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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jan 1957, p. 7

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TRURSDAY, JA.N. 24th, 1957 - - THECANADIANSTAT~SMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTA~ AAGESEVEN i I ~children, Trenton, visited her A !Gifts Presented 93rd Birthday tnbfoelevMgfrSDTrier. No Cs 0 c& £Pe:rsonial 1Pasi Officers stationed for three years. Jiim is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne R eï Phone MA 3-3303 Terglrmeigo h Simpson. and his wife is a The eguar metig aithedaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leon- Ladies' Auxlliary, Canadian ard Bradley of Enniskillen.Noet Legion, Branch 178, was heldM anMr.Hupynd but resi( 1,:ss Linda Alldread, New- Jan. l91were Mr. and Mrs. Ray- last Monday, Jan. 21 in theMran Mrs. EH. Murph - rabend castie, spent the weekend with mond Fry, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Legion Hall.> chidren, of thih urhy era f 1<n her cousin, Miss Jacqueline Fry, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fry. Zone Commander R. Bae ihM.ad rsW.upyotefl Bir. Ate redmg th it-npresented the retiring presi- Tuesday. Mrs.R. V Fer an-aote an the laeTo.K itein dent, Coin. F. Kriight with her Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith Cek d eandRonie T- te 5 yarsag coum aith past president's badge and pin.I and fami]y visited, Mr, and Tuesday re Mrsn G Niddiery Dmte 2 ad sa ont Pasthefor Bate praised Coin. Knightl Mrs. Gordon Smith, Coibarne, heavy ra, anfrher untiring efforts and Sna had raisE H. BiIla l-weM. ebBboc hn eader-ship during her termi of Mr. and Mrs. George All- dangerou5 Mturne.dik bs e ed ta say that Mr. Knight's store office. dread, Mr. James Alldread, vis- Lly tundhome after spending six was where the Morris FuneralLly lier daughter, Mr. and Mrs. the retiring officers, Com. T. Salem. flooding R.G tpe.Attending the Canadian Nur- Little, M. Bates and H. Wal- Mrs.Wle am vstd heow R.ymn' GStpe.Association Conve:n- lace. One new member was i-Mrs. Wa iery aR ahmyvisie thetPw Mr. William G. James, Presi- tion at London. Ont., the begin- stalled, Coin. J. WelshHampton, Saturday evening. an@ sevei dent of the Ontario Weekiy ning af this week were Mr. and Plans were discussed for a Ï;Mr. and Mrs. Ken Acheson, in town i Newspapers Association, is in Mrs. Elmer Banting of the H. C. vii i henarftuetaDv Ottwatoay n ssciaio JDownham Nursery Co.; Mr. and dale Vetexans' Hospital. After Miss Jaquene Hrais, Ohawa, business. Mrs.Norman Scott, Mr. an d ' Mis . and Gra.Jnt, saS Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Marti re- Mr. :Andy Lunnemann and Mr. tciailfose of the ld Mmeme etnng soown vithMr. nd MsyJh.Hi turned by plane this week after Eric Densein of Brookdale- ca afhu a ed r.JmsHnyBon jo udy a month's holiday with her par- lKingsway Nurseries. Mvr. Bant- who celebrated her 93rd birth-1 Symnpathy is extended ta Mrs. Mr. anc ents, Mr. and Mrs.JonKg ing was chairman of the Con day on Jan. 6 at the home of herî N. C.'Y ellowlees, Hampton, Mrs. and sons in Jamaica, John Kin vention committee. o-8 son, Merdith Brown, 137 Cole-1Alia Yeilowlees -and daughters. guests at Miss Claire Wallace is the Mis îgrd Cnwya1 man Ave., Toronto, has lived on ion the sudden passing af Mr. Mr. ai guest speaker tonight (Thurs- Mide ntgStriChnaei's schol her farm at R.R. 2, PontypooliN. C. Yellowlees on Monday.