0, go-1- 4 - ý M - - -- qs là pqE 9% ?~ ~A~ADIA~7 ~TAT~MA!i. ~OWMANV77XJWf. n,~'rÂww~ cS bial& £Prsoal Wedding of Newtonville Interest Phone MA 3-3303 Mns. J. Rosa Stutt fa visiting concert pianist, of Courtice and relatives in Lexington, Ken- Bowmanville, leaves by plane tucky. this Saturday for England Mrs. J. W. Knight is visitingwerhewlficoeten her son Allan Knîght and fam- gagements during the summer. ily in Detroit, Mich. Miss Etta Brown, Telford- Mrs. J. Kentner, Acton, has re- ville, Sask., ini renewing her turneci home after visiting her subscription to The Statesman, ,- sistr, rs.Harr Smth. sends best regards to old friends uiste, Mn. Hary Sith. in Durham County and says she '» Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Lynch, enjoys the weekly visit of her ~ Eexdale, have been visiting home town paper. herrnohe, M. J A Gun. For those who want to see Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dawson, and hear Don aFirbairn give his ~ Irillsonburg, spent the weekend "Neighborly News" broadcast on Wfth her parents, Mr. and Mn:. Sunday in connection with the Méelviux Bell. Newcastle Centennial Celebra- Mr. Norman Paget and tion be sure, to be in your seat #.~. child'nen of San Bernardino, at the Community Hall by 9:30 U Calif., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. a.m. . .. Balph Ames. Mr. John Humphrey left bye Members of Club 15 enter- plane from Malton on Tuesday z tained their husbands at a clos- for a five weeks' visit to his Ing Party last Thursday held native England after an absence at ~ 2btt's Point. o! 36 years. Mr. Humphrey ý..ý.,ýe - ýý ir3aind Mrs. Orville Hami- will join his wife who is al- mrond and Bruce, Dundas, were ready in England visiting re- Sunday visitons of Mr. and Mrs. latives. Harold Hammond. Winner Of the car draw spon- Dean Allun, Ted Fairey, Don .sored by St. Peter's High School, Fonder and Tom Gould left Peterborough, in which St. last Friday by motor for a ten- Joseph's Church, Bowmanville, day holiday in Florida. also participated, was Robert MissMance ibb ofLasHeron, Peterborough. The TV MissMarle Gibs o Losset went to C. J. Buckley also Angeles, Calif., is vacationing of Peterborough. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. X. J. Gibbs, Liberty Street N. Col. and Mrs. R. H. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. John Edwards, Mr. ' Mr. Johp Mason, son of!-Mr. and Mn,. Graham Dawson, al - and Mn:. C. A. Mason. Duke St., o! Vancouver, B.C.; Mn. and Mrs. left Monday for a vacation in John Baldwin of Toronto, spent Victoria, B.C. Enroute he wil Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Merrili (Bud) Jones are shown ~visit relatives in Winnipeg and Roenigk prior to leaving on a following their wedding on Saturday, May 5, at Grace 4eg in a. 'p lan e trip to E n glan d .U n t d C u h , N p n e v . . D . M L l a of i a e . -Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Roenigk Mns. M. J. Hutchinson andUntd hrcNpee Rv.CD.M ela ofiie. were present at the opening of Mrs. Kenneth Bley, Charlottes- The bride is the former Shirley Estelle Jeffs of Napanee. the Shakespearean Festival on ville, Virginia, last weekend The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Willis H. Jones of Monday of this week and attend- visited Mr. Jack M. Hutchin- Newtonville. ed the