?BURSDAY, JAN. lOti,, 195? THE CANADIAN STATESMA~, ~OWMMqv!L!x. ONTAPlO a- - c COcmia & £/iersoniaI [î C :Phone MA 3-3303 Mrs. F. M. Penfound spetil New Year's week with her daugliter, Mr. and Mrs. Franii Sobil. Mrs. Pearl Bail, Toronto, ,Rbt the weekend with heï %"eMissRuby Aid worth at Xia$ Shirley Kitson has re- t1uined to Winnipeg, Man., after apendlng two week's vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kitson. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. SIemon and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur T. Stainton lef t Tuesday fortheir annual vacation in Daytona Beach, Fia. Mrs., Harry Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith and famiiy, Queen St., spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Smith and family, Oshawa. 1Mr. Don Cramp has return- ed to London where he is at- tending Western University af- ter spending Christmas holi- days with bis parents. Miss Hazel Webber, Peter- borough Civic Hospital, and Miss Diana Webber, McMaster University, Hamilton, spent holidays at their home. Mr. and Mis. John Welsh, Jimmy and Jîfl ,have returned to Tweed after spending holi- days with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Luxton Sr., Hunt Street. Mr. Howard Allun, Belle- v'ille, spent the weekend in town and visited bis mother, Mrs. A. Phare, who is a pa- tient in Memorial Hospital, Bowminvile. Miss Arlene Cox who has been with the Oshawa branch of Belivue Finance Corp., left Eunday for Belleville where she will commence duties as a Su- pervisor for the Belivue offices. Visitors over the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lake, Elgin Street, were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Robins and Walter, Brant- ford; Miss Mory Blue, Toronto, and Wade Summers, Seeley's Bay. New Year guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Hodgson were Mr. ,and Mrs. G. H. Hodgson, New- castle; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gra- ham and famiiy, and Mr. and Mrs. Ron White and Douglas, Town. Mrs. T. Wright spent Christ- mas weeek with ber son Dick and family, Carrying Place. Wayne Wright and friend H. Abbott returned and spent New 'Year's week with bis grand- na W *ght. Mr 1foy Thompson, owner of n, nîber of newspapers in Canadia and Great Britain, and Mr. Ken Thompson, called and * ppent a few bours with their ù nde, Mr. F. C. (Barb) Peth- if n Tuesday. t4rs. Jas. Ridge, 8tb St. New 2'ontD, left oen Dec. 26th (0 ~V4e ng tirne friend Mrs. TI,~~erts in Pasadena, I~f~&Mrs. Ridge, the for- NellRogers, and Mrs. Rob- erts are former residents of Bowmanville. LAC Ronald Kitson was com- rnissioned ta instal new equip- mnent at RCAF base at Naples, Italy, fromn Metz, Germany. Hie was hoping ta return ta France ST. JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) t r i7 Named Chairman by Cbristm'ias and plained ta, spend New Year's witb Jack Kitson and family in Germany. Mrs. Harry Smith, Queen St., 1 received the bad news that her brother and bis family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stuckey and son Bul- ly of Actas,, lost everytbing when the apartment flouse in which they lived was gutted by fire about 1.30 a.m. Neýr Yea r'sj Day. Mr. and Mrs. Harry: Spragg, Hamilton, visited their auiat, Mrs. R. L. Worden. Mr$. Spragg remained for a few days and attended the funeral service af ber aunt, Mrs. C. E. Nesbitt, on Jan. 4 at the Morris Funerai Chapel. Mrs. Nesbitt cfAtlanta, Ga., was a former resident of Bowmanville. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Smith, Gloria and Bob, Elgini Street; Dr. George Werry Mn. nd rs. . H Tayor, At a recent meeting o! Osha- Douglas and Patricia,; Oshawa, wa Board cf Education, Dr. attended the wedding in Deep George Wenny was eiected 19571 River Community Church, 'chairman, succeeding Dr. Claude Deep River, an Jan. 5th, of Mrs. Vipond. Dr. Werry is the eider Smnith's and Mns. Taylor's ne- son cf Mr. and Mrs. S. Edgar pbew, Mr. Ropnaid Woodward Wcrry cf Sauina and a prominent ta Miss Patricla Clark. dentist in Oshawa. He bas been Holiday visitors with Mr. and a mnember of the board for four Mrs. Lloyd Ayre were Mr. and years and wvas chaîrman cf the 1Mrs. Roy Trudeau, Scarbor- management committee last year. ough; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dow, Miss Audrey Nortbcutt, Toronto; Mr. Frank ýFingland, e ie Ottawa; Mrs. Audrey MetcalfeRei s and Larry, Mrs. Mary Ayne, Oshawa; Mn. and Mrs. Boyd Ayre, Hampton: Mr. and Mrs. Anhey Northcutt, Town. Attending the annual con- ventian of the Ontario Whole Milk Producers' League last Tbursday in the Rayai York Ha- tel were Wilfrid Carruthers, who is a member of the Board cf Directors; Harvey Brooks, Sam Butteny, Les Anderson, Blake Short, Garnet Symons, Ai! Allin and Clare Allun. They wene jained by their wives for the banquet in the pvening. In the Christmas edition of "Canadian Fruitgrow'er" pub- lisbed at Niagara- on-the-Lake, it contaîned the article fromn The Stalesman alang wiîh the photo o! Kyle Squair and Fritz Marti standing along-sîde a Byron S. Vanstone semi-dwarf Iwo-year-oid apple- The Toronto-Dominion Bank, tree showing 29 good sized ap- hast week, anncunced the ne- pies hanging from its branches. tirement cf Byron S. Vanstone, This wiil give furthe r desir- Chairman cf the Board, and able publicity ta nurseryman Vice-Chairman Robert Rae and Marti in bis successfui cam- Vice-Presîdent William Kerr. paign ta encourage Ontaria or- IMr. Vanstone, fonmerly cf Bcw- chardists ta plant more sem,.- manville, joined the Bank cf dwarf apple trees. Toronto in 1906 and was Presi- Rev. Clarence C. Washington, dent cf that institution when it 70, of Lucknow died in Wincs: amaigamated with the Dominion ham Hfinfital on Jan. 4 as th-c ak nFeray, 1955. H e, result of a twa-car crash on Dec. and the othei' retiring members 26. Mr. Washington is a former will continue te serve as Direct- popular and beloved minister cf oD f he amalgamated Toronto- the Ebenezer-Maple Grave Un- Dominion Bank. ited Church circuit and was a son of the late Rev. and Mrs. Miller and William Lyle ta be W. C. Washington, and brothEr members cf the Bowmanvilie of Mrs. B. M. Warnica, both cf Volunteer Fire Brigade were whom were well known ne- ciosing cf certain road alloxv- sidents of Bowmanville for ances in lots number 8 and 9 many years. Mrs. Washington were passed by council andr wbo was injured in the acci- xil be made into a proposed dent, is reported imnprcving. by-iavz. Many wili be interested to hear that John Holloway Fox of Toronto, a long time resident of The Cave, West Beach, Bow- manvilie, was hast week elect- ed president cf the 15,000 mem- ber Association of Professionai Engineers cf Ontario. The as- sociation is raid te be thM harg- est of its kind in Canada. It was oniy a few montbs aga that mention was made in The Statesman cf Lieut. Col. John H. Fox's promotion ta the pari- tien cf Vice-President in.charge cf Sales for Honeywell Controls a by-iaxv which authorizes the clerk-treasuer Alick Lyle te borrow up te $100,000 from the Bank cf Montreal te meet cur- rent expenses until the first in- staliment cf taxes whielî is due in April. Librarmy Meeting Places Jenth In World Sales Roy Topping, 63 Concession Street, Bawmanvîile, has *been congratulated in a letter from the vice-president cf Canada Life Asurance Company, bis employers. Mr. Topping ne- ceived the congratulations for placing tenth in volume sales for the company in Canada, United States and Great Bnitain combined, duning the month of December. In Ibese three count- tries