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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jan 1957, p. 6

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THE CANADIANSTATESMAN,_EOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO TTJRSDAY, AJAN. lOth, 105? New Hall Discussed During First Meeting Darlington Council Rev. FI. J. Reed, Hampton United Church, delivered the ôpening address at the inaugur- al meeting of the 1957 Darling- ton> Township Council held in the Township Hall Thursday aLernoon. The speaker drew his theme lrOm two quotations in, St. Paul's Episties to the Romans, 'Take that for what is noble in the sight of ail men", and **There ie no autherity except from Ged and these that exist have been instituted by God." In closing Mr. Reed asked the councilmen te care for their own health cf body and sou] while carrying out the duties of their offices duriar the com- ing year. The 1957 Darlington Council will consist of the following members: Reeve, Roy Nichols, Deputy-Reeve, Garnet B. Rick- ard; Councillors, Allan Thomp- son, Earl Truil and Fred Smith. Weltomes New Members Reeve Roy Nichols extended congratulations and a welconie to the three new councillers and warried them that a year of hard work faced the council. }owever with the calibre of the - . Low" Pricos 100 A.S.A. Tablets- 19e Vacuum Bottie _____79o Nexzema Speeial -1.25 47a Paeqlpins Wampole's Extract 1.35 Chaseas Nerve Food Zs .23 Dolcin Tablets 2.39 - 3.95 Cream -29e1 members, he felt assured, that it would be a good year for Darlington. The naming of cemmittees, ic being postponed for the time the Reeve said since it is diffi- cult to determine who is best suited for the variaus jobs. De- puty-Reeve Rickard, hie added, will be contesting the warden- ship of the United-Counties and if he is elected some af the work ordinarily essumed by the deputy-reeve will have te -be shared by the remainder of the counicil. The greeter part of meeting wes used for the studying of the salaries of township em- ployees and revisions were made in seme cases. The proposed new township hall te replace the present building which is termed by many as a disgrace to the town- ship, was given consideration by the Council. The new building would not have te be toe large, Reeve Ni- chois theught, sînce it is only necessary te have roomn for two or three offices, washrooms, and a small meeting hall or auditor- ium with a capacity of about 25 people. The reeve went an te point eut that the only need for a large hall is et the annual nomination meetings and it would be unsound te build a large hall just for these meet- ings. He suggested that the basement ot the hall might be used for these large gatherings. It was estimated that the cost of the hall would run be- twveen $ 12,000 and $20,000 and this led Deputy-Reeve Rîckard te point out that with Darling- ten's five million dollar assess- ment, it would only be neces- sary te raise the mill rate by two mîlîs for a two year per- iad te raise $20,000. Thursday's meeting was ad- jeurned te 2:30 p.m. January 10, at which time an open meet- ing will be held te discuss the borrowing of $125,000 under the provisions et the Tile Drainage Act. Vick'z Producis vapo-Bub -_____53C --980 Nose Dropse 53o Cough Syrup 59e Couch Drops ____15o Woodbury Shampoo Spec., 690 Woodbury Soap 4 for 31. Nive& Cream 63C-1.10-3.00 Hot Waier Bouiles - Guaranieed OBITUARY A. RICHARD ENDERSBY1 The community was shocke4. by the sudden death on Dec. 25th of Audley Richard Enders- by, caretaker at Bowmanville Hîgh School for the past several y ea rS. Mr. Endersby, who was 70 years of age, was born in Blet- soe, Bedford County, England, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Endersby. He vas a inemrbers of the United Church and of the Canadian Club in Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Endersby moved te i1-rovitence f romn Toronto in 1949 and6farmed in Providence, district for a year. In 1950 they moved to Bowmanville where Mr. Endersby took the position of caretaker at the High Sehool which he held until'his death. A very conscientious and effi- cient worker, Mr. Endersby had a good deal of extra work and responsibility in his position during the past two years when two additions- have been made to the school building. He was held in high esteem