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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jan 1957, p. 12

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.s- v i j v ' - I " * J C PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMALNVIL. ONTAIO THT~RSDA?~ Wi. 34tb. 1 Five Goals in Overtime Combines Outscore Redmen New Player 15 O ut standing A four goal effort on the part of the West brothers of Orono during a ten-minute overtime period gave the BowmanviIl.- Orono Combines a 10-7 victory over the visiting Port Hope Redmen in an Intermediate "A" hockey fixture at Memor- lai Arena on Saturday night. The win moved the Combines back into a first place tie with the Cobourg Lumber Kings. Also in the running for first position are Lakefield Lumber- men, whomn the Combines play- cd last night (Wednesday). (No scores were available at press time). New Flayers Bowmanville - Orono Com- bines unloaded a surprise pack- age before fans in the persorn of Wally Samanski, one time Pacific Coast League star. Sam- anski played a great game as he spearheaded the Combines' third line, who accounted for four of their goals during re:- gulation time. Port Hope iced only ten men who were backed up by a fine net minder, Ted Levick. The Redmen were opportunists and they showed this by taking ad- vantage of the rather slugish back checking by the home- sters in the first two periods. L o A N s To Pay Past Due Bis To Consolidate Monthly Payments For Holiday Expenses For New Purchases Foir Emergency Expenses Corne in Today Try The Beilvue Way on a Pay from Income Plan IBELL VUE FINANCE CORP. G. H. WILSON. Mgr. 291/2 Simcoe S. Dial 5-1121 OSHAWA :ii Exceptional Net Mindlng Ross Hawe gave an excep- tional performance in the Com- bine net and tumned away num- erous shots fired by the Red- menî who continually invaded his area. The Combines fired every- thing they had at Levick and he withstood it until the overtime period when the West boys put their passing play into action and this had himn guessing. Scoring Efforts Rewarded Bill Berwick proved a threat to the Port Hope goalie as he made Levick work continually throughout the game by firing numerous shots at the netmind- er, many that came within a few inches of being counters. Berwick's efforts were re- warded at 14.55 of the third period when he connected for the equalizer. He backhanded a shot into the left-hand corner of the net during a scramble for the puck. Teams Short Port Hope were short one of their best marksmen, Pete Bon- cardo. who will prorbably be out for the rest of the season due to an arm înjury he has receî ved.' The Combines lacked their leading scorer, Raye "Gusty" West, who was stili out of ac- tion due to an injury received in a clash with the Lakefield Lumbermen four weeks ago. Combines Gkrab Early Lead WalIy Samanski counted for the opener at 3.31 of the first stanza to give the Combines the lead. Dean West added a single at 5.36 in regular West fashion. Dave Rushford connected for the Redmen at 10.19 when he grabbed the puck after Don Mercer had knockced it out of Lhe air near the nets, his shot caught an open corner. Samanski scored his second at 13.25, after snatching a pass from Max Yourth during a scramble near the nets. Caihoun tallied for Port Hope at 14.30, after grabbing a loose puck Hawc had defiected in front of the cage. Lead See-Saws Bill Smith evened the count at 16.55 when he fired a screcn -hot from about 20 feet in front of the nets. Max Yourth put th,2 Combines back in the lead at 19.32 when he outmanoeuvrcd a Redmen defenceman and fir- ed into the left hand corner. Port Hope took advantage of the listless backchecking by the Combines in the second frame to run up a total of three goals. Bill Smith tied the score again at 6.05 when he picked a loose puck near the nets. Geu'ry Robinson bit the..tar-, get for the Combines at 10.30. He grabbed a rebound shot and flipped it into the cage. Daly scored the equalizer for Port Hope at 13.08. His shot went between the legs of Ross Hawc. Vi'itors Gain Margin Rushford gave the visitors the edge at 19.01 when he conncct- Wanted:Man over 45 WHY SETTLE FOR LESS THAN $14,000 in a YEAR