the company empîcys some 1700 salesmen from, which the top ten are picked. Mn. Topping bas been the company's local agent for the part year. He spent five years with the Toronto bnanch before moviiig ta Bowmanville. Hiealth Staff Enjoy Dinner At Cobourg Dr. Charlotte Hrmer, M.O.H. for Northumberland and Dur- ham Heaitb Unit, entertained recentiy at dinner in ber 4omç for members cf the Health'Unit staff and members of the board. Afler a deliclous buffet din- ner, games of vaniaus kinds were played. Amcng those present were: Mr. and Mns. W. Cameron, chief plumbing inspector; Miss Dark- in, Miss Helen Miller; Miss Roz- elle Cunninghîam; Ed Carru- thers; Mr. and Mrs. Waters, Mr. and Mrs. Finlayson, ail of Coboui-g; Mns. R. J. Beggs, Gore's Landing: Mr. and Mrs. David Dingwali, Centreton; Mr. and Mrs. Wes Sweet; Mn. and Mrs. Reid Budge, Pont Hope; Miss Jean Denure, Peterbor- ough. The nursing staff as wels the office staff of The North- umberland and Durbam Heaith ILtd. (Continued fromn page lee Unit beld a Christmas get-ta- I ________________ go ahead as we sol and etir earlier in the office cf Firsf Sunday serve the toxvn muchi better the Health Unit on George Ihan we do," he said.1 Street. Pictures of a trip te Eu- aller Epiphany Lmet tie Rà The ?airman calle.d on Mr. "oe were showin by;oneofsthe R.G. Hamlntoi ie lv oed members on a TV show vas B usoenes* meeting wa si'ovdinl enjoyed by cveryone. A lunclh 9 a.m.- the free library set-up. Bow- finished off a deiightful after- manville Library is at present noon party. HOLY COMMUNION (Continued fnom page oue) what ir known as an Associa -_________ portunity ta move enta the tien Library and under the sec- 10 ndil .m -Lakeshore. "Lakeview Park ni tien of the Librany Act govcrn- Os1w0nastbuands am.-of ing ail libraries in Ontario, je- CHURCH SCHOOL people every weekend and u-2 c eives its revenue froni an an- sbould feel lucky that we're on, nuai grant fram Townî Councîl, - a..Lake Ontario." a Provincial grant and fro.i-n il ans.In a vote the Planning Board's memhership fecs cf $1.00 a yeaî C MORNING FRAYER r suggestion te zone the area for for zciuits and 25e a year foi, c, o iindustry vas passed 5-3 xit'l chiidren. C e ILittle, Caruthers. Higgon. 1 The Lihrary Board can peti- 7 ..Brough. and Prestonbeing af- i tien Counceil 'te becomne a free EVENING FRAYER firmative and Presson, Lathan-1 library, when all assets would ~ i/¶ gue and Fice negative.1 be traý_sfcrred te a publiceh-,-> _____________________ The applications of John R. brary board upon Counicil pass- ing the neccssary by-law . Thej equestion docs not have to e bLI submitted ta the electors. .- 55 g ~ ~ I How Revenue Raised0 T ri if un rea L hu chUnder the free library setup, .6 Trinit Unitd Churh el revenue is raised by taxation1* 04rI on a per capita basis wîth a Minîter Rev T. rthu Maran, .A.minimum allowed by the Act cif- Miniter Rev T.Artur orgn, .A.b0c per capita. By increasing, ethe present Town grant by S 80' B oneOmn re the iib rary cauld become a froc (yConeOsod 4 I libralry, since it would be On Janî. 4 there was a dance ilA~.-brought up ta the 50c per cap- 'a heLon enrwbicb vas J Hoeve, r~ pr cpit rae JOn Jan. 18, starting aI 8:30 4 xv ould need te be bigher thanath LinCeretre il ~this zo offset the lors in mem- be a bardtime dance. The The acra eni f T e Lod's a l bership fees and a couple of pnîces are 50c. for non-mem- ü ther snîaiî grants now receiv- bers and 25c. for members. ed. Provincial grants ta free li There will be two door prizes, kwy , branles are based on the per one for the boys, and one for necepiion of îNew Mvembers eL(apita rate set by the tawn and the girls. A slip o! paper witb increase in proportion. They jyour name on it wili be pu' Sare aîso based on po pulation. into a box wheu you