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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jan 1957, p. 4

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'-J -.-------.--- - ----------------------------------------- - - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ - - -~ -...---------,- - TT!E CAKAD!AN STATESMANl, EOWANVILM~ ONTARMO ?RUDAT. :AN. 10O.. Mi SNOW ON SNOW It is the afternoon ai Twelfth Night as we write, and "snow is falling, snow on snow" as an cid European carol so beauti- fully describes il. It is falling gently but steadily and the fields are- white and dlean and loveiy. Throtigh the air came the shouts af a group of boys and girls sleigh riding down the hill near-by. We cen sec themn fromn the window. What. fun! Last year we wnvered out on the ice on skates for thz first time in many yeers, this p ar it may be sleigh riding. t esonly a little bill, but we expect it wiil look big enough for the walk up. This is the time for winter, go 4"1et it snow, let it snow, let it snow" as a popular sang puts it. Speaking of sangs, we'll just thraw this litIle bit in withaut any other reason. A sang which Elvis Presley sings (?) besides "Hound Dag", "Love Me Tender" is an old melody once knawn as "Aura Lee", and now we have il in its present version. The melody sung or played by someone non- Elvis is very pretty. THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE We spoke necently af Pnin- cess Marie Louise and pianist Ray Dudley's association with hier. The Princess was 84 at her cieath and during a fulli lue of travel and association with royalty and important people ai many countries. she picked up and stored a great fund ai otaries and reminiscences, She enjayed lufe, bad wit and humour herself and appreciat- ed them i others. Besides, she lied a wanderful memory. Our present Queen Elizabeth en- cauraged ber ta write ber mern- *irs, and the resuit, "My Mem- cries ai Six Reigns", is by al accounts a highly entertaining book. We hope we wili get a chance ta rend il before long. also Pro-1 fesson C. T. Curreily 's book, "I ]Brought the Ages Home". That. it is a fascinating book has been proven by its popuiarity. W. A. Deacan in his column in The Globe andl Mail comments thati DEI SEAL FOR BASEMENTS 85 x HTELENA RUBINSTEIN ESTROGENIC HORMONE Hand Lotion SPFCIAI you neyer can tell what wili be a best seller. Nat many would have prcdicted s0 wide an interest in the story ai a mu- seum. Perhaps it belps ta prove a paint which bas already been put forth by someane, that though television may have caused n decrease in the num- ber ai aduit readers, the num- ber left, and il is considerable, is made up ai those for whom there can be no substitute for a good book. Ever. Tbey are the people who rend widely, but critically, wbo select the best fane ibooksaend al iterature and who would die ai starva- tian witbout it. No inducement is needed ta nead a baok like Professor Cur- relly's, but an added note af interest is that the author's home is only next door ta our awn iocality, nonth ai Wcicome. WATCH FOR IT An item of interest cornes frorn the Staff News ai the New York Public Library. There is ta be e special issue ai Maclean's Magazine on Fcb- nuary 16, devoted ta Hungary. The editor ai Maclean's (this wouid be Ralpb Allen we pre- sume) went ta the main library et Fiith and 42nd St. in New York for belp i research for this issue. Wben be finishcd, lie sent a cheque for a substantial suma ta the Canadian Red Cross for Hungarlan Relief, which be said was "made possible iargely by the graciaus co-aperatian that a number ai people have extended ta Maclean's in tbe preparatian ai n special issue devoted ta Hungary." Needless, ta say, the Library was veny pleased ta have contributed ta the iund by giving assistance in tbis way. Incidcnteiiy, the research de- pantments ai tbis great libraryý have requests from mast ai the countries ai the world. Such sections as the Pbotography and Music Divisions would be par- ticulariy amazing ta people wbo think that a library is just n place wbere books are band- Clearance Price l5431 Revion Aquamarine Lotion Once a year special Double size battis You save 75c 8-oz.