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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jan 1957, p. 16

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Cordon Âgnew, Edilor Phono 3621 Inaugural A Ouf fines Bu Newcastle: The Inaugural meeting of Newcastle's 1957 Counicil was held on Monday evening with Reeve J. H. Jose presiding and ail miembers in attendance. The Clerk, Mrs. Nettie Butler administered the Oath of Office ta Reeve Jase, Councillors Fred Couch, Ros Dickinson, Frank Hoar, Bïrento n Riekard and School Trustee, Mrs. Pauline Storks. A brief, but most impressive dedicatian service was conduct- ed by the Rev. M. C. Fisher with appropriate Scripture reading and prayer. Mr. Fisher said he was honared ta be with thej mnembers of Council an this diedication occasion and stated that the members in offering their services to the cornmuà- ity were cxercising- their Stew-1 ard shi p. Reeve Jose in hls inaugural address to Council, stated it was the usual thing for the Fleeve to., welcome. ncw mrn- Newcastle Memorial Arena ICE TIME AVAILABLE FOR RENTALS Contact Arena Manager CHAS. COLLINS Phone Arena - 3296 Home - 3261 CiL. 33?-6 -NEWCÇlSTLE C. G. GOULU Healing and Eavesfroughing Authorized Chalco Dealer PHONE Newcastle 3686 kldress Council Committees Aril rs yYear Chosen at First Session! Newcastle: At the suggestion Lake Ontario Development bers af Council, but as he was of Rceve J. H. Jose, ah mcm- Associeation - Coun. R. B1 ic-. the new member this year hie bers of Council participated in ard.t supposed the Caunicillors would the choosing of Committees for Building and Weed Inspec- have ta welcame hlm. 1957 at the Inaugural meeting tor - A. R. Randail. Mr. Jose said it was an han- held on Monday evening with General Business aur a a elpesr fo the following resutfrtni- O h eus fMsr.D hlm ta be Reeve af Newcastle. ed being chairman: G. Walton and Eric Johnson, which he described as "anc of Roads - Councillors Diekin- 'on behaîf of the Recreatian As- the better smaller municipali- so.l ind Hoar. sociation, a grant of $400 was tics in the Province" and it is SId wls-Cus iekard moade ta assist the Association his wish ta try ta make it and Couch. in its first full year of apera-1. better. He spoke of the success Property- Counis. CouQh lion. with which the village had and Rickard. Grants were made to the celebrated its Centennial year Fire, Police and Civil De- Hospital for Sick 'Children and in ,1956 and stressed the gre~at fense - Couns. Hoar and Dick- the- St. John's Ambulance As- advertising the celebration lia' inson. sociation in the amount of been for the village. Though \Vlfarc -- Couns. Coucb, and $.5.60 cach and the Council re- the Centennial Committec hari Rickard. newed its membership in the not corne to Council for assist- Induslrial - Cotins. Couch onario Good Roads Associa--, znce, lhe expressed bis ap+e,.-- and Rickard. tion. ciation to the Counicil for their Appointments First and second reading were1 support 'and co-operation. The folloxving appointrnients given a hy-law ta appoint A. TheReee sid ewcstl 1\ere made to varlous Boards R. Randaîl as Trench Excava-k i he reatfuturecastleviiand Committees- jtion Inspector; toa aby-law ta Arena Committee Couns. borrow ce-tain sums of money be the crossroads munîciDalitvý Coulch and Rickard. and to a new Pedlars' By-law, situated as it is at the intersec- Memorial Hospital Reeve A grant of $400 was made ta tion of Higbways 2, 401, 115 and Jose. the Newcastle Memarial Arena 25. He said 115 is the conneet- dCmmunity Hall Board - Comnmittee to caver the cost of ing 5i