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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jun 1956, p. 11

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THIURSDAY, 3UNZ 21st. 1958 *rHE CAKADIAS STATEBMAN. EOWYAMfVlE.ON~TAMUO PAGE ELEVEN Befhany W.!. Wins "Hope Chest" Award Ilethany: Mrs. Thomas Jen- year, wcrc distributed amongr nings presided for the Womens j the members and appreciationi Instituie meeting heid on Mon-1 was expressed to Mrs. R. R.I1 day evening at the home of j Bonsteel who had kindly had Mrs. ýCarl Smith, with 24 in at. them printed. tendàrice and answering the roll Program On Character call with "-A hint on the care Th rga wsincre of 151lants". Pwo minutes' si-1 ofMThe Rpert Wasdandchare ]enc'e was oôbserved in memnory bers of Rupr Oe. and mGlmn of te lte rs.Ethl MnkWentworth announced the even- who had been a most energetic ing's motto "If we plant char- membr. rs. rnoySith, acter in the home it will blos- distfict director. gave a detail som in the nation". Mrs. Carl ed report of 'the District An- Sihepandtemtob nual meeting for East Durham Smitb explainedte mollth e Institutes, held the previoius stheng "aractser iss ail the n-onth at Mlorrish. and at which the qalitayis we poss essth i-te d the f Ist pizue for e- son, feels, thinks and acts and "Heiv Cbte ist Exibi ot. eig displays bis moral strength or "HoprdC $10. Thati ofwcakness". To parents, when awared $0. Te aricle ofwe think of planting character handvwork wcre displayed at the i h oe etîko u mreet efsoliing th children. We want the best in Prgntedofealets, atinon the life for them. We must provide progam ! eah mnth f te fot only food and shelter for their bodies; we must give the man education both scholas- tic and religious. Our children Iare the pioneers of tomorrows i world. Parents cannot build the world for their children, but they can buîld or prepare their children for the world. It is the responsibility o! the parent to teach bonesty, respan- sibility and courage. 'The first fourteen years o! a child's life are the formative ones. If the v have a gond background, w e have nothing to fear for them in the future. When they leave our home to take their place in Thfe Super-Efficient the field thev have chosen, thev take with thern the character that was biuilt at home. Ta OILO - NAGb hratrbosositosre Gi! on their training. Hi ealing Mrs. Smith quoted three Bi-1 i Iblical proverbs "A gond ma-n1 m4&KES- YOUR PRESENT leaveth an mnheritance to bisi REATING EQUIPMENT children's children", "Chiidren'q TWIC AS OODchildren are the crown of nId ______AS__OO men and the glory of cide are their Fathers" and "Train gave@ You Money on up a child in the way he should, T' our Fuel Coot, go, and when he is oid, he willj flot depart from it." In conclu- Phone or consuit sion she said "Surely, we shah I reap wbatsoever we s0w . . . JACK RGUGH we plant character in the home JAC ]R UGE itwill blossomni h nation as PrýVM1NG HEAIN our children take their place in PLUBIG HATNG tomorrow's werîd." t ffouse Phone MA 3-3964 Homenaker', Club t P one - Office MA 3-5615 Two members of the Juniorv DiviionStret Suth Hom maker's Club were pres- -ý ;Divli N teLet ouh nt te tell of last ycar's projectC BOWMNVJLLE"The Milky Way". Miss Dianne k Bigclow toid of the food value e 1 of rnilk and it's by-products, gave tips on making attractive and appetizing dishes. how to take special care with an inva- lid's tray with the use of color for '*A sick person eats with his eyes". Miss Joy DeGeer, who this year received ber coun- tv honors told of the topics stu- died through the year, the suc cessful Achievement Day anc concluded with thanks to the Institute members for sponsor- ing the Girls' Club work. Mrs. Wood expressed the thanks of the group to Mrs. Douglas Smelt and Mrs. Hugh DeGeer, who had been the lead- ers in the Girls' group lasi year. Reports On Trip The highlight of the evening wvas Mrs. Ralph Preston's re- port of her trip to Guelph at- tending