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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jul 1956, p. 15

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~IfURSDAT, JULY l2th, 195S TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN.- BOWMANVrLLE. OTA~ Ad ,EFIFTEEN Classi*fied Ads IN MEMORIAM I Wanted BARNETT-In loving, memnorv 1 DEAD sud crippled farm stoc of Arthur Humphceys Barucît, r picked up promptly. Telcphc Who died suddenly 13th .îij MArket 3-2679. Margwhl 1954, in Nottiugham, England. fi Farm. Ts-rone. 6 -Ever remembercd by bis wife and faily. ine Christmas trees forc as BURGES-Inlovig rhmory5 fI 10 7 fI. Boy Uselton. c of my dear busbaud, Normanlruehonegl e 9-745. Tel Burgess, Who passed away Juuyl hn Igdre975. 2 Though teacs in rny eyes do nrot!F un glistenI BLACK part Spaulel aîtd 5cr And my face is net aiways sad. 111e female (log, while spotc There is neyer a niglitl or alf Ibroat. F. Van Luven, Buui ,Btmorning, tn.28. BtI thiuk cf the loved one ton 1 had. ýTWO Holstein heifers, most Not a day do 1 forget you, Norm black, strayed lasI weckend orý dear, properly of Neili Multon. 0wi In my heart you are al'.ays cers ma.y aim same by provir bere owuersitip sud paving expeuse For I loved you dearhy sud miss Phone MA 3-5673. 28. you 50 CAs il dawns aohrva ly msscdveau, rStrayed l isdaud loviîtgly ce -_________!______ *ered by bis taîfe Ka'>'- ONE Durham iteifor, about 7( 28-1 lbs., from Darlingtoît Abbato on July 41h. Please Phione M. UMMITT (Souchie)-lu 1oV-1I3-5268. Frank Grof. 8 ing memorv cf our dear son auJ father who passed aw.ay sudden- ONE Holsteinubolier, about 9' iv Juiy 101h, 1953.i Iba. from Haydon farm on Jui On]y a memocy cf bv gone days, I4tb.: LasI seau ou Lloyd 51ery Aud a sigh f or a face unsecu- on's fart. Pieuse Phone M. But a constant feeling that God I13-257(j. Erînest A. Werrx- 28 alone Know's just '.hat sitould have! Repairs beent -Loviuglv rernembercd b'.- isj RADIO ai-d lelevision uepair parents ai-d chiidreu. Karent an-d Prompt service. Pick u Lp an Roddy. 28-1I delhverv. Lornte Doreeu 85 Kin E. Phoîte MA 3-5713 2-1 GIBSON-lu Ioving rmeuiors' cf jFEAJSt i ae tr Mary H. Gibsan î'-ito passe d RPISt l ae trfl away, Juuy 25t, 1951i. eratons. domeatie aud commet -Ever ccmembem-ed, te familv. r ciai: milkiug coolers. Hicgg 2- ,IElectric Liînîled. 42 Kinu St.E ______Phone MIA 3-543fiý 25-1 HOOPER-In Ioviig inory 'of 1REPAIRS 10 a Il uakes ocfcas Rouahd J. Rooper, C-18648, '.volsud truciks, qualified. expei died in action lu France. Julir serv-hec aI Co'.aît Equipntent Co 13, 1944. i12,4 Kin,, St. E.. Bo'..manvil]E To onue wc will neyer foîgel, 1Phonne M 3-5689. 27- Ris absence (o ius is a sorcow, -____ - -- -- . His loas we wjll alwsys regret. ATCH R P II -Ever rcmembered hv sister C E A RN Florence sud brothers, Rub., Ed jt Bud and Art. Hooper. 