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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jul 1956, p. 7

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THURSDAY, JULY 28th. 1950 C~AWAPITAPIT ft9'A'VI'~MAV Uf%~~lA~.Y¶?wi i%~.W~ABVP~ Mr. L. B. Nichois bas b visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. Sm~ Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Osboi Detroit, Mich., are visiting latives here. .Mi.X Ethel Byam, Stouffvi is a guest af Mr. and Mrs. E. Greenfieid. Mrs. Royal Quinn, Sini visited relatives and frie here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Gien Lan and family are holidaying their cottage, Pigeon Lake. Weekend guests with Mr.i Mrs. Raiph Ames were Mr. « Mrs. R. E. Dutnall, Toronto Dr. Raymond Rogers and Winston, Ottawa, spent , weekend with Mrs. W. P. R M.and Mrs. H. C. Marr, ranto, were visitors last wg with their son, Mr. and IV. James Marr. Miss Novelda Berry and Y' Dot Glover, Toronto. attenÉ the Stratford Shakespear( Festival last weekend. Mrs. Harry Smith has retui ed home from Malton after tending the funeral of her b ther, Mr. Harry Stuckey Brampton. Mr. William Railisford, V couver, B.C., and Mr. Fra Walden, New Westminster, C., were Sunday guests of MV C. H. Mason. Mrs. Mina Colweil, Mrs. E da Coiwell and Irwin spent few days with the forme daughter, Mrs. A. Lymera family, Oshawa. Visiting with Mr. and Mv W. S. Staples are ber fatl- Mr. J. A. Walker, Meaford, a brother, Mr. and Mrs. Grahz Waiker, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. George Ping Ottawa, have been visiti their sisters, Mrs. Sam Gla ville and Mrs. John Glanvi. and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Smil Mr. and Mrs. George Mor: and Karen have returned f r an enjoyabie ten day vacatiý n Northern Ontario. Master Jimmie Hughes, 7I ronto, bas been halidaying wi his grandmother, Mrs. GE Pritchard, who returned wl ]him to the city this week. Mrs. Vera Lymer, Bill, Ri and Douglas, Miss Elean Crumback, Oshawa; Mrs. M.1 Edward and Irwin, Bowma ville, and Miss Carol Chai Hampton, visited friends Bond Head on Sunday. Mrs. Charles L. Brown, ce], brated her 77th birthday Strathaven Rest Home, Bov ï anvile, iast week. Having ri .ýrned r'ecently from living éYtroit she will be very pleasE to have ber aid Bowmanvil friends cail and see her. Misses Myrtie Hall, Agi Carruthers, Bowmanvilie; Be ty Knox and Jeannette Snydeý Toronto, are enjoying a trip1 the West Coast. They took riew car to Seattle for deliver and wil returu home throug Canada by train, visitîng Bani Jasper and other beauty spot Mr. Ivan Woolley, son of M and Mrs. Walter Woolley, isi Queen's Univ'ersity, Kingstoi taking a summer course leadir toward the degree of B.A. M Woolley who was principalE Hampton Public School l aq .fear has accepted a position c the staff of one af the Iete! borough public schools. Robert and Janet Symon, St. Catharines, spent a weeik holidays with their grandmotli er, Mrs. Muriel Symons, an Trinity United Church Minister Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. il a.m. - Morning Wo rship We welcome the Members of St. PauI's Congregation to Our Union Service. No Evening Service Organist Mr. Arthur Collison, -Mus. Bach.. L.R.S.M. ST. JOHN'S Ninth Aller Trinily1 BOLY COMMUNIO'1 and The Lltany Evening Service withdrawn in JuIy. 1 E rect Welcome Signs een Miss Vivian Bunner. The child __ aith, ren were joined on the week- end by their parents, Mr.. and'- rn:, Mrs. Paul Symons and have -tA9 &t'w rnow gone on a camping trip ta-B0' gether. Other recent guesta i ofY YI 111e Mrs. Muriel Symons and Miss Ï 'Bunner were their brother, Kelvin Bunner, and Mrs. Bur- ner, ai Wiarton. nds Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Cook and Edwin O& ~D Ff were Mr. and Mrs. F. Cook and e. H4V J.