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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Feb 1957, p. 13

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______________________ ~-~- .%- - ---.- ...............................................................-~. --~.-.-.......--............. TI!U'BSDAT,_TEE._7th, I M" !*An" TAW EI!MANi. BOWJÂW4vWn= OfNTqAMOf Com munit y Rallies TpAid Marie Carr Af'-Big Bene fit Night BethanY: The immense gath- ering in the Bethany Town Idall, which was far beyond seat'n jca acity, for the Marie a, ea~pfit Night on Friday w a"eal demonstration o! the kindness and friendliness o! âmall communities. The even- in.g was arranged to help detray expenses Of Marie's lengtby hospitalization and the long convalescence she stili faces as the resuit of an automobile ac- cident last October. MORRISH Sunday service wvas held at 10 arn.,the Rev. A. W. Harding ini charge. There was quite a good congregation. A special selection given by the Junior Choir was much appreciated. The theme of Mr. Harding's sermon was "God's Love for Man". Sunday School was held at 1l a.m. witb 48 present. This was assistants' Sunday and near- ly ail were present for duty. S. S. as usual next Sunday. Three quilts were finisbed duning the past weelc. Now frames and seats are put aside until sore fingers and tired shoulders are back to normal for there are more quilts on tbe way and Mrs. M. J. Osborne will again be ready to welcome the willing workers. Those who contributed ta the prognam were Miss Loraine McGill and Lloyd Wilson o! Yelverton with vocal duets: Mrs. William Martichenko o! Peterborough with several tap- dancing numbers: Billy Millar o! Peterborougb, impersonating "'Elvis Presley" with sangs and guitar; Ronald Williamson, Pe- terborough, guitar; John Mur- rie, Cavan, with Scttisb airs' on the bagpipes; Miss Vanceta McGill, Yelverton, vocal solo; Misses Dianne and Patsy Bige- low with vocal duets; Miss In- grid Rajski with accordion sel- ections; Tommy Rayson, saxa- phqne solos; Leonard Bradi- more, vocal solos with his own guita:- accompaniment: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Preston, vocal duets: Mrs. H. F. Rayson and Mrs. Ernest Lamb, vocal duets and Mrs. Thomas Jennings im- personating "Gracie Fields" witb songs and readings. Other piano accompanists were Mrs. Reg. Edmunds, Robert Sisson and Mrs. David Wilson. Mr. Ted Spencely was the genial chairman, wbo thank- ed everyone for their splendid co-operation and paid tribute to, the committee wbo had worked so bard to make the evening a success. Those who held lucky tickets were Mrs Robent Kerr, R. R. 1, Bethany, who received an elec- Newcastle Lions Club VALENTINE DANCE featurinoe Mart Kenney l h Norma Locke in th Newcastle Community Hall M'Friday, February I 5th $35.00 Door Prize Drawn ai 10 p.m. SA buffet supper will be servedl Ov $5.00 per couple Tickets f rom Newcastle Lions or at Yeo's Red & White or Cawvker's .G.A. Stores, Bowmanville. Go Riegardless of Snow Tire de-,klddinq gives you up to 25% more traction, 15% more tire Mie. Works on both old end ne,# 'tires. Tokes Iess thon on hour, cas?' ii umodrote. Drive in todoy. Our John Dean Skid-Deier croates hundreds of sturdy grip blocks in the tire treod - traction blocks that cut through the roàd film and cling ta the rood. NEWCASTLE GARAGE Vrank Hoar Phone Newcastle 2666 We extend oun congratulations' to the Bethany Girls' Softball Team wbo sponsored a benefit draw and dance for Marie Carr, realizing close ta $2,000. Miss Carr was seriously injuned in a car accident some time ago. A congregatianal meeting and pot luck suppen will be beld at the United Church on Monday evening. Birthday greetings to, Mn. Rabt. Halboran wbo celebrated bis 86th birthday recently. Everyone is agreed that the Orange Hall is very comfy now that the Lodge bas put an ad- ditional stove in. A commîtteel is working on having the interlor o! the hall redecorated. The Lodge will meet again Feb. 1 lth.î Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Payne vis- ited friends in Bowmanville oni Sunday. Ail members o! the Pontypooli Cemetery Board were present at a meeting beld last Tuesday at the home o! Mr. Bert Richard- son. Favourable reports were heard and plans for further im- provements were discussed. Any major improvement will require more financial support from plot holders. Anothen success!ul cuchre was beld in the Orange Hall Fniday evening. First pnize awards1 went ta Miss Judy Horner and Mn. Murray Derusha; consolation awards to Mr. Wilmot Horner and Mn. Ernest Lane. Lucky chair prize also went to Miss Juby Hornen. Next cuchre, Fni- day. Feb. l5tb. Very sorry ta Iearn that Mn. Keith Bradley's mother is sen- iously ili in Memonial Hospital, Bowmanville. Her many friends will be boping to hean o! a speedy recovery. Mn. and Mrs. Roy Porter and family, Toronto, were Sunday visitons wîth bis mother, Mrs. James Mallex'. The Nursing School held evetry Monday evening concbuded the past week with a social evening. Those nesponsible on this worth- while endeavour arc deserving of sincere gratitude from ahl. OBITUARY fMRS. MANSON W. CMTC Mrs. Manson W. Comstock passed away on January 23rd in Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, after an illness of five months. She leaves one daughter, Au- drey (Mrs. Cliff Anderson), Bowmanville, a granddaughter, Patricia, and one brother, Stanley Porteous o! R. R. 2, Newcastle. Mrs. Comstock was the for- mer Pearl Lillian Porteous, and was born on Oct. Ç' 1884, in Newtonville, the ....ghter of the late Simon . nd Ellen Porteous. As a young girl she moved with ber family to Ken- dal. On February 14, 1905 she was married to Manson W. Comstock. Mr. and Mrs. Comstock came to Bowmanville from Torontoi in 1915. Mr. Comstock was well known here as the manager of the MeClellan Company, later Sheppard and Gili Lumber Company. He died in 1945. Though of a quiet nature, Mrs. Comstock had many good f riends. She was a memýVber of Trinity United Church a nd en-1 joyed working in the W oman's 1 Association and the Women'sl Missionary Society. Funeral service was conduct- ed iby her minister, Rey. T. Ar- thur Morgan, at the Morris Fun- eral Chapel. January 26. Out of' town friends and relatives were present from Toronto, Oshawa, Newcastle, Orono and Port Hope. There were many beautiful flowers which included tributes f rom the Rotary Club, Canadian Legion, Ladies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion, Church Street Group of the W.A., Church and Prince Street Neighbours. Palîbearers wvere Messrs. Han- old Porteous, W. J. E. Ormiston, Ray Dilling, Bowmanville; Anse Gilroy and Les McGee, Orono; W. W. Cowan, Oshawa. Inter- ment was in Orono Cemetery. Lay Delegate R' Morton Retires After 506 Years trie tea-kettie; Carl Gillls of Cavan, the electric fry-pan and Eric Orvell, R. R. 11, Peterbor- ough, the electnic junior mix- ette. Mr. Orloe Wright on behal! o! the citizens comniittee ex- pressed their appreciation o! the help o! everyone who had as- sisted in any way in promoting such a successful evening. The Bethany Girls' Softball Team served lunch. Music for the Dance which followed the program was also supplied free by Donald Ham, Orono; Robent Sisson, David Masters. The Northern Ramb- bers' Orchestra fromn Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bristow o! Yelverton, Percy Mantie and Robert Todd. Creighton Carr briefly ex- pressed bis thanks and that o! his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Carr to the Citizens' Committee, Tbe Girls' Softbabl Teamn and to, ail the individuals for their generosity and kindness ta his jsister. ilPONTYPOOL Bethanyt The annual Vestty meeting o! St. Paul's