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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jan 1957, p. 15

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'IIURSDAY, 3AK. IOth, 1957 TEE CANADLAN STATESUM. EOW74MA1LtJ. oNTAXzO * ~hoped we would ail be ambas- sA E S sada rs af good wilU in aur com-SA E munity. C lu sl*l*e A dThe members then partook The Young People's Unior CARD 0F TH.ANKS Cards of Thanks ed by Scugog St. Group oi day evening. Trin.ity W.A. Mr. Herb Craig who has beer STa ail the ladies af W.A. ai We wlsh ta express our beart- with the RCAF at Clareshalme 1(Zniskillen, we wauld like ta feit thanks and appreciatian ta Alberta, for the past faur vear, aki"ý ur sîncere thanks for; the kind nelghbaurs of Weiling-I arrived horne on New 'Year'q the Véry lavely gifts we received ton, Liberty and Centre Streets M oE S i. Day. He bas accepted a posi- recently. ;for their many acta af klndness, tion at Duninviile. Mns. Mabel Rawan and Annie.. and floral tributes, alsa ta rela- 4% Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist anc Tlalse, Captain Brawn and wlfe family, Miss Nellie Ridehalgil Vewisht tak ail Our1 of the Salvation Army, for their <Continued iram page one) were New Year's visitors with txý4ends and neighbors for the. many acts ai kindness and con- thinking. Fram reading thei Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bell, ~autiful fiowers, gif ts and soling- words in the time ai aur newspaper reports af the prab- Town. Iay cards received on the. deep sorrow and lois af aur dari- lems aof ather towns and fram Mr. and Mrs. K. Shackleton " ~casian ai my 90th birthday. ing boy.I talklng ta residents ai other and iamily were New Year's Mrs. C. F. Awde and family, Mr. and Mrs. Z. Adams municipalities, this need for con- visitars with ber sister, Mr. and Orono. 2-1 and Farnily. tinued positive thinking is even Mrs. Bruce Little, Agincaurt. 2-1 mare evident.Mran r.GalShi- 1wish ta sincerely thank thej Great Poaslbllitles letan and family, Mrs. Mark dactors and nurses ai Memorial COM4ING EVENTS According ta ail pred.lctlans, Blackburn, were New Year~s and relatives and the Canadian Annual meeting ai Tyrone Canada has a potential that, with visitors with Miss Stella Black- Legion for their kindnesses dur- Community Hall ta be heid inth propergudnewl xe br adMisNteCo, ang my recent illness. the hall on Thursday, January almost anything we can dream Tawn. Roy Bothwell. 1th at 8 p.m. 2-1 ofa. What applies ta Canada as M.adMs .SvrM 2-1* 1 a whole is magnified ior Ontariao n n r. .SvrM _____Dance ta Doug Dasti and the and the possibilities for aur par- and Mns. E. Savery, Master Da- Northern Ramblers every Sat- ticular section af the provincevi Savery, Oshawa, Mr. and Many thanks ta Dr. McKenzie' urday night at Pontypool Hall, are unlimited. Fromn a geagraph- Mr. F. Blackburn and iamily, kind nurses and staff of Memor- Gents 75c, ladies 50c. 2-1 ical standpolnt, we are ideaily were New Year's visitors witb lai Hospital, Bowmanviile; Rev. - located between the two greatest, Mr. and Mrs. L. Welsh. Fisher, iriends and relatives for Plan ta attend the Guildettes' cities af Canada; we are on the1 Mr. and Mrs. W. Cowling, Au- flowers, cards, gifts and visita Valentine tea and sale ai home main lines af the railways the 1 nana, were weekend visîtors during my stay in hospital. baking, St. John's Parish Hall, ou-ae ig ay tt es wt M.adMrSHMCue Mrs. George (Reta) Glanvilie. Feb. 9, from 2:30 - 5 p.m. Tea. through aur town will soan wi 2-l* 35c. 241*1extend from one barder ai On- iMr. and Mrs. F. Blackburn tario ta the athen; and the St. and family were Friday even- 1 would like ta thank ail my On Friday, January lSth, be-n iioswthM.adMs at2 'coc, heLaie'Lawrence Seaway gaes by aur inVsios ihMr ndMs friends who remembered me g inng at2ocok h a iesront door. . Thampson, Town. with loveiy cards duning my Aid ai St. Andrew's Church are sickness in Taronto Hospital. holding a bake sale and delica- Economicaily we only have tai Salern W.A. will boid their Special thanks ta Trinity Wo- tessen shop in the Church