PAON WOURNEyÇ T~ CNAD!AX STTESMAN. EJULJXVIluxaNTA1eT 7 làI BIRTHrS BOYD-Ross and Peggy (nee Stephenson) of Newcastle, arel pleased to announce the safe arrivai, of their first, a son,j Kennth Ross, at Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville, on July 17.1 29-1 DAVEY-Harry and Gertrude Davey (Nee Dewell> are happy to announce the birth of their son John Edgar, on July 15, 1956 at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. 29-1* HOOPER-Frank and Norma Hooper (nee Piper) annauncel the birth of their son, July 12, 1956, at Memorial Hospital, Bow- rrianvilie. (Baby died later).2-1 POWELL-Russell and Mau- reen (nece Mcllroy) are happy ta announce the birth of their son, Richard Russell (Ricky) at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, on Tbursday, Julv 5, 1956. 29-1 RICHTIOR-Mr. and Mrs. O. Richter are happy ta annouince the arrival of a baby boy, Co- rad, on Ju]y 2nd. 1956, at Meni- orial Hospital, Bo-wman\,ille. 29-1 SNOWDEN -Bert and Betty wish ta announce the arrivai o! their daughter Linda Anne on July 10 at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, a sister for Randy. Gerry and Grant. 29-i, 1 ENGAGEMENTS Mr. Edsall Graham annouan ces the engagement of his dau- gbter, Audrey Elizabeth Nan- ette, ta Clifford W'illiamn Reid, ison of Mr. and Mrs. Heîrber- Ineid, Newtonville. The wed- ding is ta take place in the New- castle Parsonage on August 111h ai 3:00 o'clock. 29-1* Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Rodman, Little Britain, announce the engagement of their daugbter, Margaret Mary Kathleen, ta Ronald Wesley Brooks, son of Mm. and Mrs. Harvey Brooks,I Bowmanville. The marriage will take place at 3 p.m. an Sat- umday, July 28th, in Little Bri- tain United Churcb. 29-1* Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Abernethy, R. R. 1 Oakwood, wisb ta an- nounce the engagement of their daugbter, Joyce Willamcéne, ta Donald William. son o! Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor, R. R. 1, En- niskiilen. The wedding to take place at Eldad United Cburcb, Augusi 111h, 1956. 29-1* Mr. and Mrs. Harold Allen, Hampton, announce the en- gage ment of their daughter, Mildred Lorraine, to Gdsm. Frederick Eugene Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. Willet Clark, Bowmanville. The wedding to take place on Saturday, August 18 at 2:30 o'clock, at the home of the bride's parents, Hamp- ton. 29-1* Mr. and Mrs. F. Quackenbush, Toronto, Ont., announce the en- gagement of their eldest daugh- ter, Lorraine, to Mr. Charles William Albin, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. William Aibin, R. IR. 1, Newtonville. The mar- riage to take place in the Sal- vation Army Citadel, Bowman- ville, on Saturday, August llth, at 3 o'clock. 29.1* MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. Roy Van Camp announce the marriage of their only daughter, Marjorie Joyce Snowden, to Leland Neil Brow.- neil, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brownell, Finch, On- tario. The ceremony to take place August i8th, 1956. 29.1* DEA'FHS COUCH-At Newcastle, on Sun- day, July 15, 1956, Thomas J. Couch la bis 97th ycar, busband o! the laie Emmaline Cobble- dick. Service was held at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- manville, on Tuesday, July 17, at 3 o'ciock. Inierment Orono Cemetery. 29-1 FISK-At Peterborough Civic Hospital, on Tuesday, July 17, 1956, John Albert Fisk, in bis 78th year. Resting at the Marris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, until Friday noon. Service in Pantypool United Cburch, Fi- day, July 20 at 2:30 p.m. Inter- mient McCrea's Cemctery. 