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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jan 1957, p. 9

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;~ ~LLlL~ LITYLE N.H.L. Durtig the past week, twc of Uic Little N.HLL. teams had exhibition gaines wîth teams frcmout cf town. aalggAmerican League teamn V~ec had a home and l~~eries with Veleyview Park, the top team in the Osh- awa Neighbourhood League. The flrst game was pleyed in Bowmanvile last Saturdey af- ternoon with the locals win- ning by a 4-0 score. The Osh- awa team evened the score by defeating Bawmanville 3-1 on their home ice on Monday ev- ening. The goal gettens for Bowmanville in the tirst geme wcre David Williams (Greydon Colville), Brian Bradley (Gray- don Colville), David Thompson (David Kerr) and Paul Mutton <Deug Lene). In the geme in Oshawa on Mondey Ronnie Bryant scored the lone Bow- unanville goal late in the final period. Members cf the American Léague team are as follows: Art Foran, Ken Veitch, Mickey Dlickens, Bob Sleep, David Wil- liams, George Kennedy, David Kerr, David Thompson, Deug Nichais, Paul Mutton, Ronnie Bryat, Deug Lane, Gnaydon Caiville, Brian Bradley, Gene Balson, John Hancock, Ralph Colc, Pet Vinish and David Allison. The N.H.L. team (Bantams) played an exhibition game in Whitby lest Seturday' night ogainst the Whitby Bantam Ail- Stars and defeated them by a .fiscore. The Bowmanvilke V cals werc scored by Terry lack, Gond Rundie, Larry Piper, Joe Bothwell, Paul Gear- Ing and Bryan Hughes. Members cf the N.H.L. tearn are as follows: John James, Paul Hancock, Terry Black, By Douglas Rigg tGord Rundie, Larry Piper, Joe 1Bothwell, Paul Gearing, Bryan Hughes, John Bruce, Doug James, Ray Crambie, Alex Wiseman, Ross Turner, Don Bagneil, Allan Waodlack, Nel- son Yeo, Grant Flintoff and Bll Bickle. It is hoped that the Junior «'A" team (Atams) will play their cancclled exhibition game wîth Port Hope this coming Saturday aftcmnoon at 4:00 p.m. dawn at the Memorial Arena. PEE WEE LEAGUE In the first game cf the Pee Wee League the Hawks defeat- ed the third place Leafs by a 5-1 score. The Leafs held the Hawks ta a 2-1 score until the lest five minutes cf the game when the Hawks slapped in three quick goals. Alex Wise- man scored ail five cf the Hawks goals with John Oke picking up an assist on ane of the goals. Ray Crombie (Mic- key Dickens) scored the lone iLeafs goal early in the final period. Ray Crombie picked up the only penalty of the game for slashing.. aeteCn 1 In the scn aeteCn radians carne from behind twice cta tic the Bruins 3-3. Terry iBlack (2) and Don Rickard scored the Bruins goals. Scott iEssery and Norris Turner each 1 picked up an assist for the Bruins. John Terhunc (2) and David Staton accounted for the iCanadiana goals. Bryce Adams tessisted an one cf Terhune 's -goals. David Thompson te the iCanadians coliected the only cpenalty of the game for hook- i ng. i In the third and final Pee Wee game the Rangera 'defeated the Red Wings 5-3 ta move iinto a fourth place tie with the Wings. Don Ker(3), David *O'Rourkc and John Twist scor- 1950 FORD COACH Completely overhauled, Ai shape A Real Buy 1951 CHEVROLET %-TON A Bargain nt __ _ _ _ _ $650 $695 $695 I gÇecreation §Reviews Bantam League W LT F [Lions --_ 8 2 0 42 Huskies - 5 3 2 31 Braves 5 3 2 29 Tigers 4 5 1 19 Cuba __ 3 6 1 22 Pirates - 1 7 1 18 Pe. We. League W LT F Hawks --8 O 2 53 Bruina ___6 0 4 29 Leafs .a 4 5 h 29 Red Wings 3 7 O 28 Rangers 2 6 2 18 Canadiens --- 1 6 3 22 Atom League W L T F Barons .7 1 0 17E Hornets ..4 1 0 2510 Rama 3 3 0 911 Beans __ 2 3 O 916 Indians 1 3 h 14 16 Bisons O 4 h 12 