THURSDAY JAN. l7h, 1937T CANADIAN STATESMAN. ONTL. ONTARTO CSOCf (I I & Ipe rS 0 i il f)L-- à*A A') 'hfnl Legion Offi By District cers Installed Commander. rnone MA J-JJ. il One of the rpost impressive1 officers, Pres. Jim Firthex _____________________________ Iceremonies wi1nessed in the1 pressed his appreciatian ta the IBownianville Bîanch of the1 1956 officers and re.quested the Mr.' and Mis. Albert Finney,: in a east but doctors say she wil Canadan Loga. ok lcesne cO-opeI'at:on fronm the Fort William, are visiting Mr. be able to attend school again last Thiurscla ,night Jan. 10. new. officeis irnh: second tcrrm and Mis. Phillip Finîey. possibly in another %veek. Ditct Cmmner W.J.Oofie Mrs. F. A. Pybus, St Cath- i Amaong those attending thei Broughtofl of Brightan, Ontario, Iitiate New ' MemberS arnnes, is visiting with her sister, annual convention of the Ontario;I conducted the installation of Foui r.ew members were in1- ~ nd Mrs. Gen Lander. Fruit and Vegetable Growers at! the officeîs who wvill guide Bow- tiated into the b:-anch, Dav'd ofthe King Edward Hotel, Toron- manviile Legion Bîanch aff[airs i Tordýif, Claie Wakel:'n, Rus' a~Vr. Eleanor Fairbank o to on Wednesdav were Messrs. in 1957. Bacon înd Douglas Higg-ons. The lampton ief t recentlv by 'plane Harvey Brooks, 'Douglas Kemp,' In his opening remarks Pies- 1 initin*ion pracecdings WOeecon- for..Englard where she \vill visit Harold Watson, Wilfrid Car-1 iderit Jim Firth expîessed words !dutjcd ý,1bv Pics. Jim Firth, relâtiea in Lor.don and York-! ruthers, Robert Calè, Bowmani-' of welcorne to MNr. B-ouchton. iVic Prcs'dcrit, JimrPaýr anaý ~ii.ville, and Irwin Colwill, New-1jTenwofcr isaldSI-l-i-sjc ng* s Mis. John M. James accom-!castie. The Statesman would be, hiedofcreisald rtArn okKnha panied ber husband, John M. Ipleased to have the names of w-ci-e: Past Presi;dent, Ross Mc- ýistcd b>' District Commande James, M.P., to Ottawa ast% weeklonv, others attending rfîorn thisý Knight: President, Jirn Firth,- BrOug~hofl. for opening ceremaýnies of' district. Mi. Carruthers and Mr. 1 st Vice President, Ed Rundlc; 'Tracez and Field Club Parliament. Co i soatede nd cu, Vice Presiden*t, Ab Ma- It w-as~ dcc:cled by the branch Colwill aiso attnded an execu-; vin; 'S-g*.-at-Arms, Jack Knight; ta, tnt 15 atonxi Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Courtice, temetn nMody Padre, Rev. A. C. Herber't; Se- formed Track, and Field Clab Ottawa, visited his brother, Mr. On Monday, Jan. 14 at 9:151t cre!a'-y. Ron Richards; Treas- üt Bcw'mlanxille ta aid the or- and Mrs. Ken Courtice and arn. Requiemn Mass was sung at urr Jc -.Eectv attended tbe funeral in Colling- St. Peter's Cathedral for Rce Exute ganization in starting its aCti- wood of the late Frank E. Samuel Duval. Peterborough Conirrittee; Alex Mairs, Williamr vities. The Legion appointed. Courtice. Mr. DuIval w-as the step-father'of jBts i ar ot oltt,-)mmes ordsBl 'Mis. Arthur Coverlv and Mr.'Petr iBathgate, George Graham, Bagneli and Don Marsden ta If Social and Personol items; David Park, Bewmanville, and Frank Bains and Ernie Poî'fect. act 1on the executivo of seemnfwti ek we pie- H 1Fo fuete wethris week, me Mr. Walter Park, Tyrone.He ialwing- the installation of-'club, on bohoîf of the Legion. Those who can't go ta Fiorida, wasini9tvarInemn Califrniaor Mxicoare as at St. Marv's Cemnetery Calfoni o Mxio restayingYoung's Point. Among those- home keeping worm. tonding the funeral wore ro 1 .E W airburton C u t c Mr. and Mrs. James Stutt at-,I and Mis. Arthur Coverl.v, S vlx a u teiîded the funeral in St. Thomas1 and Sheila, Mrs. David Park, on Morîday, Jan. 14 of Mrs. Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. Su ndci y Scnool Supt. Stutt's father, Mr. Thomas E.« Water Park, Tyrone. Ross who died in St. Joseph's MeoilHsiaSt. Thomas For Fou rteenth Year on Januaîy 11. ndMrads. LloydSkinner, ar. Sp eaks Here SCourtid Untedî Sunday Intermediate Girls, Mis. 1H. adM. LlMisyH.SkinneradSho editMr.a etngHron st Ms .Kinsman; family, Tyrone; Mi. and Mis, R. on Jan. 9. In the absence of Intermediate Boys, W. E. War- Sharpe, Enniskillen; Mr. and Supt. W. E. Warburton, Rev. L. burton:. Asst, Carl Adams; Sr. Mvrs. Alfred Brown and Jack, M. Somerville took the chair. Boys and Girls, Mis. C. Pen- Bowmanville, were with Mi. The fallowing officers were found; Jr. Aduît Class, Mis. W. and Mrs. Bill Lake, Newcastle, insta!ied for 1957. Supt., W. E. E. Varburton; Asst, Mis. O. recently, at a lamily dinner Waiburton; Asst., Cas'l Adams; Reynolds; Sr. Aduit Class, Mrs. party. Secty, Grant Herran, Allan Jean Adams; Asst, Mis. Cecil According to the Northumber- Thompsofl: Asst. Secty, Mich- Adams; Pianist, Mis. R. Dei- land-Durham Health -Unit report ael Tooley, Orville Thompson; Coe; Asst, Linton Herron. for the week endirig Jan. 12, Treas., Mis. Ceeul Adams. Mrs. J. Walter was vated there were six cases af mumps Teachers Secretory of Cîadle Roll Dept. n Bowmanviile, and one of Beginners, Mrs. E. Gatchell, A vote of thanks was given çhicken pox, also one of chicken < Mis. C. Tooley; Asst., Mis. H. the committees who decoîated pox in Darlington Township. Couch, Mis. J. Estabrook; Pri- the Stînday Sehool and kitchen This aiea is fiee of scarýlet fsever mary Girls, Miss M. C. Warbur- and mode drapes for saine. and measles as of tbe above, tan; Asst., Mis. Sim Penfound; Treasuier's report: Total col- date. 1DPir.rv Rvq.Water Sort: letio s $1,078.5.flnated 'i "0;Atot show how The States- j AsIMis. Don Thampsan; Booard of Stewards, $150. Ta 1-ta ges aoun aItI rins r- .Junior Boys, Miss Shirley An- M. & M., $66.83. Piimory Chairs, s.ulls, in ast week's issue we tii: Asst., Bob Archer; Junior $142.56. Balance iu Bank, published a request received Boys (10 yrs), Linton Herran; $204.49. lt-ar Amseîda, Hohand forAsst., Barry Jobnson; Junior Average altendance, 147.,ev the w'lereabouts ai Mis. Reina Girls (8-9), Mis. W. Parker; Samervilie thanked teachers l 1-eena MacDonald de Bruyn. By ten olcloek Thucsday main- Rev. George Brooks Aýsst, Miss Gloria Phillips; Jun- and officers for ca-oiperation in ing, the paîîy in question tehe-1Vnovr ior Girls (10 yîs), Mis. R. De- 1956 and clascd meeting with pindTeStatesman office. Vnovr wehl known evan- Coe; Asst, Miss Lais Antil. proyer. phoner T.he tn, rsdn gelist thi'oughout Washington, Elme T. antng, resienti