises ariyn Lask GlriaCoombes entertained with sev- Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ormiston, Brent, Rita and Joan Cann. Bow- eral numbers. Ronald Forsythe. Snianville; Miss Jean Williams, On the following day, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Morrison, Oshawa; Mrs. Ted Ott, Toronto; Jan. 15, Mr. and Mrs. Hockin left Oshawa, at Mr. and Mrs. M. MVrs. Ray Wiggins, Mrs. Douglas on a vacatiçQn trip by bus from Bertrim's. Caverly, Mrs. Kenneth Hockin Toronto to resort areas and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Trewin, and Mrs. Don Stutt, Bowman- i places of interest in Florida. iMr. and Mrs. Silas Trewin and Judith, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ruddell, Orono, Mr.1 and Mrs. Allan Werry and San-1 Ma ny Attend Bethany dra, Enniskillen, visit ed Congregational Meeting Mr. and Mrs. C. Anderson, and Caroline, Downsview, at Mr. The annual congregational reported a balance on hand of M and Mrs. rtbun Tn Rs. d meeting of the Bethany United $52.73. Their funds had been Mn. and Me wrs. Clagto Rad Cburch was held on Thursday raised by producing a Pl BoMranville. Awereea' g uts a evening. Following the suppec which they had given a num- Mry. adMs .Ra~ nS houîr, tie Rev. R. R. Bonsteel ber of times under the direc- r.R ah conducted a brief devotional tion of Mns. Mansel Finney. attended a bab.y showen at Osha- period, also reading an article There has been no organizatioil wa on Saturday evening. xritten by the Editon of The of this group for this year; but Judy and Kathy Rabm visited Observer, warning against a new group of Young Adults their grandparent s, Mr. and Mrs. complacency in Churches. "Too has recently been formed. Wm. DwoOoo many congregations feel a sa- The report of the Parsonage Mrs, Arthur Read attended the tisfied smuggness when their Board was given by Earl Wea- funeral of ber uncle. Mr. Joe' financial obligations are met. thenit, stating some repairs, Montgomnery, Richmond Hill, on We should be more concernied redecorating and a new \weîl Monday. with spirituial affairs and more on the property. Mr. Milto-i Sympatby is extended to Mn s.1 interestcd in reaching new Weatherilt neported on the fi- Henry Ashton in the deatb of mnembis, lie deciared. nances of the Cemetery Board. lier brother, Mr. Joe Mont-, Sceret arv Earl Weatherilt In* 'is Ministerial report, Rev. g-omlen,ý'. eeGaa rcad the miiintes of previous R. R. Bonsteel noted seven Mn. and Mrs. Lsi rbn meeting. i-r. Walter Rowland, baptismns and one wedding and wvere entertaincd to a tui'keyv treasurer, gave the financial spoke with regret of the death dinnen on Saturday evening at report, sliowing ail obligations durîng the year of five valued Mn. wand Mr.Ji Grams met and a, balance on hand. members: Miss Elsie Richard- oManLe. Gaa n i Mrs. T. J. Jackson, treasurer of son, Miss Mattie Tbompson Mtn. L. Gha okym adhJim Missionarv and Maintenance Mrs. Ernest Stacey, Thomas J. atended thAenah oymatch at, Funds reported receipts of Jackson, and Mrs. Welington Memral AenaBomavile $37 1.07. Fallis. SMtrday evenakbuning. Mrs. Mansel Finney report- New Officers Appointed onM.WiFbrewl Blackburnle ed te Moinri'sAssciaion In bis report of The Session Salem, on Sunday evening, who hadi raised $994.30 during the Mn. Henry