M~JWWJAY, JA. 24 aM, UE1-95-Y-------.- Juveniles Tie 3 - 3 With Cobourg Team Bh'tdpâille L eg io nnaires foughttoIW3-3 tie with the Co- bourg Juveniles i a straight 60 minute hockey session at the local ice palace on Wedncsday of last week. Tom puld opcned the scor- lng of the first stanza Wh4< ld a shot past the apr4awle 'Vbourg net minder. The visfitons wene quick to even i, Fred Maybee tallicd the equalizer for thein at 15.25. Gould nearly gave the home- sters the lead again a few min- utes later when he shot and hit the post, the puck fell and roiled along the goal crease. Cobourt Takes Lead Garnett Harris put Cobourg In the lead at 5.19 af the second trsanme with a shot that found its mark in the right band cor- ner of the twine. Gord Ewart insured the lead at 16.40 wben he stole the puck in the Legion- naires' end and found the tar- gel witb a scrcen chat. Cobourg playcd a defensive game ailes they bad grabbed the edgc, but Dave MéCullough. broke th-rough and fired a bul- lt that sneaked past the right side of the net minder. Fighting Forward Mel Stevenson, centre for Cobourg went ail out with bis backchecking efforts and was given a one-way ticket to the dress«-ng-ro>om by referce Ivan Locke ai tes officiais and play- ers had slopped hum froin fight- <a ' G 4%., IF YOU ARÉ PLANNZING TO Modernize Your Kitchen Phono Oshawa RA 5-6661 or RA 5-5101. FOR FREE ESTIMATES Aise Wall and Floor Tiling Dathroom Vanilles Beaulifl Hulcor Folding Doors Ec"iomy Cabinet &Ti le 1-VQSHAWA ing early in the final perlod. A fracas had occurred between- hum and Miturioe Richards of the Legionnaires that develop- cd into one of the warst dis- play3 of temper ever shown in a juvenile gaine this season. Of- ficiais tried ta intervene, but iound it quite difficuit to pry Stevenson from Richards, wha was down on the ice. It took several players and both offi- ciais to part the pair. Steven- son did flot want to end the affair even then. He kept tallc- ing back to the referce and threatening his opponent. Play was held up for several minutes before bis teai-niates were able to pursuade hum tu go ta the dressing-room. Mau- rie Richards was given a five- minute penalty for hie part in the f ight. Tic -Score Cobourg held their lead un- tii late in the third wben Don Masters, coach, of the Legian- flaires used strategy and pulled Curt Vanstone in favour of an extra forward. This play work- cd for the bomesters when Mau- rice Richards tallied the equali- zer at 17.5~8. Vanstone was put back in the nets after home- sters bad tied the score. Line-Ups Bowmanville - Goal, Curt Vanstone: defence, Fowler, Richards; forwards, Bob Mar- jerrisan, Crossey, Prout; alter- nates, Thompson, Cale, Farder, Gauld, Pollard, Dave McCul- lough. Cobourg-Goal, Fenneli; de- fence, Bazay, Arnew; forwards, Stevenson, Harris, Macklin; ai- ternates, Slayse, Dielantz, Gai- ley, Ewart, Doyle, DuChamp, Maybec, Twitchett. Fanbelts in Second Siot At Goodyear Office downed Hase 8-2 to retain their four point hold an first place in Goodyear hockey action at Memorial Arena Sun- day. Fanbeits handed the Mats a 4-2 upset ta move into second spot with a anc point lead. Don Masters paced the Of- fice team with three, whlle Ar- chie Crosscy and Larry Chant picked two apiece. Reg Willets tallied the other. Don Forder and Ron Pollard were the marksmen for the I{osemen. A four way effort gave the Fanbeits their win and boid an second place. George Sellers, Bill Ellis, Mort Richards and John Mason scored singles for thein. The, Mats droppcd to third position by suffering the loss. Don Chllds and Gerry Marjerri- son tallied their goals. Goodyear Mercantile League Standing W L T Pts Office -______ 8 3 1 17 Fanbelts -____ 6 5 1 13 Mats...