be "Durham County's Gjreat Family Journal" YOLUME 102 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 3lst, 1956 10e PER COPYNU[BR2 Receive Highest Awards in Guiding These three Bowmanville girls were invested withT Area Commissioner, presented the awards ta: Lillian Mar- the highest award Girl Guides can receive, the Gold Cord, lowe, daughter of Mrs. E. L. Marlowe; Leslie Luffman, at the Mother and Daughter Banquet in the Lions Com- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Luffman. and Mary Anne munity Centre, Friday evening, May 25. Mrs. D. R. Gunn, 1Heavysege, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. IR. Heavysege. -Photo by Rehder C. of C. Directors Hear 0f Varlous Pro jects A meeting of the Directors ta Division at the rear of the of the Bowmanville Chamber King street businesses. of Commerce was held Monday In looking to the future, the night at which time members chamber envisaged projetis' of were brought up to date con- such a magnitude that mýany cerning the activities of the more citizens would be Called Chamber and its variaus pro- on for assistance. Mr. Mri jects. paid tribute ta the progressive Ken Morris, secretary-man- thinking of merchants and for ager, reported that the parking their growing support in the * ~~had received the backing of Town's welfare. ,It4uncil and complimented A. H. u' trrock for his tireiess efforts in c~ompîeting the many de-Bo Se rt Bernard Kitney reported that ing of Division street from King ha k Citizen s to Queen streets by the remi- val of the present curb and Results from the last two Boy boulevard, that a ncw curb will Scout's paper collection showed be placed dloser to the side- that a total of 66,070 lbs. of walk and angle parking will be paper was coilected for a value instituted. The Bell Telcphone of $33035. Company have alrcady moved Despite deiays by inclementI the telephone poles on thiis weather, the results were most1 istreet. gratifying, according to the As- As Mr. Morris pointed out,1 sociation and their sincere this is onlv the first phase ofÎ thanks is extended to ail in a long range program to provide Bowmanville who hclped make of f street parking and 1lane the paper drives a success. ways for trucks with etisy ac- Appreciation, also, is held for cess to the stores. These lana. the supply of trucks by Don ways would help in fire fight,. Boe, Glen Rae Dairy, L. A. ing and for garbage removal as Parker, A. H. Sturrock, Blain weli. One laneway already un- 'Elliott, Jack Brough and Shep-_ der studv is froin Queen 'Street1 pard and Gili Co. District Bishop Confirms Large St. Joseph's Class Most Bey. B. 1. Webster, confirmed:- Sylvia Goodwin, D.D., Bishop off Peterborough, Lynda Labrequa, Rose Labre- bestowcd confirmation rites on que, Jean Labreque, Eliza Ver- 44 children and eight adults in !leysan, Maria Sweep, Johanna the St. .Toscph's Catholic Churc!î Sweep, Victoria Chard, Lynda Mondayv evening. Each candi- Masterson, Evelyn Joncs, Mary dlaie.vas annointert with Hoiv .ane Laverty. Adele Hughes, Oit, iven the Confirmation Frascine Vcrleysen, Catherinc Ble-sing and strokcd ghovna Liptav. May Cowlcs, Marlyne the cheek by' Bisi-op \Velýstc-.ý Mitchell, Doreena Mitchell, An- Assisting Bishop Webster ne Woolner, Johanna Gaboarsz we'ïe four district pricsts: Rey. Jimmie Kitncy, Daniel Joncs, J. P. Collins, Cobourg: Bey. Leo XWalter Verlevsen, Wayne Han- Clearv, Port Hope: Bey. H ... an, Michael Wolnik. Larry Fitzgerild. Hluntfield. Rev. C. MeLean, Denis Secord, Put1 H-. O'Donoghuc, Peterborough. Goodwin, Roger Goodwin, Nichaal Leddv, Robert McMan- Rey. F. K. Malaiie. Parisil us. Christophar Quinton,1Doug. Prie'st ol St. JnSvph's Church. a Smith, Larry Lunnaman n,ý New MembersSpanish Colc Join Legion Reviewed ut O n Th rsdayAn intaresting page from the On Th rsday past was unfolded, Mondav