Jakeman, newlv ap- is on the sick list. Wilbur also' ycar, with a balance on hand pointed Clerk, expres5ed regret called on bis mothen, Mrs. M.i been tuseil to liellp prchase a' ton Weatherilt, xvho liai hbcd!and] Mrs. Shîackleton, Salem. projejctor and scrcen for silent tlhe position for 19 vcars. Cot,-- Mir. and Mrs. C. Rankine left film strips. a iievw living-room tiniiing. Mr. Jakemian reacl the Ion Sunday for Florida for a rug for hie parsonage; siiishiine iiexv siate of officers and ltlir ronth. boxes to ic and sliît-ins: anpoiîtment xwas coîîfirniîed b'y Margot Rankine is with Rev. gifts tb new babies: floweirs 1 hie congregatioîî, as folloivs: andl Mrs. F. Jackson, Tyrone. bercaved families; donationîs to 1Eiders: Allaîî Beer, Leszl'e the Chuirch Board and otber1 hlie alWahnlt e- Lk iu0 inu orgaanizatioîîs. nlalcEr eteit e y Jakeman. Donald Lowes, A.lai W...Report H. Monk, Mervv.'n Porteous. -Lk hrC k The activities of the \.M.S. Stewards: For threc y cars: Mrs. James McGregon, Grant wecîe reported by Mrs. Wni Ralpb Preston, John White. andl Jimmie, and Miss Blanche ftcd Spencer and Mrs. Mer- Mansel Wrigbt, Orloe Wright: W'otten, Osbawa, with Mr. and vvn Porteous, stating regular!- for one N'car, Clarence Rowa Ms .Aey nssioiîary pnog-ramis. fou-. Ralplî Rowan, Walter Roxv- Miss Lois Alldred and Missý Slarge bales of clotliiiig aîîd a lanîd, Charles Weatherilt; for Barbara-Ann Aildred in Orono nunîber of quilts to mission two years, Mansel Fiiiney. Dr. witb Mn. and Mrs. Les. Allclred j fields. $160 bail been forwand- G. M. Loîîgfield, Carl Porteous. Mr. andl Mrs. E. Bell, Toronto.~ ed ho lieadqtiarters. plis $200O Milton Wriglit. with Mr, andl Mrs. George Skeld- receiveci f'um the estate of Ili, Secretarv, EarI W%ýeatherilt. ing Sr. ]ate Miss Elsie Richardson andl Treasurer, Mrs. Walter Row-_ The Lakeshore Ladies K.S. andl a donation of $300 given by land. C. Club met at the home of Mrs. Mrs. T. J. Jackson in memory Missionary and Maintenance Bill Lake, January 11. The next ot ber late husband. committee, Mns. T. J. Jackson meeting wilI be at the home of The Sunday School report (treasurer), Mrs. G. M. Long- Mrs. Bill Skelding, Febnuary 1. was neail by Earl Weatheniit field, Donald Lowcs. Mervvn -TeLksor .ai.Club statin 'g an average atteîîdance, Porteous, Earl Weatberilt. wvill hold its meeting Januanv 25,1 of 34", a picnic lielci duni ng the Choir Leader, Harnv- Preston; wvith a social ev.enirfg. sumnier and a Christmias con- Organist, Mrs. Clarence Row- -Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred ce t. AIl supplies wcre paid fan i an. Caretaker. Haroldl Green. an r cip n u d y atr ail contributionîs lad been Church Tnrustees: J. C. Cuni- noon with Mr. and Mrs. N. given to MiNsio-n work andl th;e miskey. Mansel Finnev. Xcton' Raines', Orono. Ontario Cotincil of Chri.stiaia Hutchinson., A. Il. 7\oiik. l, Congratulations fo Mr. and Educaion.In ciinecion lith nrC. N. Rainev on the birth f Educhio. b ~iiectîii.