__ 6 6 0 12 Hase ___ 3 9 0 6 In a year Canadians spend about twice as much in taxes j ao- tLflJ v ,nlin ql a, vl . UWS Ce and restaurants.1 Lipton Chioken Reg. Prie. 2 pkgs 23o-SAVE 2é, NOQDLE SOUP I 2pkghIlC Anin Page (S Varieties) Reg. Prie* 2 tins 33-BAVE 4. BAKED BEANS 'e2 20.artnsI29C lReg. .Prie 1 tin,2S-4-AVE 50 TOMATOES 2 28-oz tins 4 5c PORTERHOUSE.. SIRLOIN, .WING,, BONELÏSS ROUND., BONILESS RUMP or DONELESS POINT SIRLOIN ,4RK SPARE RIBS &» lgh, mokd Rindlmu SIDE BACON i.b pIg69< LEAN, MEATY b49c lie. Quality, Skini leaHdock FILLETS ib 31c Pris Effectve Unfili gatirdy, January 26th, 1957 "M C"ADAI' W WA'Y'm"A. BOWNLI1fm O.? fWIAW? AG ? Whitby Han ded Upset When Ponti'acs Star ln 4 -1i Win Wednesday *Robson Pontiacs banded thc visiting Wbitby Hillcrest a 4-1 upset iincnaiofthe finest ex- hibitions of Junior "C', hockey by the bomesters this scason. 4bout 275 fans werc on hand th cee the gaine at Memorial Arena Wednesday of lasI week. Wbcther it was the fact they had a juvenile- goalie in the nets or that they are mpnaving considerably, somnelhing spark- cd the Pontiae into playing their best gaine on home ice this season. Credit for the win goe la the wbolc teain, for each player had a large part in the final out- corne. Tbey played a bard bit- ting gaine and produced a work- manlike effort. OnIy anc player stoad out oves the rest and he was flot a negular. Cunt Vanslone play- éd an autstanding garine in the nets for the Pontiacs. He stop- pcd 24 shots fircd by the op- position. Curt was doing a sub bit for hie brother Vince, the regulan goalie, wbo was out with a sliff neck. Additlonal credit goes ta Curt Vanstone for the fine en- durance he displayed. Afler having playcd a stralghl 60 min- ute session in the nets for the Juveniles during their game, be came baclc on 20 minutes laler to aid the juniors li their win. Curt Vanstane was given the best of defence by the Pontiacs. The defencemen broke u~ nu- mesous Whitby plays, wbi the forwards handled their task ai backchccking like pros. Whit- by had little chance ai pene- trating the defence, and when they did their chats had littie effect. Whilby's only goal oi the garne came at 8.20 ai the first period and it was a fluke shot. The puck deflected ita the cage off thc stick ai Paul Tran aiter hi, brother Herb had tried ta pess it te him. George Lawrence paed the Pontiaca with two, bath in the second period. He scored unas- sisted at 7.35 ta give the home- sters a 2-0 lcad and later at 15.03 tallled their final goal as be speas-headed hie Uine int cneiny terrltory. Dave' Stesvart opened th. scosing et 1.05 of the first stan- za for the Pontiecs as he took the puck on a brcakaway and fooled the Hillcnest goalie wlth a chat that went i off thc net minder's pads. Bert Robertson connected on a scrcen chat frmin fi ront of the Whltby net at 12.15 of sec- ond manie afler grabbing a pass from Mort Rich4rds, - ta count for thc Pantiacs' fourth goal ai the gane. Jo. 