reception held at the son and family, Delhi, and went -Photo by Dave Phippen Armouries. on to London on Sunday ta Mr. Ray Dudley, Canadian visit Miss Laura Beath and Mr. and Mn,. D4vid Beath. Dr. and Mrs. L. B. William N è ýt M t t ~attended the service of conse- ynBael - ----cration and restoration of theL fln Ba ei U.E.L. burial ground at Adolph- IIIM~ imnIvustown on Saturday. This (Continued from page one) ST. *JOHNS Tinity1 memorable event was sponsored Holl3'wood's filmdom, the May- by the Toronto Branch of the or and other dignitanies the Ice U.E.L. Association of which the Follies for 1957 will begin its CHURON United Church Wiliamns are memSbers. d c Lyng ne hran erskt Mrs. Walter Seppard exciting ner h ary. rskt (Agia)Minister Queenston, was the guest of ing at about three yeans of age Rev. T. Arthur Mongan, BA. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Hamlyn joined the Oshawa Skating Club last week and attended the 7th when she was seven and, later, FouîhSuuayannual reunion o! the Graduate also joined the Orono Skatingi Foisth SndayNurses Association on Thurs- Club. Her first ice attempts ibe- il A.M.- - day. Mrs. Sheppard. the form- gan on open ice where the er Dorris Hiler, was a mem- Bowmanville Arena now stands. Affe Triity Ir er of the first graduating After the building of the 8:0ar.-in 1916. came an ardent member o h SCOUT, CUB, GUIDE: Mr. W. J. Berry, Bowman- local skating club appearing in MOLY COMMUNIONr AND BROWNIE ville', octogenarian traveller, many carnivals from ail threc, CHURCN PARADE leaves to-day on his annual clubs. Her big oppotunity came 111 r. -trip, this time bound for last February when she appear- Hawaii. Mn. Berry will travel ed befare the company manager, MORNIWG PRAYER 7 PM. - by boat, train, air and bus to of the Shipstad & Johnson Ice L.O.. Ne 238 andVancouver, B.C., from which Falles, while in Toronto, and LOL.No.2384andhe will fly ta Honolulu. On was imrnediately chosen to P..BAreAni C r ch ie..n" the neturn trip, he will go ta jain the troupe. Shortly after- Parae an Serice.Los Angeles and travel through wards, ber superiar ability and j.r. -the southenn United States. form, entitled hen to fil a va- 4:00 p-m.. -The Finst Bowmanvilie Cub cancy on the precisian ensemn- Organist Pack held a successful weekend ble, when one of the stars was EVENING PRAYER Mn. Arthur Collison, camp at Camp Samac last week- forced out by sickness. Her Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. end with 32 Cubs present, along showing, for the remainder o! _______________________________________________with thnee Junior Leaders, Dan the season, bas brought ber ta Cattran, Larry Hancock and ber present stance as a negular t ýt2= tt tMonty Emmerson. The camp With this elite graup. 00, was under the leadership of The making up of the Fallies H a don Su day Sch olCubmaster R. L. Evans. Hisis a fascinating background of Hayd n S nday Schassistants were Don Morris, Ken ingenuity and art. Feathers im- Nichais, camp, cook R. Kennett ported from Africa, China, and Miss Leslie Luffman. France, Korea and Mexico: gold Mn,. Kenneth Bley, Char- lame cloth fromn France with Ruth Hutchinson of Bowmams ing of just four skirts; ta plas- willi be held ville, bas completed ber pre- tic figurines, worn by the girls, medical course at the Univer. each weighing 