28-iï KENNEDY-Iu ioviug utemocy r *EWELLERY cf cur dear frieud. Mca. J. Ker- 13< King St. W., Phone MAL, 3-546 ncdy Whvo pasacd aw'ay July' BOWNIANVILLE l4th, 1955. \iT '..ho loved s ou sadlvumis1 you As it dawns atiter vear, Iu our louehy bours cf tiikiug B H S Thoughts cf you are ever itear.B -Lovîugly remembeced by Mr.1 and Mrs. Howard Steveus. 1 Iu t MeKAY-Ini memory of m ' dear brother sud oncle, Wiifred S. McKay, who passcd away July 8, 1954. Two ycars bave passed. dear brother, Since you w-cie aalled aw..ay, How welI do we remember -That sad and weary Jas-.. jlie sud family, Newtonville. 28-1 PENWARDEN-In ioviutg me- mnory cf a dear busbaud sud father, Wm. Pcnwarden, ,wbh passed away July 71h, 1 9 56. One ycar bas gone. no one eau tllu The boss cf anc lovcd so w'e]l. Short aud sudden w.as (ha cali 0f eue so deariv loved bv ail. The blow '.as great, the sbock sevct.c' We littie thought bis entd 50 nea c, And onuty those '.vo love can teli1 The pain af nat saying farexveli. --Lovinghy ,,remcmbered b'> 'w.if e ai-id famiiy. ___8__1 THETFOBD--I'uloviuîg ruemîory of or dear uoîber, Ms.W._ Thctford, who died Jtul.'90, 1949. God took ber htoume. il w'as Ris wili, But iu our itearts site ivetii sîlli. -Sadly n'issed by daugi-ter Florence sud sons Hub., EJ., 13ud sud Art. Hooper. 28-i (Con-tinued front page one) Grade XI te Grade XII Pîizc for General Proficimc -Harîley Lewis. Firsi class iîonours-B. Batli gaie, M. Buîtery, M. Gabeen, E Lewis, A. Oldejans. M. Pluistei IF. Vanmutomte. Second alass noîtours - C Cale. B. Fonan, C. Foaler. t' James, E. Kowal, J. Rosa, C Smith, B. Wilsomn. Third clasa i'oours-J. AhIi1 J. Dippelh. F. Gaddard, P. Hem bart, B. Jackson, K. Jackson, l' Kelleit (Alg.), B. Kossaîz,i Mason. Pass- B. Diekenson (Algý Fr.), M. Lakiitg (Alg.), B Lamb (AI-.), D. McCullougi (Hist., Fr.), R MaGiIl, C. Ma guire, J. Masterson (Fr.), l1 Mecton (Phys.), L. Mille: (Alg.), G. Muirdoch (Ahg., Fr.) D, Palmner, D. Pickerinîg (Ar. Fr.), S. Tbompson (Alg.i, A Weru'>. K. Wiiliainsou (Eng. Alg.), G. Wright (Alg.). CreJit la giveîî ta the foila.v iîtg studenis lin sîbjects lisîed -B. Abboti - Geag., Typiu, Art; G. Bîeuît-Eu'g., Hiat., M"' sic; R. Cleuicus-X Matit.; Fr, Phîys.; S. Gogety,-Enc., Fr. Phys., Art: B. Hodgsout-Erig, Phys.; M. Rankitie-Eng., Fr. G. Bagutel-X Maths.; R. Chai -X Maths, Art; J. Cook --: iMathts.; P. Roakin - En-g Phys ., Art; R. Marjecnîson Eng,, Hist., Phys., Art: E. Sînau -X Mal-. Grade XII Resuits Pnize for General Proticieca Jamnes Fenguson. The folloia'nug afudenis xvii" receive their Seaoutdary Sciion) Diplonmas:-D. Austin. A . B, -ý ley. R. Br'ownî, J. Catira D. Cat. trauî, B. Caltacil, Barry Cow'i in.