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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jan 1957, p. 13

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TNtRSIDAY, JAN. loth, 1957 TY!~ CMfADTA2f STATÉSMA!<, ~OWU~NVTL? 6?1?AWR FAUN TKIET N.Hennin g Polis 8 11 ln Durham Of Bowmanville's better bo&frrs ]cd the way Friday rAght, to open act;vities in the Durham league's sýecond sch- dl. No-m IHer.ning carne uýp with three good gamea, 309, 282, 220. This is a good night's ~ork. Hats off to Norm! SMany of our boys showed gris of settling down early in is second schedule. A number of good scores were rolled up during the course of the night. Following are some of the better single scores. Norm's 309 was tops, Bud Henning had a 307, Roger Meadows came through with a 308, Chuc i--- ley rolled a 305. Triple scores which rate no- tice were, George Paulas 702, Walt Polley 718, Bud Hen- ning 727, and Norrn Henning's 811. Juvenile Hockey Standings Following is the scoring standings of the Bowrnanville Legionnaires of the Juvenile hockey division, as o! January 3rd: Name G Crossey ---- 6 Marjerrison - --- 3 Mason . 4 Prout - -4 Gould 1 Cole .1 Forder . .2 Pollard ----- -- 2 McCullough -- 0 Richards - --- Osborne ------ l 9 5 3 3 3 2 2 21 1 Thompson 0 1 1 Fowler ---- 0 1 1 Hierbert O i TI1CK ET 8 TO EVERYWHERE Air., Rail or Steamship Consuit JURY & LOVELL Bowmanville 15 King St. W. MA 3-S778 League %%A" Know Your Junior Players Durham League Teana Standing Tean, 'Pins Points: 1B. Polley 3176 7 C. Woolner____ 3187 5 D. Bishop - 2994 5 L. MacDougal 2885 5 B. Engley -___ 2940 4 J. Murphy 3003 3 M. Corson ____ 3064 2 E. McQuade 2742 2 C. Disley 2709 2 I S. Crago- 2722 0 200 Averages Norm Henning 270 Bud Henning -______242 Walt Polley 2391 Mult Corson ________2341j George Poulas _______234 I Don Bishop- 233 Jim Murphy - 23() Howard Cook _____227 Lowell MacDaugal 2271 Rager Meadows _____-216! Chuck Disley _____216 Colli Woolner --2131 George Heath 209 Jim Telford _______2061 Bert Engley 204 Russ Lane -.~____203 Maurice Stephens 202 Bey Burgess---- - 200 High Single, Norm Henning, 309. High Triple, Norm Henningr Juniors Lose To Brooklin Robson Pontiacs suffered a 7-2 defeat on Saturday as they 1 travelled to Brooklin ta chai- lenge the second place teani ia the Junior "C" hockey loop* The Pontiacs' twa goals were scored by their stalwart centre,i George Lawrence, in the first periad. Brooklin were leading 3-2 as the second frame ended and they kept their defence strong against the homesters who tried several times to dent it. Brooklin played the Pontiacs here last night (Wednesday); no scores were available at press time.t George Lawrence, who is serv- ing his apprenticeship in Jun- ior hockey this year, is shawing great effort in his position as centre, with the Robson Pan- tiaes. MEMORIAL ARENA A CT! VITIES jBamry Cowllng, is ane of the strong factors in the defence a! the Robson Pontiacs. Barry,1 v.ho is up from hast year's Ju-J venules, is doing a good job <in bis first season ini Junior hockey. The managrement of the Bowmanville - Orono Comnbinef hockey tearn have announceai that fans may be seeing sorne more famniliar faces back on the ice for thc Combines in the Ivcrv near future. Ii is reported that Bill Ber- iwicL- who wvas with *"'e teamn Iat Lie start of tIc .seabt,.i, was expected ta play in the gaine again-t Lakefield on Wednes- day night. 