enter, and In Bowmauviile's population Whe the winning names are eIbnacket, a tcwn per capita rate dr hie winners must be Atin ec f 50c te 60e would bning à present te ciaim the prizes. The provincial grànt of l19 per cent prizes have net yet been select- "On T is ok capita levicd by the town wouid wiîî be passedi around, and i Y bning a provincial grant of 151ilb in next week's column. I pr cn: an 71te80c~r~ tLast nighit we played bad- Anew colour-sound film îo ecree t pvncial gra0en-te minton for the first lime, and 30 cet. Jan instrUctor taught those wha produced by the United Chunch. eè l Ps fic eenet familiar xith thei eOdPstQfc game, the proper way of play- eý The pessibiiity cf obtaining ing. Racquets were supplied the ground floor of the old post for those who did ual bave office for use as a ]ibrany was Iheir c.wn. Smentioned. This building xiii We wouhd lire ta bring ta OrgaistMr.Arîur ollsonMus Bah.,L.~S M ebe put up for raie by the gev- i our attention that there will OrgaistlUr.Artur CllionMus.Bac,, LR. M. ernmQnt l o:ieýîme thîs year. be no more membensbip cards üoiu'jv ( no.a of 193 7 !for thne Teen Town dances raid - board members, a commiittee of aiter the end o!fIb" month. late MÎ.FredMoone. Funerai service was Tuesday froia Northcutt and Smith Funerai Home. Interment Beîhesda Cemetery. Congratulations ta Mrn. and Mrs. George Yeo, Hampton, on their 25th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rosevear and family and Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk and John attended a1 party in their bonor at the h j COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE Ie IIIeU DIJST ORESI1i SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK Woi . .e FE Ofe r Gillette Razor C&WmdedVerSio f buous 85" boc 17GET FAST RELIEF with GIN PILLS FOR. THE KIDNEYS REG. SIZE 5~ ECONOMY 98 SPECIAL! A.S.A. TABLETS For relief of headache, neuralgia, loothache and pain in general, 300's --------- 49c SPECIALS ON I.DA. DRANDS AROMATIC CASCARA "Eeonomy" A pleasant, genthe tonic and WKITING PADS laxative Note size, regulan 10e 3 oz., reg. 35c ______29o Se - 2 for 15o 6 oz., reg. 65e -____ 49e Ladies' or lelter size, reg. 15c 12o - 2 for 23o TOOTE FPASTE Gives you spankling clean Igeavy Grade teeth and mint fnesh breatb.?MINERAL 011L 57c tube 2 for 79e An odourless, tasteless ail, especially refined for inter- nal administration in the SHAVING CREAM Inealment for chraniecansti- Saflens tough beards, makes pation. shaving easier. 16 oz., reg. 55e .____43e Reg. 49c 39e 40 oz., reg. 1.10 _____87e VITAMINS HeIp keep thse whoie family In thse best of health tht. wlnter by building resistance to colds and other ills. Many welI recommended products supplying vitainn are listed here. Allenburys Haliborange 1.00, 1.75, 3.25 Ayerst Aiphamette Capsules 1.00, 1.85, 3.50, 8.00, 15.00 Ayerst 10-D Cod Liver Oil 1.00, 2.25 Enerjets -------- ---------------- ---------------- 5.95 Frosst NCF Liquid 1.85e 3.95, 6.-85 Meads Cod Livelr Oi 75c, 1.89 Oleuni Percomorphum 1.10, 3.00, 4.751 Mulein SPoly-Vi-sol Tri-Vi-Sol Scott's Enmulsion Capsules -- SOFlER WampoIe's Extract of Cod1 STRONGIR .D A Cod Liver Ou (Îfigh Test) 816 oz. 9()c, 1.50) Ced Liver 011 (B.P.) 16 oz. _ _ _ -_ _ _89e Cod Liver Oil Capsules 100'8 __________1..19 DF 20C - Idafer Capsules wlth x M à60'8 --- --2.00 r#.iv', 35c Liquid, 16 oz._____ 1.50 1.50, 2.75, 4.85 1.95, 3.45, 4.90 1.55, 2.80, 4.00 1.00, 2.00 1.65, 3.00 Liver Compound 1.35, 2.50 TANINS Idamalt Extraet cf Malt and Cod Liver Oul 1M. - 2lb. 4 lb. 75o - 1.29 2.29 Ralibut Liver 011 Capsules 100's -250's - 50's 1.15- 2.29 4.29 $1.40 1 Balanced 2.-- Fitness 40 PLEASANT. TASInG uJ NEW LOTION e DISCOVERY Jeep deep flowing me~c 3 TIMES CLEANER thnby so p5-<.y 1.oo Drugs Phone MA 3-5792, -----.--- *-.-.