* diay) at the Durham Club Of Nursing, received her cap Sun - I R e po rt for 57 years, spending the winter 1 r n r.Jh uslf n a Tornto Asa ori trvelerdayin ceemny t S. Mchmonths in Toronto. Mrs. Brown 1 on Wednesday for Tampa, row s. Toot.A wol rvle dyi eeon tS.Mc- is the former Elizabeth Jane Florida, for a winter holiday. A niun she is well quaiified ta speak ael's Cathedral. After spending (Continued froin page one) Ger oni avr on Mr. pnd Mrs. S. Gobie visit- entation on her subject "Travel".th ekn thmhrpr rebninM vrsTw- The regular meeting of Club ete Meek nd hmers. ar-ein the evening. Supper was ship in 1864. She was married 'ed Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hill and Newtonvi 15 was held on Thursday, Jan- ons, Mr. and Mar. Maurice iserved ta the out-of-towi ta James Henry Brown, also of family and were callers of Mr. Grant Sý uar 1 a th hmeai rs L paie hr t Trato ndatguests. Manvers on Augrust 15, 1'886. He and Mrs. Tom Hill and Mr. and Sylvester uay1 ttehm fMs .pne e oTrnoada- Ms r Cmrn lo o Stark ar Parker. The evening was spent tended the Capping Ceremony. "InSt me, Mrs. Dip- predeceased her 15 years ago. Mr.1 CmrontoilofTo was pres planning the Mothers' Marcn rfin ds il besory a aasted, "a house to house Mr. t-d Mrs. Brown had Mran Ms. ar Mstr chian on olotobehed anar lar tatMis rae al st-i anas was carried out very sve cl id; Mrs. A. Bown I and' daughters, Bowmanville, Shiloh on. Po, t ehl aur er htMs rc alst similar to last year's canvass. (Elsie) decease;Mr.Thmswiti4 Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Vir- inc was 31.fered a fractured hip while in MVrs. Ducan Smith was untiring Kerr (Margaret), Toronto; Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Alldread, her apartinent, King Streetinhrefrsa ovo ndPBow (Gdy)FrtLu-u.hme f Mr. James Alldread, Mr. and West, on Friday afternoon and mein e ota s c onvTenao ntda row (ady Ms), Fo rLuin rtue s F. Ba eehoes ai Mrs. Jack Welsh and family, was taken ta Oshawa General md tasces h mutedlFa;Ms v alig r. n r s. F.n L. B yamwoef eue M~r. and Mrs. D. R. Alldread Hospital. Miss Hall is procres receîved approximated iast (Mary). Toronto; Louis, Buffalo, uprget o udyo charge. rs- year's total. The districts out- Meredith, Toronto; Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Murray 'labb, Th i and Miss Mary Alldread were ing favorably and it is xetdsdofBwavl rpne P tyo.Bwm vie Te a Meor Club 49 met at the home aimeast Thu H. Strang, Salemn. jal Hospital, Bowmanville, on eygnrul."MsBonejysga elhIMrs. Earl Prescott Tuesday det Mrs, J. G. Jackson ai Port Thursday (to-day). i "A Regional Meeting was heid and does her own work.. She evný wt llde rsn. sdectd1 Perr inrenwin he suscrp- estwises f hs m n Oshawa with the president, takes great-interest in televîsion e 9in itdl aieuree t ed t] Perr inrenwinghersubcrip Bet wshesof is anypast president and Ist vice and enjoys reading 'The Stats A quiit is ta be put together eoin tian f0 The Statesman writes: friencis go ta Mr. F. C. Pethick president being in attendance. man for home news. and quilted; $5.00 was voted omH 11 enjoy the paper very much whowl eet i sî ' 'th I ct"' h an conven- .i for MVarch of Dines aiso the Stark. Mand when I am through I passwhceert i ot In'.coerneana collection containers were plac- tig birthday on Jan. 29. A family tion of the Hospital Association hnso it on to other people who en- inrprywl ehl 3 nTrnowsatne y a i d in both stores. Fees...were cent trip joy Af as mme~h as I".dinMr