eAGE EIGHTEENt -* - - - -- -'. -. jaLjMA-. lsc )* '%J VN .r VILIJjLONRIO &UUTHtRDY UZ2s.15 I-istory ot Nurses Graduating Exercises From First Hospitli CJraduate Nurses of Bowmanville Hospital Attend Reunion The graduation of three ing."7, young ladies from the first Two at Reunion nurses' training school class of Two memnbers of this grad-ý t h e Bowmanville Hospital.! uatîng cIasý, MisS Edith MV. which was then. in 1916. oni,' !Toomnb's YII.rormnCA-n three years old, was a mos t Bowmanville. and ïMiss DorrisI aajspicios event.W. Hillicr (Mrs. WalterSh- Ceremonies were held on the pard) now of Queenston, were Iawn on Sept. 12, and bein9ý present at thc Giaduate Nurses wvar timne, the platformy waS 1 Associ3tion Reunion last Thurs- 1 I decorated with large flas. The d cay in 'the Lions Centre here. Statesmnan of Sept. 1,1gesai The other 1916 graduate wis glowing description: Miss Rac Willianison, later Mr.s. j "The weather put on its b-L j ivi Ï, i [cc~c behaviour for the interestin4 After g:'cat offorz on the part functions on Tuesday afternooni of Bovmanville citizens, botiî et on the lawn of Bowmanville meand onn the hospit-il Hospital when the first grad-i was opecned in 1913 in thic houi-'c- 1uatiný exercises oftfic Train- 1i givcni tor tic puirpose bv tIih ing School for Nurses Class' latc J. W. .lexandcir. whicii 1916, was fittingly ind plca-1 had xc Sot Park,-' ui sint1y celebrated. A raiscd csuttcot Hector Beith and his e platform gaily decorated witai sister Mar..----- ... gladiolus. asters and golden; Miss M. E. Bruce xas the first glow, with Union Jacks. etc. 1 nednt u lftfohlirtyeciglit graduates of the Nurses TraingS ooofteod ecate Vr. ae anb et Farew a LIPI-iitiiict. )I1,lef f:,î ilig chol f he ldNecasle -Msvira. Lamb s Hietz r hewPa. ueso;Ms dt wzv;, reserved for thespeak.r S. v"csdt ~a Nri i-Bowmanville Hspitalattendedthie seventh annîial rplnin lstThi1q(nfi \/, while the buiilding w1%as gaail1 'ter in 1915, and Vlrs. Florence1 at the Lions Community Centre, Bowmanville. Classes were conducted i Toombs Allun, Bowmanville; Mrs. Ethel Sanderson Hamlyn, Bowmanvi]l dccratd ithflas nd unt Syth-uccelcolie, eman rom the opening of the hospital in 1914 until 1941 with a total of 631 Mrs. Annie Everest Martyn, Bowmanville; M~ ineMri on 111194 I.pTIi: x.'u 11 îat veritgiraduates of wvhom f ive are now deceased. The late Mi/rs. Florence Smyth Toronto; Mrs. Mildred Coolidge Foley Bowmanville; Mrs. Edna Forde t hat nurses~' training c1js,ýesiwas superintendent from 1915 to 1941. Dunn, Oshawa; Mrs. Marion Staples Yug Toronto; Mrs. Stella Coud I lie cld ï,,t Bownianville Hos- ýi'n Pictured above are the graduates who attended the 1956 reunion. His, Tyrone; Mrs. Aura Rundie Squair, Bowmanville; Mrs. Olga Lai Jpi5} ln(il ,vserc: Mr,3 i-n rowv, loft to right: Mrs. Gladys Lowe Cousans, Perth; Mrs. Elýie Bounsali, Milton; Miss Mary Young, Toronto; Mrs. Laura Cockbur 'l' 1r cnc Vapncouvcr. .Ce rs. Je- Peters Alldrcad, Bowmanville; Mrs. Mary E. Sauva Dumas, Brighton; Buttery, Bowmanville; Mrs. Ruby Clatworthy Truil, Hampton; Mr se,-novi BC:Ms e Mrs. Lois Lamb Lycett, Bowmanvillc; Mrs. Emma Niddery Widdecombe, Bessie Clark Stephenson, Newcastle; Mrs. Marion Knox Jense, ci HoÎlirtli' Wilcox, Cobourg,, Hampton; Mrs. Lillian Holman Emmerson, Boxvmanville; Mrs. Dorothy Vancouver, B.C.; Mrs. Ruth Simpson Perrin, Newcastle; Mrs. Jessi Out. At file first graduation Lockhart Anderson, Toronto; Miss Velma GJav, Bowrnanville; Mrs. Marion Hogarth Wilcox, Cobourg; Mrs. Catherine Clark Tomlinson, Bowman cmnonie-, ia sheaf of beautifutl Samis Edgerton, Newfonville; Mrs. Hester T\M1oorerafý Boe, Bowmanville; ville Absent when