$2.00 value $1.95 $1.2,5 r IJURY & LOVELL PHONE MA 3-5778 BOWMANVILLE âm àM ed Over a desk.t We'il be watching for the Féb- ruary 16 issue- of Maclean s with special interest. WHICH IS MORE IMPORTANT We were intcrested ta note: that bjoth the Saline Women's Institute and Enniskiiien Unit- ed Church sent gifts ta the Home for the Aged et Cobourg. We are sure this thoughtful- 1ness would heip ta' brighten the hours for thase whose days 'must be a procession af mono- tony. This brings up the question, why- was the new Home shel-- ed? The aid building has been condemned by authorities an a, number of counts and is knowri to be greatiy avererawded. Isn't a home for aider people as important as providing a bright and shining new office building for the Counties? It would seem flot. It is amazing bow the voice of conscience can be ignored. Perhaps it is i tîme that these institutions were taken out of local handi. Millions of dollars are païd out by the Federal G-vernment in family allowance. To our way of thinking it would make a gret deal more sense ta ke providing adequate pensions and comfortabie homes for those at the other end of the line wvho have lived their lives as best tbey could, made their contribuition ta the world, and now need a heiping hand. ]KEDRON, (Intended for last week> With Rev. R. H. Rickard in the pulpit on Sunday afternoon were two student ministers, Mr. Ted Dobb of London, who gave the Scripture readings, and Robert Werry of Waterloo Coi- lege who prcnched the sermon. The sermon theme was "What Place for God?" with the text, "Seek ye first the Kingdom". In Sunday School, Walter Davis conciuded his quarter as superintendent, and Miss Elean- or Mountjoy as pianist. Ail organizations of the church are asked ta submit their reports ta auditors Frank C. Lee and Harvey Çrossmnn, so that the final 1956 report may be ready fo the Kedron congregatianal meeting on Thursday, January i7th. Next Sunday, Rev. Alex Cow- an of Centre St. United Church, Oshawa, wili conduct the service. ta permit Mr. Rickard ta take part in a speciai service on a former. charge et Pickering. Kedron Junior Farmers have cnjoyed a week of activity with choir practice on Wednesday cvening at the home of Mrs. E. Dobson, director, followed by a hamburg and fruit punch- pnrty. On Thursday evening the Brook- lin Cltlb were hasts ta County Junior Farmers and their friends in Brooklin Hall at a play party. On Friday evenlng the County Junior Farmers' dance was held at Uxbridge. Miss Jeanine Werry and partncr T. Brown of Green- bank were the iucky, winners of the spot dance prize. Many Kedron friends ofiPPlot James Pengeiiy were shacked ta hear of his unfortunate accident last week, when the Canso 'plane in which he was co-pilot with Veteran Airways Pilot James Hobbs of Porcupîne, was forced down in- dense woods near Ka- puskasing, Ontario. In spite of R.C.A.F. emergency assistance the flyers wcre forced ta spcnd some time in the intense cold before a landing spot cauld be cleared for the relief 'capter ta take them ta hospitai. At time of writîng, Jim has had one of bis broken ankies set, but the other was too badiy swollen from use whlie broken, ta permit sctting. However it is boped that a few weeks' rest will restore ail ta normal. Prior ta bis marriage ta the former Bessie Snowden at Kedron, Jim made bis home here for some time with bis aunt, Mrs. J. Giav- er, and