50 pounds; to the ty o! Virginia, Charlottes- intnicate movements, balance un a , u e ~ville, eevnacahshlradfnse ope ihses Sund iy, une 4 th hipfor high average standing. of up to 40 m.p.h. on the whip Services 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Bley, who is a daughter end. Guet Seaer ~ . . HLLYRo! Mns. M. J. Hutchinson, Bow- The Follies wili be playing in Ouet Seaer RV. . J HLLYRBrooklin, manville, will enter the Uni- Toronto next January and At both services versity o! Virginia Schooi Of February. Musi bythe undy Shoolwlt Mr. Llyd yre Medicine in September. Musi hYthe undy Shoolwit Mr. Llyd yre Mn. Ralph H. Carruthers, as guest solojat head of the Photographic Div- L I ision o! the New York Public N re ' H l Canadian Library Association <Continued from page one) T A AND CONCERT cn'etonls- we - gada-_ure including Mn,. Annie Buttery 2:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Cale, Deep River; Mrs. Mar- jorie Forsythe Anderson, Car- Re . FrnPC resbyterian dinl~: rs.TDorthy Cho Rv Frn ryderman A.io] n 4krilBagAm Tinty ao huc nuIIIUdIstrng B.C.; Mrs. Anie Akn Txrnthy atonChurh ,, son Orr, Rydal Bank. Ont. Guca Spake atBothSerice ~ t. A'Ao-,AÂlePictures Shown Gues Speker t Bth Srvics A St.A ndr w s Faliowing the luncheon Dr. Specal MsicA metingo! he PesbyeryRundle showed motion pictures taken at lastya' euinad Eve.ing Service *Bw avle ais roo! the Peterborough Presbyter- also same taken on vacation.' BOwMUvile Laies'Trioian Chunch of Canada was heid Mn,. Ethel Sanderson Hamlyn, at St. Andrew's Church, Bow- Bowmanville,, had snapshats SUPER ID ONC RTmanvilie, Tuesday, June 19. taken at the first graduation, SUPPER AND C NCERTRev. Gilbert Smithbo St. Giles,1 heid on the lawn af the aid Peterborough, presided with bospital in Septemben, 1916, Rev. Harald Heustin, Miii- and the two grads and many Woduesday, June 271h brook. as clerk. others enjoyed seeng these. Statin a 4:0 .m.untl il reseredRepart, were received fromn Highlights of this first grad- Staringat :30 .m.untl al ar sevedall standing cammittees. The uatian. taken from The States- LEAUE OOTAL GAJ~ T 7PMreports o! the commissianers ta man of Sept. 14, 1916, are given LEAGE FOTBLL AMP T 7P.,ýl.the General Assembly of Can- in a seoarate storv in this issue. ada which was recently held in Those responsible for thîs Coner -cially interesting among these ion were the executive for 13Y Greenbank Minstrel Show was'the report af James Dut- 1955-56, who were: Mrs. Laura Supror Supper and Concert ton, Peterborough, chairman of Cockburn Buttery, presiden', Superthe General Board a! Adminis- Bawmanville; Mrs. Emma Nid- Aduits - $1.25 Children -____ 75e tratian o! Presbytenian Church dery Widdecombe, Hampton, o! Canada and also the tneas- secretary-treasurer; executive Concert OnIý -,--,. Aduits 50c, Children 35e uren. committee, Mn,. Catherine Clark Mr. Duttan reported that the Tomlinson. Bawmanvilie: Mrs. Please Note Change of Dates budget receipts ta date are S36.- Bessie Clark Stephenson andi -000 above those on the same) Mrs. Ruth Simpson Perrin, date laât year. Ziewcastle. MNrs. Widdecombe 1 COMPETITIVE PRICES - PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE "eFor Baby's Com fort" NATIONAL FIRST s. FIXS O MCHEKSB PAER(EE GINIp lax of 12 PASTE 0.b* . 