-, Beveni'>-Cowiing. N. Dale- R. Diiiing, E. EiJriJgef. J. Feu- Attent'ion T V Owners Channel 9, Toronto, is changing Io Channel 6 X'our present Channel 9 yagi is flot adeqitate. You will need a Channel 9 yagi, aIl-wave accial or a rotor to receive a signal. qiBUY NOW m BEFORE PRICES GO UP .Septeniber 9th is dead-lnc TOWNE Phone eMA Bill Leask TV 3-5522 Lloyd IHamilton guson, V. Fisher, K. Hensi' ïM. Herne, W. Hooper, G. Hum- FomrM me"Ci ae~Mak pnn NESTLETON phreys, A. Jammer, E. Jarvis,Fom rM m e usCk !P ad M rsOp n g R. Kerr, C. Lamb, L. Luffman, . '# t Congratulations t c Annîa -.G. Marlow, H. Netten. E. Oý '0 f Su m mrer PI ro nSamel. on passing witb ho... borne, T. Park, E. Pascoe, T. ot:sGae6pin.wt is Price, D. Rickard. J. Rosevear,ousGae6pnowîhfi B. Vn Net-M.Vondacek F.Tu mark the ofî'.0 ope.n -Tîrn Taýlor;: 5 years-t(m clas onours Gracie 1 theo-. B., a esthue. M.onrckF ng of the fire Bowni&nNil1.- ' Therteil; 6 ycars - John T'la' Congratulations to MIr. ati une \etes sumnier piaygrouridi dress-up) lor; 7 years-Robby La±rge, 3, Mrs. Merle Van Camp on i7 Fur1 Credits are as follows:- aae eehldwt al cas - Pty eoouoy - ial of their daughter. D. usinEn. 2 Hst C ' playground organizing Memot.1 10, 11-Larrx' Vesna; girls 9I, Past week visitors were N" - Gom.CLat 2 Fr 1,Chm. . al Park got off to a becad start1 10, 1 1-Gwen Farw eeral and Mrs. Merx-in Mountjoy, ch A. Begley-Eng. 3, Hist. Clb hvingterprd Tues- race-Jzackie Alutton.McadMr.el'leSnib Geom. C, Lat. 3, Fr. 3, Germ. C. day atternoon but the oti r Looking aheact into the suni ayJoan and Mr. and M s /o E. Brown-ng 3, Geog. C, four parks, Franklin, Onitari,',mr rorani Recreation Dires Doan utofSarae 8- hy.,2hm.C St., Central and the Commun- tor Doug, Rigg announced tb'n M Ar. and Mrs. Kenineth Sain. R. Brown-Eng. 2, Hist. 2,itv Centre waited until Wed- the annual Pen Farvilb es. C h e m . 2. A gre at clea] a tio n C e n tre , T h u rsd a y . J u ly 2.. of T r to M r a d M r . ar GeJ.CanFn., s.C a.- L. ofdy eda heLos omnt Tro ndto;sAr. cyd rMar-oi Chm C ent inmo the-Se five parades Starting off the Fair wvill be a Il hall Malcolin and Ann of :oC, Fr. C, asm CMuic . dreds ofchi]dren deck'se lageparade through Bow- tafra enr olns o1n R. Carruthers-Bkkg. C, NI theniselves out in the guise oii manville with ail Une pisa k-1Comp. 2. gypsýes. tramps, coWboys, Ill groundcs taking part. At tîiý 1I r. and Airs. Wilton Creed .1 D. Cattran-.-Eng. 2. Hist. 1, dians, Arabs. Turks, etc. Some } air itself each playgroundi at L\,alcolni Emerson's itlv Geue. 1, Geom. 1, Lat. 1, Fr. L rode gaily decorated bicycles, liii be respolisible for'two orl Ian Emerson of Toronto., -Chem. 1. w agons, or scooters. 1 three of the attractions suchi as spent this week with bis granO.- nto Paet-atda>jde f 'e oueof Horrors, Ring ýparents. Ale. B. Coel-ng. . Hi. the individual costumes xi: Toss, (can.cy) Kissing Bootn 1Mr. zand Airs. MI. Enmersorn ing il.2 em ,Ce.2 the wm- r at Memorial Park and the refreshbment stand. 