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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jan 1957, p. 16

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LOWER than temperature! Bowmanville Town the nlght FREE - ADMISSION Hall - FREE 'PWU I~AWAflAW RIPA' L WeIl Known Couple Are Sixty-Five Years Married Sunday, Jan. 20, 1957. was a long ta be remembered mile- stone in the life journey of Mr. and Mis. W. J. Milis of st. Marys. On that date they mark- ed the 65h anniversary of their launching upon the sea of matri- mony at St. James' Anglican Chuîch, Paris, Ont. Open house was held at "Ard- more Park," where Mr. and Mrs. Milîs reside with their eldest daughter, Mrs. A. G. Wilson, St. Marys, and from 3 to 6 p.rn. a steady streamn of friends called ta offer congratulations and best wishes. After signing a guest book in the libîaîy they were ushered Into the drawing room to greet1 the "bride and groom". Mrs.i Mills looked utterly charming in a floor length gown of black vel- vet, with corsage of orchids in a deep amythest shade. Fîom here the friends proceed-1 ed to the dinîng-room where a1 spring-like arrangement of daf-c fodils, iris and maiden hair feinI centred the refectory table, and1 lIARRIET HUBSARD AYER LIJXIRIA CREAN 2 p qce oaliied ime only! BIG 9 oz. SIZE5 REG. 3.75 ... Stock up on tbis wonderful cleanaing and beautifying creani st this important aaving. It'a a long terni investment ini loveliness.j Jury and Loveli PAA 3-5778, Bowmanvllie an old Sheffield silver bowl ofi tulips adoîned the Wclsb dress-; er. -Towaîd the end o! the after- noon wben the cîowd had some- what thinned, those iemaining gatheîed in the diawing îoom for toasts ta this delightful couple. This room, we might add, was filied to ovcrflowing with goîgeous floral arrangements sent by their hast ni friends.1 Yeilow and red roses, pink, white and xvine ied carnations and snapdîagons piedominated, though 'mums were plentiful tao. Toastrpaster on this occasion was Mi. John H. Lind wvho be- gan by x'eading congîatulatory' messages from Heu Majesty Queen Elizabeth. Prime Minister St. Laurent, Premier Leslie Frost, Hon. John Diefenbaker, J. W. Monteith, Member for Perth, and Bishop Luxton. Numerous telegîams from pers- onai fricnds foliowed. Then Mu. Lind spoke in glowing teums of Mi. and Mus. Milîs whom he bas known ever since be was a-smal boy. Mi. Milîs îeplied with an easy flow of words which quite belied bis 90 yeaîs. Thîec cheers and a tiger tcrm- inated the remaîkable wcdding anniversaîy of a remarkable and much ioved couple. Tbe Statesman joins with their many fîiends in Durham County (where Mi. Milîs xvas bain, in Enniskilien) in extending cordial and sincere congratulations ta this very worthy couple. MAPLE GROVE Editor's Note:-After servir for 50 years as Mapie Groý correspondent for The State man, Mis. Harîy Freeman hî asked to be reiieved of th~ position. The Statesman is deel ly appreciative of Mis. Freg man's yeaîs of faithful servici We are also pleased to intr( dluce the new Maple Grove coi respondent, Mrs. Ceeil Milis( R. R. 3, Bowmanville, who th: week takes over frox'n Mr. Freeman. We ask for her you co-operation in giving her nev items of ail kinds, and ai; your subscriptions to Th Statesman and renewais. HE phone number is MA 3-5051. Sympathy of this commur ity 'iî s extended to Mrs. Aibei (Bert) Wilkins and family an other relatives in their sudde sad loss of husband, father, bru ther. He was a former resideri of this community. Sympathy of this communil: is extended to relatives of th~ late Mis. John Trimble. Mr. Meîrill Graham, a stu dent of Emmanuel Collegt Toronto, wîll conduct th church service on