Oregon andI Florida conduets re- of the Bowmanville Chamber aif vival meetings in the Pente-1 ad a s Li e t T Ik Commerce, addresscd the As- costal Church, Ontario Street, C n d a s L k o T l r~'ation ai Touu'îst Reoait Ow- coinrnencng Jan. 22. His sin- of Ontaria, on the voriauis ing adsekn seî>e a î~t- o t- at ondcaing ia wei'ever be condiiets meetings. r ighest Telephone U sers ;i banqueat ltehdi in Toronto on -______________ Ottrsckis~i5IFor the fouîth consecutive, ery15Iofteel1 fte banquet wcic. Mas'îN Cnd uînsai ttrINal 5 fteatehoes .a~x.~orPLaîiîps Canadaonto antI' Lac k hesearCanada aie diat opertd ~-,.Fsltoî Tî ntI rdioBPalance caintries iin the nomber of lele- ieewr ppoiToey101 Fihr Vadrdopr- 1 phono conver'sations per persan, million telephones ln the wvorld s - o~I ~~ ~,'-eiri.rtI Iavcu-oging 446 per capita. T1his ot lte boginning ai 1956, or two, r. i 0 ol z1 r,1 on., King In O ur LEco Ino Iy is consideraubly abo-e te IUnit- telephones for eveîy ane in ex-; uio 'in.. ltviigl.t rben I lite 0 x-eaisA' ed Stotes, th «conid-raiikiitg iisteince 10 per vos .-tiMaiProbleni countrY, with 409) conversation.; I poison lu Canada could call an>' asownw1111of' F rrn ro l per' persan. Conada's calling note aio 97 million ai the woild's tle- lookng ong codrý,ei; is exceedecd onhy in tsv US. ler-! phonos locoled lu mor'e thon 130 thunotieter at uxlig A stirîring addi-ess by Mi. ritories - Alaka andil \sî. coiittt¾s anterrOiitoies. Di.itolue 11 k itsiX beoo Percy.v owe, Ex-M.P. for Allita- Canada again tanks third in 1 Leading city iiilte woild for L - t! o'tce î -Ï liire latIi. ako, Szisk., Itighlighled tlhe the nutinher of teicphoiies teoephuitas is Ne% Yor'k City,, uli t) titi 11) lithat i -e:ing of[hohe bg Enîîiskillen 'At te egiîîîiîîg ai 119.56, theri' si i t ,' ,Iiiiservice an f cis b. . - ~ 'îîlt-u t pcer- Vurnin Union Local Na. 7M held at \vre4.149,:30(0 lelephonoes in .atui ,I!tt.Second-ranking ilientIn -ut to -L:t:}arrei r.Johtn 1Maltu s on Tuosda cvceiiIn his caii-', ai-rd- c-1y la (ýtcraters London, wilni ;ra uo iolîs o î'.ver ~cnnJani. 81i. ing ta figures îlýeased b>" h ,U0(II elephiones lu service.J, b ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o' . .).. t5 l lititW M Bos <î'tarlithaba- Bail Te-.c-phioii ointpaiis' of li Canada, l\ontreileaoos rei"thdut,. wli buc î'inil onom.U plighî of faim- I Canada. 'lite 1'nitsci Siate's ltad th5222,295 telepliones. foliow- - 'i n Atoutrj-a i.- ciai o l cou- i ;56.;24:37.2e(htait-phono -cs c a cd bs Toronto with 449,5*34. tIL t.- d:u- .Contl- c [Iýi ii; pat uiià pi c. eut aLinder;andth ie tiili tIKiiigcloîui t379,- 'Flicinftoriatt ncontained it 1 t:îii ut bi. ~nvilIe.I> 5'5Ichlte fa:iîcrs 'have bacî 500it at ho sainieclaie. -"Flue- Worulds Telephones", comn- I i i.-,5 ciI ttI iil iia, ialldta live. pi-oduce anid ]il the statistics Jfor the nuint- pilou Uv the American 'lelcphonc t' -u 't-- det iast Sot ti- e]he'ia nllel-bin Utilthober ot tlepltoies per hcindred! andi Telegrapîs Compan>', re- (i i liit i eiý(cra1 l a-o()lînuJ- s stcni of tIistribaltintg i pcrsuîts, lite United Si-aies eads: quires about a car 10 oable la 1 ' x t tine ciii. lied 5v. (il tii hi cusidfrustrationt i îhî* rauintiies of the worhcl sith tranite reportls aifimtricthon_ t c titi i rsptne. Mis:s nI coinPv uion i n ïagriculture. 