1 spent Sundav with Merwii ;es. P. Conway-Eng. 3, Hist. C,ý being as follows: Best costume The annual summer pck idsa roln 8-1 Geog. C, Ale. C, XI Fr. C,' . -Tiun Taylor (Scotch Piper): is scheduled for Orono, August nM' E'is ee Phys. C, Cbem. C. make up costume - Barbara -28 ith al] the playgrounui tais. a al irsn'sei h e te Barry Cotviing-Eng. C. Hîst Cowan (bride>: tricycle-Bren- children being transported t sa.n tbr o' ic h da Farrell: wgo-Dý;vid Ed. Orono for a day of fun aud irt fbrlts "ncid 00C. eg. - Go2., a. monston: bievele-Stisaii Lu..ý entertainiment.RoeckGatHee rtr- 00r toCndhem en. lyron ^a)'ill h ed home Saturclay. Motlitr Beveri Cow.ling - Enge. itna1,arvVsa.a epagoud ogali t ; iand solibotdoig well. e Mu2sic a. 1 r ,Ce.Ioriai Pnik i n!mberof foot through their respective neigri-turnedissfrom Mer\lmliampýc )51N. Dale - Eng. 3, Hist. C -s of the various ae grow, tof ~ i erOta.aatrapesn lieGeos. C, Laf. 2,ar. C, Chem I le. o e agOttawas ftO oaa tes snt il Gom C Lt 2 F. l he ere a-s foliows: 3 and 4 vearý hiavrIg theit' parade Tues towes aain rn- A. Dayes-Geog. C. Physies C,---- __ _______ ----fIIl~t for the M7.1. of IA Art 2.1 321 R. DilliingEng C, Hist. CIîng ex'eryone would be able to and famîily \iýitecilieîr o-, Nestieton was the Golden Ani- ci,. -vof ils founding w'hii-h Geog. 3, Geom. C, Chem. 3,.10111 in the l'un neýt ~.a. sina' touk forni as a banquet and Bkkg. 1. ~~Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brad- Mir. and Mrs. Paul M\ercer W~shl rdyeeigi B. Eldi-idge-Enig. C. Hist. Cl1ey and fani Bowmianvillc,' and dlauigbtcr Mlaî'y, Guelph1 1 Nesticton C.O.F. Hall. rs jAig. 2, Georn, 3, Fr. C, Chem. C sdMc o DvyWerýe SU11- 1.isiýed Mrs. AMerc sParnsi.aJMr.Ca.Fî I jFerusn-~g.dav supper guests of Mr. Robert;' Mr.an rs re a:r'r L i, NMr.ietndMr. a s. acs ngGeom. 1 a.1 r ,Ce.1. I Jr. Stanley Fletcher, Toron- rcnb.. Malcolm tock a trip back to _t oV. *LI ,F.2 hm r.Gog îîi svsFshber - Eng. 2, Hist. 3,to, with bis parenits ovcr the in-hsx.eek '.'.ith Fernelon Fsu, ailn ocye G. j i C. Lat. 1, Fr. 1, Chem.> weekeu. n C GiSunav J. Fliutoff - Eng. 2, Lat. C, Mca. Gertie Baker spent a fe'..'l-. cMrassnd.\il RL varlowý was dischaiged onChem. C, Mlusic 3. davs with bier sister. iMrs. M'm. fO. fromi Port PcrcyHopta. 1I K. Hensley - Elle. C, His Brown ad Aïrv M. Bfil Tcbblec iettri bo Mi Tomso wiioi C Gom.C, at.3, r.C. he ~ irs lSit Mupiî'. c. uJfroni the hospital iu Toronio'P . P _tf l Geni.Cl Lt. , Fr C. hea. 1\Ir,. Edtli Ir.andci]low suit. -tC. Art 1. Mr.F.G Sib u Ga e -he ie hc ad treatmrents o. fo Wrnî 15 M. Herne - Ellg. 2, Hist. C, were Sunda" guests of Air. sud Ihut s hp. MeLndn.'e,1 It Lt. C Fr.R, hem.C. At 2 ~ ~ Mî's Ro MLbli.Ms N. Kenniedy and ~ Ct uJJu ~Lodn e Lat.Cl r. R Chm. . Ar 2. ..... Ms. oy eLaulilii.Win. Mercer atteacded the 50ý1-. t'isiting the David Johns'. 0.1 W. Hooper -Eng. 3. Hist. 3, .. . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fraser,,anvrryclbti otà! Ms.Jhn Aapnad le. Geoin. 2, Lat. 2, Fr. 2, Gerot. 