School refer ta the last debenture issued January meeting on Thursday, man's Association, aiso Local 189 room. 2-1 by the town ta learn that we are Jan. 17 at the home ai Mrs. L. Unied ubbr Wrkes mm- uh nd cou Moher' Hmeconsidered an excellent risk by Welsh instead of et Mrs. F. bner r ter gifts. e CB an Set Hydo h omFn-the financial bouses. The Good- Jackson's as announced at lasi Maurorth ice CrookSae. HyroShpFr-year Tire and Rubber Company' meeting. Marie rok day, January 18th at 1:30. Do- has announced expansion plans Sarmn wsobevd t 2-____ nations kindly neceived. For for its local plant end the RM. armn a bevda pick-up telephone MA 3-543o or Hollingsbead Company has re: chunch an Sunday. We would like ta take this op- MA 3-5639. 2-1 centiy completed construction ai portunity ta extend aur heart-fcltisatispln. Anul ..Metn feit thenks and appreciation ta Regular weekly bingo held diinlfclte tispa T e Annual S. Meeting l ail aur relations, kind neighibors Thursdays except third week In WiIl Change Teeg anuelSd aythehome and iriends for their ects ai the month which will be held an Whether we like it or not, aiMadMs G hcltn kindness, messages ai sympathy Tuesdeys, in the Union Hall. 20 Bowmenviile is cbenging and Mran Ms.GShclt. and beautiful floral offerings in regular gemes and a jack Pot wiîî continue ta change. How it Minutes ai last meeting and fi- the passing ai aur mother. came- No geme under $3.00. changes is what must concern. nancial report were given. Rev. Falls Family. Admission 50c. 2-tf we who sit an this Council and F. Jackson toak charge ai dlec- 2-1* Plan ta attend the Burns' the men and wamen who sit on j tion ai offioers with the foilow- Nigh, Sturay, anury 6, tee ta.ri nd thmmlasidncanef g rults. Supt. Mr. W. Craig; I wish ta thenk Doctors H. JNgt traJaey 6 theery oa Dr nd h atdcaeAss Supt., Mr. G. Shackle- Rundle, A. F. McKenzie and C. 6:30 p.m., in the Canadien Legion the population bas increased by ton; Sec., Marion Buttery; As- Austin, the nurses and staff of Hall. After supper, including 50 per cent ta the present total, sist. Sec., Ray Twist; Trees., Memoriel Hospital for their care haggis, etc., there will be an o 3.Ufruaeyarii rc lcbr;Foe om dluring ffy necent iliness. M evening ai entertainment andof664 nrtaeloui-GacBakbn;FwrCir. sinereeppecatin t ythsdancing. Admission $2.00 e dustrial expansion bas not kept Mrs. K. Shackleton and Mrs. E. who eremembred me iotath fow- persan. per pace with this resîdential in- Twist. Teachers-Bible Class, Whs, cambrdsad i e uirie. nflevoin- en 2r-2th crease but we hope that this Mr. W. Craig and Mn. G. Shack- ers, ar OndNicholais. i Backstock Comaunity ll, problem wil be nemedîed ta leton; Senior, Mrs. G. Shackle- Owen ichol 21 iMr. cS. . o on, Presadlnt sainsoe degree in the near future. ton;, Intermediate, Mr. Bob 2-_M._.W.Nion____dnto For the past many years there Creig and Mrs. K. Shackleton; Nixon Laboretories, specialists in bas been much positive thinking Junior, Mrs. S. Buttery, Mr. K. We wisb ta tbank aur children, veterinary medicetion will speek; and planning by tawn officiais. Shackleton; Junior, Mrs. L. friends neighbons and relatives on livestock end poultny disees- Bcueo hspstv hnigWlh n isBaCag who arrenged aur lovely panty es, cures ad cnrl.Alare Becausae anaispostvlhik e lshlYPimr, adMss BeCraig ; r at aur home and presented US weýlcome. 10 p.m. 2-1* ofwerwhave anampl ewsuppEy P iarst; W. Cnri, MisDrs. wariihawbesand ulcadst an te TeAnela-h disposai system, we have a een Richards, Assists., Misses wcasi fo a d u r dsonte5tehnua Meeting o h town zoning and building plan Marion Buttery and Grace occaionof ur 5thwedding Memorial Hospital Board will bel1 that is cansidered a model one, Blackburn; Pianists, Misses Bea anniversary. held in the Council Room at we have certain bylaws thet will Craig, M'arion Buttery ai-d Belle and Art Falls. 