37;Sae i icodwtt 3. 20gdi'nolsadiolpot ]ýi a i. w 5 uia ii al" nlleit h autc-tue jarnn tg tlhegrc'at 'aitd Cantada IhU-tI wilh 26.2. coinpanias liroughout te Norld. luvviw~tî il I llue 0r ott i- ha î o n o it aider tIo appis i -- u. s-I ueariil tîtu<1 !lai, t ocus- itaîustUat %ill solve-eh c I uit ti Ibut (uab-oectsboîtes. ' p:ob i ii. ' d 'in 1baup e Ta"is- taip"~~1' Lions District GoÔveirnor ccononîx- banni on vwith ove in 1Ên creai , i profils whlthie pro-I ~ ~ e i~ i rL I U~ ST. u» EffWS ntIrOotime t -t bits bai-k [Vieï g1ooýs flic-v have produiced. Tt He r C o m tee e o t ST. t~~~oIi v pt-oduiîirtg gi-a;n i 'il Eai t:igo:Mi. ob le ut i-nBo\t i UIi ire inrducD Gth i it nd ta lo t pekr CHURCHiage fi ' itprodîicls tilo ca îusfofAin h , at tuterno evc ý ina t(Anglicann) 1 (Anglcan)KO dt ux. buîuî-' , ltt-i~inc ttcting of tes-ca- tri tul'- irý l., statet i. a-osi-o,,Lioils CentreMoitda.), i.-l-.Johnrs-as-e a nitat uni- iii îre iii 11(50 st1 lo t O-it lt iia' sc o spc lib O I l e ut sit. Second Suuday -tf~iosauti i- s iili lt-itI'l c., tivo f RlOWitn insCi sa Ecwul cniiisI Iteisuis;t.t[enitis. lite 55 eIlleRalpu ý tileitifelio\ss mtenandl i rnu Uniolai is nu\\- doute [ o par-! I Kelly and (George Wbei;toer cnuru ulie h po:into-J fier Ei~~han titI pitspaiil>- Io tie rot, grosi a-! Pro uer t AutiE' 'Ilii)ttp ,îu [:îtc-n is anticifialivnb- jtarorcdteun ittiûi oncre.- l c ftn îd'r'- Mr 11. VihcMaenNe!-îlon. -uraii' sid vsas assar ted Usb i-cl D)iiici'tr of hoFart tUnionî foi I i-s, ?'ol:ii tOauî'ke atnd Pac---------l.JOC)Il î uî~ c ilte' .Uibs. (0111V - - l igilt h[le R andi 11 a.mi. -iDula îCou lts-coidîccli ltaF Ith(, ji-uMaiDoitV1,11- tch-rfl~t:îeaî -i l'-tuttofl -csfoi' Etni -kil i- Stit Jauntc, anci Bobib l- T ~ 1-î I 1HO1Y (CO*"11NION I hart Fari'il Uion h tîIN(). .8'frit- ia ti tut, lit 0 Lion- 1957. Tht t iii:nt ie,, p eLilres- . (,sGI(,-)tL11 auc- und lIais-- . (ssîo; s i i to!Z - VOSOL: i tt.uoii iHtl!scite i li u :s 5iiC. jai-c ýi t.' u olt ce.t-b. iL i Le t iC ~ - 10 and 1h1 -- Ihruras: 'wo leianalut ci 11' iit,>tu'gae T ET~dautcv pins sveie Pl esentted. a[- ('HURCH SCHOOL l T1 CEKE T SERE Liain Jack Bioigh i et-eived bis iO 1.5-s eoe pin andI Lion Georg-e Ille (c:leci friendship a3 a key- Air. Rail or Steamship Vx'ý it--bs fa- five ý ea. Inoete 1 sworlcipeaco. E gcit S P M. -R Caitsulit I Iniir.edaI*e Pa. tPres. Wall>' af theur ti-nte aitd servsice lloit J I Y & L 0 V E L L-cori behp ta offer titis frieitdshiî).: EVENNG PAYERBo wmanvil le- Mi-. .Joitns loId of exailiples cf; EVEINGPRAE 5 Kng t. V. IA -578 ari\- peisotîs litoesviscahadi _______-__ -----____-___T ile ,gîs½ îî thoir lime in belpîng olVi- _______Johns_____raV. MAe3 5he' Tritister- UniT ted îChurch the moitey must be btheLispeoakrdanI eevtnled i iMn e.TArhrMorgan, B.A. é svitht te maxîmuntt beiîig $3,000w-tagi isbtafcfholu se ý per- a0re.