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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jul 1956, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR t Current an Con fidential ILL BJ Elsie Carruthers Lunney 1. DAY IN THE SUN most beyond hearing are the On1e day of sun, and we are soIt, Sad notes o! the Morning' caught and bound in the speil DTe husps vetew of summer. The cold wet clouds sTshe ushaos Ochangte, and that hovered have gone as ifwe re remth e d ow hateho- they had neyer been--except w rau said offst sttigTnhis for the depth af the waods, dray saiom suniset n n.i "Leaf on leaf it a depth lîkce d i y#o urset o the depth of the sea", and the iH e said, 'I grew in those sea- lushness of the grass and the sons like corn in the night, anîd profusion o! the roses-and we they were fan better than any rit in the Sun,honn hour , work o! the hands would have warne thouh n orbeen." Too often we are far To-morrow it may ro gh.to is in this wettest o! sunain gainbu*t today the su mmhi ers, u WHAT'S GOOD ABOUT Incredibie as it seeins, it is KILLING? midsummer. As we sit, the sun In this peace, the thaught a! Pauning aven us, the Swailows wanton cruelty and detrution glide and faîl and rise again, is doubly horrible.Ytitoe Swift as thought aven the wet on, and is increasing. We won- ravine. The Wren sings twice der if parents who have bough' every minute close by bis house; air rifles for their childnen, or a Crested Flycatcher whistles have ailowed them ta buy thern sharpiy in the orchard:. some- for themselves, have any idea where in the ravine a Virea or how deadly these things are. a Warbier sings a small, bunb- Do they nealiy want their chil- ling song; a Galdfinch goes aven, dren ta shoot sang birds; to singing high and sweet; far corne ta enjoy maiming and off, near the creek, young killîng? Do they? Or do they Biuejays call lustily, and al- just not bother ta think what NMMRIE YOUR BATH ROON ~ A and use our :Easy Time Payment Plan You will be surprised how littie per week it costs ct eyau to modernize your bathroom. Corne in and see about it to-day! -' - --. v. ~~ ~.TRURSDAY, JULY 2M' ,1956 What a pleasure ta see Bc Jmanvilie's aid Octagon Ho Jshîning in a coat a! new wb stucco! We congratulate owner, Mn. Mac Irwin, an fine appearance a! the Octag which as we told about a yi ago, was designed by Mn. H. Heu de Bourck, the Cong gational minister here fn 1876 to 1881. Mn. Heu de Bourck chose t unusual design for the pars( age of the Congnegatici Church, and it has since be one o! the iandmarks o! town. It must be almost yasold now, but in its r tdress it is as bright andd l0W- ouse ,hite tha the gon, W. gre.. rom this son- mal een the 80 ,ew dis- tinctive as a new-button. .... ..... 0F SHOES AND SHIPS, ETC. "The timne has carne, the ~ d Walrus said, to speak of many S~ things, of shoes and ships and sealing wax, and cabbages and Kings." With which excuse we throw in a few random thoughts. Fixtures by Standard Dominion For instance, during the last Amonth when aimost total sog- >gness enveioped us, we won- ~ S LE RJE A AOVE $218. 0 dered why it wouldn't be r- SALE PECE8 r.,. tcal to have an air vent bufit U ASAOetra).2 in under the bath twels, said (Instalatio vent to contain a smalî eîectrjc in ad $5 - anystyls ad coour ~imotor and fan ta blow hot air In colour, ad$5 - Mn stlsndcou s~ up and dry the towels! But THREEPIECEBATHROM (W ite) probabiy somneone has already THREEPIEC BATROOM (Whie), . ffougiht of it, and (a) either Copeewith Fittings. 