-,---*-- tdl. >~ PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor.. We Deliver Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store_ --'j si -il ýý R. G. Hamlyn and A. M. Thomp- son was appointed ta look fur-H n r C u l ther into this matter. A motion H n r C u l was aira passed ta go ta Town , Council with the request ta be- 2 t e d n corne a free library. n W e d g Secretary - Treasurer Glen- On January lst friends, re- holme Hughes gave a clear fi- latives and neighbours of Mr. , nancial report, details of which and Mrs. Arthur Falls, 7 South- iwill appear in next week's is- way Drive. surprised tbemn with sue. Present tawn grant is( a celebration ta honour their $3,220 and provincial grant 25th Wedding Anniversary. $s400. 190itmuests attended the celebra- 1890 tem1 tion fromi Orono, Newtonville, Mr. Hamlyn introduced bis To'oto, Bawmanvilie a n d excellent exposition of the free Hmpton. The happy couple' library set-up wîth a few glean- were presented with a lovely ings lrom aid minute books of chest of Community Silver tbe hîbrary from the 80's and after wbich a hountiful lunch 90's which brought chuckles and an enjoyabie social even- from bis listeners. An item. of ing followed. expenditure in 1890 for in- Bath Mr. and Mrs. Falls were stance, was $ 1.00 for cleaning born and raised in tbe New- spitoons. This was wben the tonville - Newcastle area and aid Mechanics' Institute was settled in Bowmanville when over the bowling alley. Until tbey were married in 1932. The P 1902 the library was lit with couple have three children: flamps and it was part of the Roy, wbo now lives in Port librarian's duty ta dlean tbem. Credit; Marlene and Jerry, In 1890 the librarian was paid wha bath live at home with the niagnificent sum Of $10 a their parents. month In the election of a board for 1957, the 1956 board wvas re- T D~ t elected with tbe exception Of .LLYR UJ.. Miss Mary Jewell who resigned owing ta other duties. This va- Mrs. J. A. Rosevear, Larry cancy was filled by Rev. Fath- anld Kenneth, visited Mr. E. A. er F. K. Malane. The Board is Rosevear, Cobourg, on Satur- camprised of L. M. Rathbun, day, and on Sunday afternoon Chairman; Glenhalme Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rasevear Secretary-Treasurer; L. W. Dip- and family attended a family pell, Mrs. V. H. Storey, A. M. gathering at ber father's, Mr. Thompsan, R. L. Mitchell, R. G. 1. W. Larmer, Millbrook. Hamlyn, Miss Betty Flaxinan Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk and and Father F. K. Malane. John, Mr. F. Hoorweg, were New Year's guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. DeMille and family, Bowmanviile. Roy Topping relatives and frended nfthe ý1 MSre patysisnd exendedofa the a IMURSDAY, TAN. loth, 1957 LosCommunity Centre, Set- fD9T VICRt@Se egâirmi urday evening. UJJA.ULL.LWeli *n aLibqtb S ut The Congregational meeting neighbours, as weflM many wilI be held Tuesday evening, GARY ADAMS remembrances from frien4 and Jan. 15 at 8 p.m. ln the Sunday Folvdoes dfr, relatives. School roomn. thsoCristmas sesoandhas bens Palibearers wire Keaneth Mission Band was held Sun- thsrsede th easudn d eat Kilrner, Ernest Roberts, Don- day xnorning with leaders of Gary Adams, beloved son of .aid Crossey, Garry ILUne, ' Gar. Misses Ruth Pascoe and Lau- Mr. and Mrs. Z. Adams of 36, net Wray and Bill Bromeil, 4U raine Cook. Liberty Street North, Bawmnan- chunis of the deceased. Rev. J. W. Wilkinson, Oak- ville. waod; Dr. and Mns. John Wil- Gary died Instantly Decm-> kinson and Miss Margaret Wil- ber 27th, 1956, following an OBITUARY kinson, Kingston, were guests accident when he was thrown of Mr. and Mrs. J. Huis. from the car which he was driv- DUNCAN ADAM SUTH Mrs. M. Findlay, Mr., and igadpne nenah Mrs. D. Findlay and C ngan pnedunereah The death