THURSDAY, 3'UN~ 21t, 1958 TJ~ CAKADIAII STATESMAIi. EOWMA2(Vfl~LE. ONTAMO PAGE MINE Maple Grave W. 1. Highlights Humorous Skit in a Mock Trial President Mrs. Chas. Green- hamn conducted the business of the June llth meeting of Mapleý Grave Women's Institute when a motion was caried ta cater ta an August wedding. Ten dollars was voted ta the Memorial Hos-' pital fund. Mms. Greenhamn and Mrs. Morley Flintoff were dele- gated ta, meet with school teach- ers and Home and School Club regarding a lawn in front of the school bouses. Arrangemnts were made for the July 9th bus ftrip ta Sharon Histarical Museum in York County. Canadian As- sociation o! Consumer bulletins were distnibuted. Mrs. Ivison Munday reportedl from the District Annual meet- ing and concluded her report from the Guelph officers con- ference givîng several helpfui ,pointers on business pracedure. Theme was a decided lack of "beefs" from the rail eaul "My Community Iýeef", Mms. C. H. Snowden, speaking 1 on the motta, "The man whoi gets but neyer gives may last for years but neyer lives" said, Trùly the joy of living is in the giving. Aside from gifts of monev or what money can buyJ are the many gift's of hf ei whicb money cannot buy.' [Among those many gifts which bmîng comfort, cheer, courage and the upiift ta if e is the giftý of a smiie which enriches the receiver, but does flot take away from the giver; a smile creates happiness in the home, good wilI in business and is the couýnter- sign o! good fniendsh.ip. Giv smile, none needs it so much as, he who bas no more ta give. Quoting Henry Drummond, "Haîf the worid is on the wrong scent in the pursuit of happiness. Rather than having and getting it consists in giving and scrving others". The concluding line in a verse on giving was, Just keep REASONS WHfY You Sale ut' Less Cost Per Ton wlf h NEW INTERNATIONAL SALER TWINE BUY NOW AND DIvide the number of bales you tie into the price you pay- tu get the truc cost of haler twine. You'llfind International Baler Twine costs you less per ton than so called "bar- gains" claimed by foreign znanufactured haler twines mnade from inferior henequen fiber. Made ln Canada fr"om true sisalana fiber, International Baler Twine gives you the ful length, full strength and uni- form thickness essential -to trouble-free baling. Éverystop from raw fiber to finisheld bail is quality con- trolled. And every bale is backed by a written guaran- tee. Use International Baler Twine on your next baling lale faster, be3tter, andXat le cost. For your supply, see your 1H Dealer NOW. 134 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE Inentoa avse om ayo aad iie giving tili the Master stops giv- ing ta you. Mrs. Ceci Jeffmey. convener of Community Activities and Public Relations, was in charge af the progmam and with ber goup, Mrs. Grant Bennett, Mms. E. Foley, Mms. Jim Holtby, Mrs. Harold Cooney, Mr%~ Thos. Mc- Guirk and Mrs. A. Barnes, assist- ed by Mrs. A. Beech with Mrs. C. H. Snowden at the piano sang twa old time sangs in chorus. The singing was followed by the group staging a skit" Mms. 1Murphy Pinch Hits," a mnock trial for women. Mrs. Grant Bennett in cap and gown (pinch hitting for her husband Judge Murphy) stole the show. Mrs. E. Foley acted the inefficient clerk. Each lady, as called, was requested ta be seated on a smali nail keg. Fines weme de- signed ta supply Mrs. Murphy with new finery. Mrs. Grant Bennett read a humorous article, "No Propos- ais". A hiianious -program con- cluded with the group singing "Good Night Ladies". Tea, fruit bread and cheese were served and a social time enived YELVERTON A number fromn Yelventon necently enjoyed the gardeni party, supper and concert at Janetville, Cadmus and Bally- Iduff Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. Roy Werry, Ottawa, (nec Teresa Boon) on the birth o! a daughter, Debamra Anne, on IJune 14. Mr. and Mms. Jack Wilson and family attended Decora- tion Services on Sunday at Prince Albert Cemctemy and visited with the Evans at Rag- lan. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Snyder and Wayne, of Richmond Hill, were cailers this week at the Hugh McGill's. Recent guests at the Fred Sta- ceys were Mr. and Mrs. Charlia3 Cutts of Western Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Stacey, Port Credit. tMr. and Mrs. Murray Mal- fcolm and girls attended a pic- neand birthday celebration in honour of Joyce's grandmotber, Mrs. Tom MeMuilen, in Hamp- ton Park, Sunday. Suay dnn guests of the Ralh Mlcom'sand weekend callers at the Ray Rabinson's wcre Mr, and Mrs. John Hen- derson, Kingston; Mrs. Ernest- ine Henderson and Murray, Eethany; Mr. and Mrs. David Wilson entertained the Norm Wilsons and family Sunday. The Ralph and Harvey Mal- colms attended a Malcolm pic- nic at the Pines at Nestieton. We are pieased ta report des- pite certain dire prognostica- tians ta the contrary that gra- velling and crusbing awanded ta Russell Kerr o! Yeiverton bas alneady begun, in spite o! sucha a backwand spring which ham- pened grading aperations car- lier. Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Malcolm and Miss Em Henders matared back ta the Doc Henders cot- tage at Lake Catchacoma. Father's Day dinner guests et the W. H. Stinson's included their famiiy, the Marris Walk- ens, the Walter Wrights and the Floyd Stinsons. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McGill enjoyed a day with the Joncs a t their cottage in Babcaygeon. Captain Edwards was a e- cent visitor with tbe Ernie Lane's. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Farrow, Milibrook, were Sunday guests o! the Wm. McCabe's. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heeslip and Mrs. Irvine, Nestîctan: Mn. and Mrs. Marwood McKee, Cadmus, at Ed Lawson's, Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Lewson and Bruce attended the Cameron Garden Party on Tucsday. Peggy Dippeli Is Entertained At Luncheo n Miss Peggy Dippdil, papular bnide-eleet whose menniage ta Mn. Beecher Menzies takes place this Seturday, was enter- tained et a luncheon giv'en at Falconer Hall, University o! To- ronta, on Saturday, June 9, by the staff of Vaughan Raad Col- legiate o! which Peggy bas been a member. Miss Midge Hudgins and Miss Joan D'Arcy wene hostesses.9 The bride-ta-be wes present- cd with sevenel pieces o! ber china. Miss Dippeli is a daugh- ter o! Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Dip- pell ,Bowmanville. OBITUARY F. R. SANDERSON On Friday, June 8, 1956, Mr. Richard Sanderson passed quiet- ly away at the Cutmorc Private Hospital in Millbmook where be hati b ee hospitalized for sev- eral monthi. Mr. Sandersan was in bis 62nd year and had made Janet- ville bis home for the past two and a bal! years, maving there from Darlington Township where be nesided near Tyrone. fHe was a son a! the late Mr. and Mrs. John Sanderson o! Cartwright Township neer Cad- mu.. The funeral was held !rom Nothcutt and Smitb's Funerai Home, Bowmanviiie, with Rev. I James Burn oa!'Jenetvilic, offi- fciating. Interment was in the Union Cemetery et Cadmus. Left ta mourn his pcssing are fthree sisters and twa brothers, iMarjorie (Mrs. D. Higgins) To- onta; Vera of Janetvilc;, Mary (Mrs. Philp) Toronto; William of Janetville, and Everard o! Gaît. jPalîbearens were cousins: Messrs. Wilfrid 'Sanderson, Ralph Virtue, Adam Sharpe, Richard Rowan, Howard Mc. IN Lullin and Wm. Steele. Foe & U- wreNewton Arro- 1! ouRobert *Wý'rîght. Norrna!i Edge,.ton, O-,ar McQuade. Ted Gsbsoa and Wm. Ferguàon. Troubles Neyer Corne S5ingly ut Yelverton By Harvey Malcolm Yelverton Correspondent Mother said there would be days like that, and for the Ray Robinsons one was sufficient, according ta report. To stant the afternoon with a bang, a 12 ft. by 6 ft. wooden door swung loase ta conk aur un- fartunate subject on the head with pile-driving force, contni- buting somewhat ta a shorter but broader physiognamy. Next in order, a long distance cali-his wife is- stranded in town when the car unexpected- ly gives up the ghost 'twixt bere and there. Chore time and milking time, oh, oh! That so quiet cow press- es a hidden sprlng and, bingo! They scrape Ray out o! the gut- ter and off the waill Doc pla.s- ters aur victim of circumstan- ces together for the nonce. Enough for one day? Not quite! Wifie arrives home but sans car! Once mare this intri- cate chunk of macbinery takes the pause that mfeshes-a tri- bute ta the skill and knowledge o! certain garage mechanics, at 2.00 per boum. Yes sir! Thenels days a fellow can't make a nickel. Pleased ta report that X-nay o! Ray re- vealed no breakages. Just bent and bruised. Education is Topic ut Hampton W. I. Meeting Hamptoni Women's Institute held their- June meeting in the S. S. room. ' Mrs. Chant the Fresident, was in the chair and opened the meeting in the usual way. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Rail ceal answered by telling where you first went ta school. Mrs . Billett reported that the bale of used clothing sent ta Toronto for overseas, had reach- ed its destination and many thanks received for such a lot of nice things.1 Auditors' report was given by Mrs. Adcock and the books were correct. Treasurer, Mrs. Salter, reported $741.00 taken in and $151.00 remains although we have made many donationsý from our treasury. Cards of thanks were read. Prize lists from Oshawa, Orono and Biackstock were read for Institute exhibit. Lef t over tili next meeting to decide. United Nations Committee are Miss Reynolds, Mrs. S. Sewell, Mrs. F. J. Reed, Mrs. M. Mount- joy. They will be receiving literature. Several different re- quests for money were read and voted paid. The executive are ta arrange for a bus trip for Aug- ust. Some meetings (every other one) will be held, in the even- ings Sa we may get more yaung members to attend. Anyane wishing ta join, please contact Mrs. J. Bal3on. Mrs. Cavenley, group leaderi of Centre Group, took the chair for the program. Motta, "Thel Aim of education should be to teach us how to think," by Mrs. J. Balson; reading, Mrs. Adcock; Salem ladies, Mrs. K. Shackei- ton, Mrs. Ernest Twist sang two loveiy duets, "Smiie, Smile, Smile" and "Some Folks Do" accompanied by Mrs. Gerald Shackelton. Mrs. Mervin Hobbs, Enniskil- len, was guest speaker anid she gave us a wonderful paper on "Education" " in the aid days and on up ta now in the modern schools. She also gave us an in- sight of her husband's work as Supervisar of ail the schools in the Area. Everyone was quite thrilled with her information. There are 850 pupils in 13 schools. A lady visitor fnom England was present, Mrs. Pryor, who is visiting her daughten, Mrs. Pick- ering, at Enniskilien. She was called on fan a few remanks as she is veny interested in Women's Institute work and bcd been a secnetary for many yeans. Hem talk was interesting. Miss Reynolds thanked the visitons who beiped on the progmamn. Grace was sung and the Centre Group scmved lunch and tea. HAMPTON Miss Mary Petens, Bowmen- ville; Mr. Wiil Taylor, Salem, and Mrs. A. C. Penny, Oshawa, visited et Sam Deweil's, Sun- day. Mn. Lloyd Lyon, Scamborougb, visitcd bis brother, Mn. J. Lyon. Mrs. Russell Luke, Oshawe. with Mr. and Mrs. Eari Luke end famiiy. Mn. and Mms. J. W. Chapman and Miss Gail Chepman, To- onta, were Sunday guests o! Mmi. Joe Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Wray, Maxine cnd Debona, Mr. and Mmi. S. Keane, Oshawa, et T. Wray's. Mr. and . Mrs. Jack Lyon, Johnnie and Judy, visited in 1Toronto, Sunday. Rev. Ted Kensey, Jimmie andi Susan, Scarbonough; Mr. andi Mrs. K. Pooler, Lerry and Ran- dy, Oshawa; Mr. and Mmi. Har- old Ashton, Enniskilen, at S. Kensey's. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ellicgtt, Sandra and Donald, Peterbbr- ough: Mrs. Aima Yeilowlecs, and Girls, Tymone, attended De- caration services on Sunday and were guests o! Mr.. and Mrs. N. C. Yelawiees. Mmi. Luea Colwill and Miss Ruby Caiwili, Bawmanviile, were tea guests o! Mn. and Mmi. Harold Quemry, Manday. Mr. and Mmi. W. R. Young and Miss Sylvia Young, Mrs. Eva MeMilien, Mms. R. Hunter, Mrs. Fraser Peterborough; Mr. and Mrs. 6has. Wood, Onono; Mr. and Mmi. Chas. Jahns, Bow- menvilie, visitcd relatives on Sunday and. attended Decora- tion service. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbrt Smith, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Prescott, Enfieid; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gilbert, Bowmariville, were recent cailers at A. W. Prescott's. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Horn, Osh- awa, with relatives. Mrs. Chas. Bounsal, Milton, was a guest of Mrs. Hanland Truil for a couple of days last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pmecsott, Miss Ruth Prescott and Mr. A. L. Prescott attended the Pres- catt famiiy picnic Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johnston and family accompanied by Mrs. Cecil Siemon and Eric Lock- .wood attended the annual Good- year picnic at Cobourg Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Far- row and family attended a fam- ily reunion near Frencbman's Bay Sunday. Mns. Hariand Truli and Mrs. R. Widdecombe attended the Bowmanville Hospital gradu- ate nurses annual reunion at the Lions Community Centre, Bow- inanville on Thunsday iast. MORRISH Sunday School was held at the regulan time 1l a.m., the superintendent, Mrs. F. MeCon- neil conducted the session. At- tendance is on the up grade. May this continue tbroughout the summer. Mrs. I. McConnell is visiting her sister, Mrs. Pningle at Belle- ville for a few days. Mrs. Wm. McHolm returned on Satumday after spending a week with Mrs. Wm. Uglow at Newtonviiie. On Tuesday evening, June 14, a very pleasant surprise party was given ini bonor of Mmi. M. J. Osborne whose birthday it was. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Osborne and family, Welcome; Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Cowan and famiiy, Or- ana; Mr. and Mns. Harold Os- borne and daughter Karen, Momrish; Mrs. Mary Ugiow, Newtonville; Mr. and Mrs. Ce- cil Williams, Port Hope, and Mrs. Wm. McHolm, Morrish. We extend aur good wishes to Mrs. Osborne for many more happy birtbdays. Mrs. Vera Anderson, Mm. and Mmi. H. J. Anderson, Morrish, and Mrs. Hill, Port Hope, ma- toned to Weston on Saturday ta attend the wedding of Mr. An- derson's niece, Miss Bertha May Bowman and Mr. Charles Gregory of Islington. Mrs. F. Cornish visited with Miss Beckett on Sunday. Family Wash Exhausts a Rash Visitor By Olga Hill Blackstock Correspondent Times are changîng. Time was when goats raided the ciothes line, but one day recently a local lady having ber weekly wash out, heard the clothesline being pulled, and an investiga- tion fouiid the farm rama firm- ly tied with the braces of ber husband's overalîs. A sharp knife relieved the victim wbich was unable ta get up for an hour. Howeven he was back the next morning looking for more clothes. Ladies Take Service at Yelverton Yelverton: Church Sunday was rathen an auspiciaus occa- sion, when the, female o! the species took over tbe churcli service, even ta lifting the col- lection. An ail fair sex choir with Mrs. Ray Robinson cap- ably directing "Operation Fe- maie" fmomn the Duipit with the Parson's Board of Mana$ement abiy supplying the address i Rev. R. Bonsteel's absence, one well worth hearing. Special music by choir and solo by Mrs. Fred Stacey whose potential talent as a soloist 'bcd up ta now been laidden under the proverbial basket. Since tbfs revelation we look fomward te bearing Peggy more frequently. Ovembooking the nioisy gabe fest pneceding the services, the ladies are ta be bighiy corn- mcnded for thein initiative. The gauntiet is thnawn now ta the other gender irn duplicatlng their effort. Couid tbey do as well? We wonder too! A fixed point on the craîik- shaft of a standard truck that bas been driven 100,000 miles wii have revolved about three billion times and will have tnav- eiled a distance equal ta 16 times around the earth. In minimniz- ing this friction, Moraine Pro- duets Division o! General Motors Corporation bas developed the 1M-400 or aluminum alloy bear. ing. Low Summer Coal Pricesi NOW IN EFFECT! ON 'THE FAMOUS Reading Anthracite the RED COAL Nut & Stove Coal $25.20 FUI up your bin now for next season at these rock-bottoni prices Lowest prices in effect during May and June only OSBORNE FUEL CO, 26 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE MA 3-5897 PHONE MA 3-5410 DRIVE MONARCH THE FASHION LEADER.. and know the thrill of great CARVETH * MOTORS. Ford Dealer For Bowmanv 'lie and Distr ict Showroom and Parts Depot at Newcastle Phone Newcastle 3251 Cowan Equipment Company YARDS - C.N.R. YARDS 3 THINGS TO LOOK FOR ONE- EXPERT CLEANING! Our special pracess dry cleaning gets out the hidden dirt, leaving yaur garments like new in calar and texture. TWG - CAREFUL PRESS! We measure your garments before they are cleaned, restare them ta ariginal size. Ail details are hand f inished. T2qREE - PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE ! Pick up your phone now and cali us. Depend on us always far the best in quality dry cleaning. Phone MA 3-5520 for Free Pick-up and Delivery Bowman ville Cleaners and Dyers Lmited 77 King Street W. Bownianville ' l-Zý 1 offl aill à ý 1 1 Il Il 1 .--Bzwl 1 111111 THURSDAY, XYME 2lot, 1958 TEE C«ADLAR STATESUM. BOVMWANVrLt]L ONTARto PAGE NM m uiijuyuu. 1 3251