THURSDAY. tTY 121h, 1954 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMlýANVILLE. ONTrARIO .GSENI / Recently M arried f ~Gospels. As these are unloaded! organizing one meeting,.ltfr ic a e bttni h u2utf~ oftransportation returns almost gotten their service work to thewn f a. : hll Cs0c a01 7filled with bushels of rice. commuriity as was evident in;"ro ' r and sesame. Bicycle Rodeo at the Cobourg Phone MA 3-3303 Mr. Im feels hie is providing a' Pinî. As a f und-raising pro- e~?i \'- doube srvie bvmeeingthe ject this summer the club has'.ne' dcddt odamammoth icîcrnwicrit" stetbnowihwill be held Te Bx a oîx~igtex ' Mr. and Mrs. Chester Jury c a n C;-1u r c h ere x%%'Il be P a crlckof ops.tnNi h near future. Pontiacs final oa -' ' .' ~' ia and Alison. Tirrmins, are visiting parac1e a: rua mrn:ng ai -s ' o cti itv shoste.îgr Mr.____________shoste____ gCobour rwtî e M rs. jJ. H. H.Jur. 10:tj . avint4 tac lLgh SChoo: , Incmb t'scein t'VO C flot ncenbt 'oenoraast rbetw. tt7\the Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Hack goa.> M-ur hnw: iutintdyadtetm . .' I gü,r'.%ene ,e i]secutive ng . onin Ca-cidfia~b an fmiyar hlda'ig~ onnuctaPrt Hope for the i1882 wheod ad t e firs moeain an fmlyae oýà,.ig ýtoPý .H S S u ens bourg the Pontiacs defeatedteta vR(a..'u c their cottage, Fenelon Falls. i eerto9fteBaîeo rnlto b Cobourg 3-2 w-hile on TuesdavVil 0tC t -,'the Boyne.Trnlto of theBible was *i n Bowmanx-ille the%, bestEi 'tittl "X4, Miss Donna Quinn. Sirncoc, Th;amhm fM.admade. Then it meant death for A enn r o - ocibit is eil to...a spnt]at veekend .vth lr irI . :e :daoinEat .s:to possess or circulate IAntie akeioreMidof aCobourg 4-1~. - aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Berrx. Bea vas the- 'ccne of a fam-Srptr. Messrs. Bill Lymer, Oshawa, iuvceunion last Sunaay ,\hen 44 Suggested readings for the Unied atin. ill 'ts w..te . ci an-d Edward Colweil spent the >relat: - ndfienas gathered !, week: U ie ain ege a h hoidy eeed t 'wnLaes t andebat MfHi desoss unayPa.12:15Jauein Ra erdag ptceri bthgaeswths hidendor'h i-J(Oi Moia ekn a wnLks 1 clbaeMSndav-s. 2:16Kennett doing the catching be fIetuý". : pr~ Miss Georgina MVurnev. Pc birthicia'1. Trý.cre xx rc f ive daugh- . Tuedav-Psa. 128:1-63 ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A.Rose-hn h lt. Th otaslo i s s p e d î n g e r s t e ~ r h s b a n d s t x v ov e a r , T y r o n e , a n d R o b e r t h a v e a s t c n g d e f e n s i x e f i e l d i r ' 1 h c s a M s a 0 week's holiday xith lecoc usi. . S ns, 13 gandchiden and four W ednesdav-M ark 12:1-17 - o l n u p rit h Glenna Park. tra anlhlrnpre-sent. The t Thursda-Mark 12:18-44 itcoin andstherofiMr.g lnsd1rre w W" t a . Mrs. J. W. Knght bas rc Cv Ci't xas to 'have been hecri Fridar-Mark 14:1-42 H. Brown, Bowmanville, ai_ t p ig îandt al cit.hcxx i t h'.'. turned frorn visitingr her soj the- iax'.n. but because of the Saturday-Mark 14:43-72. tended the United Nation- ibeir dit '. 0, îtld C r Mr. and Mýrs. Allan Knigh*:. rain, bield in the big bouse. Seminar at QLice 's Unix ersilv sIi audva h o :h .