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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jan 1956, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTABIO THURSDAYI JAK. lOth, 1958 Hi story of W. 1. Shown On Film ut Maple Grove .A program ai outstanding suggested that an illuminated historical value and interest sign be erected at Stoney Creoic was pravided for the Jan. 9tb ta impress thc histonical* impor- meeting ai Maple Grave Wom- tance ai the place. en's Institute by Historical R1e- Dr. Williams commentcd on search canvener Mrs. Stephen the motta given by Mn:. Ste- Doyle and lier group. vens ta the effect that Cana- The sentiment ai the rail dians do not appear ta take eall, "Historical place I wouIJ encugh pride ln their country like ta visit", seemed ta be ta make Canada known 'Sec Canada first". The motta: abroad. as some other cauntnies "Help create a pride in yaur ai aur Commnonwealth are Country", wvas taken by Mns. wvant ta do. Fred Stevens. She started in Speaking as a doctor' the the home wbenc a twa year women were advised that if it aid cbild takes, net a false or is at ail possible there should jealous pnide in a pain ai ne'w be a ground iloor noom in a sboes, ta the pnide et achieve- bouse for the cmergency of ment in schaol, in sparts, ta0 bed cane which is aiten ncces- adult ile xvbcne in the busi- sitated by aven crowding in ness of making a living ati bospitais. The important con- pnovîding a satisfactory home sidenation ai a busy wife and and daily needs for bis iamily, mother is ta bave the bouse- a man takes the same pnide baid arrangements te conserve which is the resuit ai bis per- every ounce af energy and sonal responsibility. Mns. St&ý time possible. yens aIse outl ined the weeith Dr. and Mrs. Williams were of naturel resounces and gran- introduced by Mrs. Doyle and deur ai scenery wbicb is the sincere tbanks were* extended beritage ai every Canadien. by Mns. Thos. McGuirk, Mrs. Fram the beent pnide in Cen- Doyle and president, Mrs. ada and aur recognition of those Milis. Anound twenty gentle- wba pioneered in Canada calis men were present. for the persenel nsponsibilità- During the business session ai every citizen in caring for card parties wene arranged for, and keeping this ]and a land uf Jenuary, February and March. fneedom. A siovcnly citizen Is A panty wili be beld ut the e pon citizen. We need tD scbeol bouse on January 25tb. teke a pride in 'ounselves, ln Febnuary meeting will be in aur homes, in aur cammunîty charge ai Mrs. Wallace Mun- and in aur country. day and bier graup. Tapie wil The special feature ai thýý be Agriculture. pnogrami was provided by Dr. Mrs. Doyle and her group L. B. Williams and Mns. Wil- served very tasty rctresh-, liams aio Bowmanville, wbo nments. showed meny ceoned pictures ai histonical importance, beau- ty, humar and special humen interest irom the birtb place ai BETHANY aur nation, acrass Canada and beyond the seas ta many other A number of friends fromn cauntnies. The pictures, teken Betbany ettended the Yelven- from the doctor's callection of ton cemmunity celebration ri aver 20,000 colaned negetives, Mn. and Mrs. George Wilgpn's wove e pattçýrn ai the deveiop- Golden Wedding Anniversary ment ai the Wamen's Institute on Weduesday evening ai lest movement fram the first meet- week. Their meny fniends in the ing beld et the site ai the 1812 village wish them continuedj war victory for Canadiens at health and beppiness in the Stoney Creek, and the part years ebead. played in the victory by Laura Mn. and Mrs. Norman Neals, Second, ta the site ai ane ai Markdale, visited with Mrs. the gathenings ai the Assaciat- Thomas Jackson on Sunday. cd Country Wamen aio the Mn. and Mrs. Ernest Porter, World held in Amsterdam. He Toronto, were guests with 'Mn. January Clearance of Coleman Space Heaters Space Heater as illustrated with'blower Regular $129.95 January Cleara nce $99-.5 Lander Hardware 7 KING ST. E. PHONE MA 3-5774 VITAMINS mlhrettes 1.00, 1.85, 3.50 Wampole's Extract -- 1.35 ' One-A-Day Multiple Scott's Emulsion - 1.00, 2.00 Caps------ 1.40, 2.50, 3.95 16-oz. Cod Liver 011 - 89e b~Nyal Multiple Caps- Nen Chemical Food- 60 Caps. 3.00 Capsules-- 1.65, 2.95, 6.60 Jialîbut 011 Liquid - 1.55, 3.35, 5.90 ~'Capsules- 69c, 1.15, 4.29 Waterbury's Comp.