1Jerry Scott, who also started the scason with the Combines and .Tcd Wilson, who was with the Barons hast season are alào pos.iblhities. management re- plorts. Arrangements are being dicscd at preýent wibh these i players as to when they will niake their appearance. *One player. whomn managre- ment w.ouî1d no, identifv\ is ýo bc titcir lourth addition to the a rit. ' e.ako are watc-,hing Witi1 !lüc-n ç.-. a ertiin lEft ~ whois prc.sentiy play- ing ]own League hockey, ne V'.as flct namied. Onc Town League hockey of- ficiail as been approached re- "ardýn- the matter of playeri from îhe Town League being permitied to play en occasiorud ganmu ,ii ie O.H. A. circuit. At prcý ent. Town 1,e ag ui plaý,.c: b aie nlot. permitted ta REGISTRAIONS Registrations opened t h i à week fdm the Winter sessions of the Recreation Departmnent's activity classes.. Announcemet regarding the variaus classes has appearcd in The Statesman during the past few weeks. You may register by attending the first session or by telephon- ing the Recteatian Office' et MA 3-5761. Registrations are stili oMen in the following classes: Thuraday- 2:00- 4:00-Millinery Class, Lions Centre 7:00- 10:00-Aduit Swimming, B.T.S. Pool Friday- 4:00- 6:00-Children's Jr. Variety, Lions Centre 7:30- 9:30-Aduit Art Class, Lions Centre 8.30-12:00-Teen Town, Lions Centre Saturday- 9:00- 1:00-Children's Danc- ing, Lions Centre Monday- 8:00-10:00-Choral Society, Town Hall Tueaday- 7:.30- 9:30-Smocking, Lions Centre 8:00-10 :00-Lethercraft, Lions Centre Wednesday- 3:00- 8:30-Children's Danc- ing, Lions Centre 7:30- 9:30-Public Speaking Lions Centre CHORAL SOCIETY The Bowmanville Choral Soc- iety held their annual election o! officers at the completion of their practice last Monday, Januamy 7th. Officers for the 1957 season are as follows. President - Mrs. Anne Bridg. land; Vice-President -Mms. M. Ferguson; Secretary - Mrs. L. Ayre; Treasurer-Clayton Reid; Librarian-Miss Dora Purdon; Program. Committee Chairman -Walter Goode; Social Com- mittee Chairman-Mrs. L. Han- cock. Anyone interested in jaining the Choral Society please con- tact Mrs. Arlene Ayre, at MA, 3-2830, ta mnake arrange- ment& for an audition. MINOR HOCKEY Ail Minor Hockey teaiiis swung back into action lait Saturday, Januery 5th, after a two-week lay-off. The two weeks of rest -didn't seeni ta bother any of the teains as they took ta the ice for the second haîf of the schedule. !h preparation. for the coming Minor Hockey toumnaments the coaches and managers have chosen three ail-star teanis to meprepent Bowrnanville in the forth comlng Little N.H.L. Toumnament. The three teams have been hard at it holding practicea on Decernbem 22nd and 29th. The flantain team..(12 aa.d. 13 year olds') are being coached by Geo. Piper and Ted Bagneli; the Pee Wees (10 and il year olds) are under the leadership o! Ed. Rundie and Morley Oke; the Atoin tearn (under 10) is being coached by Don Gil- hooly and Ron Oke. BANTAM LEAGUE In the f imst gaine o! the Ban- tain League the Huskies scored twice mn each period ta defeat the Tigers 4-2. Bryan Hughes (3) and Brent Hughes account- ed for the Huskies goals. Bren- ton Hughes (2) and Ken Park assisted--6n the Huskies goals. Nelson Yeo and Irving GUI (John Dykstra) scored the Tig.rr goals. Bryani Hughes, (tripping) and Tommy Wilson! (slashing) each picked up two 1 minute penalties for the Husk- ies. 