PAGE TEN TECNDA TTSAEWAVL~ NA! Bt2st Game this Year Bill PoIIey Combines Down Cobourg 5.3 Shows Class I r.LPlac Durham Leagi Again Tieu for ,-lrsi lc Showing bis old time Bill Polley launched back Bow.-i-anville-Orono Combines ru1!ed back into a first place tii- vih Cobourg here Satur- dia, night whcn they downedi th, Lumber Kings, 5-3, in an O.H-.A. Intermediate "A" Lake- shnrer Division hockey game. The homesters outscored the visi'rrs, 3-2. in the first period enci counted for their other two goals in the second f:-ane. Co- bourar scorcd thcir third goal in the final staunza. Iins 12 Games Both teams have won 12 gamos, Cobourg has lost seven en-1 the Comibines eigýht. A goal by Keith West was the highl4gh ' of the game. He tied the score in the first per- ladi with an unissisted shot frora the corner that deflected in, o thý, nets off the skate of a o f endin, Cobourg player. Chuck Armstrong opened thc scorir.g at 7.11 of the first per- iod. Samuel Mullholland puti Cobourg in the lead by scoring twice in 35 seconds, once at 11.0.5 and again at 11.40. Both bis goal., were scored in thi: sanie way, hae shot from just insÏde the bline lne and caught the- open right bond corner of the net. Robinson Scores Gerry Robinson gave the 1 Combines the lcad late in the final stanza. Jack Marshall tal- lied the insurance marker when he grabbed a loose puck in front of the Kings nets and bac.khanded it inta the cage. Keith West spear-headed a drive by the West Brothers tco widen the margin at 19.48 of the second frame. The goal xvas scored in regular West fash- ion as the brothers carried out a fini2 paSsing play. Junior and sist. Blerwick Back Bill Berwick who is back in action with the Bowmanville- Oron-i team, displayed good playing ability and will sure- ly bc an asset to the team. George Jacklin of Cobourg made an exit fram the game early in the third period, when he talked a two minute inter- lerence penalty into a 10 min- uîte misconduct and finally was issued a g«ame misconduct, by referee Andy Bellemer. Hawe Stops Many Cobourg outshot the Com- bines 31 to 26, but goalie Ros Hawe proved too good for their mnarksinen. The twa goals tha- Mulholland did gel, by hlmU xvere both scored while Hawc had little help from the de- fencemen. Hill's goal late in the third r ~HA S ORCMUI t NOW ENTERING I ONTARIO VILLE Trfcacdents and fatalities can be r, S.AFETY COUNCIL Council. 'Many Ontario communities now have 1 DDOTCTEDcouncils. The facts prove they are servi tRTCE communities effectively and mwell-and sý Anv civie minded citizen or organizatiai tike the lead. ('omn!ete "how ta" infor: i..- descibed in "How To Organize And Or '~1170 Boy Street, Atre Toronto 5, Ontario. Parliament Toronto, Or went between Hawe's arm and body. Play xvas stopped for a brief time, la:e in the first period when Ross Hawe landed on the bottom of several players wvho piled up at the front of the Combine nets. Hawe was not injured and resumed play short- ly afterward. Haxve was issued with a two minute penalty in the thirdi period. According ta the referee, he batted the puck forward Io one of is teammates with his hand. Assistant Captain Mick- ey Walker disputed the pen- alty, and coach "Ticker' Cro- bie agreed xil the referee.j Edw.a-rds served the penalty for Hawe. Few Penalties Cobourg fought back in a rugg2d but dlean style as they attempted to further their hold an first place. Referee Andy Bellemer tagged them with only three penalties in addition to the game misconduct hie is- sued to Jacklin. Frank Hooper was a great as- set to the Combine defence as he stopped several attacks by the visitors with good, dlean, but effective body checks. Raye "Gusty" West wvas