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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jan 1957, p. 6

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-* *-4-o -* -4é * , -, , - Manvers Township Will Consider New Garage The Inaugural meeting of fmanVm towniship municipal ogncll wau held at Bethany With the following members conStituting the 1957 council; reeve. Eari Argue; deputy-reeve, 14wis McGill; councillors, Har- VOY Malcolm, Henry Jakeman end Robert Brown. In the absence of the reeve, who was detained due to the &Dow condition of the roads for the morning session, Deputy- Reeve Lews McGill called the Meeting to order at Il a.m. Rev. .0. E. Meade conducted a short devotional service. Counilor Malcolm on behaif of the coun- cil thanked Mr. Meade for be- lig present. The oath of office was admin- Istered to the members by clerk RoSs Davidson. Communications were read from Hospital for Sick Child- ren concerning grant; Stuart ]Byan, Q.C., on a taxation mat- ter: Department of Municipal Mffairs about paymnents in lieu et taxes; Durham and North- 14mberland Health Unit month- ly report; auditor's report on 1055 road account; Ontario As- sociation of Rural Municîpali- ties concerning 1957 member- ahlp; Ontario Good Roads As- oiatldn on 1957 membership. The morning session adjourn- ed until 1.15 p.m. Reeve Arrives Reeve Earl Argue presided for the afternoon session and called on David Masters, weed inspector fer 1956, to give a re- port of bis work. Edward McGill, caretaker of the tocwnship hall, was inter- Gelt our Price For Tour Liveztock through STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS fhone MA 3-3303 viewed and after a short cussion 1h was decided thai caretaker's tee be $145 for Plus $ 1.50 per rented eni ment. By-law No. 1334, appil fence viewers, Pound kee liveshock and sheep value school attendance officer weed Inspecton, was passed. 1h was decided that R Earl Argue be paid $21 ho( pensate for a trip ho Cob with an indigent, money vanced for fuel for the indi and legal advice from Si Ryani, Q.C., on a taxationj ter. Sdis- it the 1957, gage- nting Pers, ators, and leeve com- ourgc, ad- igent ýtuarh mat- Pender Garage It was decided ho invite Mr. Gorrie, municipal engineer, ho attend the next meeting of council Feb. 5 and give his ad- vice as ho the standards that would be required ini order ho get a grant if the township were to b.uild a mnunicipal garage to provide shelter for the grader andi other municipal equipment. The following accounha weres ondered paid: Township treas- uirer, road voucher, $693.17; Thomas Willier and Sons for supplies, $100.40; Walter A. Rowland, attending court of re- vision, $35; United Counties of Northumberland and Durham for hospihalization, $102; Earl Argue, trip ho Cobourg, legal advice, etc., $21; Northum-ber- and and Durham Health Unit, plun-bing tees, $37.50; School Section No. 7, school money, $500; Addison Scoth, nepaining lighh fixtunes, $1; R. R. Ed- munds, fuel ail, $15.75; R. Da- vidson, vital shaistics 1956, $2.50,. seven copies cf Municipal World, $21; Good Roada Asso- ciation, membe-rship, $10: Asso- ciation _of Rural Municipalities, membcnship, $10; grant ho Hos- pital for Sick Children, $10; Ross Davidson on salary ac- count, $150; Edward McGiIl, scrubbing township hall, $5. Meeting adjourned ho con-r vene Feb. 5 ah 1 p.m.1 .zzusoz:;::uzsz;ap: Enden ohampo. 1.69 Zarumîn Tablets J 8.49 Wl' TH NDUB W! YN OU PNCan CURE Pu B h,ý 'g tp o yi M A S T iT IS - 1 Bufferin 390 - 9e -23-1.89 Geritol Taba 3.29 -5.49 Specials 2 tubes Ipana Faste - 1.18 value for 86o Ammîdent Tooth Paste - Z tubes 59c sîze- 89o Vacuum Botties - 79o Noxzema Special 1.25 85c Shield Tooth Faste 65o 1.50 value Deep Magie 99a 100 A.S.A. Tabs. - 19o Cough Remedies Cold Remedies NVyal CreoPhos- - 1.50 Nyal LaxacoId __-__ 45o Vice Syrup - 59c Grove's C.B.Q.