01.1 there are ten reasons why it Compete~ ~ ~jO 5 w ouldn't work, or (b) they are FI Installation Extra ~'è now being installed in ail neW ~houses and where have we * If you don't want the best, may we suggest ~ been that we haven't read a Fist ualty heaer ineabout them., a Fis uliyCepe ieFurther random thought: somne MAKE A CHOICE 0F MODERN DESIGN â movies now current have the oddest titles. For instance, A TO BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME W. Town Named Alice; An Aliiga- to tmoro'0 tor CaIled Daisy; The Bespoke tenjoy tmro and forever. *'- Overcoat. And-if It must rain there S WE WOULD BE PLEASED TO HAVE YOU i s no greater pleasure than sez- kCALL US tling oneself -for the evening P with a pile of good books to 1- ~ choose from, and listening ta the pelting on the roof and Ï the lashing against the win- ows. PLUMBING AND HEATING Great joy, especially after a ;X sudden change of circumstacs .'Division Street S. Phone MA 3-5615 W* 15i apt ta be sulent, and dwells V à rather in the heart than on the ~ <. t >75 *> tongUE.-enyFielding. Need PAINT?, look 'In the PINO THE DEAE AMO BRAND YOU WANTI Wh.n you want to buy a natioaally known product, h.e's how to find c dealer 'r. a hurv. Ile 1w e of PaWn, flrst turn ta the '14y' section cf the MlffW MU«ond "oo for "Paint Deolers - Retail". Then find the fosmilicir trade mark and select the dealer of your chaice. LQOwiORlU EMIIA. I MRKS-THIE YU#WPIW Children Receiving i Certif icates from Kedron Vacation School a chuld is doing with a gun These things are nat'toys. The, can wound people too, and acci dents certainly happen. W hear of them and read of ther ail the time. Or they can destroy propert3 They are very fine for shootini hales in windows, and, they ar, being used for this purpos, right here in BownianvillE Wanton destruction. Is ther anything good about. it? Wh: allow s uch a weapon in thi hands of a yaungster? Ori sling shot either. Many peopli have told us of catching boyý 1using a sling shot or an air ri fie to kili birds. We find î hard to write calmly about it To us' it seems incredible thai in the first place children arE allowed ta have such weapons: and secondly that the killink of birds seems ta go unpunish. ed, and destruction of property as well. With the emphasis on shoot- ing in television shows and mo- vies, it is little wonder that children grow up filled with this craze. But it has always been the job of aduits to con- trai and direct children ' hab- its and correct what is wrong. Somne day when anather child is accidentaily shot with one of these things there will be a great furore. In the meantime, apart from the cruelty of it, we would like ta, remind anyone concerned, that shooting sang birds is against the law. But a good healthy fear of brenk- ing the law seems ta be a thing of the past. There are so much better habits and.memories these boys could be building. The mem. ory of fields and woods, birds and ail wild creatures, and the beauties of the land in aIl sea- sons cornes back ta many a city-bound man and woman and they are glad that child- hood .was fiiled with these! things. They influence lite and thought and the way we treat the people we live aund work with, sureiy a better founda- tion than the cultivation ofJ cruelty. NEW DRESS FOR THE OCTAGON Buechier, Denek Cameron, Gor- don Chatten, Gail Craig, Ronald Cralg, Edward Crawford, John Davis, Daniel Farrow, Ann Gloven, Robert Green, Linda Hutcheon, Linda Hopkins, Dou- g las Montgomery, Joan and TOMMY Ogle, Janice ParIfit', John Rose, Gary and Ronald Schwass, Ralph Sidsworth, Ron- ald Silleck, Louis Vaillancourt; Betty Ann Weales, Richard Weales, Ralph Wilson, Sylvia Wood, Michael Woodcock, Gloria Woodward. In the 6, 7, 8 yean group the Joanne Armstrong, Canal Lee and Louise Buechler, Douglas Dwlght, Dale Cameron, Janice Cnaig, June Davis, Lois Dyck, Susan Farrow, Molly Johnston, Joe Kazak, Douglas McNally, Robent. Montgomery, Wayne Parks, Walter Parks, Barbarai Rose, Jack Sidsworth, Rae Tre- 7 gunna, Judy and Sharon Vail. lancount, and Marlené Wood. Canladian Woman Editor Mary - Ettci« Macpherson Looks Into the Past- Several days ago a news ne- lease was received from the CflC Press Service advising of a senies of broadcasts on the subject af "Woman of the Cenl- tury". It stated these talks are ta be given by Mary-Etta Mac- pherson, who