'Rennick af Wbitby wau injuned when he met bcad-on with the boards in the Pontlacs' end early in the second periad. He went off the !ce for the se- mainder ai the period. In the fin~al stanza the home- stens turned ta a defensive style and held the invaders off for the remainder of the gaine. Whitlly's cvery atteinpt was failed by the Pontiecs with hard-bilting effectiveness. LUne-Ups Bowmnanville - Goal, Curt Vanstone; defence, Weldon, Cale; forwands, Lawrence, Stewart, McBride; allernales, Cale, Kemp, Ted Fairey, Lane, Patton, Bob Faircy, Richards, Robertson, Stevenson. Whitby - Goal, Kelly; de- fence, Tavey, Roberts-. forwards, P. Tran, H. Tran, Gray; aller- nates, Simpson, Rae, Maw, Luke, Rousseau, Ward, Rcnnick. Mi lier' s Widen Gap On Firsi Place Tille Miller's Taxi lnsused their hold on finet place in Town League Hockey Thursday ai last, week when they downed the second place Front St. 6-4, la capture their sixth straight win. Courtice and Newcastle batlled ta a 5-5 tic and remain- ed in a dcadlock for third spot;. Front St. made a detenmined effort ta upset the Taximen but it came toa late. Miller's wenc ieading 5-0 before the mainstrectens could, flnd the target., The Teximen beld them. down until early li the third period. MlIller'a Gain Edge Danny Girardi gave Millcr's the edge et 10:40 by scoring the only goal af thc finit perlod. Lloyd Hamilton found th. mark ta open thc scorîng li th. sec- ond farne at 5:29. Jack Baker tellicd another for the Teximen at. 7:10 and Don Childs. gave thein the 5-0 edge when be connccted twice, once at 8:09 and just a minute and nine seconds laIes at 9:18. He was assisled by Bud Perfect on bath goals. Break Scorelesa Strcak Clint, Ferguson broke the scoreless streak for thc main- strectens aI 1:35 ai the final slanza. Bob Burgess counted for tbema agein at 2:10, by sconlng an a penalty chat. Buck Cowlc added another point te, bis record as top scores li the league whcn be scored at 14:51 ta give Miller's a 6-2 lead. Bob Sheridan knotched an- other for the Front St. ibays aI 16:05. Clint Ferguson tallied bis second oi the gaine at 18-.44, on an unasslsled effort. Ceurtice va. Newcastle Courtice gainea a lbrec goal lead eanly in the gaine in their atlempt ta decide a third place ownership. By the end ai the second stanza Newcaslec had moved lI to tic it 3-3. Edwands scorcd unassistcd for Caurlice et 4:05 ai the first period. He was ta give bis 1 teain the lcad twice again aiter Newcastle evened the score in the second. Bob Johnson tallied the olber goal ai. thc periad aI 16:20 as bis team, beld New- castle scorcless. Glen Pickcll put the rubber in the cage aI 2:40 ai the miiddle freine ta give Courtice their 3-01 edge. Newcastle rellied laIe in thc periad ta, tic the score. Newoastle Ties Score Phil Gilmer caunted ror two on behalf ai Newcastle within 14 seconU '.At 16:23 he cconed Whitby Hands Lions Midgets Fi rst Defeat Bowmanvilce's Lions Midgets suffered their final teste af defeat an Friday ai last wcck when thcy were downed by a zcore ai 4-3 by Ibeir hasts, the rWhitby Midgets, I an exhibi- lion hockey gaine at Whitby. It was a bard gaine for Whitby ta w4n as Uic Bow- manville boys hcld thein toaa 3-3 tic until laIe in thc final stanza. Dan Cattran paced the homesters wilh two and Bob) 'Osborne taillied their other. Wbitby scored the winnlng goal with less than three min- utes ai play remainmng in Uic garni. Play Ber. S&turday Sa:urday the Lions Midgets wil play an exhibition gaine et Ïemnial Arena in Uic af- ternoon against Whitby and il should prove an exciting gaine as they meet. Both teanis have won a gaine cach. To date Uic homesters have won four oi their live games. on a pass main, Terry Masters and again aI 16:37 he countcd in the came fashian. Aiken counted for the equalizer at 18:50. 