Sunday. Th, service is to inteîest youth i the work of the church. Don't forget the annual cor gregational meeting on Satur day evening, Jan. 26 at 7.31 Spencer Corsetiere Reg. 1931 tirs. J. E. Richards PHONE 127 ORONO Friends advlsed hlm to Proteet hi. Proverty values with strong and suffielent Insurance. He didn't listen. His Place burned. He'. u ln the cold. Don't you be sorry later. Insure adequately now. STUART 1. JAMES INSURANCE Office MA 3-5681 King Street E. Residence H TA MA 3-5493 vi-APER) ESI Bowmanvile 9li Mcr -,J# 0mw4 ing ve ias his e- ce. ro- r- is rs. ur vs 'he irt Ld 70- mt e he pan. in the basemnent ofthte church. Mis. Lloyd Beech and family, Buiketon, were Manday visit- ors with Mrs. A. Beech. Mrs. A. Beech, Mr. and Mi'. Gordon Beecb, Janice and Ban- .nie, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mis. Ross Richards, Town. Mr. and Mis. Gordon Beech and family were Sunday visit- ais of Mi. and Mrs. A. Rich- ards, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mis. Roy Shaw at Mr. and Mis. G. Laîocque's. Mr. and Mis. Harold Grey, Joan and Garry, Mr. and Mrs. Ned Gould and boys, with Mr'. and Mis. H. Jones, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Johnson and family, Courtice; Mi. and Mrs. Beckstead with Mi. and Mrs. Les Collacott. Master Dwigbt Bradley, Hampton, spent the weekend witb bis cousin, Brian Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bradley and family with his brother, Howard and Myrtie Bradley. Mi. and Mrs. S. Mvorton, Ma- pie Grave, accompanied Mr. and Mis. Wm. Munroe of Baltimore, on a trip ta Florida. Sympathy of the commun- ity is extended to the Jeffery family on tbe sudden passing of their biother-in-law, Mr-. Wil- kins. Miss Kathy McGuiîk is visit- ing ber aunt, Mr. and Mis. Wisnei at Preston, Miss Ada Lea, Toronto, wi.h ber sister, Mis. Roy Clowes, Mapie Grove. MWr. and Mis. Harvey Met- calfe at the foîmer's sister, Mr. and Mis. Grant Mallay, Osh- awa. II.and Mis. John Patterson and family with Mr. and Mis. T. McGuirk. Mi. Jack Paiiy, Port Peîîy, with Mr. and Mis. Cecil Mills. The Home and School held their executive meeting at the home of Mis. S. Mann on Thurs- day evening. The Evening Auxiliaîy wil meet at the home of Mis. Mel Edwaids Thursday night (to- nigbt). The Sigma C boys of Maple Eiove played a fine game of hockey against Courtice Sigma C , on Fîiday evening in Brook- lin. Score 4-2 for Courtice. Mr. and Mis. W. H. Brown and Mr. and Mis. Cecil Milis in Toronto on Sunday. Mr. and Mis. Robt. Wudbui, Peterborough, with Mr. and- Mis. M. Martin and friend of Toronto, with ber brother, Mr. and Mis. D. Laverty. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Whyte, Mi. and Mis. Art Bur- ,ess and Mi. and Mis. Mel Ed- wards, attended the Golden Wedding Anniveisary of their undle, Mi. and Mis. Hariy Fer- guson of Cobourg. WEDDING COX - BOYD in Simcoe Street United Church, Osbawa, was the sctting for a n- wedding at 3 o'clock Satuîday i-aftcînoon, Januaîy l9th wben 30 Barbara June Boyd, daughter of Mis. John Boyd of Oshawa, foîmeîly of Ayîsbuîe, Scotland, and the late Mu. Boyd, was un- ited in maîriage with Ronald Francis Cox, son of Mu. and Mus. A. Frank Cox ai Oshawa, and grandson af Mi. and Mis. A. F. Cox formeîly oi Bowman- ville. Rcv. John K. Moffat periorm- cd the cercmony against a background ai wbich chrysan- themums and standards o! feins. Mr. R. G. Geen played the wcdding music and accom- panied Mi. Douglas Ross who sang "The Wcdding Prayer" and "Because". Give inmariage by bei- brother, Mi. James Boyd, the, bride wore an original gown of gardienia white slippcr satin. The slim buttoned badice fea- tured long sbcath sîceves and a V neckline