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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jan 1957, p. 3

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?H~3PSDAY, JAN. l7th, 1957 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVILL~. ONTARIO The Orono News if Telephone 127 Mr. George Armstrong, Tim- runto this week. Mr. Samuel bas ]Min-, visited his father, Mr. a display at the Furniture Joh.i E. Armstrong for a few Mar,. day@ .ast week. Congratulations to Mr. and Mr Richard Morton, Agin- MIrs. David Phasey on the birth deavisited Mr. and Mrs. A. of their son on Friday, January orton. ilth at1 Memorial Hospital, Ir Chas. T. Miller fell Mon- Eowmanvifle. dAy snorning while visiting in Miss Shirley Porter, Oshawa, local store-X-ray showed a xith Mr. and Mrs. Nei1 Porter. crucken bone in his lef t upper Mr. and Mrs. Ken Rupert, arm, lie is resting bis arm in a Spragg, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. iBling at his home. Clougn and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Miss Kate Foster attended the Mlajor and family. funerai of Mr. James Norman Mirs. R. H. Delve, Hamilton, Staniey in Toronto on Wed- is witb her sister, Mrs. Harvey rnesday. Mrs. G. Robinson sup- Curtis, who has returned home plied for Miss Foster's class. from Memorial Hospital, Bow- Mr. Wm. Werry is working manville. Jn the St. Catharines district Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller tis month. visited Mr. and Mrs. Don Mr and Mrs. Reg Sutton and Prichard, Millbrook, on Sun- Nxrs. Geo. Bower, Nestieton. day. spent last Tbursday in Toronto. Due ta the cold weather the Mi. Clarence F. Duncan who Juniûr room of the Orono Pub- is working in Ottawa spent the lic Sehool had a holiday on weekend at bis home. Mr. Don Tuesd&y. Duncanî, Ottawa, visited Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Wilson C. F. Duncan for the weekend. and son Mr. Jack Wilson, Par- Mi. and Mrs. D. S. Harness is, attended the Silver Wedding visited Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Anh;versary of Mr. and Mrs. Iarris, Scarborough, recently. Arthur Fal]s, Bowmanville, on Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Samuel New Year's Day. and daughter Lisa are in To- Congratulations ta Mr. and Oshawa Wood Products Janucry - Home Improvement Mont h Durlng these cold winter even- ings make use of your spare time and finish some of those jobs around your house. Painting, modernizing, repairing, can al be done with very littie cost and effort. Oshawa Wood Froduets wiIl assist you in planning and selecting materials - Stop in or 'phone to.day. TILE THAT CRACKED CEILING Make those cracked ceilings Io~ like new. Many choices ~nateriai, size and colour. Itbem at either -modemn shtowroom. New Ceillng TuIe for Room 10 x 20 , As low as --_ $20.001 IR OVEMENT LIST V UIT-IN SHELVES V FOLDNG DOORS V TILE BATHROOM WALLS V MODERNIZE KITCHEN V FINISH RECREATION ROOM IN BASEMENT SAVE VALUABLE SPACE WITHI SPACEMASTER Make use of all those corners behind doors that are waste space. Spacemaster doors are guaranteed ta satisfy. Came in and inspect these remarkable foldîng doors. Priced from $24.95 PAY NOTHING DGWN 24 Nonths - Easy Terms Watch -Our January Sale Ad Next BARGAINS BARGAINS Week BARGAINS Oshawa Wood Products Ltd. MA 3-2130 COURTICE RA 3-4661 ln Bowpanville CHANNEL 's Mr-s. Chas. Best, ýcrt Hope, on tht-xr .50th wedding anniversary Wednesday, January l6th, 1957. Among the guests from Orono were Mrs. Russell Best, Mr. and Mrs. Madison Hall, Mr. &nd Mrs. Horace Best and Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Carson. