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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jan 1957, p. 9

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- -- ~-~- r t - - a~..' - n- - à- - ..~ - '-. -- - ~ - -" A.~ ~ ~ - ?NTrU MDAT, 3:AN. îO, 1957 ~ANA~!AN UTATESMAN. U~L&~IV1'TX~. AIf~AWA'. na~ ~ West's Lead Way Çombines S wamp Redmen nh Third Period RaIIy To Take ~'After tahn 2-0 ln the f irst two perioda, he Bowmanville. Orono Combines exphoded in the final stariza te triumph 7-3 over the Port Hope Redmen in an Intermediate "A" hockey game at Memorial Arena Saturday inight, This win moves the Com- bines into undisputed posses- sion of first place. Port Hope gaincd an early lead and held it as the home- sters continually missed the net with their shots, which landed evcrywhere but on the target. Few Penalties The Combines outshot the ]RedMen 46 te 27, with mest of ,thém being i the final périod. P'ans enjôyed a fast, clean dis- play and referee Stan Boshier whistled enly six penalties. Vern Chilton started for the Redinen at 13.53 o! the first period when he picked up a rebound and shot it over the outstrctched Hawe, who was down on the ice after making a save. Hawe played great i the Combine nets stopping 24 shots. ' Dean West came close te ty- KM- *Fuel 011 *Siove 011 Autainatie weather controlled and met- ered deiveries grive you the best in gerv~ire! * PHONE MA ~\ 3-5516 Lecigue Lead' ing thc score when he fired at the cage a short while later. The light went on, Ilut officials dis- allowed the goal as the puck was net over thic Une. Wests Lead Raye "«Gusty" West raced the Combines whcn they opened up in the third, he tallied four of their goals. Dean West counted for two and Bun Wclsh added a single. "Gusty", was great as he invaded the Redmen's area droppirig three counters -into the cage in just 41 counters. Ray Caîhoun rifled Port Hope's other two for themn. Af ter the Combines had tied it 2-2 he gave the Redmen the cdge for the final time at 10.20 of the third. Dean West opened the goal getting for the Combines at 7.22 when he fired from ni front of the nets. His oth2r goal of the gaine was set up by Raye West. After Raye had shot into the corner of the cage, Dean caught the rubber witlî bis stick and poked it in the rest o! the way tci count. Goalle Upeet Shortly after Raye West took a slap at the puck as Lenick the Redmen net-minder was trying to catch it and a rirai- fracas occurred. FShortlv after thaI. Lenick was issueà a slashingi ocenalty by Ihe referec for hit-I ting Dean West as the latter skated by in front e! tic nets. Smith o! Port Hope made a beautiful play in the second frame when he carried the puck inte the Combines' end ahone tô duel it out with Hawe. Smith drew Hawe right out o! the net and set up a good eopening, but bis shot wcnt high o! the target. Bun Welsh made a fast shot frein the blue ine in scoring bis goal of the night. It sailed in-,ô the twine past the alert Lenick to finish the scoring. Pulls Hat Trirk For bis grecat sceriig effort Raye "Guèity'" West wiIl receive a new hat from Minns Meil% Wrear, This store givci a new bat to any forward who scores ibree goals il) ene gaine. 11, wil aIse set bis total points at 45. Jr. West bas 40, Dean West 39 and Frank Hooper bas 24. A. H.for ,>-,i~urrock WNA AND SONS 5MRICE IMPERIAL ESSO DEALER Sturroek St. - Bowmanvlllet Just West of Seugog Line-ulbs were ma foflws: Combines - Goal, Hawe; for- wards, D. West, R. West, J. West; defence, Meroer,~ Hoop- er; alternates, Edwards, Arm- strong, Welsh, Robinson, Mar- shfil, Dykstra, Walker, Yourtli. Port Hope - Goal, Lienick; forwards, Wass, Wakely, Bon. carde; defence, Jenkins, Hegan; alternates, Lax, C alh o u n Smith, Rushferd, Daley, Mc- Grath, Chilton. Scoring: Flrst Perlod 1. Port Hope, Chilten, (Bon- carde, Dalcy), 13.53. Second Poriod 2. Port Hope, Calhoun, 16.43, Third Period 3. Combines, D. West <Walk- er), 7.22: 4. Combines, Raye West, 9.32; 5. Port Hope, Cal- houri (McGrath), 10.20; 6. Com- bines, D. West (Jr. West, Raye West) 11.33; 7. Combines, Raye West (Dean West, Hooper) 15.35; 8. Combines, Raye West (Jr. West, D. West) 16.04; 9. Combines, Raye West (J. West, D. West) 16.16; 10. Combines, Welsh (Edwards) 17.32. League Standing (As o! Sunday, January 6.) P W L Pts Pow-Orono 18 Il 7 22 Cobourg ---- 15 10 6 201 1Lind&y. ---- ---18 J 0 8 20 Lakefioi4 -- 18 9 9 181 Port Hope- - 16 »3 13 6 Keith Siemon Triple Winner Men's Bowling Dr. Keith Slemon outstand- ing ping pong player and golfer xvoi the triple crown ôf bowl- ing on the first night of the second sehedule of the Men«s Mlajor League. Dr. Siemon -won high single Nvith 336 and added two more scores for high triple 773. This gave Slip high average for 31 gaines. 258. Bill Steven was the enIy ot4er bowler over 300. Bill finished with 316. Jack Gay was runner up for high triple, 731, Al Os- borne had 725 and Elton Brocls, 718. It was too scon aiter New Year's for some of the boys and Gord Sellers, pitching star of the Intermedjate Basebail team, had a total of 90- pins for one game. Don Gilhooley, an- other good baîl player, had 94 and Bob Kent 107.. Ray Brock had low triple 402 with Gord Sellers next 406. Big Glen Lander finished with 432. Fred Cole's team* finished with the most pins 3,335 while Bill Steven's teami hac4 high single 1,21. Ed Leslie's chop- pers won ail low honora with a 831 single and a 2.757 triple. This is the worst start the 9.1$Samu WORKING WITII CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIPE SINCE 1817 GEORGE MOOI)Y. Manager FRANK BE'DEORD, Maaagez League Lecrding Aurora Hand Decisive Defeat Wednesday to Pontiacs Robson Pontiact uuffered their fourth' tralght los& Wed- regay night of lait week as the beague leading Aurora Bears handed them a &2 upset; to put themnselves lour points ahead of the second place teams in the Junior "C" hockey ioop. Wlth Whitby and Brooklin tied for second spot, Newmar- ket holds third and the Rob- son Pontiacs are in fourth. Lindsay is at the bottcm cf the pile, havlng won only one game to date. Aurora showed why they are leadmng the league as they Swamped the Pontiacs with their strong attacking plmys. They also handed out a cou- ple of mninor Injuries to the homesters, ta show they can rough it w:th the béat of them. Players Juured sBarry Cowling was badily &hkn up when he missed body-checking one of the Au- rora team in the second period and crashed into the boards. Of- ficials, players and spectators crowded around, where he lay, dazed, on the ice. He was able to get up and skate off with the helP of Bob Fairey and Coach Tom Depew, after being aided to his feet. He returned i a few minutes te make a good save in front of the Pon- tiac net., Eutch Cole was aise injured, when a flying puck hit hlmi in the face. He was eut about the eye and had an aching jAw. He resumed play shortly afterward. The referee issued Aurora seven miner and cone major penalties. Robson Pontiaes were sentenced te three minors and one major. Hank Lane (Pon- tiacs) and Fred Davis <Auro- ra) drew the majors for fight- ing. Flgh* Breaks Out Davis had carried the puck into his own end, and was at- tempting to go around behind the nlets. Lane canie in to gain Possession of the puck frorn1-i m and as x resuit. the puck bé- came entangled ini the inet. Both players were trying tri get il., but goalie Dave Broad held ii. there with his stick. Davis must have hern aggri- vated in his unsuccessfu] al- tempt to regain the rubber. He dropped his gloves on the ice and caught the unprcpared Lane with a couple cf blows before Lane had reallzed whatý was happening. Officlals quick- ly intcrvened and Lane was un- able te retaliate. Bob Fairey and Mort Rich- ards tallied the two goals for the Pontiacs. The first was at 10.22 of the opening peried. At 14.34 of the final stariza they teAmed up again te ,score the final goal of the gaine. Larry Hill, Paul Smart, Shir- ley Smith, Jimn Wolfson, Ronny Egan anid Gary Bonham