occurred suddenly Unionville, Mr. and iMrs. C. He was born et Newtonville on January lst of Duncan Adam Bigelow, Mrs. A. Hawkey, Mr. on May lst, 1940, and moved Smith of 3 Lovers Lane, Bow- and Mrs. L. Hoaper, Mr. andi ta Bowmanviile in 1944. He at-mavle Mrs. George Alldread, were tended Bawmanville Centrai avle guests on New Year's Day of School and passed bis entrance Mr. Smith wasborn in South Mr. and Mrs. A. Richard's. tbere in June, 1956. Gary had Kensington, London, Engiand, Mr. and Mrs. J. Murdock and been employed by the Good- the son of the late Mr. and sans, Bawmanville, Mr. and year Tire & Rubber Company Mrs. Duncan Adam Smith. He Mrs. W. Park, Cecile and Doug- for the past three months. was a graduate of Bradford laswit Mr andMrs F.L. esids hs ftherandmoterCollege,- Berkshire, and Crystal la, onthNew Ya rs. F hL e sidsrhis aer aynemoter, Palace Engineering College, CymonNewlataons.ei uvvd yoeuseLondon, England. Mr. Smith Cogrtlaios to Larry Margueritte, (Mrs. Allan Bea- had- lived in Bowmanville for Rosevear on passing bis Christ- cock) Nestleton, and seven the pRst 36 years. coming here mas exammnatians on Advanced brotriers, Berwin of Oshawa, from bis native England. Agricultural Mechanics with and Ross, Murray, Wayburn, honours. Larry bas returned ta Samuel, Bryce and Blaine of Mr. Smith was of a quiet, re- Kemptville, K.A.S. after hoît- Bawrnanviile. tiring nature but was held in dayig athis ome.high esteemn by ail who knew daig thi om.The funerai service wm him. He had a great apprecia- Mr. and Mrs. G. Alldread large!'; attended and conduct- tion of good music, which be- visited Mr. and Mrs. Herb ed by Rev. F. Haire, Toronto,caebslifinrstul- Murray, Orono. minister of Bowmanvilie Bap- tcrmearis.cifitrti a Mrs. W. Macdonald, Bowman- tist Cburch and Capt. Billtryas ville, vlsited ber sister, Mrs. F. Brown of the Salvation Army Funeral service was held an Scott. Citadel wbo offered a deep, January 3rd from bis late res- Several lu Ibis cammunity consoling prayer and sang the idence, with Rev. T. Nind of have suffered with colds or hymn, "Good Morning Up Port Hope, a former rector of 'flu. We wish ail a speedy re- There", at the Morris Funeral St. John's Anglican Cburcb, covery. Chapel on Sunday, December Bowmanviile, officiating. Inter- W.M.S. Meeting the 3th, 1956, with interment ment was in Bowmanville Cern- Mrs. F. J. Jackson was hast- being at Hampton Cemetery. etery. ess for the January meeting of Among the large number of PaIlbearers were Dr. V. H. the W.M.S. when 14 ladies were floral tnibutes, testifying ta the Storey, L. W. Dippeli, D. R. present. Mns. R. B. Glaspeli, esteem in which the deceased Morrison, Bowmanville: L. V. president, opened the meeting was beld, were those of the H. Waddington, Woodbridge; and conducted the business pen- Bowmanville Baptist Churcb, John Alexander, Ralph Barrett, lad. Group leader Mrs. R. The Salvation Army Cîtadel, Toronto. Wright called on Miss Jean The Pentecostal Church, Good- Mr. Smith is survived by bis Pbilp for the Scripture read- year Tire & Rubber Company, wife, tbe former Darothy Call- ing. Mns. Wright then read a Bowmanville Faundry, former cuIt; daughter Mollie (Mrs. hymn, which was very fitting Hugh Nind) Brampton; son Jas- for the devotional she bad pre- much appreciated. Mrs. F. per of Oakville, and three pared. Mrs. S. T. Hoar gave a Jackson delighted aUl with an grandcbiidren, Peter Nind, Su- reading on "Thougbîs for the instrumental. Miss Grace Smith san and Alexis Smith. Alsa New Yearl'. Mrs. J. C. Coak was pianist for the hymns. one sister, Miss Evelyn W. had charge of the Sîudy Book Lunch and a social lime was Smith of Have, Sussex, Eng- whîcb was very interesting and enjoyed. land.. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLII. ONTARIC) t,