8:00 p.m. the lSth January ion provide for the ordeniy-ai1d econ-' rcrn rdi0al Gae Blackbur;CalRo, 2-1 the purpose ai bearing reports omic contrai aif future sub-IMs ly ihrs and the election ai six directors divisions. We have excellent M,-. oyd fRicthrds. rga M1thanks ta Dr. Hubbard, for 1957. educational and recreetionel fa- Dion'mtinogt the Cngrga D.r'tenreanstfai R. J. Dilling, Sec'y-Treas. ciîities and aur greatest asset ionlmeigettecuc the mr1,oniel Hospital for their 52-3 aur citizens who are af an ex- Thunsday, .Jan. 10. kind attention duning my stay in. etoalhi cibesprv bospital. Thenks aiso ta my The annual meeting af thecpinlyhg clbea rv friends and nelghbors for flow- Canadien Cancer Society will be en by the very, very low record eessages, aiso those who donat- Simncoe St. N., Oshawa, an Need Improvements e d blood. Thursday, Jan. 10 at 8 p.m. The On the debit side of the ledger1 e- rt.,, Mrs. Percy Byers. speaker will be Mr. Jack Broc- is aur road systemn whîch certain- Fr t 2-1 kie, Director o! Publicity. The îy needs much improving, aur, À public is cordially invited ta sewage disposai systemn will soon eh#- 'ncere thanks ta the staff attend. 1-2 have ta be increased, we should ýR the M4emorial Hospital, Bow- TCe Snitr, have a storm sewer system for innvll wo er 5 kndan Te enor itzns Party better drainage and we mustl tboughtiul ta me during mv osred by Club 15 will be~ hmpmr nditvs +1,ere a M ie e, 1, Id stay, the Lions Centre. There wili be rny special nurses, my blooda rgaccomrilndnusilase- donors, and ta my many fiends a rgacrds and games cmeca n ndsre ses ionther lorl iit en gt wîîAnyone interested will be made ment and the residentiai ses fards hichflolped tsandchet emewelcome. If transportation *is nt up.Aga win I say, tu hankyouaml needed, telephane Mrs. Nelsons There are sevenal Items 01i Mr gans H arodPnteousa. Osborne, MA 3-3627. 2-n business that must be settled ini 24* Landrapproprationsmeeting-onthe immediate future. To men- Ladppopiaiometngo tion a few, a salary schedule for; Pipelines, Hydro, Highways, in ail town employees, additional I would like ta take this op- Orno Odd Fellows Hall, Jan- help in the town offices, the bir-: portunity ta express my apprec- uary 10, et 8 p.m. Special speak- ing ai e Chief ai Police, e de- lation ta the whole Town ai er, Ceci Belyea, Ontario Federa- cisian on the passible purchesel Bowmanville in aiding me ta tion ai Agriculture, Taranto. De- ai the Post Office Building, the: rnike a visit ta the Oid Countny bate: There are tao many farn purchase an arrangements ta ta see my mother. Speciel organizatians. Affirmative: Glen rent equipment for the streets thenks ta Mn. W. LaBine for Larmer, Harvey Graham; nega- department, plans ta impravel transportation help also all kind- tive: Betty McHolm, Richard many streets with the empliasis, nesses shown my wiie and fam- Van Camp. Ladies bring lunch, on Waverly Road, Liberty Street ily. Evenyone's efforts 'were Cofiee pnovlded. 1-2 South and the road in the newly deeply apprecieted.- annexed rai h John Sweep and family. d rai hesuhes 2-1 Persona portion ai the town. Town Manager The iamily ai the late Lucinda HYGIENIC supplies -- (Ru bber Another item that Council rnay Hyland wish ta extend their rods) malled Postpaid in Plain want ta discuss is the question. lheertfelt thanks toalal their sealed envelope with Pnice list. that would bave been voted on friends, relatives and kind neigh- Six samnples 25c, 24 samples by the people if there had beenl bars for their acts ai kindness, $1.00. Mail Onder Dept. T-28, an election. Are yau in favaur mnessages o!f ypty n a.ube a.BOX 91. iam-o! the pinciple ai the Townf beautiful floral tributes. A iltori Ont. 1'52 Manager System o! Municipal' special thenks ta St. John's W.A.,- Government for Bowmanviile?, Blackstock; Cadmus WA.' and W. u- I would like ta see a cammittee MS., Nestleton Women's Insti- u k y D n e omdtoba smchaa tute and tbe Blackstock W.I. asyL>flneo sbed aob tiasuch ata ,-duning the illness and loss aoaf ass ile othisorsubjDec mother. To eech and ail F at red W . tos oiefhth heoarainDirec- xney God bless you... generel manager. In other words,1 M eetin the Council sets the policy, the 1 In te mist a aursotrwnweManager supervises the actuel! wIs htaexprss afur hartfwet peratian ai thet