counted singles for the Bears. Vince Vanstone made some beautiful saves in goal. Once again he received little support from the teain, who on many occasions, failtd in their back- checking attempts. Dave Broad, Aurora's gealie, gave a fine performance by stopping some great shots aim- ed at hlm by the Pontiaca. Bill Steveni, President e! Rob- son Motors and the Robson Pontiacs sponsor, says he is very pleased with the team's efforts to date. He would like te thank local people who are -support- ing the tean,, by attending the gaines. He does flot expect the team to win ahi the honors this year, as it is their first in Jun- ior hockey, but believe they will develop into a champion- ship teamrn ext year. Line-Ups ]3owinanvihle -- Goal, Vince Vanstone; forwards, Thompson, Stewart, Lawrence; defence, Cole, Cowling; alternates, Wel- don, Kemp, Bob Fairey, Ted Faircy, Richards, Lane, Mc- Bride, Patton, Cross. Aurora - Goal, Broad; for- wards, Bonham, Sampson, Egan; defence, McGuiness, Cook; alter- nates, Davis, Kennedy,, Smith, Geary, Wolfson, Murrell, Spence, Smart, Hill, Seoring-Ffrst Period 1. Aurera, Hill (Murrell) 6.27, 2. Aurora, Ezan (Bonhamn) P.37-, 3, Bowinanville, Bob Fai- rey (Richards) 10.22:. Serond Period 4. Aurora, Smith (Smart, Wr,1!son) 3.36; 5. Aurora, Bon- ham (Spence) 16.2.. Third Period e. Aurora, Wolfçon (Smart) 1.42; 7. Aurora, Sinart (Davis. Smilh) 12.05; 8. Bowmanville, Bob Fairey (Richards) 14.34. Legionnaires Downed By Port Hope Pant bers Iln Juvenile Fixture, The visiting Port Hope Panth- ers grabbed a 2-0 win from the Bowmanville Legiofihaires, in a Juvenile hockey game at Me. morial Arena, Wednesday cf last week. Port Hope iced a determined and effective team, who, accord- ng tô them, were backed up by a net minder doing his first stint of the season. Brereton earned his shutout by playing spectac- ularly, as he robbed the Legion- naires on their every attempt. It was an off night for 'the Legionnaires froni th#% start. Their plays wouldn't click anid the defence offered the Panthtrs little resistance. Onhy the alert Playing o! Curt Vanstone. the goalie. kepit the Patîthor snipers from making it at lea.st 6-0. Jake Greenawav and Jirn Rloberts paced the winners with a goal each. Greenaway opened the scoring at 19:41 of the f irst stariza, whlle Roberts tallied the insurance goal at 8:20 of the third period. Herky Martin and Paul Wakely were credited with assists. The penalty box was deserted most of the gaine as only two players visited it. George Fen- ton drew the only Panther pen- league has ever had in the averages with only 29 bowlers over the 200 mark. We expect a big improvement by next week. Men's Major Bowling League Standing End cf isI lVerk 2nd Sehedule 1956-7 Sr Team w L Pi Cole ---- - - --- n Steven .~ .13 ot'1 Sagnehi------2 1 1 Brock ---- ý--------2 1 1 Osborne ----- --- 2 1 3 Oke -- - .2 I 3 polley --. - h 1 2 'l Brough . -- 1 2 3 Dale - - -1 2 2 Litte - 1..... 2 2 Milne - O 3 3 Leslie û----- 3 2 Averages Gaine Dr. Keith Shemon ---3 Jack Gay ~3 AI. Osborne 3 Elton Brock ____3 Jackc Lander ____3 Bill Oke 3 Reg. Hearle ____3 Frank Blunt ___ 3 Bud Moses -_____3 Jack Brough -___3 Ken Luxton ____3 Hank Jarizen ~3 Ted Bagnell 3 Dr. Charles Austin - 3 Harold Bennet --- - 1 Phil Cancilla .- ---- Ted Miler --- Cecil Mutten.-- : Deug Taylor3 Bill Steven 3 Harrv Gay -.3 Dr, Howard ]Rundie 3 Pous Wright 3 Norm Cowle ____3 Bill Polley 3 Russ Oke 3 Carl Leslie ---___3 Rae Rundle ---- 3 MolyVanta a s ase n ý l -, P l,- 3335 7 ,152 #î :' L,3 3 .5 1150 5 on0 5 1072 2 3040 2 2918 2 2771 2 :109 O 2757 0 es Ave. 258 241& 242 239 227 225 222 222 220 218 218 218 216 215 *113 2111 209 20 I 209 208 205 204 203 203 202 201 200 200 200 alty early in the first stanza. Maurice Richards occupied it on behaif o! the Legionnaires, in the final period. Line-ups: ;;rt Hope-Goal, Brereton; o , ards, Weldon, Wakcly, Mart- in; defence, Watson, ,;Vatts; ah- ternates, Miller, Fenton, Johns, Highfield, Battersby, Foote, Walsh, Roberts. Legionnaires-Goal, Curt Van-î stone; forwards: Marierrison,î Mason. Crossey; defence, Thomp. 