THURSDAY, JAN'. I7th. 195, TH~ CAKADIM~ STATESMA!~, EOWMANVffLE. ONTARTO PAO! !L!VZW Many Roll Over 200 b-lii dies Major -Bowling Th'7h'Ladies' Major Bowling League got under way on its second schedule last Monday night. Even though it was ter- r ible weather, most o! the girls vere on timne to bowi. pi te a fewv 200 games were r~.:D . Joli 283, 254; O. Etch- 1'7, 264: A. Richards 251, 226; ~'ickell 230, 212; J. Vivian 227, 212; V. Coole 216, 214; V. Miller 20'7, 201, A. Osmond 280, H. Brook 271, M. Harrison 237, L. Wight 231, A. Luxton 226, A. Hodgson 222, D. Crozier 210, D. Polle "v 210, E. Whitehead 207, J. NIcCracken 207, W. Bates 208, L. Bates 205, V. Rogers 204, B. Disley 205, S. Bucknell 201. H. Gilhoo]y 200, D. Crombie 202, K. Beaprie 200. Also, a few of the girls nolled for the lnon league: A. Perfect 99, J. Hodgkçinson 98, L. Con-1 nons 97, E. Hiolro.vd 97, E. White- head 93, P. KilIpatnick 91, E. DesJardine 91, G. Telford 80, R. Adcock 68, C. Nesbitt 95, 88. Team Standings Name Points Pins K. Beauprie ------- 7 2726 D. Joli ---------- 5 2913 L. Bates - -------- 5 2557 M. Holroyd----------- 5 2524 H. Brock--------------- 5 2399 O. Patfield ------------- 4 2470 V. Coole ---------- 3 2530 O. Etcher - ----- *--- 2 2653 L. Mart vn --------- 2 2446 B. Budai --------------- 2 2373 E. Etcher_.-------------- 2 2361 D. Crombie - --------O 2397 FOR R ECKLESSÎ(' DRUVINO? 1 My company> aimts to insure' I oly careful drivers As a re- I ' al 0amscts are lower ithe savingis are passedI I ng to policyhoiders in thse form of lower cost insurance.I IFind out toda>' if yo'u ean qualify for State Farm Insur- I ance as a careful driver. Jut phone nie.I Di Brinkman Mliil St. .N. Newcastle1 PHONE 3671 NEWCASTLE HOT LARBE QED CHICK s right off <mie asizzling spits.. Cooked f'o a delicious" jucy brown - the TRY ONE TODAY! VARCOE'S )ýDRIVE -UN Kingston Rd. E. OSHAWA High Single- Doris Jo11 283 iHigh Triple- Onie Etcher 722 High Average - Onie Etcher 241 Averages Onie Etcher ____241 D. Jol __--- __ 240 H. Brock -- _______223 A. Richards ______-202 H. Vivian ___201 V. Coole 200 A. Osmond ------- 191 Mary Harrison 195 S. Bucknell *~___ 191 J. Baker- 189 L. Wright 189 D. Crombie - --~--- 188 S. Bickell ------ --- --------- 187 L. Bates 184 D. Crozier ___-183 J. McCracken 181 Dot Brooks 180 D. Polley 179 H. Dunn ------------------- 179 B. Budai 178 V. Miller ---- - --176 K. Beaupnie 176 W . Bates --------------- - 174 M. Kozak -- ----------------- - -173 H. Gilhooly --------- 171 Ann White ---- --- ----- - 170 A. Luxton -------------------170 cSreecA' (By Evelyn Brown) Basketball In boys' basketball, there will be three teams this year. The finst games will be in Bowman- ville tomorrow (Friday) at 6:30 p.m. with Whitby as the visiting team. The schedule is as follows: Jan. 18-Whitby at B.H.S.; Jan. 23.-B.H.S. at Pickering-, Feb. 1- Port Hope at B.H.S.; Feb. 8- B.H.S. at Ajax; Feb. 13-Ajax at B.H.S.; Feb. 20-B.H.S. at Port Hope;, Feb. 22-Pickering at B.H.S. The girls' schedule reads as follows: Jan. 25, Bowmanville; Feb. 8-B.H.S. at O.C.C.I.; Feb. 22-B.H.S. at O.C.V.I.;, March 1 -B.H.S. at Pickering. Photgraphy Dance On Friday, February 1, the Photography Club is holding a dance, the proceeds of which will go towards more equipment for the club. Dress will be ordinany, and passes may be obtained from Mr. Witherspoon. At Home The "At Home" is exactly four weeks from tomorrow, and as in previous years, the corsages wîil be included in the ticket price. Screech