ars. Pl ethckshe, 3 numbrono ai urAuxiiiar y m a -paid for coming year with one pictures Mr.andMrs Pehic's hom, nmbe ofourAuxliay mm-new member. Report of lastLuc Among those from Bowman- 55 Queen St. this SaturdaY bers. Mrs. Young and Mrs. Mut- EK year was given. RefreshinentsIL-uc w ,vlewoattended the Cox- when thase present wiil include tan xere the officiai delegates." iciato Boyd wedding in Simcoe SretIna Ms Jack . __________________ved for the Ujnited Church, Oshawa, onl Mr. Bud Pethick, Mr. Alla n CrsmaIit home. 1M Culian and Mr. Eric Arwood af The Christmnas gifts ta the (Continued froin page one) In terms ai the net national ladies far Toronto. and Mrs. Fred Martyn, hospital staff fain the W.A. cieions had no bearing on the incarne ai Canadians, in 1954 Service Bowmanville, whose birthday consisted ai an ail painting by surraunding area but this is not direct persanal taxes took 7.61well atter is the saine day as Mr. Peth- Mrs. Jessie Siemon for the the case. 0f direct concern is the ner cent, indirect taxes taak 16 1 f or Sunè N EWv ick's. Cafeteria and baskets ai fruit United Counties' equalized as- 1 aer cent, social security taxes1 direct9d Mrs.Wrefrd F Souh aifor the kitchen staff and other sessment prograin and who will to . e et iettxso hp a BOW MANVILassistantsgin the hospertrude 1make up the difference, the corporations took 6.2 per cent. concludin BMorNrILE is)îe as(foreny Gertude The "Sounds Fun" club ai lit- counties or Port Hope. Mris) h areativee n ti'is girls heiped the W.A. by The inference that Part Hope's frindsandreltivs i ths ds-donating tea towels which they fixed assessinent prograin wouid BAPTIST trict while her husband was made'and also the receipts froin attract other industries ta this on a business trip ta Montreal a doîl raffle. Mrs. Dippeli add- area is faise Mr. Morris point- COMPETITIVE PRICES 1? Dinner guests ai Mr. and Mrs.1 ed the W.A. thanks ta the C.G. ed out as industry would only CHURCH CG. Morris on Sunday were, I.T. of St. Paul's and Trinity -be interested in Part Hope. annr.ondneesW.F.Souch, Win- United Churc wh madethepr ansr s leay t. *uWerry, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. and New Year's. Other appre- Hp through fixed assessinent, I J U] Special Ross Stevens, Mrs. F. F. Mor'- ciative help came from the Mr. Morris warned that it will ris, Miss Betty Morris and Miss . wngcammittee who partici- be necessary ta fight fire with C.1 ay, on ae i h ..sewîngpro fire. The ensuing price wars Opnn evcs Miss Margaret Goheen, a ed t heW..se wgp owuld be literai suicide he Di Openng Srvies C fA.Mry, an . au- jets. oalthosewho have madestte. are a number of in- feh. 3rd - 101h Gaheen, played in a piano re- donations ai any kind durin dustries which feel that indus- j* SEILV LE N *nâidays, Feb. 3rd and lOth 22, in tesConservatry Con-. have worked in any capacity ta load and show strong disfavour ctlgvn ppl iiteya n i hs ar hi w __ 22, n te Cnsevatry on-make this Auxiliary a success aof fixed assessments. "We 11Sm p.m. - 7 p.m. cent Hall, Toronto. Miss Go- we wouid like ta express our strongly regret the action taken ___ ______ ____ W e eQ,'gxh t - 8 P.m. heen,,well known in Bawman- sincere appreciatian," Mrs. by Port Hope," he concluded. ville as a talented young plan-Dppl cnlue;N4onen oL...A Ev1oeWe m. ist, is studying at the Royal Con- i SMOOYN ItONN Cccen o LO..A y EV1rn ecm. servatory ai Music in Toronto Mayor John Burnet, Cobourg c Pastor F. Hals& this