The days are gon. when a -few thouiâand" a year sclary was *nough for a man to take care of his family. buy a flSw car. and "sait &orne away for the future." If you are a middle-aqad man Who has roached the "ceiIing"' on your earnings and naw. want ta make qood in ai new field, we can make you a fine offer ta loin aur organizatio-1, where top mon are paid up l $22.000 in a year.Icre isted are excptional. Our volume in expandinq eat a terrific rate. We have an openinq In the Bowmanvulte arna for a man over 45. The man we want must b. high grade nat high pressure), arn- bitious and sincere. Earninqs are paid in advance, no tnvest- ment is needed, no collections, no deliverjes. Write a personal latter ta aur PRESIDENT. Dept. L-12, P. 0. Box 373, Fort Worth 1, Texas. Go Regardless of Snow 'ire de-skîddina ajYn VyOU Up to Our John Benn Skid-Defier Right Winger IMet Date Shatters ed on a fluke shot that went in off the chest of one of his teammates. Frank Hooper played a to- tal of 14 minutes during the third stanza for the Combines and appeared to be a stone wal against the attacks by the Red- men. Combines Corne ClOse The Combines did everything but score during the fîrst haîf of the period. They fired con- tinuously at Levick and their' shots eitber missed the mark or were deflected by the net minder. Bill Berwick tallied the equalizer at 14.55, to credit an- other great performance to the third lune. West Boys Explode The Combines' first line, con- sisting of Junior West, Keith West and Dean West, exploded during the overtime period. They made a shooting target out of the Port Hope nets anmi d*,splayed their marksmanship frthe cheering fans. Keith opened the spree for them at 1.25, when he rcceivcd a pass fromn brother Junior. Dean counted for the second just 36 seconds later. At 2.01, he sent the puck flying into the left hand corner of the cage. Keith went for his second goal at 7.45, after the trio had completed one of their fabu- lous passing plays. Dean scor- ed his third of the game at 7.45 with a screen shot that sailed into the open net. Ca]houn counted for his second of the game at 9.51 with a shot that found space in the open right hand corner. New Hat For Dean Dean West also cashed in on the prize being offered by Min-i's Men's Wear for the for- ward who scores threc goals during a game. He will receive a new hat from the store. Line-Ups Bowmanvillc-Orono - Goal, Hawe; defence, Mercer, Hoop- er; forwards, Keith West, Dean West, Junior West; altemnates, Edwards, Marshall, Dykstra, Armstrong, Yourth, Berwick, Samanski, Walkcr, Robinson. Port Hope-Goal, Levick; de- fence. Daly, Hogan; forwards, McGrath, Smith, Jenkins; al- ternates, Weiss Caîhoun, Chil- ton, Rushford, Laxs. Bail Team Shows Prof it The 1956 financlal state- ment of the Bowmanville Brookdale Roses Basebaîl Club as released by club president A. H. Osborne and treasurer Howard Cowle shows a gratifying bank balance of $161.08 as compared to the nil bal- ance of the previous year. Total receipta. for the yucar came to $1,696.41 while the expenses amount- ed to_ $1,535.33. The largest expenditures were for tra- velling, umpfres, and base- bail equipment. These three Items alone coming to over $900. Combines Are Stili Ted With Cobourg1 The Bowmanvillc-Oronýo Com- bines are still tied with Co- bourg Lumber Kings for first position in the Lakeshore In- termediate "A" Hockey League. Present league standings are as follows:- GP W LPt Bow-Orono 21 13 8 26 Cobourg------ 21 13 8 26 Lakefield------- 21 12 9 21 Lindsay ---- __ 20 il 9 22 Port Hope --- 21 3 18 6 'Juveniles Win Over Cobourg Bowmanville Legionnaires handcd the Cobourg Juvenîles a 3-2 defeat on Thursday in a Juvenile hockey match at Co- bourg. John Mason and Glenn ms sey teamcd up to count for the first Legionnaire goal carly in the first perîod. Don Forder tallied unassisted to give themn a 2-0 lead before the stanza ended. Cobourg were quick to re- taliate and evened the score during the second frame. AI- though hie received an clbow in- jury during the game, Curt Vanstone gave a fine perform- ance in the nets and played the remainder of the game. Bill Cole gave the homesters the win in the thîrd period after receiving a pass from Rrnny Pollard. Wins $36.50 On Saturday ..