by all mem- bers of the staff. Funeral service *was conduct- ed by Rev. T. A. Morgan at the Northcutt and Smith Funeral Home, Division St., on Dec. 27 when friends and relatives at- tended from Peterborough, To- ronto, Almonte and Port Hope as wvell as Bowmanville and dis- trict. Many lovely floral tributes showed the respect and affection in which the deceased was held. Among these were Canadian Hansen and Van Winkle Ce., Loblaw Groceteria, Group 71 Trinity W.A., Durham County District High School Board, Staff ef Bowxnanville High School, Student Council of Bow- manville High Sehool, Mainten- ance Staff of Bowmanville High School, Bowmanville neighbers and friends in Bowmanville and Toronto. Palibearers were Messrs. L. W. Dippeil, Walter Reynolds, L. Lucas, M. Stacey, Milton El- liott and Milton Wight. Inter- ment was in Port Hope Union. Left te meurn Mr. Endersby's sudden passing are his wife, and twe sons, Audley and Lloyd of Toronto; also two brothers in Toronto and Vancouver and three sisters in Toronto. Two minutes' silence was ob- served by staff and students of Bowmanville High School in the first assembly convened on the reopening of the school, Jan. 3, following the holiday period. ENNISKILLEN were recent guests of Mr,. and Mrs. Wilbert Toms. Mr. ind Mrs. Earl Trewin, Doreeal and Donald, spent New Year's' with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Wright and Mr. and Mrs. FedWright, Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Townî and family, Peterborough; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lamb, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lamnb, Enniskillen; Miss Doreen Holroyd, Hampton, with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lamb, with Mr. and Mrs. T. Graw- barger, Restoule. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Langmaid, Solina; Mr'. and Mrs. Lloyd Preston, Garry and Bobby, 1Bowvmanvi1le: Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGill and Dale wit4 Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright and family, Mr. Ron Clemnens, Hampton, with Mr. and Mrs. F. Spry and family, Rochester, N. Y., and also visited Miss Mar- guerite Wright, St. Catharine3. A family gathering was held at Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Werry'â New Year's Day. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Turner, Miss Helen Turner and friend, Oshawa, spent NewYear's witai Mr. and Mrs. F. Dorland. Mr. and' Mrs. Fred Toms were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cortney Graham, Purple Hill. Mr. J. Richards, Bowman- ville : Mr. and Mrs. W. Griffin, Heather and Dale, spent New Year's with Russell Griffin's. Mr. and Mrs. A. Moore and Keith, Ennisklllen; Miss Ada Pascoe, London, Ont.; Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. L. Leadbeater, Mur- ray and Dale, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. M. Tabb and boys, Bow- manvîlle, were holiday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Yeo and family, with Mr. and Mrs. D. Yeo, Oshawa. New Year's guests with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Yeo were, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Collacutt and Jo Ann, Bowman.viile; Mr. and Mrs. D. Yeo and Lorna, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sellick, Courtice; Mr. Jimmy Woodley, Tyrone; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Yeo and Lynn, Hampten. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Griffmn and family, were New Year's guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Griffln, Blackstoclc. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Collacutt, Bowmanville;- Mr. Clarence Woodley, Tyrone; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Yeo attended the 5th wedding anniversary cf M~r. and Mrs. W. G. Smith, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater and family with their parents in Toronto. Master Garry Beckett accom- panied Mrs. H. Mille and boys to Mr. and Mie. Ed Jenninp ai; Art.4'. Mr. and Mirs. Earl Trewin, I c;on Doren an Doaldatteded Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Boyd and a famil aherinald e31et family were New Year's guesta afMr. y Coute rahamDec, Pur-with Mr. and Mrs. G. McLean, pie Corteîl.hmsPu-Uxbridge. Me akHlsok ple Hill. ~~~Mr. end Ms akHlsok Mr. and Mrs. Leonerd BI'0d. Mr. O. Beckett and Miss Arvila ley, Enniskillen, Mr. and Mns. Beckett, Tyrene; Mr. Oliver K. Mason, Little Britain, visit- H«oldstock, New; Brunswick, ed at Mr. and Mrs. H. McGill's. Miss Anale Heldstock, Hlllson- Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Pethick, burg; Mr. Bob Downey, Aylmei;, Miss Annie McMillan, Toron- were tea guests et Mr. and Mrs. te: Misses Derothy and Canol Floyd Beckett's.