%ito iiton bof c iithesclom __________ ~~~~~A coîtîraclar is usîîally hired ilcsraItirept fiIe i di lte sork antd ho receîs'es PS sxcnt ei.u The 11i A.'M. - is is one>' frointhIe tow'nship cmrnittees uîtder lst Vice-Pri olte success ial contpbetioni of ident Ralph McInt>-ie gav e their 0-îh.e job. 1 reports first. -Ail In Favor Il These cammittees w'ei'e: afels' "Jon he apisi -fronu the audience iii regards ýBradle,;Atlendance, chauirnan, o obie aits w-ciehe -ard Countitîe, dutogaima iltie, ,,*àha 7arutat.Walr unIl oandI tho generai opinio a - scarne Vanstoîte; Mer-nbeisbip. i thcîtblhoby-laîv shatuld Uc caraWle ude o p-asseéd as scon: as possible ta)1 Scouts, chioinan, Bob Mullon; Th poie' redallow tai-e borroscîtgmoos Hoaso' Management andI Actis'- i tics. chairmait, George 'White.i i-eiv.cs c'liilar Viîe-Pî'esidcnt, Howard jeiieiv. ,~I OO. eadîng [boit' reports score: No 1 1 fl«ee n odon lte motion of Deputy- i Hetlth andI Welfaie Comnîittee, I Reevac arniet Riekard 5'.'t n rbaiî'man, Dr. E. Sisson, Inter- Coti. Alan Thontp oi second- Club andI Rural. chairman, Jack-. iii- ngue tîtotiu, lte b> -1aw W'as Ro-s Hocke's Tickets, chairman,1 neoies-ary' ta adveuxb-e thiQ by- tn.SuJm;FiaceAr SOrganist-LMr. Arthur Collison. '%us. Bach., L.R.S M. mainsv î.rJam[bese sFikaporaiCostabl fsllowcd bUv a 2")-day periosi %. ::-nittees titder 3î'd .S4S.44 S~S S4..S.SS.S~i~i eforce any acton con be taken. ViLtý-Presiclent Glen Lander, also bxour ivotrners __ Meeting HeId The Scout Mothers' Auxiliary (By .,tytuîlio Osmo.nd) meeting was held at the Lions Centre on Wednesday. Jan. 9. There is ta 'be a biard lime Plans for Iheir 1-lme Baking danceoan Januaîy 18 beginning' Sale ta be beld at the Hydro at 8:30 at the Lions Centre.I Building were dwelt upan. There will be two door prizes, Tesekro hsocso one for the boys and one for TheMspeakre nthiresuoccaind the girls. A slip of paper with asui sCretrfotero-n ',our name on it w'ill be put in up: ertayfrtePo the box wben N'ou enter. If, -vincial Commiltee. She out- w'hen the winning name is lined the w'o"k ai the corn- drawn, the w'innoi is not present miilces for the mothers. ,ta daim the prize, anather name Severai new memibers weie will be draîvo. Admission is welcorned and it is hoped that .50c for non-membeis and 25e for many mare will commence ta membeîs. show an interest. At the dance on February 1, It ;F throtWh these auxiliaries ,membership cards will be on that parents con more fullY sale for the lost time, sa if yau leain, and therefore appreciate, haven't got youis, you'd better andI help, with the benefits Iheir get maving ai you w'an't get one. 1sans derive fîom the Scout This does not include the bad- movernent. also spoke briefl y an C'tizen-l ship, stressing the irnporance,- of î'eli ,ýion as tiie basis of a I ý .egâ E good life. andt11ti2 par-ents' re- .e ;IÎ sponsibility by exaniple aitd teaehing. (Ccnîinued from page one) Love of Books ýHe tlîket cf senioîity and ils j effect in x'orîous ways upon bath She also urged parents to jIhe Qa~ i niclte eomployee. inca lesFte a pride of Canadla leac- ierinder and ils resouices in their chul- It suýîiîPmtr up he montioned dren. *'And do teach theni i,) future policv of labour corn- love books,"' Mrs. Hutchinson 1 pared to the fiuture 15olicy af said. "It xill belp them ah tîtiîte thiough life." I Hlheft