?ETTSDA, JJLY2Ot. 158 ______________________________TUE CANLixjjIAN STAJ. AI NWJ'. iauWMALNVILLF. UNTAIO PG HZ ___~*~ ~ ,~o~- MACKIN - BLACK and the late Mr. Cowan, was A very pretty wedding was unitecl in marriage with Mr. zalemnized in Knox Presbyter- Leon Vincent Connors, son of Jan~ Church, Oshawa, on Juîy Mr. Thomas Cannors of Baw- 1 4tliwben Miss Shirley Mackin, manville and the late Mrs. 64oungest daughter cf Mrs. Mar- Cannors. Rev. F. K. Malane kmn and the late Mr. Mackinpromdteceon ad of shaa, ecae te brida15 aid the nuptial mass. Miss of G. Bever]y Black, elder Sùufl Cezarina Wysocki of Oshawa of Mr. and Mrs. Gec. Black cf played the wedding music and Cadmus, with Rev. S. Cales cf-' accompanied Mrs. W. H. Gif- ficiating. ford of Oshawa who' sang "On The bride was lovely in a This Day O Beautiful Mother", lbjlerina length dress of yellov.,"Panis Angelicus" and"Hl XDý with white accessories and Hely Qucen Enthroned Above." a i corsage cf red roses. The Given in marriage by hier bridesmaid, Miss Joanne Mon-i brother, Mr. Thomas Cewani, roc, wore pick crystalette with the bride wore a street length a lovely corsage cf deep pink dress cf impcrted Honan navy carnations. silk, fashioned' with a scoop The bride was given in mar- neckline and short sîceves with, riage by hec eldest brother and peari buttcn accents on the the groom's youngest brother bodice. Her hat was a small pla- acted' as best man. teau model cf rhinestone cen- The bride's mother wore navy tered white lace florets, whit-, blue crepe with white accessor- gloves and shees, and a coi-r jes and the groomi's mother wa sage cf white carnations and in mauve lace and white acces- stephanotis completed her en- sories. Both wore corsages cf semble. pale pink carnations. After the Mrs. Thomas Cowan was pictures had been taken the matron cf honer' for her sister- wedding party drove to Brook - in -law, wearing à\ sheath dress lin where a lovely reception of mînt silk linen, having a por- was held at the Brooklin House. trait neckline and short sleeves. The bride and groom left ja- She wore a small white bait, ter on a two-week motoring white accessories and a corsage trip through the southern States of carnations in shades cf pink. and te caîl on a sister cf the Mr. Lawrencc Connors per- bridc's who lives if Flecida. focmed the duties cf best ma.n11 After their retucn Mr. and Mrs. and Mr. Garry Tighe ushered. Black wil reside in Oshawa. The reception was held atl -t--- th e home of the bride where CONNORS - COWAN the bride's mother receivcd the guests wearing a navy sheer Yellp)w and white chrysan- dress over taffeta, a white hat. themums decorated the altarsi matching accessories and a cor- of St. Joseph's Roman Catholic sage cf red carnations. Church, Bowmanville, for a In the late afternoon, the wedding at 10 c'clock Saturday rewly wedded couple left for a nnorning, July 2lst, when Mary motor car trip to Florida, and Viola Ccwan, daughter cf Mrs. on their return will reside in Percy Cowan cf Bowmanville Bowmanville, Ontario. Oshawa Couple Married 'i4i A June wedding was that of Marion Jean Cowie,! daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Cowie, and Cordon! William Varty, sonl of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Varty, ail of ! Oshawa. The marriage took place cn Saturday, June 30, in Simcoe Street United Church, Oshawa. ADAIR - DEWDNEY sided at the organ and theI choir teck part in the service. In St. George's Anglican