Church was hcld in the Orange Hall with Rev. G. E. Meade presid- ingand 28 members present. Mrs. H. F. Rayson reported the year's activities o! the Woman's Auxiliary: Mrs. Rupert Wood, gave an account o! the work o! the Ladies Guild and Mrs. Emony Smith rcported for the Junior Auxiliary. Mrs. Noel Wood gave the fi.nancial report o! the Cburch treasury, with each one noting a year o! pro- gress in genenal lnterest and success- as wcll as financially. The Sunday School report was prepared byý H. F. Rayson, the retiring superintendent and read by Rev. G. E. Meade. Mn. Rayson had inoved ta Guelph in January and Mr. Meade ex- pnessed regret in bis removal from the village and paid tri- bute ta bis energetie services in aIl the work o! the church. Elected to offices for 1957 were: Miss Laura Morton, Vestry Clerk; Emory Smith, Rector's Warden; John Palmer, Peopie's Wardcn, Mrs. Ernest Lamb, Church Treasurer and Envelope secretary; Glenn Couple Given Surprise Parties on Anniversary Morrlsh: On Frîday cvening, Jan. 25, a surprise party arrang- ed by fiends and neighbours was held at the home o! Mn. and Mrs. Melville MicHolm, Welconie, an the 25th annivcrsary o! their marriage. This gathering came as a very real surprise ta Mn. and Mrs. McHolm who bad settled dawn ta a quiet evening, watching TV, wben the finst guests arnxved. Presently othen gucats arnivcd and soon the surpnised couple were banisbcd upstairs ta change into company attire. A prograni arrangcd by the committee witb the'Rev. A. W. Harding as chairman, consisted o! a mock wedding ceremony, musical numbers by Mrs. George Campbell and a reading by Margaret Aiken. The presentatian addresg was read by Mns. Perey Hoskins. Messrs. P. Hoskins, John Con- nelly and Harvey Osborne pre- sented in tunn, a tniligbt lamp, TV lamp, mirron and bathroom hampen. The bride and groom o! 25 years, althougb somewhat ovencome, rase ta the occasion and thanked all present for the loveby gifts presented. The rest of the evenîng was a very happy social time during which dainty refneshments were served by the committee. Satunday cvening another sur- prise affain took place at the same bouse when some 60 rela- tives and friends from Picker- ing, Clarkson, Roseneath, Balti- more, Cobourg, Port Hope and Mornish arnived ta congratulate Mr. and Mrs. McHolm. This party was arranged by Mn. and Mrs. Harold Payne o! Port Hope (nec Liba McHolm). The first guests ueemed aniaus ta buy eggs but when others arrived on the same er- rand eggs were at a premium until finally it was decided that overabîs and bouse dress must be changed again. A short program was enjoyedi before the presentation in wbicbi Mns. Norbert McHolm and Ms E. Wilson, Miss Connie Bebee and Mrs. Williamn McHobm tooki part. Mrs. D. Cluffe read the presen- tation addness, written in rhymc and very amusing. Gifts pre- sented werc a set o! Englis bone China o! Pine Cane pattern for 12 scttings, silven cntnee dish, Sunbeam Mixmasten and a bouquet o! daffodils was pre- sented by littlc Miss Lynda Mc- Holm ta ber mother. Mn. and Mns. McHolm In vcry humonous way tbanked their many fiends for the lovely gifts and boped tbey would cail again sometime, only not all together. Commrunity singing and social chat, a wrcstling match on TV, dainty refreshments and wedding cake concluded a very pleasant evening. Columbus U.C. Reports Reveal Excellent Year Columbus- The Annual Con- g- egational meeting for rccep- tion o! reports and Election o! Officens was bebd in the Cbuncb basement on Monday, January 1 1, with a good attendance. The Worsb!p service consist- ing of a hymn, Sciptune and Prayer by Mn. Elmer Powell, was conducted by the Minister, Bey. Boy H. Rickard, who pre- 'sided for the meeting. The minutes o! the last con- gregational meeting were read by the Secretary a! tbe Congre- gation, Mn. Neil Smith, and on motion wene