25 A Pts. 21 16 32 12 26 121 22 91 28 7i 31 41 A Pts. 18 18 13 16 28 9 37 6 41 61 39 !i5 A Pts. 8 10 10 8 16 64 163 5 1 MAMVERS STATION1 The fxrst perfection is good1 thoughts, the second good words: and the third good deeda. W.A. Meeting The January meeting of the iWoman's Association waa held at Mrs. Murray Logaa's on Jan. 17. The 5sit Psalm was read by Mns. Alvin Allen. "Repentance" was the theme cf the topic taken by Mra. Normen Porter, who also gave a report on the lest social evening. Mrs. Harold Thamp- son read the minutes and cailed the rall, which was answemed by paying the-membership dues. After Uic business *as cern- pleted, Mrs. Bonsteel pesided for the election of officers: President, Mns. Ernest Cavano; Vîce-President, Mra. Alfred Johnston; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Mureay Loga; Correspond.4 ing Secretery, Mms. Fred Young- man; Treasurer, Mrs. Norman Porter; Parsonage Representa- tive, Mms. Eari Argue; Organlat, Mms. Alfred Johnston; Visiting Committee, Mrs. Walter Brad- ley and Mrs. Earl Argue. The ladies expnessed their thanka ta Mrs. Harold Thomp- son for hem faithful services as Recarding Seccetany for 25 years. A deliciaus lunch wes served by the hostesa. We welcame anoth- cm new member ta aur organize- tion. The card Party heid at Pallia Sehool last Monday night wes tairiy well attended . Winncns for high scores were: Mrs. Orv- ilue Chailice and Mrs. Fred Yaungman- consolation pnizes going ta Mms. Eari Feuls and Mrs. Alex McMaster, Garry Wamd getting the cup pnize. The congregational meeting wîll be hcld an Thursday even- ing, Jan. 24 at 8. We are look- ing for a good attendance. Sonry te hear Mns. Sydney Power's inother, Mms. Matthew Feilis, Millbnook, was taken taoi a Peterborough Hospital, Set-' unday night. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Porter, Bian. Brenda, Dougie andi Cathy, Peterborough, weriF Sun- i dav evening dinner guest7c of Mr. and Mrs. . Porter. The telephone line is eut of Icommission todey, so news is! scarce. Gldta get any new subscrib- er or rencwais for The Canad- a 3tate6ma.n. - TaMU4 &Wou~!i EW AV!L. NA!0 -PA!N e By Evelyn Brown ai q , -M ed for the. Rangers. Bruce Ogden (3), Ricky Rickard and Bob Whalen anl picked Up as- sista on the Rangers goals. John Bruce (2) and David Werry were the goal scorers for the Red Wings. Gord Rundie,i David Werry and Wayne Dev- fit, assisted on the Red Wings goals. BANTAM LEAGUE In the game of the Bantam League the Lions scored four times in bath periods to defeat the second place Huskies 8-4. Bill Osborne (5), Alan Cale (2) and Rager Meadows ac- counted for the Lions goals. Don 'Bagneil and Bill Osborne (2) assisted on the Lions goals. The Huskies goals were scored by Bryan Hughes (3) and Bren- tan Hughes. Three penalties were handed out durîng the game al cf them going ta, the Huskies players, Anthony Mal- loy (tripping), Bryan Hughes (tripping) and Tom Wilson (tripping). In the second Bantam game of the morning the Cubs defeat- ed the faurth place Tigers 2-1 ta stretch their winning streak to, three games. Grant Flint- off (Harold Mutton) and Har- old Mutton (John Clark and Larry Piper) scored for the Cuba. Doug James (Alvin Mas- terson) scored the Tigers only goal. Four penalties were hand- ed out during the game, eacn tcamn collecting two of them. The Cuba penalties went ta Harold Mutton (tripping) and Bill Bickle (slasliing). Jim Vanderschaaf (tripping) and Irving Gi (slashing) collected the Tigers two penalties. In 'the third and final Bantam game the Braves scored five [goals in the final period ta tie the Pirates 5-5. The Pir- ates goals were scored bY Lee Rackham (Gary McCullough), Winnic Vanstone (Bruce Milis), Gary McCullough <Bruce Milis), Brian Howcraft and Gary Mc- Cullough. Rosa Turner (2). Alan Woodlock, Gerald Balson and Paul Gearing scored the Braves goals. Gerald Balson (3) and Ross Turner (2) col- iected the assista on the Braves f jve goals. Twa Penalties were handed out and bath went ta the Pirates, Bruce Milîs (trip- ping) and Winnie Vanstone (charging).