Given in marriage by hër Church, Newcastle, on Satur- brother, Mr. Douglass B. Dewd- day afternaon, July 21, Cath- ney, the bride wore a fior, armne Edith Dewdney, daughter length dress of white glazed. cf Rev. and Mrs. Douglass Roh- cotton trimmed with Swissi ert Dewdney, Newcastle, was guipure lace. A pearl tiara heldi united in marriage with Mr. lher fingertip veil and her bou. George Ernest Adair, son of quet was cf white sweet peas Mr. and Mrs. J. Ernest Adair of surraunding a pink orchid. Toronto. White chrysanthe- Miss Mary A. Dewdney was munis decorated the altar and mi fhnri le n the steps cf the chancel. Mrs. Robert Sturgeon, Miss The ceremony was performed Peggy Paterson, Miss., Sheil f by the bride's father, Rev. D. R. Forth, Miss Kay Siaden, al cf Dewdney. Mrs. DI. Ga rrod prc- Toronto, were bridesmaids i n! smail flowered blue print streeti length dresses cf glazed cotton. SThey wore pancake bats cf ras matching material and carriedI Mr. Keith Adair, Toronto, brother of the groom, was best P . man, and ushers were Mc. Har- old Kennedy, brotber-in--law of the groom, Mr. Grant Hall, Mr. Ross Penna, Mr. William Nash, al cf Toronto. The bride's travelling cris- turne was a pale blue linieni sheath dress with mtachin ' -rduster coat and white cesp MAZOLA 16-0z. Bottie Salad 011 37C HEINZ 33-oz. Bottie Whit e Vine gar 23C WAGSTAFFE'S "NEW PACK" 24-oz. Jar Strawberry Jam 2 for 79c LIBBY'S 15-oz. tin Cooked Spaghetti 2 for 2.5c Cloverleaf BETTY CROCKER Weston's Sugared White Flakes 1/2's tinGat3oz libg TUNA FISH. 29c CAKE MIXES Giant DRO.P ll49ba Cloverleaf Your Choice of 35ceLUnes Solid White Meat % 's tin fo Kraft Miniature bag TUNA FISH --37c3fo $1.00 MARSHMALLOWS 25c Rose Brand 1-lb. pkg. Ivory Personal Size Clarke's 15-oz. tin MARGARINE - - - 29c BATH SOAF - - 2 for 15e IRISH STEW- - - 29e Camay New Pink Shade Clarke's Assorted 3-oz. tin Red & White il-oz. bottle BEAUTY SOAP - 3 for 29e MEAT SPREADS 2 for 27c TOMATO CATSUP - 23c Tide Giant Pkg. Sld 0bg DETERGENT - - - 75c SEaBa 3eag McCormick's Jersey 6-oz. Tide Large Pkg. TABG 3 CREM SDA 2 or 3e DETERGENT - - - 39c KRAFT DINNER 2 for 29e CREM SDA 2 or 3e Crisco 1-lb. pkg. Swit'sPreium 12-z. SHORTENING - - - 38e Birds Eye Frozen Foods - Swfts reiu 1-o. Fluffo 1-lb. pkg. Orange Juice or Lemonade BOLOGNA- - 33c SHORTENING - - - 29e Your Choice - - 5 for 99e Certo 8-oz. bottie Birds Eye - Turkey, Beehive Golden 2-lb. tin LIQUID- -- -----27e Chicken, Beef Pies CORN SYRUP - - - 3lc Certo Crystals - 2 for 29e 8-oz. size - - 3 for 89c Fresh Produce Quality Meats Selected Golden Ripe SIIFT'S MILK FED Boneless DANANAS 2 Lbs. 29c VEAL LEG RGASTS 1b. 65c h SWIFT'S &hcious, New Crop VEAL CUTLETS 1-'b 89C led Cardinal CIRAPES 2 Lbs. 39c SIVIFT'S et SIDE SPARERIRS 1-b. 49c Flrst of the Season Leamingtoii 5 lb. meah bag LEAN Freshly Ground CGGKING ONIONS 39c NINCED DEEF Lb. 29c SWIFT'S No. 1 Celle Flavourful. Home-Grown PREMIUN FRANKS 1-t,. 35c TGNATOES Lb. 29c SWIFT'S PIREMIUM lie mCOOKED HAN ný L. 49c Freshly Dug Local Grown New 10-lb. Bag Swift's Premium lO-oz. - per piece PGTATGES 79c Brannschweiger Chuhs 29c THERE'?S A RED & WHITE STORE NEAR YOU 80 WMAN VILLE - Yeo's Marketeria MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove Groceteria ORONO - Cornish 'Ma rketeria ies. Mr. and Mrs. Adair will re - side in Windsor. Prier te ber marriage thc rbride was entertained at shc\î -! ers , given by Miss Meredith Robinson, Toronto: Mrs. Rob-1 ert