Owl The first edition of the "Screech Owl" came out on Fni- day. There will be two more, and the picture section; matenial can' be handed i to your Lit- erary representative any time. Debates The debates have started with each form competing to win the prize. On Tuesday 12A and 12B discussed whether Canada should join the U.S. or not. Other de- bates will be held during the next few weeks to determine the prize-winner. Dead Stock Removed Highest Prices PaId 24-Hour Service TELEPHONE COLLECT COBOURG FR2-3721 NICK PECONI PETERBOROUGH RI 2-2080 Watch It, Lady! FURS AND .EWELS are favorites with crooks and thieves. And there are dozens of other ways in whlch you can lose your valuables toc! Why take expensive chances when, at modest cost, a Jewelry-Fur Floater policy wilI protect this investment at home or away? Ask us for complete details. STUART R. JAMES INSIJRANCE Office MIA 3-5681 King Street E. REAL ESTATE Residence NIA 3-5493 Dowmnanville HÀYDON National Film Board pictures will be shown Jan. 23 at 7.30 p.m. in the church. Congregational meeting in the church on Friday evening, Jan. l8th. We hope for a good attendance. W.A. Januany3, meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Arthur Thompson on Thursday afteî- noon. President Mrs. Lloyd- Sle- mon opened the meeting, Mrz. Arthur Read .presented the de- votational. Mrs. J. Potts' group was in charge. Mn. Kennetn Graham showed and spoke on the different coiored stones which he has coilected. Lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. C. Garrard and Mr. and Mns. Alfred Garnard,' *Biackstock, attended the New- castle United Church service Sunday evening when Mr. Rob- ert Gay, Oshawa, showed his pic tut of the mission fields of Aiber, . where hie served last summer. Mn. and Mrs. Ross Ashton and famiîly and Mrs. Wm. Mc- Laughlin, visited Mn. and Mrs. Roy McLaughlin, Nestle',on, Sunday. Mrs. Wm. MeLaughlin is staying for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. C. Rankine vis- ited his brothers, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rankine and Mr. and Mns. Douglzs Rankine, Toronto, Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Don Cameron and Jim Webb at Mr. and Mrs. Don Davey's, Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp, Enniskillen: Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and Ronald, were Sat-1 urday evening guests at Mr and Mrs. Ross Ashton's. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Don Cameron1 at W. R. Pascoe, Enfield. Mr. and Mrs. Sulas Trewin and Judith, Bowmanville, visit- ed Mrs. Wm. Trewin and Mn. and Mrs. W. Loveridge. Visitons with Mn.-and Mrs. Camenon wene Mn. and Mrs. L. Philiips, Bowmanviile; Mn. and Mrs. K. Davey, Tyrone; Mn. and Mrs. Jack Rice and lfamily, Hlampton. Lions Midgets Are Undefeated Win 4 Games In two exhibition hockey. games last week the Lions Midgets swamped the Port Hope Midgets 10-1 at Port Hope on Thursday evening and gnabbed a 3-2 win' from the Whitby Midgets here on Saturday after- noon. To date the Midgets remain undefeated after having played1 four exhibition games. As yet a date has not been set for their next home game.. In the Port Hope game Brian Hughes paced the Midgets withi four, Dan' Cattran taiiiedý twol and Garry Bagneli, Bill Osborne and Bob Burgess picked up singles. Haskeil scored the only Port Hope goal during the f irst period. The Midgets led 3-1 as the first stanza ended and were ahead 7-1 as the second closed. The game against