29.1 GIFFLER-At Ross Memoriai Hospital, Lindsay. on Friday, July 13, 1956, William G. Gi!!- 1cr (fommerlv o! Salem) bus- band o! the laie Adelaide Rut- Iedge. Service was held ai the Morris Funcrai Chapel, Bow- inanville, on Monday, Juiv 16 at 2 o'clack. Interment Èaw- manville Cemetery. 29-1 Wanted ta Rent SMALL apartment bv Scatem-, ber isi, adulis. central. mu dlean. Phone MA 3-5009. GARAGE. b4rn or shed, api imately 40x2Û0. 69 King E. vbane MA 3-5030. COUPLE wih 12-year-old require four or !îi'e-ro bouse by September isi in manville or vicinity. Rceei available. Write Box 541 Tie Canadian Statesman. THREE or fouir-muomeda ment with sepamate eaur private bath. vounjg coupil chîldren. Possession Sepç Wiling tn pa' ne imc'nth* in advancc. Phone MA 3- RN MEMORIIAM 1_Articles For Sale BRERETON-In loving memory QUANTITY of logs, oak and of dear parents and grandpam- pine. Phone MA 3-2194. 29.1* fents Charlotte and Herbert Brereton who pased away on 8-10 CAN cooler, used anc year. July 4th, 1949 and July 25tb, Phone Newcastle 3851. 29.1* 1955, respectively. Nat lost, not dead, not gone, not CHINA cabinet. Phone MA 3- even sleeping; 168 29-1 Tho' we have laid themn in the368 grave with wecping; DUTCH pram, light blue, like No sharp despair aur chastened ncw. Phone MA 3-2724. 29-1 hearts can fi For they are with us stili. FLOOR polisher for ent at -Fondly remembemcd by son Mason & Dale Hardware, 36 Sam, daughter-in-law Margaret 1 King St. E., Bowmanville. 13-tf and granddaughter Charlotte Mary. 29-11f DRY pine lumber. Lumber cut, PROUSE-In loving memory o! a dear husband and father, Wil- mot R. Prouse, wha passed away July 23, 1954. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear, Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps him near. -Sadly missed and lavingly re- membered by bis wife and tam- ily. 29.1* STONE-In loving memomy of a dear husband and father, Frank Stone who depamted this life, July 2lst, 1948. Eight ycars have passed but stili we miss him, Never shall bis memory fade, Loxing tbougbts will always linger 'Round the grave wherc he is laid. -Ever remembered by bis wife and family. 29-1* WRIGHT-In loving memory of our granddaughter, Susan Patricia, who died July 23rd, 1951. Safe in the arms of Jesus. -Fondl 'v remembered by Grand- ma Wright. 29-1* CARD 0F THANKS I would like to thank those who sent me fruit, flowers and cards while in the hospital and since coming home. Wayne Beckett. 29-1* I wish to thank Dr. Mackenzie, nurses and staff of Memorial Hospital for kindness to me and also to friends for cards and flowers sent to me while in Hos- pital. Mrs. Tenchia Malley. 29-1 I sincerely thank the doctors and nurses of Port Perry Hos- pital, also many thanks to my friends and neighbors for cards, letters and fiowers during my eleven days in Port Perry Hos- pital. Special thanks to my family for their help while in the hospital and after coming hm.Mrs. Myrtie Marlow. 29-1* COMING EVENTS to order for joists. Leslie Tay- lor, Blackstock, 80 r 12. 29-1* INGERSOLL washing machine for sale, like new. Phone MA 3-5232. 29-1* '55 FRIGIDAIRE, 9.1 cu. ft., good condition. Phone MA 3- [3294. 29-1* POTATO and tomato duster, 4- row, used, good working order. Phone Clarke 1321. 29-2 LARGE chest of drawers, small antique table. Telephone Clarke[ 6 R 11. 29-1 STANDING mixed hay, 18 acres, whole or part. Newcastle 3026. 29-1* BALED hay, mixed timothy and alfalfa. Phone K. A. Grills. RA 8-8085. 