night, as Santiago B. Alfaro of The roster ai Legion. memn- Argentina and Uruguay, review- bcrsbip continues ta risc as ed the Spanish Colonial record eight new membars were ini- and the development of tha Ar- ducted. Thursday, May 24, inoa gentine Republic. Mr. Aifaro, thec Boivmanvilie Branch ai thc guast speaker at the weekly Canadian Legion. dinner meeting of the Bowman- New mambers are Leslie ville Lions Club held in the Morley, Gea. Nelson Brooks, Lions Conimunity Centre, is a ,ames R. McCaffrey, Ernest 1. corporate member of the Soc- Spry, Thomas J. Vanbridger, jety of British Engîneers ani IRobert Hornigold, Eric Gray 1 during World War II served ,,âippg with tw5ý. reinstatements, under General Eisenhower with fWon S. Eddyvean and Ernest the 2nd and 9th Battalion Rifle Rehdcr. Brigade. He is prcsently study- The welcomed persan ai Rev. ing aconomic and industrial John Kitchen of Orono was habits in this country. \varmly receivcd on his return Relating Argentine, Chule and ta Lagion affairs folwing a Brazil as outstanding examplcs, long illncss. 0f special intcrest today, of democratie countries toteLegion cribbagc tca-m in S outh Amierica ha said that, was thc prasentatian ta Jim it was important when viewing Faii- of a replica cribbaga ti'o- the Spanish Colonial record, taý phy, by Ross McKnight, on bc- rid of the Anglo Saxon fervor haîf of the Provincial Cribbaýe for explaining human avents champions from the Bo\wman- in tèrms of villains in thc case ville Branch. of the Spaniards. "In History, The appointment of Percy writcs the provocative Snlvador Greenficld as a trustee Wds de Madariaza -thera are no announcad. Decoration Day villains. Thera arc but men, 1,vill bc held Sunday, lJuna 94 bad anough but, far more cam- this year, and plans for tï ' plex than clcvils cao be. The annual Legion Carnival ta be Spanish conquiest was unpleq- held in August are wcll under sant ta the Indians, but con- way. - qucsts arc nevcr pîcasant andi _________________ seldom mnarkccl by amenity and mil doess.'" Ha went on ta say, that ta Receives Degree theverage Canadian, Lat'n< rhidden world. Thera are, he said, approximately 200,000,000 Latin Americans, the out- growth of an inter-mixture of~ the original Indian - or Latin Amnerican - with Europeans and Negroas. Frorn thase cx- trames ha ve developed the three counitries in which de- macratic contraI bas assumedt considerable force: ini which soma progres.s bas heenma-1p tourard dignifyin the legisla. New Look Takes Over Front Street Four storey steel scaffolds ara becoming a common sight an Bowmanville 's main streat with twa ai the build- ings, the Walker Apartmants and the Hydra building under- going extensive face-lifting op- erations. Th Walker Apartments are baing stuccocd bath back and front but the four businessas an the graund floor, the Glory- Ann Shop, Simpson-Sears Or- der Office, Fabrie Town andi Huyck's Hair 'Styiing Studio will not ha touched. The front ofa the Hydro Building will me- ceive a new coat ai pain t. Keaping in step with the re- novation projeets aroundti twn are tbree ai the restaurants, Stanîcy's Lunch, King St. Eas-, bava already completeti their interior decorating by instaliing comiortable seats, tables and an air conditioner unit. Tha Coronation Restaurant, 9 King West, has been com- plateiy changeti ovar during the past two wceks anti expects ta re-open this Saturday. A mo- dern front bas been construet- cd with new flaoring, seats, ta- bles anti air conditioning being addcd. The latest cale ta announca plans for a new interior is the Olympia which wili close June 10 for a two wveek peiod. One main feature ai the naw Olym- pia wili ha the seven ton ra- irigarated air conditianing unit. The, newcst in modemn equip- ment wil ha instahiati. onial Record tLions Club in the completion af many rea- sonably