~V der family, Mr. and Mrs. George at Mutton and famiiy, Mrs. E. ~. Marlowe, Lilian and George, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Land and fam- and il y, ah aof Bowmanville; Mr. . >. and Mrs. C. Smith and faily, son Fleetwood, Mr. and Mrs. J the Ovenden and iamily, Osbawa, og - Mrs. Fred Cook and Ronald, Peterborough, Mr. and Mrs. To- Ross Cook, Prairie Siding, Mr. ,eek and Mrs. F. Westlake and fam- irs ly, Sauina. r. Mr. Joe O'Neill and Mr. liss Georges Licope ai Mons, Bel- ded gium, who bas been visitin -ean with hlm, were in Ottawa on Saturday and were guests aifj r-honor at adinner given at the r-ton Gregg, V.C., Minister -if aLabour. Mr. Gregg was asso- time arrangements ,vere madce an- for the Vimy Pilgrimage. Mr... nkLicope is spendingawekl B. Ottawa before returning ta Irs. Mons where he is Curator of P~ the War Museum. {jil- Recently enjoying a get-tage-Th "WcoeSg t a ther and picnic wbich was held Te"ecreSg ers this year at Corouation Park In keeping with the theme, BF and near Oakville were: Mr. and the Bowmanville Chamber c: Mrs. Frank Williams, Mr. and signs ta caver the east and) Irs. Mrs. Donald Williams, David on Highway No. 2. Picturei ier, and Nancy, Bowmanville: Mr. nd and Mrs. Lamne Kleinstiver an d the C. of C. and Clarence HF arn Peter, Dashwood; Mr. and Mrs. chairman of the C. of C. sigr P. E. Geenfield, Bowmanville, was first planned. gle, and their daughter, Mr. and ing Mrs. Hugh Anderson, Toronto, ali- also Mr. and Mrs. Douglas An- le2 dersan, Oakviile; Mr. aud Mc:. Russell Williams, Mary Ruth errv - Wri ith, and John and friends, Niagarai rris Falls, N.Y.; Mrs. S. G. Chartra Fa om and Florence, Mrs. W. A. Ed- F m ily ricnuc ion ger, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs3 Ralph Stutt, John and Vimgnxi, Te8rdaiesryith ro Ailer frel a omn Werry, Wright and Phiip fani- ith vle ily reunion was heid at Hamp- eo. Mr. Archie Bowman, Plain- ton, Saturday, Juiy 21. It pmov- th ville, is visiting bis son, Mr. ed ta be an ideal picnic day and Jackson Bowman, Silver St. appoximately 125 sat down Io ayMr. Bowman gave the editor oiabtfa iedne t1 LyThe Statesman a call and lunfao etpedne t1 orthe conversation said he had on Cbee 1ek ai the Township ai Imrnediateiy iollowing din- nt Hamilton i Northumberland ner, President Dr. John Werry, at County for 13 years but had Bowmanville, called the com- atrecently retired on his 80tb pany ta order ta conduct a birtbday. He aiso brought a short business meeting. Min- e- copy ai Tbe Bowmanville Ob- utes af the executive meeting at server carrier boy's New Year's were read by secretary, Mms. w- geeting card, dated Jan. 1, Harvey McGill. Appreciation ce 1878, wbich was the yer 1 was expressed ta Mr. Frank m yeams aga that M. A.Jaes~ Wright St. Catharines, for bis e rhsdteCaainSae untiring efforts in 'revising the Ieman. This fancy greeting cardtFamibookTrere oks. Many a with 12 verses ai poetry bad teeboswr ogtb es been stowed away ail these familles attendîng the picnic; et - years for safe keeping in the the remianing books are in the r, fmil aiMr. owmn'spossession af Dr. Jýhn Werry, r aiyBibleofM.Bwa' Bowmanviile, sbould anyane ta parents. wish a copy. a Among the aut-oi-town On behali ai the nominating ry guests wbo attended the -Con- committee, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest ghnors - Cowan wedding lu St. Wemry and Mr. and Mrs. Rus- f f Joseph's Roman Cathoiic Church sell Ormîston, the fallowing t.on Saturday, July 21, were: sîste af officers was presented r. Mrs. E. Ott, Miss Sally Oti, aud eiected for 1957. Past Pre- a', Mrs. Hazel Howeli, Miss Ginny sideut - Clarence Werry, Ke- ýn, Lee Howell, Mrs. A. Pilon, Ca- dron: President-Dr. John Wem- ig rol, Graham and Ronnie, Mrs. ry, Bowmanville; Vice Presi-; IrS. McEnroe, Mr. sud Mrs. Leol dent - Bert Luke, Toront; at Shannon, Mrs. J. McEnroe, ail Rec. Secretary - Mrs. George it ai Montreal: Mrs. R. Bird, Miss Werry, Oshawa, Corr. Secre- En Mary Connors, Mr. and Mrs. R. tary - Mrs. Elton Werry, Bow- r- Deasley, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. manville, R. R. 2; Treasurer - Roy Swindells, Weston; Mr. and Mrs. Raipb Virtue, Enniskillen, s, Mrs. J. Walsh, Long Branch; Committee ai Management - :'s Miss Ann Counors, Britt; Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Werry, So- h. and Mrs. R. Counors, Niagara- lina; Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dor- d on-the-Lake: Mr. and Mrs. F. eli, Biackstock; Mr. and Mrs.E -Shoemaker. Kitchener: Mr. and Harvey Yeilowlees, Salins: Mr.1 Mrs. V. Conuors, Brooklin; Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Jebson, Osh- and Mms. P. Cooper, Whitby; awa, R. R. i. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Termy, Ca- During the business meeting2 bourg. prizes were given out by theF A family party iu honor of Presideut ta the following pen-c the 80th birthday af Mrs. Su- ple-.-Oldest persan present -s san Hutchinson, 132 Elgin St., Miss Mary Elford; youngest1 Bowmanville, was held on !gui-, child present--David Larmer;t day at the home ai her grand-j persan f rom iarthest distance-1 son, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Dick-E Mr. Fowier, Rayai Oaks, B.C.;1 ens. Those present were Mr. Couple with most eilîdrenS and Mrs. R. Hutchinson withi present-Mr. and Mrs. Rass whom Mrs. Hutchinson Sr. Lanez Most recent uewlywedsc makes ber home, their daughi- -Keith and Wilma Van Camp. ter Eleanor ai Toronto; Mrs. M. A splendid program ai sports, Coulter, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie under the direction ai Mr. and worn by the ladies ai that era, PETERBOROUGH RI 2-2080 as weil as guessîng just wvho _______________ [was who. Other portraits iu- LA C*~ Eciuded members ai the original r Massey iamiiy wbo settled in Newcastle over 100 years aga. I Stafford Bros. Somne beautîful colomed films Iec ai flowers, plants aud iandscaue N n added ta the pleasure ai th- Mo uental Works to entertainiment. The occasion ai might aptly be termed "An Phone WVhitby P Evening With Walter Seldon'X MOhawk 8-3552 he father ai Mrs. Parker, as tli-- 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby v sides were irm m is almost FIM QUALITY n limitliess iibramy af pictures, is MONUMENTS AN" eé photagraphy was bis hobby at MAREERS i which be was a real artist. The 1i late Mr. Seldon spent muchj Precise workmanship and da af his time in Newcastle arouud careful attention to detail ed 1922-23 when the Community are vour assurance when n Hall was being built as he was vou chojose tram the wide Lt the confident ot Mr. 1Ches-- ýeection af imported aud D. Massey wha danaed ths- domestic Granites aud beau tiful building to the citÏ- J Marbies in stock. P sens oktNewcastle. ____________ ns" are out at Bowmanville. Bowmanville, a friendly town, of Commerce has