is well known ta women in ail parts cf Canada. The narne Macpherson had a familiar ring to the editor who imAnediately associated her as being a! local interest toaa pioneer family in Bowman- Book Covering Canada's Army In Korea r A surnmary o! the Canadian ..Army's part in the United Na- rtions Operations in Korea, 1950- 53, and its subsequent activities t here, is now pubiished for the information of the people of Canada. It does flot pretend ta be a complete on a final account, but it is based upon officiai re- cords and the compilens have been able ta profit by the com- ments and suggestions o! many afficens who served in Konea. The Konean campaigns were- a great international undertak- ing conducted by the navies, an- mies and air forces o! many free nations. In this littie book it is out o! the question ta do justice ta the gallant fighting men o! Canada's allies.T. main concern has had ta be with the part played by the Canadian-Army. An attempt has also been made ta outline the work of the Royal Canadian Navy and the Royal Canadian Air Force. This brie! history was onig- inaily published serialiy in five quartenly numbers o! the Can- adian Army Journal, beginning in January 1955. It is now re- printed, with sorne additions and corrections, in the present forrn. It is largely the work o! Captain F. R. McGuire, Prin- cess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, who served in Korea in 1952-3 as Histonical Officer with the 25th Canadian Infan- try Brigade. You xnay receive a copy o! this book by sendîng 75c. ta Supt. o! Publications, Dept. Public Printing, Ottawa. "Canada 1956" Now Ready In the informative book just issued by the Federai Govern- ment, titled "Canada 1956", the reader will !ind specially pre- pared surveys o! Canada's nich natural resources o! land, for- est, mines and waters; of the nation's strategic position in the present-day worid; o! its dem- ocratic systern of government; o! its people and national cul- ture enriched by the blending o! cultural groups from other lands and o! its educationai program ta meet the needs of each o! the Provinces with dis- tinctive variety; cf Canada's growing cultural maturity-in theatre, ballet, mnusic, literature, and art; and of the marked ad- vances made un recent years in the health o! the Canadian peo- ple thnough a wide range o! health services. Moreover, one finds succinct and wel-iliustrated analyses of Canada's 51/2 million labour f orce-their varied empioy- nent, wages and conditions o! wonk: Canada's highly produc- tive forest industries; its ne- nankable minerai development; he current trends in manufac- uring and in industnial devel- opment; the role that capital expenditure has played la Can- ada's trernendous postwar growth; the significance o! Canada's vast water power ne- ources and its low-cost hydro- electrie energy-sa fundamen- ta to its pulp ahd paper indus . t.l, its mining and metallurgi- al industries and its aluminuin output; the nation's scienti!ic development under the leader- ship of the National Research Council and the Univensities; and Canada's transcontinental systemns o! transportation and omîuniatinswhich provide ;s people with many o! thes )hysical and spiritual bonds of atîonhood. Be sure o! your copy of this ttractive, authonitative, popu- an and beautifully iilustrgted iblication, by placing yaur or- tr irnmediately wîth th2 ýueen's Printer, Ottawa, en- losing cheque or znonq oer or 5r,- - t t a 't It a Si a] i Sl PL ville. To confirm this fact we wrote ta Miss Macpherson and here is hen interesfing letter: 600 University Ave., Torono2 Dean Mr. James: Your memory is indeed amaq- ing! Yes, I have famiy links with Bowmanville. My father was David Macpherson; he and his brothers (one oX them Rev. Dr. Neil Macpherson, for a long time resident in Springfield,. Mass.) and his sister, Mrs. John Lawrie, were ail born there. My mather was Mary J. McNeil o! Haydon, a few