'Nelson Yea (tripping> col- lected the only Tiger penalty o! the gaine. In the second Bantain gaine o! the morning the Braves de- feated the first place Lions by a 3-2 score. The win moved, the Braves ta within anc point of the league leaders. Jummie McKnight (2) and Gerald Bal- son accounted for thie Braves three goals. Ross Turner, AI- Iati Waodlock and Gemald Balson asslsted on the Braves goals. play O.H.A. hockey. The mnan- agement of thé Combines have requested that Town Leaguoi officiais insert a new ruliag ia Town League mules; that would permit a player to, continue ta play in Town League hockey, but would allaw lim to play O.H-. . hockey, a!ter Deceni. ter 30. However, it was steted that ta datp this seaion, one player froin the Town League has played six 0,1H.A. gaines and anotber has played ia one. Ross Hawe, the Combine alert net minder showved sanie of lis fine work recently, when lie was loaned ta the Whîtbv D un- laps, 0.H.A. Senior A, league leaders. Hc played goal for theni against Kingston and produced a shutout., wh ile Whitby down- ed K.ngston 8-0. WUh thair présent strengili and the pooibility o! the fore- mentianed playcds being added ta the teamn, it should b. noa problein for the Combinés to maintain their high Intemmedi- ate 'A" league standing. Thay arc uit present in first place.j Man's capacities have neyer been measu.red, non are we ta judg-i3 of what he cen do by any precedentr-, iso- 1111e haà been tried.-Tlioxeau. gem. O! the mornlng the Cubs chalked Up their first win Of thc season by. defeeting thc Pirates 6-.. The Win~ for the Cuba nioved thein into a fiftth place tic wih the Pirates. Karod Mtton (3), Lemry Pip- ler, Bil Bickle and Grant Flint- Off were the goal scorers for the Cubs. Wallie Babich, Grant Flintof! (2), Larry Piper (3) and lKarold Mutton collected the assista on the Cubs six goals. Harold Mutton (tripp- ing) and Grant plintoff (clip- ping) each Collected two minute penalties for the Cuba. Winnie Vanatorie (shashing) collected the only Pirate penalty Of the gaine. PEE WEE LEAGUE In tUic first gaine o! the Pee Wee League the Rangera camne up wîth their béat gaine o! the sEasOrl ta tic the Bruins 3-3. John AllUn (Scott Essery, Ter- ry Black), James Lane and TerY Black (Scott Essemy) gave the Bruina a 3-1 lead et Uic end o! the first pcriod. Allan Hoopen (John Goode) scored tie Rangers only goal in the finît pemiod . Thc Rangers camne back with two goals in the final period ta tic the game up. Bruce Ogden scorlng bath Rangera. goals. David O'Rtoumke picked up an assist on anc of Ogden'& goals. John Goode (trîpping) collected thc only Ranger penalty o! the gaine. The Bruina only penalty went ta Scott Essery (hooking). Ini the second gaine o! the Pee Wee League the Hawks continued their uadefeated string bY defeating the fourtiî place Bcd Wings 5-2. Alex Wiseman (3), John 0ke and David Gibson scored for the Hawks. John Oke and Alex Wiseman (2) collected assists on the H.awks goals. David Weni-y (John Bruce) and John Bruce scomed the Bcd Wings goals. Lionel VanNes-t (holding puck) and Leigli Somnmerscales (triPPing) each cOllected a twa minute penalty for the Hawks. The win put the Hawks into sole possession o! first place one point ahead cf thie second place Bruina. In the third anid final Pee Wee gaine of the morning the Leafs deleated the fifth place Canadiens 5-0 ta niove into third place ln the league stand- IngseMckey Dickens (2), Ricky Petensron yBay Crombie), Tom Stecy(r cky Peterson) and a Crombie (Robent Black- burn). Ricky Petengon (trip. ping) and James Flan (trip- plng) each collected two minute penalties for the Leafs. ATOM LEAGUE In the finit gaine o! the Atoin League last Monday a!