Whitby was a close, hard fought game. Whit- by offered a strong opposition. Dan Cattran paced the home- sters with two goals and Invin Gili added the third. Stnong and Luke counted for the Whitby markers. Both o! the above mentioned games wene played against Midget "A" clubs, xvhile the Bowmanville Lions Midgets are only a Midget "B" club. BETHANY The Januany meeting of St. Paul's Anglican Church Ladies' Guild was held af the home of Mns. Charles Smith, with 12 members present and Mrs. Mor- gan Bigelow presiding. Reports o! the past year's work were given, noting financial success. Plans were made fo hold a pot luck supper in the Town Hall on Jan. 18 to be followed by a pro- gressive cuchre party. The hostess senved lunch and a social The Ladies' Good Luck Lodge held a succssful progressive echrlie party in fthe Orange Hall on Friday night. Prizes for high score went f0 Mrs. Alex Mc- Master and Ross Wood; consola- tion pnizes to Mns. Bruce Mc- Gill and Thomas Lowery. Mal- colin. Sieit won the lucky door prize. Thene wene 1l tables o! t players. The ladies plan a similar event for Jan. 25. Mns. Gordon Wood who has1 been visiting relatives hene forj the past month, neturned f0 her home in Bagotvilie, Que., Sun- J day. It was wifh regret that local residents-'-ieard o! the deafli o! Wallace Cooper in Toronto on Jan. 10 following whaf policeIj described as a rifle duel in Rose-! 1 dale ravine. Befone going f0 Toronto, Wallace, aged 15 years, who was a wvard o!flice Children's Aid Society, had been emplo-yed at the farni home o! Mr. and Mrs. Hector Morton. He hiad affended the Bethany school and St. Paul's Sunday School andI Chun ch. Mn. and Mrs. Clane Sf aples,! Lindsay, xisitcd wifh Mns. T. E. Shea, Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Haig Bothwelli, and family, Peterborough, sen Satunday with Mns. John Wýhite. Sunday visitons wijh Mn. and Mrs. Ross Carn were Mn. and Mns. Ronald Palmer, Mn. andt Mrs. Allan Wright, Millbrook. Donald Smelt. who bas been a patient in Civic Hospital, Pet- erborough, for several weeks. retunned fo bis home hene on Mondav. In the finst hal! of 1956 ex- ports constituted 22.1 per cent of Canada's Gross National Pro- duct. that is the value at mar-j ket tinices o! ail the goods andI services produced in the period bv the lebor. capital and en- terpr se o! al Canadian resi-I Committee Us Appointed For Little N.H.L. Teums This year a commnittee has been formed to look after the oLittle N.H.L. Ail Star teamns in Bowrnanville. The neason for this committee is that the al star teams do flot come under the necreation department but are separate from it. The Little N.H.L. was formed 20 years ago for the purpose of organizing supervised hockey for ail boys between the ages of 8 and 13 inclusive. Five years ago the membership in the le ague was 600 and now. five years later the memnben- ship has inushroomed to a f ig- ure of 6000. In1956 Bowmanville was chsnas the site for the East- en Otro iteN.HL.Tour- entries xvcn top honors in their respective groupings and earn-' ed the right to advance to the Little N.H.L. At a rnectinc held last week of the Ali Star coaches and managers it was deciced to forin the J3owmanville Little N.H.L. Association. 