i I'~ !AVONWA 'f 9M, - -- %A 1 - ' ~.~TJ.~ L JiL LL!.L~ A.~'URD Y IYY It.i Wed in Summer Bridai enMr. and Mr-s. H. Larm-1 ak f 1~ witn n' aet ve reweBa nquet Mars V50 irs, Ivrs. J. Carier and Fred J. Carter with -Mr. and Mrs. George Carter. Bowrnanviie. Mrs. Peter Gatchell is in Lind- 0f Nestleton Institute Engagement Announced sa% Hspital to undergo a serious opeîation. The neighbours ~%sh hra specd:-, recovei'v. Ma ny Guests Attend Mr. and INMrs. Douiglas Ta-x or Dianne and Donaid Boý%rnan- Friendliness and nvdulehsatial led by Mrs. >. ville: li-. and Mrs. Leslie Ta' - acts and deeds of members were Lorne Thompson. President of M ~ lor, Alice and Juine with Mrs B stresed as two important fac- the BIackstock Women's1instl. Tavior and Stanle. Sundav' tors in Women's Institutes by tute and a former member of Mr.an l\rsOrvli GrerMrs. M' Heron, area secretary the Nestieton .Branch, who was an gr~w'hMr W rn a guest speaker at the gala assisted by Mrs. Lawrence Mrs To Balcyat ec omebanquet in Nestieton Commun-j Malcolm. Mrs. L. Thompson, in 'NIr. Tm Baleyat hr h t-n : Hall, wvhere on Julv 6, the a costume of fifty vears agc. ~CCl~.Nestieton Women's Institute laiso delighted lev eryone with - prouiy celebrated fifty yearsl her singing of "The Second of achievement. Minuet', and "Lindy Loo*'. Mrý. ZUNCertain],, friendiiness wvas; A. Mackie, who couid delign, the kevnotc on this occasioni any audience gave two amus- Mr. nd Ms. Tonis We;- wen nder the capable and ing readings in a quaint cos- lakeand eci] Milbroo, ~ energetc' leadership of their turne that once belonged to h. Pery Dvisons.president. Mrs. M. Emerson. grandmother. Pery D,,-dso*s.the Nestieton Hll was trans- Miss Ethel Thonipson ,tn0ý !Vit-.Paul Ma-ri, Timmin5,- forrned ini a garden of flow.-. oniy charter member, who ý spent a couple of davs at Jîm crs. wvith the Institilte colouns mother, Mrs. Robert Thompso-i of bine and gold pieonnaig was the first President Oft12 Stitn.Perfuine of yeliow roses fronti Nestieton Institute, was adn AIr. and 'Mrzs. Fired Wood,. Mr.' the beautiful garaens of Mr-.l bhdnoured guest. What a kalecid and Mrs. Rov %-oi-phv-. Oshaw-e; Herman Sai-nells and Mrs. C- - oscope of memories must ha',.. Mlr. and Mrs. Francis T!hornp- cil Wilson played no srnail part corne back t0 her as the tîf,.y sonandEdicreating thi,ý atmosphere. vears of activities mr îxe son nd Ei:h ~o~nanxiW.for at this dinner dozens o ,c. ed, for this kindilv smiii,,î lad,, aîtnde abirhda prt~ ~low roses forrned an, appropri- bias been active in mianv bian- Frd amrns ciertig ~ ate setting for the truiY magni-1 ches of Inslitute work li- hlil birthday..1 ficent three tiered cake, .whi(:h! a century. May lhl:s truie expori- Bcrt Bccket and Keith Stain- wvas not oniy the centre head ont of the ideais of ail W oni ton at Balsarn Lake. table decoraion. but an objeci cn's Institutes be spdied foi- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Abbott t f admiration. Mis. Oscar Ed- many, many ycars, for she ex- and Carol. Burconi t ec wards of Toronto, a former emptifies h odNcigli- Davidson's and a(cmane member, perforrned the cere- or"awYs iin eh Mr'. and Mrs. Davidson andi mony of cutting the cake. always interested in the coni- J farniy te Elmer Dovn's, Eben-j The president introduced thc munity -- and in politics, for ._ ezer. to a birthdav, party in i head table guests who were, who cisc wouid naine her cat honor of PercY Davidson and Miss Ethe1 Thompson, Mrs. Churchill? I The engagement has been announced of c;race Elizabt ihloyugs Larry Down's birthdlavs. Ferguson, Mrs. George Fergii- A great deat of credit shouid daughter of Rev. and Mrs. R. R. Nicholson, Bowmanvillet r aodWesa Pictured following their marriage in Trinity United: Mr. and Ms oez ru oMils. Forrer, Mes. S5dby egvn to Mrs. Grant Thornp- Hritn o fM.adMs .A irm fSek relnteNtelns