-- 1.50 Haliborange Mulcin Vi-Cal Fir Beminal 1.00 1.50 Caps Tb 75 - 3.25 1 2.75 - 4 .75 T.953.7 BbiSPECIALS New Pin Curl Tont 1.7 5 2Mde--- - 9e 2.00 10-ou. Noxzema ___ 1.25 47e Paequins Cr. ____29c <~Tonétte Lactogen, Ige. - 1.69 Ton! for children 100 A.S.A. Tabs ____19e Curiers 1.15 6-oz. Noxzema Cr.- 98e 1.39 Hot Waier Boittes (guaranteed) 1.29 - 1.79 - 2.19 - 2.80 Kitty Kat Hot Water Botties 18 Nyal Creophos stops coughs- 1.50 COWLING'S c O«F"Em 11A 3-5695 DRUG STORE TRISSES ~m m t ----------------------------pp~ and Mrs. Ernest Cavano o Sunday. The inembers ai , the Loy. Orange Lodge held a succes, fui dance ln the Town Hall oi Saturday night. 1 Mr. and Mii. John Coburi and their children, Sally ani Peter, bave moved ta their ne%, home mn Ciarkesburg, wher Mr. Coburn has been transici red as Manager af the Toron te-Dominion Bank. W.M.S. Meets The W.M.S. ai the Uniteý iChurch were entertained at th home of Mrs. George Waddel on Friday afternoon, with -th Sro gram theme "The Caîl Ti TeMission ai the Churcl Through Vocation". Takinj 1part in the worship service, lec by Mrs. Waddeil, were Mrs. MV Porteous, Mrs. Clarence Row an, Mrs. T. Jackson, -Mrs. E Jakeman and Mrs. 0. Spencer each reading a portion ai scrip ture pertaining to the subject with discussions and commentý on same. Reports ai the year's worl were given by the Secretary Mrs. Mervyn Porteous, anc treasurer, Mrs. H. Cappins, sta ting special missionary service! held throughout the year, bale ai clathing and a number o quiîts sent ta mission fields net receipts af $160 plus a be quest from the estate ai th( late Miss Elsie Richardson ir the amount of $200 and a doný atian irom Mrs. T. Jackson ) $300 in memory ai lier latE husband. Mrs. Jackson wai presented with a lufe member'f certificate in recognition ai hai memarial gift. Arrangement< were made about conductinÉ the aiternoon worship servicE at the coming Peterboroug.l Presbyterial meeting. Mrs. Clarence Rowan tool; charge cf the study periad. He: subject ivas "What The Church is Doing For Immigrants... Our New Canadians." Continu- ing, Mrs. Rowan stated that church warkers who speak different lenguages are at every seapart ta meet these newcam- ers. They are given letters of introduction ta the Ministers of the Church where they wil) settie and urged ta make con- tact. "These newcomers have~ many prablems ta face. It is aur duty ta help them becomn goad Canadian citizen," she said. Mrs. 0. Spencer told af the work of the Minister ai The Church ai Ahl Nations at Ham- ilton and Mrs. H. Coppins re- lated items ai interest from the work ai the 11ev. A. Adams ait Timmins. A number paid their fees for the new year, and the meeting clased with prayer. Lunch was served by the hast- ess and a social hour enjoyed. Women's Institute Held At the Women's Institutc meeting held Manday night of last week at the home af Mrs. Rupert Wood, the members were entertained with colored mavies taken by Mr. James Fraser of Peterborough. The pictures were mastly taken an, his recent trip ta his native Scatland and .included many views ai Edinburgh, Loch La- mond, aid Scottish castles and pastoral scienies. Mrs. Thomas Jennings pre- sided for the büsiness session. The roll caîl was answered with jars of fruit, which were later sold. Mrs. Manseil Finncy re- pnrted having delivered the box oi Christmas giffs fromn the In- stitute members ta the Chil- ren's Aid Society at Part Hope and visiting the Ladge where the chiidren reside. Mrs. Ralph