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Norman Winter and Larry, Oshawa, visited Mirs. S. E. Allin. Mr. and Mrs. L. Buckley and Mr John Buckley, Peterbor- ougn, were recent callers tif Mr. and Mrs. C. Glenney. Mrs. Cecil Powers visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Powers, Scar- bora. Mrs. C. S. McLaren and ber mother, Mrs. R. J. Moaney, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mis. Gardon Wilson, Garden Hill. Mr. James' Norman Stanley, M.A .. B.Sc., busband of Mar- garet Foster formerly of Or- orio and father of James, pass- ed away at bis residence, 6 Oak-lawn Gardens, Toronto, on Monday, January 7th. Inter- nient in St. John's Churcbyard, York Mils. Miss Jill Cbapman spent Sun- dlay witb Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chapinan and son Kenny. Mrs. Foster Ferguson, Otta-' wa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Gar- don Cotter for the weekend and was dinner guest Saturday evening of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gamey. B3URKETON Miss Jean Smith, Toronto, spent tbe weekend with Mr. and! Mrs. Sam Hall. Mr. Alan Larmer, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Ted McMabon, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs.1 Harold Larmer.1 Mr. and Mrs. Don Parker and1 girls with friends in Newcastle., Cheryl and James Rowan' with Carter's Best wishes ta Mr. and Mrs. John Wottan who celebratedi their 44tb wedding anniversaryl quietly at their home, Sunday, Jan. l3tb. Mrs. Henry Mahaffey return- ed from Port Perry Hospital lasti week. Best wishes are extend- ed. Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams were in Bowmanville with Mr. avid Mrs. Albert Adams. Choir practice was held at Mrs. Carter's. Next. week at Mrs. Grant Carnochan's home. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ribey spent Sunday with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. George Wallen, Gormley, spent the weekend witb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Bone. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Bone were Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bone, Wex- fard, and Mr. Doug Bone, Scar- borougb. Mr. H. Trick called on Mr. R. Bone last week. Mr. Trick bas recently moved ta Lindsay. Mr. John Laroche, Lindsay, called on Mr. R. Bone last week. 1 ZION S'ympathy of the community is extended 'ta the famnily of the late Mr. William Dickinson, a weli known and bighly re- spected member of the com- rnunity, who passed away at bis home, Wednesday, Jan. 9. Burial took place Saturday af- ternoon at the Union Cemetery, Port Hope, following a private service at bis home. Mrs. Ralph Gerow spent the weckend in Toronto and at- tendted the Sholdice Clinic Ban- quet beld Saturday at the Royal York. Rev. Harding conducted services at Zion church Sur.- day, Jan. 13. Unfortunately only 14 were present ta take Com- munion. Beautiful flowers fo the funeral of the late Mr. Wil- liam Dickinson were placed in the church by his family and added ta the beauty and sol- emnity of the service. Friends of Mrs. Elsworth Caswell wba bas been confin- ed tc, the Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, will be pleased t., know she is now reported ta be well enougb ta beave and plans ta spend a few days with her sister, Mrs. T. Wilson, Newcastle. Though large exporters, Can- adians seil abroad less than one-quarter of the goods tbey praduce. a 0 a 17 HERE! We have the complete equipment in stock for receiving CHANNEL 17 (UHF) Buffalo- You can have it installed from $2650 up We can also convert your present acrial to a rotor very reasonably. ]Phone us for f uli information MA 3.5.521 TOWNE Bill Leask TV Lloyd Hamilton Evening Wedding at Trinity_ Mr. an;d Mrs. Glenn Edwin Buttery are pictured following their wedding which toak placé in Trinity United Chu rch on Saturday evening, Dec. 29. The bride is the former Sharon Jean Schroter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. iPerey Schroter of Dùnsford and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Buttery, Bowmanville. They will reside in Bowmanville. -Photo bv Rehder WEDDING JAMES - SCHADE Miss Karin Melita Schade, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Karl 0 . Schade, Hanover, Pa., for- merly of Tyrone, Ont., and Rich- ard Leroy James, sou of Mr. and Mrs. Merle A. James, alsa of Hanover, were united in marriage in a double-ring cere- mony performed by the Rev IN. H. Andres in Grace Reform- ed Church on Dec. 15. The church was decorated with wbite flowers, palms and > candelabra. Stuart Altland, soloist, accompanied by Mer- ton Himes, organist, sang "Ali Tbe Things You Are," Grieg's "I Love Thee" and, during the ceremony, "The Lord's Prayer.' The bride, gîven in marriage bybler father, wore a full- length gown of white bridaI satin and band-clipped Alen- con lace, featuring a modified .sabrina neckline band-embroi- dered with seed pearîs and se- quins. Fashioned along the em- pire line, it bad a bouffant skirt and chapel train. The bride Wore a queen crown oif seed pearîs and iridescent se- quins from which fell a f in- gertip veil of English silk illu- sion. The bride's bouquet was of white chrysantbemums and stephanotis with ivy. Her jewel- ry was a string of pearîs, a gif t of the bridegroom. The maid of bonor, Miss IMary West Pitts, Hurlock, Md., the bride's college room mate, and the brîdesmaid, Miss Jean Goode, Maddox, Md., and Miss Jackalene LeGore, Hanover, cousin of the bridegroom, were attired in ballerina bength la-1 vender satin crystalette gowns trimmed in purple velvet, and made alang the empire and princess bines. Each wore a matching beadpiece of lavender crystalette and purple satin shoes. The maid of honor bad a matching bouquet of yellow and lavender chrysantbemums and the bridesmaids carried cascade bouquets of yellow chrysanthemums. C a t b e r i n e Snyder and Nancy Deardorff, flower girls, wore white floor- length dresses with lavender sashes and carried white bas- kets trimmed in lavender and f illed with flower petals. They wore floral beadpieces ta match their baskets Misses Lynnda Skinner, Joyce Harrington, Nancy Caples, Margaret Simon and Grace Fletcher, college friends of the bride, served as bonorary bridesmaida. The mother of the bride wore a navy silk shantung sheath dress with navy accessaries and a pink bat, band-embroidered with seed pearis and sequins. The bridegroom's mother wore a pale gray satin finish dress with navy accessories. Bath mothers had pink cymbidium corsages. Donald E. James, brother of the bridegroom, serv-1 ed as best man. The usherii were Ronald E. Miller, Gettys- burg-, G. Gerald Donaldson. Mt. Union; Paul G. Ensor, Tim- onium, Md., and Lloyd S. Lind- sey, college room mate of the bridegroom. The ceremony was witnessed by guests from. Toronto, Ont.; Stamford, Conn.; Baltimore, New York and California. A reception was beld at the cburcb for about 125 guests iwith the honorary bridesmaids serving as bostesses. The couple then left for a two-week trip ta, New York City. For travel- ing, the bride wore an outfit of navy and dusty rose with navy accessories. The bride, a graduate of Ei- chelberger Senior High School in 1953, will graduate from Western Maryland College, Westminster, in January with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English. The bridegroom, who gradua*Ëd also from Eicbelber- iger Higf in 1953, will graduate from Shippensburg St at e Teachers College in Jaqnuary with a Bachelor of Science de- gree in education and the sciences,, After January, Mr. and Mrs. James will reside at Wayne, Pa. Mrs. Richard L. James 1 Mrs. James is the former Missi Karin Melita Schade, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kart O. Sehade of Hanover, Pa., formerly af Tyrone, Ont. The marriage took place on Dec. 15 in Grace Re-' formed Church, Hanover, Fa. Orono, W.M.S. First Meeting 0f New. Year The first W.M.S. meeting of the New Year was held in the Sunday Schaal romr on Tues- day, January 8th with Mrs. M.' H. Staples in the chair la the absence of the new president,i Mrs. A. A. Drummand. Rev. J. Kitchen taok the De- votional, reading the l2lst Psalm and frorm it he gave some veryI helpful thoughts for the New Year. The installation service of' W.M.S. officers was conducted by Rev. Kitchen. Mrs. Staples then took charge of the meeting and called for the reports of the vanlous secre- -taries. The reports were very satisfactory. Mrs. Porter took tbe Study Book on Korea and using a map, gave a very interesting talk. While mîssionaries have been in Korea for 60 years, only eight per cent of the people are Christian and there are manyi young churches who need aur' understanding and help. Koreai has received much belp fromn the United Nations. A radio station called the "Christian Voice