Church on July 7, are Mr. and Mrs. Paul Weslex- WeIlix'er. Hapoa uselPri~ Grant, Mrs. H. Vine, Ms.C. son, the historian, for diggîng The bride is thc former'Mr arae enodIduNtr Sry orpr ta lxW.iHson, Ms M. Emerson, Mes. out rnanv most interesting facts Their marriage wilI take place in Trinity United Church,Bwanle.oStudy la. agrtRcfodduhe'Sot orpr htAe .Hrn Mrs. W. Brown, Mrs. and details of the past. If yc.u August llth. -Photos by SurirPooSdoHmtn of\Mr. and Mrs. M'alter B. Revnolds. Bowmanville. and the McMaster hiad the misfortune R. Davis, Miss Ruth Prouti, can get hoid of the book she groom is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Lester Allen Welliver: te get his foot broken Mf Mrs. W. Burns, Mrs. W. Bowies, is writing on the history o'f o ilimprPnaThcopewl eieiWilas everal places when a motor Mrs. D. Davidson, Mrs. W. North Cartwright, particuiarly Mrs. H. Milîs and Bruce, Mr. fml eeSna vnn port. Master il Jackson. if you are an aIder citizen,' you N IKL EladMsF.WWerspnth -Phot bv Rhder at r Brian Hiecock visited Mrs. H. Vine. Mes. C. Wilson, -wiil find it mighty intercs.ting I weekcnd with Me. and Mes. Rov r n e.H tvn n _______________________-Photo____\-___________________Camerons.Ms. H. McLaughlin. Mrs,. J. eeading. It is eegrettcd that Mrb.7 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Tewin. Werry and Debbie and Mr. and Gro pn h ekn il Congatuatins t Ros M Forer nd es. m. teee, Tamponanc f te îst;Donna Gail and Rodnev visited Mrs. Ron Drinkwae.Otw.M.adMs .J arsn CongratuMetandsMes.RAlvin-Scoàt, rshnd Mis. and Mes.eEarlmTrewinonToronth, andtattendedthetawa BU K T NMr. and Mr-. S. Grant, Northern Master on getting honor stand- long lime mcmbeî-s, rcceived tute's mest active membeisM-adMs AvnSot sh- M.ads.Er rwn BU K T NIreland, are o a viste their! îng i smuisic exani. the guests and manv old ac- theough illness was preventeo ya n issLtseadMr Dorelen and Donald were Sunda gme îxvo sons. Oshawva. and recentlv The Happy Doubles and their quaintances were renewed be- from bcing present. May she reanMcts,0.Coeet'ointMr. tea guesis with Mr. Albert h oa' soito e Mr. and Mi-s. Ra vmond Dave ' vat.Mr. and Mes. R. Davev's with famnilies enjoved a pienic al fore sitting down ta an excel- have a speedy return te health. M. anfodMs. O.aHelok, ett.n Wright's and Mr. Fred Trewin's, a h oeo e.Rs hr Geneva on SaturM. CraewnordlMnt.dCaulkettepand Blackstock, beingedthaboccasion BforkthekJuneinmeetingconsthe Pndc Lois atteîided the Pascoe -'Miss Lois Divev and Me. Sn eaoSaaudaMcvnig. ilntdînerpieardPortem Anthrrontale uei .Me.S Da e v we d ng S ttr a v Ij]-Gian J .Mi. J. E-owcs had te spend bei.s of the group. This dinner Mes. W . Buns, a rncmber of, .. n psow n, Por tH r . Mich., of Lloyd Trewin's birthda v.6h w th 2 e b rs pe*t 7th. at Enfield. Lois Davev - Mes. WmlMe. and Mes. several days in the hospital b y the way was most efficient - the Provincial Board of W'or.ms ent The msekndvd with Mr . and r.RsLean helpcd tri serve at, the reception.!I B t d1 Jy ~ ~i servcd by senior members cf en's Institutes, who brauglit Ms rdTm n iie ihBrin, Kedron: M.FakLe rittonand gils. Osawa, ater haing hiMeoand Mes.i\-E irheTreHCinb.andsesiasiMe.vFranktinLeend Coeradultiovstr.anadMrwasErinTchargen Me. and Mes. SarniHall loft rxith Mi. and Mes,. Ben Hibbard. cd dute te his thiroat hernorrha~- eih ye H iub Me asiet Da- grcctting nrongatltins .Oshawa, wee Sunday guests af c e.W.Hwlsadcn ]ast wcek for Montana and 1 Mir and Mes. Clarcnce Browyn. ing. c.JyeHoy agrtD-ta htgap anl.Mr. and Mes. Allan Werry. sse flalt sl lb A ~~~~vidson. Aileen Van Camp, Bletti ît was an interesting moment Me. and Mrs. Leonard Stain- Me. and Mes. R. J. Ormiston Ms .Butadcoigwî FenkAlio x-thMs.Par an das Bwanile, at These girls rcceived mucli manville, the district president. evening tea guests cf Me. and a\'tendtesary a Me. adiMesg .'pningslsaebin ed h mr.i and Mis. G. A. Ev;Ans, A\,erY and fai-ilx.