is weli knawn bere. With their smnll son Jimmy and dnughter Muriel Ann, Mr. and iMrs. Pengeiiy had oniy recentiy returned ta their home in Tim- 1mins after spending n fine holi- day with Mr. and Mrs. F. Snow- Misses Marie and Helen Cale, Markham, attended Kedron serv- ices an Sunday and were sup- per guests af Mr. and Mrs. H. Werry. Mr, and Mrs. C. Hamer and farnily, Elded; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Powell and family, Columbus, were holiday guests at the Walter Davis home. Mr. and Mrs. Hgrvey Pascoe' entertained members of the F. Crossman famiiy et a Christmas dinner party in their home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parrin- der and Peter, Brooklin; Mrs. J. P. Gardon of Seuit St. Marie were Christmas guests ai Mr. and Mrs. W. Sharp. Mr. Frank C. Lee spent Christ- mas with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Lee, and the Newv Yeer weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Scatt, Goderich. With Mr. and Mrs. Scott, Mr. Lee was entertalned at the home ai bis niece Mrs. Alec Clarke of Gaît. Mr. Ted Dobb aof.British Co- Iý HOU Bout THAT *PUNV 0 K Tu 9 PEA ONLY 96 MA C AWi D ITO~AVAR Wfu Illft$ REDUCED'70 14 ALSO iusivr F NOMS A Ir M. tltltl».Vi CiNfiAi? FORUT WLI NAVIL TO NAULTHIS STUFF ALL ive WAY nom£! AND WE #AV& ONLY A PAS$- (Pilt CAK- MOT Tituq.- 1Cý By RALPH TEE1 ew11 A ELL IS et tfy-i'Wsi T'r 'ft 69r ' AT OUR MLOAL (RNL nom.MEAIE meLIAPÏ&imë NGr HAVVTISD SY OUR &REAND DSAýl BOWMANVILLE Excavation Dîfficulties On St. Lawrence Pro jeci Shô'wn to Rotarians The Bowmnanville Rotariens were given a diffenent slant on the St. Lawrence Seeway andý Power Project et their regular noon hour meeting Friday tbrough the film, "The, Eighth Sea" the titie ai which refers ta the Great Lakes. This was the first pufiic presentation of the film in Canada and fram initial reaction of the Rotar- lens it should ibecome anl out- standing attraction. Produced by the Caterpiilar Tractor Company the 30-minute colour film depicted the dredg- ig, excavation and construc- tion probiems which faced the builders in the project and went on ta show the type of equipnient and high-poweredl machineny used an the job.. TV personeiity Walter Con- krite, film moderatar, pointed out thet the cost ai the seawey wiil amount ta aven a billion dollars ta Canadien and Ameni- cen taxpayers but the expected revenue from toil charges and electro-power will more tha compensate bath cauntnies. lumbia, presently a student et Western University, London, accompanied Robent Werry home for the holiday week. With Y#. and Mrs. Clanence Werry, and Mrs. Fletch.er Werry. ail were Friday dinner guests ai the Maurice Jebson famnily et Beev- erton in their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Herbent Reid, Starkvile; Mr. and Mrs. Cluf- ford Reid, Bowmenvile; Mn. Tom Wood and Mrs. G. Knox, Eliznbethville, wcre Christmas guests ai Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wood. Mr. and Mrs. J. ElliaIt, Norma, Freddy and Robert were Christ- mas dinner guests ai Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Reid, Bowmnnvilie. Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Pearson and Florence, Scarbonougb, spent Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. Bill Woodward, and Miss Saliy Hughes was a Christmas guest. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Matthew, Lyle, Lois and Andrea, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Woodward and Gloria were necent dinnen guests ai Mn. and Mrs. Clifford Brown and daughters. Misses Ann and Donna Giov- en spent Christmas bafidnys with the John Knox femlly et Saline. Visitons duning the Christmas season et the Ross Lee home in- ciuded Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stainton, Mn. and Mrs. Adam Hewiey and Cathenine, Peter- borough; Miss Lyle Steinton, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sobil, Zion, and the Allen Wdrry family, Enniskillen. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Werry, Donald and Dennis attended a Jackson iamily gathening et Mrs. Werry's sister's home, Mrs. Arth- ur Rowan and fnmiiy, Yelver- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mount- joy and Dianne wcre arnang dinner guests Christmas Day ai Mrs. B. Blackburn, Uxbridgc. Mr. and Mns. Walter Devis and famiiy wene guests et din- ner an Saturday ai Mr. and Mrs. Relph Davis, Eldad. John Luke, Toronto, spent e few days ai the holiday week at "Werrcrof t", with Ron andi Jeanine Werry. Mn. and Mrs. Bryan Bastin. Oshawa, were recent guests af Mr. and Mns. J. Elliott. Christmas dinner guests at the Harold Werny home included Mr. and Mrs. Leland Love, Sharon and Marilyn, Kingston; Mn. and Mrs. Grant Orrniston, Wick; Mr. and Mrs. Neilson Greentree; Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Masan, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hoskin and femiiy, Miss Joanne Henderson and Mr. Douglas Greentree, al ai Osha- wa; Mn. and Mrs. C. E. Lave, Mn. and Mrs. Douglas Love and Baby Neil. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mountjoy bad as Christmas guests, Mn. Bert Luke and John and Miss Olive Luke, Toronto-, Miss Beryl Mountjay, London; Miss Beatrice Mountjoy, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. E. Norton and Craig, Brougham, Mn. and Mrs. J. Starr and Bnian. Mr. George Pantry spent Christmas with his nepbew, Dr. Douglas Maplesden and family, Guelph and the week with bis sister, Mrs. C. Maplesden, Acton. In a letter froni Mrs. J. Pen- gelly ta hen parents, Mr. and Mis. F. Snowden, it was lnterestlng ta need that prior ta Christmas week. 38 inches ai snowv had afready fellen at T'mmi' . 1 The seaway will go int op- eration in 1959 and will carry 25- per cent more cargo than the Panama Canal. Besides the financial, security and expan- sion aspects derived inom the seewey, il wil elso serve as a successfui example ai interna- tional ca-operation. Gerry White, Information Division ai the Ontario Hydro Commission, spake brieiiy about the film and wes the proic- tionist. Mr. White was introduced by Rex Walters and tbanked by Bob Stevens. Blrthdays A blrthdey spoon was pre- sented ta Mel Dale and a belet- ed spoon ta Ted Mann whose binthday came in December. Bill Brown warecipient ai n one-year perfect attendance pin. The weekly hockey draw was won by Ab Derch. Two visitars et the meeting were Charles Warld end Cec. Stephenson bath oi Oshawa. Presentation Made at W.A. Enniakillen: Christmas meet- ing of the Woman's Association was held et the home af Mis. O. C. Ashton on Dec. 27 with a goad attendance. Mrs. G. Yeo had charge ai the devotional, the theme based on "God's Giit af Life", Befone the business, Mrs. M. Hobbs rend e very nicely word- ed address ta Mrs. M. Rowan and Annie. Mrs. H. McGill and Mrs. M. Stainton presented them with e wall mirror and table lamp. We are ail sorry ta lose tbemn from aur midst. Programn in charge ai Mrs. A. Bayd cansisting ai n piano solo by Charles Ashton; a reading by Mns. F. Werry; piano solo by Ketbryn Siemon. A cantin- cd talk by Mrs. T. Siemon was given on trip ta Flonida nccom- panied by severai pictures. A piano duet by Mrs. M. Stainton and Miss Laverne Orchard was enjoyed. Il wes decided ta bave meetigs on Tuesday niter- noons et 2 p.m. Lunch was served by Group 4. ZION (Hope Township) Mn. and Mns. Don Gerow, Toronto, guests ai Mn. and Mrs. Normanî Geraw and Mrs. R. Ge- naw. Mns. E. Ruthvcn with Mr. and Mns. Jim Mackey, Torontc, recently. Mns. W. J. McCullaugh with Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Rabey. Mns. R. Gcrow