- \"r Detroit, Mic'n. A Pcod tirne xvas hd tJ\' ahl. June 26 - 29th. Also in at- Massey park against New.ýcas'~tasnW , Mr.Wilia BrwnEdtluiSflWlefieswal tendance wece Grade 12 and 13 starting ai 6:30. The local non- rtu Huntingrii, Eng.iandc, x" i1 eciegeinst A dune wveddincs was that of Elizabeth Nicholas students fcom the High Schoal5 gets wl eott vnel'\lr cent visita'- xithi Dr. ac'l xc fr!ont -\Ic. ai-ici Mcs. D. of Eastern Ontario.q set hack they suffered ' -- ~S. C. W. Slemon. A itî and _î'.M. Joue.ý Jones, daughteî' of r and 'Mrs. William Jones, Carmnar-j Mr. dwar Colell xxho ba%-ce arr'Â cd in Liv-erpool, thon, Wales, and NI'r. Cecii W. 1\Iorrison, son of 1\1r. and icrecue 1re "h a 'rth andis ai New'castlc the last Ddso :ts"i rNrb ~rs. o ociàs, o a e ae. n maiiageLectureswes* wrri' rrT:e i k' nktr M r. E d w rd o 1w '1l is n _ 1 f er c ý cal i 7. 1L o o k in R u ssia ', 'G e rm a n y " tim e th ey p lay in B o w m an v il ,i Tornt tkin a~î we'~s'Engan, lle ax r'. clmMrsJohn "orisonf "ti leLake.Thir mariageUsefulness of the U.N.". "The Coach Murray McKnight c ecîrx(a'.r.î: course in Psychology la and' cossing "te ea *ustilike Vai-oplcein rnt United Church on Satut-dav, June 3th.'Sivim r eet "errt Council and The Gai;- ports that the- crowds ýaItha ahI h' l-e nt' piuc t çci-'1-fon h Theciei anecUS1\ andIIr.Obe icoaoo o- '1e-al Asmhy U.N.E.S.C.O., midget igames have been mn-Stec'. of Toronto. )l s' ~ "mn~sl. Over 25 Bovvmanville Kisl and "*Caniada's Raile in the U.i gre ai-idlie urges ail basebal P-c rt"'i î:"c Mrs. Veca Lvime-r and Dot-N-'.< h pnipbi:cd~ -- en jained in the fun and fel-1 N. " These were studied and fans ta camne out an-d supporw '~î tt e las, Oshawa, spent toch( olidiay bj,, i Canaci'ai Pactrifi;Ii loxxship Tuesdav evening at the' discussed in general dusccîs- thi-i future untermediale ma o \t t : t " weeen wih icllter, Mrs . Enr c ine. p ciaci-lcon.Teort Creain of Barlev Park for thei sions and in group discussions, terial. tt~iltet . : Mn Clwell, and :Mrs. 1H l. xf'b:ch011r' pa-ic2ccc le d. Thc'TheeCornetfirst af their informai mneetingsj oe euiyCucl îd a'nîsl: 3tt t Colwell and I rvîri. wiiseds\L-lwcsi and eupnionium olos .x cre par. witb Kin John 'Dat?' Werr ' a Model Generai Assemblv dfc 02.t"t 'C Though 100 cool and wet foc Britain, vi. îting relatives'. ;In i emhigi hre conciuded the Seminar. Jaqîî" vacation enjax-ment, the woather -- h'Stdyeeigsr- Today li-reased 10< r .olava i seems favorable for cas a iIat7pn. ,ýthes. Bow,-] A number of feats of strarîgth the Security Courilrand Krds thvlegres hwapo1oelhWpioz'eing sa ge ad yar sî1ensand skill wera attempted by the in the Assembly. Bob rpeý, manville gardens shoxv a pro-; d anal W i s a M essga'îg and 'Bî-ing . and eoursoyLet , insmen, notable among these etdGr.ei tescui'Pester Town fusion of these beautiful ticLau cociclBai-ici prsantiLettus 9etdGreei teSKr Mc. and Mrs. H. G. Daî-ch A t 3 o d i tear CO111 Bndprset1 help you market vouî- produce"' being the donke -v riding chai- Cou-il and Ireland in the As I ' 5. Seaford, Long