29-1* FOR pure ice deliverv caîl MA 3-5714. Brown's Ice. 33 Odel St., Bowmanville. 20-11 USED lawn mowers at Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., Bow- manville. 29-11 SAVE on lumber, direct from mili to you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kinmount, Ont. Phone 17r1l. 13-tf DEERING binder in good con- dition, $35 or best offer. Apply Ivan Mountjoy, Burketon. Tele- phone Blackstock 87 r 4. 29-1 C.C.M. balloon-tired bicycle, completely overhauled, like new. Apply Paul McCullough. Phone 2421, Newcastle. 29-1 JKEYS cut automatically. while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E.. Bowman- ville. 46-tf USED Westinghouse clothes dry- er, in excellent condition at Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., Bowmanville. 29-1 SINGER Sewing Centre, new and used sewing machines. Ren- tais or repairs. Phone MA 3-2155. 18-tf CARTOP boat, 12-foot, 85 lbs., with oars, $100. Phone MA 3- 5839; after 6 p.m. MA 3-3174. 29-1 STE WART'S African Violets and supplies. Choicest new var- leties. 33 Division, Bowman- ville. 28-tf The Prout annual picnic wiîî! VENETIAN blinds-Newest col- b edat Orono Park onJuy ursý with plastic tapes. We be he measure and instaîl. Morris Co. 28th. Please plan to atitend.' Phone MA 3-5480. 6-tf The Devonshire People are holding a e-union at Lakeshore Park, Oshawa, Saturday after- moon, Augusi 4. Exeter and Exmoutb people are cordiaiiy invited ta attend. Kindly bring basket lunch. Hot watcr will be provided. 29-1* Rained out iast Friday night - the Bowmanvile Lions Club Camnival will be even better this Friday night, July 2th at the Centrai Public Schoai Grounds. A famous band wili siant the evening's show at 7 p.m. Camne and bring the entire famiiy for a ful cvening o! entertainment. Bo wmanville KINSMEN MAMMOTH STREET BI NGO0 FRIDAY, JULY 27fhl Starting at 8 p.m. Temperance Street BETWEEN King and Church Sis. PRIZES AN Df 'MOFFAT electric stove, 4-burn- er with oven, ia good condition. Geo. R. Mason, Argyle St. Tele- phone MA 3-5817. 28-2 DO your own floors - Rent a sander or a floor polisher from Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. 3-tf INSULATION, blowing method, with rock wool. Workmanship gua.:anteed. F r e e estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf HEARING aid service, testing service and complete stock of batteries and cords at Higgon Electric Limnited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanvile. Phone MA 3-5438. 20-tf TJSED Westinghouse television set, used 4-burner electric range, 30-inch size; used washer at Cowan Equipment Co., 134 King St. E., Bowmanvilie. Phone MA 3-5689. 29-1 ADDING machines, typewriters, cash registers, cheque writers, filing cabinets, office furniture, new and used. Repairs to al makes. Walter Frank, Bowman- ville MA 3-2403. Newcastle 2114. 19 tf THERE is a bargain waiting for you at Abernethy's Paint & Wallpaper Store: Scarfes flat paint, regular $2.35 quart, on sale at $1.65; gloss, regular $2.75 for $1.85 at J. H. Abernethy's, 85 King St. W., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5431. 29-i REFRIGERATORS - Interna- tional 8.2 cu. ft., $239; Inter. national 10.5 cu. ft., regular $389 for $295: Firestone 12.5 cu. ft., automatic defrost, $325, at Cowan Equipment Co., 134 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5689. 