Sturgeon, Toronto; Mrs. David Trent; Miss Mary Dewd ney, Miss Peggy Paterson,' Miss Sheila Forth and Miss Kay Siaden; Mrs. Harold keney Miss Kathryn Parker anE Ms Pat Ivery: Mrs. R. Burton and Mrs. R. Banks. A large group o f friends in Newcastle also held a shower for the bride. and she was aise guest oir I benor at-a dinner and shower given by Mrs. H. J. C. Irete'-, Toronto, and Mrs. Harold Rick- aby, Oakvîlle. Mr. and Mrs. Irv McCullough, Newcastle, en- tertained at a barbecue at their home when a presentation was made te the bride. The bride's mether gave a luncheon foc the bcidcsmaids a, the Round Room, Eaton's Col- lege Street, Toronto, and enter- taîned at a trousseau tea for hec daughter at ber home in Newcastle. MORRISH W.A. Meeting The regular monthly meel-I ing of the W.A. was held on. Wednesday, July 18, at 8 p.m. in the home of Mrs. F. McCon- neli with il members present. President Mcs. Harry *Becketti conducted the meeting. The roll was called and minutes cf' the June meeting read acd au-. iproved. jMrs. Dawson Beebe gave the repart cf the recent strawbercyi supper. After cli bis were paid there is a grand balance of S104.00, quite exceeding. our expectations. The presidient1 t banked al cembers and friends for their help in makinÏ the supper se successful. A donation of $2.00 was giv - en towards the picnic foc the junior choir, also there is to be a study bock bought for use cf the Mission Bacd Leader. -.The date for our Annual Ba- zaI.r was fixed for October 4 Mrs. Morton Henderson offerecd te send away for short pia.ys te be presented on the pregrarnr during the evecing. Gifts towards the cbildren'- fish pond wili be the coll cal for the cext three moctbs .Mrý « Wm. McHolm offered ber home 1 for the August meeting. Secretary Mrs. Harold O-r borne read an invitation ex- tended te memberq te attend the Bey cf Quinte Leaders Cori. vention ta be held at W,ýhitb,, from August 20 - 24. Mrs. Ni. J. Osborne will purchese nylon yarni for knitting into secks and mitts far the bazaar. The devotional session was opencd with a hymn. Mrs. M. Henderson read the Psalm and Mrs. Fred McConneil, Lesson Theughts and Prayer. Little IMiss Diane MeConnell pleyed i three selections on the piano which were much appreciatrd. Two contests "Animals' and~ ..Scap'*, caused plent cof mpr'i- ment. These were cocducted b'.- Mrs. F. MeConneil. Prize wvr- ners were Mrs. Harold Osborne and Mrs. Wm. McHelm. A letter of thanks was read from Mrs. Jessie Wright, miz siocary in The Sudan, fer gift.3 received from W.A. At the cou. clusion of the meeting a dainty lunch was served in the dining.. raom during which the soci31 haîf-hour lengthened into ani heur because there were na suppers ta be -prepared or cows ta milk at this evening heur. A vote cf thanks wps proposeli by Mrs. Wm. Marvin ta, the hostess for the use of her home and the tea committee, Mrs. H. McHalrn and Mrs. May Bebee for refreshments served. Mr. Isaac Mcconnell went to IPeterbarough Hospital on Wed- fnesday, July 18, for skin graft- ing on a traublesome sore leg. jWe trust this operatian wîll be successful. Mrs. M. J. Osborne visjted Mrs.. D. Haines at Willowdalo last Sunday. The improvement cf Mrs. Haines is slow but we trust sure. Mrs. Ada Johnson, Toronto, returned home Sunday, Juiy 22nd after a three week visit with Mrs. M. J. Osborne. MANVERS STATION I Know Something Good About You Wauldn't this aid world be better If the folks we meet would say: "I know scmething good