'ihe Corn- Imittee has been formeci to look afie': the Little N.H.L. Ail Stan .'eams of Bowmanville. T he j'b cf this commidLee will be tu raise fonds needed to opel'- ace *the teams in the Little N. H. L. playdowns. This is not in any way related to the work the Recrcation Departinent is do- ing wîth regards to minor hoc- key in Bowmanville. The Rc- creaion epartment openates th-e inor Town League Hockey only and is in no way respon- sible fon any o! the Ail Star ceams. The finst project of the nexv Association will be to hold a iucky draw on Minor Hockey Night, Saturday, March 30th. Sevenal pnizes have been don- ated for the dnaw they are as foilows: Osbonne's Sports-i pr. C.C.M. Boots and Skates; Hoop- er's Jewellery-$25.00 Gift Cer- t.ificate; Community Memnonial Aena-l piece of Men's Lug- gage and Gay Lumber (Osh- awaX,-Panker Pen and Pencil Set. Tickets for this draw will go on sale some time this week. The Little N.H.L. teams have been practicing for the past three weeks and have planned a few exhibition games êbefore ,nlening the zone playolls, some time n-ext month. The Atorns (under 10) have an exhibition gt'me scheduled for tonight (Thursday) at the Bowman- ville Arena against Pont Hope, game time is 6:00 p.m. The Pea Wees (under 12) have a game with Oshawa this Saturday a!- ternoon at 4:00 p.m. and play the return match in Oshawa on Monday, January 2lst at the Oshawa Children's Arelia the game stants at' 6:00 p.m. The Bantains (unden 14) will play anl exnibition game i Whitby this coming Saturday, January l9th the gaine time is 6:00 p.m. In the fist gane o the Ban- tam League the Huskies defeat- Pd the Pirates 3-2 to move into sole possession of second place 2 points behind the league lead- ers. Brenton Hughes, Bryan Hughes and Tom Wilson (Bren- ton Hughes and Antoney Mal- loy) were the goal scorers for A DURO PUMP Means Better Living !! O UR DURO Waten Sys- tem gives us fresh, pure water îvhen and where we need it . . . adds f0 our con- venience and comfort of daily lhfte DURO Pumps are avail- able in ail s zes to meet in- dividîja! needs. Sce youn Plumben or DURO dealer for fu information or write for FREE foider, "Running Water, thse Farm Necessity". ~UMPS & SOFTENERÇ' LIMITE» PF sa L.ONDON -CANAD) JACK PL (JMBING MdA 3-5615 Division BR'OUGH and HEATING BOW"MAN VILLE Street Soutb Ontario Championships in Par- ry Sound. However, in these games, both teams from Bow- manville lost out and were dropped into the Consolidation series. Through the efforts of the Bowmanvjlle Rotary Club, the Legion, the Kinsmen Club the Lions Club and the Arena Management Cornmittee the trip to Parry Sound was made possible. The Bowmanville Little N.H. L. Association is made up of Ed. Rundle, president, George Piper, lst vice-president, Ted Bagneli, 2nd vice-presidenz, Tom Turner, secretary of the association, and Morley Oke, treasurer. Members at large are as follows: Andy Thompson, Don Gilhooly, Ron Oke, Samn Black, and Doug Rigg. period. No penalties were call- IEf ed n he am. O ly.5c per .Person for next Monday, January 2lst habee lyda telend wilth Cos't for Recrealtion hae ben neled a nd ofith league schedule if necessary. Bowmanville Recreation De- will start sometime In Febru- The next Atom league games partment will be starting new a.ry. These films will b. the will be played on Monday, Jan- classes in a varied number of same as those shown during uary 28th, first game Rams vs. subjects this month, it was re- the fall, and will give instruc-. Bears and second game BisonsI ported at the monthly meeting tions on playing. vs. Indians. of the Recreation Department Games scheduled for next 'on Thursday of last week. Since ail Little N.H.L. A"Il Saturday morning are as fol- Enroilment is open to anyone Star teams do not corne under lows. wishing training ini any of the the Recreation Department, a 1 courses availabie. Miilinery, committee has been set up tu> Pee Wees - Art, Swimming, Public Speak- look after the teams in Bow- 7:00-Leaf s vs Hawks ing and dancing are just a few manvilie, it was announced. 