the photo was taken wvas Mrs. Edith Pinch Bray Bni c'e. \as Prcsented to ecd Mrs. Frances Haneock Muir, Courtice; Mrs. Evelyn Taylor Aider, Bow'- Toronto. of tlic threc gradLîate-S. manville; Mrs. Betty Tennant Brough, Bowmanville; Miss Ruth Hiancock, -Photo by Rehde Invifafions Worihy Dr. Hoskin Spokoes-ngpsadkisdli oug.e Nir.Christian Relider, Pres; - ing pins adTkTTced theTT'un Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms, i Sion dent of the Hospital Board. oc- ladies." O ~ntario o vt. O fiuup r E NS IL Nie ihM.adMs of the Occaso cupied flie chair' and Dr. John Other speakers included MirAL SJ~ ted with r. Hl and r. ue Hokneek, fTrot The W.M.S., Baby Band and ed the Decoration Servicesa prominent lawyer m'ho spenthis 1 J. H. H. Jury who wvas active S e W orkn'ienn Ireland cahrs met at the home of Pine Grove Cemetery, Princ upon iiiIes most important young-er caî-s in Durham iii promoting thec hospital and Mvrs. E. Trewin June 12. Roll Alber*& on Sunday. occasions, look to us for County, dcivcred flie address.' who recalled te opening cere- CS cali was answered by "First Mr. »and Mrs. Pat Tresise an invitations o r announce- Dr. Hoskin was H-onorary Col- monies in bis address; Rcv. A. T* Re iev o m S a ct udySho tedd h-grs saa r n oefthi e 235th Bat talion frorn H. Drurnm and Rev. G. C. Wels- T ura afollowig program was present< lrer rihtan fmiy mnscorcinfriand li district and becamne Chair- man. Reference was made Ioe 10 hedrcino Baby ronto, with Mr. andi Mrs. No oenthecorrect i orm man~ of the Board of tlie Uni- flic'wondcrtuL oppoîtunify for Belfast-, Ircland. (Spec cal ho 1Iravel, repayable in Iwo year', Band leader Mrs. Ross Ashton, modest eost. Ivcrsity of Toronto. nurses f0 serve, particularly in ThD. Morrow.) b , n as tesrogUltr ik piano 'oo ore rei;re a Wright. Supcrîntcndent Srnyth pre- lhe]ping the wounded on th--D.Moro.)in Canada flirougli football clubs citation, Heather Griffîn; vocal Cr oyrrtost r sented the graduates with thi:r battlefield. Into Belfast, Noithern lreland, and the lster Club, trio, Cheryl, Befh and Glenn Mr. RyWry, Ottawa, on 1h THEcerifcats, fi Mr. L A Toe, n ar ervceto-day came a man wlio is flot Mr. Donaldson is telling fraye] Ashfon, vocal solo, Cheryl Ash- arrivai, of a fine baby girl. prisident of flic Ladies' Hos. The absence of Capt the Re'v. entire]y welcomed by Ulster agents and likely men of the ton and vocal solo, Glenn Ash. grandF.aughfer fr M. n CA A INpifai Auixiliai'v, an indefafig- W. G. Clarke, Chaplain of th:-, farmers and farm organisations, advance in meclianisation on the ton. Mrs. F. J. Reed, Hampton, MrS. . W. HWers y. ls 'AA INable xvorker flien and for manl' 235fliBattalion, a member of Pr Fcuaryters' nion li sto amb inOnares te lcusohr av.ac y ntrs adBillie, spent the weekend wit y ar few co pliritenhptae-. M. Ba.d Jam egrahettean lter es no.Hei obn avstr h ysieeducational talk on flic women epantM.nd r.M STATESMAN -i to à re for lt hospifa . M. A. Jams rgr ette ndMr. H. G. Donaldson, Ontario Iand other dairy herds which arc in flic various mission fields, her prentsn.anMr.or ________________-mark,,, prcsented tlie graduat- received from Capt. fthe Rcv. Governmcnt Director of Immi-J popular in Ulster. He will plug closing with a story for the Cnrntutons. r ____________________H. B. Kenny, Chaplain of the gration of flic United Kingdom I the tact fliaf 'work is wliere you chiîdren. Mrs. M. Stainton fa- Ms ogra ton t Mrean hisqust eig mrefarmersJ find if" on flic farms, that there voured with a delightful Mrso.WodJoneSitzrne Vemari 139fh Battalion, then at Val- adbis wrkrquoestajoi usbcianglignsmowoe pl. ast icesef sin W cartier, formerly