1Courtice gained 4h. lcad twicc during lhe final pcrlod and eech time Newcastle ticd the score. Edwards sconed un- assisted an Iwo occasions for thein, aI 6:55 and 13:20. Quinney cvened il et 7:09 afler Edwands' lone effort and Phil Gilmer tallied hie third manker ai the gaine ailes Ed- wands bad counlcd for his sec- ond goal oi the penlod. Towna1League Standing W WL T Pts.GF GA Mifler's - 13 1 1 27 125 54 Front St.-. 9 3 3 21 105 68 C-our4iee- - 2 il- 2 6 ý58 109 Newcastle 2 Il 2 6 64 121 Top Scorers GP G A Pts.. Fred Cowle, M 13 15 36 51 L. Hamilton, M 14 33 16 49 Don Masters, M 14 20 27 47 C. Kllpatrick, FS 15 20 14 34 Don Childs, M 15 20 13 33 Ron Burgess, FS 14 14 18 32 C. Ferguson, FS 14 14 16 30 Bill Lyle,S -15 1à 10 26 Hammy Boyd, N 15 8 17 25 Bud Perfect, M 12 10 13 23 Lower Scores Featured at Ladies Bowling Monday night brought the bowlers of the Ladies' League out, although the cold weather made a lot of them feel as if they would lilce to have stayed I Name Po K. Beauprie D. Joli ___ H. Brock V. Coole -___ M. Holrayd Ena Etcher ___ L. Bates - -____ 0. Patfield Onie Etcher.- L. Martyn D. Cromble B. Budai - __ Averages 'ointe Phns 14 5500 12 5442 12 5060 10 5246 10 5072 9 5028 5 5032 4 5166 2 4974 2 4924 2 4835 2 4584 Onie Etcher _______219 D. Joli __________209 H. Brock _________203 V. Miles ________196 Dorc Mutton _______191 D. Cronibie _______189 M. McNulty 187 S. Bucknchl_______187 V. Coole _________185 L. Wright 184 K. Beauprie 182 M. Harrison _______182 A. Richards ________181 Dot Brooks ________180 J. Baker ________180 A. Hodgson 180 H. Dunn _______180 W. Bates 176 L. Bates ~-175 E. Whitehead 175 M. Kozak -_______173 L. Martyn 172 J. McCracken ______171 S. Davis --171, 0. Patfield ________171 A. Osmond _______170 V. Rogers 169~ H. Gilbaoly 167 B. Budal ________165 G. Rabine ______ 165 E. Etcher -_______165 Between 1951 and 1956 the amount ai wonk time sequired by a Canadian industrial cm- ployee ta pay for 'a man's waal suit bas decreased frain 53 hours and 43 minutes ta 42 houns and 39 miinutes. PolIey's Team Extends Lead Durham League, homewhere ft would b. wrner, including myseif. 84111, smornf the girls were able to roll 200 gaines but flot as easily as on other nxghts:- Dorec Mutton 201, 243; V. Miller 258, 210; J. Hodgkinsan 233, 200; M. McNulty' 262, 0. Etcher 256, E. Whitehead 255, G. Rahine 241, L. Wright 231, O. Patfield 234, B. Westlake 229, D. Joli 228, A. Hodigson 227, H. Brock 217, K. Beauprie 214, D. Crombie 222, J. Engley 213, S. Bucknell 212, Dot Brooks 209, W. Bates 208, E. Kerr 206, V. Coole 201, V. Rog- ers 200. Not rnany girls rolled lems than 100: B. Severn 99. D. Bell 97, J. Harness 85, A. White 68, E. Desiardine 66, E. Embiey 70. High single-M. McNulty 262. High triple-Dore Mutton 664. High average-Onie Etcher 219. HIGHLY sTYLmD DIODERATELT PRICED LADME' WEAR La Vogue §acqueline Cor!. Atb.! &Ceflua, Oshawa Pdeoe Ever ALL-muEW '37 FRIMIAIRE FOOD FREEZR- REFRIORRAT@R Taking another 7 points for the Ihird weck lni succession gives Polley's teain a 7 point cushion over Woolner'a runner- up spot. Hitîing the 5 pins with his usuai reguiarity Poiley himseif paved the way with