1 son, Richards, alternates. Prout,j Gouhd. McCulloughi, Pollard,' Cole. Osborne, Forçler. cScreec/z (By Evelyn Brown) Christmnas Party *The programme started off with a volleybahh gaine between l0B and IOD, with l0B victer- bous. A film, "Calh Me Ma- dame" was next with Jerry Hasiuk, accordîonist, and Wayne Purdy as Elvis, entertaining at intermission. The teachers presented a pantomine with Mrs. Sheridan narrating. Mrs. Hochinan play- cd the heroine, Mr. Witherspoon' the hero. Mr. Ress, the villian, Mrs. Lewis, bis partrier in the crime, and Mr. Sheridan, the~ banker. MVr. ,Johnson and M-. Bradley were ilie ,;awmen. Miss McKagtie, Miss LaYcock and .Mr. Luca,ý wcre the stage hiands. The next act. a quartet con- sisting et Mr. Wiîherspeon, Mir Lucas. Mr. «Johnson and M,. Swvatridge played harmeinicazý. Santa Claus (George Marlow) di.sti-buted ithe gifts and atter supper, the staff defeated Gracie 13 in volleyball. The sandi- wiches, prepared by thie Grade 13 girls and Harvey Wilber, Fred Carter and James Fergu- son, were served with cake and pop, the pop being denated by Smitb's Beverages. Deug Cattran wvas M. C. dur- ing the afternoon and evening. The Dao's, Norma Dale, Dianne Austin and Eleanor Osborne, sang in the evening. The party broke up at 11:30.t Caretaker Pauses As you know, Mr. Endersby passedi away during the Christ- mas heidays. He was our care- takerfor mariy years, and was, BACKACHE May beWarninq i 1oekache is ot.n cauied b, Iaay kidney ottion. When ludasys get out el eider. elfe» &Cid£ and waslea remain in the syaom Thuu bahuidàtuwbed rosi or duat ired-ouat and heavy-h.aded im.Ihns May -o fdiew. IWOt', tii mo tbe Doddaà Kidnoj Pull,. Dedd'à stimudato the. kidmojat. normal action. Thon You 1.01 better-aleep better-work botter. GM D.dd'a Lduq P&Us v. si1 we li ked by a&U. W. md uidcr deep condolences ta hic wldow and tamily. New Teacher W. welcomne Mrs. IL Jeffer3', who wiil b. teaching here for the rest cf the school year. sport@ Ini the Senior Houis. Leegue VolleybaU ll ayoffs 12A defeat- cd 13 to win the championship. Basketbail teams are being formed and the first gamnes wiil be in two or thrce weeks. d'At Homo" The "At Home" is littie mare than a month away, February 15. Dancing wifl be froin 9 tiil 1 te the music o! the "Seven- aires". Further announcements will be made in the next few weeks. - NESTLETON Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Rehrer Douglas and Warren, Leona and Lynda Robrer visited Mr. and Mrs. Orland Rebrer, Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Marlow and family, Toronto; Gilbert Marlow, Blackstock, were guests o! Mrs. Nelson Marlew. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Camp- bell, Bailieboro, visitcd Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip. Rev. and Mm. J. Nicholson were guests o! Mr. and Mrs. James Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hon,. Oshawa, visîted Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt. Misses Gwen and Eunice Wil- son returned te Scarborough school teachîng after holidays. Mrs. Arnold Taylor and Miss Beth Proutt returncd te Teach- ers' College, Peterborough. Allen and Clifford Dayes visited their cousins, the Bow- ers boys. Mr. and Mrs. Perce Philp,; West Hill, brought Mrs. Foster Ferguson te visit the Grant Thompson's anid other Nestle- ton friends. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Freelove, Gloria, Ted and friends o! Pe- terborough, visitcd Arthur Hul- bert. Mns. Carl Elliot bas begun as operator at the Blackstock Bell Telephone exchange. Glad ta report Donald Thomp son is rccovering froinipheurisy. Bert Bowers and Mrs. Harri.j have been helping Muriel with the chores. Mns. JohnProutt kç confined In bed and %everal village fohk have had the cold and *flii. We are pleased to be able to report Mr. Wmn. Lamb i% home again frein Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb, Enniskillen, and Mr. and Mrs. Cccil Wilson and girls called ta sce hlm. Mrs. Eli Mairs is gradually gaining strength since ber op- eration and Mrs. Kenneth Gi- bank was able te attend church service Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers attended the -wcddirig c! bis sister in Lindsay on Saturday. Sympathy is exteridcd te the family and friends o! the late Lucinda Hyland, orie o! Cart- wright's oldest pioneers. In terment was in St. John's Cem- etery on Tbursday. Betty and George Hicks had their torisils eut in Port Perry Hospital. They are home and getting aiong fine. MiIIer's Widen League In Town League Hockey Miller's stiil prove te be the powerhouse ini Town League hockey as they Iead the league by four points. On Thursday of lait week they grabbed their fourth straight win as they downed Newcastle 9-5 in a dlean, fast hockey match at Memorial Arena. Front Street who are trailing close bchind them luck- ily cked eut a 5-4 win ever Courice as they tangled in a see- saw fashion.*1 Cowlc cf Miller's moved te the front i the seoring race as he picked up two goals and three assists to put his total at 39 points. Lloyd Hamilton is a close second with 37 points. Brunt started the scering when he tallied at 3:40 te give Newcastle the lead. The scor- ing continued te change the lead until the third stariza, when the taximen rallicd for a total o! five goals. As the first period ended Mill- er's -wcre lcading by one goal. Quinney tied it at 11:02 o! the second frame when he irivaded heir defence. The taximen took the lead on two more occasionsi but each time Newcastle evened the score. Don Childs and Cowle hit the target twice each for the taximen in the final period and Lloyd Hamilton counted for their other. Quinriey tallied the only Newcastle goal of the stanza at 15:57. Front Street vs. Courtice Front Street gaincd an early lead over Courtice by scoring Midgets Trim Port Hope Bewmanville's Lions Midgets downed the visiting Port Hope Midgets 8-1, in an exhibition hockey match bere Saturday afternoon. Paul McCullough paced the homesters with tbree goals, Bob Burgess ceunted for two and Garry McCullough, Dan Cattran, Lemon counted sin- gles. Knight o! Port Hope, scer- ed the only goal for thr \visit- orS in the second period. The Midgets led 3-n as file fir.st stanza ended, and were ahead 5-0 before Port Hope scored. Tonight (Thursday) they Mwil tiavel te Port Hope for a re. turn exhibition gaine. Bnwmnan- ville fans can see thein in action this comîng Saturday when they play hosts te Whitby Mid- gets at 5 p. mn. at Memnorial SERVICE STATION TO LEASE apply Box 597 c/o Canadian Siaiesman the firat three goals. Chuek Kilpatrick opened the ucaring for themn at 3:45. Bill Lyle apd Richards were their other snip- ers. Thompson ended the front- streeters lead in the second period when he scored twice in one minute for Courtice to tie it 3-3. Ford gave Front Street the lead again at 10:19 when ho dented the twine with a bullet. Thompson. evened it for a second time at 13:30 of the final stariza. Bob Sheridan hit the target with the winning goal at 15:42, alter receiving a pass from Bill Lyle. To awaken interest and kin- die enthusiasm is the sure way to teach successfullW and easily. -Tryon Edwards. IlM L o A N SI To Pay Past Due BilLN To Coîtuolidate MOnthly Payrnents For Hloliday Expenses For New Purchases For Emergency Expenses Corne in Toclay Try The Belivue Way on a Pay from Ineanme Plan BELL VUE FINANCE CORP. Gr. B. WILSON. Mgr. 29% Simecoe S. Dial 5-1121 OSPIAWA golî3ysCIothirn9i OUR ENTIRE STOCK 0F PULLOVERS, WINDBREAKERS, SHIRTS, PANTS, TIES,, SOCKS, UNDERWEARI, ETC, ARE ALL REDUCED I OFF Knee High Rubber Boots Reg. $4.25 TO CLEAR $3*25pr. Sales Phone NA 3.3211 -i ,-- - 1 -1 SUBURBAN COATS Reg. $19.95 TO $1(09 CLEAR Boa=%-iile Branch: Oshawa Branch: Bowmanvu*lle Surplus 42 Ring Si. E. "M eANAMM STATUUM. BOWYANVffZ.ýn O"AMe - t- - - * * loi~ lý r 1

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