29-1 DINING-ROOM set of !urn- h-iure, table and seven chairs, solid aak; anc buffet, anc chinai cabinet, an extra table, dinner dishes. For sale together ar separatelv. Alsa two chester-1 üst .b e "f-'ields, anc wardrabe. Ail inJ 29-1* good condition. MA 3-2680. - CASH AWARDS 29.1* i)prox- Tele-29 MASSEY-HARRIS side-delivery 20-t!j rake, $79; Cockshutt bay-Ioader, ch id A clin Sles 1 $98; hay-rack, $45; buck-rake,J child Aucfon S$2.5; Case iractor, Model "S", f ome cd egular $1960, selI for $1,395; Bow- The undersigned auciioneer Case forage harvester, negular cenccs wili seli by public auction for $1,800, seli for $1.295; baler twinc 1, c/ Roly Couchman ai Cacsakrea on (Doon), (Case), $7.95 a bale;1 29 -tf Saturday, Jul.v 2lst. all bis steel stoneboats for trailing - hbousehold effecis, including five bales, $20 and $25:. 3-furrow apart- dressers, four beds witb mat- plough un rubber, $150;* plougb- rance, tiesses, 6-piece kitchen suite, shares, cast and Duci-alloy for e, no; rangette. 3-burner pas stove. miosi makes o! ploughs. Flex- M.l.I odd chairs, studio coucb andihie non-clogging harrows with zrentI man' Other articler. Tiprmný steel drav.hars. 10. set, $54: 15'4 jSb. ;il 1.30. Cliff Ppth-1 set. $79: YYl sot. $109.50. Frank 19' ick, auctioneer. 29-1 Hoskin, Blackstock. 29»1 ýlk ý lk àr9mm Ir..% V%.r w IL Ir W .. 1 lm 0 'lm % KINSMEN MAMMOTH STREET B INGO0 FHIDAY, JULY Starting at 8 p.m. Temperance Street BETWEEN King and Church Sis. PRIZES AND CASH AWARDS Repairs RADIO and television repaîrs. Prompt service. Pick up and deiivery. Lorne Doreen. 85 King E. Phone MA 3-5713. 2-tf REPAIES to ail makes of refrig- erators, domestie and commer- cial: milking coolers. Higgon Electric Limited, 42 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5438. 25-tf REPAIRS toalal makes o! cars and trucks, quali!ied, expert service ai Cawan Equipmnent Ca., 134 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5689. 27-3 TRACTOR Repair Service-Ail makes o! diesel and gas farmI tractors repaired. also veldi.nga, David Bro\wn Sales & Service- W. H. Momnison, R.R. 1, Orono.1 Phone 18 R 3, Omono. 29-21I WATCH REPAIE m A RR'S JEWELLERT 43 King St. W.. Phone MA BOWMAN VILLE 1948 MERCURY sedan. Hoar's Garage, Newcastle, Ont. 29-2* 1939 FORD coupe, good running order, $50.00. G . Barreti, 42 Liberty St. S. 29-1* USED cars - 1954 Plymouth sedan, 1953 Plymouth station wagon, 1950 Fard Coupe, 1948 Plymouth coach, at Cowani iEquipment Ca., 134 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5689. 29-1 2 7th USED trucks-1951 Mercury 3- ton,1949Intenatinalpanel, 1949 International 3-ton, al these trucks bave beca aver- j auled and repainted, at Cowan Equipment Co., 134 King St. E., Bawmanville. Phone MA 3-5689. 29-1 FOR A GOOD DEAL ON NEW AND USED G.M. Producis Call "'Sfew" Presfon MA 3-2493 26-tf PALMER MOTOR SALES USED CARS 1955 1955 1954 1950 1949 1948 PLYMOUTH SEDAN PONTIAC SEDAN PLYMOUTH SEDAN OLDSMOBILE COACH CHRYSLER SEDAN DODGE SEDAN USED TRUCKS 1950 PONTIAC PANEL 1950 DODGE 1-ton PICK-UP PALMER MOTOR SALES Plymouth Chrysier Cars Fargo Trucks 20 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5487 29-1 Strayed .NG ONE Durham beifer, about 700 II lbs., from Darlingion Abbatoir on July 4tb. Please Phone MA 3-5268. Frank Grof. 28-2 IONE Holstein beifer, about 950 ]bs., from Ha.vdon farm on Julv 356;4th. Last seen on Llovd Sle-m- on*s farrn. Please Phone MA 1-tl 3-2570. Ernest A. Werry 28-2 Dr. W. M. Rudell's office will be closed from July 21 to August 12, inclusive. 29-3 Dr. C. J. Austin's office will be closed from August lst to September 3rd, inclusive. 29-2 The office of Keith A. Billett, R.O., wvili be closed from July 14 to July 28. 