7:45-Canadians vs Bruina of courses -being offered. For The depantment has released 8:40-Rangaers vs. Wings ±urther information regarding its 1956 financial statement, and the courses, contact the office according to figures, the cost Bantams of the recreation department. for recreationi to each person in 9:25-Lions vs Huskies The department wili also be Bowmanville during the yeur 10:20-Tigers vs. Cubs showmng hockey films whicti was approximately 58 cents. 11:05-Pirates vs. biaies Following are the figures ne- MnrHockey League Standingm OTT leased by the depatment- I tmLaueSO IAReceepts Programme Fees --- -$ 3,221.60) W L T F A Pts Solina Home and School Administration 15.00 Lions 7 2 0 34 17 14, Club will meet this Friday Donations _ 2,494.29 Huskies 5 2 2 27 24 12 evening. Mrs. T. Adair, Prin- Townî Grant 7,300.00 Braves 5 3 1 24 21 il cipal o! School for Retarded _____ Tigers 4 4 1 18 20 9 Chiidren, Oshawa, wéi1 be Bank Bal. Jan 1, 1956 $13,175.46 Cubs 2 6 1 20 27 51 guest speaker. Pirates -----i_ 7 1 13 26 31 Bradley's Communîty Club Expenditures Pee lVee League will meet on Friday night, Jan. Administration ------ $ 2,139.50 DANCE Every Saturday Night ORONO TOWN- HALL OLD TIME AND MODERN MUSIC Time 9 p.m. U vt U vv.>-i 1. ev. F. ±Reeci wi speak 0o1 Salaries 85--5 EW L T F A Pts, the Suez situation and Mrs. Openation and Main- la igHa wk<s ------7 2 4817 16 !Douglas Love, Kedron, will be tenance -------------- - 2450.35 Ca igBruiins-- 6 O .3 26 10 15 guest soloist. Bank BalanceDec. 31, SLeais--------- 4 4 1 28 23 9 A pesn vnn a 15 ---- -- 43.91 Rt. Wings 3 6 0 25 32 6 A p lesan th e emnig fvas 95 the Huskies. Winnie Vanstone Canad.ans ---- 1 6 2 19 36 4 spnt rida n the o amuis f$3a15.4 (Bnian Howcraft) î.nd Gary iRngers - ----- 1 6 2 13 38 4 tonFnidyen the ladieesn!tez-7.4 AMý_Cujlough (Vanstone) scored Ao egethiedWomen' s inst ne -_a____ lor -,le Pirates. Brenton Hughtc s tieheir a hu s odotn anj Bryan Hughes each picked W L T F A Pts 'othi aty r.Gro up a two minute penalty for Barons------ 5 1 0 17 8 1 Leask and Mr. Ernest Hocka- the Huskies. Bian Howcraft Hornets--- -4 1 O 25 10 81 a a ihs crswieEE\V T (kneeing) collected the oniy Ranis - 3 3 0 9 il 6 Howard Milîson and Manian Pirate penalty o! the gaine. Bears --------2 3 O 9 16 .4 Broome received consolation AN Iii he con Batamga J Indians ------1 3 1 14 16 3 awards. Lunch was heartilyAN ofi the ond anth u a gameBisons=- ---- -0 - 112,25 1 enjoyed. Mn.a. or the iche I R T o!ie onigth ub hak ade the dnaw frtekthn M OU T O ed up thein second win o! the Children's Junior Variety Club stool and the hall will receive season by defeating the Braves Th ismetnofheJ - . 