witb a caila lily collai. The hoopcd ski-t fanned out into a circulai train. A coronet af peails'held ber fin- ger tip illusion veil edgcd with French lace, and she carricd a cascade af pink Briarcliffe i-oses and white baby chrysan- tbemums. Mus. Alexander Fraser ai Oshawa was matron ai honor and Miss Florence Brotbeîwood af Columbus, Ont., was brides- mala bath wearing identical I waltz Iengtb gowns ai iloweî blue crystallette. Their slim bodices, pointed into the bouf - fant skiîts, ieatured a beithaj neckline with long streamers at the back. They waîe matcbing mittens, white swiul icather headdresses, and caîuiEdcs cades o! tinted blue andwie chrysantbcmums. Vir. Clemence Hewitt peîfoîm- ed the duties a! best man. The ushers werc Mu. Charles Dew- birst and Mi. James Gibbens. The reception was bcld in Ihi, Piccadilly Room ai Hotel Genosha, Oshawa, whcie the bride's mother received the guests wearing a navy býlucj crepe aiternoon dress with beaded accents on the bodice, a small pink satin bat, pink gloves and a corsage o! pink carnations. The biidcgioom's mother chose black French crepe with white and silver lace at the neckline cample- me nting ber small bat. White 1 accessories and a corsage of white chîysantbcmums com- pleted ber ensemble. Mr. Fred Smith, uncle of the bridegroom, was toast mas- ter, and the toast to the bride Iwas pîoposed by Mi. Clarence Cox, another uncle. Members o! the Cox family along with Mi. Ke ith Lynde, Whitby, cam- prised the orchestra for dancing. .For the boncymoan trip ta points West, the bride danned a black wool jersey suit, small Iwhite satin bat studdcd witbt peais, gray fui jacket and cor-j sage a! pink roses. The couple will make their home in Los ,Angeles, California, U.S.A. In the tbree years 1953-1955! Canadians consigned 336,000 automobiles to the scrap heap,, almost as many as they junked in the years 1946-1952. # Mr. and Mrs. Clendenen iMarried, Sixty Years, Mu. and Mis. Chai-les Edwin Clendenen celebrated the 6th anniveîsary ai their marriage on December 30 with a iamiiy par- ty at the home ai thei only son, Ray and bis wife, an the Creamery Road nouth ai Hamp- ton. Mi. and Mis. Clendenen came ta Bowmranvillc about 8/2 years aga from Markbam district wheîe thcy bad fa.mcd since 1920. Tbcy are members ai St. Andrcw's Presbytcrian Church here and still attend whenevcr passible, tbough thcy naw makc their home witb Ray. While uesidîng In town th'ey made many fiim riends and were remcmbcred on the acca- sioni ai their annivcrsary by the congregation ai St. Andîcw's. Rev. and Mrs. A. G. Scott caîll cd on Dcc. 29 and prescntcd the congîegation's gift ai a beauti-1 fuI bouquet. Cdsweeîeceived frorn fricnds in Markham, Guelph, Mrs. Arthur Read's. HAYDONMr. and Mis. Alfred Garrard, Mr. and Mis. Douglas Fon- Blackstock, weîe Sunday tea guests at Mr. and Mrs. C. Gar- tain and Neil, Mis. Fontain, Sr., îard's. Toronto, with Mrs. A. McNeil. M.adMs lfodTe Mr. and Mrs. Ron Morrison win Bowmanviile, Mr. and Mrs. and Dougie, Oshawa, Mr. and Wm'. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mrs. Arthur Trewin, at M r. Smith and Garry, Oshawa, and Mrs. M. Bertrîma's. Vernon Avery, at Mrs. Wm. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Shack- Trewin's. Stephen James Mai- leton and family, Salem, at Mi. tyn, Bowmanvifle, spent thie and Mis. W. Blackburn's and weekend with bis grandmother Mrs. Cowling's. Trewin. Mis. Muriel Brownlee's and Mr and Mrs. M. Seers were Mr. Ray Ashton, Leaside, at Saturday evening visitois at Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton's. Mi. and Mrs. J. Jones. Dr. and Mis. W. Corrigan Mr, and Mrs. Ron Rahm and and family, Toronto, with ber duhesa r n r.W parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Ran- daugbtîsat rn.anMr.W kine: Vilda Corrigan remained Dwo',Ooo for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Read, at Mi. and Mrs. Fred Toms, Bowmanville, were Saturday Enniskillen, on Friday evening. evening visitors at Mr. and W. A. Ladies are quilting a teus oi congratulations wceei-e- ceivec1 fîom Prime Minister St. Laurent and John M. James, M.P. Mi. and Mis. Clendenen weie remembeîcd with giits fro-n their family and otheis. The couple weîe married in Elmwood, Ontario on Dccemi- ber 30, 1896 by Rcv. Henry Gouciie, father af the bride, who was Alzina Gaudie. Thcy have on17' one chiid, Ray, but their are five grandchild- ren and six gicat-grandchild-, ren. Ail weue present at the iamily gathering. The grand- children are Phyllis (Mis. Gil- bert Pattersan) Markbam; Muilel <Mis. Carl Hoover), Scarborougb: Hazel (Mrs. Thos. McLaughlin) R. R., Oshawa; and Gordon and Harold on the faim with tbcii father. The gieam* grandebildien are al boys. Mr. and Mrs. Clendenen arc bath in good bcalth and take greut pleasure in their family Januar'y REFRIGERA TORS 12.5 cubic f eet Push button automatic defrost Regular $399 $329. 8 cubic foot Regular $29 $249 LANDER HAI 7 King Street E. . Bowmanville white DELUXE DRYER Regular $284.50 $149 STANDARD DRYER Regular $239.50 $1Àè,19 LAUNDRY TWINS LAUNDROMAT AND DRYER - quit t hehome o! Mis. Char-~* lie Garrard's. So iflO W .10 HadnCmuiyare in-- vited ta the home af Mr. and Mm'.. Frank Denby's, 81 Elgin O nl ct c St., Bowmanville, for a social evening on Satuîday evening. The regular manthly meeting Mi. and Mis. Ross Ashtan ai the Solina W.I. was held in and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd the church basement Jan. 20 Ashton, Ronald. Ray and Mrs. with President Mrs. E. R. Taylor Muriel Brawnlee, were at Mr. presiding. and Mis. J. R. Ormiston's, En- Plans were made' for the niskillen. annual Fall Bazaaî. An Exten- Mr. and Mis. J. Jones and sion Course "Hospitality Foods" family visited Mr. and Mis. is planned fou Feb. 6 and 7 at Milton Bryant, Hampton, Sun- Hampton, and ahl members are day.11 ask<cd ta keep these dates ini Mr. and Mis. Liptay and fam- mind. ily. visited sister Feris at Peter- The C.G.I.T. are planning to borough. send Christmas cards ta Nigeria Cangregational Meeting and have asked for donations of The annual Congregational cards. It was decided ta con- meeting was held on Friday tribute an additional amaunt of evcvning. Rev. F. Jackson in 'money ta aur chuîch for local charge. Reports were given from expenses. A letter from Bilton ail the aiganizations af the Institute was read by Mis. W. church which weîe quite en- Yellowlees. couraging. The iollowing wcre Mis. R. Langmaid, Leader of appointed: Eiders, W. Black- Gîoup 2 pîesided for the pro- burn, L. Siemon, C.ý Avery; gram. Piano selections "I Lave Stewards, L. Graham, A. Tic- wvin, H. Ashton, W. Lovcridgc; Tieas., Mis. A. Read; Pianists,. PONTYPOOL Mis. A. Read, Mis. Waltcr Loy- eiidge, Mis. Lloy'd Slemon: M. We are glad ta report that & M. Treasurer, Mis Leslie Mis. Jimmy Curtis is home Graham; Ushers, Mi. G. Toi- fiom bospital. rance, Wayne Blackburn; Au- Balydufi's oldest resident was ditors, J. Potts, C. Gaîrard; Pas- laid ta îcst this week in the tonial relations, Mis. H. Cross- person ai Mi. Ben Halmes who m&n. The foilowing officers wvas in bis 91ft ycaî. Deceased were elected for Sunday School: was a lifc-long resident and ta Superintendent, Wilbur Black- bis widow and daughteî, Mis. burn; Asst. Supt., Milton Sle- Frank Hyland, we extend oui mon; Sccietary, Mis. H. Cross- sympathy. man; Treasuîeî, Mis. J. Potts; Pride