fair elections. In Ar- gentine, Chule and Brazil, each has suffered dictatorships; each bas seen electral frauds. Neyer. the-less, the wiil to democracy is strong in these three nations. Ail have a vigorous and un- usually free press - ail have a grawing middle class, all (Continued on page seven) Local Child Spends Night ln Bushland A tbirty hour jaunt in dense Ontariao'bushiand by five-yeam- aId Frankie Huggins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Huggins, R. R. 4, Bawmanville, with his Auuît Catharine Spencer, 44, last week-end. causeti some 100 searchers lad by Provincial Po- lice along with the aid ai a plana, ta camb the Sauthern Ontario Wildemnass 25 miles from Peterborough. The 30 boum ordeal rcsultad irom an attempt ta finti a néw-bomn eauf. Although Frankia and bis Aunt tramped an estimateti 25 miles and spent a sieepless night in the ramn anti were ha- set with the knowladga that the area was iniestad witn wolves, Catberine Spencer maintaineti contrai o! the situa- tion. During the ioliawing marning thcy stumblati anta the seventh concession bush roati - about sevan miles fram the farm- anti wera pieketi up by Bob Kelly anti from then an were taken under cama. Frankie, stili obliviaus ta al coacemo, voicati bis concera as "Wonder where that baby calf is." District B. & P. Advisor Instals New 0f ficers -bucb, Newccastle, ,vas warmi-Mia ,Jel Sh ttlwrbe icn p il uiesadPrfsinlwr ssc.Ec esnps Chi icae SutleorhVicMtav- meeting ai the Bowman- 1 clubs, but in ec omnt. ]y conmmcîdcd hv îbo e. rtnPilpButn ohne!M.. omcn's Club took the form sasses individuality. and witb- ste fr hefie ar in eab-Connorg. Charles Murphy, An- of a luncheon bcld on Sunda, out tbis aur clubs would ail diaý îng Catecbîsrn ta the Confiî-m- Dnl hm-s ltrldah h pae atio Clss.d re\w Murph,Dnl bm-~ MaN, 27, at The Bluffs Touristantrldah h pa~ sonLea Grat TompanLodgc, East Beach. ai wvhich said. Looking ovar past years aTho lan-ingScnlden wGrrantGorge Chard.Glen Elmar Brooks Mr. .C. - Bartlatt is the praprie - of teacopilbmnt o B The ollvig cildrn ,erGeoge Card OnMay25thGle Eler or.P. Clubs, wa realize that it :s Brooks, son of Mr. and M\,rs. E. Saverai guests were presant, the individuality oi eacb par' Pa rt i Leslie Brooks, Bow~manville incliiding Leapha 'Woods, pra- _son which makes aur clubs 0o C id e kegraduated from the Univecrsity sident r f Napance B. & p. succcssful. Ail sbould strive ta- CofhTdrenntoe \vun tbe degree, Chib: Kaye MacFai-land. Be- . ard the aims ai National and 1 1rinlity S. S. A nniversary Afte'- completîng bis secondai-y tbe installation of offiécrs; andInJ conclusion, Miss MacFar- sehool education at Bowman- Mrs. Kapustin af the famyily as- land said, "If we ail live bv A bcaîîtiftil and impressive ia gond habit is formcd wbich v"ille Higb School in 1948, Mr. sisted by the club. tbe Golden Rule, wa could he- service iakriT1ntvUitdtalie Brooks entered the Lniversityji Officerq installed for 1956-57 nefit aur clubs in manv as maredTriit Uîte lkey t remain with him. of Toronto as a member af the Church Stinda ' Scbool Anný- BY mway ai illustration, Mr.F first cîass in a nec\,r.lynsttt were: Past Pr-es-sabnila Da- Reports af ail committee.s versarx- and Flowex- Sunday onlPcadtlda ikts;ta-fu ya oreinpamc.' Pres-Veimna Gay: Vice- iwai-e gix-co in a short busines-ý Ma 27. Rey. T. A. Morgan con- ad at summer camp where the Sic gruaigwhbo-igWlx: eod-IPidan pvdBom - ducted the ýerx ica and ahi mem- chiîdren wo're placards repras. ausinef aticourse in ing32 Sac-Helen Neiler: Corr. ville club had had a very suc- ber a ta una~'Seoo pr-enting Youth, Crime, Home, Sihtaecr.,Bcalra - Anna Watson; Treas.