year. She played two num- and president ai Zone 2, feit that bers, 'Cordova" by Aibeniz, the L.O.D.A. can flot condole MilIl &# P...6 Iand "Polonaise in A Major" by M t e s or 'take action against Port Chopin. Miss Goheen has en- Hope decisions. "It is strictly aYO E T tere th Peerbroug Mu ~ U fleev Counties' matter," he said. Festival ta be heid this sprnn On the other hand Mayor ~,YUSL R M Ys and will play Ray Dudley's com- (Contnued from page one) Nelýon Osborne, Bowmanvile, m sT. OHdcay, A. Watson, J. Hayman, G.1 "In fixed assessinent prograins, newv creainy Hughes. "lhe pointed out," the industries C H U R C H D r. C . V ip o n d ,d T. Rundie, D . Sweet, e s lle , saten tt hesho uid I "n( 3I4, Mrs. J. Dunn (Capt), Mes- win, but the town loses. d.Bames T. Gatceil, . ctes, Eer Batd nt, owan ra (Antlican) S. James. industry and no internai fric- ýG etSpeaker ~ ea ntdfott Mrs. G. E. Mann (CaptI, tian that is naw existing bet- 'P HOME PERMANENT - Mesdames A. Lymer, M. Moore, ween the municipalities ai the ACTUALLY WAVES Third Sunday Diabetic rrNIir B. Miller, F. Blunt, L. Allun, A. L.O.D.A. He warned that thisNE INESA Collis, G. Stephen. could cause a coliapse of the MNGALT Dr. Claude H. Vipond will Mrs. R. Mclntyre (Capt.), L.O.D.A.VOTIO AlrE ihnbe the speaker at the public Mesdames B. Heavysege, P. Takinig the floor a second ~ G N y meeting ai the Oshawa and Passinore, S. McMurter, J. Els- timne Mr. Budge pointed out YOUR HAIE tan R.MutonA. . Mrklythat severai other municipali- LaghinHll SmceStee teen, W.R . th , . Adere, ony nohe frm $lSyers. L. Hancock, C. A. Mc- T~Kt - - - - - - Minister- Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. ' Mrs. G. Vinish (Capt.'I. Mes- Cl qýýdames S. Polland, A. Marjer-1 Côngratulations ta Mn. A. H.i _______ ison, R. Richards, H. Murphy,î Brent on hîs 841h bîrthday, Jack C. Vanstone, G. Cawker, C.! Jan. 23. Lanti eShred. Mn. and .Mrs. Seymour Wil- enti il A.M.- Mrs. Jl. wery (Capt.), Mes-' cox and son, Mr. and Mrs. S. Me. i dàmes C. Hall, G. Vine, G. MI. Matthews and daugh*.ers, o Goee, . taleon M ise- ronto; Miss Linda Stainton, i %entl Presnvierv Student uda I man, R. Lockhart, E. Stehè- Enniskiill&n, 'vere Sunday guests cc ýUluy4îson, C. Raby, C. Anderson, L. af Mn. and Mrs. C. H. Me- Pru eAyre, K. Sumnensfard, S. Crago, Quinn and famiiy. $0* sodifew i Mr. J. F. Coutts of Emmanuel College 4 T. Miller. (J. Darch, K. La- Mr. and Mrs. Clare Clbaryfon d e, thangue, stand-ins). and famiiy, Toronto; Mn. and imm Poda Mrs. G. White (Capt.?I, Mes- Mrs. J. Colbary, Bnooklin, wene1 ue k1dames' G. Jol nton, R. Lun ney, Sund ay visitons ai Mr. and ak - ~~~~~~. Luca s, D. Alni A rakR:I Mrs. K. Colbary. ~ ls oc W è~,OiPanker. C. Taylor, L. W. Lufi: Mis s Ethel Hall, Bowman- .~i $?man. H. A. Deman, H. Watson, vîispent the weekend at ber 1 8010112 43c i nt The________________________#Ir Mis. H. Hall visited ber sis- The postes' ree F. ale. - ~ter, Mrs. S. Walker, Bovwman- (2) 1 Believe lu Jesus Christ. Menas o-a s. S. T. Hoar visited Mn. a ____ ~Ifor Old Appliances iM an Mrs. los. Beecil through land family, Bunketon, with Ae I.Nr. and Mrs. S. Hall. i STATESMAIN Mr. and Mrs. A. Rahm in Orgnit-r. rturCalisnMus. Bach., L. .M I CLASSIFIEDS Mr. and 'Mrs. S:aniey Ra hm, OrgaisPhonArthrMA 3ion,3OL.. Blackstock. W Dieliver *~rsgcPhonettUrrtAU.3-430u,;;B Sgt. Jin Simnpson, wie and Extensive Damage ,orted Due to Floods tensive damage occurred lents suiffered consid- nconvenience as a result lods