adopted. The report of the Session was pnesenited by the Secretany, Mn. Ray Scott. During the year, twenty-one ncw members were received on profession o! faitb and six by transfen o! certifi- cate. The membership, resident and non-nesident, now stands at two bundned and twenty-four. A ibrie! memonial service was conducted by the Pastor to honon the following mem- bers and adherents, who pass- ed awav during the year; Wil- liam Diavid McKenzie, Mrs. Gordon Scott, Mrs. Thomnas Bro- therwood, Mrs. Agnes Snudden, John Alexander Hislop. Mrs. Alma Jane Reeson, Herman Lewis Pascoe and Ernest WVil- liam Webbcn. The report o! the Auditons. presented by Mn. Elmer Powell and Mn. Arthur Smith, show- ed that the congregation had a good year, financiaily. The to- tal receipts for local purposes !rom ahl organizations were ,,6,878 and for 'the M. and M. Fund $1,516. The grand total raised for ail purposes was $8,658, o! wbich the W.A. rais- ed the amount o! $1,983. The reports o! aIl organizations dis- closed thema ta be in a flounish- ing condition. The nominating commlttee ne- ported three vacancies in the Session due to retiremnents and transfers. Mr. Arthur Smitb wvas ne-ebected for a term o! six years, and two new Eiders ta replace Mr. Elmer Powell apd Mn. Marshall Francis are ta be tlected by ballot without nom- ination on Sunday, Feb. 10. The four vacancies on the committec of Stewards due ta the retîrement o! M. Francis, M. Hepburn, C. Naylor and W. liolliday were filled by the election o! David Beath. Wil- liam Nesbitt, Gondon Pereman and Neil Smith. Mn. Clifford Naylor was ap- roinied ta the vacancy on the Trustee Board due ta the pass- ing of Mn. Ernest Webben. A vote o! sincere apprecia-i tion was extended ta the Au- ditors. Mn. Elmen Powell and Mn. Arthur Smith, ta the Di- rector o! Music, Mrs. W. Scott and mnembens of the Choir, Pre- sidents and Executi<'es o! al organizatians, Eiders, who have prepaned the Elements fan Hoiy Communion, and ta the Rev. i.rd Mrs. R. H. Rickard. for their fa:fland inspining leader- ýhip cdiri:pg th e (ar. The Woman*â Amsociation un- der the leadership of the Pre- sident, Mirs. Ernnest White scnv- ed lunch, which was enjoyed by ail present. Neil Smnith, Secrctary. Foreign countnies Incneased thein sales in the Canadian market by 26 per cent in the first eîght months o! 1956 compared ta the same peniad of 1955. L o A N s To Pay Past Due Bis To Consolidate Monthly Payrnents Foir Holiday Expenses For New Purchases For Emergency Expenses Corne ln Today Try The Bellvue Way on a Pay from Incarne Plan BELL VUE FINANCE CORP. G. fi. WILSON, Mgr.__ OSHAWA III FAST RELIEF FOR ACHINO MUSCLES BROWN'S Mrs., W. Bennett is spending a few days in Toronto visiting with her daughter. Don't forget next Tuesday night, Home and School Club meeting. Tommy Wilson has in- vited Mr. Reg. Harding o! Bow- manville to show pîctures, and Mrs. R. Simpson will also show the pictures she took of the children at the Christmas con- cert, Some of the school child- ren will also entertain during the evening. Everyone welcome. OBITUARY ALBERT WILKINS Mr. Albert Wilkins, resident of Courtice, entered into rest at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, on Thursday, Jan. 17. Mr. Wilkins was the son of the late Edward and Margaret Wilkins, born in Peterborough on Sept. 18, 1889. During his early childhood he nmoved to Stewing Beef LEAN Minced Beef Darlington Township. on March 14, 1914, he was united ini marniage with Rhea R. Jeffery o! Maple Grove. He enjoyed good heulth and bis sudden passing came as a great shock tq family, relatives, friends and neighbours. The funeral on Saturday, Jan. 19, was largely attended showmng the high esteem in which he was held. His pastor, Rev. L. M. Somerville o! Cour- tice United Church, spoke o! Mr. Wilkins' love o! his home, family and church o! which he was a devout