(,b e Re owpn, George W'dielibeir son. Mr.Rne'wsMs the SunilaxSchiool %work. Rev. j Mlilton Weaîlieriît.I thenRhsRa forer eac-Mi I. Bonisteel expresseil appre- Pansoîîage Boardl of Trustee-, e 0fthe Rikesh orme e aoli- ciation of the faithful services Henry Jakemani. Eari Weather- er fanhe LMs.rank Paker, 'e Mn. A. H. Monk, wFrahadBiît, Mrs. T. J. Jackson. Mlervyn Newcastle; Mn. and Mrs. Keithi retired duning the year af t r Poneu.Ms rn ieOw, Mitchell andl famnily, Lotus, and completing over 35 vears as Mns. John White. Mr1n rs I ilisai Superintenilent. also teacher cf .Cenieterv Conîniiithee, Milton Mr.andy, sa. vl iion Sun- the du]tBibl Cias. Waîbnilî(charnia,.'! 2i day afternoonî with Mn. andl Mrs. The Young People a Uni~oni Challisce, Maný,e1 Finney, MWci- Chas. Bedwin. ton Hutchinson, Thomas à1 nings, W. L. Rowan, Clarei Rowan, Charles Weatber Herbent Neals. Sunday School Supeninie dent, Earl Weatbenilt; Assi ant, Mervyn Ponteous. Young Adulh's Club, Mn.a Mrs. Mansel Wright; Wome Association President, M' Frank Bigelow. Women's M sionary Sociehy President, M' George Waddellh There was some discussi regarding needeil repairs tot church organ and Mrs. CL ence Rowan and Harny Pi ton were appointed a comn tee with power to makea punchases. There was aiso some disci sion ne the bours of Sund service, wihh the final decisi left to the Eiders and Ste, ards. ren- en- and W rs. ffis. v rs. ion the [ar- res- nit - any 'us. day ;ion Report on IV.A. The Secnetary of Yelventon W.A. gave a report of the la- dies' activities. Eleven meetings were beld, 10 in pnivate homes. Total membership was 32 la- dies, three of whomn missei nary a meet. Activities includ- ed senving lunch ah a sale, a bazaar, serving ah a weddiîîg breakfast, accepting responsi- bilihy for transportation to va- cation scbool, fowl supper, sponsoring a demonstration.- and refinishing the floon in the Cbunch , Hall. Total income from these andl other minor affairs was a gratifying $1,179)- .55. WR f o: na $5, $5( Su: ed an 150 pri era pui pc: par wi. Among thein major expenses ,re $15 towards a projector )r this change, silven and chi- afor hall $85, refinish floor 520, church $60, M. & M. 50. Mns. Jas. Sheckleton in ber anday School report announc- 131 members enrolleil, with iaverage athendance of 22. Cemetery Report T'he Cemeteny Board by ne- )rt are holding their own lit- ally as well as financially. A ipihal expenditure of $400 for -*bbasings an adjoining pro- ýrty in iýnterests of prograin beautification, expanioan irking area was annone th money to be bonrowed n b ir e( r i p hi CI lu w R o] ai 1956 MARCONI 21" Television Console $339»00 The Annuai Congregational meeting at Yelverton hook the )rm of a pot-luck supper on, londay evening, Jan. 9. ý,round 30 sat down to tlhe iounteous supper provideil. Tlhe umber present at the meet- ng proper was laher augment- !d somewhat by a few lahe ar- ivals. At the conclusion of the meal Lcommunity sing song took lace, led by Ralph Malcolm vitb Ruth Wilson assisting at he piano. Rev. R. R. Bonsteel, lairman for the occasion, led n prayen. The minutes of the 955 congregational meeting vere nead by the Sec.-Treas., )avid Wilson, and adopteil. Zalph Malcolm was the victim da new appointment, that of o-ordinaton of ail reports -for se in financial stahement . 1 locally ah a suitable interest. An ahtempt is being made 'o builil up thein assets till the inherest on same will provide the necessany amount for an- fluaI upkeep and perpetual cane. Mrs. Ted Spenceiey, treasun- er, gave an account of financial condition of Family Club. In- come from crokinole and eu- chre parties amounted to $89.