caused by swelling d creeks in this-area an sreached their peak on around 6 p.m. afler uns and melting snow sed water leveis to a us point. Quintan, Raads andi Foreman, reported saine an the main streets ai n. Wavenly Road andý Avenue were fiooded erai ai the gravel roads received further damage E'ARK VILLE .d Mrs. Ewarf Robinson Lwere Fniday evening ýMn. Orme Falls. id Mns. Paul Nimigon ily at Mr. Victar Fan- iber attended the pres- 1Salurday evening at 'ille for Mn. and Mrs. Sylvester, Oshawa. Mrs ýr iormerly was Donna ând the young couple esenled xvith a mirror, id bridge set. iCongregalional meet- Sheld last week at the ýfMn. and Mns. West- with Rev. Fisher in ladies ai Shiloh W.A. Mrs. Percy Fannow's irsday evening. The pre- MIrs. Orme Falls con- the meeting with the iai prograin by Miss Halloxvell and Mrs. John Miss Stewart recounted of interest on ber re- ta California and saine were passed around.- vas served and appre- given ta Mrs. Farrow fine evening at her Urs. Etweil invIted the r the next meeting. ,e at Shiloh Sunday was ended with a fine group ,day School. Mn. Gay his message on "Wor- d ifs place in lufe and ig wifh a litany. from the rain.1 The Honey Bridge was caught in the wake ai the flood waters af Banber's Creek and sairne ai! the supports holding the struc- ture were washed away by huge pieces ai ice. Many af the West Beach resi-! dents had ta leave their cars and waik ta their homes on foot as f hey feit the bridge unsafe. Ho"w- ever the bridge is now sale and may be used by motonists. Morley Vanstone reports that, flood waters broke several logs aI the miii. Although the waten level ai the creek was high, noa other damage occurred. Keith Conneli said there* was no damage or ilooding in the Creain ai Banley Park as a resulf ai the high water levei ai the creek. Many persans were fonced ta detour anaund flooded roads and sevenai homes had fiooded base- ments. Mn. Quinton suned Up hîs statement by saying, "Our de- parfinent was lucky. Thene could have been much more damage as a nesuit ai the flood- ing and nains, but luckily there was nat." Lake Shore, Clarke Mrs. Ted Tîtterton and Stev- en, Toronto, spent two weeks wifh Mn. and Mns. Alec Martin. Mn. and Mrs. Alec Martin and Tommy, and Mn. and Mns. Ted Tittenton and Steven had dînner an Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Martin, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mns. Bcv. Jaynes with Mn. and Mrs. Bill Barchard, No. Mrs. Roy McKay and Mns. George Englehant and *Sharon, Brante, wifh Mr. and Mrs. Robin jAiidned. Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Avery and family, Burkefon, and Mn. Howard Goodman and Miss Frances Goodman, Hayter, Alfa., with Mn. and Mrs. C. Avery. Mr. and Mns. Bob Shupak and Gary, Toronto. and Miss E. HaInes, Oshawa, with Mn. and Mrs. W. Holines. KENDAL Mr. Robent Gay had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Car- scadden, Sunday. David Roughley and Fred An- derson visited Mrs. Swarbnickc and Mns. Tharne Friday even- ing. Mns. Chas. Gay and Mns. R. Geach visited Mrs. Swarbnick on Sunday. The Congregational meeting aof the Kendai United Church was heid Monday evening in the Sunday School roomn with Mr Mrs. R. Simpson, teacher, af Fise fNwatei hreKendai Public School, has been ili recentiy, and two substitute teachers, Mrs. Bill Reid and Mrs. Bill Wannan have been taking hier place. The Bible Today One ai the mast popuiar Christmnas guifs, year aiter year, is the