28-2 Articles For Sale1 Help Wanted 1SPECIALS: Floor covering 94cf MAN or boy for farm belp im- msq. yd.; Axminster rugs 6'x9',i mediately. Phone Leslie Taylor, 39.50; bedroom suites, 79.50; two-I Blackstock 80 r 12. 29-1* piece chesterfield suites, 119.00; platfomm rockers, 29.50; mat- WOMAN to beip with house tresses, 14.95. Trade-in studio cleaning. Mrs. B. Annis, 105 couch, 19.50. Terms $3.15 per~ King St. E. 29.1* $100 per year. Murphy Co., King W., Bowmanvillc. 29-1*1 COOK wanted for Saturdays at DRAPERIES and venetian blinds the Strathaven Rest Home.2- custom made, or draperies soid 2- by the yard. Our representative BOYS _ full time - for summer will caîl at your home any time holidays - apply Office, Brook- with a complete range of samples dale-Kingsway Nurseries. 26-tf and suggestions without obliga- tion. Fabric Town, 59 King St.GILfrmdm lclsoe W. Phone MA 3-3609. Bowm an- Write Box 539, c/o The Canad- ville. 48-tf ian Statesman, Bowmanvîile. USED farmn equipment-Inter- 29-1 national Harvester 7-foot disc; International spreader with trac- WAITRESSES, three, six-day tor hitch; International 2-fur- week, good wages. Apply per- row plough; George White 2-1 sonally at Olympia Restaurant, furrow piough; Fleury 2-furrowl King St. E., Bowmanvjlle. 29-1 plough: Cockshutt greencrop hayl loader at Cowan Equipment Co 1, YOUNG man or young lady to 134 King St. E., Bowmanville1 learn hairdressing. Apply, stat- Phone MA 3-5689. 29-1, ing experience, if any, ta Box 540, c/o Canadian Statesman. DECORATJNG 29-1* " For the Latest Papers WOMAN ta belp wîth house- work at summer cottage at New- " For the Finest Paints castle, part time, until Septem- * For the Best Workmanship ber second. Telephone New- S G.Petn & Sncastle 2179. 29-1* S. G.Preson & Son.CLERK, required for business Phones office with training and exper- MA 3-5912 MA 3-3701 l ence. Apply Box 542, c/o The 44-tf Canadian Statesman, Bowman- ville. 29-1 CONNOR washing machine,! $39; 13' boat, $49: five-horse GIRL, age 17 - 21 for business Johnson Seahorse, $79; new boat! concern, ta meet public. Work- trailer, $119; Empire garden ing hours 9 - 5. Should be resi- tractor with cultîvator and 4-! dent of Bowmanville. Typing cycle motor, $60; Éureka lawn' not necessary. Write Box 537, mower with four-cycle motor, c/o Canadian Statesman. 28-2 $49; steel box 2-wheel trailer, $89: 6.00x16 ribbed farm tires HOW ta make it possible ta pro- at $13.95; summer wood (cedar 'vide "extras" that make life rails, cut 12"), $10 per cord, plus1 more enjoyable? Become aur delivcry. Frank Haskin, Black- dealer la your locality and sur- stock. 29-1 roundings. Write for free cat- alogue and sales plan. Familex, C OURTICE SOD Dept. 3, Station C, Montreal.2- TTUPPL? SEXTON for Trinity United Church, Bowmanville. Dutiesi LAWNS SEEDED OR SODDED ta begin Sept. 1. House suppiied.j ALSO WLL TIL Apply by letter, stating age, ALSO ELL TLE iqualifications and salary expect- Cail us for Free Estimate ed, in came of Trinity Ujnited hucBox 400, Bowmanville, ED. NOW TON by July 31st. 29-2 Phone Oshawa RA 5-6047 FREE sales kit -Ladies! Show 28-tf nationally known sweaters, lin- gerie, dresses, hosiery, under- USED ,wear, ta friends, neighbours. USED Immediate cash commissions. Satisfaction guaranteed. Full or FARM EQUIPMENT pr ie xeineuncs part rte. xprieh nunecsi- Case Forage Harvester sary. Wtri its Knt29i-1 Allis-Chalmers Ali-crop ce nai.2- Hgarvester HELP WANTED W-D 45 Allis-Chalmers Tractor "B" Allis-Chalmers Tractor Female Help Wanted (for light, dlean factory work) PALMER PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT MOTO SAL