- -'-- - - rgr l ullultu> or iuruy Myrtie 'Pake, 80 Divisioni 25% more traction, 15% more tire grip blocks ini the tire tread Street was the lucky winner of lhfe. Works on bath old and neW - traction blocks that cut '$36.50 on Saturday when her tires. Takes Iess thon on hour, cost' through the rood film and 10 r>ercent coupon was drawn hs "*rate- Drive inu today cling ta the. rood. in the Merchants' Appreciation Day Draw. The jackpot continues to risc E every veek and next Saturday NEWCAS LE GA AGE tie amount %vill be $390. Please Frank~ Hoar Phone Newcastle 2666: rernembe,.ý' you muýt be pre-ent athe draw. It will be held at ________________________________________the_ town hall at 3 p.m. Major League Records The competition in the bowler turns out on your team. Men's Major League is starting Think it over. to get a bit tougher each week. Men's Major Bowling League Mel Dale set the pace- this Standing End of 3rd Week time and he had his double 2nd Schedule 1956-7 Season 1whammy working to perfection.TamW LPn Pt Dale started off with a 363 sin- gle tops for this schetiule add- Brock ____ 6 3 10155 14 ed two scores of 236, 219 for the Cole ____ 6 3 9724 14 high triple this year, 818. Bagneil 6 3 9717 14 Bert Engley had the second Oke _ _ 6 3 9312 14 high game 324, Butch Milne Polley 5 4 9622 11 319 Frank Samis 314 and Jack Mlne 4 5 10105' 10 Co19, 03 Leslie ___ 4 5 9578 10 Cole30.Steven-___ 4 5 9498 10 Eight bowlers were in 'the Date ___ 4 5 9520 . 700 class, Jack Coole 781, Frank Osborne 4 5 9409 9 ISamis 776, Bert Engley 754, Brough 3 6 9592 7 Pete, Dobbins 725, Bill Pohley Little 2 7 9093 4 715, George Stephens 708, Bill Aeae Hearle 704 and Jack LanderAve ages Ave 702. ~Frank Samis -- 9 235 Frank Samis and Ron May- Hon Maynard------- 6 235 ard are tied for top spot in the Dr. Keith Siemon 9 232 averages with 235. Dr. Keith Murray Larmer 6 232 Siemon and Murray Larmer Elton Brock 9 229 are next with 232. Jack Coole 9 227 This schedule is the tîghcst Jack Gay 9 224 one on record with no less Ted Bagnell 9 22: than 4 teams tied for top posi- AI Osborne -----------9 222 tion with 14 points. Elton Jack Lander -----------9 222 Brock's team has the edge in Dr. Howard Rundle ---- 9 221 pins over Fred Cole, Ted Bag- Morley Vanstone --- 9 218 nell and Bill Oke. ,Bill Polley------ 9 217 Norm Cowle won low honors Bill Oke 9 217 with a sinigle game of 117 and Bruce Milne 9 21' a 3 game total of 462. Doug Taylor 9 213 Ailey Chatter Mcl Dale----------- 9 210 Pete Dobbins 9 210 It seems that some of our Reg Hearle------ 9 210 bowlers are not taking very Cecil Mutton 9 21f) much interest in the league this Emnie Perfect 9 209 season and seemn to think that Bill Westlake 9 208 you can bowl your gamnes Bert Engley- 9 208 whenever you wish. Just re- Bill Steven 9 207 member Wednesday night il Don Bishop------ --- 9 206 bowling night and unless you Ross Wright ----- 9 206 are a shift worker or are called Bill Shotter-------- 9 206 ! out of town on business you George Stephens ---- 9 20.3 should be on deck. Jack Brough ----- 9 205 Our league is a strong league Aif Samelîs 9 205 and we want to keep it that Ray Fry -------- 9 204 way. If you are sure next tea- Dave McKnight 9 203 son you want to be some place Frank Williams - 9 201 cIsc on Wednesday nights the Ab Piper ------------ 9 201 >best thing to do is drop out and Don Gilhooley 9 201 let some new bowler get in who Frank Blunt ~ 9 200 wants to bowl. It's not much Jack Parker --- - ---- 9 200 fun to bowl against another Rae Rundle ----- ------9 200 teamn when only one other Bill Hearle----__ 9 200 ý2 ý2 19 !7 P4 ý3 )9 l7 l- Hank Lane who wears No. Il for thel Robson Pontiars is an asset toi the team in his position as right wing. Hank is 18 ycars old and is serving his first year on a Junior team. He is an employee of Goodyear Tire and Rubber and lives in Bowmanville. Lasti year he was a member of the championship winning Juvenile tem. eaDefence n Chevrolet showed the worid what stuif champs are made of, right from the start. Chevy's rugged features, proved on the Alaska Highway, are ready to Prove