Island, -and Mr-" atnid mor il) Ct-nW~.oxna-id ; i ' occîs as sabll. Rsaltinareeaechai-~4 Guy Pethick, Toronto, are en vcatiisa re ang-nG r BagowCn aetnde were ~ ing a deligbtfcîl isitîaithIare ,vt5 cccii YouiieJ Pc opit s ecre'un of ilite-Salvaaiu n r-gontgeai.ilacs to-doray nd~oadpo-dhisl ab h ee'TeAmsin0 o of Mr. arnd Mus. Walter Oke this 'tr i i Cx ~eî usB ccl ccc einosit appreciative - e- b xavlycale f orc n d îdsptdcatinhemns hia, uncîdcnaand Mr.llengiu g ti Special mention is also made Cypcus', "The Unification cf Bowmaî'usilIe's new sanit:1 .'r rc lr' week. iChLîrniwi cf ti'le lail 1-xli fite fine, 'sponse b, Bo%,s'- taonm and tasottofoithe cbicken pot-pie tborough- Iceland", and 'The Admission lion ccew under foremnan 'ta]'Tittt* ' ý Mr.Joh Yae, orota;M'-Sbueld Appeal. VI-. !MorriSotu manviillaCitizens at all Cari-,poi slilvey oeyenoydb'teKnuen fteTxoGemne" e odrn r aigthi jICioir r i '~ ~'it rf1 Do alMc -tindBtes xtecdad a cordial xx draine lu (-arts gîven by the Bar-d and )e J-'i-ît tu-agibt' svaroublsthe ce-muicpargiittrn r'.."ir Mr.DonB ek Toyn , vxt - the'visî:ttng Bandsnsc(it. ' thev ieel that tbey are amp 1N cnv Iiewr As in previaus years theaCub Cluqebn n Bb wretbe sste m nitsciplgt i i.r. ' ited Mr. W. J. Handers-on'ScIi- The c'oncer't on Satiurdav rcpaicifoc iheir efforts ili T ,siîiinaialniîa-mmehv eidedto ogonsin ora bx te andtaryVCl]b1bagek sfste atritsscnntî..i n .r i t day on tha occasion af h.s 'evcnuttlg in iha Tcxx îîj lia]lxx a- bringin.g the band ta Bcwmiiat- lon anud difficcihties with distri- their usciai regcilac meetig oo omnil n byxiiwe iaeain p birthday. s clattc'rdclati x'h,-)t oln i s-ile. The Caprain exprass'-ci bction cf goocîsare aike altac-k- iax' auc ai hee al alerddress thercimressonsJc'of 2th iefring a îo iddscb- î, i'i îo Dr. and Mrs. F. 'W. Rundle ,C.-V/isernsit xvas Citaîrrnan. bis thanks toaail thase w'no c b1Rc' YofgBîîlntaings. hteam s ra s-e blepikfoirngtiipessions ai t ewoI, nfriendl dy bee tcI.A ~ii r' have been visiting bis par-anis, jlTe pro;,ram nar only încliied apened thair homes ta the xvis- man bebind the uacent sxorkaindchta usaposbefc ernrcemn asaedy bn Mr. and Mc. xvaltrsRcendî selecliotîs bv-h" Ban-.' tiing Bandsmncn, xx-o w-ere ce - translating the' BiUe inta the _____ Mrir.t anMsinWaltcdeda Rtcon er s,,ci Lit' iiîl Ccivcd inos.î baspitabhy oser comimon script ai- "Hankiil". As pitak up i prctîeda. erar trio5 î-ibon titi: oicanud j, tht' xxek cnd. the' Canerai Secrelcirv of thel Ba, nt tcnbe<'Žoc.Koostan hl Soc'îetv, Mr. lin, SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS THIS WEEK AT ALL Bay, nt. -------- las docidoib at Bibles mu bel Mc. and Mrs. George Foller O cna-nann h Manufactoring i Alberta goas taken ta tbcpeoaple. If, ha AàL and chidren, Couctcight, and!i Band gava an apen-air sers'lea ack ta establishment af a wool- ceasonodi, peopla cocld nat afford Mc. Albert Cator, Toronto, VIS-OHth sp111s aw'u i nic- mill near Calgary in 1883. Bibles bacausa they could nat ited his mothar, Mcs. F. Calot: Baxx'mans-ilic Merniiorial Hospi - ' Pray that the