with Mn. and Mrs. Don Genow, Toranto, mo- toned ta Lindsay whene thcy spent the holiday with relatives and inliends. Mr. and Mns. Norman Gerow and David with relatives in Wellington. David steyed for an extended visit. With Mn. and Mrs. C. Men- i eilley, and John, for Christmas wene Mn. and Mrs. A. Meneiliey, Pont Hope, Mn. Fred and Miss Hilda Reby. Mn. and Mns. Norman Aus- tin Capri"oi, guests ai Mn. and Mrs. Frect Tufard, Bunker Hi.ll. Mn. and Mrs. E. Rutbv-en with Mn. and Mrs. Jim Meckey, Toronto., Mn. Peter Kessier and fam- ily were cailing on Mn. Fred and Hîlda Raby, iast Thunsday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Symans, Clinton, wcre calling on Mn. and Mrs. E. Rutbven lest Sun- day. Zion W.A. Meeting The Zion Woman's Associa- tion met Dec. 14 et Mrs. Chenlie Meneilley's. There were 12 members anrd several cbildren present. Mns. Meneilley then led in prayer. Minutes ai lest mneetiing were rend by Secre- tany, Mrs. N. Genow. Financil report was given by Treasurer Mrs. Ruthven wîth a full ac- count of the bezear held in No- vember which realized approx- Iieately $225. There is stilI con- siderable ta be sold. Miss H. Raby gave the 'repart frtecomiont committce.A moinwas cerried that we double last years donation ta the M. & M. Also a motion that $10 be given to the Salvation Army along with a bundie of new chiidren's winter clothing. At the compl2tion of business Yrorton conducted the de- votional period. This was loi- --.u ùy tie regular programn of Christmas carols, readings, etc. Mrs. Ruthven aiso demon- strated gift wrapping whicni was very appropriate for this time of year. Rail eaul was ex- change of gifts. Gifts from the W.A. to the recent new arrivais, the infant daughters of Mr. and Mrs. G. Elliotte and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Whitney were presented. Luncheon was served by hostess and Miss Raby and the usual happy social haur follow- ed. The January meeting will be election of officers. We hope ail will be present. Time and place of this meeting will be made known inter. Zion Christmas Concert Thursday evening, Dec. 20 the annual Christmas concert was held at Zion United Church. It was a very happy and gay time for the young folk, as day school and Sunday school united for the joily affair. A beautiful tree gaiiy decorated with cal- oured iights and tinsel was a pretty sight to young and oid alike. Rev. Harding acted asi chairman and aftcr a few words of greeting drew the curtamn for the first number. A wel- corne chorus by the school, tromn then on it was a busy time, changing from one costume ta another, as carols, dialogues, recitations, instrumentais, plays, etc., foilowed quickiy one afte.r another. Each child had a part to play and dîd it well. Rev. Harding congratuiated the children on their splendid performance and thanked al those who helped in any way. Then came Santa Claus with jingling beils, handshakes and jolly iaughter and al cIse was forgatten for the time. Rev. Harding and williîng young help- ers assisted Santa ta unload the tree and distribute the num- berless parcels, after which bags of candy, nuts and oranges 1were distributed ta every cbild present. This brought another jolly time to a close for 1956. 1qGOE Y AVAILABLE FOR MORTGAGES Ealph S. Jones Barrister and Solicitor 65 Slmcoe st. S. Oshawa BA 5-3525 LUCKY DOLLAR FOOO STORES BANQUETS DINNERS ELIZABETH VILLE (lntended for lest week) Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Peacock with her brother, Mr. Wm.