iii action for the first period only. He did not play the second and third frames because he is still beng bothered by an injury he received in a gamc against Lakefield three weeks ago. Line-Ups Cobourg-Goal, Sommervil defence, McKecn, Munr( forwards, Hill, Jacklin, G more; alternates. Mulihollai Fisher, Medhurst, Flesch, ML ray, Donlevy. Bowmanville-Orono - Go Haxve; defence, Hooper, Merc( forwards, D. West, R. West,. West; aiternate-. Dyksti Walker, Yourth, Edwards, BE xick, Robinson, Armstror Marshall, Keith West. ,Millers Take Courtice 18-3, l'le: mi,- ýer; Jr. ra, er- To HoId Lead1 ue form çinto contention Friay night to lead histeam to a 7 point victory for I ,he night. Rolling a triple score of 818 which is high for this year's bowling, Bill jumped to top spot in the averages. Freddy Luxton also gave the à pins the treatment as he came throughi with a triple score of 741. Freddy, who had some tough nights in our first schedule deserved this score, n s he is always giving his very best. Our alley informer gives a little facts and figures on league happenings: Bert Engley's seven seemn un- able to get untracked (maybe Bert needs to increase som,3 salaries!) Col Woolner was seen throwing backhanded, this could be his new look. George Heath dlaims his bowling has the ladies taking notes, "It's rny easy swing that1 does it,"' says George. Lloyd Hamilton xvas telling the boys he feels he will be well up in the .200's before Val- entine's Day. Durham Bowling League Team Standing Pins Points Bill Polley 6681 14 Colli Woolner -- 6241 12 Don Bishop------ 6129 101 Jim- Murphy----- 6155 8 Milt Corson ---------- 6432 7 Lowchl MacDougal __ 5877 7 Chuck Disley--------- 5787 4 Bert Engley 5668 4 Earl McQuade - 5809 2 Stu Crago------------ 5791 21 200 Averages Norm. Henning-------- 235 Bill Polley 2 35 Jim Murphy ----229 George Poulos 229 H. Cook ------ ----226 Milt Corson 223 Bud Henning ---- 218~ Fred Luxton 217 Walt Pohley -------- 214 Rager Meadows 210 Bert Engley -----208 A11eti Perfect ---------- 207 Lowell MacDougal -----200 R. Coombes ------ - 200 Don Bishop -----------------200 High single, Bill Polley 325. 1-igh Triple, Bill Polley 818.1 B.O.C.'s Lose MEMORIAL ARENA A CTIVITIES FRIDAYI JANUARY 181h 8 Io 10 p.m. Admission - - Aduits 40c, Students 25c Intermediate "A" ai 8:30 p.m. SATURDAYI, JANUARY 19îh Port Hope- Redmen VS. Bowmanville - Orono Combines Admission - - - - - - - Adults 75e for Reserved Seats and General Admission Students and' Children- -----------e SPECIAL!-CHILDREN'S SKATING 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23rd 12 years an~d under only 25e Aduits acconipanying childrcn 25e Intermediate "A" ai 8:30 p.m. WEDNESDAYI, JANUARY 23rd Lakefield Lumbermen Bowmanville - Orono Combines Admission -------------------Aduits 75e for Rescrved Seats and General Admission Students and Children-------------Sc e reduced in Satety local ng their savin g lires. Dn can rmation is ýperate A Iich )Roberts, :enerol, tBuildings, )ntario. Second Ticket is Winner Mrs. Gordov Barrie of R.R. 4 Bowmanville, was the hucky winner in the Merchants Ap- preciation Day Draw hcld on Saturday. Her ticket wvas the 1 second anc pickcd and Mrs. Bar- rie netted $76 for ber 2017 coupon. The first coupon drawn was that of Mrs. Frank Hoar, New- castle. Mrs. Hoar was not pres- cnt at the draw, but wihl receive a $3 consolation prize. Hers was also a 2017 coupon. 