a president of adfrmwrcsJo.naroms leawiMrnssf.ok oo ay 0inraefud n 0 nterSecent Mrrag th or.He wants 1,000. more flian the 40-hour week, for the treasury were discussed an tonMr. lmemon, Mr. d Mrs il Mok h t h r. .Snirwsa i On a tlirec-day trip le is like- cows don't calve f0 suit the a commiffee appoinfed, Mrs. F. lmoHdon r. and sLlYc Mrs piano for the N atio al.theIv to get several hundrcd, for in lock. Toms, Mrs. T. Slemon and Mrs. Earl Trewin, Doreen and Don Far 5FiLTTpano afo h aconpal nic Misslster af Uic moment tliere is a Secretary of' the Ulster Farm- E. Werry. Mrs. L. Wearn pre- ald, niklesetSn Far ad ls acomaned Mis shiftiness" among Jariwok-rs' Union, Humphrey Jamison, sided and closed. the meeting. ihEr nnisillnspFet dao Eq im nRetOa Cole (Mso. . ule)ers. Tlieir wages at te asf'vre spokesman for 30,000 farmers. A dainfy lunch was served, the wt Mr. and Mrs. red Toms Mr. Donaldson wl ayBn noiglunch on aMr. anMir. re lA vshto Wlcnhb Wrl Frgfs" meals and some witliout. and this dnueUhfr amesofteiMliraw.an a nly, Pur lste Conleeue fmdeCaain-ui Fri Mr. .1. D. Storie, president 01 does flot netin a 40-liouî- weck- workers, for Ulster farmers have * Mr M. and Mrs. We.Iy. Ms aodMlsader Ok CMach e ine ofutralTrmodr, oaiidars, Bit ahoes, (liOshawa Hospital, was ail- inevcrv case, of.tcn more. already an acute problem, many Donr. land Mr. eo. v IrtlnjMs arl iî adfm Machinry: Idustriloflierrsspeaker.BacAtesthe conclu- i I Donna Gail and Rodnce, visifed.visited with Mr. and Mrs.Ce Pns mi Diger, PsfDriers Grder a son,ercsa en ts wce srv Mr. Donaldson is looking for okr on nofi e ~-Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gilbert; cil Milîs, Maple Grove. 'b1li men with flie desire to go f0. worîli bis weighf in gold now. Bwaiil.M.adMs .W e Hardy Irrigation Systems. ed b teladies and flic happy 1Canada, flic will to work and flie disties. A goo cow hand eBowmanvile. Mn. andMrs. F.dW. WerN. event was brouglit to a plea- wî 0sced elod Jamison fears another applca- Ms afi odissed i.e it r n r.N Contct ant ndig." illto ucced. ie hldsouition from Farm Workers' Union ing a week's holiday with M-,. Van Camp, Listowel. Conac sat ndig. iopes of farm laborers wlio go for an increase in wages. and NIrs. Gordon McLean, Ux- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferguso The sfor v goes fIat tfl wicg t e r o n f r n f v M r. Donaldson says people b idge. c o p n e Mr a d M LLO Y D CLY S4 D A LE patients complained of thie ni t jf year' an eycrom Ujlster adapf themselves Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin, Lloyd Beecît to visit Mr.a Newtonville Phone Clarke 5 r 13 bainand so this was the cfr4ditionnnresada frwre s land aeos t m- Mr. re ad Tosadfe nd -Mrs. William Stevenson, S fobrationsssad i-tr okr ta ot mi rs rdTosatnddD-Catharines. We have the best and dca] for less first and last Graduation fo be craff stress men. Ontario is ask- grants. On lis trip fo seek work- coration Service af Pîne Grove Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wrigh hield on flic lawn of tlic los- ing for 30,000 Brifons this year. ers lic will visif Ulstcr's "Little Ccmcfery, Prince Albient, Sun- and family visifed with Mr. and i ia.Ulster may suppl ' anvfhing upl Toronto", flic Town of Bally- day andi were fea guests wifh Mrs. Frank Spry, Rochester Io7,0(00 of fliat nunîber. He isl mena in Counfy Anfnim, borne Mr. and Mrs. Ruîssel Steels, Pur- N.Y. to stress on lis 'anipaigui ' h licfmo-iafno lEfns plc Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilson an monv avan'e roer osIof-stores. He says "I arn nof cai.î- Mr. and Mrs. A. Boyd andi family, Bowmanvîlle, visife SHOP AT A&P FOR paigning. 