the audience with a A respect for the cultures reîno,'A ciins the of other peoples w-as anothe' areiit c Asdi a îcspnsibilitv point mentioned. She urged jto ktcp informed on Ihe issues parents ta w-lcome the H til- which are being fought and Io garians coming to, Canada afier i use the, domacratie pioceqsesaof [heur stand for freedom. SUch îlaw lu eitsurc [bat neithorr itut- attitudes are important in fari- agemont nor labour is peimiiied ing habits of tolerance andtI I5pî'ospeî' at the expense of the in childien xvho Irost of our societv\'. will be oui future citizens, she Mr~. Cî.yd"ntan thanked the said. speaker foc îaking lime ta comne Mis. Hutchinson deligbted her land speak ta the members of audience by readingr several the club. COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE lSTORES' SP LECýAL V.IXES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK .1 r t I I ~shmere (%da~ i ---t, - ---- Cough and Cold Remedies Clear nasal passages with gentie IDAPHEDRIN le Gives fast, welcome relief - in a haitdy easy-to-use squeeze baIlle, cons'enient for pntrse or pocket. 20 ce ------ - 95c h oz. Idaphedrin 5 in droppfr baIlle -------- IDARItB, CHEST RUB - ----------- 49ec BRONCHIDA COUGH SYRUP ---- -7.5e BRON('HIDA COLD CAPSULES ----- 1.25 WAgH CLOTHS Excellent qualily in ver>' attracli * andI cohaurs, same with cars et cff 25 c 1 Save 26c on I.D.A. rails titva vtNa T T 25 C <torBaby's Com fort"L L~?XWDER \1j/ 9cý Large MA1CLEÂNS PEROXIDEI TOOTH PASTE NAt;tfIAIA1 A iL. A -I 1~ grain - 500's - reg. 55c 29c Easi-Gloss FL90R WTAX lb., reg. 53e 1r» Regular 17e ýPEPZ NAPKINS TOILETL'TISSUE fleguiar.2 foi- 25e 2 for 23c IVAX PAPER Regular 31c 28c, 2/55e COD LIVER OIL CAPSULES l0OOs. reg. 1.19 89C Halibul Liver 011 Capsules 1 o' 250\ 500's reg. 1.15 reg." 221 reg. 4.'!9 89C 1.89 3.49 CAMPHORATED 3-oz., reg. 40C - OIL SHOP AT VOUR DRUG STORE- the place to buy ail your medicines and1 - beauty needs. PRESCRIPTIONS ASPECIJ *McGregc Your Local I.D.A. Drug p -~Gillette avU SUPER SPEED Condensed Venon of fomovs$53 ~book B3oTH FOR ~ $29 ýg.goSor p. .0a ive patterns 2 l'or 25C~ "FRUIT) SALT"; -~ T 'S' t, À' -,..- Jfabu fous new SLOTION ~/SHAMPoo MAKES YQUR HAIR I SUNSHINE BRIGHT 1 dependable! health and THREE SIZES $1.25- 75Ç 45Ç ALTY )r, Drugs Store Phone. MA 3-5792 f. PAGE SEVEN ~gave their reports. These were: ! minton memnberships. There hz u~ * pages from the book, "Merry îBoys and Girls, chairman, Roy stili plenty of time to get them. oH S CIu Dà Christmas Mr. Baxter" by fTopping; Sight Conservation an-d There are stil! not enough people Streeter. Paring down ' the B lind, chairman. L. W. Van piaving badminton. Racquetsl .tiudfrmpgeoe Christmnas card list is a prob- Driel; Conmnunitv Betterment, are. supplied and there are two lCnîudfo aeoe ent farmiliar to ail, and brought i ch ýirman, Claude Kilmer; Spe- I instructors to guide y'ou. xou subjeet the child studies. So. many appreciative laughs. cial Activities, chairman Carl are divided into two groups, cial Studies, for instance, li A vocal number by Mrs. Gwen Leslie: visiting and Transporta- those who- have played before, said leaches the child flot only Black and lier