3, The Deautiful tltrce-tîc'r bîrthday cake cummemorat-i Orono, ivere Sunda '. supper aNersaycebaton 0f al esltoii Mca. Jobnny Mapin Tornto 3 Chem 2. iitg a haif century of life and achievernent for Nestieton iist of Mis. KoVacs andJ Friday v e i BenThein Toronto G. Humphreys-Eng. C, XII Womenl's Institute, tvas eut bv iVirs. Oscar Edwards ofiGabriel .Mrs. E. Campbell auJ brn .leningWestDuhaotbeî' Alany of the Nestietoît fain- Hs.2. XI Hist. C, *Ale* ~ ~ ebî' a Iris, Bowivuauville, were also brnhsluWs u'hmpa ies took iu the Silver Wed- Hiat. 3 Fr. C, Phys. C, Che-i. Trct- Sunday guesîs.c . gala banquet which marked the 5th an-niversary of Nestie ___________t.P a ilive- creani anJdstgar Airs. Brg-o i .Jamnmer -Eng. 2. Hist. 2, ton W.1. in the hall at Nestieton on July î6tlî. oi trta3 set. Mirs. Harran. guiei Al t,,ishes m ornany mno:'i Geomn. 2, Fr. 1, Germ. 1, Cheni. -Photo by ,'R. Carruthers, Bowvniýile M'ADPE GROVE 'vpein\akeresroî coiî,poe erso ap vde ie 1. 1______________________________ 'Z..I. eyitrsig The strawberry social was a 6 ý E. Jai'vis - Eng. C, Hiz;t. Cl 1Icoud. Emmeti sud Mcs. Laae. Geoin. C. Lat. C, Chem C. .\ims Miidred Snio\.vdeti speut, Tor onto. visited Saturday wilt eodsccs.i'esrvdov- 41 R. Kerr - Eng. C, Hist. C ! the holidlay weekend t'.ithtlier' Mcc. Alt'a Swacbrick aud Mc-. 100tpeefopte. We'letvery plecs Geog C Citent. C, Bkkg. C, A~t CII CT C)Iuf.) j sister, M.aînd Mrs. Otis Pritlî-' Wiitred RoLighle,.ltrgi4a.teefr "alHelda 3. ard and bovis, M anotick. M aster, omi to sec M s. Thorne in Bo' p c i g lt a J h 1pn LaLabI- n. 2, Ch#tp ,ieil 1 Peter Pritchard returited tvitlt nauville MetoilH <[akthdoauces Ceo. ,Lam - . , s . 2, hemf' iis aunt, aitid is speîtdiug a Kenda friends w.ece pleasacl _______________ 2. (By Benjamin Beveridge) couple of weeks with bis grand- itat Mrs. Tho, 'ne tvas able ILu) L. Luffman-Eng. 3, Hist. Cl ____________________________________ molter, Mcs. L. C. Sîowden. returli boite Mouday afler! T 1 C K E T S Lat. C, Fr. C, Chem. C. ' Mc. Ross Meteaife, Base Line.! speîtding more than a mntiî TO EVERYWHIERF M. Lycett-Geom. 3, Chem.. Wheu 1 was a newspapcc ce- thický. Niuety milliont toits of accoînipanied by Messrs. Kennet in the bospitai. Air, Rail or Steamslîip C, Art 3. porter tvorking ou a beat-- rock crashed dlown lunlte dead Tink, Gien Herron and Francisi Mc. and Mca. Normnan Keit Consult M. McDonald-Eng. C, Fr. r. befoce I becaute a coviug cai- of' nighit, aud 70 people 1oSL Johnstoxt, Ebenezer. left Friday 1 nedy' and Wayne wece 10 Port JU R 1 & L OV EL L G. Marlow-Eng. C, Hist. 33,unînist-I used la dcream of as, their lilves. for a couple of weeks' hoiidays Credit Saturday atteîtding the Bowmanville YGeog. C, Geom. C, Chem. C, Art signmrrents that wouid take n-iý Tihe cead are stili buried 10o attend lte Calgary Stampede bîrlhday celebration of lier soni, 15 Kinîg St. W. MA 3-5778 2. to far-away places, of trips to there. and