'ILLS ~from Pedsl< that lust f..S soft et flrst touJ4 40c HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 4 oz., reg. 19e 15e 8 oz., reg. 29c ____23e 16 oz., reg. 45c --39c I.D.A. Brand TINCTURE JODINE 21/j% stnength 1 oz., reg. 25e 19e 2 oz., reg. 40c 29e I.DA. WHITE EMBROCATION Effective relief fan sprains, swelling, sti!fness 4 oz., reg. 39c 29e 8 oz., reg. 69c 49e I.DA. Brand SACCHARIN TABLETS %4 Grain 10',500's 1,000'3 reg. 20e reg. 55e reg. 79ý 14e 43e 59C % Grain 100'9 500'5 1,000'8 reg. 23e reg. 65e reg. 981 17e 49e 79e IID.A. Brand EPSOM SALT ' W Fresh needie erystals - 16-oz. reg. 25e 19C I.DA. Brand IDOL -AGAR Emnulsion of Minerai 011 and Agar 16 oz. - reg. 98c 40 oz. - reg. 1.89 79c 1.59 VITALIS New greaselesg way ta keep your bain neat ail day. 39C 69C 99C 10 IDASAL For beadache relief Pain in generai 00's 300'5 Oc 89C PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIAITY Alex*. McGregor, We Deliver Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store WEEK Here are just a few of the First Ai supplies available at your I.D.A. Dru Band -Aid by Johnson & Johnson - 20c, 40c, 59e Absorbent, 1. 2, 4, 8 oz., 29a, 45c, 75c, 1.25 Absorblne Jr. 1.19, 2.39 Acrifiex Ointment -------60c Adhesive Tape - 10c, 15c, 23c, 33e, 53e Borofax ~600 Burn-A-Lay 50e Set, syl( ALL AT 0 was in charge of the guest book. Planning Board Mn,. Aura Rundle Squair canducted the election o! of- ficers o~rthe cmig ea w Gh i ves Ru ling s e -Mn,. Emma Niddery Widde-.~ I combe, Hampton; lst Vice- O n fl roperies t Mn,. Ruth Simpson Perrin,h Newcastle. Secretary-Treasurer Several delegations waited onE -Mns. Evelyn Taylor Adethe BowmanvilIe Planning Bawmanviile. Committee - Board at their regulan meeting Miss Velma Gay, Mn,. Lillian held in the Cauncil Chamber T Holman Emmenson, Bowman- Tuesday evening. Mn,. Dorothy IV ville. R. Brown nequested a *ruling on her pnopenty on Nelson St., p. which is sligbtly under the ne- C qurd frontage. The b~oard IV School Concert gae their approval ta Mn,.w (Cniud!ampg n) Brown t ul os nthis t( (Coninud fornpag on) ]roperty pnavided she complies h, ber was Elgar's "Land cf Hope with the rest o! the negulations. ir and Glany", a study of strings Mn. Donald Russell appeared in contrast. seekîng information regarding There is a certain intrigue to the purchase a! lots in the Ail- i listening ta children piaying the chin pnopenty. Mn. S. Pansons instruments genenally assaciat-I was also seeking information as ed with adults on a prafessional ta what he couid do with hi, plane. The fact that they ac- propenty. complish a number with a cer- A letten was received froni tain air of abandon and finish Mn. Thorniey Banrett regarding witb a satîsfied finality, is bath hi, praperty on Nelson Street. a tribute ta an age o! endean- The board agreed that a bouse ment and ta the patience of could be built on this property those who teach them. , providing it faces east on the Members a! Bowmanville Pub. road going into the new town lic Schoal Band: Trumpets- sub-division. Alex Wiseman, Irvinx Giil Dave A letten was recelved from jHiggon, Lee Rackham, John Town Council stating that no Goode; Clainets-John Rundie, sub-divisians wili be approved Lynda Hately, Don Mastensan; unless town waten is available Flute - Monty Emmenson; or that the sub-dividen is wvii- Trombones _ Bill MeKnight, ing to pay for the