lin efr tafic tovOttand Me-srs. J. C. Porter and John the new well which was drilled and35 s ein imroed ndRickaird and Miss Cora Buitler ýrecently at the Arena. will become one of the main connecting links between Higýh- way 401 and the Trans-Canada Highay.St. George s Afternoon i Mr. Jase said the St. Law- rence Seaway would also be a boon to Newcastle as it is ex- W.A&. Elects 19.57 Officers' pected ta increase developmentnulme-epese h oeta I ail along the lakefront and Newcastle: The ana et-epesdtehpta l stating that the new industry ing of the Afternoon1 Brancii church organizations would ta be constructcd in the sprine Of St. Georges Woman's Aux- unite to make this a notable east of Bawmanville was an~ ilîary xvas held at the home of year in the history of the Par- indication that industry is ai- Miss B. S. Mclntosh on Tues- ish. ready spreading in this direc- day, January 8, with fifteen An introduction ta the new tion. For this reason, hie said, members ln attendance. Two "Study Book" which will bc it is important that we watcn new memnbers, Mrs. J. Porter uised by the'Auxiliary, was gîv- i and plan for the future and znd Mrs. Tieker werc xvelcom- en ý-y Miss Mclntosh. Ti-e expressed the hope that the ed ta the Auxiliary. theme of the book being "The1 Council would be able ta work The meeting opened with a' Church in South East Asia" with Clarke Township in service of re-dedication and At the close of the business planning and fire protection. renewal of membership, con- meeting, Tea was served . y He said he believed co-ordîna- ducted by the Rector, the Rex'. the hostess and a pleasant so- tian was* necessary. Wbile (inl D. R. Dewdney. Officers' re- cial haîf hour was enjoyed by the subjeet of fire protection, ports for the year showed pro- the members. the Reeve said he had no fault gress and a growing interest in Thofcrsectdor15f ta find with the local depart- the various departments of the are asfollows eent, Miss195 ment, but he feit a larger per- Woman's Auxiliary work. B.eMcfltos; tV Pres. , s centage of the men should be .MIts;Is iePe. employed in the village ta be In a short addess, the Rec- Mrs. Harold Gibson; 2nd Vice1 on eu i anemegeny. or, congratulated the mem- Pres., Mrs. D. R. Dewdney: Se- The Reeve stated he would bers of the Branch on xvha' cretary, Mrs. John Fergusan; 1 like ta sec some action taken had been accomplished in the Treasurer, Miss C. Butler; Dor- on road improvement in the past year and wished them cas Sectetary, Mrs. John Gar- village saying some of thc, God-speed in their efforts lu rod; E.C.D. Secretary, Mrs. W. more traveiled roads should be the forthcoming season. He H. Gibson; Junior leader, Mrs.1 bard surfaced as soon as pas- cirew attention ta the fact that Dewdney; Social Service Sec*v, sible. In closing, Mr. dose re- the year 1957 is the one hun- Miss O. Thorne; Sec .-Treas., quested the same full ca-oper- dredth anniversary of the lay- Lit4ie Helpers, Mrs. T. Wal-J ation he had received from ing of the corner stone of St. lace: Living Message Sec., Mrs. the members two years ago George's church in Newcastle, Carrod; and Convenor of Kit- when the samne men, with the though the Parish of Clarke chen Committee, Mrs. C. Fin- exception of Councillor Ricik- has a still longer history; and iey. ard, served with hlm on the Council. flarcas Secretary and the LittieI n L Helpers convenor. y93ra Dirlncav 1 Thie Rev. D. R. Dewdney was \A/A present at the meeting ta hear Evenlng VV.A. the reports and spokie bricil io the mrribers. He rnntioncd Give Reports At Meeting éNewcastle: The annual meet- ing of the Evening