policy, makes' wish u exressour earteltnecommendations ta the Councili tbanks a-id apprecietion ta aur The regular meeting a! Bow and is the liasion between tbe'I rnany relatives iniends and menville Women's Institute waÎ Cauncil and the staff and thel zieighbours for their kindness held et the Lions Centre 0n11 ratepayers. ofalvn ea nd othr. e r.. Buttery, president JPrlesChe especielly wish ta thank Rev. T. was in charge af business. A One ai the iirst duties ai the« A. Morgan for bis cansoling donation is ta be sent ta Girl Police Committee wîll be ta con-! words, ail the donars ai the Guide Association and the spe- sider the applications for thei beautiful floral offenings, elso ciel Christmas collection ai $10 position ai Chief ai Police. Bow- Dr. K. W. Slemon, nurses and was given ta the Salvatian manville bas been fortunate in, staff o! Memonial Hospital for Anmy. many ways, but nevèr mare thein kindness and cane shown Mrs. Gea. Alchin was con- fortunate than in the selection. dluning hen iilness. "enor af the program. She read ai Sydney Venton as Chief ai. Harold Thertel and family. the motta: "±ts nat what you Police 28 years ega. Fan many 2-1* give but what yaûahn, o years he. and the late Welter' the gilt withu the gfer ~jHall ionmed the police force ai We wisb ta extend aur sincere baie.' Mrs. E.tPefe si Bowmanvllle. This meent long tbanks and appreciation ta Drs. twa solos, Bls Ti 9sn hours af duty every day ai the Austin and Siemon and the and "-Oh Little Town ousBen week e vey weekfthouervyen nurses ai the Memonial Hospital, lehem" -i a very paitngH a îe eîiu evc the Re. Moran, th Nortpleasinger.ta the citizens and the tawn and' th Rv.Mrgnte orhct mnnr it is very iitting that he be givein and Smith Funeral Home and , Vrs. S. Buttery gave a read- the opportunity ta relinquish abu ý~.tve.fidaadng- ing, "Cbristmas Shopping". 1 some ai these anduous duties in' ba 'heUnited Church W.A. rs Alîchin conducted a cou- the near future. an secial thanks ta the pleofaiemes. Canai sînging wes i ladies ai the Rebekah Lodge ionr enjayed with Mrs.O.obnî We have* arned neyer ta then elpete tme~vhent ws1as sang leader and Mrs. S But- count aur chkckens until they! de*q'%Sly appreciated, and for the Lerya he pano are batched, but if we are able t' iful floral tribute s duning ~Ita meke the annauncement that. fI r.W i. Brown, District wehp t a1abu h Çlness and lois ai e loving Presicient, was the speaker. She w ie a Februmaeyanou the- * TeFamily ai thetenInttt wertawr formation we have et the present, lat Mr. . E Fett teirIntittepins. Mrs. Brawn time, I feel that Bowmanvilei late M rs. J. E Fle t. le s it e d a as b attnh es, a l w il I h av e th e n u cleu s n eed ed t a 2-1 ene tw ba ear , e ten ied a attain th e statu s ai an ideal Mnr and Mrs. George Yea wish golden wedding and trevelled1 town Whethen we reach that ta tkîank the family and iniends' on twa bus trips. She baped the* state o! Utopie is up ta you and ion the Iavely gifts and good District Annuel eeting next I and every citizen ai Bowman- wisbes on the açcasian a! thein spring would be btter repres- ville. 25th wedding annivensary, and ented inom each Institute. This is the 99th yean ln the ta everyane wbo contributed ta Mrs. Brown expressed ber bistany ai the Corporation ai the such an enjoyable eventng. williiagness ta help any bnanch 1 Town ai Bowmanvile. Let us George and May Yeo. _1 with pnoblems. She had iound j1 al stnive ta make it the best: -1Ithe mernbens very friendly and year yet. Find Little. Boy in Ditch After Search Jabnny Hubbard, two and one- bahf year aid son ai Dr. and Mns. E. D. Hubbard, 132 Wellington Street, was the abject ai a search late Tuesday aiternoon. At 4:30 p.m., bis parents iound be bad wandened away irom in iront af the bouse, wbene he bed been playing. Police were nati- fied and Constable C. Bradley af the Bowmanviîle Police was sent ta investigate. Meanwhiîe, Jabnny bad wand- ered along Scugog Road towand the Mill Pond, and an bis way hed fallen inta the ditcb. An unidentiiied youth beard the boy crying as be lay in the dich and went aven and