Preston read the minutes and correspondence, also a repart of the work »of the Federated Wamen's Institutes ai the World, which last year had combined farces to send cam- plete kitchen equipment ta be- gin six demonstratian work centres ln Ceylan. A second letter ai thanks was received from Korea, where sewing machines had been .sent ta heip along the wamen of that country. On a motion which met with unanimaus appraval, it wa s de- cided that anyone who had r r r ji s p 0 s r a t] F c 0 'V IV Cý p 9 C r: s -st 0 u e b b ci ci b S( c; lý si IV e( Y hi ir YELVERTON Mr., and Mns. Ed Lawson and Bruce attended the annual din- ner ai the Eastern Ontario Aberdeen - Angus Association beld last Thursday in Mansion House, Uxbridgc. Mn. and Mrs. Hugh McGiii have returned home aiter bol- idaying ut Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Joncs cf Wiiiowdale, New Year's with the Cliii Snyders iu Toronto, and later with the Bill Carne- gie's ai Port Penny. Last week two local rinks enjeyed thc benefits of the jit- ney campetition staged Satur- day in Lindsay's curling rinks. tAsienr the showing thcy made -'nufi said. Mr. and Mns. Richard Archer et Cobourg and Mrs. George Cale ai Port Hope, xvcre Thursday guests oi the David Wilsons. On Sunday the Balfour Moores visited at the Ern Can- ningcs for dinner, the Orvali Moores for supper, at Cameron. Supper guests ai the Law- rence Stapies' af Lifford lest Friday evening were the David Wilsons. Mns. Annie McQuade enjoy- ed a visit wîth Mn. and Mrs. J. Van Stone ai Cameron on Sunday. Last Monday visitors at the Bal Moores' were M.%rs. Satn Sedman and "%r. Jack Sedmla;i. and Mrs. ÏM. Thatcher, ili WMby. Eighty»One Buriails at Local Cemetery in 19-55 A total of 81 local residents Jn and former residents were Mabel M. Fra=iln Bowmanville buried ixq the Bowmanville Robt. Hetheringiton, Bowmanville Cemetery during 1955, records Louisa Braund. Cobourg kept in the Town Clerk's office Sarah J. Clarke, Bowmanville reveal. Follpwing is a list of the Wm. Watson Henderson. Oshawa interments and the locality in John L. Metcaif, Bowmanvifle which the person died. JUIF J4nuary Nipa Alberta Allin, Isllngton Samuel G. S. Pollard, Toronto Emma E. Bemnan, Bowmanville Richard Snowden, Oshawa Levi Stephens Ward. Toronto RoSena Blanchard, Darlington Mary Elizabeth joblin, Gorrnley Mary Sciuair, DeloÉaine, Man. Ella Gray McIntyre. Whitby Mina Beatrice Hancock, Toronto Helen G. Morris, Bowmanville James Elmo Anderson,~ Toronto Harriet Hodgson, Orillia McKenzie Penfound, Toronto Marlon G. Rappe, Peterborough February Auut Hugh Cameron, Port Hope Annie Maud Power, Oshawa Leila Ella May Cowle, Oshawa Linda M. Burns, Bowmanville Margaret A. Lyle, Bowmanville Seymour B. W. Shaw, Oshawa Florence Fowler, Bowmanville Maurice Unclerhill, Millbrook Rose E. Hayes, Bowmanville September William F. Neads, Bowmanville Harry Smith, Bowmanville Jacob Hodgson, Bowmanville Albert McMahon, Bowmanville Milford Wm. Wilkins, Oshawa Monica C. R. Butler. Bow'ville Elizabeth Gatchell, Bowmanville OCtober March Lucy J. Bennett, Clarke Twp. David Wm. Passmore, Toronto George Wesley Garner, Oshawa Juanita L. Nichais, Bowmanville Catherine Coiville, Orono Beatrice E. Mitchell, Bow'ville Elizabeth Aldsworth, Darlinitan Brock L. Chittick, Bowmanville- November Harriet Lefroy, Darlington Ja sBrwalito John J. Brown, TorontoJaeBrwDligo Ida Louise Moore, Bowmanville Loveday Caroline Gully, Oshawa John Ira Bird, London Celena Ann Ailin, Newcastle Herbert W. J. Gaud, Boiv'ville Etta Willmott, Bowmanville Chas. L. Brown, Detroit, Mich. Russell Harris, King Twp. Jessie Tordiff, Bowmanville December. April Susan Jane Symon's. Newcastle Agnes J. Harnden, Bowmariville John Hendry, Bowmanville Samuel Snowden, Oshawa John Oldendry, Bowmanville Elizabeth Mary Allin, Newcastle James H. Dunn, Bowmanville May Elizabeth B. Knight. Bow'ville May Edgar Osborne, Toronto