sec the West. Garuet Collett._________________ h- B.Mahion-CerI the Seven Seas, to the sands of I1 Rev. L, M. Souterville wili-- U. K. Muton-Eng. 3, Geom. t' Sahara and the snows ofl tii McCllaîîd antd Stewart liavc , hioid a reception sertvice ou Sun- r, Lat. 3,Fc. C, Chem 3. * Acctic, and to thc Rocky Mou-, ainounecd thal the seconditd i! day,. It wiii also be commutunion G. Nesbit-Eng. C, Geog. C, tains. Sic Wiustoni Churcbill's se -1sevie C. i Fr. C, Chem. C, Art 2. Well, dearlis do corne truq of bistory books .will be îýub- MatrGeisuPalte- f4 H. Netten-Eug. C. Hist. Cl aind lhough the Seven Seas 1 lisbed in Canada on December'enson, Oshawa, spent last weei: C.Geom. C, Fr. 3, Gerîn. 1, Ceu visited was a restaurant lu E(ç. 315.Floig"h i'twilh their gralidparents, Mc. ana 92. mouton, I have seeim the Roc 1o rti" hi xetilb Mrs. J. R. Melcalfe, Base Line. l, E. Osborne-Eug. 2, Hist. C, ies înany tirnes aud the Ibr'li i called "The New World". - Geomi. C, Lat. 1, Fr. 2, Chem. -". of those majestic peaks neer 1 7~T1 J. 3, Fr. 1, Germ. 3, Chem. thiis week. And i drove ltrougli j looking for good juveuile story1 Greek 2. the exbilarating air 10 Yoha %riters n ite rw ii I.adAr.Gro atn E. Pascoe-Fc. C. Chemi. C. Valley lu British Columbia, s u tlBonsd c u r.Gro aîu ~Company of Canada are offer eli left Fridav to visitlihec bcoth- I. T. Pric - Eng. C. Hiat. C, countiymg Ihe ,wild life-m-oao,. v4 ee ý!1 eog 3,Che. C Bkg. l Al, eer montan gats beilsamin. a prize of $1,000 to the au- ecs, Cecili sud Arcîtie Biodgctt :1~~~~~~~~~~~ Gcî ,Ce.C kg ,Abdc.muti ol , ear :ltor of the best juveuiile boul:at Roseueath. Gordon retucueci . magpies-whvicb rsiai w 1 manuscript written by a Can home Sunday but Mirs. Marlineil ABOUT THE MERITS of lh. J A.Quinuey-Chemn. C. i h ra aina ak ia eoc aur 1 97 is remainiîtg for the week. U1 D. Rickard-Eug.. C, Hist. C, Mr*n r.Grd o n rGeom. C, Lat. 2, Fr. 2. Chenrî. 2. Ilu the diniîîg cooni of tlii: D Vie erfed h an- r u r. rd o J. Rosevear-Eug. 1, Hist. C. Banff Spring Hoîc a u oura ersren a is eiredhm eusa ~.Geon. 3, Lat. 1, Fr. 1, Germin young college girl front Ontario. ahcedsml iu o tr~alrsenigawe eetat 3. Cheit. 2. 1 She was speitdiug the summerciv..snitigo ai atrsedn ee eevst B. VanNest-Eug. C, HiîsI.C, riding alotg lte trails, fiahi' 1 witb bis avocation, w.ruîing no. 111g lter sister, Mrs. Eanl Bucle. il, -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GemvF.C h?~C r .simn i h up~3xels. His first nove], "No OtltecIand other rel atives.aJ - Vondace-Enl' , HsI.sprugs datcig aJ wiîi 1 Gads", ha to be followed by au- Mc. aud Mcs. Roy Liltie an C.G og. , I r.ClChm.C, tables. A liead waiter ali,ý1i ter book based on tbelieIamlM.nd c.Rg.ElotGA .d W C. cu. , I r.Cout to lebzech turvkin, 1ofIlippacriites. the fatiter jf antd family and Air. snd Mca. .i - j Music C. Ceh'ivka M. Waikcc-Eng. C, Hiat. C., anid a friend of Josephli Sai'.