miles north af the town. Ail these members a! the two families are dead now, and my parents are bur- led in Bowmanvilie Cemetery. I have wonderful memonies of! visits ta the town and the country roundabout during my childhood. And I think I told you (when we met at one o! those press cocktail parties a few years ago) how my mother always made a special point cf caihing on your father, M. A. James, at the Statesman office, and I nernember shakîng hands with hirn, suminer after sum- MP ' My eldest sister, Mrs. N. L. Garland, and I are aive and flourishing ini Toronto; we have same cousins in theMacpherson connection in the U.S. With thanks for yaur very nice letter and also for your interest, and kindest regards, I amn, Yours sincerely Mary-Etta Macpherson With this introductary com- ment we felt aur readers wilI have asspecial appeal ta listen ta Mis Macpherson's braad- casts. The series started July 3rd on CBÇ Trans-Canada at 2 p.m. E.S.T. Future talks at the same time will be: July 27 -"Schaoling on a Shaestring"; Aug. 3-"A Teen-ager in tha Ist World War"; Aug. 10 - "Flappers, Flasks and Credit Buying"; Aug. 13-'Haw To Behave During a Depression": Aug. 24 - "How World War Two Changed Us". The final talk on Aug. 31 is by way a! a "Pensanal Editorial" by Wom- an of the Century. Ail of which sounds like timely tapics o! special i.nterest ta women, and it shouldn't do a bit af hanm if men passed up thein afternoun 7siesta ta isee if they agree with the views expressed by Miss Macpherson. If you are stiil interested here are mare facts about Miss Mac- phersan's career: Her years in the makazine field have brought hen inta close association with women's graups ahl over the cauntry. Formerly the editor af Canadi- an Home Journal, Miss Mac- pherson is naw senior creativrý consultant ta J. Walter Thomp- son Ca. Ltd. During the ].ast war she was managing editor of Chatelaine, and for somec years previaus ta that was as-1 sociate editor of Mayfair and Canadian Homes and Gardens. She was born and educated in Toronto. Keep Kiddies Off Trucks Police Warn With the Canning season starting into full swing Chie! Sidney Venton of the Bowmanville Town Police ls warning al ehildren of the danger of grabbing or attempting ta grab the peas or any other vegetables that may be transponted by thse open van trucks ta the local canning factory. These trucks are heavlly laden and serious Injury can be in- curred by the thoughtless behavbor of the children who snateh at tise produce. * %;~ga ETTER TIME YorFord-Monarch dealer is ready te give you a elyoutstanding buy on any Ford you chooseo! It mk-s oodsense ta buy your new car now! You.r present car will never be worth more than it is tday ... *. and ight now you can make a deal on a beautiful new. Ford that wilI really amaze and delight yau. Drap 'round ta your Ford-Monarcli dealer's .. . look aven lis stock cf ' bnilliant cars . . . drive a new Ford . . . then lot your............ dealer provc to you that naw is the time to buy! CUSTOMLINE VICTORIA1 B ETTER DUY Ford off ers more of what you want most! OnIy in* Ford cari you get the fresh, modern styling ýhat was inspirod by the fabulous Ford Thunderbird! Only in Ford cari you get Thunderbird power. And,, you have the choice of the world's bost-selling V-8 or Canada's newost Six, the road-proved Mileage Maker! Only in Ford cari you get Lifeguard Designi, the whole - group of safety features dosignod ta protect you and your family! Yes, Ford offers mo8t .