1 -Ncxt week's jackpot will be worth $365. To ha eligible you înust be at the Town Hall at 3 p.m. on Saturday afternoon. Ron Maynard Roils High Triple Score, Men 's Major. League By AI Osborne Averages Ron Maynard won high triple Games Ave. ,his week with scores 268-2àl- Ron Maynard -- 259 253 for a total of 778. Ron miss- Murray Larmer _ 3 248 ed the first week of bowling and Jack Gay -------- 6 238 this total gave him a 259 average Elton Brock --- 6 237 'and he took over No. 1 spot in Dr. Keith Slemon 6 231 the individuai standing. Jack Brough 6 230 Ten other bowlers were over AI Osbârne..- - 6 221 700: Frank 'Samis 758, George Ted Bagneil 6 224 Piper 747, Murray Larmer' 743, Frank Samis ------ 6 223 Don Gilhooly and Bruce Milne Dr. Howard Rundle - 6 221 both had 731, Morley Vanstone Morley Vanstone -- 6 221 725, Jack Brough 723, Dave Mc- Bill Oke ------------ 6 217 Knight 716, Dr. H. B. Rundie Doug Taylor ---- 6 217 714 and Elton Brock 703. Jack Lander -- 6 216 Don Gilhooly won high single Norm Cowle - 6 215 game 297. This is the first time Alf Samells --- - 6 213 in a long while anybody won George Piper -- 6 213 high single score under 300. Hank Janzen 6 212 Frank Blunt had low single Bruce Mine -------- - 6 212 game, 109, and Bob Kent was jack Coole------ -----6 211 next in line, 113. Pat Yeo, the Dr. AI Sylvester 3 1208 corner grocer, had low triple, Frank Blunt --- 6 207 434, and Ray Brock had 445. Don Gilhooly 6 207 Bruce Milne's Bridge Club Reg Hearle 6 207 team had high single game, 1299, Bill Shotter -.-- 6 207 and highi triple, 3591. Cecil Mutton -.--- 6 206 Fred Cole's team is still on Bill Polley 6 206 top with first schedule Bagneil Rae Rundie 6 206 holding down second spot. Bill Westlake -___ 6 205 Team W L Pins Pts. Dave McKnight 6 204 Cole ---- __ 5i 6561 12 Ken Luxton-------- 6 204 Bagneli - --- -4 2 6476 10 Bud Moses--------- 6 203 Polley -- -- - 4 2 6510 9 Harold Bennett----6 202 Oke--- 4 2 6108 9 Don Bishop 6 202 Brock ------ --- --3 3 6725 7 Ted Miller ----- 6 202 Brough - 3 3 6462 7 Ernie Perfect 6 202 Osborne 3 3 6342 7 Dr. Chas. Austin 6 201 Steven --__ 3 3 6159 7 Milne 2 4 6700 5 There are no tides on the Dale 2 4 6043 4 Great Lakes although consider- Little - --------- 2 4 5879 4 able variation in water levels Leslie --- - ---- 1 5 6065 3 results from strong winds. 1Robso n Pontiacs PIay Good Hockey in Tie Game With tiacs and the visiting Brooklin Combines played to a 4-4 tic in a ten minute overtime pcriod at Memorial Arena hast Wednes- day night. The teams phaycd a fast, dlean style of hockey and provided fans with one of the best exhibitions by Junior "C" clubs here this scason. Vince Vanstone handled the Pontiac nets in bis competent fashion and stopped 44 of the 48 shots made by the Brooklin players. The backchecking of the team showed good improve- ment and their attacks had1 more penetrating power. Scoring see-sawed with each team holding the lead for a time. Bill Cornish tallied the equalizer for Brooklin at 18.54 iBrooklin of the final stanza, whcn he slipped the puck by Vanstone dtiring a scramble around the nets. The Combines had pullcd their goalie in favour of an additional attacker and this strategy proved successful. According to Brooklin, their goalie, Bill Asling, wvas up from Juvenihe ranks doing a sub for the regular net minder. As- ling's performance was great as he stopped 16 of the 20 shots fircd at hlm by the Pontiacs. Bob Faircy evened the score at 14.49 of the first period when he stole the puck from McMa- bon near the Brooklin cage and fîred from close range. Patton gave the homesters the edge early in t, second, whcn he, Ted Fairey and Hank Lane car-' ried out a beautiful passing play. Bill Cornish paced the Com- bines with two goals and Mur- ray Jones and Vern Fergusun counted for singles. Cornisbi gave the visitors the lead as the overtime period started whcn he found the mark at 3.22. Ted Fairey scored the equal- izer for the Pontiacs at 6.53, when Hank Lane