Branch of St. George's Woman's Auxiliary was held in the Parish Hall on Wednesday, January 9th. with twenty-six members in attend- ance. Two new members, Ms. Vicky Gray and Mrs. Elsie Spencer were welcomed into membership in the Branch. The meeting opened withl prayers by the President Mrs. D. R. Dewdney, after which re- ports were given by the var- ious officers. The secretary read her annual report. and the an- nual report of the Treasurer was read by Mrs. Aresta Wil- liams. This report xvas the best the Braneh has ever had. An- nual reports were also read by 'the Flower Secretary, the Go RegardleÉs of Snow sel~rI Only $250 per tire Tire de-skidding gives YOU Up to 25% mort tractioni, 15% mort tire lif.. Works on both old end new tires. Tokes lesi thon on hour, cost j, moderote. Drive in todov Oui gri thi clin N EWCASTLE Frank Hoar the faut that these short re- ports give little indication oI the work and planning involv- cd in a project. He expressed appreciation ta, the memberi; for the work accomplished dur- ing the past year. Business discussed during the meeting resulted in a de- cision to hold a Card Party in the Parish hall on January 30th. and the appointment of a committee to make arrange- ment for a proposcd Fashior. Show. The meeting was brought ta, a conclusion with the scrving ai refresbments and the next meeting was announeed fov January 23rd. Couples Club ib' Supervise Free Skating Mrs. James >Henry Brown who celebrated ber 93rd birth- day on Jan. 6 at the home of ber son, Meredith Brown, 137 Cale- man Ave., Toronto, bas livcd on her farmn at R.R. 2, Pontypoal for 57 years, spcnding the winter: rnonths in Toronto. Mrs. Brown CA wiDE VARIETY ~I4DFOODS Real Value! Aunt Sallys -with Pectiu RASPBERUY .IAM 24 oz. jar - sPIECIAL 43c Stock up at this IOW Price mow ~Rouge APPLESAUCE Z0 oz. tin - SpECIAL 2 For 27c Stock up at this IOW Price Oaleaf - Choice Cut GREEN 1BEANS no oz. tin - SpECIA'L DESS ERT ÎPEARS 28oz. tin - SpECIAI, 23ç' Children Love it After School! Breakfast Style Fry's Cocoa 0F THE, CROP FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Florida - Lge. Bunches RADISHES 3 Bell. 19C Floridi. No. 1 Marsh Seedless - 96s GRAPEFRUIT 10 For 49c Vaslied - Trimmed SPINA CH 1O-oz. cello bag 2 l'or 29c Ontario Fancy Eating or Cooking McINTOSH 6-qt. bask. 79c SPY APPLES 6-q'. bask. 79c 16 oz. tin 45C Toilet Tissue Rol Purex IforISC Serve Soup'n Crackers! Heffiz - Condensed 10-oz. tin Tomato Soup 2 for 2.5 Fab Makes it Easy! Large Pkg. 5c Off Pack Fab Détergent 3 8C Always Handy! Takes only Minutes ta Prepare Lipton's - Chieken Noodie 2' 2-o z. pkg. SOUP MIX - - ZorZSc Watch that Cold - Keep a Box Handy - Pkg. of 200 or 300 FACE-ELLE TISSUES 2 For 39C Regular - Delicious Spread! 1-lb. pkge MONARCH MARGARINE Newcastle: The Jauuary ish omrEiaehJn iscuit Feature! meeting of the Married Cou- Greer. born in Manvers Town-DulxCe sOt PICS Club xvas held on Wednes- ship in 1864. She was marriedDulxCemOtn day so that the members could to James Henry Brawn, also of Strawberry Tarts, Coco participate in the Universal Manvers on August,15, 1886. He Wcck of Prayer.1 predeceased ber 15 years ago.e PART Y ARL The dc\,otional part of the Mr. and Mrs. Brown had meeting xwas Linder the direc- Iseven children. Mrs. A. Browni ion c!-,\Mr. Jac1k Holm-es. Af- (Elsie ) deceased: Mrs. Thomas i Party Treat tcr an introduction af s01n7- Ker Margaret), Toronto; Mrs.1 prayer, and Seipture readit, p Browrn (Gladys). Fort Laud- Mr. Fisher enlarged on the idea ee. Fa:Mr.Ia1ahn ASSO RTED 1 thta Contei pii ae (Mary). Toronto; Louis, Buffala;1 a hehîthy body'. Meredith. Toronto; Howard,1 The business meeting open- Pontypool. cd with Mr. and iirs. Alfu Cs Bonejysgo el H O OL T Graham presiding and Mar.