divine presance dispose ni their praduca, Ibis Mrs. Fuller is a granddacîgb'er La' ta!nd thîn îîaracd tu ttema' 'till guideana-d bless ocîr itseli cocîld hacomne the barter of Mrs. Cator. Higb Sc'bcîl At dito-'îcim, xxhe " chiai miagistrale. those assaciat- sith w-bich tbey rmight secuce Mc. and Mcc. Nekon Jack t nc'tt. ccI-t'i'ieax.'s bi. Cî d with bis axeccîîisratrust, and tibant. The Karcan Bible Society Mnr. Cains and Mt-. eNelsocîJack ,'Calai-ic and Mr,. acîr national judiciarv: give to is assaciatod with the British and Mcs. Ernie Hunit, Ottawx- jrîoc caongress wisdom, and ophold! and Foreigni Bible Society. This t have been holidaying aIt -' h ieno ocr tt ofîrnios -t higt arintlis tbe polies' af the'latter also. West Beach, Bowmanvîlle, ari Creiami of Bqrles' Park attraci-afHisrighteocîsness. - Mary i ls imeibod ita ]oad tiétucksi visiting relatives hart'. edcl '. ncreds ofrilcec.The Baker Edhdy. svit Bible-s, Testaments and i C MEIIEPIE LSPROA EVC Mr. and Mus. Milton Eci- w'ards and girls, North Bu, J Ms. R. B. larkavec th.e: Long Time M embers at Banquet _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ visite .BheC arsMcoveq ______t____e______ weekend. Margaret remained r foc a month's holiduys. T I SALINES >Mr. and Mcc. Normian ScottHPKEPYU OL Ulis.P I,'tt ewen and Janet, left b-v train on- d'uly à for Las Angeles, Cahif t...HAT AT where Mc. Scatt is attending a~~. . . . . . . . . . .English style- A fîzz.y convention ai the Amacican . glassful before breakfastTO T A s s o c a t i o a i c î r s r s - m n . Iw e y m o n i n g e a l l y p e p s -' Mcs. Tom Smith, Alan, Mac,-...Ban to p iDA rn ilyn and Bihl, Olds, Alta.. areA.S.&C IKO visiîngwit baronce ad ant, 'or& . 1 pound tin 5-eM-IK 0 -iiigwt ir nl n ut TABLETS ENO'S "'FRUIT SALT'$ MGEI Mc. and Mrs. Eimec Cox. F/L'i Mild Antacîd Tom Smith xvbo is aI Camp Bar- fraelif fced MAaxaivGNeSamy den foc the sommer joinad his c ...ornriai of G etne laaive Cream familv fac the waakend. \-"FRUIT ScnsiatoAooLaTi" fmlyfvpleasant Visitors syihiMr-. and M'-Ž 69scg23 uie fc ld1.0n9 n H. Lake, Elgin St., lasî teî 69e * i09 tat0n wece Mr. and Mis. Hlughi.Sci- cAIka-Seltzer --- 6-- laxative thecland, Gaît, and Mrs. Lakîs Ade'sLvr16 o cg05 brother, Mc. and Mrs. W. E.!:-E N Saits------------ 45c, 79e 29e Brown and family, Lyndhiur3t, PLEASANT SelBromo--- 9,5cI8 3 zrg 0 also Wade Summers ai Lx'nd kKoa 9,5c 8 2o e 0 hurst. n'me: fIe .'vTSIG aih Sgls--- 35c, 89e 49e With lass59e OL. nd LBA. romBow-i _____Sal Hepatica 43c, 85c, 1.09 manville aîlandad chcîrch p:m-ASA.O FSTRLEw rade in Oshawva ast Sundîv_____________ TABLETS SHOP AT YOUR DRUG l' ! morning aI St. Georges Angli- S. TORE - the rienenr-îhi f)ZL e i e x e e a - -1. 1 1 u " r ' r r - , 5 4 NEW' ahes nurl-place ta boy al'tour med ,.Ê ý-_- - NE gia, toathache ici nes and bealth and FOR THE KiDNEYS" and pin ~ beauty needs.- LIOIEN *eneral COMBS REG. SIZE 59 DISCOVEMOISe 300's H OT WEATHER 6 for 19e ECONOMY 98 t deep flowing îgcNESFm paek - failSUN GLASSES 2eii 2bbrNow! Your 1nn,*-of cf ha han re '"'r',;Y0.iir:iî'r - leanse a.