erected two west approaches ta the town 'd abave is Ab. Sturrack, of Iockin, who was the original ncommittee when the project -Photo by Robert Carruthers 'ight - Philp at Hampton aver 50-bail bowling contest -Harvey McGill; Needie and thread race-Marie and Ronald Ashton; Peanut race - Keith and Wilma Van Camp; Egg- throwing contest - Keith and Wilma Van Camp. One of the main attractions on the grounds was the pony ride which the children ail en- joyed. At 4 p.m. ice crearn was served to ail, followed by a pea- nut scramble for the children. A liveiy game of bail was play-. ed after the sports until supper time when about 80 sat down to supper having worked Up a good appetite. It was decided by a majority vote to meet at Hampton again next year, the 3rd Saturday in Juiy and have the main meal at noon. the same as this year. Total registration this year ws 152. Thanks are due Mrs. Lloyd Ashton for making up the orange drink and to Dr. and Mrs. John Werry for their spe- cial effort to make the picnic a success and to ail committees who helped in any way. Liîo ns Cavrnivcul (Continued from pvage afie) corn etc., ail going at a fair clip. The garbage can booth was a new attraction this yeur enabling local residents to ob- tain a shiney new pail for a, fraction of the cost. Crown and anchor, under and over, free money were ait1 as popular as ever. A great deal of energy as weii as maney was spent in the bail throwing booth as hundreds attempted to knock over the milk bottles. The hams and chickens went fast with chickens having a slight preference over hams. T he ring toss booths offered cigarettes and jeweilery for prizes. The toy novelty booth and the pony rides attracted kiddies by the droves.' Shortiy after 12 midnight the carnivai came to its officiai close and ail returned home ex- cept Lions who instead return- ed to the Lions' Centre ta count and w rap Up the maney. Lions Club' (Continued from page one)' after serving in the armed forces from 1940 to '45 he re-j turned ta the Bowmanvilie Goodyear where he was made foreman of the electricians. E-is two main hobbies are electricity and metal working. Hle also enjoys a good game of bridge. John Roughley Sponsoring John Roughley w~as Lion Jack Cole. Lion Jack informed the club that John was born and educated in Osh- awa. He first worked for Gen- erai Motors in Oshawa. He mar- lied Doris Chartran, Bowmari- ville, and has one boy, Scott. ipresent John is empioyed -it Chartran's Men's Wear in Bow- nanvilie. RoetW ilims Lion Waliy Braden sponsor- *d Robert Williams and related to the club that Bob was born and educated in Port Ferry public and high schools. When he came to Bowmanville Bcb was first empiayed witb Jack- mian Fiorist but he later chang- d ta F. F. Morris Co. where he inow the head mortician. Bob iaiso married and has one aughter. Bob is an accomplish- d athiete playing for the Bowv- manviiie Roses and in the Town League hockey. Ross Metealf Ross 'Metealf, a w-el known ýart ai the Lions Club for the Put six mths "ace hohelaî For Balanced Fitness PLEASANT 'A STING acted as pianist ont several oc- casions, wvas officialiy introduc- ed ta the club by Lion Walter Rundie. Lion Walter stated that Ross was born in DarlingtGn,- and stili lives in the township. He is employed as a music teacher and chair leader being the music instructor in the South Darlington elementary schoois. He has a Music Super- visor's Diploma along with a R.M.T. degree. At the moment he is preparing for the A.R.C.T. degree. Although still single, Lion Walter hinted