1 onîy vant f0 fell Gordon spent Sunday witb Mr. wif h Mr. andi Mrs. Percy l NE T'VL E tliem wliaf fley're missing.We and Mrs. Lv otrGae- Mn. Sheldon Pethick visife NE WTO VILLE want f0 keep Canada British." hurst. Lv otr rvn Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick rNext Su oida.,lune 24, nçi R EAL VALUESclir Ichvc at 10 o'c'loc-k, but R AVA U Sa Sunday ScbnolAniesa' servic aIif otlock. Mr. Lau- DAY AFTER DAY a \_4a~.a il fk C( tcon-Tin reporfing Ii mîscellaneous sliowcî foi' M i: i A Doxen $1.59 Florence Rowc hast week Ilic th.V_ý7 " ________ A P C R 2 ames 0[ Ms. Jean Hall. ancd X, A P C R 2oztn2 c Ms eeieStapleton shoulti >" 2W~j c hv encouplcd \viîb Miss .\\J- MILD and MELLOW Lrrnox SAVE 2c: (Ilu ia Lano as co-p]anncrs fur -"". -i ' A PPLE SAUCE 2 20 oz Ons 25 fIheecvcnt. irs rmnLe-~" SAVE 3,:ivursdei-son and farnilv moved intu COFFEE SHIRRIFF'S LUSHUS 3oks c nCrday. f1'îr n 8203 Papar Dispenser S6 sotieOpener& 8234 4-pc. C.nniet.r 1 x .y M ti2(sSAVE 2c MNIs. Jîm Caswehl on thceItili11 Cap Cthru é0.lo- B~g ~67 Alh!!EE ***~ ~of a baby girl at î.\Icmorîal Hlos Se i 5« uc'SO 3-1b B>ç $2.37 t l Bnwmiittt.il1e, oni su i APP E UIA S-oz tin 2 c ciy, une 16,i K-lb111.It SAVE 2, Mr. andi Mrs. Ron McNril and 1 1.1b bag91~ intant oh. Winiiipeg, are visitjn, ~ ~fl~~C h-lbpkg 0c br moîlicu, Ms.tSacey. __________ - avceend cryiaBy Popular Demand SJPER R GH1 ME TS 1\1r. mid :lrz. HRay mnud Bur A&P INSTANTE Le.ih'c a accfMr.Anr-'.JA.A AII YLlI spcuit the weee f ih ca A nother jaik Banlvat-tompanird tliem anrI -n d: 'vitl Mis. Casselmanl. C OFIkmE t ïÎ, kC % 47 d% B e f bs 4c îfriat ivirs. Chias. Clark" S n r . ýt L ak .o B fao1-rv d ;l! ci.ijc on Sunda. 1drc 4--.ja 9C > i _ F lT b 29C C!ak 't'till rcmain for* a wfîile.'8 a i ssDorotliy Stapletoui uf ___________ _______________Kicngso, .spenf flie xvekendi D~~E -%IiM A lie' patentls. Mr. anti\r Mr(;,. Hau(,old l re r-vu1 6 ue nf Oniv a few of the items in this sale are illustrated. JANE PARK<ER M' sac- on îypacfo Wnîpgse aymr .88cy pacfrm\'iiilc Corne in and e themn oe tremendous bargains. DAILY DATED on -ciTliuscav. VVWIINERS -lb cello pkg 69C ?'iî. and ti-d. ('l;f*toii RobI oÏ Monireal, i.re .-pcnding a ,ee! W llESt.; P . S,c! d ndeict WtHtTEii- otta elcre. Tlieur ON_ '- gl r aîul nd iiVIa - M * SI EB C N1lb pkg57 Ins. Arthur Bocncîit of' BR Aforonio, camne d" for tIc! 91 ýr ni el id 'S r- id 1~ ..- -~ Toronto, and attended the soc. cer games at Varsity. Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Ashton,- Lois and Charles, visited. with' Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Napier, To- ronto. Several couples tram here at.; tended our Hilltopper's Picniý at Geneva Park on Saturday. A good Urne was had by ail. Mr. and. Mrs. Riàsseli Griffiie visited with Mr. and Mrs. Walà ter Rahm, Tyrong. Miss Nancy Wood is spending, a week's holiday with Mr. andý Mrs. Joe Switzer, Jates Mills, Ohio.i Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brunt visited with Mr. and Mrs. Howï' ard Bradley, Maple Grove, an4 attended the anniversary. TELE VISION STARS CHCHK Channel 11 la Person Bill Long WalIy Traugott and the Main Streeters DANCE Fri., June 22 Red Barn OSHAWA Admission - $1.00 -r- Enlarge if! YOUR INSURANCE protec- tion should b. enlarged ta lit changing conditions. This Hartford ageney welcomes the chance ta talk wlth pro- perty owners who want te know Just how their insur.-% anc. flits their needs. It Is aur business to know what loases might occur. STUART B. JAMqES [nsurance Real Estate Office Residence "~,A 3-5681 "A 3-5493 King Street E. L Bowmanville THE CA-NADIA-N STA Trýqm,& Nt tznm-m A wim r ir Plktm A nt.-%