picked him up. The youth reurned him ta bis home. Dr. and Mrs. Hub- bard have expnessed their sincere appreciation ta this youtb, who did flot give bis name. HAMPTON Visitons with Mn and Mns. Bert Stevens recently were Mn. Tom White, Tommy White, Jr., Miss Barbare White, R.N., To- ronto, Mr. Wm. White, Kipling, Sask. Mn. and Mrs. Menvin Cryden- man and family, Mns. Chas. Hastings, Oshawa, spent New Year's with Mn. and Mrs. Gar- don Wilbur. Mn. and Mrs. W. E. Stevens spent Christmas with Mn. and Mrs. Wes Taylor, Tynane. Mr. A. L. Pnescott, Misses Ruth and Marie Prescott, spent New Year's with Mn. and Mrs. J. S. Eddyveen, Orono. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Lyon and iamilY visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Lyon, Scarbaraugh. Miss Louise Goodman with Mn. and Mns. Allen Parker, To- ronto. Relatives who spent Christ- mas with the A. W. Prescott family were Mn. and Mrs. J. S. Eddyvean, Orono, Mn. and Mrs. Herbent Pnescott and Rag- er, Enfield. Others who bave been et the Prescott home ne- cently were Mns. Walter Beatà, Columbus, Mn. EenI Prescott, Tyrone. Yuletide visitors et S. Ker- sey's were Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Kersey, Rev. Ted Kersey, To- ronto; Mastens Ronnie and Ric- ky Kensey, Downsview, Mn. and Mrs. Ken Pooler, Lerry, Ran- dy and-Janet, Miss Grace Ken- sey, Oshawa. Mrs. W. McMillan, Mn. and Mrs. W. R. Young, Miss Sylvia Young, Bridgenorth; Mns. W. B. Cunningham, Mn. and Mrs. Allen Graham, Alena and Ke- vin, Fenelan Fells, wene New Yean's guests af Mn. and Mrs. Harland Truli. Mn. and Mrs. M. Mauntjoy Lo MAPLE GROVE Fish, Game Resources Are Over $137 Million ln Conservation Report spent New Year's at Mr. Ken. neth Samell's, Nestleton. .Miss Marioni Prescott, Enfield, spent a week with her grand« parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hoskex] Smith. SMiss Ruth Shackleton, Salem, spent a couple of days with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ro- lanid Shackleton. Miss Nina Hodgson returnec Lto Washington, D.C., on Satur- day after spending two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hodgson, and relatives. ~Miss Florence Werry visitec Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rowan, Bethany. Church Cangregationai meet- ing is being heid this Friday evening at 7.30. Co - operators Insurance Croup Meets The Durham County commit- tee of the Co-operators Insur- ance Association met in the of- fice of the Agricultural Re- presentative, E. A. Summers, in Bowmanville, on Thursday, January 3rd. Present were Mr. Russell Earie, Ida; Mr. Clarence Allun, Federation President, Mr. Bob Hendry, Bowmanville: Mr. Jack Arnott.. Orono; Mr. Sam Black, C.I.A. manager, Bowmanville. Agents present were Mr. Bob Moffatt, Orono; Mr. Howara Foley, Bowmanville,, and Mrs. Sadie McBain, Ida. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the new generil policy being suggested from head office in Toronto and to approve or disapprove of policy as affecting policy holders in Durham County. waters where there are few or ____________________________ )uncing the Biggest ýALE in our Historyl Save Safely up to s90.00 Off Regular Price Every Set Fully Guaranteed! - Buy NOW and Save- ELECTROHOME o-m MARCONI Announcing: Television Service Co. i's pleased to announce that after January 31s1 the Company wilI be under new management. We have always been primarily a Radio-Television Servicing Company, and Mr. Wm. Dykstra, the new proprietor, is a professional electronic serviceman. We are certain that your continued patronage ai Television Service Company will continue to be as thoroughly satisfaclory as has been aur policy for Iwo and a hall vears. C. J. ELSTON, Proprietor, Television Service Co. Service Phone MA 3u3883 Clearanice 0 0 Television -33 King St. West 1 ---, PAGI mam. FE mmrm $137,000,000 is what the Con-I no suitable spawning grounds, sservetion Council ai Ontario, but whene conditions fan sunvi- estimates the fish and geme ne- val and grawth are favoureble; sources ai the Province ta be (4) for stacking with legal- 2worth in ternis