« Pethick, Uxbridge, spent Christ- mas with Mr. and Mns. S. R. Missc Doreen Trewia, spent Brigade Ca lied a few holidays with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. c. E. o E tn us Hern, Oshawa.To E tn us Mr. Joe McGill, Ryersen In- stitute of Technolegy, is spend- Ch im ney Fi re ing holidays at home. Miss Nancy Woods spent hol- No one was injured as, a re- idays et Gates Mills, Ohio, with sult et a chimney fire et the Iher mother, Mr. and Mrs. Jee home of Mrs. Paul Bartlett, R. Bob BerowBwanilR. 3, Bowmanville, on Thunsday Bob BownBowmnvilet oflest weeek. spent Christmas with Garth f Bowmanviile Fire Department McGill. were promptéd into action et Sympathy is extended te the 10.45 e.m. They quickly brought relatives et Gary Adams on bie 1 the tire under control, by us- sudden passing. Gary is a ne- ing weter tram the auxiliary phew et Mrs. Walter Ferguson. tank on the truck. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick The heuse which la located spent New Year's with Mr. and one concession north of Preston's Mrs. E. O. Pethick. garage mn Maple Grave, receiv- Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilson cd little damage tram the tire, and family, Bowmanville; Mr. due ta the prompt action ot and Mrs. Gardon Gettins, Whit- Bowmanviile Fine Department. by; Mrs. F. Vannelkenburg,I Cordona Mines, spent Ne AD U Yeer's with Mr. and Mrs. P. C D U Ellis. Mr. and Mrs. O. Jetfery and (Inteaded for lest week> IMiss Lois Jeffery, Mr. and Mrs. Cadmus W.A. and W.M.S. IC lem Jeffery ad deughters, held their Christmas meeting IMr. W. Mark end Mr. Stewart et the home et Mrs. Schwartz Mark, Port Perry; Mn. and Mrs. où Tuesday evening, Dec. 1l, A. Martin, Grant and Marlene. with the president, Mrs. Milton M r. and Mrs. Carl Brunt and Gray la charge. 'Heather, with Mr. and Mrs. Ar- The meeting apened by sing- thur Brunt. ing aur theme sang, followed Mr. and Mrs. J. Collis, Maple by hymn "Silent Night". Mrs. Grave, were New Year's guests Meiton led in prayer etf Mr. and MUrs. A. Leadbeater. The Scripture lessan was giv- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Yeo en by Mrs. Williamson; the min- and family with Mr. Clarence utes et the lest meeting were Weodley, Tyrene, Christmas, reed and approved, and the Day. rail cali was enswered with a Miss Elsie. Oke, Tarante, vis- Christmas verse. ited Mr. and Mrs. A. Oke. The January meeting ta be Mr. and Mrs. A. Oke spent held et Mrs. Jim Gray's, and Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. the rail caîl to be answered by C. Avery, Burketon. paying aur dues. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms Mrs. Ken Gray neported that spen; Christmas with Mr. end due te iliness M<rs. Armstrong Mrs. Lloyd Siemen, Heyden. would nat be able te show the Mr. and Mrs. C. Ferguson pictures until leten. were visitors et Mr. and Mr3. It wae xTIved by Mrn. Samn- IRaymand Bottrell's, Newcastle, elîs we have a crokinole panty a nd aIso visiled Mr. and Mme. on Jan. 8 in the church base- IW. Laviolette, Port Perry, ment and it was aeconded by Mr. and Mrs. Adani Sharp Mrs. Williemson. 1 spent Christmas with Captain It was moved by Mrs. Mar- and Mrs. Harry Gregg and fam- wood McKee that we give $15 iliv Glenburnie, Maryland, and ta the M. and M. fund, seconded elso visited friends at Colum- by Mrs. George Johnstan. Col- bia, Penn. lection fer meeting $3.71. Miss Elsie Oke, Tarante, withi Hymn "There's e Sang.la the Mr. and Mts. F. Dorland. Ar was sung, end meeting iMr. and Mrs. A.