that this mav flot always be the status of Ross. Aiter hearing the varlous re.. ports Lion Andy Thompson, chairman of the membersbiýp committee called upon the other members ai bis commit- tee ta administer the various parts of the initiation. Initiate Members Lion Jim Marr recited the code of etbics and Lionb Don Williams followed with the Lions' Objects. Lion Bob Kent presented the lapel and button badges to the new members along with the membership certificate. Lion Bob aiso ex- plained the conduct and order ta be observed at the meetings. President Norm O'Rourke af- ficialiy welcomed the, new Imembers into the club and Lion IDeac Goddard led the club ;n the Lions Roar as the official greeting ai the club. Follawing this each member shook hand.L and introduced himself ta the new members. Monday's meeting was desig-1 nated as the night ta tear down the booths from the Lions Car- nival and the members accord- ingiy showed up in their work- ing clothes. Highlighting the fashion ai the working ciothes was Lion Stu James who show- ed up in paj amas. Tbree Lions wbo have re- centiy ceiebrated birtbdays were George White, Doc Sisson and Bll Yeo. It was decided ta buy a boait ta aid the lifeguard at the Bowmanville Beach. r E-NO NEW LOTION DISCOVERY do.p flowing Iuq f ocial eleansev * your skln pt 3TIMES CLEANER tho on ny soop - ony eroom MAN SIZE ffraceeII 'P-MELOBON4DEO FOR SUPER STRENGTH DRY-OR WET! 91G BOX-3-PLY... Permits for New Building Building pemmits issued for the montb euding July 24, sbowed a siight increase in building activity witb seven new dweilings topping the Eist. Total value ai permits issued amounted ta $52,500.00 inciud- ed, as well as seven new dwell- ings, three additions, two ga- rages and one summer dwell- ing. MAPLE GROVE Mrs. Otis Pritchard, sons John and Paul, Manotîck, spent a iew days witb hem mother, Mrs. L. C. Snowden, Miss Mil- dred and Mr. Bob, and return- ed home Monday. John is stay- ing for a langer visit. Peter- wio had been up for two weeks, returned home with h'ls mother. Mesdames F. R. Stevens, W. H. Brown sud H. A. Alison and Miss Susie Laird;, were in Stra'- fard a couple af days iast week and took in the Shakespearean pîsys. Miss Barbara Brown' is et C.G.I.T. Camp at Pidgeon Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Martin sud Linda; Mrs. R. L. Wordeu, Town,, spent Sunday with the former's niece, Misg Darlene Christie, at Thurstonia Park, Sturgeon Lake. Mrs. A. Beech, accompanied her daugbter, Mrs. Donald.Carr, Hampton, ta Little Brittain on Sunday, ta visit their cousin, Mrs. Margaret Wright. Mm. sud Mrs. John Middletan, Mr. sud Mrs. Kirk Beelby, Claremout, were Sunday visit- ors witb Mm. sud Mrs.- Chester McGrath. Weekend visitors with Mrs: L. C. Suowden weme Mr. sud Mms. Jack Illidge sud thmee sons, Toronto, Dr. and Mrs. L. for the second week running I. Coates, Brantford, and a! and hence Mr. Jones lost out number of other caliers. o h xr iied Master Jimmy McGrath oif o thisexta day's daw th Nova Scotia, is hoiidaying wih jacFot h audys wth his ~ ~ ~ ~ jako unlsadanshr dIas been increased te Ms. uChesternMcath rand 1 $315 and some nart af this w;]i Mrs.CheterMcGrth nd .,.be given toa a ucky coupon dç- and Mrs. W. H. McLean. positor at 3 p.m. li front of Miss Shirley Cryderman i;' the Town Hall. visiting her cousins, Mr. and -- -- Mrs. Otis Pritchard, Manotick. Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Smith. Port Staniey, formeriy af this circuit. visited Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Freeman.Ir0l Mr adMr.H. R. Foiey. O Maple Grove, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Freeman. Town, Mr. andN EN Mrs. E. Twist, Kathy and Ray-M EN mond, Salem, Mr. and Mrs. E. Gilbank, Anne, Carol, Donna adBllie, Orono, Mr. and Mrs N Ross Allun, Gardon and Gladys, 0 IO L Y Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. H. R.I Cryderman, Shirley, Carlos, Jim, David, Kenny and Esther, Maple Grave, spent Saturday at the home ai Mrs. L. C. Snow- j SE PG don, when ail enjoyed a visit E PAE 1 with Mrs. Otis Pritchard and boys from Manotick. A picnic _______________ lunch was served. Huge Crowd Present for Weekly Draw The Iargest crowd ta date was present at the weekly Mer- chant's Appreciation Day draw whicb saw $26.50 go ta Mrs. Hazel Joues, 63 Centre Street' Mrs. Joues was not presenti the draw but hem husband was on baud ta dlaim the awamd. Wheu asked wha was the Merchant ai the Week, the bus- baud, Ethan Joues, rýplied thaýt he knew Mason sud Dale Hard- ware had the hanour on the previaus week's dmaw but be had no idea who it wss last week. However mucb ta bis surprise Msson sud Dale ws also the Merchant ai the Week IDASORB Fast acting Diarrhoea remedy 75c - $1.25 I.D.A. TOOTH PASTE For sparkling clean teeth and mint-fresh breath. leReg. 57aor79 a tube Fo79 CAMERAS and FILMS Brownie Holiday Flash Outfit --- $11.45 Brownle Holiday 3.90 Flash Mode! ----- -- ___ 5.90 With Flasholder -- - - ---9.50 Brownie Hawkeye Flash___ 8.75 lVith Flasholder ___ 13.50 O utfit -------------------16.45 Duaflex IV, Kodet Lens -___ 19.25 Kodar f/8 Lens -------- -- - 29.50 Pony 135 <Mode! C)------ 39.75 VERICHROME PAN KODACOLOR 8 exposure VP 120 VP 60 andCu 828 ------ --------- -si351 VP 127, P420an CU 127----- -- ------ - $1:451 VP12 ae 4eCU 120 and CU 620 - $1 .65 Duo-Paks 89e CU 116 and 616 $2.351 KODACHROME 135 KODACHROME MOVIE FILM 36 - exposure $6.55 8 mm, 25 ft -- ---------- $4.95 20 exposure $4.25 16 mm, 50 ft.---- S----- 8.60 1. D. A. AFIOMATIC CASCARA A pleasant tonic and laxative.0 reg. 35o 29c 6-0z. 4c reg. 650 9 I.D.A. IDOL AGAR For Constipation. reg. o98eC 79c Sun Glasses Polaroid $1.98 -$29 Glaremaster$10 Adults' Clipover ------- 69e Men's Aviation Special 99r, Children's ------ 25e - 79c Others ------29e te $10.00 1.D. ~SOT RE] Non-inflammable! - Safe for ail fabrics! 4-oz i. 9>10-ai. reg. 40@ 33c reg. 75a 59C I.D.A. WHITE EMBROCATION Effective relief for sprains, swelling, etc. reg. 39e6 a29c reg. 69o 49C kIÂCLEÂNS [P ERO0X O-DE TOOTH PASTE CECK BADT REIEF w, GCINGNL Now! Your choice of 3SUPER-SPEED RAZORS! One ham exactly the rngbt cdg. agie, edgc exposure and weigbt te match your face for ouperb ahaveu. Clean, comfortabie, Iong-Iasting sbavea are guaranteed. Witb Blue Blade dia- penger and travel cage. Your choice $129 Feetured on CiI!ette'à Worid Seule TV and Radio Broadeasta. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor, ýWe Deliver Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Drugs Phone MA 3-5792 40-oz. $ ~ reg. $1.89 $1.5 Sunian & Sunburn Needs Acriflex - ------ 60e1 Bronztan - ------- - $1,501 Noxzcma Skin i ('rearn - 65c - 89e - $1.69 Suntan Lotion or Oih--------------39e - $1.69: A. ~I MOVER SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS DRGSORS- COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE SHOP AT TOUR DRUGj STORE - the dependabli place te buy all your mcd- icines and heaith and beauty needs. FRUIT - ENCiS"SALT" :til TERmi)AY, nmy 2oth. iosti * TEE CANADIAN STAT ESMAM- nwmàlrjTn ift A ý» q

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