passerf the rubber te him in close play around the Brooklin net. Referee Joe Sadler 'issued two penalties during the game. These were both served Brook- lin players, who seemed a littie anxious te try out the hospital- ity of the sin bin. A goal scored by the 'Pon- tiacs in the third stanza to break a 2-2 tie, looked similar to a play used frequently by the West brothers from Orono. Davc Weldon carried the puck in and waited until Bob Fairey was clear of his check for an instant, then he passed to Fair- ey who s]apped the rubber over to Mort Richards and fired it into the cage. Llne-Ups Robson Pontiacs-Goal, Van- stone; defence, Cowlmng, Kemp; forwards, Lane, Patton, Ted Fairey; alternates, Cole, Wei- don, Bob Fairey, Richards, or ertson, Cross, Lawrence, te. art, McBride... Brooklin-Goal, Ashling; de- fence, Murray Jones, McMo.. han; forwards, Gibson, Cor- nish, Carnegie; alternates, Ger- mond, Ferguson, Grant Jones, Redshaw, Tureski, Warriner. Flrst Period 1. Brookl, Ferguson (ckrat Jones)11.09; 2. Bowmaný ' Bob Fairey, l4.4Éý, Second Period . 3. Bowmanville, Patton (?qb Fairey, Wcldon) 1.45: 4. Brook- lin, Murray Jones (Germond) 16.48. Third Perlod 5. Bowmanville, Richards (Bob Fairey, Weldon) 5.00; 6. Brookclin, Cornish (Gibson, M. Jones) 18.54. Overtime Perlod 7. Brooklin, Cornish (Carne- gie) 3.22; 8. Bowmanville, Ted Fairey (Lane) 6.53. I SPecial SALE WOMEN'S Plain Rainover R ubbers To fit loafer, cuban, high cuban, high heel, and spike shoes. Sizes 4 to 9 Regular to $1.95 pair TO O 70 P 98C pr. Ahl sales final 15 King St. E. A numnber of Men f's Shoes Regular $9.95 pair TO CLEAR $5 .99 ALL SCOTT-McHALE SHOES Regular to $18.95 ON SALE $ 0 Pr. Children's and Women's SLIPPERS 98c-$1.98 John Stutt SHOES and Luggage Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5839 Ylndsor 4-door hardtop 4, NTe-v-er a motorcaz' so wonderfual ... so wanted 1 ili The magnificent new QliF~XYS LJE~ IR~ The new Chrysier for 1957 has most assuredly carned the distinction of being called "'classic". For in its long, graceful lines there is a kind of beauty that is both timely ...and timeless. A beauty perfectly in harmany with today, yet posscssed of an enduring quality that will make it a pleasure for many years. And, as you'd expect, the engineer- ing of the new Chrysler is as flawles2 as its styling. Chrysier, this year, brings you many new developments, such as satin-smooth Torsion-Aire Ride . . . a! remarkabhe new three-speed autamatie transmission . . . and an engine with greater power than any in Chrysier history. Sec the new Chrysier soan. We know you will be pleased. 7 A new serise of motion is yours in the 1957 Chrysier with Torsion-Aire Ride. There is no feceling of leaning as you round corners, virtually nio bumpiness, even on rough roads, and no uncomfortable dip of the hood when you brake. A new pride of ownership is yours, taa, with the 1957 Chrysier. For is Flight-Sweep styling reflects not only a look of superlative beauty, but of quiet ,good taste. It is the car for those with an intuitive appreciatian for the finest. A new fveliIn of smooth-harnessed power iS yours with Chrvsler's new fully automatic 3-speed transmission. You mercly push a button . .. nudge the accelerator ...and case forward with a surge I of quiet, sclf-shifting power you can experience only in the magnificent new Chrysler for 1957. CH RYSLE R COR PORATIO0N 0F CANADA, LI MITED Wew Yorker 2-door hardtop -~ f VOU'RE ALWAS A STEP AHEAD IN CARS 0F THE FORWARD LOOK :eUI Palmer 20 King Street E. Sales Phone MA 3-5487, _____ ___________ Wi Miller's Taxi swamped Cour- I~ LI.Iiî tice by a score of 18-3 to re- tain their four point lead on The Bowmanville-Ozono