the recent annual con- ference for branch secretaries held at the Ontario Agricultur- ai College. "Some 500 women attended and were welcomedj by Dr. J. D. MacLachian, who1 stated that while every otheri industry is boaming, agricul-1 ture is facing a recession. Hel urged Institute members tu promote the idea of education for better farming and better living. Dr. Margaret McCreadv,I Principal of Macdonald Insti- tute also welcomed the dele- gates. Miss Helen McKercher, of the Home Economies Exten.. sian services also emphasized the importance of rural educa- tian. and said -Our objective is to help people help themselv,,esz. to take a keener interest in farm and home management, child development. family re- tlationships and health. Good management of time, money. skili and energy is the basis o family' stabilitv." Padre W. A.1 Young in his address said 0No aeroplane is better than its pilot and no community better than its people, It is the people wha hold the success of the future in their hands. and gond will, loyalty and humilitY are the Arthur Ribey Is Rotarian Of the Week Rotarian Arthur Ribey. a na- tive of Perth County near the town of St. Marys, is this weeks' Rotarian in the news. MVr. Ribey came ta Durham County in 1949 settling in Bur- keton where he operates a gen- eral store and is the local post- master, there. A Rotarian for the past 25 years. he joined the Rotary Club of Bowmanville in 1950. Fol- lowing a business course at Stratford, he started hi& busi- è Trustees and Ratepayers HoId Panel Discussion 71 The annual meeting cf tede1An exceptienally fine greup DurhamnCounty Trustees a.tIofsingers, pplfrem Hamp- beid last Wednesday evening1 ence witb severai numbers in- Ci at the Enniskilien United icîucling a speciai patriotie num- eCburch. 1 ber, "Canada, This is My Followmng a banquet prepar- Home". ecd andI servcd by the ladies of Fo the next heur, a panel ethe Wemen's Association, thel -meeting adjourned te the church of Mssion underr thesdirt il auditorium wbere the Presi- H Mr, lex Carruthers, Por - dent, Mrs. C. J. Allia, cf New- H OPedle b bcm t cstl, tokthe chair. Her re- problems that beset rural port was followed by the secre- schoois. Thc discussion covered tary-treasurer. Mrs. C. E. Allia ncb poihents as e restratin who presented the financia] fte nrne xmnain 9statement for the year. 1 lea for financial assistance - Bth ,li prsidnt nd heifrom the Dominion Gavera- Both th ae residnt ad the- ment for elementary education; secctay gvever x-vidre the refflacement o! the present 5ports on their attendance at n-o olsb eta the O.E.A. in Toronto, with! oe-rom sceosb eta partculr rferncete bc ub-scbools: and teachers' salaries. lic peaingconest whch helThe opinion was expressed tha' lsicpaingscontss hch terthe casua] observer ta educa- j associa~~tion sosr ah~er iadeesn't look bevond the cost, whiie the bhoughtful ob- component parts o! success". server looks at bbe cost as se. Dr. Margaret Nik cf McGiill con dary. witbîn justifiable rea- University titied bier address.j son and need. The tapic o! 'Growing Up In An Atom- ceuincils dabbling in educatien sphcre". She urged the parents brought forth the comment that, ta set their standards higb and the varicus boards a! eduea appeaied te them te ive chul- tien was a -bîndrance, rather >drea the proper enviranmcent, than a heip". by the wise appiication of a!- Maay reasans were put forth fection, praise and coasiFtency. as to wvii.' the moxtalitx' Enxironmeat andl heredity are amongst teachers in the rural approximateiy equal in devel-ý areas xvas s0 high, ineiuding opîng a hurnan being. Yon hav-' the added financial attractionI your herediy orvritia in lowas and cities; marriage2: creative force within you. but, as one member o f the Discussion Groups meeting said. "we get al bhc "The delegates were given anl students la the rural areas wh.o opportunity ta air their prob- 1 came bo us ta learn the art o! lems as brancb secretaries a:.1 teaching and gain