ý- \Is rw niy adhat and dloes ber own v'ork. She' H C L T ni te mrny terso vncrecord- takes great interest lu television îngthemintes Haingrecivland enjoys reading The States-J ed a request for aid at the arena. ma n for 'home news. the club voted ta sec thp., somne ILLUSTRAI____________ inembers are at the arena every H L U T A niesdlay amc i T1îurc.aY afîci - Lcask: Treasuirer, Murray noon i o hclp tflic muthers \water, Xie: Paii.Pat Davis, Helen the children skating. Knox. Pat Knox, Aune Werry, I Th e buisiness of *tue nme(nt- Gail Baker, Diaune Tink; Lan- fNY in- having been completed. the i cm nOperator, Harold Yellow- ninbers Fhowccd their skill at lees. Lorne Tink, Murray mcm 1arn n crokinole. Vaiaus Pltt, Larny Spires: Nursery' xinners. A ternpting lunch xvas 1 Tink. Ms rc s.erved by the committce for th, G We are sorry to report Mr B. eveuing. G. Stevens is confincd ta Mem- or2li .ni Lit wm111a1 iA*Wp nt orea opti somniia i ieof writing. SOLINA Teachers- Beginners. Donna Vice, Dorothy Snawden; Pri- A Sunday School meeting mpary, Eunice Leask, Gladys and election of officers was Yellowlces: Junior Girls, Pearl ILi held Tuesdlay evening. Rev. F. Leach, Mrs. R. Cryderman; r John ean Skid-Defier J. Recd opencd the meeting xith Junior Boy-, Harvey Yellow- totes hundreds of sturdy prayer, then called on Super- lees; Intermediate Boys, Bruce intendent John Knox ta preside. Taylor, Wes Hilîs: Intermedi- p blocks in the tire treud He revicxved brietlv the events ate Girls, Mrs. Wes Ye]low- traction blocks that cut of the Past year ai-d the treas- lees,' Mrs. Don Taylor; Mis- rough the rmcd film and Ltrer Murray Vice prcsentcd 015 sionary Program Committee, ing ta the rmcd.i repart. A discussion of numer- Mrs. C. Langmaid, Mrs.* E. ous matters pertaining ta the Hockaday; Temperance Coin- ~A~ A ciool followed. mittce, Mrs. H.-Millson, Mrs. B. ~AIA~tElection af officers resulted 'Montgomery, Mrs. H. Knox-, G A RA G E as follows: Assýstant superia- Covîmittee for Special Pro- Phone Newcastle 2666 tendent. Stan 'Milîson and Har- grams, Ms e erMs 'vcy Yellowlces; Secretary, F. Westlake, Mrs. E. Leask, - Lloy d Broomei; Assistant, Ewart Mrs. Ross Cryderman. .1 4 3j3c1 37c 39C1 Values effective in Bowmanville until Saturday, Jan. l9th MARGARINE TULIP -Regular #j ' À READY CUT OR LONG 16-oz. pkg. CAmTELLI MACARONI 2 'o, 35c LONG 16-oz CATELLI SPAGHETTIoz BRAVO SPAGHETTI SAUCE pkg. 2 ror 14-oz. tin 28C~ CHRISTIE'S - Plain or Salted 1-lb. pkg. ýf PRENIUN SODAS 401 LIBBY'S - In Tornato Sauce 15-oz. tin COOKED SPAGHETTI DOMINION - Flavourful ifi-oz. jar PEANUT BUTTER 24-oz. jar 16-oz. tin 15-oz. tin CHILI CON CARNE YORK BRAND 20-oz. tin WIENERS AND BEANS POWDERED SKIM MILK - Instant 16-oz. tin BORDEN'S STARLAC 12-oz. wc:' 1-lb. pkg. 16C 35c 33C 38C 29C 31C 40C 49C 29C 20-oz. tin 2For 29c 44-oz. pkg. AYLIMER il-oz. bottie -TOMATO CATSUP 43C 24c Carry it Home and Save! 24-oz. Cut Food Costs at iDOMINION AUNT SALLY'S - Orange MARMALADE GOBLIN - With Gravy MEAT BALLS MARY MILES ieal Cookies, Raisin Cookies, >anut Macaroons- one full Pound ,AT BISCUITS- 35c One full pound BISCUITS One full pound MALLOWS CH ERRY IIILL MILD CHEESE ALLEN'S APPLE JUICE INSTANT QUAKER QATS ,TED HOME LIBRARY CLOPEDIAà 21 VOLUME SETI Cut Bread Costs! Sliced or Unsliced R ichmello BREAD iý, q lot THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, ONTARIO TMMSDAY, JAN, 17th. 195t PAGE ,WM &04,.Now

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