- Ircicie r efedisttv1ly lssa-dRui CONVERSION GAS BURNEI . Geog. C, XI Fr. C, Bkkg. C. t tood's foi-mer ecaitomir adivis igt eci .ibbs oe1 oxtySisnpiuac i.ý. 0. A. LISTED' fF. Westheuser--Eug. C. Hist.f or, Dr. Vaîdmanis. Tîeîe xvas a H-e is iust utlizing some of te Gone's Landiî'g, Sutiidzi. l . C, Geog. C, Fr. C, Chem. 3. convention of arthopedia su, time lie speitî ai.Princeton sîn - JiniySGsri cusby. e lite.e gas company wantîs ta sel k gonsfroin the Uuited Stat Jving ~phiosophy aud literalure. h olidlaving a couple of \vee.<s fuel-that's their business. But ilhey Commercial Resuits geous He %was boru it Spokaiite. with Honnie Glass. iu progre.ss. There weý'e lmaux' War an nn.bsr haace Senor omercal otbeu' people tl-eî'e. uit ol' - s.. by the wv. But bie '.as Mr. sud Mra. MEller Pattait, dnîwnî"Ycssr edahs- -e io P ze a C oe er Pr fci y t em at e pe s cc u',er- d uble î' w a a a arboro, w iîlî M r. N. Patton, lu service-tha's w hy they inspect1 7 e -Dorecu Ogdcn. joyimîg themselves 'rit this beau- 8rWlimOir ieOtnoSua.adapoeacneso ure Bank of Montreal Cup) for tiful railway botel witich hqaý d9ctar w-hase books on medi- M r. sud ?Mca.' Allait Foster. installation before they offer a con-_1 fI iîeaî-d s trueo t-yvlîl H u am ilton, were Sunday Barbara. %.vas tiiere about a lay5Wl- guesta of Mc. sud Mrs. Bye Gib- F iglwo Kryisvst ENFIELDdow-wbo t ogtshe -ltoUld son aud Sandr-a. sud r s.BigevaLowoittb ENFIELD ~~~~gel niarried a gaini. Oill l,, Congratulations toM. n Mrs. Alva Swacbick speimt aFr Hl d men abe saw. she w'as attractied 1Mca. Keith Davey (nec Marlou fcw Jays lu Oshaw..a witb bar ! ns b odec tage md Daîtstie i'eturiicedthontee wIl son. Ilarioni sud Aiue, have fortuites '.eîe . o Patite c 'ltiSaturdav afîerîîooîî. ardfoui'y. M-. \iied hoegbl 'ewîl bdfOUtChtv.ewi e beî liolidayii-g at Merrittoît. lte naloniv -oled IiissloeCý wii Bob Sîitjli Bowiaî-v.ille. ai-d'r er for a shmor't 'isml. closcd for holida3 s Mr. si-d Mrs. J. Ashtvortl fcardboard' but paîched lus traýit. rDouglsas Taylor', Oslia',.va, pent IThe bouida'.-Season i l ar and atjdren F.rt lliam;nd Mr. sera witii ue'.'spu:pei'. iolidavýs ai lte foruter's grand- Jagaîn ani-,i rs. Trumiait Garbott froi r ari Mis.F. Tabiyu ud faT he in.e h-'>' cuctiGrt accei)te' parents, Mr. aliJ Mca. Fred G.,lisag'uof.aui oka rui ily, Hamilton, tycre Sundavlau imvitaîlar1iot visiI theai-i 'Sithî. the Kaît-Gar Hifis Camp. David - visitors with the 'W. Bowman'... mn's u'atitr. Site hrrid theut Se'.eral famtilles attended the Rougllis a gain sîipccis.iug--IM I Laur Bowau 'eîuucd 3Icleaitansuio vaes Au IoubIIicoiimunitv piauic aponsored b-.'their val-ions pasaumes. w m rHamilton foc bolidays aud Bob- r ablecltîl 'vas unewspaper. theCe 'lte Suund*a. Scîtool ln Oroto i-Mr. and -Ars. M\illou Robiuison bic Tamblyn remained bere. v.'s a sil'.en service wvhiah wa-ý Park lat -Wcdusda'.