Com- first place, in Town League bines were oustcd from theiri hockey action Thursday of last first place position when the xveek. Front St. came from bc- Lakcfield Lumbermen handed hind a one goal deficit ta down them a 7-3 upset in an Inter- Newcastle 8-5, in a dlean, fast mediate "A" hockey fixture, game.Wednesday of hast week. gail Lakefield errupted in the fi1- The taximen grabbed a 5-1 nal stanza by scoring'five goals. lead in the first stanza and The first period ended in a held Courtice scoreless in the one ail fie and the second came second, while they tahied three t ls ihteCmie more. Courtice counted thocloswtthehumermines goals in the final pariad while holdtinge. Lmemnt Miler' screda ttalof 0. Chuck Armstrong, Raye West Don Master paced the taxi- and Max Yourth were the men xilh seven, Lloyd IT-am- Combine marksmen. Raye West ilton scored six, Baker added tcamc--d up with brother JunWGr three and Don Cbilds and ta score thc equalizer in th3ý Cawle counted for singles. second f"ame. Max Yourth Bob Johnson, Bradley and scored their only goal in thc Chars pickcd up a point each final stanza. with their scoring effort for Lakefield will visit the Com- Courtice. Closs scored bis goal bines on their home ice W-'d- in the first period. Johnson and nesday, January 23. Bradley counted in the final stanza. Four penaltfes were issued W ib a e during the game; three ta the Front St. Win IClose Wv in - Newcastle held a one goal lead as the second frame end- ~i ed and tbey had high hopes of Trom Juvenies downing, the Front Streeters and gaining sole possession ai Bowmanville Legionnaires third Place in the heague. suffercd a 2-1 defeat at the !P res-ently Newvcastle and Cour- hands of the Whitby Juven- tice are tied for third spot bon- lIes Wednesday of hast week, in ours.1 a straight 60 minute hockey Front St. displayed their cf- session at Memorial Arena. fectiveness early in the hast per- Mal Brown apcncd the scar- iold xvhen Jiggs Cowling tallih'-d ing at 1.42 of the third period the equalizer. Ron Burgess gave whqn ha outguessed Curt Van- the Front Streeters the edge at -tcne witb a penalty shot the 8.53 and Chuck Kilpatrick scar- referee had awarded Whitbî'. cd the insurance marker for j Thora vas a cantraversy over them at 10.06. Burgess added the referce's decishon and many ta th:s at 14.59 witb a bullet, h of the players felt the shot was give Front St. a three goalI Ltnwirranlcd. margin.j Bill Cale scored the only Lanetie th scre nd avegoal of the gaine for the home- Leuaa etir n t h e ndae s ers at 7»0, ta tic the score. Nexastleftheirseandin the, fIna remnained tied until 13.10 haîfof te seond rame He hen Bah Smitb scared the de- tied the score at h11.18 and hit cisive goal for Whitby. the target xith bis second of Whitby tightcned their de- th gaine~ less than four min- fences after they had gained utes ater.the lead and the Legionnaires Front St. were issued the only , were unable to penetrate the penalty of the game carly in area. the first period. Bird was sent Ln-p ta the sin bin for interference Ln-p at 7.h6. Bowmanville - Goal, Curt Tonight (Thursday) Miller's Vanstone; defence, Fowler, willmee Frnt t. nd ew-Richards; forwards, Marjerri- casle andFCourtice. and Newt- son, Crossey, Mason; alternates,I foasesind of tird pil acteProut, Thampson, Cola, Pollard, forposesson f tirdplae.Farder, Gouhd, Osborne, Mc- Cullough. Whitby - Goal, Campbell; rY A LOCAL defence, Phatt, Davis; forwards, Brown, Hamson, Lundniak; al- ternates, Luke, Neil, Perry, > 4 9 Martin, Smith, Mowat, Gibson, oo? - jLalonde. Motor Bowm anville TRMUI)AT, JAN. 17th, ion à 'q : 1 TffE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAMPMLE, ONTARIO 1 M4