Mary L. Cryderman, Bow'ville Garnet G. W Mutton. Bow'vile John Mohun, Toronto Lorine Mutton, Gravenhurst Robert R. H. Morris. Bow'ville Laura I. Aldworth, Bowmanville Alice Maud Jones, Bowmanville Samuel Papish, Bowmanville. Barbara Lynn Werry, Toronto Six newly-born infants were Clara E. Allen, Bowmanville alsa interred at the Cemnetery John Henry Swindells, Toronto during the year. Manvers Red Cross Elects 1956 Officers The Manvers Branch ai the Canadien Rèd Cross Society bid its annuel meeting in the Town- ship Hall et Betheny ou Tues- day evening ai lest week. New aificers elected were Mrs. Douglas Smelt, S eer et a ry, Miss Laura Morton, Honorary President. The other members oi the executive nemein as lest year: Mrs. R. N. Cern; President; Mrs. Eenl Argue, Mrs. Henry Richardson, Hildon Johnston, Vice Presidents; Henry Jeke- man, Treasunen; Earl Argue, Campaign Cheirnan; George SnMith in change ai First-Aid Kit;, Mrs. R. W. Price in charge ai loen cuphoard, Mrs. Edgar Beer, Supervisor of Home Nursing Ciass. Miss Laura Morton, a member ai the provincial executive lasý year, gave a report ai the.regiou- al convention heid in Peter- borough in Navember, wbich' was atteudcd by five members of Menvers Brancb. The President gave a gencral report, paying tribute ta the past honorary president, 11ev. T. S. Geuit, for bis work with the branch prion ta being transfer- red ta Fenelon Falls. She spoke with regret ai the' death ai the late Mrs. Wellington Fallis, who hed been e charter member of the branph and the past secre- tery. Campaign Raises $360 Eani Argue reported last year's campaign for fundfs bad netted f$360.65 and diseussed the advisa- bility of the local drive begin- ning pniar ta the month ai March because ai bcd roads. Henry Jakeman gave the fin- ancial report, wbich included the purchase ai cod liver ail cap- sules and delivery ai them ta pupils in ail the schois ai Man- vers township. 11e said $71.55 had been used ta purchase clath- ing for a local family ta supply immediate aid, when their home and contents were destroyed by fire. On motion it was decided ta forward $200 ta bead office. Mrs. Edgar Beer's report includ- ed the supervising ai a success- fui home nursing class in Cavan township lest year, with the greduates ai the previaus cless et Bethany taking a refesher course. There wes some discus- sion an the advisability ai giving first-eid instructions ta senior school pupils and this was leit ta the discretian ai the Home Nusing Supervisor. nrs. R. W. Price gave a com- Nuet report ai the sick room supplies contained in the Loan Cupboard, wbich are avaihable ta anyone in the township. She aise rcponted the three bospital beds in constant use. Henry Jakemen and Eari Argue were appointed as a commttee ta inquire about punchasing a wbeel chair as additional equipment. Foilowing 'adjounnment, the ladies servcd lunch. WESLEY VILLE Congregational Meeting The annuel congregational meeting for Wesleyville chunch was. held in the basement on Wcdnesday evening, Jan. 10. A vote ai thanks and apprecia- tion wvas extended te the renc- vation and decarating commit- tees for their unseifisb giving ai lime and labour, and toaail xvbo contnibuted in any wav ta the year's major projee, which eifected sucb a cosy andi pleasant basement. Appreci;,- lian wvas aira sbawn ta Mrs.1 Reeve wbo bas continued as' cburch arganist ion 19 or 20 years and ta another taitiafii musician oi the community, Mrs. Carrail Nichais. Mr. Harding spoke canccnn- ing this ycar's drive ion funds fon Albert College and spake et the fine school thene where yaung people may reccive thein educetion in their cburch scbool. Reports were heard from ail the cbu'-ch graups and treasur- e I-S. Church 1ttea mz.