daughter Jan- tion, chairman, Rosr.Sees n hs wohvnt h itr and geography but a ice-Little Child", wvas muci- Public Speaking, chairman, 13ert1 members of the Bowmanville knowledge and respect of the enj'oved, also a solo by Janice, Parker: Booster, chairman. Jack' Teen Town Executive would like ctmsoohepopsofte .lie Sim~ple Ting nLf McNtiltvý,; Carnival. chairmen, to thank Mr. Bill Burgess and world. Mrs. Russell Oke acted as ac- Clarence Hockin and Fred Cole. Mr. Mel Burgess for being our '1his idea is carried into compaiiist. Rov Topping, cha;rmanl of instructors on Wednesday nights. such subjeets as Arts. and Thîe participants were intro- the Boys and Gis1 Commnittee Cat hr h i o"e duced by Mrs. Aines and thank- rnoncd porisig roran elop the wvhole child" is con- ed by Mrs. Robert Kent. Pnounced aTTtprtinsedgbysro ingrhow one of enhcrtainment for the forth-1 iudb hwn hoNoScaNgt r'ýomintý Father, Son and Daugh- bI RK ILE 1counrry borrows frcom anothtcSci akalnniht th ter N>ait e.ldJnayCsel executive's deciz<on against a Zioil, %were dinner guests with Report Card social evoniig frti er The annual Ladies' Night %vill 'Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell onj Mr. Merkley took Up the Minues wvere reiLd by Mis. J. be huld on Fehruary 25 and Saturday. headings on the left side of thp Cuddihee and Treasurer's re- committee chairman Howard Mr. and Mrs. Westheuser report card, suieh as Courtesy, port by Mis. C. Wclsh showezi Gibsýon. already bas plans to wr guests at Mr. John Mur- Respect for Proporty , Szfety,i a b-anig b.alsiceo of $231.51 withi make it a vers' enoybee- hy Sud. Works Well Undei Direction ca-h of $4.04. M\irs. Park staied ening fo-.,ail ateniding. Little Go-don Robinson ha3 or IndepeniCently. etc., and re- that tho e cr collection taken inPr;Hç ted lhem t-) the principles of a t lieC hrJias meceting for bceo pa'Plbt int m aa . Citizenship taucht in one xvax' [he Sul\atcaAriya.nunea opiabuishm agi. oratheinthe whole course ;to S30. 15Mr. Wm. Savery attendeà.o td.'ecos nîtw~xo o 1 the funeral of his nepbev. iM r. ekey stresscd t1la ' cnrail U \:*H hiMe U ~ Charlie MeMAuilen, at Richmnond chii&'en learn mo-c by p-ac'--IR. a:o~*nd MiLs G. EarÈ- S -il last Friday. tice ad r'xample thanni1% yoheýr lct ~en nKiîideartEal), 1 .r. Maurice Hailowell in a 'e learui he cmnoiratic Unanb'i~ v M"r. M. c et i Toronito Sundcay. w a-yol life by living it dailv Sh:te ana i' -.Jcln Lemni; Vin- Rev. Fisher, Newcastle, had he sýýîd. To live in a democra- uen .r sM. syllloils. rhaî'ge of the service at ShiloAi cy iîthe privilogo of ove:v Lunrch was srrcivcJ by Nis riSunday, giving a fine message Canadian. To practise dctto- Aw.2-v-,' ;gïup znd a socýal hiait- J O wnp slion and Faith, the ob)liation of every ' s.'n .o s . BaVpre- and tollowved by the Commun- Caniadiai,' hie, said in conclu- sicîci .t the ptntii, for opsn!nJ .on Service. Sion. nd tv-:1 -o ci. cé. 1l\'lot- M. J. Hlutchinsoni, a past - pres1dent of Home and Senool .~. ~ ~ . ~ ~ - hereý and Assistant Libr7a-i3ri. ,. FiýýHTS'TOOTH PECAY -CHECKS BAD -BREATH ..MAX.Es. 'TEET14,,.,We!ITER BRYLCREEM THURSDAY, JAN. 17th, 1937 j rit-nary 150ys, lValLel- ZMUFLL, 1