- Jackson, Mx,.. Jackson and fam- ily, Kendal. Mr. Tom Wood and Mrs. Knox, with his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wood, Oshawa. Mr. and -Mrs. Orley Mercer, i Toronto with Mrs. Carrne Beatty and sons, Roy and Jack. Mr. and Mrs. H. Thickson had Mr. and Mrs. Lewko, Mr. and Mrs. E. Fowier and fam- ily and Miss June Thickson, for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Durward and family with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Durward, Sunderland. Mr. and Mrs. Sam McMiiian had Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Trew and famiiy, Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Churchiey and family, Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Smith and famiiy, Port Hope, and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Trew and family. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Gilmare with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, Millbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Beatty held Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mul- dren had Mrs. Walters, Mrs. Smitii and Mr. Clarence Rolland, - WEDDINGS m RECEPTIONS We specialize in catering for ail types recentions, dinners, luncheons and either in the hotel or at BowmanvilIe Peterborough Kiwanis Music Festival Closing Date for Entries, Jan. 15, 1957 For Syllabus and information write MRS. A. D. VAISEY, 644 MeKelear Street, Peterborough, Ontario. Value$ Galore at your Neighborhood $tfore- ________________________ - _____ s Stokely's Fancy CREAM STYLE CORN - 2i'or33c DLEACH 25C BRUNSWICK S ARBDIN E S V4 tin 2 For 19C KLEENEX TISSUE 200 size 2 For 39r, CULVERHOUSE DESSERT PEARS 20-oz. tins 2 For 35c YORK 20-oz. tins DBE AN S with Pork 2For 29C GOLD MEDAL 16-oz. jar PEANUT BUTTER 31c JOHNSON'S HARD GLOSS, LIQUID GLO-COAT WAX Pint Tin SUNSPUN 16-oz. jar SALAD DRESSING_? Fresh Produce!! CALIFORNIA -Snow White - Large Head SUNKIST -Size 88's 33C Do.59c 1' I of banquets, weddings A Texas Oul Company Wants Man Ovor 45 for Bowmanville Area WE NEED a good man at once and we are willing to pay top earnings. We prefer someone between 45 and 65 ... . who can make auto trips for about a week at a time . . . and can eall on small town industrial and rural property owners. WORTH $ 12#000.00 Our top men in other parts of country draw excep. tional earnings up to $12,000.00 in a year. This opening in the BowmanvilIe area is worth just as much to the right man. We take care of ail 'deliv- eries and collections. Pay earnings in advance. Write a confidentiel letter to PRESIDENT, Dept. X-16, Box 1373, Fort Worth, Texas. We Cater For... January Clearance of PAINT -WALLPAPER Listed below are only a few of the many outstanding specials we are offering during our January Clearance Sale. Regular $4.95 galion $ 7 LUNDER SEAL $ 4 Regular $1.85 quart--------9 ALUNINUN PAINT Regular $5.95 gallon$49 GOLD CROSS EXTERIOR PAINT Regular___$ 7 Regular $1.95 quart$16 ANDREW'S METAL POLISH65 Bottle -- ------ MISCELLANEOUS PAINTS Quart ____--$1.00 Abernethy's Paint & Wallpaper :ing St. W. Phone MA 3- ANY LOCATION the interested parties may choose. No gathering too smali or too large BALMORAL HOTEL Phone 1 Mr. and Mrs. H. Woolley lo.ý- . -----J' 'WHY have- hands like these Use Toronto, for Christma. Mr. and Mrs. H. Shepr heki Christmas and had M;r. an Mrs. H. Sheppard, Campbell- croft, and some of the Jone's from Port Hope and Newtonl- ville. Sunday School and .j*urch services were heid. Qur. 11 per- intendent, Mr. M. lUite read a story at Sunday Sc-hool. Rev. Gardiner conducted the' church services as Rev. Tium- pour is stillilli. Mrs. H. Thickson with Mr.. and Mrs. Lockwood, 3id. Hill. Mr. Allan Mercer ant hisI friend and feilow studenta had a party Saturday eveningNat tis parent's home, Mr. and 'Mrs. O. Mercer. Mr. and Mrs. H-. Quantrili and family had dixiner Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. E. Quantrili, Kirby. HIGIILV STYLED MODERATELY PRICED LADIES' WEAR La Vogue àÇacquei'ine Cor. Athol & Celina, Oshawa 1

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