af a direct an- size fish in heavily fished wa- nual cash turnover. But, as it is ters where it is consiaered Ge- quick ta point out in a 64-page 'sînable ta provide fish in ex- repart on fish and wildlife con- cess ai the numben which the servation just submitted ta the waters wiîî pravide neturally. Government, the real value of these resources must be reck- The Cauncil hes thenefore ne- oned in termis af their contribu- camniended thet the Govern- tion ta man's enjoyment ai lufe, ment refuse ta plant fish except including bis health ai body wvhere bialogicel studies have and mmnd. indicated the desirability ai do- One ai the purposes ai the ing sa. Council in pubiishing this ne- Regending the baunty sy9tem, port is ta meke known, as whicii is still in effect in On- wide]y as possible, the fects tario, the Council has mustered about improved methods ai a formidable anrey ai opinion fisheries and wildlife manage- ta show that bounties are a ment, for withaut public sup- wastefui and inefiective meth- port it is difficuit for the Gov- od of predetor contrai which ernment to abandon policies should be discontinued. based an lang-accepted beliefs In a chapter headed "Gun and even when these policies are: Hunting Licenses," the "ou£,,, known ta be inefiective and e argues thet it is much toa easy waste af the texpayers' money. for persans who are tatally Among such beliefs there are ignorant af aur laws ta carry twa especielly the Council hopes and use iireerms. The Govern- its report wiil heip ta dispel. iment is accordingly urged ta These are thet stocking waters a dopt and enfance much stnicter with hatchery-reised fish is the reguletians releting ta the issu- enswer ta more and better fish- ing oif these licenses. ing, and that the payment of Altogether there are 17 chap- baunties for the contrai ai pre- ters ta this importent docu- dators, such as wolves and foxes, ment wbich cavers every major is the mast effective way ta aspect ai fish anÀd game con- increase the suppiy ai game. A servation in Ontario. "he 30 re- convincing summary af evid- commendations are i une witia ence discrediting these widely the most up-to-date thinking on beld vîews is given in appen- the problems considered, and dices ta the report. the Council believes that the Discussing the velue ai hatch- Government would adapt them eries in maintaining fish pou if it feit it had the backing of lations, tbe repart states that a solid body ai public opinion. it is only in exceptional cases thet the stacking of hatcbery- raised young increases the yield sufficiently ta pay fan the cost ai raising and planting the fish. On the average, less than 2 % of the trout fingenlings planted MA 3.3303 in streams survive ta contnibute ta the anglers catch. This meansfe that eacb traut ceught as a re- lings costs te taxpayer about SEICE $2.50. EM In the opinion a! the Conser- vation Council, the anly condi- tions under which the planting o! hatchery-raised fish is justi- fied are:- (1) for the introduction of species inta suiteble waters where they did nat occur net- Da tc e oe (2) where the population in HIghest Pr1cz PaId a body ai water bas been wip- 24-Hour Service ed out through pollution, win- TELEPHONE COLLECT terkill, or other catastrophe; C OB OU RG FRZ2-3721 NICK PECONI (3) fan mainteining fisb in PETERBOROUGH RI 2-2080 The annuel congregational meeting wili be heid on Tues- day evening, Jan. 15 et 8 p.m. in the basement. The Countice circuit brother- hood will meet an Thursdey (today) evening et Courtice et 8p.mn. Institute meeting an Monday cvening, Jan. 14 et 8 p.m. Mn. and Mrs. Sam Van Camp spent New Year's weekend with their aunt, Mrs. Sidney Lodge and other relatives i Mary- land. Mrs. Roy Gaod, Part Penny, Miss Janet Wells, Barrie, Miss Shirley Wade, Oshawa, were Tuesday visitons with the *for- men's sister, Mr. and Mns. Cecil Mills. Under the terms o! the B.N.A. Act provincial representation in the House ai Cammans is based on population as recarded in the regulan ten-year census. L- - -.là - mammm ADMIRAL 00

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