5-2. The loss by the Braves iThae rtmeeting o! he Jun- tM. Ca.Lnmims eea nua droppea them to thind place in inVneyCu a edhs Mr ns.Chs.ngmareid, is Gneaforsrac the ic-ague standings. Grart Friday at the Lions Centre andsinycoenrpsddfr Flintoif (3) adLryPiper thirty-seven children turned the prograin on Sunday after- Agents (2) cc nd o re ub iver ouf. Tiie time was spent discuss- noon and read a stony to the go Ils. John Clark (3), Harold ing what project the childnen vcie Pat Dthescsaurc My seC- Multon, Larry Piper and would like to do for their firàt ie a aissn M a Jams Rckad wre waned1;roject. It was decided that a Task" as a solo. aqssts on h erbs galswaule Minstrel Show would be put Mr. and Mrs. George Gilroy * Fire Gca-ring scored once in each on" sorne fume in the Spring and aundaysos Chas.Lane- * Sickness and period to account for the a production o! "Tom Sawyer" Sundaysitn tChs ag Braves' goals. Larry Hancock could be put on lafer. There are Mri'. L qar Salemn, visited Accident pike p nasis n erigstiUR some openings for any M.L qar piced p a asis onGeaing'~chidren froin six to thirteen at Mn. Roy Langmaid's. first goal. John Clark (slashing) h r neete njiig Mn. and Mrs. Jack Bromell, Multi-peril cillec.led the only penalty o! ' aeiteete nYonn the gaine. the Club. The next meeting o! Toronto, and Mrs. Edith Brom- the Club is this corning Friday, ell, Bowmanville, visited Sat- In the final Bantain game the January l8th, at the Lions urday at Mr. Walter Parninder's. 58 Simpson Avenue Lions were bard pressed to de- Unmnf etr t40 .. Mn. and Mns. L. Brgomne and Bwa'lI feit the founth place Tigers Cnmnt etea :0pm sons visited at Mr. Chas. John's, omnle 5-4. Alan Cole, Gleni Black- Aduit Art Glass Bowmanville.PhnMA -35 burn (2) and Bill Osborne (2) The aduit Art Class has Mr. and Mrs. D. Flett and Necs- Phone A833 1 scored the Lions goals. Bill Os- started their Winter and Spring family were at Mn. N. Leach's, Nwate*Poo34 bonne (2) and Alan Cole col- sessions and thene are Stijl a Taunton, Sunday. lccted assists on the Lion's few openings in the class for Masters Dean Knox spent-the goa]. Doug James (2), Jim any oie intenested in joi.ning. weekend with his grandparents, Vandenschaaf and Alvin Mas- The class meets every Friday Mn. and Mns.. Hilton Tink, terson accounted for the Tigers' evening fron 7:30 to 9:30 at the Ebenezer, and returned home goals. Irving Gili (2) assisted Lions Communîty Centre. The Sunday with bis parents, Mn. T aMPs on the Tigers' goal. Only two class is under the direction o! and Mrs. Harry Knox and - ToPy as penalties were handed ouf in Mr. Arnold Hodgkins. Boyd. U Due Bis the gaine both going to the Ti- Mn. and Mrs. Don Taylor L gers, Irving Gi (Boanding) and Track and Field Club were Sunday tea guests at Mn. Nelson Yeo (tipping).a The Bowmanville Legion wîll E. R. Taylor's. T osldt Pee Wee League sponîsor a Tnack and Field Club Mnr. and Mrs. Ralph Larmer U TCnoidt In ihe fîrst Pee Wee gaine in Bowmanville this coming family, Blackstock; Mn.- and M Monthly of the morning the Leafs scon- %winten. At a nmeeting held at Mns. Harold Balson and chiid- Payments cd twice in each period to de- the Lions Centre last Wednes- ren, Hampton, were Sunday 0 feat the Rangers 4-2. John Car- day 11nal arrangements were visitons at Mn. and Mrs. A. J. ter, lùicky Peterson, Tom Sta- made. The Club. wil be Balson's.A kev DîceDckensanCrmbe) and Bruce Colwell will act as Beverley and Bnian, were Sat-FoHlia er e n (hRgalygttr or the Club Manager. Mn. Bill Bag- urday visitons at Mn. J. Dyer'is, Erpensids Leafs.heRoni eranforSctte ne Il and Mn. Don Marsden have Oshawa. AEpne RuLeias. ni Bre tO(de ott bean appointed as the Legion Mn. J. Baker attended a sale John Twist (John Goode) ac- nepresntatives to the Club. The o! Shonthorns at Ridgetown. ceute fo te Rngrstwo C!ub as a total membersh:p Mn. George Bittner, Miss ccgsune o do the Ran 25 and more are expected Jean Cryderman, Oshawa, vis- For New goes. Brce den the Ra pn- to juini