*rO , oa oi - 19, 98 bI 1 po ke F i t s - O n - - - - - - - - - - 2 . 5 0 2 b y i p2 o k e Somneof h oo guesîs at the banquet calebrating the 50th annix'ersary r Sun-Rite --anght-~- 1.00cGill of Nesîlaton Wome(n'ý Institute held in the hall at Nestieton las', Fciday as-ening ai-e ceaPOW'DER Glremaer -A--u--its----i9e c csig IP mb,<' pîctured abo-e. Fri-cmloft tIl e y ai-e: Mrs. Joseph Foi-dec, Nesîletoit' a life momber; Ou kin up 1taClipover - - --ci9ricombÇr "\fîs.RIaithe hînpoNosîlaton, a]sý a life membor; i\rs. Foster .l-igsonl, Orono; 3TM S IA D-ie Aviation Speelal- 99e 'RA 1 hnpoNastioton, theorais' charter mnembai- living. Aliss T'hompson'sinclohe Children's 25c, 79e ni trcther ou-canizod the Nestleton W..branch. -PI-ota by R. Cai-rciers, Boxsmanx'îhle thon any soup - any crom Onejacket - 29e to 510.00edg Re. fc 9eSUNTAN and SUNBURN angle, edgc expiih.-ll tand rrr :hi 11 Re.3fr2eNEEDS " matc-h yoîîr fart- lor îil1I. I S3 for 23o Arriflex - quicklv Honored Guests at W . 1. Banquet Brelieva sunbucn --60e Claorfrbi'hîig.- coppertone Oil and CAM R Ssae ti tîrzi'r- ('ream - -- ----- 1.50 and FILMS rrc t M Nivea Crene- 5e'c" $cl.35c, 63c, $1.10, 3.0 Your IDA 75<y O.2 Noxzemna Suntan Drcîggîst has _______ I.D.A. Lotion or Oil9, 5 a fine hce t ILotion Squeeze o f Cameras SHAINIG bottie 1.00, 1.50an Fim U IECREAM NupercainaI 1.00an Flm MA SZESfnstghSea & Ski Tanning also excellentî "laietbe 89e photo -finish- TIiinIikbeards, makes Skol - Halps pcexant ing ford- w 1s~tjtcLV4 ~ Isaîgese painful stînhurn.55c. $ veoSI ng ~:s~~t-~f. -~- ~49o Squibb Sun'n Surf -79ej vfopng nd erd s BATHING ('APS pîinin ad aeaern - ~~~ Seiberling SPecial -59e nagn r-? 't~ & $~< $~~X -Seibf'rling 6c 79c, 98c, --* ..Playtex C(f ll bead 11 o e h i LD.A. YDEODORANTS v - X ~MIIBOTOOTH Etiquet Deodorant - i 1'MEOINOD OI PASTE 9csze-6eRESDAN MrEr&#S m. oc sprFORn Odo-Ro-No Deodorant orsakig Crcamn, 1.00 size 69e eaiidruff Wuhli hie~ Blade li-si. SUPER SîtRENGfl idean t e eth Spray, 1.25 size --98c Remnover penwer and tir 29 c,,-~ and mint- Stick - 1.00 ~~~ I ~~~fcesh bceath Stopette - 75c, 1.25 HarndslpYor -b- DR -O32c 57 ShultonStc conditionar r eatared <on (;IJ<-te'. \,4*ri-<<- _____ ~~~~BIG BOX -.3PLY .____________ TV and liadio L'iiuc., a.i PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Anîumb-uotf distiniýuished cIuets harougl-il o odpartmcipatinrl ini the' banquet tad pt-oç,l arn xshich comrrinoratocl Nosile-Ion Ilstittitt y0ovars. Arnonig shenaix-e tathe lPdies-incialored ofrine 'I.foi' No - . ubdiviin'<r.Rlhlenxeî< ielde iîîe bxo cr i:Ms .H u-s, Boaî'arton, opre-j A I e x . Mc Gre g o r, Drur1ý s Dav-is, Soliina. District Sec.-Tt-eas.: 'Mms. W. H. Br-own. Bowxman\'ille. District Pres.: Mis -eiiiB-LIIll e.Tes.u h o-otonb R Ariýi.tie ,Bsmaxî e Deliver Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Phone MA 3-5792 'À Trinity United Church Mînster Rev. T. Arthur Margani, BA. il a. ni. - Morning Worship IVc welconme the Mlembers of St. PauIl's Coîîgrcgation to Our Union Service. No Evening Service Organist Mc. Arthuîr Calisan, Mus. Bach., ..SM