- 1 cessful 3raar. A latter is ta ha ticipated. Baskets ai flowers 1Sho and Communit~'you th h iigrePh ahlbas;fD'orothv Virtue. ýwritten to Town Couneil ra tht, decoraScienceeichui-ch. yclieaha Cammittea Convenors. Civic 1 proposed extension af the Mun- The cbidre cnara th wa ontheaucionblok, ithbeen cmployed at the Univer- - '\I(-Feeters: International icipal Act xith regard ta fur- l'i hlie nee h each ai the athars making bids 'iVa ntut or\ndmre-E:bl McKague: ProEu-am - ther franchise in voting in this 1h b a h xv t l w r l o r bim . A s ec h b id , C ria im - c n î as a g rad u ata stu d en t, F l n 1tiia couii o i ý n hi e m n c p a i ., h p o o a w'îbxas placed ini a largO 'doubled bis bid. but w~hen ' -ont in phrmaceutiWi th itr Rhoda Gardon: Historian 10tapermit evervona aven 21, in- ecr1rc)ý n. Tthe flo ers werc uniîad oea d Crim ad iîdth rîîîg iîî e Helen Doviii. Membarship -.cluding prapertv ownars, tan- rcisrcd b'ThMu-os. r Lathani defoesCrm mtt grec Glenn became oneaofai ayJwel ulMaraly .anis and those who board,.Io guîc an-i Mis. D, R. Alldread.IAmsuiîrsîn t ix o group af four students wbo hd'e Wilcox, Helea Nelos: Pianist-. hax-e a vote in municipal ai- Diciiibrs i-.; fli Nurserv, Kinm. ns neesigs0'I o7 btaineri this degree from the Lamna Fletcher-: W'ays andi fairs. erare nd Priniary DthepirieaxarlIdb Ms Univcrsitv af Toroito. Meaui-îaelle Davis. A letter was rearl from Paf LaurenceGodnarLov ser uL ients suang Jesus LvsMe'. aroeGrdr nbru- Cammrentîng on bis plans fo-: The chair w-as turned anver Berger, a former membar. ta and the. Scipture lesson wm al iemas the future Glenn indicatcd th- t ta the ncw prsident. Velma Gav, sa 'y that they have settlad at recited in unisoîî by chiltiren In the musical portian ai the hai hopes ta continua for a Ph.D. 'who preseotad the ratiring pre-j the present tima in Denver, fromi the Senior School. service, the Senior Choir sang degrea soma time in the future, sidant, Isabella Davis. with a Colorado. Arrangements are tao Mr. Denis Pickard, Sunday tha anthem, "The Vision ai but the arrivai ai a nawbarn son lovely travelling aiarm dcock. gat under way for a Hallow-i School Superiotencient, in spaak- Christ" bv Christanson and the for bim andi bis w-ie. Doll- As retiring prasidant. Isabaîh," c'en Tag for UNICEF instead1 ing ai the work ai the Sunds * Junior Chair contributed. 'AIl Anne. have detarmined a more presented the cift of a framed ai an the ragular Unitad Na-j Scbool. tsaid that it ik a nc off Things Beautiful and Fair". M-. iinmcdiatc goal. Therrfore h- cniblem in the club. tians Da.i the krY-pzrIs nf tbh' cbîîr-. Tf Arth- -Collison. arganist and .- ii contiue Wnrking 11Inb a -brt âaddre-,. Miý,- Mac- A regular meefitie in June1 a chîld is Startad un bis earlyJc hoir master, was at'the organ de Preszcrlp+lon Pharmacy, Farland stressceti the fact that vril cnclude activities for the1 yeâ gateud -anqilm a ;a. 1. o'j~ ~J B.& P. Clubs arefra à& servn Birth place of World- Circling lndustry, Newcastlie Village Pre pares For Cen tennial O0wen Fagan Is Appointed Bank Inspector Announcemnent was made, last' week of the appointment of Owen "Bun" Fagan as sen- ior inspector of the Canadian Bank of Commerce with head- quarters in Toronto. Owen Fagan is the son of. Mr and Mrs. Owen D. Fagaui, Beech Avenue and is a gradu- ate of Bowmanville High School during which time he w as a noted football and basketball star on several inter-collegiate championship teams. In June, 1954, he was ap- pointed Manager of The Can- adian Bank of Commerce braoch in Sarnia. Prior to this appoint. ment in Sarnia he was account- ant at the Owen Sound Branch. He has served with this bank since entering the local branchi of The Canadian Bank of Com- merce, in Bowmanville, on May 1, 1940 as a clerk. Mr. Fagan is married ta the former Marion Cooper of Orono. They have two children, Mich- ael and Karen. Dr. Geo. E. Allun Earns Degree F. R. C. S., Eng. t By Gordon Agnew The Village of Newcastle is bustling with activity these