- 49e, 79a Pertussîn - 69c, 1.15 Buckley's Caps. 35e, 79c Pinex - prepared - 60c, 1.00 Coldiene LIquId __-_ 1.10 Ban Suave J Halo Bobbi Deodorant Liquid 98c Value Ail New 1.25 60e - 1.00 Now 79c 2.00 Hazel Bishop Ultra-Matic Lipstick - 1.75 COWLI NG'S PHEONE SOREWE FIT MA 3-5695 DRUG ST R TRUSSES Royal Theatre BowmanvllE HeId Over! Playing unlil Salurday, Jan. 26 THSLD GO, CAILLAi 'I Last complete show 9:10 SPECIAL CHILDREN'S ATINEE Saturday, Jan. 26- 2 p.m. "Francis Goes to the Races" Starring Francis the "Talking Mule" plus'color cartoons NEIT MON. TO WED. - JAN. 28 - 30 Special 4 o'clock Matin.. Nonday ý7 I1ES FTHMu ~R~cjARpBASEMA~R, Lzo GNNN 15h01 ______________________ Jo)[NH!JwYoer e: s emoogitu. W assuMAs MIL VU.LI~S ~J~CHNICOLO~ PAVAV~?AV rn~Amwu~.a.. D A - KEDRON Aduit clase Meeting On Thursday evening, thare was a fine attendance at the home of Mr. and Mns. Ross Lee when they were hosts ho mem- bers of the Aduit Bible Clan. Worship was led by Mns. Foi- ter Snowden, asulsted by Mrs. Clarernce Werry. The theme wai "The Faith We Live By". President Alvin Spencer presid. cd for business. 1h was decided ho hold a box social ah Valen- tine time in February. Walher Davis, Jack Francis and Har- old Werry were named as a committee ho arrange for the box auction, and for a program. Games provided fun and plea- sure, and refreshments conclud- cd a fine evening. Kedren Yfung People& Mr. and Mns. William Werry graciously entertained the Un- itedi Links class - on Tuesday evening, in their home. Brion Lee class president, led in wor- ship and business. Recreation was onducted by thc host and hostess. Prize-winners in a crokinole tournament were Charies Sutter and Ron Wer- ry. Helen and Bull served a delicieus lunch toi the groiap. Several Kedron folk enjoyed the beautiful pictures on Swe- den with fi ne commenhing by Robent Mallet in Central Col- legiahe, Oshawa-one of the Travel and Adventure Series, prcsenhed by Kiwanis Club of Oshawa. Miss Ella Miller, B.A., To- ronto, was a weekend guest of her sister, Mrs. W. Sharp. Mns. Reginald Blackmore, Charlene and Lynda-Lou, Buf- falo, were ývisitons with Mn. Howard Brown and sons for a few days. Mn. Blackmore join- cd the gneup for a bnief visit at the weekcnd and hook his tamn- ily home with hlm. Alfred Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Jackson, and Honnie of Brooklin, were guests of Mr. and Mns. Bill Werry. Mrs. Ross Lee, Mn. and Mrs. Douglas Love enjoyed the com- munihy Club meeting at Brad- ley's School on Fri4lay even- ing, when Mns. Love assisted on the program with vocal solos, and Mrs. Lee accompanîed her at the piano. Miss Beryl Mounhjoy, Lon- don; Mr. and Mns. Everson Non- ton and Craig, Brougham, with local inembers of the family, spcnt Sunday ah home with Mvr. and Mrs. W. L. Mounhjoy. Mrs. F. Werry and Wilma the home ef Mn. and Mns. How- ard Brown, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wood, M4arlene and Sylvia, were Sat- .irday supper gucsts of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Henry. J.immy Joncs, Joan Hamil- ton, Manlene and Sylvia Wood, w'ere guests of Mrs. J. Ellipth at a supper party honouring Robert Elliott on bis elevenh birtbday. Master David Snowden spent afew days ah the home of hie gratidfather, Mr. C. Knowlcs, Oshawa. Mrs. Harold Wenry was among Friday evening gucsts of Mrs. Harold Pascoc, Oshawa. t] a i u i Ic YELVERTON We are pleased to sec our representative on Parliament Hill have bis rcmarks pnefaced with a portrait howevcr blurry. Note Johnny's "torward look!" A number of local tarmers have availcd thernselves of the lahest service supplied by the Ontario Hog Producers, that of an assembly point ah Lindsay. Resuits ho date have been quite satistactory. Our sole criticism is the treatinent proffered those truckers who have co-openated by placing hogs on the openm markets who are now being cut out et a sluce cf their business. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sha- pIes and boys wene Saturday supper guestsata the David Wi]son's. On Sunday a gather- ing et the whole Wilson fam- ily at the Jack Wilson's ho celebrahe the occasion of Mrs. G. E. Wilson's birthday. Con- gratulations. Mr. John Pnouth was a Sun- day caller ah the Harvey Mal- colm's. Sympahhy Io extcnded ho the Prouth faniily in the loss et their mother and grandmothcr, Mrs. John Proutt. Mn. and Mns. Bill Donaldson, Peterborough, on Sunday ah the Ralph Malcolm's. Mnr. and Mrs. W. H. Stinson, Mn. and Mrs. Floyd Sinson, Dale and Pam ah the Walter Wrights et Blackstock, Sunday. Junior Choir s )ings IMorrish The regular church service was held ah 10 a.m. in a will warmed church wbich is a great aid to worship. The average number wcrc present te hake part in this short period of prayer and praise. The Rex'. A. W. Harding had charge of the service. The jun- ior choir sang very swectly the sacred song. "Look to the ILight House". During the service Mn. Hard- ing cxpressed his appreciahion of the choir, their regular .ah- tendancè and help in the sing- ing aise te the excellent work cii Mrs. McHolm and Mns. Wil- son in raining these young singers. A verv hhoughhful sermon was preached by Mr. Harding reminding us that Chnistians are like a band cf pilgrims niarching onward filled with faith. hope and courage with Christ as aur vanguard and Christ aur rear guard marching onward and upward through lite howands tIe Promniscd Land singlr.g as we march. Sunday School wvas held ah 1l a.m. wihh 46 present. Mrs. Fred McConnell, superinten- dent, %vas in charge. S. S. next Sunday ah Il a.m. Family'Club Planning Many Events Yelvertn: The first meeting of the Family Clubof 1957 was held on Jan. 18 ini the Church Hall with the new executUve in charge and Mr.and Mrs. How- ard Malcolm acting as hosts to the gathering. Mrs. Norinan Wilson, Secre- tary, read the minutes. Busi- nessuicluded the setting of the following dates: Euchre party, Jan. 25, in charge of Art IRow- an; Feb. 8, Croiiole Party at the Norman Wilsons; Feb. 16, next Family Club at Joyce and Murray Malcolm's. On Feb. 22 the Family Clujt) plan an innovation, "Have I Got a Secret" night a paradoxical paraflel to a certain TV show and we personally invite con- tFstants outside our conmunity to enter by contacting your scribe by mail. More details la- ter in Coming Events. Rev. and Mrs. R. B, Bonsteel took charge c1 the program in- cluding a tlmely documentary filmn on the Suez Canal. Lunch and a social time followed a practice session cf 've Got a Secret" with the following panel: Mesdames Marjorie and Ruth Malcolm, Messrs. Art Rowan and Howard Malcolm. Businesi Direclory_ Àccouniancy- RAT 3. DILLING Ce.rtified Public Accountant 93 Church Street MArket 3-3881 WM. 3. I. COGGINS Chartened Accountant 64 King St. E. Bowmanvllle <Above Garton's Bus Station) 64 KiCng Street E. MONTEITH - MONTETM RIIEHL & Co. Chartered Accountants 135 Simcoe St, N. Oshawa RA 5-4662 Partners: J. W. Montcith, M.P., F.CÀ. A. B. Monteith, B.Comm., C.A. G. W. Riehl, C.A. <Licensed Trustee) G. E. Trethewey, C.A. R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. TALE, FRIIEDLANDER, HUNTER & CO. Accountants andi Audtrg of King st. E. RA 5-1621 Oshawa B. L.