- 96, expenses accounteil for all but $3.00. Monies spent in con- nection with chuncb bhall, local andl M. & M. fund etc. Treasurer's Report Tneasurer's report for the churcb by David Wilson \vas quîte satisfying, considening that net income of the rural areas bas droppeil by one-baif in the last four yeans-a fact that those in nesponsible posi- tions will bear in mind, we hope, wben dreaming up any increase in budget for 1956. Dave neported a suihable sur- Plus ho carry us over the first lean months of the new year. Mrs. Ray Robinson also re- ported having obtained some fonds in the interests of the M. & M. Fund-$261 approxi- mately. Craille Roll by Mrs. W. J. Malcolm, sbowcd a birth in- crease over last yean of 33/3%. This year, 4 girls, 2 boys. The Church Hall books were reporteil paid up and closeil- othen association having ac- cepted any outstanding debts that mighh arise. Mernbership of 54 Rev. Bonsteel providel the minister's report. He announe- cd a membenship of 54, with 8 non-residents. Four members wene welcomed in by transfer, one nemovcd by deah. The nominating committee present- ed the new siate of officers for 1956. A lively discussion took place on the pros andl cons of pub- lishing pnivate cliunch contri- butions in the financial state- ment xvhicb belped alleviate the monotony of an evening of statishies. The minister took a vote ho determîne the feeling, wbhich endeil in a stalemahe E wvith a 50-50 vote cash. Mn. and Mns. Roy Falls andl Mns. Reynolds, Bowmanvilie, were linnen guests at Mn. Orme Falls, Sunday evening. Mn. W. A. Hallowell, Newton- ville, spent Sahunday evening with Mn. Jake Halloweli. Mn. andl Mrs. A. Dobson wene guests at Mn. Llew Hallowell's, Saturday evening. Mn. and Mns. R. Bryce and Margaret, Port Hope, bail dinnen with Mn. andl Mns. Brian Cas- well, Sunday. Mn. andl Mrs. E. Ruhven, Zion, ah Mn. A. Dobson's. Mns. Thos. Falls, Kendl. is spending a few days with Mns. Llew Hallowell. Mn. andl Mns. Hugh Stapleton, Newtonvîlle, andl Mn. anil Mns. Brenhon Farrow wene entertain- ed ah Mr. Jim Shank's last week. Mns. J. Murphy entertaineil a el I SPECIAL'I, Mill Ends of GAY PRIN TS 1f Marconi TV Mode] 2551 *21" Aluminized picture tube with tinted safety glass *Tone control and large speaker for full fidelity seund *Cascode turret tuner for maximum sensitivity *Durable "Mastercraft" cabinet *ONE YEAR GUARANTEE BUY THE FINESI 0 aBUY Electrohorne: WITH A COMPLETE ONE-YEAR GUARANTEE i 22 TUBES Full TRANSFORMER operated + + + Exclusive "Up-Sound" TWIN SPEAKERS + + + Sloping Armour-plate SAFETY GLASS + + + (No room reflections) 1956 MARCONI 17" TELE VISION complete with' matching bast as shown /1I MARCONI TV MODEL 2632 $15 9,95 *Controlled warm-up tubes *Aluminized picture tube *Attractive "Mastercraft" cabinet *Ail the latest features *ONE VEAR GUARANTEE Telvision Srvi c o. 3 3 King St. W. Phone MA 3-3883 M M 1 - Idelfor dresses, aprons, qujits, etc "TRULY A'PLEASANT PLACE TO SHOP" PHONE MA 3-5451 BOWMANVILLE KING ST. E Teteci 1 ma j EV CALL US FOR Same Day Expert TELE VISION SERVICE We have the most cemplete and up-te-date service facilities. Our teclinicians are fully trained and corfpletely equipped te save you time, incon- venience and money. Take no chances - our modern equipment