- ternOon the Bains defeated Uic least place Bisons 3-2. he wL-1 nioved .the Rama s to a. third p lace tic wlth the Beana. Enic Ferlund (2) and George Moore (Irwin Colwell) scomed for the Rarns. Pet' Vinish and John Hughes (Pet Viniali) ~vere the. Advanced Baba t r - 1Ties Santana League W L T F Lions 6 2 0 29 Braves 5 2 1 22 Huskies 4 2 2 23 Tigers . 4 3 1 14 Cuba s 1 6 1 15 Pirates 1 6 1 il Pce Wee League Hawks 6 O 2 41 Bruina 5 0 3 21 Leafs 3 4 1 24 Bcd Wiags - 3 .5 0 25 Canadians - 1 5 2 16 Rangera -- 1 52 il Atona League W L T F Barons 5 O 0 16 Hornets - 3 1 0 21 Bears 2 3 0 9 Rams 2 3 0 7 Indiana - 1 2 1 12 DANCING OCLASS There are several vacanvies ini the Wednesday ai terioon Pre-school, Ballet, Tap and Baton Classes. The times for the variaus age groupa are aa foilows: 3:30 p.M.- Pre-School Beginnens, 4 and 5 years 4.00 p.m- Begianers and 5-ym.-olds taken before 4:30 pi.m- Prîiary Ballet and older beginna 5:00 p.m.- Grade 1 Ballet 5:30 pan.- Beginnerrs Baton 6:00 p.in. 2nd year tep 6:30 p.m.- 3rd year tep 7.00 p.m.- Beginners Tep 7:30 p.m.- A Pts. 13 12 16 11 22 10 15 9 25 3 22 3 A Pts. 14 14 9 13 21 7 32 6 29 3 34 3 A Pts. 6 10 8 6 16 4 10 4 12 3 Bow and Four-in-Hand Reg. to $2.00 Suifs EXTRA PANTS FREE Ken's e- BLACKSTOCK Blarkstock-The annual meet- ing of the Blackstock United Sunday School was held Jan. 2. Rey. R. H. Wylie, Port Perry, was chairman. Reports from al the secretaries were given. Sec- retary reported average atten- dance for the year was 1191,2'. CHILDREN'S JUNIOR gal acorers for the Biaons. ere were no penalties haiid- ed out ini this gaine. Ina- the second gaie of the Atoin League the Barons stret- ched their undefeatcd string to five gaines by beating the Bears 3-1. Henry Kooy (2) and Bill Depew accounted for the Bar- ons three goals. Bill Depew, Graydan Colvile and Henry Kooy ail pickecl up assists on the Barons goals. Gene Balson kept the Bears from being shut-out when lie îcomed late [in the final period. Larry Per- ris (high sticking) collected the only penalty of the gaine for the Barons. AUl Atom gaines scheduled for Monday, January 21st, have been cancelled and wil be played at the end o! the iche- dule if they are necessary. Gaines scheduled for this Saturday are as follows. Bantais- 7:00-Huskies vs, Pirates 7:45-Braves vs. Cuba 8:40-Lions vs. Tigers Fec Wees,- 9:25-Rangera vs. Leafà 10:20-Wings vs. Bruins 1i:05-Hawks vs. Canadians Atoin gaines schedulcd for next Monday are as follows: 5:00 p.m.-Hornets vs. Indians 5:40 p.m.-Barons vs. Rama IMNOR HOCKEY inery Class last spming. Secretary, Ivan Mountjoy. ;sa~;rnssso:bsss;z:zz~;spppbpp.ppp:uppp~ Treasureru report Obewed a 8u* stantial balanc. It wua decii. ed to give $200 to the ,hrl renovation fund. Missionnao Treasurer reported over $~ given for M. & M. The reaignation of Mr. Zari Dorreil who has been Superiü. tendent for 31 years was se- cepted wlth regret. A vote .of appreciation was tendered the past Supt. and officers. Coin- mittees were appointed to malce arrangements f or anriiversary services, May 19, Followmng officers were elect. ed: Superintendent, Ralph Lar- mer, Asst. Supt., Ernest Swain; Sec'y, Harvey Graham.; Asst. Sec'y, Allan Bailey; Treas., Rich- ard Van Camp; Primar Supt., Mrs. Ivan Thdimpson; Asst. Prim. Su pt., Mrs. Murray Byera; Cradie Roll Supt., Mrs. Lloyd Wright.