of Karea" sit- uated almost in the centre of the country sends its messages ta bath south and north Korea, and was made possible through W. MS. gifts ta the Building Ad- vance Fund. Mrs. Staples thanked Mrs Porter for ber splendid talk. The meeting closed with prayer. If You'çre TIRED AIL THE lIME Eerybody geta a bit run-down nov n theu, tired-out, heavy-k.sded, snd maybe bothered by badudwhs. Perhaps notbing serliu1yl7 rong, just a temporary toric condition csused by excess acids and vastes. That's the. dinete takie Dodd's Kidney Pilla. Dodd's stianulate the kidneys, and 80 help restore tbeir normal action of remng excess acidsansd vastes. Then yen f eel better, deep better, vork better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pilla nov. L"o for &atin.Jle box witb the. red band at al dnzggists. Yeu cas depend on Dodd'a.i52 NE WTON VILLE Miss Fern McCracken, Port Hope, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Cleland Lane. There was a good attendance at aur cburcb Sunday morning wben Rev. M. C. Fisher of New- castle, was in charge of the Communion Service. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fisher presented their unat son for baptism. Mr. IRobert Gay, aur student minis- te~r will be back with us again next Sunday. Several from here attended trie 25th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones, jOrono, beld Saturday evening. Mr. Bull Lane wbo bas been home on a montb's leave lef t on Monday for Halifax. Word bas been received -)f the passing on S<.iturday at Millbrook of Mr. Reginald Gibb,,. Reginald was a Newton- ville boy and for several years wvas an employee of the local telephone Ca. Sympatby of this c'>mmunity is extended ta the family. O rono School Considers Fuli Time Caretaker The Orono Public. School Trustees beld a second meeting this week on Tuesday evening at the School ta complete busi- ness left over from the Mon- day meeting. Ail trustees were present. It was decided ta ask the iOntario Teacbers' Federation to have a representative pres- ent at the February meeting ta discusss i schedule of salary that may be started at the The Trustees ordered new enamel waste containers with closing lids for the two new wasbrooms. Also placed on or- der was furniture for the new teachers' and nurses' room. It was the decision of the Board ta purchase plastic cov- erg ta place over the thermos- tats on the registers in the halls and washrooms s0 that they could flot be tampered with. The Board of Trustees by motion cbanged the regular ýmonthly meeting fromn the first i Monday ta the first Tuesday of 1 eVery month with the meetings to commence at 7.30 p.m. 1Cousiderable discussion de- veloped over the feasibility and possibility of biringa fuIl-time caretaker instead of the present systema of hiring only a part- time caretaker. It was the feeling of the Board that baving a fuli-time caretaker bad its advantage over the present sys- tem. Presently the Board hires part-time care-taking, monitor- ing at noon hours and also bas ta hire out the odd jobs wbich arise at the school and this latter includes items such as carpentering, painting etc. By hiring a full-time caretaker it was the opinion that at least some of these jobs could then Orono Police Trustees Plan Year's Activities The inaugural meeting of the Orono Police Trustees was held on Monday evening with ail members present. The Rev. John Kitchen was present to conduct a short wor- ship service prier ta the meet- ing. A passage of scripture was read along with a poemn and prayer. R. C. Forrester moved a vote of thanks and apprecia- tion te Rev. John Kitchen. Following the minutes, R. C. Forrester was appointed chair- man for the year for the Police Trustees on motion of S. B. Rutherford and H. M. Mercer. The Orono P'ire Chief, Bruce Mercer spoke ta the Trustees regarding the needs of the fire department for the coming year. Mr. B. Mercer pointed to the need of six new regulation fire- coats as there are now anly two in goad repair also there was the need for some helmets. The cast of the coats was in the neigbbourhood of $23.00 each. There was also a need of fifty feet of 