about you," And then treat us just that way. Wouldn't it be fine and dandy Il each handclasp, warm and truc, Carried with it this assurance: Iknow scmething good about Wouldn't life be lots more happy, If the good that's in us al Wece the only thing about us That folks bothered ta recaîl? Wculdn't life be lots more happy If we praiscd the good we sec, For there's such a lot of 1 the special music. Lunch was goodness served and a social half hour In the worst of you and me. enjoyed. Wouldn't it be nice ta practice Mr. and Mrs. Knox MacCleod That fine way of thinking 1 and John, David, Grimisby, were too- weekend guests with Mr. and You know something good Mrs. Alfred Johnston. about me, Mr. Kenneth Hanna, Boling- I know something good about broke, has taken his new posi. you.*** tion as section foreman here. Mrs. E. Cavano was hostess ~ Those attending the wedding ta the Woman's Association on: in Oshawa on Saturday of Miss Thursday, July l9th. Mrs. Cav- Barbara Urbankiewicz ta J gr. ana took the topic, "The loving Gustav Mirinski were: Mr. and ing kindness cf the Lord;" Mrs. Mrs. Alfred Johnstan, Mr. and N. Porter read the scripture *e-Mrs. Ernest Cavano, lI4r. and son; Mrs. H. Thcmpson read the Mrs. Maurice Bradley and Mr. minutes of the last meeting, also Fenton Fallis. the rail cali which was respond- Mrs. Don MéGregor and Sandy ed ta by a verse or quotation. of Ceiborne, are spending a few After the business wes cern- days with Mrs. Walter Bradley. pleted a discussion followed in Other guests during the week regard ta the anniversary ta be were: Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Mc- held in September. Mrs. Alfred Master and family, Buffalo, N. Johnston and Mrs. Earl Argue1 Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Baker were appointed ta arrange for and family, Oshawa. OPEN FR/-* , EVENINGS - w Starts Today, Thursday, am Fabric Town's big Mid-Summer Sale starts to-day, Thursday at 9 a.m. sharp with bigger than ever bargains in quality merchandise. Yes, ladies, you won't want to miss this sensational event. There's real savings for the homemaker . .. textile values that are the lowest in town ... But avoid disappointment ... corne early for best selections. 36" TUB, FAST COTTON PRINTS Sale Price .3 c yd. 44" Crease Resistant Dress LINENS In 10 beautiful shades Paice $139 yd. SPEC UAL Cotton Groups 3,000 YARDS Value up to $1.89 yard Large collection cf quality cottons in al colors and designs. Sale Price 6 9c yd. 36" Plain and Printed CO TTON PLISSE Assorted Colors Sale Price 3 c yd. 39" SANFORIZED] Dazzle PRINTS In assorted colors and designs Prai: $1.00 yd. 549" - 36"9# SKIRTING S UITING Reg. Values to $3.95 yd. Sale Price $1i.9 8 yd. 44" WASHABLE Magic CREPES In assorted colors and designs Sale Price 9YO c yd. 36" PLAIN AND PRINTED GLAZED COTTONS 1.7 G ý 1In assorted colors Sale Price 9 8c yd. There are many values you CAN'T afford to miss . .. for quality merçhandise at lowest prices, shop and save at FABRIC TOWN. The above prices are only a few of the many great values you will f ind on display!.. COME EARLY FOR BEST SELECTIONS !!! FADRIC 59 King St. W. Bowmanville TOWN MA 3-3609 From Our DRAPERY DEPARTMENT - 3,000 Yards of Top Quality Vat Dyed Pre-Shrunk 48" Draper y Fabrics In flocals, abstracts, plain and novelty weaves ..so corne early whiie selection is at its best. REG. VALUES UP TO $3.98 On Sale at $1.9,8 yd.é 9Mt] MAT, JULT 26th. 1056 #TqrP 9%,à?JATTAU OPPAIPVO"Ale