- . in stylo, in performance, in safety and in value! Your Ford- Monarch dealer is waiting te prove it ta you! (Y-8 or SIX you'II know it's for YOU) THIS IS YOUR INVITATION TO VISIT YOUR FOR D-MONARCH DEALER'$... SEE .,.DRIVE... COMPARE FORD District to Spend $1 5,000 To Attract New Industry ---Kedron: In the pre-.school group, certificates wene awand- ed ta Nancy and Edward Craig, IDebbie and Charlene Schwass, 'Ian Hancock, Harley Davis, Douglas Malcolm, Ida, Vaillan- court, Lyle Matthews, Carol Chatten, John Crawford, Don- na Giover, Brenda Hopkins, Donald Werry, Bannie and Su- san Dyck, Larry Hopkins, Pat and David Rose, Gail McNally, Norma and Nancy Woodward, Janet and Scott Waddington, John Ogle, Rosemary and Eli- zabeth Greer, Barbara Kazak, Wendy Hitchens, Bnian Starr, Kenneth Montgomery, John Simpson, Bruce Gagnon, Mar- <ret Maidman, Brenda and Êatharine Cooper, James Green, Gary Grant, Jane Sage, Ann Hutcheon, Ralph Barnett, Janice Sellick, Reggie Davis and Lois Matthews. In the , 7, 8 year gnoup the foiiowing received certificates: Manlene Armnstrong, Dianne The announcement that the Lake Ontario Developaient As- sociation plans ta spend ap- proxinýately $15,000 on pramat- lng new industry and the tour- ist business, exclusive af of- fice and administrative casts, this year, was among the rnany Points discusÉed at the Dlrec- tors meeting, July 18, at Peter- borough. Reeve L. W. McKenzie of Omernee, chairman o! the tour- ist comrnittee, in expressing the opinion that the taurist business is one of the mast important and langest industries in the area, stated that it must be maintained and, if possible, in- creased. A budget o! $5,000, ta this commlttee, will be used ta pravide attendance ta two Sportmen Shows-a long stand- ing point o! contraversy with the dinectors-including $1,000 to be spent on newspaper ad- vertising in Western Ontario, as well &s, the key cities o! Michigan, New Yor~k, Ohio and Pennsylvania. The possibility o! having view, master reels made which could be sold throughout Canada and the States on historical sites and taurist points o! interest un the Region, is ta be Investi- gated by the directors. An office wiil now be main. tained for the president, Alder- man W. Gardon Powell of Pe- terborough, at,. flue L.O.D.A. quarters, ta afford a dloser con- tact ta various zone chairman. and administrative problems. J A irecommendation by A. Sa- C-ARVETH MOTORS Ford Dealer For Bowmanville and District Showroom and Parts Depot at Newcastle Phone Newcastle 3251 1 m .ua Budget need help? 4 HFC can help you today with practical advice about farnily money problems, or acash loan up te SI1000. One-day service. Up to, 24 months to, repay. Whcther you need money advice or a cash boan, you * are al"ay welcome at HFC-Canada's first and foremost consumer finance company. @IOUSEHOLD FINANCE 111/2 SIms@oe St. South, second fl..,, phne RA à- 1139 OSHAWA, ONT4 PORT NOPE URANCI 71 WmiftenSt., 2ad fNoor, phne TU 3.3030 FAIRLANE TOWN SEDAN NOW 1$ THE TIME TO DRIVE ýrjm CANADMN STA"-AM" 1!qnwuAmvn-tlp.- MWARTr% 8 per, president of the Hastinga Chamber of Commerce, regard- Ing the game and fisheries act of' 1955 which does not allow fishing of pickerel other than from an anchored boat witih live bait and casting frorn shore till the First o! July, was made requesting that tis clause be deleted from the act. The law, as it stands now, appar. ently does not include the rest of the Province and, as a result, deprives this Regian af a fair amount a! revenue in the months of May and June. A re- contmendation is to be farward- ed ta the Department of Lands and Forest requesting this clause be deleted. A recommendation that the Municipal Act be amended to allow municipalities ta assist ;, nanciaily certain types of în. dustry int the construction a manufacturing buildings, is la be studied..1 Membership fees fram muni- cipalities are close ta the $10,.. 000 mark. "OId"at 40, 50, 60? Mfenî!Get New Pep Quick Get rid of thie ciiizy idea that you have te be oid at 40,50 ceS*ti.6p0p up" with Ostier Tomo isT ablet to*day. For ted-ut, undow feling due to ac fi whieh you may ,caU "getting aid". Rovitalifes, enries, invisorates and stimulates. Helpe bOt sexes fele a ycyunger."Gt-acquaiuted size costs Jitte.Be Wise, get pp, new health, quwckthrUftywvay.Try0strextoda.y.Alldruggsta.

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