\rnold Thortidyka: ,.M.and m.'Ms Fercy Snel1; Buldiu IYund treas., George Tufford; Sun- day Schaol treas., Gea. Tuf- fard; W. A. Sec., Mrs. K. Ash- by and treas., Mrs. Gea. Tut- ford (read by Mrs. A. Austin); Save Children Treas., read for Mrs. Tutt; Cemetery Board Sec., Mrs. E. Banrowciaugh; C.G.I.T. and Trail Rangers. Ah gnaups reported a good ycar with maney on hand in- ciuding the Sunday Sehoal as. sisted by the W.A. W.A. re- parted an average attendance ai 15 with a paid up member- ship ai 20. Session reparted 51 resident and nan-resident mcm- bers Sunday Schaoi was held 41 Sundays with an average ut- tendance oi 49. AIl officers were re-instated with the addi- tion ai Mr. Theysmeyer as chair leader with Mrs. Reeve and Mrs. C. Nichols organists, and Mrs. Carlton Payne as honorary. lue session member. It was decided ta continueý the Observers for anather year.1 Time was running eut. before midnight so Sunday Schoal ai- ficers wcre re-elected with lit- tic discussion and a further meeting ai the executive plan- ncd for the near future ut Clarence Nicholis. Woman's Association The first meeting af the new year for the Waman's Associa- tion was held at the home ai Mrs. Murray Payne January Il. The pragram, epened with devotîÇEns, Senipture was read by Mrs. A. Ford and its illus- tration was given by Mr3. Clarence Nichelîs. Mrs. A. Thorndyke gave a reading on the Ncw Year. The executive hiad askcd Mr. Harding ta give them seme guidance regardîng a Bible study. He spake ta the ladies about passible studies and it was decided ta purchase a new book "The Wamen ai the: Bible" from which some help! might be found for a course an this subjeet. Mr. Harding promised ta conduct a senies of studies aiter the Easter seasan. RaIl caîl far the day was "A1 way ta imprave the W.A." AI- ter several had failcd ta think; af any way it could be împnev- ed one membcr's answer was' vcry appropes: Always came with an answver fer rolll eau. A sale was planned for the Valentine meeting and plans made for the annual Valentine gift ta a loneiy persan. Two social events were planned, a crokinole party for the coming week and a garden party for next July. Ta begin another year ai service to, those whoi need, quilt blocks are ta bel brought te the February meet-! ing. Deliciaus reireshments pro- vided the apportunity for fur- ther taik on the aimns and plans ai the organization. Choir practice wvas held Fr,*- day night and Trail Rangers, met an Friday evening. There. were. 62 at Sunday Schoo i lih ali efficers and teachers pres- ent. Midgets Hot To Trounce Port Perry In two top-notch exhibition midget games the Bewman-1 ville Red Wings nosed eut1 Breoklin 4-2 ut beome on Wed- nesday ai Iast week and traunced Port Penny 13-1 at Port Penny the following night. In Wednesday's game, Jiim Masterson, with au assist fromn Ran Pollard, gave the local Midgets a 2-0 period lead. No scaring was rcgistered in the second periad, but bath teamts found the range in the third when Don MeGregor and Doit Prout each pickcd up singIei mankers, and Pascoe scored twice for the visitons. The Red Wings epened Up their biggest scaning barrage ai the season in the Part, w-- tour goals in first, four more in the second and five mare tn the third. Don Prout was the leading goal-getter with five goals and two assists. Glen Crossey, Jimi Masterson, Bob Abbott and Lemon each chal1ç- ced up twa markers ta compiete the* sco:in. WEDDING NORTON - BENNET A quief wedding toak place in Weston Presbyterian Churcn Jan. 2, when Joan, daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ben- nett of England, was united in marriage with George Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Nor- ton, Locust Hill. The bride, who was attended by Mrs. Christine McKinnon, wore a dress of Dior blue with feather hat to match and cor- sage oi pink and white roses and carried a white Prayer Book. After the reception the cou- ple left for a honeymoon in the United States and on their return will reside in Weston. Farm Forum Committee Is Re-Activated The