* Yale, C.A. P. Friedlander, B. Comm.. C.P.A J. Hunter, C.P.A. C hi r op ra c ftc G., EDWIN MANN, D.C. Office: Chiropractor 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. Phone MA 3-5509 Office Hours: By Appointmnent D e ntal DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D8 Office: Jury Jubllee Bldg. 40 King St. W. Bowmanvilie Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. dally 9 a.m. to 12 noon Saturday Closed Sunday Office Phone MA 3-5790 House Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. E. W. 5155 ON, L.D.S., D.D.3. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowinanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone MA 3-5604 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, . .S. 23 King St. E. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 pan. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon Saturdav Closed Sunday Telephone: Office MAÀ 3-5459 Insurance J. A. BARTON Fire- Automobile - Casualty 43 Carlisle Ave. Phone MA 3-3098 L e g a STRIKE and STRMKE Barrishers, Solicitors Notanies Public W. R. Stnîke, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike. B.A. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W. -. Bowmanvlle Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 35553 BUS S APHA L. 13ODGINS Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public Temperance St. - Bowianville Mortgages LEROY HAMILTON - ORONO Phone 1 r 16 First Montgagze funds Residences - Farina Business Properties Op tomeIr y. KEITH A. BILLETT Optometrist 141 King St. E. Bowmanvllle Office Hours: By appointment Telephone MArket 3-e~52 Mondait to Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wcdnesdays: 9 to 12 Thunsday evenings JOHN A. OVENS Optometrist Jury & Loveil Bownianville Phone MA 3-5778 Piano Tuning Professional Piano Tuning ,ARTHUR COLLISON Phone 34 Prince St »1 - Bownianvulla J ONTARIO * ** ~ HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP. I Niblets Corn I SOLO MARGARINE 14-or. tins33 Lb. Pkg. 29 c IGA CHOICE - 48-oz. tin APPLE JUICE RIPE N'RAGGED CHOICE - 20-oz.1 MGA PEACHES IGA WHROLE - 3-lb. 4-or. tin CHICKEN 25C tin i 25cý 1491 KRAFT - 7'1'-oz. pkgs. DINNEIR2IforZ27c OGMVIE WHITE - CAKE MIX 17-or. pkg.25 SDAY. .ZA. .24th; 1,w IGA. Meat Features Approx. Frying Chickcens. lb. Q AN EXTRA LEG OR BREAST IN EACH PACKAGE MI. 29C Lbi. 69C 6-or. pkg. 19C 8-or. pkg. 6-or. pkg. Table Rite SLICED OLIVE LOAF 25c IGA Pro duce. Feature FOR A HEARTY MEAL, NEW BRUNSWICK, WHITE, FLUýP Potaoes bag FLORIDA - Crisp and Crunchy - Low in calories CELERY I Large size 36'w'-"2.9< NATURAL COLOUR Passport to Health - Lge. size 176's - doz. Good size 120's - do&. Florida ORANGES 3 9c 2.7c At Ieast one size available in ail stores For a fresh supply of vitamins - Red, Ripe TONATOES Cello tube 19C Ontario Grown - Fancy Grade - For Dessert or Cooking SPY APPLES 3-1b. cello bag 35c IGA Choice Cut GREEN BEANS 2 20-or. tins 3 C IGA Deluxe INSTANT COFFEE Off Reg. Price 2-or. jar 51c ,Something New will be aidded! The opportunity for you to choose FREE MORE QUICKLY AND EASILY THAN BEFORE! Watch for the news Feb. l4th -in our advertisii KEEP SAVING ICA CASH RECEIPTS . THEY ARE VALUABLE TABLE RITE 3 LEGGED LEAN -MINCED DEEF DEVON - Sliced RINDLESS SIDE BACON TABLE RITE ,mouusommu mem dOHN HUSTON nuug mos', 1 ~Last complete show 9:151 BNUS IFTS v 'p SPECIAL NOTE! Commencing Wednesday, February 13, ahl Free Bonus Gifts will be avehI- able ONLY for IGA Cash Receipts. The acceptance of cash payments whth re- ceipta whhl b. elimlnated. Bonus Gits wilI continue to be avallable ABSO- LUTELY F R E E writh nothing extra to pay! 1 t e« m , in g à 11, 1 , ý , ý % ', ý il-or.A bottles .PAGE Mt "M CAMA15TAlq lk^lv" à %Pqpw q ip C. NTAMO Il fi 1 1 ýq 1 51C

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