S 1 Apply in persan MOTORSALESSpeclalfy Paper Allis-Chalmers Farm Equipment 20 King Street East Produis Lid. Bowxnanvllle MA 3-5487i! 63 Temperance St. Bowmanviile 29-1i 28-2 Bowmanville 1 Cars For Sale A. J. LYLE, Town Clerk 27%4 Real Estate for Sale REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties Sold, Rented, Managed and Appraised L. M. ALLISON Real Estate Broker Phono 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks north of tmafflc signai. Newcastle 32-tf FARMS WANTED Right Now ... Is the Time fo Sel Don't wait until lt is TOO LATE. Cali now and let one who knows the business give you Free Information and Suggestions. Remember No Sale - No Charge Stan. Disney, Realior Cail or write 969 Simcoe st. N. Oshawa Phone colleet- RA 6-6555 Af ter hours- RA 3-4921 26-5 OHM. GERRY ORONO Realfor ONTARIO Livestock For Sale For good value and terms sec these three bouses night la Vil- 15 YOUNG pigs six weeks aid. lage of Orona. MA 3-2979. 29- 1* Executors have ordered soldi -this nine-roora centre hall white TEN Holstein cows and heifers, clapboard on main street. Ex- coming in soon. Telephone MA cellent for duplex or two fam- 3-5092. 27-tf ilies. Has attached annex and gaad sunparch. Large cellar, 12 SEVEN-week-oid pigs. Ema- cistera, new fumnace, and extra est Hockaday. Phone MA 3- building lot. Oniy asking $7,500. 2985. 29-i Open for affers. 6-room insul overlooking park FEEDER Tamworth pigs, dif- on main street. Has garage and ferent ages. Leslie Taylor, uporcb, bydrgo adn Blacstok 8 r 1. 2-1*must be soid quickly at $5.500. 200 LEGHORN pullets, five Good terms. rnonths old, laying. Telephorie 7loom sldbrickexcellent Newcstl 235. 2-1 lcaton wth arnand garage, - - -hydro. Can be made a fine A Ehome. $4,500. Act quick on 2nd ANNUAL SAL hsoe YORKSHIRE FARM Ail above properties carry iow INVERAWE taxes and conveniences can be 60 Head of Registered Engiish dewihsalxpn. 29-1 Yorkshires 30 Outstanding BRED GILTS De Wifh Real Esfie 20 SOWS 10 BOARS FAIR GROUNDS Coiborne Wednesday, July 25 1 p.m. E.S.T. Catalogues on request Lunch served Inverawe Farm R.R. 3, Coiborne, Ont. 28-2 For Rent FOUR-room apartment, heated.1 Apply Mrs. B. Annis, 105 King St. E. 29-1* ROOM, centrally iocated, 25 Brown St. Phone MA 3-3939. 29-11 GARAGE, centrally located, suitable for small business or storage. Phone MA 3-2777. 29-1* PASTURE for cattle to rent. Top quality grass, water, shade and fences. Write Box 543, c/o The Canadian Statesman. 29-1 THREE rooms, unfurnished, in Tyrone. No objection to one or two smail children. Immediate possession. Phone MA 3-2306. 29-1* APARTMENT, 3 rooms and a haîf and bathroom, heated, close to hospital and school. Cup- boards and heavy duty range. Baby welcome. Phone after 6 o'clock. MA 3-5548. 29-1* NEWCASTLE, furnished six- room home with ail modern con- veniences, from September third to June first. Completely equip- ed with new oil furnace thermo- statîcally controiled, double win- dows and storm doors, separate garage. Rent $50.00 including telephone service. Telephone Newcastle 2179. 29-1* Wanted to Buy GOOD used girls' Junior bicycle. MA 3-2501. 29-1 HIGHEST prices paid for live poultry, goose feathers, feather ticks, scrap iron, rags and metals. Phone RA 3-2043 Oshawa, cal- lect. 28-tf ALL kinds of lîve rpoultry want- cd. Top Toronto prices paid at vour door for large or smal] quantities. We have our own market. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. 1. Telephone collect to Bethany 7 r 13. 