member. The many floral git bore silent testimony to the affection his fniends had for hlm. Among these wene lovely pieces from Courtice Nortb Sehool, South Danlington Sehool Area Board, Board o! Stewards o! Countice United Church, relatives, friends and neigbbours. He leaves to mourn bis pass- ing, bis wife, Rhea, three daugh- ters, Mrs. Gordon Osborne (He- len), Hamilton; Mrs. Ralph Or- miston (Doris) Bowmanville; Low Everyday Pices CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP 2 Lb. rtn 31C LIPTONS "NEW"' - gr Off GREEN PEA SOUP 2 Fo? 23c KRAFT CARAMELS 7-os. pkg. 25c1 Good Luck Margarine US. Pkg. 33C AlIsweei Margarine Lé-. Pkg. 32c1 PEPSODENT - Large Tube TOOTH PASTE TH ERE'S 2 For 49C1 Mrs. ormand Robertsim (Greta> Courtice, and seven grandchlld. ren. Also surviving are two sisters, Mrs. R. Worden (Ethel) and Mrn. E. Foley (Ida), both of Bowxnanville. He was pre- deceased by two sisters and six brothers. The palibearers 'were six nephews, Theodore Wilkin.% Harold Wilkins, Roy Wilkins, Wallace Munday, Keith Crago and Wilfred Brown. IBUY SERVICE when you buy insurance. CIA has 15 field adJusters strategically iocatcd te give you prompt, fair, friendiy - unexcelled dlaims service. For details on CIA's auto. home, accident and sickneus, and tamily liabillty insur- suce - and rates - see: HOWVARD FOLEY King St. W. Bowmanville CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Valentine Values GOLDEN HOUR - Valentine Wrapped CHOCOLATES Lb. 89C GOLDEN HOUR Cello pkg. PARTY SUCKERS 20 For 19C KRAFT MINIATURE 1O-oz. pkg. MqARSHMALLOWS 29c PLANTER'S BLANCÉED - ecello pkg. PEANUTS 39c RED & WHITE - 7 Flavours JELLY POWDERS 3Fior 27c DIXIE BRAND - 51 gauge - 15 dealer - pr. NYLONS 89C A RED & WHITE STORE NEAR YOU BOWMANVILLE MAPLE GROVE ORONO PA« T»M wie 9940 -om&M fsowv Quaitqm eatc QUALITY BEEF SPECIALLY SELECTED STANDING Prime Rîb Roasf BONELESS lb. a57c - - - -lb. 49c Swif t'. lb. Swift's Premium Four Varieties of Cooked Meat Pork & Turkey Loal 45C PLATTER PAK lb. 49c Pilishuri Aylmer Tomate T ID E COwBrandPeo CANE MqIXES or Vegetabi.OanePeo White. Chocolate. S O UP eegn TEA BACS YelIow and Spicae 16-os. plcg. 10-ost! Glant jkg. lu 1,.ae 2 For 65C 3 Fo.r 35C 73C 79e Kleenex Table Napkins pkg. of 4o 31c Stuart House Foi! Wrap 25-ft roi! 2.9c Non-Scuff Simoniz Floor Wax 10,c off qt. tin 1.07 Rosedale Tomato Juice 48-oz. fin 2.7c Clean Sweep - 4-String Brooms ea. 79c .Sweet and full of juice Sunkist - Seedless - 5-lb. poly bag Floida - Seedless - 96 size O a g s.9 Grapefruit Orne59 1 ()for 4g CPRIME - CANADIAN No. 1 - 50-b. bag lu for'I.YCEASTERN POTATOES $ 1.49 GOLDEN RIPF B ANifA L SL. 17c 15-os. pkg FLAVORFUL ýIEEN - New Crop BrsEeSrwere 9 C A B BALGE 11. 8c Br:EeSrwere 9 Aylmer Stuffed Manzanilla Olives 8-oz. Ice box jar 39c - Yeo's Marketeria - Maple Grove Groc -Cornish Marketeria ceteria Wentwortb, Auditor; Rlupert Wood, Sunday School Supermn- tendent; Mrs. G. Wentworth, Sunday School treasurer, James Gay, Organist. Mn..Robent Morton, who bas been the Lay Delegate to the Synod for 50 years, wbîch 's bcieved to be a record of faith- ftilhess in church representa- tion, asked to be nelieved of this duty and Mn. Emory Smith was appointed as the delegate, with Mn. Morton named as the alternate. Rupert Wood and Noei Wood were appointed as delegates ta the Great Chapter. The Wandcns, John Palmer and Emory Smith expresscd thanks to the Rev. G. E. Meade for bis leadership in the past year and in turn, Rev. Meade expressed bis thanks toalal the organizations and individuals for their suipport and co-opera- tion so 'cheerfully gîven. Mn. Meade also cxpressed bis and] the peoples si.ncere apprecia- tion to James Gay, organîst, for bis faitbful and efficient ser- vices. After adjournment, re- freshments were served. ý 1 M Z7 ta lt9 . y 1 1 IL 1

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