takes the guesswork out ef restoring a clear, steady picture to your set. Cail us - MA 3-3883. For Same Day Service on Your TV & i l Phone MA 3-3883 Betty Bellamy bas burt ber foot. We wisb ber a speedy recovery. Odil Ad- "Requireil ware- bouseman/Dniver, must be wil- ling to work occasionally." Well, the very idea! STARK VILLE LESKARD ISaime Directors Named Leskard W.A. was beld at the home of Mrs. Robent Chater npoH s ta B adfr195 Jan. Il. New officers wene in-Ho pt lB a df r195 shalleil as follows: President- Mrs. lia Martin; lst Vice-Pres.-- The entire elected member- the Women's Auxliiary of t] Mrs. Gertrude Davey;, 2nd Vice- ship of the Board of Directors hospihal and one from the mr Pres.-Mrs. Doris Loucks: 3rd of Memonial Hospital wene n2- dical' staff. The chairman w. Vice-Pnes.-Mrs. Robent Chater;. electeil for 1956 at the annual be namned at the first month Recording Sec'y-Mns. Gertie, Board meeting bhell in the meeting. Spry; Treas.-Mns. Jean Allen; Town Hall Council Chamben onLodPrso a Corresponding Se'y-Press Cor. last Thursday nigh. ad bnn melo d resom Bo -Mrs. Pat Green, Planist-Mrs. These elected nepresentatives manville Town Council. ar Nell Carheron; Asst. Pianist- are: Hanny Cryderman, the Dr. Denny Hubbard is the m~ Mrs. G. Poilard; Sick Visitor- 1955 Chairman: George Hack- dical staff represenhahive. TI Mns. Salie Hamilton: Flowers- ing, Ivan Hobbs, Jack Lander, directors fnom Newcastle. Da Mrs. Art ennaeLntcnd n. Ji Sidney Little and Joe O'Neill. lington and Clake will1 Mrs. rt Tnnan andMrs. JoI addition to these six elect- nameil in the nean future. Pi Buckley. A pleasant social hour ed directors thene are eight sident Mrs. L. W. Dippell, 1 was spent witb refreshments be- ohrapitddrcos orVc-rsdnMs .M ing servel by Mrs. Tennant and foher a pitietons;fro our nic-Pesde2nt, Mns. B. M Mrs. Buckley. A vote of tbanks fo uiiaiis he r Mrston ani n Vie-Pheside was passel tbanking Mrs. Chaten Mars. W.rade ar th Au for the use of ber chanming numben of children Sahurday af-iayiecos home. hennoon for Andy's birtbday. A nominahing commithE We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Mn. and Mrs. Don Staplehon made up of Stuart Jame Herb Scott is on the sick list. and family, Newtonville, at Mn. Chairman: Norman J. Sco We wish ber a speedy recôvery. Lorne Todd's, recentîy. . andl Mark Roenigk submitt the report nonîinating the sanr Mns. Ern Spny has aiso been Communion service was ob- electel directors for 1956. Tt on the sick lish. served at Shiloh Sunday afher- nominating committee for ne7 Mrs.R..Cambel, Tron, .noon, precedeil by a message on year will be Mn. James, M Mn'R apei yoe s jPauI's first letter to the Con-Reik ad G staying wih hber daugbter, Mrs. inthians, Rcv. Pike ileducing - ugoes.g n enboIn James Buckley.* from those early admonitions forHuhs Mn. and Mrs. E. Gneen spent Our presetît cburch life. On motion of !van Hobbs, th Satunday evening withMn. and Mr. and Mns. John Stark and same auditor, William Coggir Mrs. Frank Temple, Oshawa. sons visited Mn. andl Mrs. Logan, wvill be netaineil ho audit th We are sorrv to hear that Bethany. 1956 books. m 1 the ne- h ly al- )w- ind ne- ir- oe I st 14.- ent Cil- tee es, Ott mie ,ct Er. ns, r i .-, TffURSDAY, JAN. Igth, 1956 TEM CANADLAN STATFML&N. IBOWMANVffTýr- MWÀlZTM