days as months of planning develop into a rounded out program for the celebration of its lOth birthday as an incorporated village. In addition to a full four-day program of events, a network radio program has been arranged for the Sunday previaus, June 24, when Don Fairbairn will broadcast his "Neighibour-y News" program direct from the Newcastle Community Hall to the Ontario and Quebec network of the CBC, originating with radio station CBL, Toronto at 10 a. m. Commencing Friday, June 29th, the 4-day programn will include street dance, mammoth parade with floats, bands, etc.; carnival, sporting events, band concerts and special Sunday services. Famnous Industries To the passing traveller, and to many of its citizens, little is known of the colourful history of this village of some one thousand souls which has been the birthplace of at least two industries whose products have become popular the world over. The Massey-Harris-Ferguson Company Limited, manufacturers of farm implements, and the Northrop & Lyman Co., well known pharmaceutical f irm both of which were established in this village before its incorporation 100 years ago. Back in 1840, Daniel Massey, who had corne to Newcastle district as a boy, and had farmad just east of the village on the shores of Lake Ontario, set up a small machine shop on his farmn to repair his own and bis neighbours primitive farm implement, when agricultural implements were imported from the U.S.A. an sold. Believing thesa implamants could be made hera at a lower cost than importîng them, Daniel Massey purchased a foundry in the village and began tha manufacture of farm machinerv in 1847 in an unpretcntious oa-storey stru~cture. Thus Canada's farni machinery industry was born, right here in this village. Masser Protress To 1849 larger shops wera erected in the centre of the village and in 1852 upon bis father's retirement, Hart A. Massey becama the sala proprietar, namingz the business H. A. Masseyv Company. Ovar the yaars the industry axpanded and new and battar machines ware bùilt until in 1867 Massey machines won great honours at the Tnternational Exhibition in Paris, France, and Emparor Napolcon III purchased a Wood's mower made in this Canadian village and ordered that nana but Wood's patented Dr. Norman Allin, Centra machinery be used on the Imperial Farms. Street, Bowmanvilla, was happy (Contînued on page thirtean) ta recaiva a cable last waak from his son, Dr. George E. Allin, from London, England that he bad been awarded hiîsa ds 3 d es ' i e degre aifellowship of the, Enlad (.RCS. Eg) GirlGudsa dBo ne Dr. Allin was born in Edmon-Gud sa a rwn e ton, Alta., and graduated in mad-' icine at the University of A bighlighit of the Mother and Donna Flett, Sharon Lucaî% Alberta li 1951 and then intarn- Daughter Banquet for Guides Judy Jeffery, Tina Kooey, ed for a year at the Royal Alex- and Brownics on Friday aven- Elaine McPherson, Libby Cale. ander Hospital in Edmonton. In ing in the Lions Communîty Robarta Hetharîngton,- Donna 1952 ha want ta London ta study Centre, was the presentatian of Cowan, Barbara Hanson, Lin- for bis fellowship, taking the Gold Cords, the highest award da Brown, Judith Anni Sparrow, primary and naw the final in Guiding, Ia tbrea girls, Las- Lorraine Brock, Diane Halînian, axams. For the present he will lic Luffman, Lillian Marlow Diane Farguson, Connia Hen.. remain in England. and Mary Anne Heavysege. ning, Donna Gould, Linda Run. During World War Il George Mrg. D. R. Gunn, Area Com. dle, Barbara Brown. was in the Navy with the rank missionar, in making the pres- Golden Bars were earned by of Sub-Lieut. and ha had charge cotation said that it takes a Brownies Marlane McDonald, of a landing craft. He is mar- great deal of work and charac- Audrey Hâyes, J-feat ber James. ried ta Margaret Noel, a native ter ta caro