a triple 737. Teain-mate Fred Luxtan also showed well with a 708 triple which, mcluded a 304 single. Other features aof riday night's activities included Lcw- cil MacDougal, who came up with a good 726 triple. Erie McCrackcn bowled one af his best garnes as he counted a 304. Lloyd Hamilton nearly broke through for a 300 game as he rollcd 295. Our apologies go out ta George Poulos oi the Olympia, who last weck rolled the'high single 331, but did flot get mentioned li the sports col- umn. A note from. the league's treasurer, Don Brooks. Don wishes ta state that bowling ducs are ovendue in saine cases, so boys lets stnaighten up with Don this week. Teain lisîs show that the league bas 3 or 4 vacancies, for bowlers wisbing ta enter in Friday night bowling. Anyonc who feels lie would like ta join in the fun leave your naine at the Bowling Academy. Durharn Bowling League Team Standings Pins Pts. Bill Polley - 10108 21 Colli Wooiner _ 9410 1l Milt Corson ---- - 9587 12 Lowell MacDougal 9211 12 Don Blshop 9131 12 Earl McQuadc - 9182 9 Chuck Disley 8869 9 Jin Murphy 9065 -.8 Stu Crago .--- 8735 .4 Bert Engley------- 8664 4 200 Averages Bill Pollcy -_____239 Gea. Poulos ______225 Nom Henning 225 Fred Luxton 223 Jin Murphy 223 Walt Polley 218 H. Cook *~_____218 L. MacDougal 214 Mult Corson _______213 Bud Henning - - 207 Allen Perfect 206 High Single- Fred Luxlon, 304. High Triple -Bull Palley, 737. No Lemons. Northumberland County WM. E. POTTS Brighton 271 K. V. D. GARDNER______ Grafton 1 r 4 WALTER ELLIOTT Campbellford 337 ELLIS ISAAC -_______ Harwood 54 farmers using the service. Quinte District Cattle Breeding Association Belleville, Ontario A Fariner Owned Cooperative. Sensational Colourful "HOLIDAY LAND" International Dance Pair TICKETS - $1,00, 75e and 50e BREED -BETTER CATTLE 6 ** a clainourous The Bowmanville Skaàting Clubs 1957 CARNIàVALÀg Bowman ville Memorial Arena 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday February 22nd & 2.3rd Pancy Dow Drop Reg. Prie* 2U. tin--SAVE Se AYLMER PEAS 2 20ooz ns 41C Twin Bars Reg. Prie. 1-lb 81c-SAVE Sec SOLO MARGARINE 2 1Ibpkgs59C Jane Parker Reg. Prie. 49-BSAVE 4o PUMPKIN PIE fach4*5C DEPENDABRIE SUPER-RIGII MEATrS STEAKS ORROASTS ""SPORTORAMA" Outlanding Comedian Now on sale by Club members FOR BIGGER PROFITS lmproved Type and Production Means More Profit for You Breed your herd artificially Io BuinieD!siricI Catile Breeding Association sires The Modern Met hod of Herd Improvemenf Other advantages of artificial breedlng are: Safety, economy, convenience, choice of breed, choice of sire and disease control Whether you have one cow or a hundred, purebred or grade, it will pay you to breed artificially. For service to any of the dairy or beef breeds cali one of the following numbers between 7 a.m. and 9 &.m. Durham County KEITH WOOD________ Orono 17110 JAAN TAAVET ______ Welcome 2231 DICK WOOD -__ Bowmanville - MArket 3.3405 you» 1 1 PAM TBMTM '4ïd"w"jkqr -ýràw emu qà», Easy Payments àfter mmmli down payment This. u.i eu. &t. ow.coat Super Model in the big '"bonua baby', of '571 Top-quality Frigidaire featurem: Real Zero Zone Frnzer-hboldo 44 Ibo a Exclusive Cycla-Matie Defrting ini refrigerator sec. tion 9 Four JIW.Width Shelves - FuU.Width Glid»Out Porcelim Hydrator - Big, Deep Storag Door with ?i-ve remoyable. theives. * uilt und backed by General Motors MASON & DALE HARDWARE Phone 408 36 Kin.g St. Bowmanville