- 1Games scheduled for this Saturday are as follows: Bantam League 7:00 - Tigers vs. Braves .:45 - Pirates vs. Lions ,:40 - Cuhs vs. Huskies ]Pc. Wee League 9:25 - Red Wings vs. Hawks 10:20 - Bruins vs. Rangers 11:05 - Canadians vs. Leafs Atom games scheduled for next- Monday- are as loîlows: 5:00 p.m.-Rams vs. Bears 5:40 p.mn.-Bisons vs.Lindians MINOR HOCKEY LEAGUE STANDINGS Debates Hartley Lewis and Fred Van- atone 12A, defeated Darla Ma- rie Palmer and Noel Dudley iast week dc-bating on whether Canada should join Uic U.S. or flot. On Tuesday cf this week Ann Pluister and Paul McCul- laugh from 10A debated with Lana Purdy and Garth Taylor of lOB on whether or Apot out- siders should be adxitted to ail High School dances. Opera Anyone tram B.H.S. wishing ta, attend the opera l'Hansel and Gretel" i Toronto on Manch 6, contact Mr. Petera be- fore 4.00 on Fridey. Choral Reading Choral rea ding Groupa under the supervision cf Mrs. Sheri- dan meet every Tuesday after- noon. They will appear at the officiai achool opening sometime in the spring. Mr. Johnson bas orgenized a harmonica clas. The Drum Ma- jorette Tny Outs wenc held Tuesday. If anyone was ab- sent, sec Mn. Wîtherspoon as soon as possible. At Home The membens of the student council have been putting on skits in assembiy ta advemtise he 'At Home'. Last week, Tom Park was the star. On Tuesday, a play written by Mr. Swet- ridge, was pnesented by the Stu- dents' Council. As a neminder, Febnuàry 15 is dloser than you think. This dance wiil be the greatest event of Ille school y car, and no on(- should mniss it. Admission wilI be $2.50 per couple for students, and $3.50 for non-students. Some of you maY he wcorried because you would not know how ta act et a formai dance. As in past yeans, Mr. Wither- spoon will answen any ques- tions. The Student Counicil is working bard ta make this year's At Home better than ever befone. Photography Dance One week from torrow night the Photography Club is holding a dance fol'iowing the Sasketball grmes. The first zaille wî I star ai, 6.30 P.11. ndriiicing w&il1 start betweofl t andi 9. Boys' Basketball Last Friday, Whitby defeat- cd B.H.S. in ail three games The Bantam score was 44-16, with Gary McCullough scaning 6 points; Don Bagneil 4; Harold Yellowlees 2; Gneg Cooper 2; John James 2. Others playing on the team were Ben Thompson, Rosa Turner, Allen Cale, How- ard Rundie and Wiltan. The Junior score was 68-20 joy spent Sunday in Toronto. Mrs. H. Ruttan attended thue funeral cf a friend in Toronto last Monday. Sorry te hear cf thc miafor- tune that befeil Mr. Bill Har- rison of Port Perry, husband of Annabelle Adcock, who re- ceived injuries ta his leg, while engaged as referee at a hockey ganie at Woodville on Tuesday evening last week. He was tak- en to Part Perry Hospital and later ta the Oshawa General Hospital, where he received surgical treatment for a broken leg, which necessitated a steel plate, there being three breaks belaw the knee. H.e is stili a patient in the Oshawa Hospi- tal. On Sunday next a student fromn Emmanuel College, To- ronto, will occupy the church pulpit. Service at the usual hour, 10:45. A number cf friends from here attended the funeral )f Mn. Albert Wilkins of Cour- tice, in Bowmanville Saturday. NESTLETON Mrs. J. Farder and Mrs. Wmn. McLaughlin wha is visiting her son Roy and famnily, visited Mr. and Mns. Roy Taylor. Mr. Mailin Mitts of Tillson- burg is recupenating fram a re- cent iliness at the home of his daughter, Mrs, Ivan Rohrer. Mn. and Mrs. Edgar Homne, Oshawa, vited Mr. and Mrn. Marviri Nesbitt. Grant Thompsen and MarvinI Nesbitt were in Beaverton on Thursday to bring Mrs. Jas. Thompson« ta spend the rest of the wrnter witb the ThomP- sons. Mif. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip held an evening of bridge for several friends on Saturday night;. W. G. Bowles flew to Winni- peg last week ta attend a con- vention. Friends are pleased ta see Donald Thompson around again since his illness. Be sure ta have your dimes ready for the young married women of the O.N.O. Club, who are collecting for the "Mothers' March On Polio" on or before January 3lst, and will be cail- ing at every home. The Grant Thompsons and Mrs. Jas. Thompson were Sun- day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Werry and family. Sympathy is extended to Miss Ruth Proutt and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Proutt in the pass- ing of their mother, Mrs. John Proutt in Port Perry Hospital on Sunday evening. The funeral was held from McDermott-Pan- abaker parlours an Wednesdav with interment i St. John's Ccmnetery, Blackstock. Merrili Elford of Port Perry, visited his cousin Ralph Bowers. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Bonney. Steve, Rabbie and David, of YOU ÇAN FIND OUT HOW TO BECOME A PILOT, ODSERVER OR AIRCRAFT TECHNICIAN BT HAVINO-ACHAT WITH THE RCAF CARIER COUNSELLOR FIying Officer B.OWMANVU LLE R1riGFÎT FH RE IN, V ail 'o)i il a1ýc ., n.areer? There are important openings now in Canada' Air Farce for yoiing mn wbo have what it takes in intelligence, skill and initiative - for top training as RCAF Aircrew Officers and aviation technicians. There's a great future in aviation... there's a challenge ahead for you! For full information on RCAF flying training, trade training, duties, pay and other benefits, see the RCAF Career Counsellor, al Dowmanville Town Hall 25 Jan. 57 Il a.m. - 6 p.m. DRAPERY .tROUP No. 1 4811 Top quality, vat dyed, pre shrunk DRAPERY FABRICS In fierais, abstracts, scenies, plain and novelty weavcs. Regular values up te 3.98 yd. S PE CIA L - YARD 54lis uitings, $1.00 Skirtings, Coatings Ineluded ln this group are tweeds, Plains, novelties, etc. Regular values up to $5.98 yd. SPECIAL ONE PRICE $2.49 yd. 36" WASHABLE COTTON PRINTS In assorted elourq and lf-tqitns Specîal - 37c d In assorted colours and deslgng. SPECIAL - YARD Approx. 4,000 yards DRESS FABRICS Every colour, every type at the lowest price Bowmanville and district have ever seen. Special one price during our Anniversary Sale. 50c yd. 36"I 36"v Special -$11 GROUP No. 3 48" Top quality, vat dyed, pre shrunk DRAPERY FABRICS lis floral, abstracts, senies. Regular values up to 4.50 yd. ~ SP E C 1AL - YARD 2 49 36" - 42" French Chantilly Lace In 1,5 heatiiiiit hadeq. Regular values up to $3.98 yd. SPECIAL $1 00 yd. 54l' WOOL JERSEY Special -$1.98 j TO WN ,E PHONE MA 3.3609 with Don Welsh scoririg 9 points; Bd Kowal 4. Raymond Twist 4; Hartley Lewis 2; Termy Joyce 1. Macs onthe teamn were Peter Schaftsma and Paul Mc- Cullough. The seniors were defcated 92 -36. Doug Cattran was high scorer, with 18 points. James Ferguson scomed 10 pointa; John Mason 4; Fred Carter 2; Don Welsh 2. Others on the team were Brian Trimbie, Ed Kowal and Hartley Lewis. The thrce teams played i Pickering yestcrday (Wednes- day). Girls' Basketbal On Fiday, Januery 25 (ta- morrow) B.H.S. pleys hast ta girls' teams trom Pickering, O.C.V.I., and O.C.C.I., the first geme tarting et 5:00 p.m. Piaying for the junior team are Bey Wmaight, Peggy Simp- son, Bey Mcliobbie, Berb Hughes, Monica Schlingensie- pen, Ruth Goheen, Sandra Can- dier, Joan Ormiston, E. Prich- ard, Linde Mutton, Karen Mc- Arthur, Myrna Peterson and Linda Rackham. On the senior team the fol- howing girls play; Berb Bath-~ gate, Karen Bragg, Dienne Austin, Gloria Brent, Camnille Smith, Betty Smith, Bev. Cowling, Merg Harvey, Cath- erine Witvaet, Alice Oldcj ans, Grace Blackburn, Joan Buttery, Joan Smith, Eleanor Osborne, THIS WEEK'S 1953 PONTIAC COACH In AI condition, lmileage --$1,.95s 1953 CHEV. DELAIR SEDAN Ai tondlo ition_ 1v AI condition-eage----,lp 1951 OLDSNqODILE COACH Two-tone, hydramatic, custom radio, new slipcovers, low mileage, e Ai shape - --,$895Y 1951 FORD SEDAN Overdrive transmission, eustom radio, two-tone, sunvisor ____-$795 i FABRIC TOWN- Sale Starts to-day (Thursday) at from our 1950 CHEVROLET SEDAN Custom radio,______ $ 9 a good car. ___ ____ Goodwill1 Used Trucks 1952 G.N.C. 3/4-TON STAKE DEPARTMENT GRCTJP No. 2 48" DRAPERY FABRICS $1,69 Nany more lrom which Ia choose R OBSON MOTORS Li mited PONTIAC - BLICK and VALXHALL CARS G.M.C. TRUCKS 168 King St. E.Bowmanville Two telephones to serve you - MA 3-3321 or 3.3322 PINWALE CORDUROY ENGLISH VELVETEEN in 10 beautifîîl hades Special - 1.98id 59 RING ST.W. O NLLI HAMPTON F/C Reg Krrsey, Mrs, Kerze\ý Bannie, Ricky and Robin, Downsview were Saturday ening supper gîiests of Mr andi Mrs. S. Kcrsey. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pooler and famiiy and Miss Grace Kensey, Oshawa, were Sunday visitons. Mr. and Mns. R. Fernandez, Debbie and Donald, Toronto, et Mrs. S. G. Niddery's. Mrs. Hilton Peters, Toronto, spent a couple of days with the Saiters last week. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stev- ens, Enniskillen, were visi tons with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stev- e il 71 Miss Ruth 'Prescott spenit the urecend at Long Branch. visit- iog Mr. and Mrs. \Vill Hemp- Mn. and Mrs. T. flaicvý. 0\V manville, spent Wednesday ai Merwin Mountjoy's. Recent callers at W. PrescaIf.t: wcre Mrs. Morley Gilroy, En-! niskillen; Mrs. Gea. Gilnoy Pvii, Douglas, Columbus; Mn. Wili Ashton and Mn. Darch. Ennis- killen, visited at A. W. Pres- cott's. Mn. and Mrs. Menwin Mount-. 1* Gait, spent the. weekend with her mother, Mrs. Wesley Camip- bell and the Grant Campbell fanilly. Mvrs. Campbell is get- ting around a bit since break- ing her ankle but musi wear the cast for another two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Rohrer, Warren and Douglas, spent the weekend i Walsingham with her brother's family, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Long, and other friends. Joins Navy Carrier Ordinary Seaman A. W. Ov- ery, a son of Mr. and Mr. James Overy. cf Bowmanville, leaves this weekend by plane for the British Iles where ile wil join HMCS Bonaventure, the large aircraft carrier which was recently added ta the Roy- al Canadian Navy. Before joining the navy last June, Ordinary Seaman Overyr was apprenticed ta FairwaY Jewellers, Oshawa, and had at- tained an efficient standard in the art of fine watch repaisnng. Now barely 19 years of age, he feels he can beof service la his country as he learns Soria of the arts of radar and sub- marine detection. He has a brother whc iS also serving in the RCN. l . TM CANAD" BTATBOMM. TEU MAT. :AN. 24tlL 1987 PACM vm

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