\- Percy Davidson's.J praise froni the gucsts and after graciausîy congratulatirîg Mes. Herbert Stainton, Hamp-Bew Nectc aud ak foth mnhofJuy adRichard and MissI Mr. and iVrs. Perc.v favidson.! Me. and Mes. Tom Samson,i praise shouiid also be given to the members cf the Nestleton !ton. and Sundayr visitors of Me. Mlar Platt, Tor-onto, are spend(- ion1): Miss Barbana Moridoch. Toronto . spent a fcw rlays atl their leaders Mes. S. Dorreli Women's Institute an 1th eUr and Mes. C. Milîs. Port Perrv - cvening.Gous2ad4nchreJl Misses Betty and Donna Bue-14ApaeanteUidNa inlg their vacation at thr farn !Me. Murefav Ahbott ivi-ih Me. and, Russell Perkins'. and Mî's. R. Bowles who are many services and accamplishi- kett, Steenburg, arc visiting Me. hn a ienb r.Jh at B.R. 3, Burketon. M iss Mary 'Mes. Howýard Abboit 1 Me. Fred Boyce is building au doing a great - work with these ments avec the yeaes, presentedi manY thanks should be given and Mes. W. Howeii's. ISea.Pormi hreo Plaît is ieaving shortlv foi' Eng-! Me. and Mî-s. Bei-t' Dean ,lithadionb ishuer future Institute members. h ta them a silver tca service. te Mes. Emerson and hec man M'.an es.A .WanadGap2 edn yMs m l~.d ttr isiin x-ih he eind a Aax. iHn esbrc An impressive cerernony. toak This was accepted on their be- able assistants. After ail thc family wee Sundav caliesan Aha,"lsig" edn Ex-ans' anilîx-.Mi. and Mes. Ed. Cochrane,' 1rigo h fudto a place whcn Miss Ruth Prou*.t haif by Mes. Emerson. And'l succcss of any organization gees Me. Fred Ellis at Lindsay. "oOeWlsAoe yMs Me'. and Mes. Clatide Katcha-.,,orinRa hefoianio fý pawx- Picton. spent a few dhais Aams , with Mr'. and Mes. E., bis new house. renad the names of ail past pre' there has been no mare tireless bat-k ta the drive and persan' Mr. and Mes. R. J. Ormistan,JonSmo:ppryMs.R W a-v dm.1sidents and secretaries as Miss president than. Mes. Emerson, alitv of its leader and Mr.s. Master Ronald Forsyth, were tne "htSuet r witlî Mi'. and Mes. Kenneilh Rob- 1Me. and Mers. Riissell Dean!Mi'. and Mî-s. Ruîssell Stai,î. i Ethel Thornpson placed a w'Vhiteý who has represented the Insti- Emeison suIPPiied both. Sunday visitars of Mr. and Mes. D1 gi loqunPr'.Sm )in r(-ntl.) With friends at W'estoi. ton at Albert Baison's, Solîna. ' flowee in a bowl when a dc- tîte at man\ levels bath local Pcrhaps the highlight cf the Arthur Tamblyn, Cambrav. rcr usewsejoe.Ms Arms. R.cGurne.te theCahme and Gidber. ite Bitan, with The Decoration Service did lceased member*s name was and provincial]. There is a lot ef evening was the presentatini Me. and Mes. Eael Crass,ShpwathnebyMsYe Prles.rtece moh vihorMe. - ibet flý( rianwth ot have a veon, a'ge attend- said Iwork in connectian with a to Mes. Emneîson of a lite rnern- Maple Geove, with Me. and Mes, o aeig e hm n ul ;Mi'. and Mei- H. I.aenier. . ance. hui the1wcemeteey wa.-- Communiti, singing m'as en-I golden anniversary su(-h as thýs bership in the Institute by Mes. W. Howells an Sunday. sotntieçetig coe E. ('aughill and coisins. Me. Alan Larmet'. Toronto. hratlif(il with flowers. joYed bY the giiests. This %v~as and a great dent or ci'edit and H. Vine. M.adMs e lh n I _ A zothe r e Fini for m a Ar You Are Now Guaranteed CE Delivered t COLD' ILK )Your Doorstep Now that aur new ice machine is in operation you are assured of ice cold milk delivered daily Io your home. Every lime a driver leaves with his Ioad af rich, daîry lresh Glen Rac Nilk and Cream his cases are iced Io make sure yaur milk is kept ice cold and in perfect condition. This is just another step Glen Rae Dairy has taken ta make sure thai you gel lhe very best ini dairy products. For Da ily Deli*vewy Phone MA 35444 GLIEN RAlE STREET WEST DAIRY BOWMANVI LLE 1I <~~ IL 98 KING s PAGE BMTUW 4e e ývlljwuu uy iiinun o.v kxroup cou,