to you their unbeatable value. High compression 6's and Short Stroke V8's, with horsepower now up to 210, can do Herculean tasks witb case Kart Kemp Always alert and effective in his position as left defencemnan is Karl Kemnp who wears No. 6 sweater for the Robson Pontiacs. Kari is 19 years of age and hails fromn Oshawa. He received his, training with the Port Ferry Junior "B" Club two years ago. Memorial Hospital Weekly Report For the week of Jan. 14-20: Admissions --- --- --- 3.9 Births, 4 maie, 1 female 5 Discharges - ---------- 4 r Major operations ----- 9 Minor operations------ 91 Emneigency treatments - 12 These facts are publishedi weeklx- in an effort to acquaint this comrnunitv with the ser- v ires of our hospital. COURTICE Courtîce United Sunday Schcl met Sunday morning at Il a.m. Stîpt. Eddie Warburton was in charge. Gladi to have Eddie back aller an illness. Flowers were placed in Sun- day School in memory of the late Albert Wilkins. The teach- ers, officers arnd pupils extend sincere sympathy .to Mrs. Wil- kins and her family. Ou'- attendance m'as 145 and we extend a hearty invitation to an'. in o ir conmuni:v to -wýors!ip xith us in our Sunday School..1 Mats Defeat Office ln Goodyear Hockey The Mats took a close 4-3 win and Terry Masters tallied their over the league leading Office others. Childs opened the scor- team in Goodyear Mercantile igfrte.adsoe h hockey action at Memorialin fo thm*adsre te Arena Sunday afternoon. Fan- winning goal with less than a beits swamped Hose by a score minute of play remaining. of 9-2, in the other game. Archie Crossey, Bob Fairey Don Childs paced the Mats and Don Masters counted for with two, Jerry Marjerrison the Office markers. Fairey's Chevrolel COURTICE Oldsmobile Cars goal moved him into second place in the scoring race. Fanheits vs. Hose Fanbelts held a wide edge thruughout the game. George Sellers talllied two, Mort Rich- ards, "Jiggs" Cowling, Bob Marjerrison. Gimblett, Ferguson and John Mason scored singles for the winners. Jack Baker and Haynes were the Hose marksmen. The los moved the Hosemen into the cellar. Goodyear Mercantile League Standing (as of Jan 13) W L T Pts Office______ 7 3 1 15 Mats ___ _ 6 5 0 12 Falibelts 5 5 1 Il Hose ----- 3 8 0 6 Don Cht Bob Faii Don M& Archie( Bob Mai Mort Ri J. Marji John Ma Bill Ellf Leadlug Soorers G. A. Pto à1ds (M)...14 15 29- rey (O>) 13 10 23 asters (O) - 7 15 22' Crossey (0) 1n 6 la irerrison (F) 9 17 16 Lichards (F) 11il 1 ierrison (M) IF ;4> 13 .ason (F) - ?ý," 5 la is (F) - 7 5 12, Dead Stock Reinovod Hlghest Prices PW&A TELEPHONE Seri-re COBOURG FR2-4731 NICK PECONI PETERBOROUGH RI 2-2080 YOUR BURNER Sheil Furnace Oit costs no more than ordinary ojis, yet it offers complete protection for your heating system in twvo money.saving ways. YOU SAVE ON MAINTENANCE CALLS Only Sheli Furnace Oit gives you the benefit of a special additive that keeps your burner filter spotlessly clean. It. banishes the top cause of burner breakdown ... keeps your hurner at peak efficiency-alI winter long. PROTECTION AGAINST STORAGE TANK LEAKS With Sheli Furnace Oit you get Sonitor protection. Sonitor... stops rust forming. Can actually make youÈ storage tank last twice as long! Phone in your order today ... take advantage of out guaranteed delivery service. It's the easy way to summer warmth-alL season through., SHELL Yeo Bros.FURNACE BOWMANVIL E ou L Phone MA 3-3259 or 3-3151 Low Cab Forward modela outdate the Cab Or Engine, save you time and effort. Unit-design cab and body construction - Chevrolet cabs and bodies stay tight and solid over miles of bumps. Optional Powermatic transmission, the revolutionary six-speed automatic makes heavy hauling casier and safer. Stu rdyframes and long-bouf springs - these brawny chassis components can take it when the going is roughest ...with strerigth to spare!- Whether your job cails for fast-working efficiency against tight schedules or bWg muscles for off -the-road grinds. count on a new Chevrolet Task-Force truck to do it better!1 m Chevrolet Trucks DO WNAN VILLEI -~ <L:MI01frgîCkS CG"d..2i e ROYW. NiCHOLS' 1 TRUPMAT, :AN. 24tl4 lm

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