a Gold Cord. In a Marcia Fagan, Beverley Sleep, ai Nova Scotia and they hava briaf but impressive ccrcmony, Denise Wessells. Susanne Faulk- thrce childran. Mrs. G, 'In invested the girls ner, Lorraine Hodgson, Marilyn1 The Statesman joins with bis with thesa awards and congra- Stapleton, Cynthia Hacking, many relatives and friands in tulated thmn. In the 13 yçars Mary Herbert, Suzanne Bail, Canada in axtcnding cordial con-. during whicb Mrs. A. J. Frank Gai] Hobbs, Lynda Tierney, gratulations ta Dr. Allin for be- I as been District Commissionar Yvonne Anonichuk. ing awarded the covated degreea and also Division Commission- Golden Hands were presant. of F.R.C.S., Eng. 1ar, it is inter ésting. ta note that cd tao Brownies Helen Vanstona. Sjecond Polio Shots Start Here Monday Word has been receivad that part of the shipmant of poliomyelitis vaccine for the children who are tai have thair second doses wil arrive this week, and clinics will get underway again on Monday, June 4, states Dr. Charlotte M. Humner, Medi- cal Officer of Health. The remain dem cf the vaccine for the second doses Is ex- pected ta arrive about the middle ai June. Because of the intensive testing that takes place in Ottawa an the vaccine, same bas been discarded because of Iow potency. Dr. Homner gays she bas been advisad by the Ontario Department of Health that for this rea- son there wilI flot be suffi- cient vaccine to give any third doses this spring. No vaccine Is yet availabla for presehool children. Trillium FHas Four Petals seven girls belonging ta Bow- mainville Guidas have won thii coveted award. Thera hava also been about 25 First Class Guides. Badges earned wera present- ed ta: Elaine Bennett; Sheila Covcrly, Monica Schlingensiepen, Isobel Fowler, Darla Shane, Annabella Stevens, Lois Bruce, Mary Ano Heavysage, Sandra Candier, Sheila Jackson, Betty McDonald, Helen Clarke, Shar- on Kilpatrick, Mary Laskaris. Second class badges ware wvon by thec following Guides: Dixie Gui, Connie Niddery, Darlene McCullough, Mary Munday, Sandra Dilling, Carol Elston, Shirley Irvine, Carol Lathangue, Carol Vance, Patsy Gill, Kathia Russell. Tbe entire 3rd Paek had earn- cd Golden Bars and a nunîber of Brownies passed the Golden Hand tests, but badges were flot recaived in time for presenta. tian at the banquet. Warrants werc presanted tc Mrs. Rosa McDonald, Captain ai lst Company; Mrs. Kay Ste- phan, Captain. 2nd Company; Mrs. Yvonne Edmundson, Lieut- enant, 2nrl Compan.v. Award Retiring Commissioner An oddity ai the batanical worîd was brougbt in the at- tention ai the Statesmnan th's wcek in the iorm af a perfctix' devalopcd trillium cxccpt for ...... the fact that it had two s-ets aiof.A .Fan hs aeri Gr ud evc four leaves along witb four pe- a dd rup A. J. Farnk-3ofwhiec see hin GilGde psitions taIs. It alsa bad eight stamnen algu o15yas 3o vihsehsfl h oiin and four stigmna. Accarding ta 'of Distrct Commissioner and Division Commissianer as definition the îrillium is a mcm- well as Camp Commissioner, received many tributes at bar ai the lily famnilY having the -Mother and Daughter Guide and Brownie Banquet in threa leave-s with ane large the Community Centre, Friday evening. Among the gifts flower ini the centre of thern. a nd tributes received by Mrs. Frank upan her retirement Finder o! the peculiar ity was milkman Jim Haltby, R. 3,j rom ail positions but that af Camp Commissioner, was Bowmanville, as ha was mak- the Long Service Award from the Canadian Girl Guid? ing bis rounds. Mr. Holtby gave 'Associa tion. It was presented by Mrs. D. R. Gunn of Por it ito a croup ai scbool childr-.î (redit, Arca Commissioner, on hehalf of the Association whoin turo prcsantad iftnt their teachers at the Map1ý and with ber personal congratulations on an outstanding QZOV4 sckho"Icareer in Qtuding. r-Pkàoto by RPb,4d 4 cï an