2½,ý inch fire hase týis year as two hases had blaw'x under. pressure. Also includeci in equipment were a First Aid Kit, tarpaulin and fire mask cannisters. In the matter of the coat:,. hase and first aid kit, the chief was asked ta submit prices at the next meeting an January 28th when action could be taken. A discussion followed on thex condition of the fire hall re painting and wîring but bore the Trustees felt there werc other cansiderations ta corne before this at the building. It was decided ta have a carpen- ter inspect the tower on the building and ta make the nec- essary repairs, if any. The Trustees set up a budget for a program of work for the coming year. It was thought ad- visable ta have same chipstone pavingr doue this year on Sta- tion Street, Park St. and Churca St. if they were in condition ta be chip-stoned. A suma of $400 was set aside for the project whicb would be a third pay- ment and would do one mile of road. A further $200 was set aside for oiling and other road prai ects. New sidewalks are contem- be handled by the fuli-time man. It was feasible ta believe that such a practice could be advantageous in the services at the scbool and also in the cost of sucb services. The Trustees decided ta ask for tender&-for the job of a full- time caretaker for the scbool. Tenders for the position must be in by February 2nd and if any tender is accepted then the duties of the fuli-time care- taker would commence on March lst of this year. TI1C K ETS TO EVERYWHERE Air, Rail or Steamship Consult JURY & LOVELL Bowmanville 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 plated on Cobbledick Street from Main ta Church and also on the north of Church St. S. ta Station Street. $1,000 was set aside for tbe sidewalk. Other items in the budget were Fire Department $1,000; Street Ligbting $140: Beautification $75, Clerical $200 and miscel- laneous 500, making a total of $5,500. A delegation of Messrs. K. Tolmie and G. Duvaîl, on be- baîf of the Orana Fish anid Hunt Club, appraacbed the Po-, lice Trustees seeking permis- sion ta use the main auditorium for rifle practice and campeti- tians. For this purpose port- able stops would be construct- ed. It was the feeling of the delegation that by using tbe auditorium more interest would be shown, and it would alsa allow more people ta partici- pate. The Trustees were concerned with the safety factor as the b~uilding is used ta a great ex- tent by children and withheld any permission until such time as they could find out wh!at their respansibility would be in case of an accident. It was pain ted out that the front en- trance would have ta b e board- ed and the building well su- perviscd if permission was granted. The matter was beld over until a later meeting. A short meeting of the Or- ono Hydro was held at which a motion 'was passed appoint- ing H. M. Mercer as chairman of the Commission for the year 1957. MNNE Y AVAILABLE FOR NORTGAGES Ralph S., Jones Barrister and Solicitor 65 Slmcoe St. S. Oshawa RA 5-3525 SUPER-RIGHT Q UALITffY MEA TS Grade A Oven ReadyI For Frying, Roasting or Broiling lb 2 to 3-lb av., Giblets RemovedI SPARE RIBS Lean, Meaty Pork lb49c, COD FILLETS Choice Quality lb 23c DEEP (LIT SPECIAL1s ! monarch Reg. Prie 2 for 59e-BAVE 4o MARGARINE - 21-lb pkgs 5,5 c White Cross Reg. Price 2 roll& 25c-SAVE Uo TOILET TISSUE 3 roîls 3 5c MeLarmn's Reg.1 CORN RELIS H Ann Page Homo. Reg.1 PEANUT BUTTER Price 37e--SAVE 4o 15-oz b 3 3 c Price 33e-SAVE 4o 16 oz jar 29c BAKER Y SPECIALS! Jane Parker Reg. Prie 49e--SAVE 10o RAISIN PIE each,39C Jane Parker Reg. Price 33e-BAVE 4c JELLY ROLL each 29c Jane Parker Reg. Price 29c pkg-SAVE 9e OATMEAL COOKIES 2pkgs49c ,New Low Prices! 3-1b. bag 2.79 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE 1-lb bag 9 5 C PRODUCE FIA TURE Floride Ne. 1 Grade, MAarsh S4ediest GRAPEFRUIT Californie, Fancy Grade ORANGES Si zo 96 Full of Juice 1o45c 5-lb cedlo bag 5 9C Prices Effective Until Saturday, January 19th, 1957 .......... m -UMM% 1 1957 qWj"DAY, 3AN. 17th, THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVrLLLI. ONTAIUO

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