« Teachers: Nursery No. 1, Mrs. Gardon Strong; Nursery No.. 2, Mrs. Murray Byers; Beginners, girls, Mrs. Roy Turner; Begin-. ners, boys, Mrs. Roy Taylor; Primary, g irls, Mrs. Roy Mc- Laughlin; Primary boys Glenn Larmer; Assistants for 1ýrirnary' Rooni, Mri. Harold Swain, Mrs. Ernest Swaln, Miss Phyllis Strong; Junior Girls, Mra. Ham- old Kyte. assistant Mns. Stuart Dorreli; Junior Boys, Neil Mal. colm, assistant Stuart Dorreil; Intemmediate Girls, Mrs. Harold McLaughlin, assistant Mrs. Cecil Hill, Intermediate Boys, Walter Wright. The organized classes wil choose their teachers later. Pianist, Miss Joan Hoskin, assistant, Mrs. Henry Wotten; Supply Receiver, Mrs. Wilbèrt Archer; Auditors, Mns. Russell Mountjoy, Mmi. Cecil Hill; Mis- sionary Secretary. Miss Joyce Grahami; Missionary Treasurer, Mrs. Cecil Gibson; Temperance M cNult y's Windows FOà I rQYS -SKATES BUY NOW AND SAVIC. m GAMES 3531 OUR LEAI HAS I Clearing Fine Shirts Reg. in 5.95 Sport Shirts Rteg. t. 7.95 $2.9 5 & $3.9 5 69C two for $125 MU(fMw -i- r .UBLIC SKATING D' FRIDAY, JANUARY Ilh 8 Io 10 p.m. Admîission . - . . Aduits 40c, Students 25e McNULTY'S SPORTS, CYCLE AND TOYS 6 King St. E.'. Bowmanville Phone MA 2~- I ntermediate Hocey Game ai 8:30 p.m. SATURDAYI JANUAIT 121h Cobourg Lumbermen "'s. Bowmanville m Orono Combines Admission----- ------Aduits 75e for Reserved Seats and General Admission Students and Children- ---- ------e SPECIAL!-CHILDREN'S SKATING 3:30 - 5:30 p.M. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY lGth 12 years and under only 2 5c Aduits accompanying children 25e Junior"c" HOCKEY ai 8:30 p.m. WEDNESDAYI, JANUARY 16th Whitby vs. Robson Pontiacs dmission .- .- .* . . .s .- . Aduits SOc- tudcnts - 35c Children - 25c ai 7 p.m. Juvenile Hockey Cobou rg VS. B3owmanville Legionnaires Combin és Expect to Have 1More Playérs this Week $49,50 Ail WooI Worateds Men s Wear Th AfrstmetingoCL heRe Tein a mentheJune- retonluDepartnents5Junior Van i lb for th 1957 sea sonay wilh be el this am ins Cnray, Janarillhat Lionsm Cetebegsinaing th4:00upio. MaremCberi taenthe Jno Vailrey Club sia oen tan chilrenofro nd ixtthrten yheafo o! gind gtherelusbn chrge foredjolgte aclub. RsllFred - al aa Mrn chrss tehl H lîman w iv b. u cf hgeo! te clubsctintes. If here i tenclugbiintes chilrn it she clb bythe prouctin iofis oped tat ar' productioOn"TomeSawe in the spring. MMILINERY CLASS If yau are interested in tak- ing a course in Millinery ar- rangtements have been miade ta hold an after clas o! in- struction, The Miilinery Class will begin taday (Thumsday) et 2:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m., et the Lions Community Centre. If Yonu are intereated please feel fret ta came aven ta the Lions Centre and visit the class. The Millinery Class will be under the direction o! Mms. Y. Zavi, o! Cobourg, Mrs. Zavi acted as instructresa for the Recreation Department's M1il- 7ýFý, TIM CANAD" STATÉSMAX, IBOWMA"T=, O"AMO FOR .lýquj Wool alends - la &,OMM mmmubmmmmm" 9 Watch $1095

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