experience, Discussion Groups on Women's1 and then go off ta the urban Institutes Procedure. The find- areas. We should try and re- ings dealing with duties cf1 verse the procedure, since the branch secretaries, correspond-, rural areas seem to be such an ence, agendas and motions etc., excellent proving ground, and were summarized for the con. have the beachers iearn their ference by Mrs. Elton Arm- arts at the expense o! tbc ur- strong. ban areas, and then corne to us Mrs. Preston was thanked for and stay a whiie". h er most interestmng report bv Mr. H. Sînte, of Bowmanvilie, Mrs, Wood and warmly ap- introduced the siate e! officers plauded by thc members. for the inceming year. They Mrs. R. W. Price spoke brief- are. Hon. Pres. E. F. R. Oshorney ]y on some o! the famous Can- president, Mrs. C. J. Allia. lst, adian Sumnmer Resorts aad dis- vice president, M. Hobbs, secre- plaved trave] foiders issued by tary treasurer, Mrs. C. E. AI- the Government in this connec- lin; directors, Cartwright, E. tien. Dorreil, W. Jackson-, Manvers, A social heur was enjoyed Mrs. Earl Argue, R. Malcolm; with lunch served by the hast- Cavan, Mrs. H. McBain, Mrs. ess, Mrs. Vincent Jackson, Mrs. W. Howden, Mrs. A. Argue: Gien Wentwortb. Mrs. T. Jea- Darlington, Mrs. 0. Ashtoan nings, Mrs. R. W. Price aad Mrs. Wm. O'Neil: Clarke, Mrs. and Mrs. R. Wood. W. Reid, Mrs. Hallowell, T.ý Mrs. Clarence Rowan express- Topping; Hope, Mrs. W. E. ed the thanks of the members Lewis, A. Peters, A. Carru- te Mrs. Smith for the use o! thers; Millbrook, P. Hamilton, ber home andtI t alI those whi Newcastle, Mrs. G. Stapleton,l bad assisted in the very infor- C. Carvetb; Port Hope, W. H. mative program. Jordan, Mrs. G. Harris; Bow- There wilî be ne meetingsl manville, M. Slute. T. Turner; held during July andI August. B.T.S., Mrs. W. Denscm. appreciation ci the parents for Sunday in Fenwick visiting the ber work with the children. latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marie and Bonnie Austin, Travers, and Miss B. Dunlop. Dayle Hoskin will be writing At Sunday School in the ab~. their grade five RC.M.: Gloria sence of the regular Bible Clasi Nichols and Reet Taavat, grade1 teachers the lesson was i three; Donna Kimbaîl, gradel charge of the superintendent. three. Murray Payne. There wvas a Ismall congregation in the even- Childrcn cf the school with, ing but Mr. Harding's excellent their teacher attended Field sermon on materiai and spirit- Day at Garden Hill on Friday. ual values xvas inspiî-ing to tie Mrs. A. Austin, Mrs. A. Ton faithful few. A lovelv arrange. dyke, Mrs. A. Ford providied mn ffoeigamn n transortaion.barberrv. and baskets of othpr Mrs. 'E. Barrowclough and spring flowers we'-p as usual a Mr. and Mrs. C. Raby spent lovely par-t of the service. H4EAD OFFICI 372 Bay St., Toronto BRANCH OPPIcu 1.3 Dunlop St., Buffle Strcftk to fifr1 moieration c9tfCS t darm. Tcan PouCRiceter thie J4 ouse ofgag ram ffi orko tkinl of tomorrw praede mderatioji lota> Arthur RIbey ness career with the Deloro Mining and Reduction Company near Marmora. Later, he moved to, Toronto to take empicyment with the Hugh C. McLean Pub- lications as secretary te editor of Electrical News. At the outbreak cf World War 1, be enlisted with the Army and later transferred te the R. A.F. and was dischargcd with the rank of Lieutenant. Follow- mng bis discharge he spent some time with the Department of Soldier's Civil Re-establish- ment until joining Pinkerton's National Detective Agency. Here, he spent the next 27 years during whicb time be became Superintendent cf their Toron- te office. Failing heaith forced hlm ta retire from position and, in 1949, took up bis present oc - cupation at Burketon. Mis wife, Rotary Anti Edna, is Artbur's special gencral man- ager. Thcy were married in 1921. Since joining the Bow- manvilie Club. be has scrved a term as Director and is avtive on several committees. Whyte's HoId Open House This Weekend A suddcn outbreak of chicken- pox among soine cf the .311 cbîldren being cared for byl Mr. and Mrs. Bert Whyte, Ma ple Grove, compelied 'tbh'e Whytes te give up their plan of holding an Open House last Mav 19. But with everything backj ta normal this invitation has bas been renewed and the pub- lic is cordialîy invited te pay a viz-it anytime this weckénd, Fridav. Saturday or Sunday. Considerable attention bas been drawn towards the char- itable work being donc by the1 Whv tes and questions have j arisen over the suitabiliiy of the living accommodations. To dispeil any doubt the Whytes invite the public te inspect the new dormitory which was re- centlv compieted tbrougb the volunteer work cf the Oshawa U.A.W.A. and the other facili-. ties which they bave providedj for the children under their' care. The W'hyte household is on the Maple Grove sideroad 100 yardts forth of Higbway 401. _ L o'West prices e ver for this top quuIity tire!e Buy now-and suve on Goodyear Lupe£r-Cushionsç 0 For years, first choice of car makers- as original equipment 0 Thick, wide tread, good for years of trouble-free service 0 Bulit with famous Goodyear 3-T> cord for extra strength and mileage 0 Lifetime Guarantee by Goodyear *5éée /tîso~ G 0 0 rV. E SIZE 6.00 x 16 TUBE-TYPE -I I SUPER-CUSHION TUBE-TYPE SIJPER-CUSHION TUBELESS 6.00 x16 $145xxx 6.70 x15 $19*15 BIGRARGAINS in whitewcsls too! ALL PRICES ARE WITrH CLASS 'A' RADE-INs A BACKACHE MaybeWarninq' Aackachi t of!en caused by lazy kidney action. When kldneys get out of order, excess acids and wastea remain in the system. Then backache, disturbed rest or that tired-out and heavy-headed feeling May acon follow. That'a the lime to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's atimulate the kidneyx to normal action. Then you 1 feel better-3leep better-work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pilla now. WESLEY VILLE A very happy evening was spent in Wesleyville on Wedi- nesday when Mrs. Carroll Nich- ols, A.T.C.M., hcld a recital for her pupils. The church was beautifully decorated witb nar- cissi, tulips, and apple blossoms i with a centre arrangement byý Oughtreds.1 The little folk sat in the front1 rows complete with music andi pcrky new dresses and boys'i spring toggery. Mrs. NicholsI explair.ed the program te thel parents, grandparents a n d friends from Newtonville, Mor-1 rish, Welcome, Zion, Port Hoe and Corbyvilie.i Each performer tank bis orý ber place unannounced. With the greatest self possession, they arranged the music forl the sex-erai selections they plav- 1 cd, even the five-x-car-old Eliz- abeth Keliog. Ten of thesý children began music since last September and each, played' twn or three pieces. Piano solos by: Bar-bara and. Ronnie Dinner. Paul, Ro *v, Val-! crie, Pearl, Marie and Bannie Austin, Joan and Gloria Nich-, ais, Elizabeth Kellng. Anne andi Reet Taavat. Mairie and Davieï Hoskin (last five froin come>: Dianne and Donna Kim-j bail from Port Granby, Sharon; and Linda Thorndyke, Elainei Anderson of Morrish Fid Fritz. Thevsmeye- of Port Britain. Piano duels bv: Anne Taavat and Joan Nichais. Sharon andi Linda Thorndvke, Dianne an.lI Donna Kimbali, Marie and' Dayle Hoskin. Organ and pianol arr angement by Mrs. C. Nich-! ols and Marie Austin. Selections on the electrir aî-gan bv Marie.! Pearl and Bannie Austin. There was anc vocal number b 'v Gloria, Joan and Ruth Nichais, Valerie Austin, Barbara Dia- ner, Sharon and Linda Thorn- dyke. At the conclusion cf the pro- gram a lovelY spring bouquet was presented to Mis. Nichol' bv Anne Taavat and Elizabeth Keliog. Truman Austin expressed the "ARB'ou TELLING-ME 2" "'Don't trv to talk ME into anvthing cIsc-I know a wise investment when 1 see one. 417 Guaranteed Trust Certificates !" e Authorized investment for trust funds a Short term-five years e*.4% yearly interest, payable half-yearIy In 5 years, $410.18 accumulates to $500.00 IVrite for descriptive JoUe4r. THE STERLING TRUSTS COR POR A T 10N oi6 f çm cc s [Ife

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