28-tl Logs and Timberland HARDWOOD PREFERRED H. M. KYTE Blacksiock 47-tl Personal HYGIENIC supplies - (Rubbem goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope witb price lisi. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Depi. T-28, Nov.-Rubbcm Ca.. Box 91. Ham- ilion Ont. 1-521J PETS FORSALEJ PUPS. Spanîel and Calle. Te1lIt phone Newcaýstle 2135. 29-1 199 acre dairy farmn with fuill line of stock and equipment as a going concern. Has 175 acres workable land, 20 acres wood, creek, 120'x38' bank barn witb water bowis, ben bouse, pig pens, miik bouse with clectric caler; 8-raomed frame bouse, heavy duty wired. Has 7½ cans per day milk quota. Full ask- ing price $35,000. Terms armang- cd. 200 acre farm. on a higbway with 140 acres workable land, 40 acres wood, creek, wells, 75'x34' bank barn with running watcr, milk bouse with eiectric cooler, implement shed, ben bouse; 8- roomed frame bouse with fuma- ace, 4-piece bath, runaing bot and cold water, kitchen cup- boards. Price $12,000. Terms. 150 acre farm on paved road with 110 acres workable land, i10 acres maple bush, large strcam, good fences, 95'x36' bank barn with water bowls, 50' x 30' L-sbaped extension, drive-in shed, 2 bcn bouses, garage; 8-roomed solid brick bouse with munning water, beavy duty wircd. Price $16,000. Terms. 100 acre farm iri Cartwright, 65 acres workabie, 35 acres la waod, pond, well, 56'x36' bank barn; 6-moomed frame bouse. Asking price indluding this year's drap, $7,000. Terms. 100 acre farma in Clarke witb 70 acres workable land, 20 acres wood, cmeek, 100' x 32' bank barn, stmaw shed, implement shed, ben bouse, garage; 8- roomed stucco bouse with fumn- ace. Newiy plastemed and dec- oratcd. Price $11,000. Terms amranged. 5 roomed frame bouse witb 40'x30' barn on 2½/ acres land Clarke witb munning water la barn, furnace, bat and cold rua- ning watem. Price $4.000. 5 roomed insulatcd frame bouse at Maple Grave with heavy duty wiring, 3-piece bath, ail furnace, tile floors. Asking price $7.500. Terms arranged. 9 moomed beautiful Englisb style home, sumrounded with lovely lawns, bedges and garden on lot 162'x248' in the Village of Newcasle; 6 bedroams, all con- veniences. Ideally located for motel. Terms arranged. N.H.A. homes under construc- tion or buili ta yaur specifica- tions la Bowmanvilie by a re- hiable builder. Low down pay- ments. 8 noomed white clapboard 'house la Bowmaaviile witb 4- piece bath, furnace, kitchen cup- boards, running bot and coid water. Garage. Price $7.500. Easy terms. 9 roomed soiid brick bouse In Bawmanviile with 3-piece bath, fumnace, hardwood floors, rua- ning hat and cold watem, large lot, laundry tubs, 2-car garage. Asking price $13,000. Tcrms. Beside above we are able ta show approximately 110 more farms and homes for sale la the Oshawa, Bawmanville, Cobourg, Trenton and Peterborough dis- tricts. Contact. John F. De Wllh Realtor Newcastle Phone 33411 Salesmen: Donald Mountjoy, Bovrmanvillt MA 3-3950 Peter Feddema, Newcastle . Phone 2204 Paul Diamond, Port Ferry Phone 346 a Real Estate For Sale LEASK REAL ESTATE 5-room brick bungalow, 4. piece bath, large lot, on Jane St., 2-room apartment in basement. Immediate possession. We have lots, bouses, cottages. etc., too numerous ta llst. Consult us before buying. M. E. Leask, Broker 65 Ontario St. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5919 29-1 "EAST OSHAWA" Lovely 5-roomed bungajp built four years, with 8 bedroom; playroom, recreation room, laundry room and furnace raom and dry basement. New forced air ail furnace, double garage, on double corner lot 145'x210', on paved road. Phone HA 5-7249 Oshawa 29-1 CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE NOTICE 0F BY-LAW Take notice that the Municipal Council will consider passing a By-Law ta close the roadway leading soutb from Qucen Street ta C.N.R. freigbt yards between Queen's Avenue and Ontario Street, ta vehicular tmaffic at any time after August 2nd, 1956. Any appeals against the clos- ing a! this roadway will be heard on Monday, July 3th, 1956 at 8:00 p.m. D.S.T. in the Council Room at the Town Hall. REAL ESTATE BROKER $2 1,000 - Gentleman's farm, Lof 50 acres, modemn buildings, in wonderful condition, good house with new furnace and bath, steel bbarn, ail workable land. Close ta highway and Newcastle. Prie- ed below value. A lovely home in Newcastle, large living-room with fireplace, furnace, bath, double garage, many extras. This bouse and landscaped grounds must be seen to, be appreciated. Priced to seil. 100 acres with one team of horses and ail horse-drawn ma- chinery including crop, $10,000. Your own terms. Act quickly on this onc. Famms of every description, prices range from, $4,500 to $30,000. These farms should not be overlooked if considering buying a farm. 10 acres on paved highway with 700 dwarf appie trees, dit- ferent varieties, 2 years old. $2,800 with $500 down. New ranch house partly firi- ished, $5.500 with $500 cash. Money to loan. H. C. Pedwell Newcastle Phone'108 Saiesman - M. H. Pe dw$i Phone 3851 29-1 Work Wanted PLUMBING, heating, eav«I-, troughing: free estimates. Harver Partner. Tyrone. MA 3-2240. 16-tf, CONCRETE AND MASONRY REPAIR OR STRUCTURAL Estimates Free L. TURNER Phone MA 3-3231 P.O. Box 171 Eveninga Phone MA 3-3338 SAVE MONET AT DAVE'S SHOE REPAIR Fast, Prompt Service ' 35 TEMPERANCE ST. (in rear) Li 42-tf CHARLES RANKINE REAL ESTATE BROKER $4,000-00 - $1,500 down, 5. room bungralow. Varcoe Rd. $7,500.00 - $3,500 down, 6. room new bungalow, bathroom, heavy wired, full basement. $12,600-$3,500 down, 2-storey ru&r brick, 2 ½ý acres land. A most attractive home. Maple Grove. $7,500.00 - Terms arranged, bungalow, new, bathroom. Maple Grove. Several cottages at Cedar Crest Beach. Conveniences. Ex- cellent beach, restricted neigh. borhood, priced ta sell. 25 acres close to town. Good buildings. 200 acres, clay ioam, stone house, laree barn, 150 workable, 25 acres of hardwood, enough ta pay for farm. $13,500. Terms. 52 King St. W. Bowmanville MA 3-2453 or 3-2762 Saiesman Everett Hanna Evenings, Oshawa RA 3-4235 29-1 E. J. SAUNDERS REAL ESTATE Here is a loveiy home in a beautiful location, just a few minutes' walk from centre of town. Consists of 2 bedrooms, living-room, large bright kitchen, 4-piece bath, sunporch, oul heat- ing, heavy wired, beauti.&illy arranged, 2 garaees and. 'r for an extra lot. You'Il1 as "snug as a bug in a rug" in t is home. Don't overlook it! Full price only $9,000.00 with good terms. Would you like to invest a thousand dollars and watch it grow? Then buy this income property. Consists of two apart- ments on main street in town. income of $100.00 per month. In- quire about it, you'll be glad you did. Full price only $8,700.00. 2-bedroom home on highway. Heavy wired, large kitchen, good sized living-room. About % acre of land. This is a very ex- ceptional buy! Full asking price $5,000.00, $1,500.00 down. In- spect it and tell us what you wil pay. Money to boan. For results - list with Peter Kowal, Representative 99 King St. E. MA 3-5868 29-1 H. C. PEDWELL July 4tb, 1956 PACM POURTEM THE CANAZ)I« STATLPSMffl, BOWMANVMa ONTAIUO TEU DAT. MMT loth. loiqe ý 1