- aiternoî '.vece iu Toronto Suiiuiav b et"e to Miss Mary PoIls, Toonîto; m ore lîbecally Jispiay*ed thlmanad eveuing aud "on Friday bier sister, Mrs. Jessie Tremaîne -Miss Freda Sabuellar, Brant- tbe food. The hast eut the cak" maconiug somne afCu 50 mm wbo is lu the Geîieial Hospia. fond, wenc wcekeuid viais a b.H vn p~J it bers ilttheir Itusasdaai-d, Thcy aiso visited Miss iM. yMc- S ete rd cuy u y 2 W. Pascoe's snd attemîdec, i tuu tuaily. but te leroine dcledeffaumilies agalu hauicite'.cI ta lte;-Leal,-,ho.'.'ha : uw home TalrPsoewdig tn iend ltai pn i rîthakfi'e'le-piii a~ia.Z s Û onigîat u liions 10 Miss Ma'lte rezýt of ber l' 1<v:wIil a niar. diirm. iinisllinug off '..ilh itamai'- Autothler bad hciaitoi:ILlS . bu asce udKeitlitDavey '-iawrere."plprp tb te.out conaîed b-:.Nr:;. E. Gable. ".itiî ml ..-i. J anJdi 'vrani who were nîaî-icd Saturda' at anJ akiniped on cake. A-\lu'. ai'.decuî sicd '.white cak it Kcitdal about cuc it-cVt' %il] aainmhe open to servte ' ot the bride's liouic. Befoce b' r r Ifs strange ho.ihr'- d:.uonated" 1'.' Mrs. Joliihn hstoiSud..'e':-ug H o w v e- marriage Marloun was tonuuured out,' because te ldit e i lo'..cire t (our Presicleut> a an;c ci-rait. quite a few'.v bm-c'.ed tlimenifnetiss , 'rdx hl :ý b'> a ihower lu Oshawa w.i:h sitontIv aicul. lai 300.(<.'Races 'acrecu off 'irude_ Il-e t10 hîar Re'.. J. Kltciîoîî Sun- Mrs. L, Phillips aud Mi's l -'asabie uiîauagemenmlof 1-- '".ca'.'Sahoal '.:i!l 0e aI lte usual Woodcock as co-hiosiesses: ai-.> Výisitai,- t h'r umr~r'Joîtustoan sd f;il ie o: ti- e ncxt Sna'-buithte.-e vii s large utisceilauteocis so.'rrAlberta are bouîîd ta toiear tht' eloud,.-. darop day sontie of t'~~,,e r-o citurch service-. The foi-LA P RK R & S N in te Enniakilien hall Weri c sîory of the Frank 5lmcb'. -ounger -et brav.ed Ilite chillv - o'."ingq ur: Julv '22nJ. Be'..:A A K R & S N nesday een'iug 'w.hcn et'eryoue -b,-eim ounApril 29. 19U3, a i'e.t \.l-'aJia i i ieS .Pk .ilb oesd~PLUMBING * IEATING -OIL BURNERS fram this eommuuitv gatli ,\- edge of limealoîte c'a_ý1t'rs'..inîmiug, pool.....sonire bad take the serv.ice at 7:3f0. ta hanour lte young couuIt ,down from rîu TIh Mou1Itam. hernies (o pick auJduîauv other' Miss Lenon rc- mi. vwm:hl art e'.enirug of e.nîccîsi'. juvom lte liftialor aof Fr'm :ltIcjobs tri Jo e'.er".ouc stant- Little. Torx'nitr. .' ' 'e-:r-l id King St. L.~. 1bowvanvillc Plone MA 3-5651 m nent aud a show cr cf lo\.'cl:.' iTha rock t.as 2,100 feet hi:girý e'c for homte feeling titat itliîaJ guezl~t'. itit M c:.Na.a Litle. gufîs- 3.000 feet wide ,anci 500 fec becu tmme wel suent aud hop- Mr.' and Mus. Aylward LitII, Dead Stock Removed [Iighest Prices Paid 24-Heour Service TIELEPIIONE COLLECT COBOL R G FR 2-3721 NICK PECONI PETERBOROUGII Ri 2-2080- "IUMDAY, 3MY 12th. 1958 THE CANADIAIN STATESIMAN.- BOMIANVILLE, O«ilýTARIO 13AC

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