installation o! Doug. James, Baritone-Terr& the watenmains unden the su- Black; Bass-Lionel Row;- Bas, pervision o! the Bowmanville Drum-David Thompson; Cym- Public Utilities Commission. bals and Triangle - Monika Schlingensiepen; Snare Drum-H M TO Bob Smith (from High Sehoal).HA P O Members o! the Oshawa String Orchestra- lst. Violins: Mn. Earl and Miss Edith James Rowden, Cancentmaster; Duthie, Wasaga Beach; Mn. and Joseph Zubkavisb, Winston Mn,. Norman Clemens, Marilyn Pletch, George Mensel, Norma and Keith, Taronto; Misses Gower, Judith Grierson, Gary Leona and Elsie Stainton, Osha- Duncan, Michael Kinkton; 2nd wa; Mn. and Mn,. C. Terpstra Violins: Paul Donka, Leader; and Michael, Salina; Mn. and Barbara Cleveland, Elaine Lule3, Mn,. Laverne Ciemens and Margaret Smith, Ronald Starn, Barry were Sinday visitons with Kenneth Starr, Robent Loft- Mn. and Mn,. A. L. Blanchard at house, Wildred Dawe, Edward thein cottage at William,' Point. Clarke, Barbara Collins, Gien Mn. and Mns. Hilton Peter, Peel; Violas - William Dorko, Mn. Ralph Peter,, Mn. and Mn,. Timothy Siocombe, Grant _Fny; Keith Peters, Toronto: Mr. and Cello-Grant Tunnicliffe; Da np.R Yug is yva -Grant Fry; Piano - 'Ph yllYon, Peterborough, Miss Mary Kratz. Peters, Bowmanviîle: Mn. and d g NOW PIN CURI PERMANENT ,* NO NEUTRALIZER " NO RE-SMTING " NO TIRESOME WIDI Cashmere ros 25c KLEENEX SOPTER 30 KB 0fts6'19 0 MANS SIZE 12"x12", 35c Drugs Phone MA 3-5792 VRUMSAY, J:MnE21et. me5 134 KING ST. E. U Val-u Brand Brand ABSORBENT COTTONV 1 lb. (grass weight) raoll baspital grade cattant 69e Caligesie Ointment 1.00 Dettoi 43c, 63e, 1.10, 1.90 Elastoplat Dressings 20a, 40e Gauze Bandages 17e to 65e I.DA. Mercurochrome 25e Zam-Buk ~50o Tweezers - 35c, 50c, 75e First Aid Kit by Johnson & Johnson - - 3.25 Other Kits -- 75c Up Mfrs. Bruce Hogarth, Clan. Jo- L N aneadKathy, Pickering, were LO G SAULT isitons with the Salters. Congratulations ta aur newly- Mn. Edwin Ormiston, Ebenez- weds, Mn. and Mn,. Clayton er, was a visitor with Mr. and Brown, nee Pearl Penwarden, M!rs. Hosken Smith on Sunday. wvho wvere married et the par- Mn. and Mn,. Will Tawle, De- sonage Saturday aftennoon. naoit, Micb., wvere guests at the Mrs. Hazel Ruttan, Hampton, home o! ber sister, Mn,. R. J. spent the weekend with Mn. Hodgson and Mn. Hodgsan tbe and Mn,. Gardon Baker. >ast week. They returned ta Sorry ta report Mns. May thein home on Monday. John, is still on the sick lis" Mn,. R. Burgess and Mn,. Wes hope their will soon be &9 Taylor, Tyrane, visited Mr. and change for the better. Mrs. W. E. Stevens. Don't farget ta attend the Her many fniends will be Cammunity Pienic Wednesday, pleased ta know that Mn,. E. H. June 27th. Supper et 6 p.m. at Cole who ha, been a patient in Fred Partners. Memoriel Hospital the past few Betty Moore spent lest week weeks, is suf!iciently impraved with Jean Baker. to be able ta return from the Mn. and Mn,. F. G. Smith and ,ospital and is being cared for Grace were Sunday guests af In ber own home. Mn. and Mns. J. C. Cook. Announcemen t.. We are picased to announce that VERN SIBERTH has joined our staff and wiil be iooking after ou-r TRUCK and CAR SERVICE DEPARTMENT Cowan Equipmenf Company BOWMANVILLE SPECIAL VALUES AND REMNDERS THIS WEEX AT ALL STOIRIES. 1 il. - - --11 TRE CANADUN STATZI" BOWMANV=Z ONTAPM Mr )NE TIME AID e