when training stants. ited at Mn. E. Cnyderman's. glny pikef u the n.TeRng ers The Club will hohd training Mn. and Mns. George Knox N Purchases shovedsom vey pon pors-sessions at the Bowmanville and family visited Saturday rship i losing thioospaneto- High Schooi on Wednesday evening at Mn. George Hant- afs. nlsn hsgiet evenings froin 7:00 to 9:00 pin. lin's, Oshawa. For the Ea Mernberghip to the Club is openl Emergency In the second Pee Wee.gaine f0 anyone oven the age o!fE IF F R M Epne the Bruins continued their un- eîcven who is intenested in the FASTRE I F OR Sxpne defcated string by de!eating the Track and Field events. If is fo-urth place Red Wings 5-1. Da- hoped that the tnainings E F ME ~ ACorne in Today vid Werry (John Bruce) opened sions wilî be able to s;,tanrtsoecA M U MM t the scoring for the Red Wings Wednesday, January 23rd. Mg M Try The Belivue Way at the 1:40 mark o! the first 11H E IVIE IUmon a period. The Bruins sconers then Teen Town Badminton took over and napped in five The Bowmanville Teen Town am Pay from Inconie Plan unaîîswered goals. John Aihin, have taken on anothen project U 1 Scott Essery and Terny Black this coming winten. The Club N M (3) accounted for the Bruins' is sponsoing Badminton les- PA IN*MMUV U poins. cot EseryandTerry sons for all teenagers that hold Black also picked txp an assîst a membenship in the club. The each on t he Bruins' goals. Non- !inst class was held last Wed- ris Turner (tripping) picked nesday evening at the Bow-FI AC up a two minute penalty for mainville Badminton Club. Mel CORP. the Bruins. The Red Wing pen- and Bill Burgess of the senior "KN FPJ"G .WLO, gr. alty wvas awanded fa Andre club were çn band to give in- 1KN OFR IG.BWLS 4M Schautsma (tnipping). structions to ail who turned 29V/SlIcoe S. Dial 5-112 In the final Pee Wee gaine o! ouf. It was very gnafifying to 2 OSHAWA the î-nonning the Hawks took bofh the instructons and the ativantage o! thé Canadians' Teen Town executîve whçen ±îrst period lapse to rap in four ahouf 24 teenagers showed aip goals in less than four minutes, for instructions.I to defeat thein 7-3. Doug LaneI (3), Alex Wiseman (3). and Dancing Class Stephien Barclay sconed for the Tbc Recreation Depantinents Hawks. John Oke, Alex Wise- Saturday Morning Dancmga SERVICE STATION rman, Bradley Yourfh and Paul Ciass bas sevÉral vacancies in Mufion cach picked txp assists the vanlous classes. Times for for the Hawks. The Canadians thc vanlous groups are as fol- TO LEA SE camne f0 life in the final per- lows: led with goals by Bryce Adams 9:00 a.m.-Beginrers' Tap (JAohn Terbune), David Thomp- 9:30îers' Baton o son (Jin Collacoft) and John 10:00 a.m.-2nd year Ballet p y Bo 59 Terliune (David Thompson). 10:3Tots apply Boxt 'ihrce penalties were handed 11:00 .m.2ndyear Baton C/o Canadian Siaiesman ouf with the Canadians gettinig 11:30 a.m.-2nd year Tap two o! themn. John Oke (trip- 1 2:00 a.m.-3rd year Tap p;ng), Sebastian Sweep (inter- 12:30 p.m.-Intenmediate Tap fe-rcnce) and John Tenhune If any funther information on ~ zacc:;:zz;z ;zz (holding thec puck). The win byteDacnClss rqid the Hawks stnefched their un- eDacnCassiseuid dfaestigt iegmý.please cal' the Recreation Office * at M 3-561.Have you fried Atom Leaguel:-O-ti In the first gaine o! the Atoin league last Monday the Hornefs, CR E S - H X 1 deertcd icey Gda, Doug Nic- a iy ic s ed1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. IROW?£ANvr=. ONTAItIC) THURSDAY, JAN. 17th, 1957 il PAGE MVEN