Bible. The cane given euch a guif dedIdes how long it will be useful. Pnopeniy caned for if should last for genera- tioins. The way a new Bible is op- ened is ai utmast importance. The book should be placed an its back on a fiat surface. After opening the front caver the fingers should be run aIong the groave where caver and pages join. This procedure then should be follawed inside the back caver. Whlle sili in the saine posi- tion the book should be openx- ed at about 20 ta .30 pages fnom the front--the fingers again drawn along the centre groave. This should be done altennatel3r froin the back and front about 30 pages apart untii the centre af the book is reached. This gives bath suppleness and long- er lufe ta the binding. Bibles should neyer be stared near a radiator or other hcat sources. A couple ai draps (no more) ai linseed ail rubbed int the hands and on the caver will freshen if up from fuime to turne. A suggested Eist ai daily Bi- ble readings fan 1957 may be secured fre frmnthe Britisa and Foreign Bible Society, To- ronto. PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE EMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK )UGH and COLD REMEDIES I.DA. BRONCHIDA ~ COLD CAPSULES ýu ickly relieves sneezing, unny nase, headache and hay feven, allen within 24 liaurs. 30 capsules 1.25 -.Idaphedrin Nasal Spray, - ~ 20 ce.- - -- - -- .-------95e ~ ~oz. Idaphedrln in dropper hobafle --- ----- - 65e Idaruh - stainless, white chest rub -------- - 49e Idasai Tablets for headache, colds ------- - 39c, 89e I.D.A. BRONCHIDA rCOUGH Y P %r Gives yau quick effective relief fro m caughs, chest Scolds and throaf fickle. 8 oz. bottle ---- 75c Bo.ts Meloids- 35e Buckley's - Mixture ---50c, 85e Cinnamated Capsules ----35c, 79e Bromo Quinine 49c, 79e Bufferin - 39c, 79c, 1.23, 1.891 Dr. Chase Brand1 - Tablets .- 59c, 1.491 VICKS1 V a-Tra-Nol ------ 53c Cough Syrup ------ 59ce % T haler - ---- ---- el Throaf Lozenges 49e Medi-Mist Spray 98c - apoRub .-53el Vicks Special! Wil d Cherry Cough Drops free hpurchase of 98e Econonxy size 1 Vicks VapoRub. lene --- 1.10 & Jlii ough Syrup -50e Ligen "B" ---- - ---- -------- - 6.00 1 tholatuin - quick relief for head cold, sfufiiness - ---- 53c, 1.191 :holatum Rub - Relieves chest 1 aild discomiants ---------- --- 1 ,ussin --- .----- --- ----------- 69c, 1.19 1 cx Prepared Cough Syrup 60c, 1.00 m Coneentrate ---------------- 85c 1 r Anahist Tabletà 65c, 1.00 kseraft Vaporizer 4 'uns 6 ta 8 hours ___9-95 th Brothers Cough Drops lOr PRESCRIPTIONS w 1:D.A, MILK 0F MAGNESIA 16 oz., reg. 35c 29e 32 oz., reg. 60c ,D.A. "Ufility" HOT WATER BOTTLE Stnong, stundy, 2 yean guarane Reg. 1.79 - 1.29 HEATING PAD Featuning thnee- speed swich - blanket-type out- 4en caver - 1 yean: guanantee. Reg. 4.95 -- 3.99 L.D.A. COCOANUT OIL SHAMPOO 8 oz.. reg. 49c I.D.A'. COD LIVER OIL 16 oz., reg. 89c 69ey ASPECIALTY AcG regor, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store ONE 1 DAY I AMTll.F IAI I in a speciai bottie for your table ------- $7.95 Companed ta the suxal sîze you save $6.05 Other size s SI.40, S2.50, $3.95 BRYLCRE EM THE PERFECT HAIR DRESSING in bondieue lors bvy SRYLCREEM thon mny other huir dressing in tin. w.id 'MAN SIZE 'vMELOSONOED FOR SUPER STRENGTH DRY-OR WET! 3.5c. BIG BOX- 3-PLY.. Drugs Phone MA 3-5792 m TRtMSDAY, JAN. 2.4th, 1957 -- - THE CANADIAN- STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO - 2AGE SEVEN ]w

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