Durham County Farm Forum Committee appointed by the Durham Federatioh oi Agriculture twa years ago has been re-activated to coordina'ýe and arganize the xvork of the Farrn Forums in this county. Arthur Lowe, Kendal, is the chairman of the committee and Mrs. Edward Wilson, Garden 1H11l and Morley McAllister, Campbellcroft, are the other members. Mr. McAllister has been namned press representa- tive for the Durham forums and will summarize the find- ings at the weekly forum meet- ings and submit them ta the weekly newspaper in the coun- ty. Mr. Lowe has been namcd a Director of the Durham Feti. eration ta represent the Farm Forums. The Farmn Forums Commit- tee was recently visited by Vic- tor Morrow, Ontario Fildman for the Farm Forums, wha made several valuable suggest- ions. Also present at this meet- ing was Jack Arnott, Fieldman for the Durhamn Federation of Agriculture. A questionnaire asking the individual forums ta co-aper- ative with the County Commit- tee was recently niailed out by the committee. Prejudice, whlch sees what lt pleases, cannot see what is plain. -Aubrey de Vere. FAST RELIEF FOR PAIN Prices effective intil Sat., Jan. Vist Farm Forum At Blackstock Plan Discussion A fine group oi enthusiastic farmers and their wives met at the home oi Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard Bowlcs on Monday even- ing. The brQadcast panel was very goad and gave us a goad back- ground for autr discussion. Chairman tuart Dafreil an- ranged thnee graups and from the fîndings ai each secretary lively discussions took place. Numbcr anc question ani more effective ways ai solving agriculturai pnabiems. Indivi- duals shauld study and edu- cate thcmselves, as ta the rm- rnedy, then a veny stnangý or- ganizatien representing all phases ai agriculture present a united front ta gavernment and demand faiýr and adequatei- gisiatian that will enable agni- cultural producers ta operate MATOUE COLORS FOR WALL$ AND TRM on à level comparative with citizens af other trades and oc- cupations. The status ai farmers should not compel them ta wvark long heurs oi strenuous labar for the small neturns received when aur praduce reaches the market. No farmer can aller a wage af $1.50 or $2.001 per' heur under aur present set-up. As ta the method ai pressurle graups or lacal M.P. lobbying we thaught every availabie means should be empioyed. Next week being reviev night a public meeting wvill be held in the community ball la hear the repart af the camm:t,- tee wvbo had been scouting i'e -fire figiiting equipment in other sections ot the country comparable ta aur tow'nship. This shauld cancern ail home ownens. Mr. and Mrs. T. Samnells pro- duced same very interesting and lively cantests iollowed by lunch served by the hastess. Mesdames L. Donreil, M. Van Camp and R. Bawles wvere 'a cammittee ta manage the Safety Driving Cantcst. WALWNIDË rubbe ENMELI Ais. for Kirtcheas, Bathroom Wall$ Abernethy ys Paint & Wallpaper Phone MA 3-5431 85 King St. W. Vigor 011 Co. Ltd. FUEL CIL and STOVE CIL STOVE QIL 20 1-0 FUEL QIL 16 ' cents per gal, cents per gal. r E VER YDA yl's, VALUE DAY et A&P NE W, FuSil! A&P INSTANT COFFEE 4-oz jar 95C Jan@ Parker Cherry Pie Jane Parker Pumpkin Pie TEA BACS SHOULDER ROASI BUll ROAST Smnoked Shankiess, Pienie Style PORK SHOULDERS Bonos i ad Ment lb 35c VEAL LEG ROAST BAVE 6. .ach 49C SAVE 6. eacb 43C Nectar Orange Pokoo SAVE 4o A&P KERNEL CORN box of 60 65C uaty 3 it-oz tins 49C LIBBYS SPGHETI WaChees.I:l2 15-oz tins25 KLEENEX TISSUES Sire 9" x 6" and 9" x 10!1 2 boxes 35C FRESH PORK lb 27( lb 35< f149C À Facy GadeSpinthA Real Treat ORANGES 5-bcelo bag 49C '£Am Ily le For Delivery Phone Oshawa RA 5-1109 2oz jar 49c Bukery Specluls! SIIPER-RICHT OUALITffY MEA TS FRESH PORK . THURSDAY, JAN. Igth. 1958 PAGE BrIK TIM CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1«

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