of Pontypool L.O.B.A. Pianists, Lynda Potts, Ina was visîted by the Grand Mis- Beryl Read: Fiowei Committee, trcss of Ontario East, R.W. Sis- Mis. K. Cowling, Mrs. C. Ran- ter Sexsmith of Peteî-boiougli kine; Cradle Rail Supt., Mis. and otheî visitors fiom Mill- K. Cowiing; Teacbers-Begn brook and Peterborough on ner's Class, Mis. W. B lack -1 Wednesday. AIl officers weie burn; Assistant, Mis. J. Potts; ie-elected and installcd with a Pmrai;Assitns, Mis. H. Cr- good turnout of members pes- rar; Asisant, rs.H. ros-cnt. Lunch was scrved. man and Mrs. Roy Graham; Below zero didn't prevent a Junîor's Class, W. Blackburn; good turnout at the euchre par'- Assistant, Mis. C. Gaîrard: In- termediate' Class, Kenneth Gra-i bam; Assistant, C. Avery; Bible Class, Milton Siemon; Assistant, G. Toi-rance. S e B w It was also decidcd ta bold oui Sunday Scbool Annivcîsary V I I Services on Sunday, June 23i-d L iI NI4L 2 and the usual Supper and Co. cert on Monday Juiy lst.t The following committees ~ wcîe appointed: Music Commit- L Im tee, W. Blackburn, Mis. Lloyd hptd an Jo Siemon and Margot Rankine; Ministeîial Committeé, Rev ' at Ivarpie LE Jackson, H. Ashton, J. PottF, r concert Committee, Mis. Cowl- ~ rr~Â U The beavy ramn on Tucsday morning bas taken tbe snow away a lot, but if temperatureFulpi drops it looks a tbough it will includes bus fare a Le very içy for travelling. Phone Garton Coach Lines' Mi. Kenneth Graham re- ceived a letter fîom his father, Sr'onsored b uies&P Mi. John Graham, saying be is b uies&P Heurs Ta k lditor- Priest Lufe" and "Stardust" were play.- ed by Mrs. Murray Vice. The roll eall, "A country I i'oud like ta visit" was Weil r #on6- ed to. Mis. B. TinirÏp1!d t the motto "A backw rd glance may encourage forward strides". Mrs. R. Langmaid gave a talkc on "The Arctic", telling of the, career of an Arctic Prit) Fath- er Bernard Brown. 4is work is centred along th;T 'iing Mackenzie delta h, into 0the town ofAkvi isfo only a priest to the Eskis, "but a photographer, artist, frapper, fisherma, and b~is best knwn role, writer, editor and publisher of the Aklavik Journal. A contest of current events of the year 1956 was conducted by Mrs. Langmaid. A delicious lunch of sandwiches, cake and tea was served by the group in charge. ty in the Orange Hall Friday evenirig. High score prizes went to Mrs. Orville Challice and Mrs. J. Payne, consolation awards to Mis. Gordon Smith, Bethany, and -Miss Leona Mit- chell with Mr. Alvin Olan tak- ing the lucky cup prize. Next euchre, Feb. 1. Mr. Raymond Emmarey has returned fromn St. Mîchael's Hos- pital, Toronto, after spending ten days from an eye injury received at work in the Gen- eral Motors. Mi. and Mis. J. Payne attend- ed the Warden's Election in Cobourg on Tuesday. Mr. Chas. Chapman is suf- feîing fromn a badly bruised leg caused by being jammed between two tractors at his lumber miii. Mr. Nick Wozney bas not been enjoying good health late- iy. nanville's ýAGNELL the hnson Ice Follies -af Gardens JANUARY 30 ee $3.25. anld reserved seat MIA 3-3811 for reservation 'ofessional Women's Club Westinghouse SaIb LAUNDROMAT Regular $374.50 $329 CONVENTIONAL WASHER with Pump Regular $169 $119 $569 RDWA-RE Phone MA 3-5774 PAGE mxi'uMr Chilly Willy! Electric Ranges 30" Range Regular $399 s289. Apartment size range Regular $199 $185 I BROWN'S CASE SHOW Bring the fanmily and enjoy a NIGHT'S ENTERTAINMENT featuring Mer v. Dale & Co. High class entertainers Laundromats and Dryers Friday, Jan. 25 8 O'clock Regular $650 BOTH UNITS Corne in and see the New Century Laundrornai and Dryt m à FÀM 1 - 24th, left Tm eAnAnt4m %TAI a: 1 9 LA

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