- L. Weamn closed by ail repeating the Miz- and familv were New Year's pah Benediction. i v isiters with Mr. and Mrs. T. The programn consisted of, P. Bell, Tarante, a lovely vocal number by Su- Saturday evening guests at zantie and Wianifred Schwartz; Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton's were reading by Mrs. Gerald Stinson; Mr. and Mrs. E. Carlson and everyone sang "Hark! the Her- family, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. ald Angeis Sing" and "It Came H. Stainten, Mr. and Mrs. J. Upen the Mldnight Clear". Staintan and tamily, Hampton;j Contest by Mre. Genald Stin- Mr. and Mrs. H. Staintea and ison was won by Mrs. Schwartz tamily, Tyrone; Mr. and Mrd. and Mrs. Louis Stinson. E. Stainton, Lloyd and Joan, A note et thanks wes oftered Mr. and Mrs. R. Stainton and to Mrs. Schwartz tor the use famiiy, Mr. and Mns. Bob Stain- et her home by Mrs. Passant. ,t6n, Mr. and Mrs. C. English We had aur Christmas ex- and Roy, Bewrnanville; Mr. Jîi~ change of presents and the McQuinn, Tyrone. gnaup servcd a lovely lunch and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tomâ a social heur wazs pent by aiL 2 IGA FANCY APPLE SAUCE I15-or. tins 3 Ren'sons Whi 1. SELECTION ..at IGA :4everything bas been plan- * ned for speedy selection 2. QUALITY ... feeding the family can be simple - but pleasing them frequently involves careful value buying! IGA quality foods are processed under a rigid standard of controls to guard the taste appeal and guarantee cooking succer. 3. PRICE... IGA's prices '~are low because we buy in carloads, mcii for cash, keep overhead down and y ou get the benefit of every saving we make. 29c Food Values effective January 10, il, 12 Domestic Shortening 1-lb. pkg. 30OC Treesweet - California 48-oz. tin IGA Strawberry Jam F rozen Food Features BOOT FISH STICKS PICTSWEET FRENCH STYLE GREEN BEANS 9-or. pkg. 1O-oz. pkg. Fresh Fruits and Vegetal SNOW WHITE HEADS - Good size Cauliflower WASHED AND TRIMMED - Pot-ready SPINA CH RED RIPE, FULL FLAVOURED TOMA TOES FIRM - GREEN LETTUCE ONTARIO GROWN - FANCY GRADE Mclntosh Apples QUALITY MEATS FRESH - PICNIC STYLE - SHANKLESS PORK SHOULDER ROASTS lb. TABLE RITE SIDE BACON SLICED THIN PORK LIVER TABLE RITE FRA NKFUR TERS pkg. L9c 25c bles dL>C Orange Juice 45C Bay,wew FnCy %là fdu Soçkee_43 Royal Gold First Grade Butter lb. 61c IA Sunny Morn - Fresh yGroIM& bag. west(A os Swiss Ice Wafers 12-or. pkg. 3ý5c Evalorated - G all Tins MiIk -2 for 2 5 c One 16-oz. tin of Vi-Tone k.o Fudge Mix Both for 45 c Minimum 14-or. cello pkg. 19C 43c lb. 29c 1.lb. cello pkg. 37c IMPORTANT! Avaîlable Feb.. l4 th, 195 7 IGA's "New" Free Gift Catalogue with a "B Dnus Booster Plan" An extra opportunity to dlaim free Bonus Gifts with your grocery purchaes more quickly and easily than ever. The new catalogue will also offer a bigger and better selection of Free Gifts including a greatly increased premium section for the children. You are respectfully requested to make ail premium selections f rom our cXrrent catalogue no later than I 1 Ut2biJI.Je I u1u LIIu IidinIIu Jp. Due to change in costs, our catalogue values must be altered accordingly aker this date, but our newv "Boni Boosters" will more than compensate for any increase. By popularity ratirqýs, many. gifts wiIl be added aii some deleted from the new catalogue. Special Note! Re Cash Prem4 m Balances Coxnmencing Wednesday, February l3th, all Free Bonus Gifts will be available ONLY for IGA Cash Receipts. The acceptance of cash payments with receipts will ho " >FZ- eliminated. Bonus Gifts will continue to ho available ABOLUTELY FREE %vith nothing extra to pay! Keep Saving I.G.A. Cash Receipts for FREE! Bonus Gifts! >BI lus Md 5* .PAGZ six. HUNT'S CHOICE Tomatoes tinsc 24-or. 4 Vifamins forChildren Haliborange 1.00 - 1.75 - 3.25 Infantol .1.25 - 2.25- 3.50 Infantol Drops 1.50, 2.30, 4.10 Ostaco Drops 't.45, 2.40, 4.25 A.D.C. Drops - 1.60, 4.25 10D cýod Liver oul 1.00, 2.25 Neo Chemical Food 1.85, 3.95, 6.85 I cello 9 2 pkg.29 G eritol Buckley's Mixture 50c, 85a Vitamnine and Minerais Buckley's Euh - -____59o Liquid or Tablets .jack & Jili Syrup - 500 1.35 - 3.29 - 5.49 1jack & iiii Rub -__ 59o 2 Good sire 3-1b. 3c poly bag35 1.29 - 1.79 - 2.19 - 2.75 Nyal Creophos for bad coughs - bottle 1.50 ,COWLI NG'S PRBO?4S WVE FIT MA 3-5695 DRUG STORE TRUSSES Royal Theatre BowmanvilkE Fil. and SAT. - JAN. Il - 12 IMainee - Sa!. - 2 p.iu. ~~oem Last complete shov 8:20 NMT MON. TO WED.I JAN. 14 16 cla DBRIEMODONIFY-'WOOD 8:15 j m. on'~~ 7a d 10:10 p. m Last complete show8.1 COMING SOON! "The Solid Gold Cadillac" N'ow Jan. Calendar 67 worth $20. Expires Jan. 13 -I1 .4 - 4- 9 m 1 4% TiximeAirf"qlr IIIL A W% DOW,%

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